(B, the Untied ' I p?ru. Sept. IT.?DMplt. tho fi " that fljhtlnt etin continues {lfrpW i W, the battle line at AI??o. acconlln* 1/ to a'eutement leeued frob? the antu' F headnnartere there, ^tere Is ilUla change from yesterday, li Is believed that jhe, f have irlthdiSwiii farther to' a new ^ ^ t base, ell probability along the rlrer Mease. The officials have explained that the Germans countor attack lor the past ttpo days has wailed. Th?J line of fighting la now lengthening along the.front of.pio allies. The officials admit that the'y . . have failed to break through Gen-. {[ eral Von Kluch'a line in theU*, final attack. It la officially reported that the army of the German army Prince" w 9 r has been compelled to give ground before the Ffrench center. Certain Germans will be compeli&"to nUJe ttbe selge at Verdnn. The German center north and fifcf of Varennee has moved to Newstand at Gallelnlc where la the headquSx?Vn j ters of the Oerman balQe line. i'y '< ~ The German headquarters are now f tetlrtng. . ?orjy.M It Is expected that W*lll compelled to tenmve^ their 'iioadQuarters to Mease dlrjct VS,*atHct? line to steany Onp. , t|t?Uu points. It U stated, tin-. \ the allies an holding thslr position* f Tho Oormana arc now' reeelrthg largo reinforcements. ' * '1} " -*1 THAT HI FRHHCH AHA Off , . THE DEFNVSWB ' LVBRVWHERE. w' (By thi United Press.) . . Berlin, Sept. 17,?The general V . staff announces that lbs Preach at/ tack which baa bees' spent on the " General pjrl-.lons was well maintained. The rapidity of the .retirement of the German troops baa greatly tired them and now It la deemed best to fall baok.ou th?, anl ranched positions and real lor the Jtgjpote of (Jllng la the gapa . It la officially declared that the Preach are on the defensive every " whsrs. The tnyeetmeat of-Paris Is noa halted temporarily, hat It will tak< . place before the present campaign 'ist? , ' - : . F. G.Paul & Bro, Give* 10c For Llaf Cotton or a For Seed Cotton Until Futhc Notlce. 9. a. raol Bro.. Will buy oaa t>al ot middling cotton frocfl each ori of their NttU tlmo customers it 1U per pound lint, or atrSc-pound-eeetl Their many customers "are taklft ! advantage of tfiefcr liberal offer. Th! ' . offer in made notwithstanding tH ly present price of ootton Is aTlwn 60 lint and no demand for It at tfsl | price. - ' Id*. m F. I t * iMaituiJt 01 I I , ?> ITIJiiiiiA i M ..?i ,?-. r .. . j 3t>i worked out. ' "". i: . . munition^ end prleoaeJw^Se^oir rtnlau drmle*fh??? e??ct(W> function with the Austrian gener*!- gthfT. The* wire that Hify large munltlona or wtr. Tka war, omce Mate, th# ,11 received adrlcee from Vienna allowing \hat' eighteen hundred Oallelu ttaltera were taken ri Craietyrla Their ar? now being betd t8 await ,-pS< ?V^3 SINCE .MONDAY - LAST THE1 [r HAVE HELD A DECISIVE h AWA'VTAPI! AT ALL " (By the United Press.) ' *otH&n?. 9*i>L j?,t>^?if4r ty ^tated'thal the French again an ttflrfifftfg aftisive victories aiong tin line of t?e third batUe. Since Mon day the French bmvj ettll held thi adVantago." * ?j . .vJt4V', TKr:P .Mim * j frw* V-e Abydlr AN*, HAVE TAKEN VP 1 ,niN8R liSk^MwrawcH1 MI?.?RWL?9i I*p> v , auEArM} ' I V . (Plf the TJnlted Erena.) I . Potrograd, Sept. U-?Heavy rain I along the battle lln^e east of Prua sla hare converted ^be whole S E L L rv -m -r w^v .> >- ' VH _ * ' ^L> ^. .: J ? i J? THURSDAY A*?RNOON SEF . . ~, T. GEQR M. COHA J*. ?:- ?y jy~ **~ 1 1:1 |H '^jfl ?J3 ? - ? nA - ,.-** " I v'.^rr' 1^1 "Broadway JoflfcfcV the center character In uiuucj ?iuu| orvtuxmj. When the plaj opens be Is dol__ larlese, but had the repp tat ion of 6 being a millionaire. .To recoup his !l fortune he decides tb marry a rich e old widow, a determination which J his friend Wallaoe is advising him s" against. At this Qplnt the news arlI rlvee that a kind has died and l" left him the othar l^lf of the ChewII la? Gum factory-; Mined at ovari *" $1,000,000. The fcphewlng Gain * stead of selling he goes to the little * : "BUY A BALE" I I NOW WC &e ?;' * 'V ' III The BUY-A-BALE COITION moveAy meat Is bearing fruit in Washington. ,r The merchants are interested and _ * ?t v-'^j M-S ?-? y-1 ' ' sK If C .* * '" t'7}' ?* ~ ... _ r i ; _ . w\ I ATItP^V ? ?3"*. / . . 4'- 4 . ? 8TOKM WAKN1NU. ' T" ' ?; Washington. D. C.. 9?p. 9.3t p. m.?Continue utorm ' .warning. .JOItai^tae. It >0* ' ' ' Chamber of Commerce, the 1 citizens of Washington and the1 ' " T^Batoo Board of Trade U * called for tomorrow nlfht at the-rooms of the Chamber In '* the Baugham bulldlhg, on ' Weet Main Street. Business of ' vita! Importance to Washington ' la to bo discussed and trade- A . acted, so it behooves ererj j . member of the Chamber, every > citizen, as well as the Tobacco Board of Trade to attend. Al- j , * low no -other duties to keep any- j one absent from this Important 4 meeting. Outlay Plana For Conferenct ? " WHICH WILL MEET IN THl 6 CIT\' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IS, NEXT. ? A A very la teres ting meeting 6 f th ^ Board of- Stewards of the Flri |t Methodist church was held in tb Baracca room of the church Tuesda night. The principal buslnese till cussed was the approaching annul * conference of the church and its ei tertalnmcnt. The conference wl * cajwumo here on Wednesday, Novas - W1?, - W >?t.r < least a week. The session will I presided over by Bishop Waterhous *" D. D. LL.D. ? The board of stewards hai 16 resolved to make their entire body 9 committee of entertainment and ie: r". week they will canvass the city I l# P*1 f<* the purpose of eecurk 16 homes. There will be between thr. hundred and fifty and four hnndn 1 to entertain. -All those wh^/ w u tako visitors are asked to notify >i _ member of the board or the paste An executive committee, consist! of W. E. Swindell, C. F. Bland. J. (9 Duckman, with E. W. Ayera, wno chairman Of the board.'and the pi rto as ox officio members. Tl >rt committee are to secure offices, et ch where the different committees >w the conference can assemble a 3ls traaaact business. Some of < be oh arch's moat noted men are peoted to be tfreeent, besides 1 regular members of the conferen Jf euc'tF th( *pwn?Ttr ? I NLD or,. barrel of our Town Talk, i liek. Royal, Plnnaclq or O lb. Bfedfll~flour. Purity and qua! U>. guaranteed. Oar prieee aa 1 Jig' ao tifbriod radae. Come . OS. see or phone 97. J. JB. Adams itej 9-17-|tc i o otton, Del i accounts or i Wagons, W SUPP I ^ are calling upon others to rally to the farmer's interest and help him * in the present crisis. _ This more w" on the part of the business men In ll" Washington la surely one to be comc"' mended. of Subscriptions for the BUaw? nd BALE movement In Baltimore Jump110 ed from $7,100 to $9,400 yesterday. Secretary of the Treasury, W. O. 'he McAdoo, has wired ex-Governot ce* Warfleld, president ofr the Fidei'.ty and Deposit Co., of Baltimore, that )aR he approves the cotton investment 5b" plan and that It will be recognised oI* aa an asset of his company. Thii l*ty company proposes to dbnats-$50,003 ow to purchase cotton and fJUe^seere ^ tary of the treasury gives his per ) mission for the company to cam the cptton purchased among U. ent 'ivered. in n exchange for fire Fence, Hoi , Y C O M XjL.JlJLi jl ' j?"- ??-> . . , *7 i ^ .? N. AUTHOR. . - II ^Ir-^Kev' I : H I i m-:i i I n II H ' I ties'" at j, later Tonight i **" - '"'-a wa':3 Connecticut town,' where hi* factory is located, and there meets htm fate in the pretty bookkeeper of the concern, who was also Ms ancle's private secretary, and "Broadway Jonee" Is transformed into "Jackson" Jones, of Jonesvllle, for the rest of his happy life. The rapid Are dialogue of thlf comedy is said to be wonderful. The audience catches the enthusiasm with which Cohan has imbued his hero * and the applause Is constant and inspiring. In fact there la a laugh almost every minute In "Broadway Jones." The curtain will rlso promptly at 8780 and all who arrive during anynet will be compelled to stand until the wk-kc in over. Prices from 25c to 81.50. >LANJS >RKIN&NICELY . < i i assets. The Baltimore Bun yesterday placed an order with a Savannah firm for 101 bales of good middling. It ts now felt that the action of the Treasury Department means a now sonrco of ready money for the South and that the surety company Insurance companies and other big nfcancial Institutions will be quick to fonew. When the planter who Is obliged to pledge his cjop In order to market it?and the majority must do so? can pick and market one bale he can secure on it_jn(Relent funds to pick and market four and ono-hall > more tales. i Everything was,bright and glow? ??t!I the European war came or ' just at harvest tics a ar.d took away - the markets for ttye consumption u| r the surplus cotton. Lirh after all li * the basis \>r it* price. This has M 1 1 W ashing Farming Imp 'ses and Mule. >P:A N Y, AUTUMN MILLIN OPENINGS IN PLEASE - ? Washington ladles today are all wi merriment for, as announced In yea- up lord ay's paper, today la the occasion ** (or the opening dlaplaya of fall and vlnter millinery at the different w, ttorea where this mucb-dcalred eelential for the women folk la carried. Autumn waa proclaimed in the In magnificent dlaplaya which took of place at the respective emporiums, dli Bach establishment waa elaborately wl leoorated throughout with tinted Ei autumn leaves and lighted with fn lundreds of colored light. Here and st< there could be eeem aweet scented Na rosea. The delightful combination Ml was Immensely enjoyed by the hun- th Ireda of feminine shoppers who mi came to Inspect, while a large num- Tb her remained ttf buy. All the man- tlf agera -of thn* respective stores, with in; euery cuetomer in mind and, too. at the good of all at heart, have this season gathered from the fashion markets of the world a truly artistic mi and magnificent exhibit. an The following known stores liad nu their openings today which will con- en tlnue through tomorrow: of J. K. HOYT. th Here all day long tho ladle m swarmed into the doors where were he displayed hats for everyone and ed every need. The beautiful tailored Tl hats, the evening hats and ooples Hi U1 >M1QJ?C| UILUIIIUUIUUgll umi I IE others, simply capttvated and charm- T1 ed. Mr. Hoyt'a millinery depart- of ment this season is presided over by Hi Miss Mayme Burbank. whose skill as a milliner Is already known. 8he " is ably assisted by Mrs. Lena Mc- ei llhenny. Miss Pat. Harris and Miss yc Mary Bragg. Velvet seems to be tr favored this season. Plat wreath th garniture of roses are popular. These m creations at Hoyt's caught the eye &i of every lady visitor. The opening fa at Hoyt's was a crowning success. , Ml88 HAITIK HBMUV. hi Here was another scene of boauty is In ladles' headgear and all who call- b; ed. as elsewhero, were dollghted. o( The pattern hats on display at Miss in Hemby's were among the many at- hi tractions and this popular milliner w SEND THEM TO FRANCE i Antwern. Bent. 17.?The Germani . hare withdrawn their main forces r hereabout for the purpose of sending f them to France. It Is not con tomtemplated that an evacuation Is g contemplated, but that they will leave their fortifications in the hands of the Landstruma and the naval reserves. Those going to the front are moving continuously. There Is & steady stream of trains passing Aisle, Chap pellc. carrying fresh troops for the" battle lines. NO WAR PRICES IN OUR DRY goods. Notion and 8hoe Department. We bought our fall and winter stock before the war. We have a big line and can save you money. We will bo pleased to show you. J. E. Adams. 9-173tc 1 means exhausted and the farmers crying for assistance we cannot give them. % ? ? Hence it la that the merchants. 1 business men and others are rallyr lng together in as enterprise that is t Indeed marvelous. No point Is tak; lng more active Interest in this * BUY-A-H'ALE than Washington. ttori ton we i v.; v lements. Buaai , 9. . * r..." * \ fi'j.< . C. L. CARRC ERY * THE CITY S THE LADIES m showered with- congratulations on her display. Miss Hemby Is slated by Miss Zllphs Hemby sad lis Elisabeth Hill. No opening In s city was more successful and nolere were more attractive hats K. W. KYKRS Jt SON. Here. too. all day the ladles called large numbers to catch a vision what this popular store had on splay for the fall and winter. All 10 called were not disappointed, reryone received a cordial welcome am not only the managers of the are. but the head milliner. Miss innle Spurgoon, and hor assistant. Iss Mary Edmonds. Not only were e Parisian creations much adlred. but the domestics as well, i* millinery department yaa beauully decorated. The autumn open- ? g at Ayera' was great smd a larga imber of hats were sold. THE HUB. No millinery store In the city la ore popular than th? t of The Hub. id It wae anticipated that a large imber of ladles would call at this iporlum to see the autumn display the latest styles and fashions for e ladles to don the coming season. Iss Laura Oden la the efficient ad milliner and she Is ably assistby Miss Annie Mae Harmon. 1MU mi 111nArn urn AinArt* In thnlr ve and received many encomiums, id Justly so, from the lady callers. io hats were pronotitaed dreams loveliness. The stJhe y uh cannot be Improved ^loon. ' JAMK8 E. CLARK) At Clark's the lad las-balled. as sewhere, In large numbers. Both >ung and old were on the spot om the time of the opening to ie close. The millinery departent at this popular store Is well -ranged and the display of autumn .shlona were exhibited to a good 1 vantage. Miss Leola Bailey Is the sad milliner for the season. Bhe a milliner of skill, as was attested Y her opening display today. The :her departments In the store were i gala attire for the occasion. Many its, both foreign and domestic, ere disposed of at Clark**. RE-ENTERS COLLEGE. Miss Mabel Dalley has returned o Greensboro, N. C., where she has e-entored the Greensboro Col lego or Women. IMOKED AND HOLT MEATM, THE biggest and best line in the city. Also roe herring. Our prices aro right. J. E. Adams. 9-17-Sta Let's build in Washington Pack. Tonight New Theater "Broadway Jones" CURTAIN ?r3? , SHARP Those to arrive after tbfi* "** hour will have to stand on. til the first act Is over. I Dow 10c es% ' i I-".- . I 1 ywr, MGR. I