FO *Wr Wdi 1W Mr. 1 V?U Ok , Om Helped Wm to ! RecoTery. J I ' VbomiojIoo. K/.-Ia lntereftiag adrtcca ma Bils place, Mr. A. J. HojhM I lUu aa follow*: "I waa down with afcwafti India htM |8) yean, aad I mM hart itt tiaitailn as tad, d I dmea, tuft I thought Mtly I would die. I tt aot aaem to do ae aa? (ood. 1 Itotao tad, I could not aatorMeep I and an mj trieoda, eictfd one, thought^ 1 wotdd dla. Ha (dated me to try I Tcdted-? Btefc-Otetfu. aad ouUl Bullyl OK Very BnU-eyi Irish Policeman?It ye want to - took* hero yell hare to either put \ oat yar d?w or go somewhere lire. Limit of Hopefulness. Aad some people count their chick \ka before Oie eggs are laid. Happy Dtye Are Patting. The w?Hd te rapidly palling away (Pom the OM trot ton that petting a man Id ?Bee l? giving him a license to loaf at public expense Oocle Eben. "Da nan dat wastes his time bragda'." said Unsle Eben. "Is like an tnd&e dat uaes op all his steam on ?e whistle." Little Allele's Sore Point Little Alick was In the train the ether day. and in the seat opposite to bin* was an old pensioner whose breast was covered with medals. Alick gaeed at him and the medals long and earnestly, and at last said to Ms mother: "Mamma, why does that tnaa wear hla money on his ooat? *?-g othn 1 '[ lJm& kabls advice, altho* i'Sartiavg y conflrttrct In It. J-. I have now been taking Black*DnaSd or three month*, and It ha* cured on? onreal had tbone awful akk tiaadirhn dace 1 began usiaf It I an ao thankful lor what BUcfc)iaaght baa dona for an." Tbedford'a Blaek-Dnughl has baa ound a very valuable medicine lor daaacanaada o( the stomach and Brer. It composed at pore, vegetable herbs, attains no iaecrrnia lagredlenta, aad ali genfl^yat torely. It caa be keel) and by youag and old, aad sbordd be Sd hi every tunOy chest, det a package today. Only a quarter. )a ' VW lullan Calendar. The great lullus Caesar, B. C. 4S, rag the flr? to reform the calender t>r ordering that every year whose date number t/as exaotly divisible by tour should "rtntaln 388 days, and all W? ?f9b?Wr are tired sticking 0> tnps thnt won't star ttnsk. plaston t)t?t sftlft tfcstnsflTst right onto fmr com, oontrnpUons that make a bundle ?t soar too and I'm right ?W? M tks corp. Put two drops Of "OWn-11" o? that corn in two gopootJo. The oorit to than doomed 00 sure H night follows dor. Thft oops ahlrela. There's no gnln, no fug. If ron think this soundi toe god to bo trao tr? it tonight on nr eon, eotlis, wort or bnnlon. "orrt-iT" u soM or dmggitto grorrwhore, lie a bottle, or sent direct br I. Lawrsneo A Co., Chicago. "OETg-IT" la sold Is Wasbtngtoo br W. A. * J. O. Blount and Worfr A Bthertdgo. CHOICE Cut Flowers. For all eccaeUas, Boars Cans Hons, Violate sod vnlltee tbo land Ota. Oar an la wedding irraopr moots are of the latssttoarh. Noth tag finer In flaml oUsctnga to be had. Blooming Pw plants, axaltaa, Hradnlba, Palms, Ferns, Horfnlk j*ata and many other nice pot Roee Boehea, Rrergmena Shrub herUa, badge pianta and shade tram. Moll, telephone tad telegmpb orders proaapllr exocotad bp, j. i. mm i eo. RALEIGH, N. C. Phooeai Start fl. Creeahmne lit "on t tMgr ut hlta hare Docket*r* Neutr.lll. Shock of Sound, tt IM know that you ere going to hear S load sound It Is wall to Open the mouth, aa the shook will than bs neutralised, Noises In the ears aha most annoying. aad aometlmca resist all treatment Thar are oftea aasoatatsd with deafness aad should. therefore, reoetee due attention. Corns Quit, Pains Stop. With "Gets-It" Qmtt Plasters, Salves sad WhestNots. After using "OBTWT" once you will never again have occasion for asking, "What can I do to get rid . of my oorns?" "GETS-IT" is the | first sure, certain corn-ender ever I Twa v^Luai Jr known. It you hays tried Other things hy the wore and will now try "twrs-IT." you will realise this f lot-loss foot. . othor year* f-"55 days. It was Csesat who change* the beginning of the year from tin first of March to the first of January. The Julian calendar continued In \ss until A. D. 1857. Rash Vow Caused Insanity. A story to told of a young man la England, a great chess enthusiast who was so annoyed at his failure to holre an apparently simple problem that he rowed he would neither sleep nor eat until the solution was found. He shut himself up In a disused room, and was fouui four days later by his relatives, teriibly emaciated and out of his mind. He spent a year fn a lunatic asylum as the result of the rash row, and the problem remains unsolved. Carelessness Cause of Fires. More tjinn CO per cent of all fires are caused by simple carelessness, which tojHbnecessary and criminal. Rebalretow dilapidated buildings, the remova1*of all fire breeding material, care In burning weeds and rubbish, the placing of engines at a safe distance from buildings, the removal of oily waste, proper ventilation?in brief, plain common sense, will mldlmlse tho danger from ??!? ctoi of fires. . 8he Misunderstood. There Is one thing I wlah to say to yon. The last- girl had a habit of coming into the parlor and 'playing the piano occasionally. You never play the piano, do you?" New Domettle?'"Ylar mum, I play; but IU her to charge yer half a dollar a week extry If I am to furnish music for tho family." To Mend Furniture. Cracks In furniture should be filled with beeswax. Soften the beeswax until It becomes like putty, then press It firmly Into tho creeks, and smooth the surface over with a thin knife. Sandpaper the surrounding wood, and work sorqe of the dust Into the beeswax: This gives a finish to the wood, and when It to varnished the cracks Will have disappeared. Putty used in the tame way soon dries and falls out. Changed the Formula. Mr. Paul Taj lor, London magistrate, has improved upon the time-honored formula addressed to prisoners who are obviously innocent?"You leave the court without a stain on your character." In a case before him recently he assured a defendant that he "would leave tho court with aa good a character aa when he entered It." Largest Insect Is 18 Inches. The largest known Insect to a species Qf phasmid, or walking stick found in Borneo. This, which to wingless, has a body 18 Inches long. True Optlmiet. He to an optimist, who, after falling Into a lonely well, thanks heaven for the privacy of his new position.?Ub Us Rock Gazette. Had to Draw Him On. Claud?"But you certainly soseuressd me to propose." Claudia?"Well, I couldn't vary wen tun you down until you did. could irwudgs. Charing Croat. Charing Cross, the oentoff of London, derived Its nam# from a cross which in memory of Eleanor, vifo of Bd> word nt Children's Institutions. There are 1,435 Institutions la tbo alted Ftates for tbo oar* of rta. Thackeray and Dleksns, Thackeray was always very jealous of the popularity of the novela of Dickens. While from a literary standpoint Dtoiceng does not eclipse Thackeray. yet his works hare always been the bigger sellers of the two. ? Prerogative of buffering. Every tragedy In the home droll every hour of agony through whicl you pass, every wroag that you mus endure in silence?for there la no re drosB upon this Sid) of tho grave--! not purposeless or accidental. It 1 a great privilege to which you an called?the high prerogative of auflei tng Some day wo .shall see the raeaa fl( of It all. and ?,T.r r??r?t ? mc CxDMitnoM on Amazon. * ?> 3? w P?M? MnK TnvMn Mi tllO-Mn* v *ww? ? m?iti? * at CMnago.?The umtium Of Coleae M Roosevelt from tha InUrtor of Bramft a< directed public attention more than a rrer to a Journey probably the moat fi walrd and pictureequo In the world, a ttn the Now York World. ol It la 1,1*0 milM from U>e month of k the .imaaoo to Iqultos. where the for- ai mmant of Para maintain a large dockyard, barracks, l*oc works, m? china hope, ate., and an Inland navy ' If oniTwlahas UMyaval from the Pa- * siflc side of Par* to Iquitos, only At? ' head rod miles apart, ha aaeands tba ' went coast in a steamer, croaaas the Isthmus of Panama, embarks at Obion ? for Now York and transship hare lor Iflultoe up tha i mason Paw hav^e any UUa of tba tremen dons rolume and coloring of tha 1ms son currant. Its Influence upon tha Ah a< lantic, tha Immense distance lt^arries a nearly fresh water injo tha brine of ti tha ocean. Its serpen tins windings. Its s overhanging vegetation. Its rapids. Its U wild lift, its pasta, perils, pleasures w and all sorts of strange sights. Soum si of tha tributaries of the liesmn are d: mightier .than tba Mississippi. U Two Booth Una shippers, Cap*. a ? t* Beck and Oapt J. W. Couch (the k Booths relleVe their master mariners ? by sending them on leave to Bnglahfl after a certain number oftrtps Into the South Amsrioaa Interior), gate a sort of dust In tba narration of the t wonders of the Imaso* on bdard of t their ships, their peculiar cargoes, t their eligibility to fly the Amerlssn t flag If they chose, and their adven- B tures on" the river of rivers. They ^ characterised Alexander P. Rogers' de 8 script!on ot tha country as faithful and v sincere. 0 While they were talking In the cabin g of the Denis longshoremen were chov- ^ ellng out of the holds 1,600 tons of Brasil nuts at the old Robert pier in Brooklyn. Only *,600 tons of the nuts j were Imported during U19 year 1*1*. I Captain Beck, who was Just packing b' up to catch the Cunarder for liver ~ pool, denied that the mosquito was a T pest or peril on the A mason, He said *. ! that for about three days in the naviCation ot the river it was necessary M tc shut up the passengers and use the ! mosquito ports, but this was the only stretch In the long. Journey out and I back for nine weeks In which there th ! was any mosquito fighting. gi "There Is something worse than the te mosquito," said Capt. Coach. "I refer :o Id the vulture bat, which always attacks either your bald h^ad or the ?vio? Wi /win io?u Ii ?ni*;g BIWI 7?U In the tendereet spots and draws . blood." "" Cept. Conch did not uj how the wV w tore bat was circumvented. . "Yes," said Cept. Beck, continuing ^ the dialogue, "there's another pleasant Uttlo habitue of the Am axon, the 'smell hug.' If yon smell him once you never forget him. He's brown, less than an Inch long and half dead when he P> comes aboard on feeble wing. I've fa seen them cover the deck se\wn inches ? deep, and we had to shovel them over in board."-Everybody took a freeh swadosr of claret after this story and Capt. Conch turned to again. . "It's against the rules of the ooxn u ' paay for any man to go overboard tor a swim In the Amaxon. One of our men disobeyed this rule once, and was never scfen after he dropped over the side. We lay at anchor at the time." '"It waa probably a small flsh that u got him," remarked Capt. Heck. "A m small flsh In the Amason, about six b< or seven lnchee long, attends school In thousands. They dart at a man nn der the surface and bite him In hundreds of plaoes and he haver rises." . "A -hecu* got Mm. I think." rejoined " Capt Couch. "A bacu la a black flab, about six or seven feet long, with no teeth, but with rows of suckers In each long Jaw. The bscu scoffs men alive.' The talk turned to natural pbenom eaa, and Capt Beck said the differ * once between high and low water at * Manaos was about 41 (Nt 0 There Is an old (story about a crew that was dying of .thirst when Its aMp anchored In the mouth of the A mason and the skipper didn't know It, and to another captain, anchored near by. bp* hi lowed through Ms trumpet "Let down ri yo^r buckets; you're In the mouth Of the Amason." It th?t itorr tm?r Capt. Cowh was asked. I< "It U," h. n|IM ?I luruO at a Mhoal that tha Juataon aarriad trab 4 watar Maward, iad I pat it ta tha Mat 1 oaaa I via ItT tadaa from tha aaath ? afthahmaaea. I aatlaad that tha wa tar vaa dlMalaiW aiaoad tha ahlp. I dlppad wu ap and taatad it la flu hydremtur That vatar dlppad from tha aaaaa *M thiaatourth, fraah." l( TI?M Pklrt Oauaaa arakait Up. , Chlaaae.?Xra. WUllam IMuuk ' Stthl at Brnnnten atunblad whlla . Mtapptng troa an aatonoMl* aai broka bluM i tight i*lr> whloh aha tu wanting. HI Marring# Llaanaaa In On* Dayk t OMeacb?Two huM and fifty- t throe mrtin Ucaneee van leaned 1 hara on dune 1. fourteen Inn than n a roar mo. . d At the Top and Bottom. Of an tho pooplo In Europe tha rrench haaa tha favaat ehlUrea and ha Utah tha moat : C ASTOR IA I 1 Tar Infanta had flhlUron. ! TIh (M Yn Im Ahrayt Bm(H 4 Keroune vrtl cWu "our hud. b.0 K r than eattblef eft.r blmchlu S SS^wlrt^'our TntU UU*t."th1" ?h them In tepid voter, end Dn.lly 1th plenty of x?l >nd n ?UB eel u.h h hot w.t.r nniih u?_bir?h- . IX tho hand, with tarn lulo*. ra? 4 I J CmTy,I?rid* mm tho Allan tie, and worked Incew intlr (or thirteen jura before ho u :com pushed hie fleet task ol lajlnl hi cable over tho ocean. After several Nt Hues and tho ootpot of M,000,000 lion looked dlseoarealna until lob f 1W , when ft third cable. 1.000 miles ng. wfta colled oa (h^Qreat Eastern. M| * .m the Day If the Wlreleea. . "Confound It, this Is the third time w're told me the wireless was busy!" Cll fee. Hr - -Who la holding ltr "lfra. ibblft. sir. She's baring her usual . onday morning rlslt with Mrs. Gig- . .1 e. In Parta, sir.-?demand PUia h,l enler. . ->V "*' N Simple Hoadeche Remedy. There Is ft simple remedy for head phe which can be corcocted wl?' half *' lemon, a glass of water, a small aspoonful of sugar and an eighth of R teaspoon ful of bahlng soda. Put the imon juice and sugar Into a glass of 11 later, stir well, then add the soda, :lr again and when It foams nicely qt rink the mixture Immediately. This an agreeable as well as a eery ex- w silent remedy for some kinds ef lb sadache. and certainly Is one of tho , oet harmless. ^ si Help to Abeent-Mlnded. A watch that accurately Indicates le exact time elapsed since the last Q Ime & was wound has recently been ? lace* on the market The face ol tie fnekeeper la provided with a mal. flat near the' top of the regulai N lal, which has a small hand that ho s when the mainspring was last p?.\id, and also records thri progrest 18 t its unwinding, thus showing at a lancff when the watch needs re-wind- C ' V) Grease the Cords. M To prevent window blind corUs waking, dust the cords and then rah em over with a well-greased rag. ie snapping la chased by friction. bleb Impoverishes the cords, and ey are further weakenbd by the sua id weather. te R Woman, Lovely Woman. Every time a new young man calls, ? e girl who wouldn't know a waffle * Iddle from a nutmeg grater gets rribly domestic In the trend of her nversatlon.?Florida Times-Union. re Si When You Can Tell Thorn. tfc "Success brings out a man's lends." "Yes, but If you want to low your reel friends count the few ho support you when you don't seem > have a chance to win."?Detroit a ree Press hi e' Theory and Practise* The difference between theory and ractlse Is shown when the whole ri imily goes off to attend a humane . ingress andjeaves the eat to starve i the cellar.?Washington Post d Couldn't Rsfuso That. U "Mother," pleaded i polite little girl, T riding up with graceful deprecation R le hair ribbon that would fall off. will you please pin this bow on once 3, lore with the greatest of pleasureT" ^ Uncle Ebcn Again. o; "De worst thing about a mean man," t] dd Uncle Eben, "is dat he tempts so ? any naturally good people to try to sat him at his own game." a Motor Keeps Water Aerated. L In a tank car built in Saxony to s| ansport living flsh long dlstanees |i q electric motor is uaed to keep the ater aerated. ^ The Superior Sex. One reason why man Is superior to oman Is because a man always nows where he got his headache.? Incinnatl Enquirer. Relle of Lincoln. The chain used by Abraham Lincoln 1 survey the boundary lice of Arinsas was exhibited la the window ! a hardware store 1a Roultop, Me. Guillotine of the Revslu^'en. Strange as It may seem, the guttRise that osee decapitated thousands f hapless frenchmen ipoi the Flsoe 0 la Concorde It now In London, at ladame Tu.ssud's Waawork txhlUloa. sa lftrylobono road. Cure for Oar Sickness. If you ere troubled with osr Holt ess, try resting your foot oa a rash' >n or even a traveling bag whoa tho rain le in motion. Ton will then old the vibration of tho turning rbeele, sad will find that a long Jouray ean be made without trouble. A Teem In London. Villa < M OwnhallflallB Ik. .a. ^ he motor ear that a sight witnessed 7 tha writer rteme worthy of reoort fwo horses passed down the Strand rithln Are miittas of aaoh other, and 10th were darkled to an unusual ex ant The mathematical odds against uch a fohtoFlence must he rery Teat Profits Is Ostriches. Very tsrfe profits are bolus made Tom oet/Ich farming In South Africa, n the Oudtakoorn district many oerich farmers hare bssoaas extremely realtt/. One farmer In Gredosk a rtatea that from two palre at breadB( bird. ha rained In three and t urtf nan MO bird., rained at ?11 act Aaothar etatea that from one mil 01 seed breeding bird, hla net >r?A tor one yew amounted to ?ret 1 MOO. I tL John hM retained from >rUmooth. N. C.. where he kM ending several dm*. Thomw O. Blow, on* V the clevwr 1 effldeot clorko at Hotel Louis*, in returned from Greenville and lahrlll* where he has hees speadg hie vacation. B. W. Thaeker, of fetersburg. VI . presenting the Itemlagtou typeriter. la a veloome visitor to the tjr. L. A. iMallear of Bllssbelh ty, la here todayon business. The many friends of George Floyd j Richmond, Ye., are glad te aee 1 m In the dtjr. W. D. Ad demon, of Qreensbero, . C.. la here today, on business. George "Honesty'* Jonea, ia here pain greeting hla many friends. R Ik McCoy, of the Nor foil mthern Railway, is registered at ie Louise. %' Alex. L. Blow, clerk of the United atee District Court, Raleigh. N. 0., aa here last evening on business Mtalnlng to the dntleq of his eflce. Messrs. B. O. Spencer and W. C. . 8p*nc?r, of 8vaq Quarter, N. C.. e her* today. ? J. A. Wilkinson, a prominent bustms man of Belkafea, N. a, u a p*shlngton~Tlsltor. T. W. Marshall, of Lake Landing, . C., arrived here yesterday. D. M. Lucas, of Maglehard, N. C., In the city. C. E: Mann, of l*k? Landing. N. , is a guest at h??i i^ouis. Among the -welcome rial tors to ashington today* Is T. D. Deris, of Iddleton, N. C. PINETOWN B. F. D. NO. I. Mrs. A. M. Latham and two da ughrs# Misses Annie Myrtle, LUa uth and Master George Boyd itham are a pending the week with rs. Latham's sister, Mrs. Geo. V. oyd. Rer. N. H. Harrison Oiled his gular apoplntment at White Plains iturday and Sunday with one addlon to the church. Mr. E. T. Harris was a business sitor to your city . Monday. Our efflclent R. P. D. carrier took day oW Monday, II being a legal sllday. - He la Johnny on the spot rery day and don't hellers In 1m>sing on Uncle Sam. Messrs. William P. and L. P. Hars, Jr.. are on tba alck list. Hope -will son recover. Rer. W. O. Wlnfleld, of Bath, conuctcd a reriral meeting at Pree nlon laat week with six additions, he meeting la being continued by sr. Mr. Bush. Miss Nsnnle Boyd returned homo sturday after spending sereral day Kb friends In Wsuihlngton. Picking cotton will soon be the rder of the day In these parts. But is price Is far beyond satisfactory, [old your cotton if you can, la the j civics of the writer. Mrs. Geo. R. Boyd and IRtla Sen. acy Raymond, of Falrrlew, are i pending a few days with her father, tr. L. P. Harris.'; * , Good luck to tha editor and all of he News readers is thewlah of las FOOD FACTS. What An M. D. Learned. prominent Georgia phrilclen rent through t(x| .xp.rl.nrr * hlch e mnkee pubtlo"It *M my own experience tpnt ret led me to ?4roe*te Qrepe-Nnt. nod end I ?l.p know, from Urine reeorlbed |t to .onrMeeeonto ?*4 thor week petleatt, th?t Urn toed l? wondorfil rtbglldnr ??4 roM.r.r f aorrn tad Drain tigta*, ii w.H m tuMln. * It Imppnrii tke ilfnittna ad eidk pntlnat. gate irnr npldlr. irt u I did la itrnitt ud wnliki. "I OM is tub low Held thM I ?dl?iiwi? bp work ntlrotr, aid oat ts tbo mountain of tkle Met*, at two month, thor. did not laroro bo; la tut I wm aot aalto won no whoa.I Inft homo. "Mr tod did aot atutnla bo nad : boeamo plain that I muit oheato. 'ken I hneaa to nee Qrnpe-NnU food nd In two wooka 1 could walk n ill# without fallen*, and In drt rook* returned to mr home eud reotlce, teklne up hard work Ince thut time I bore felt 11 wet' nd etronc te I erer did In mr life. "An e physician who pOeks to help H sufferers. 1 consider It e detr to wk" these feete nubile." Mime Iven by Postum Co., Battle Creek, (lob. Trial 10 days of Orapo-NvU. whta Color fod doee not atom to saeUim he body, works wonders. "There's Reason." Loolp in pkgs. for the fanr.oan little ook. "The Road to WeHvllle." war read the above letter? A lfc?r *** *'*"*" * <w ? wwwma j A Pressing Need No <nM too mm a food our t blocs, Boot of oo do. Ooo of tM '1 tblaoo 700 oood la a buoioooo war U Uu friendship of a food strong book Uko ooro. If yoa aro aot alroadr o patron, w tnrlu poo to boeomo oao, tad ?<U asooro too that vo win otaad by o ar Moada Jkok oar of oar caotooi to aad too. Oar roeord la tho bo aklac boslaooo la tklo uaawtlf la oa opoa hook aad vo aro jootlr p road of It. Tklo to a rot baak tor no Wo par roar. Tor Coat, oa tlaM dopoolu aad parlafo acooaala. J V BANK OF WASHINGTON Washington, N. C. - \ $2 Per $1000 for 1 Year That i* all Windstorm Insurance cost on a dwelling. $4.00 a thousand for 3 years. See bow low it is? Yon cant afford . to be without it ??????_? Wrrtv Bragaw St Co. First Insurance Agents In ' Washington, N. C. v ? ?? Crystal Ice Cream SCUPPEENONG I We have* originated Scuppernong Grape Ice Cream. It la delicious. Try It k CRYSTAL ICE CO. Whona S3 Washington, -V. C. SPECI SALE | B'fham Silver Plated Safety Razors Razor Razor 1 Package ffl 1 Package 3 Blades I 3 Blades J l?c Nj 10c 1 HARRIS HARDWARE CO. Washington, N. C ) LION WOOD?Monb?n Nr. Tad Goto, Urhmf JAMB LS { I J. LEON WOOD & CO. i ( BANKERS and BROKERS. < S Stocks, Botda, Oottom. GrsU smd Prorlaloak 71 PIum SUtt, / C Osff?lsr Bslldla*, Norfolk. Vs. X ' Prtrsts wh? to Now York Stock bohaaft, Chlos#o Hoard oi 1 (. Trade ssd other lwd?l Malar*. 1 1 Oorrwpowksra reapoetfslly toilette liTwtmwi wd swgM J S Aoooaata dm Osroful Attaatto*. N East Carolina Teachers Training School A State School to train teachers for the publig school of North Carolina. Every energy U directed tp this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agrpp (0 Fall Term begins September 28,1914. For catalogue and other information sddreeg, ROUT, H. WRIGHT, President Greenville, N. C J RXCl'BAIO* um. EARNBS, Tr?r. Phi. mil, Wm?. TO THB SBASBORB VIA THE lottos, N. 0,, or UtWi 3 ATLANTIC COAST LINE, w- ' CRAIO, T. 0. WRITS, TO. SUaAwd lUllKMd ol tlx South. . p- T" " O. P. A. .J ROUND TRrP RATBS: WUmlatton, N. 0. From Washington, N. C.? ' To Washington. D. 0 111.86 Comparative Age. ,3 To Lmamlo ifo 111 IE A ^ M h# * to Baltimore, Ma. 911.85 <jfo man's aa old as bar beat bbM' To New York City 110 83 t&7i aha la.-?Detroit Tree Preee. To Boston. Mass. .. .. .. 114.16 j Tickets on aala avoir day nntll CITY ! 1 Saptambar 80. via Norfolk and E 30 q 3jq ^ s.7Trml4h analr,<,r?iimuott" chiokw. rro. W-hln,to.. N. C? "J**?* ?"* "*..11!! t? wii?i.fton, K. c ??.oo ssH: To Norfolk, V. 11.75 Mm .Mm, wet .r. llflM 1 Tlekot. o. ul. for .11 train, rach Bra. Wax lio 9 Saturd.r nnd for toranoon train, l*llow . . 4. wok Sa.d.7 until 11. r.m.'A'ii*-*^^** **' _ ._!J" 1?14. limit* ra.ur.ln, to mldnliht WooTbnrar 7. " 1. 511. of T.Mdor next followlnc d.ta of I Wool. fra. from kUT.. . .14. to 14. Mi*. I Ura titkm. Mr Ik. in. * Tor summer excursion rates to tl O many mosat*>as, lake and pleasure 0p?*n sides IK resorts aad for say other Informs gnr salt M4so Ids \ ties, reservations. ptc.. call on 8. R. Si mL * Hi clam,, mm

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