ROUMANIANS A TO JOIN TI 1 GERMAN! BRb1 jg (By the United Fresa) '< li'j London. Sept, 1?.?The be- * lief la gorwing in diplogfiaUcYir- t dee that Roumania ia about to t ""join the allies and that thin country ia now eeeklng to in- < duoe Italy to Join albo ' The Roumanians, it ia report ad, am rery anxious to execute t . mx agreement with Italy where- < by the twe set together against ? Austria. The reaeoa that Italy la being < urged to take this stand i> on account of the recent annihilations -of the Italian regiments by the Atretrian*. There is an undercurrent In Austria against I Germany. This sentiment is j growing, due to the fact that t the Adriatic troops, were put In t the trout ranks and sacrificed 1 during the Gallcian fighting. I The Italian and Roumanian rep- * reeentatlres are now holdlfig - 1 many conferences. i . i RAPED FIRE GUNS FLACKDi 1 GERMANS STRENGTHENED "" isy - i (Br the United rress.l Antwerp, Sept. 18.?The Oneman troops on both* rnshed Into Belgium (ram AlnU Chmppoile. hat y whether this Is for Ute porpoee of - otrongtbening the forest alneedr here or (or the pnrpooo of e more ' eouth to <11 Ib the no in the UerBrneeele advisee thot the Oermaaa r here boon considerably strengthen- . r ed. Additional rapid tre guns have boon ploood tor tbo pnrpooo of com wort. This would Indicate that ex- 1 pected attache by the allies in thdee * direction# are looked tor. AU8TRUN hO?8 HEAVY; IHMT FIELD GUK8 CAPTt-'RHD I i - . A n (By the United Preea.) Petrocrad, . Sept. If.?Two dotachmente of the enemy have penetrated to the eaet of San rieer and hae reached Jaa>o. This Indicates __ (Mr plan to adaooe to Cracow and. q ?B1 not waiLtbe result or the op*ra- c tlone along the Sans, but that the 1 will posh forward Independently. t It is officially stated that the Aus- I trlane loet four hundred light 1 Held guns and fonr Howitzers dur- t ing theee operations. I E sending troops' ( ^,'*1 AGAINST ALLIES I (By the United 1 reaa.) ? Berlin, vt? Rome, Sept. 1?.?It 'a I officially eta ted that the aermana ( hare abandoned Uefe. It la believed that their Uhee-ef oorpmunleatton then were eerionaly threaten- ] 1 ed and that now troope V* being ' eat acalnet the allied tercet In PffiiiMidt1 ' >-L ? t; ? .i ' 1 Vienna reportt officially that the Servian army of Invasion which had reaohed tha Sav river, waa Attached ( . by a (trans Aastrlan fore# and vara, ( defeated. Vienna Hhpttchss clglna that tha Sarvtaaa were driven back ! scroee the river. . .j r PEN 1X8 SURRENDER op wutaML baukl, iNn i iBtatiTT* i i <*> MM Dniud mm.) -i'P r- 4 T>"w*t "2L2ig?!!i WK *** | WASHING ie allies; 5 Leave leige lenles that the army of' General JaukI. has been compelled to surrender. Tire o?cl*l statement rays hat the Austrlans were aomplhtely lurroundod hy the Russians. but they ook "advantage ot the territory yhlch was unfavorable to,lhe Ruslans and. effected a Jdnctlon with be main army. The Russian report bat they bad Invested Braenyual are lenled here. , . | 1 JUSONKRS WIldY 18 v I BE 6K?tT TO AFRICA (By the United TTeaa.) Parle, Sept. If.?It la Onderitood that the German nrUonera ot >er pound Hat, or at 8c pound seed. Phelr maiiy eustomers are . taking idvantage' ot their lltwrai oiler. This liter la feada notwithstanding the present price of Cotton la around lo Hot and no demand far It at this prise. i a tTtjr ' r. a. Paul. bbo. I.'i u I II ' , ?# ?? ; 1 THURSL ITON, N. C. _ * * NT COT *er Pound on \ SELL s u.- '. */< * ?*'? 'v i-< w WiU be sent to Afrte* because b?7 ere Citing to bti too many In thp original camp.). [ rhey will be guarded la Africa by be'natives ao that the troops now ngaged in tjils service can be sei^t o the fron^ ,lt is officially anlooneed that the Germans Monday fed Tuesday retired along the entire Ine from Noyon Scleacna and Lao:i. APANE8E DJIOP BOMBS IN OERMA* HBADQUARTERS (By the United Press.) ^Tokio, Bept. l?.?Japanese aviator* have ^ succeeded in dropping bombs upon the German' headquarters at KUo 8hou, doing much damage. The bombs'aisO put the wireless station out qf business. It Is offl, otally. stated sttf*t the Japanese held operations are now be|ng ' poshed as planned. Fall Display of Millinery JAKES PLACE AT THE DIFFERENT STORKS OF THE CITY TOMORROW AND 3 J .'7? FRIDAY. ;> Tomorrow and next day will be inlte an event in Washington, espelally for thrwomeu, as the fall mil-'1 In cry openings are announced to aha place. The following wellmown' firms cordially Invito the a dies to vlBlt their stores, and sco bo- elaborate display ef headgear or the coaOMfr "-WMbtf; John K. Joyt, MI sa Hat tie Hemby, Jam^i E. 'lark, E. W. Ayers A Son, and The Iu.b. All the stores carrying mlllltery this peason have efficient and apable milliners and no doubt but ill the emporiums will be a mecc& ! lor the ladles of tho,?ity and county. P. G. Paul & Bro. Sires tOe For Lint Cotton or h tor Seed Cotton Until Futhcv Notice. F. o. Paul Bro., will buy one pale )t middling cotton from each'one if their retail time customers at 10c t " WKATHER Hal WASHINGTON N. C V SCENE FIR "Broadway Jo\ Audience The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot has j the following to say of the comedy, 1 "Broadway Jones," which, is hilled to s appear at the New Theatre, tills city, t tomorrow night: f "George . M. Cohan's comedy, c 'Broadway Jones,' in which the ac- t tor-magnato made one of the great- B est successes of htfc career, was the 0 offering at the New Wells last niglu, Ti and while the piece was seen here j last season with" an entirely differ- a ent oast, it did not" suffer by com- a W. C. T. U. MEKT. There will be- a meeting" of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union'tomorrow afternoon at four t o'clock at tho homo of Mra. O. XV. 1 Carmalt on Reepess street. All the ? members are urged to be present. -t r - - A Dream W?H be the scene at Millinery Opening Tomoi display the largest and m < Patten Ever showp the Hat sh DON'T FAIL T . MISS HAT1 rtmrn t r i ? i -* 'a i axvv * * . rON For Ad accounts or in Wagons, Wii UPPL ~ . ' - ' - . . - . T H ~ a tonight mad Thursday. Frohmble i , j, VEDNESDAY AFTERNOQfN i i". ' " t I H I ' m ST act ^ j 1 rtos" PWcdc : in Norfolk -arlson with the first presentation a Norfolk. If anything, the cast raa, as a whole, a bit strodfecr than hat seen here In FebruaJgt and so ar as scenic lnrestltare was conerned, there was nothing Bcklng. "Thoplay was written ffr laugh ng purposes only, and with such eople as Bert Bryon, Marcla lfalaill. Thomas W. Fabsr,.L]f,lorenco Valt*. and Russell Pi?ufl|bin tho irlncipal roles, it proyVffcighly .musing and entert*iningjSR| goodUed audience." 'BROADWAY JONES" CURTJSN 8:fiO gHAHl\ Those in the city who Irte?d to go o dee "Broadway Jones" atthe New rheatro tomorrow night should gp tarly, as no one will be shown to hoir seat during the acts. of Beauty i Miss Hattie Hemby's row, when she places on >st beautiful 1'me of i Hats oppers of Washington,0 SEE THEM.' 4 'I , ' ..J pIE HEM BY , , ' / 1 MILL HDAY, SEP te Hi . . - fiddling Cotto exchange for *e Fence, Hor YCOM I nortbwtt^ DonaeMt (tiM. SEPTEMBER 1W4 * - * i 8HIPP|NG CAUTIONED. The local weather bureau * here last night received the (ol- * lowing warning: Washing ton. D. C.. Sept. 15. Hole*, northeast storm warn ing 9:SO p. m.. from Cape Hat- * teres to Jacksonville. Disturb ** ance Is apparently off the oast * , Florida coast and is moving * ( north or* northwestward. \ , Strong northeast winds will * , reach a gale fores off the south * Atlantic coast. ^ Advise ell shipping to exer- * ( else caution. ( Advisory. ^ { Washington, D. C.. Sept. 1?. Dlsturbanee Is now off the ' Florida Coast and Increasing * , In intensity. Now moving * ( northward. Dangerous condi- ( Hons for vessels south of the * I Virginia Cepes. , ' 1 . _ I New Officers Are Elected -1 GEORGE HACKNEY, JR., 18 THE NEW PRESIDENT OP 1KB WASHINGTON CHAMBER COMMERCE. 'A very enthusiastic meeting of the ' Washington Chamber of Coznmeroe was held at their rooms in the Baugham building Monday evening, at which time the officers tor the ensuing year were named. The chain- 1 ber la surely to be congratulated upon their wise and Judicious choice ; and this paper feels sare that this 1 much essential organisation has made no mistake. The officers as selected are m follows: President?George Hackney, Jr. First Vice-President ? J. F. Co well. Second Vice-President ? F. C. Kugler. Secretary?Charles A. Flynn. Treasurer?John G. Bragaw, Jr. The executive committee is composed of the following well-knbwn business men: George T. Leach, chairman; E. R. Mixon, Floyd J. Berry, A. M. Dumay, C. L. Carrow and W. H. Ellison. The BUY-A-BALE MOVEMENT was inaugurated and overj member and merchant was urged to buy a bale from the farmer at 10 cents and allow the farmer to get the benefit therefrom. ' Mr. W. H. Ellison, an enthusiastic member of the chamber, was instructed to get out a circular letter for the purpose of being used by the ' members in their correspondence with northern concerns explaining the BUY-A-BALE MOVEMENT, with the request that they buy a bale FOR CASH or in trade for their I goods on a ten-cents basis. The merchants can haws the cotton ^stored and a receipt can be issued. The meeting of the chamber was one of the most enthusiastic ever held. All the members were optomlstle and. thay bellsre the future la a bright one for JSastern Carolina? HAS RETURNED. Mr. R. Q. Willis, of Washington. D. <J., who .has been visiting his sister, lfrs. W. D. Woolard. left this moralng for 'Beaufort and Morehead City and ether points, where he will visit relatives end friends before retwstlt to WMklnttoo Cltf. !"%. TT?TI \7 rirVJCrXVX TEMBER 17 Li b n Delivered in Farming Imp1 ses and Mules, PANY > v. i " I I Buy A Bale Move Meets Wit! 1 The cKy of Baltimore means bullae* eo far as the BUY-A-BALK DOTTON proposition to concerned. In one day's time the subscriptions for this purpose hare Jumped from M.1S0 to 97,10* and now the fidelity and Deposit Company of hat city proposed to purchase $50,500 worth of cotton. The Baltimore Clearing House has under consider stioa a Wan submitted by .a committee of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Association to raise a fund of at toast a million dollars to lend to merchants having Southern accounts. The object of this scheme Is to enable merchants to take cotton In payment of debts owing by Southern merchants and this will mean the financing of a hlg part t?f the surplus crop. In other words. It will enable the cotton grower to use his cotton as cash. New warebouses are now being constructed all aver the cotton-growing sections for the storage of cotton nntll the foreign demand. Is resumed. This city, u already stated through these colQmni, has formed a storage warehouse association and the work of constructing a mammoth warehouse. 110x100, In two sections. Is now In progress near the plant of the Washington Boggy Company. Fanners all over the South haro heen advised to hold much of their ootton as they can carry. This Is NIGHT WATCH! BY A WATE YESTERI Luther Bellamy, colored, night watchman at the Toledo Stave aud Heading Company, situated at Washington Heights, the plant of which was destroyed by fire Sunday night, was bitten by e water moccasin early yesterday morning. Yesterday morning about 5 o'clock Bellamy went to the -office of the rompauj ior vub purpose OI l&KlUg ft fifty For ftotM cause he was aroused and when he opened li'a Bye he saw to his horror a huge water moccasin gazing into his face, Reception This Week NOW OMPftOGRESS AT WRIGHT'S STEAM PRESSING WORKS FOR ROYAL MEN OF AMERICAWright's Steam Pressing Works Is this week holding a reception fit their parlors for' the Royal Men of America. The reception lasts until the 19th. In their large ad. appearing on fourth page they state that the reception is being oonducted ] for kings who do not pall each' | other's hair. The Wright Steam Pressing Works are the authorised resident dealers for the Royal Tailors and they hare a whole world of worsted and woolen fabrics to make your selection from, any teatare, nay color, any pattern of your choice eaa bo neon at aaailngly low OPENI AND 18 WASHING' Washington u ements, Buggi * C. L. CARRC to ^^4 No. 17* ment i Response 7rom All Sections being done. The farmers and merchants mast hare money with which * to meet their obligations. To take as much as poeelMe of the surplus cotton off the market for the present, the BUT-A-BALE COTTON morement was started and the scheme has met with a hearty response all over the Booth and 1s extending to northern dtlee as well. This pear's cotton crop will be approximately 14.SOO.OOO bales. The domestic consumption Is estimated at possible 6,000,000 bales. Under ordinary circumstances Europe takes the surplus, but because of the war most all of the European mills are closed. If cotton Is thrown on the market It will sell at leas cost than production, probably making fortunes for speculators and those who can afford to hold It. while many of the farmers and small merchants and small financial Institutions will hA miln&ii TK? nrV_?_l?iT ?i sltlon Is to remedy this condition of Affairs and the Dally News Is gratified to learn that everywhere there Is a movement looking towards the help of the farmer and merchant. No farmer should dispose of his ootton for leas than ten cents. Hold It f* the ?'o?ean of the hour, and Washington Is among those towns that proposes to help the farmer In holding It no as to realise a living price. rtan bitten :r moccasin )ay morning colled, with head raised and read7 to strike. In attempting to get up the snake struck Bellamy on the chest, but did not succeed In biting him. In trying to kick his snakeship away Bellamy was bitten on the instep, the snake succeeding In breaking off a part of his tooth !m his flesh. The watchman was In such a hurry to leave the spot that ho did not take time to kill the snake. He came to this city where Dr. Beebe removed the broken tooth. Bellamy is getting on fairly well today, although his fot is swollen. Drices. All ar? eorrilallv Invltjwf tn attend the reception in progress at this well-known and enterprising place of business. Let's build In Washington Park. New Theater TODAY'S PROGRAM LUBIN * I THE TRUNK MY STB BY In Two Reels. E 88 AN AY ] SOPHIE GETS STONCf "? ? a Comedy. Prices 8 and 10c. THURSDAY: TJ "BROADWAY JONE^'I A Farce Conjedy. it PflOPLP 17 * 11-f Honrs of Unghter v Prices BSc to 91 AO, NG TON, N. C. . ' | j oe Allow 10c I O ;I., ;g?| I >W, MGR.* I oiS

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