HM UMLY ntnb E. bMVMD Miti Ml dec Kmi, nt tto^oetoBce'st i N. 0.. under the net K. IS,,; .n p HT 1.60 ??* Km deatrtiig u? paper dieHill please notify thla ofBfe vf expiration, otherwise tinned at regular enb m nnUl notice to stop le B?not ta ae Pally News Uephone or write the the complntr t win reKtlnte attention. It le oer ^ppnee yon. Blw net to rr-.o z>ally News Hktton mast be elgned by B otherwise they wlU not ^B>ay7sept. 10. 10H. Kbprkuhm, H ^By n Bale of Cotton" move IBB in jimdd? a rew nays lo be spreading like wlMn Georgia and into tin I btates. It has been sngt If the cotton so phr pored in cotton ware* jpt taken, instead of each orlng his bale in the K bis home or the backfocelpt will be negotiable E high-class on which (jr be borrowed to buy p or for other purposes. W purchasers may borrow Mlpts in the aggregate an faulted amount from buslia In the North and West, ng the drain of funds [banks fen from the most rMiak collected by the GeorMr of Commerce. Bhows btton warehouse facilities ptlng in Georgia^are rufptore almost one million btton, or about forty per ? crop of the Slate. It | crop of 11115 is greatiy B it probably will be, and faction of foodstuffs and Rrnstly Increased, as they pitch of the cotton wareBB will be used for the t- non-perishable food and hand the handling of perns. The Georgia Chnmptmerce is bringing to thy pf the owners of cotton it the fact that cold st;-rles annexed to these wareIt Drove of PPO?l vilna in I years both in nervation of by cnabl'ng rehouse space Ing and packi. AS PRIME think w? cat* Lion with tho act that more o conflict has the existence navies. Taie Idea that il world's opinbe abolished, t in what wav or heavily reway that will j nd of the war rhere used to best way f.r prepared for ie on we caj let up against , to-wit, tho is to carry a the form of navies. >nt result of no one man re the power power of preof the hulerver. Oraee. is nature, gok. grace, and ou see a man ivll propenilns. *' rr. tNmcr gin^s n inevs J}'- enriro at y r*!x 'r ""tigsr of a ; ?*' veon two jrr.flc Ibo cvlr. resounding rmentn ihcir th ornoto tli> HOME BY METHOD. , itching. blind ' your address. ? I' !?tr at fmmtmmtt a?d mow treatment * trim your iM MKM4 I 9* F, Jtoim 1 * Wees. I taw from caprotc.B*clpry lie ''u* caprio acid* and their salts, which aiu I formed by a sort of hydrolysis of tie fat during the ripening period. Thte 1 change Is oamsed by a microbe called < Penld 111am roqueforti. These adds kuuu a peppery taste. hkeptleal Judge. ^ A Jew la the Bhoredltch (Bag ) County court expressed the hope that his hands might drop off If he was not speaking the truth. "They won t." < said- Judge Chier. "Ton managed to I record for us that such things did hap- ' pen. hut the earth won't open now and ' swallow us up. 1 have heard mon ex- ? press the wish to drop dead It they ? were not telling the truth, but It never 1 happens. We can never settle cases < In that way." 1 Price of a KW. Cordova Is full or fun. says Mr. 0. Bogue Luffmann. in his "Quiet Days in Spain." and In the leisurely pace of the life there the observer has time to see and appreciate all of It In the market one day a small boy ( with a big apron and a pompous man- 1 ner was offering half of a small kid to I a woman for a peseta. She objected ' that it was very tiny, and he fairly i smothered her with, "Woman! Do you I want half a bull for a tenpence?" 1 ] Where Smoked Glass Has Value. People in Tibet value highly the spectacles of smoked or colored glass that are sold to them by the Chinese, 1 because of the blinding brightness of ! the sun on the snow. 1 Tryly Thero Is Nothing New. A French savant once said that "there was nothing new except that which has been forgotten." A very true assertion, since even the ancients made attempts to navigate the air and succeeded to some extent. Evidently He Wouldn't. Mrs.?"I read here where a South Sen Island wife isn't supposed to talk until her husband soenks first." Mr.' ?"And I'll bet seme of those fool husbands do It."?Boston Globe. Making Ure of Smoke. A novel method of getting rid of black smoke and at the same timo turning It to piactlcal use is now being adopted In some Belgian factories. The smoke is driven by fans into a porous receptacle over which Hows a stream of petroleum or similar liquid. The smoke Is thus caught and turned Into a gas that gives great heat, and can bo used for running gas engines. Ether Makes a Fountain. Tour water a bottle until It Is cne third fail. Pour a little ether upon the water. Through the cork pass a glass tube until Its lower end la In the water. Put the flask Into a double boiler and heat over the gas stove. The ether by euddtfoly turning to vapor will mak-j tho water squirt out of the tube like a Tilnlaturo fountain. The interior diameter of the tube should be no greater than onc-tentb of an inch. Take One Guess. Susie's grandmother had been scolding her. Susie felt Indignant, but had been taught never to "answer back." However, she got even. Taking her kitten in her arras, Bhe thus soliloquized: "Kitty, 1 wish one of us was dead this mlnuto. Not you kitty, nor mo, kitty, but cne of us three In this room." Aviator and His Feet. "It one did not know better," romarked an observant man, "ho would be inclined to believe an aviator is akin to a centipede. Not long ago I was telling a friend that a certain airman had dropped 45 feet. 'YeB?' he asked. 'And how many has he left?* ' Farmed for Forty Centuries. Shantung can boast of forty cen mries or agricultural activity. it is still an agricultural province with an area cf 55,000 square miles?about equivalent to that of the state of Wisconsin?with an estimated population of 30,000.000, and has been forced to a degree of Intensive cultivation unknown to the farmers of the United States. MKWri FROM IIROAD CHEKK. Mrs. Bonner Waters and children ! from Slaterton have been spending some time with her parents. Mrs. E. F. Black and children, of Washington, spent from Sunday until Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Latham. Miss Estella Meekins, of yonr city, 'spent last week with the Misses Respees. % Mr. J, B. Ressess was In Greenville several days last week. Mr. J. B. Waters and R. P, Waters. of Walla Watta were vlaltori at Mrs. W.-T. Latham's one night last week. , Miss Neva Cutler, of Jessama, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Chacy Whitley. Miss Stella Congleton, of R. F. D. , No. 4, spent Saturday night and | Sunday with Miss Leila Cutler. Mr. Ed. Cutler, of Jessama, was a visitor at Mr. C. C. Cutler's Saturday night and Sunday night. Mrs. Tom Boyd and children, of ^ Zlon, visited at Mrs. W. T. Latham's ? Monday afternoon. I The revival Is still going on at < Beaver Dam . and wil continue the 1 rest of this week by Rev. W. G. j Wagernor. I Rev. J. R. Tingle spent 8unday 1 with Mr. J. B. Respess. Mr. A. M. Waters, of WallaWaU, and Mr. P. N. .8. Shepard, of R. F. D. No. 4, were visitors at I Broad Creek Sunday night. j Mr. Baa Reepeee was a Washing- fl to, TltftOf TM?ur. , miirrtu tm Mm Air. Many living microbe* float In tbo Mr of dwslliufls. but In houses which aro old. over*rrowded and dirty tha numbers are nry much higher. Thaao come for tha moat part from (ha aldaa hnd floor and not from persons, but they are much mora numuroas when tha dust Is dlaturbad than whan tha room has baan quiet for a short time. Antlers of Slow Growth. Whan a !#( losaa Its horns It raIraa to tha dense woods, away from ta kind, and ramalna secluded until It s again armed. The growth of tha taw pair of ahUari Is aery remarkible. Tto young buck does not at aln the ftrUy-branched pair until late n Ufa. Tha first set may hare only i faw branches, but tha next year mother point or more Is gained, and to on, until, In several years, tha anlnal may hare?as in tha case of a red stag caught In England?a pair >f antlers with 60 points. His Limitations. Eb Chalmers, a Newberry dark of sourt, was once approached by a politician who had managed to got him elf appointed to a public position. 'Eb," he said, "I want you to qualify me for office." The plaln-epoken old Covenanter replied, 'T can swear you, but all hell couldn't qualify you."? London Mall. Marking Tool. With Void. The American Machinist recommends the following etching fluid for marking tools: Mix one part of muriatic add. one of nitric and four parts >f water. The tool la coated with wax ind the design Is then scratched In. : s? Horns of the Rhinoceros, In the rhinoceros we find a curious arrangement, the horns In some being easily moved, seemingly only held by the akin. They form terrible weapons, however, though totally different In their construction from the Ivory tusks of the elephant, with which they are often matched, being formed of hairy, fiber-like matter. Some spedles have a single horn, while others have two. Willing Demonstrator. Rosemary?"I wonder how it feels to be back of a funny little mustache you very well, hut 1 will cheerfully show you hgpr it feels to be in front of it."-?Judge. -* Had It Figured Out. The attention of the tourist in northern France was attracted to the following notice: "Pasture, your horses here. Short-tailed horses. fifteen cents a day." On inquiring about the difference of price, the farmer remarked that anyone ought to know that, and explained that a short-tailed horse, had to chase the flleB with his head, and ^hilb he did so ho could not eat, while a long tailed one, not being thus handicapped, naturally ato a great deal more. Laughs at "Neurasthenia-" Each day sees some cherished illusion knocked on the head. Among the latest to be remorselessly brained by the rough hand of tho scientific investigator le the notion that the country Is health^r than the city. A mod ern, a very modern, novelist repra Bents a London physician as scoffing at what he termed the "neurasthenia Joke." |___ Restoring White Enamel. To cleanse and restore white enamel furniture that has become soiled or discolored, treat It thus: Meit one tablespoonful of bicarbonate of soda In one quart of boi'.lng water; when cool, wash the furniture with the solution, using an old flannel cloth for the purpose. Couldn't See Place for "Pa." A prominent Virginian had died, and his daughter in arranging the house for the funeral had gone almost to an extreme in placing palms and ferns and plants In tho drawing room?In fact. It had more the appearance of a wedding than a funeral One of the pld darkles came to pay his last respects. "Miss Mac," he s&ld, "dis surely Is fine, all deso here trees, but. Miss Mae, where Is you going to put your p^?" Expletive Extraordinary. The editor of the Interior was ones criticized for his use of expletives; hut be asserts his independence In the following cholco sentence: "We are going to Insist upon our copyright, and we warn whomsoever it may cononrn to lot our expletive property Alone. We will give a lamni* at it OMto scare everybody: 'Oh, you old baldlchlno! you stary-eyed gargoyle I you windy balcony! you crooked corbel! For a cent we would knock you Into the middle of next week with the butt-end of a vestibule'' ** Virtue Follow* Adversity. Prosperity doth bees discover vioel but adversity doth beet discover vli* tue.?Bacon. To Mend Celluloid Articles. Wet the edges with glacial acetic tdd and press them close together for i few mlnntcs. Means of Offence end Defense. Many reptiles use their tails to itrlke down their game, while a large lumber of animals ere supplied with pungent odors or secretions that are squally potent as a defense. In certain groups we find enormous horns ind tusks that are Intended entirely 'or purposes of protection. In some rases they are upon the top of the lead, as In our cows or oxen. Again, La In the elephant or some cetaceans, hey are highly developed teeth. Value of Quotations. "Our oratorical friend quoted a rremt deal of poetry " "Tea. And I lon't blame him. The most discreet hlng he can do la to put as much reiponalblllty as possible for what be ays on somebody else." lake* on ^aceitatatl?- Tomorrow - J ST gime olh^tea not like Ashing for bottom feeder*. In fishing for -bottom feeding fish, you are always sure, more or leas, of remit*. In fishing for game fish, you may get fish on a day when all the sicna are against it. and gel them In combers. - . . p'; > Leeeon Frem a Flower. I aaw a delicate flower had grown op two feet high between Use hoiwes' peth and (he wbeeKrack. One tneh mora to right or left had sealed lu fate, or an Inch higher, and wet It lived to fiouriah aa much aa If It had a thousand acres of untrodden space around it. and never knew Jhoducw It Incurred. It did not borrow trouble, and Invite an evil fate by apprehending It?Thoreau. Enemy to Industry. Shop Forewoman (to greet mastclan practising on the French born)? The factory over the way tends their compliments and will yon switch off on to another note 'cos a lot of the 'ands 'eve mistook It for the dinner hour.?Taller. Fluke Hog of the tea. The slab-sided, flat-bottomed l)uke la not a game fish, but he is muscular, and when he decides to bore down to the bottom his flat shape aids htm In giving a good account of himself. He la the hog of the sea. although he prefers that which is alive. After being hooked the fish will lie still and not move until the angler notlflee btm by hauling upward. Than the fluke gets busy. Rate Qreat Disease Carriers. Three different animal* are plagut carrier*?the tarbagon or marmot (a rodent) of the trans-Baikal region, roughly embracing great aecUons ol Siberia; the ground squirrel of Call foriila; the wild rat of Africa. The greatest miacfclef la done by rats that get Into ships and then go ashore al the porta of call. The rats are bitten by fleas and the fleas In turn bite man. Rats also are carriers of leprosy, and U la thought that they may fall victims of cancer, both of which they can transmit to man. How Rats Cause Fires. The moat common way In which rata cause fires, saya Safety Engineering. Is by gnawing away the insulating cgvffrwg irom wires usea id electric lighting, where 'the wires pass under floors or Inside of partitions. The insulating materials are used for nests, which rats build of combustibles in contact with naked wires. Ui > Mere African Unrest. From a letter In the East African Standard: "Wo have indeed reached the stage known as the last straw on the camel's back, and I, for one, am quite prepared, aa one of the least component ports of that camel, to add my- lota to the endeavor to kick over the traces. Let us unite and. marching shoulder to shoulder and eyti to eye, set sail for that glorious and equally well-known .goal?'Who pays the piper calls the tune.'" No man of spirit could reelst so stirring an ap! peal.?Punch. South American Chinchilla. Chinchilla, popular as a decoration for smart gowns, comes from a little South American animal of that^name. It Is & herbivorous rodent, much resembling the rabbit, except that its ears are short and its tall long, and its fur is of a matchless softness. Shakespeare. Shakespeare purpose was to wrltr dramatic pk'vcs for playhousos of hit day, to whi'ih he belonged, and b> | which he wx? paid In good coin of th? realm. Belr*"* a very great man. an* therefore al/h to "hold the. mirror ui to nature" >lth a force and fldellt> never befor- possessed by a play wrlght, he n \de at one and the sam: time a good'lzed fortune and an over , lasting fame Of 0*e Mind. Foxy Uncle (nfteT leaving the envw shop, showing his nephew th6 way U buy curios)?"There you are, you see When you *3 dealing with people like that just hargue the point a bit, and down comes the price ten shJUln's." Curio Dealer (to his nephew)? "There you are, -ny boy. When you're dealing with a man like 'lm, and you see as 'ow 'e's going to hargue the .point a ?lt, all you're got to do Is to put the price up ten shlilln's is Urt wlth."~?ketch. ,? " ADMINIgTRATOB'S NOTICE Notice li hereby given that the undesigned has this day qualified as administrator of the lata Mary L. Cooper. This if to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present the same to me, duly verified, within one year from the date of this noth*, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 11 persons Indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This August 27th, 1914. W. li. COOPER, 8-2 7-6 w p. Administrator. FOR SALS. My farm four miles rrotoiWsshlngton on Plnetown road; If acres clear, 21 acres wooa, fine grape orchard, Miah and Scuppernong; good dwelling and oat honses. Land suitable for any kind of crop, especially tobacco. A bargain for the quick buyer. Address D. O. LATHAM. Washington. N. C., E. P. D. No. 1, Bds 9. v 7-St-lme, ' s .. 1 Children Cry Wi m I In" V^ n I CastorU is ? harmless sub. Boric, Drops snd Soothlnr contains neither Opium, ? substance. Its mge Is Its ga has bean In constant use !< ; Flatulency, Wind Colic, a Diarrhoea* It regulates assimilates the Food, gtrlni The Children's Panaoea?Ti GENUINE CAS1 In Use For 0 Th? Kind You Hi ^HH^^^I^^^HHH^iiibhhSS I Dlxxy? Billons? Constipated? Dr. King's New Life Pills will cure you. cause a healthy flow of Bile and rid your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonie to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general system. First dose will cure you of that depressed, dlszy, bilious and constipated condition. S5c, nil druggist.? Adv. KOTICK OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Conrt of Beaufort county, North Carolina, in a special nannaaJIn* ihaaala x.dls. cnlllUM yiUVCOUIUQ 1UCICI u ycuuiug, VUUIICU Clarence Latham, administrator oj W. M. Davis, et al., vs. Wellington Bell and wife, Ella Bell et al., the undersized will, on the 6th day ?l October, '014, at 12 o'clock, noon sell for cash, to the highest bidder before the Courthouse door of Beau fort county. North Carolina, the fol lowing described real estate, vis: Two tracts of'land, situated in th? State of North Carolina, county oi Beaufort, and in Pantego township adjoining each other, and fully de scribed in '.wo deeds, one from Henr] Hodges and wife to W. M. Davis eglstered in Beaufort county, Nortt Carolina, in Book 62, pages 274 anc 276; and the other in a deed'fron A. Carter to William M. Davis, regis tered in Book 64, page 667, Regis ter's office of said eounty. Exceptlni from the said lands the part convey ed opt of same by W. M. Davis, twe conveyances, containing about flfteer acres, one of said deeds being U Ella Bell and one to Willie Bell, aj will appear from records In the Reg Ister's office aforesaid. Said land will be sold subject U the confirmation of the court. This August 27. 1914. CLARENCE LATHAM, Administrator of W.. M. Davis, De ceased. W. M. BOND. TOOLY A McMULLAN 8-27-4 w.c. Attorneys. Ilhepmatlsm Palas Stopped. Th# first application ol Bloan'i LLIniment goes right to the painted part?It i>enetrate8 without rub bing?It stops the Rheumatic Palm around the joints and gives reliel and comfort. Don't suffer! Oet i bottle today! It Is a family medi cine for all palnr, hurts, hrnlses, cuts, sere throat, neuralgia and chest pains. Prevents Infection. Mr, Cbas. H. Wentworth, California, writes: "It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is gens as soon u I spply it. I rscorn mended it to my friends as the beet Liniment I ever need." Guaranteed. Sfte, st your druggist.?Adv. BEAUFORT, IT. 0? THE FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Spanish Mackerel-Blue Fish, Trout* plenty of boats; Charcot moderate. Comfortable hotels and cottages. Extremely low season, -week-end Sunday excursion fares sla Norfolk Southern Railroad. Ask ticket agents for time tables and faros, or write W. E. PORCH, Beaufort. N. C. H. ? LEARD, O. P. A., Norfolk, Va. J. P. MITCHELL, T. P. A., t -31-Swc Palelgh, N. C. mam | f A I I I |il LMfti 'u?bai and ??l.Tr the h~lthot trionce against TTililtiM ASTORIA ^T-????%?2 I ir*the? ^'l" o."'! mltf^Uo n! 01 Tee thin* Troubles end the Stomach and BnwiOe, II r healthy and natural aUep. | to Mother"* Friend. FORI A ALWAYS Slgnatnre of ms: ver 31 Years ?? Always Bought . , , , _ ? Mentally Cramped. People who hare their attention eternally fixed on one object east help being a little narrow tn thdlr notions.?FooU. Quite Mechanical. Tea," eald Mrs. Twlckentmry, "mf daughter has pubtlahad several poems, but all ot them autonomously."?Chxle tlan Register. None*. North Carolina?Seanrort county. In the Superior Court, October Term, 1*14. Frances Gardiner I against 1 James Gardner. ! . The defendant abore mentioned i will take notloe that an action en* > titled as above has been commenced r In the 8uperlor Court of Beaufort , county by the plaintiff to secure as , absolute divorce from the defendant - on statutory grounds, which will - more fully appear from the complaint filed in this action; and eald de) fendant will further take notice that r he is required to appear at the next , term of the Superior Court of said . county, to be held on the 4th Mob* r day after the first Monday ln'8ep, tamber, to-wit: the 5th ot October, i 1914, et the courthouse of aa!1 I county In Washington, N. C? and i answer or demur to the complaint In . said action or the plaintiff will ap? . ply to the court for the relief da* , mended in said complaint. This 20th day of August, 1914. jj GEO. A. PAUL. , * Clerk of the Superior Court. , 8-2 0-4 w-c 1 m m m m m m m "? Q. A. PHILLIPS A BIO. vm nnmiGi, WABHHVGTON, I, O, Of ' 1 1 w miMi O. Bwpt, W. B. IMAI.fl. UACIMAM ttRJLGAW A RODkfAv . ' ? * Altof??, Offloaa oror J. P. TafWa Mon WMhlMtoa, Worth Omroltmm. i * -? t " Central Market ' Bm j? TJu?d' nTnlvV? ^L Ha Whoa ponied mm to what to ato cam (or pMT Mit meat try mnm adMth* Machine. Phone 422 jj MM ?B. PubKc Stenographer County Court Houm M ? * * - - " WbolMrtt Floor, Meal, H*j And Graia Feed M VfmUmu* N. c. sar BRmar w. mm. ? OSTBOrATHIO FHTSIC1AN. Otadeul^KminMM '?? I > StMlaltf. ' " I ' IoMIMIH-" > Toaa4i>, 11:?C m. m. to l?:?l * 1:49 ?. m. la 4:44 > . 7:44 ?.?. u> 9:94 ' I I Thunday. 4:10 |. m te 4:94 * T:J0 ?. B. U :*? W TrttlT. 9-14:14, 1:IHH V 1 .1 I ' ' ?? I Aorwoad b. HaMoM w. L. Timii inann tauohax i * ? ? *7*? o H. W. CARTHR, M. I>M Practice Limited te DImwm of the e NYE. BAR, 1V08R and THROAT ASt> THE PITTING OP GIAMBI. Offlco OT?r Brown's Drug Store. * Honrs 9 a. a.; 1 to i p. m. , except Mondays. WASHINGTON. N. C. * e -m. * AXMOUffGRMBNT. OR. H. W. CARTBR sb nouncee that spectacles sad eye glasses, made to order aooord- * \ lag to hi* prescription and guaranteed to be entirely satis- * . factory, are furnished free of * additional eoet to all patients who pay his regular fee of ten dollars for the examination of their eyes. - e e mm e . "} jrJS WB"1 Mi l. Ianmm RODMAN A BOBTMRR, a - AMssuW all* a. ii* a. a. Vara, Mm d. Mm W ABO a (MWi *"wa? ? u?. waMfM, a. o. ? iiiim a* th. ana* m Um mm j?4Mal dmw m Um redenl OeiMe. * ? ' eLww l! WTSWAOT ' ^ nm?ir>>to?, * wmrtwm, M. 0. m?kmpm M. ?. l?# ? * I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |jy l? " BUST MTMULLUI, ? IM?f HUit, : :Tn T: TT: ? A 0 9 L w! W.BtSlf DUI1L WABHKM, MAM ?nNG ? K1TOHW. Attot?ji 0* hmw. nwic* to tfc* tapcrtor, *1 M4 prw Oowti ol Mi MM 1 r iiii A m 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 A' WMMM, I. O. W. A. ffcl ? 111, ^ i ^ i *m'I' '"yn ~ OJ'

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