P 1 _ WytiJUalldPro.,.) r Wrt,. Kept. 18 ?AlUr Bra <Up, r I. the German liars with the reeu] H that thousnnds bat* bsen killed. P| Intense afttrlag u *** talus ? I das u> the sold rsluS Both side Ha* soirtessplats Ttleforoemont HR^nleng t?e kkttls llns nettf- here. ?V-' Wire art no reports of ths cm |T usltlss tobtstnmble. Train loads after train leads a n. Us woondsd art now pasting srotn L t^U city to the hospital oamfi t I ths south. Maor oHicers of hip rusk bars been killed. A rasjurlt pf ths woahded are -utTsrii,* froi W ehett-woanda. vrhkh goes to sttol I that |he Sohdlri la stlfl one or a |3fj ths fact thit the French or I ' malntaJSlne ths offenoire and ar at took hag aatssnllk tddt to th Is - STsash SMMhlss. Oentwal OtlMS I ' has hast killed is battle. I ?t Is bettered thst ths .OasKW I line must boeek. The Hermans mui ' ~r bring their a applies a long diotanc I While the allies hare direct 'opera I ' tlsas fnna their hose. The battle now coatlaues < e M along the whole blast eg Otee. sV ' Inks ths oftenstra hen so tnr fsllst Ma tBX THIRD (1RRATB8T _ ? IS SOW HI PBOGRES I . JWW"i 1 n (B? the unite* Piem.) , Pnrta, ?eH II.?"The third gre. l[ Mdl eeotleoe. end our II nee hot ft r everywhere," wee the eotnmoat o k the ettoulloe el mUHerr heedemg pj ten here todey.i e*e?\yl v jf :l There ! herd lighting nothwiil y... steading the keerr rein telle f~' The etmdgle la eepeclellr deep* |'r ete et the left wlnr where the loll melee of General Von Ktuck en Oenersl Von Veetcrg -hoe b^en con Dolled to aMnd tholr extremo effoi ) at their right for the Imroaee < W meeting the (looking movement i IBecguae of the oxtremo Impor enoe of the preeont struggle the on S\ ctole In Perm* em now heeltetln L?^ *"* tBj the United treee.l y . Berlin. Sept. lie?The wer offl L ennoaneee khee the Serpiee lie. B. em belht eebjeetod to ?ermei preeegre, but dee lens the! the? e I holding feet all OeAeeh'podlA'nr I The Qer^en mgmfth In F.? I F. G.Paul & Brc I . ^ ^ IS? xZx*. z H ?. O. Pa of Bro., wlli buy one til I ot BlddUnc cotton from; io??-fi o It of tbolr null time Customers atf K per pound Mot. or at 3c pound ?>< PV Tbolr manr customers are tail k adraata#* ot tbolr Ubacad otter T1 | oSor U made aotwithataadlna t 1- trsstnt Dries of oottou i? arou fc lo lint and as demand tor It U tl ^ M. .i i. jte-aj E( I a ->,w<u-U-r? k I ! [ I For Mi n fx fl V * ** ' K H \ '. Ut t'* I ute ' u JL JL T 'VlJ if"4"!- *-r jfe h J *i V* dC$ rfc" a . Cdt li/d.ttl\ 1 i?. ? -. . Prussia continues tad tt j? oBclally r suited that the much Ida dewtleg a their whole attention t#' the army-, h The Crow a PrIUL'e hie been su(v it taring heavy loseee, hut ttold. hie positions by hie enormous strength n and la now repulsing every attack ot , ,h. French. ffgg ALL AUSTRIAN FORCES j*|> I- ARE NOW IT .VITED f (By the United mw.) tl Vienna, Sept. IS.?All of the Aupn trian forces ar? now united. Tho ti right wing stretches bow from Bury hotbfdi to Cirrus, whlfcA ifcsures 1 the line's retreat if thhj are loo bard v pressed. Jrighting is ?iowgoing on a nil along t&e lines with the -greatest ferocity. A general conscription is r now fb vogue, due to a decree of the e Emperor. The new xscrults ore bee teg rushed to the front as fast as e they can'be equipped. ^ . f M - . . 1 11 SrifL 1, I OBRMAITi fUCTREAT f ' CAUSES ItKJOIClNl; ! ?? R?? ... r I- (By the United Press.) . BOrdeauy. Sept. 18.?Thw military It headquarters here admits that the battle hi North France t? still drawn 0 AMI atates that It may continue tor 1 the nnt two or three <!??. The French Ore sending addltlonol bntiortae OnS henry gdna (6 tho allied fcentdr. Thorn In ninth rejoicing here byet the met the Of rmana, ^ ofler it night darn* fighting hare been forced * to fan bach, from NnnJ?."~ B . . L- -t? , V EIWIiAKb HGHTINU , i I e i 1, I ' I FOB WORTHS CAUSE. i ,4 it the adjustment 6t FUfjalfoht was d read In tho Houre ot ?oris thin u- morning bfcr thd royal commission. rt He eulogized the work end spirit of ft Pari lament as to , tho Homo Hulc m llreatahMmaht >t,and . giao Ore accompanying act s Of pending JU t- operation during the progress of the 1- present war- reyal oommlsig sloner alao rand a npecch from King ' George. in which he declared that England ji. fighting XT* worthy canaa and that tjt.hlsp^jin would ?f.1?' M h ITHDIlAWN J? l""li' <f xj.lt re ByfSe fetflled Freia.) V-,' / r . N0V Sei tl ihrr-ihtreuant to plana - in the region- (H *Anegio, thn ?itl* I. ST '"" ? ; Tho Austrian* occuplad tie town ? hut made-no eflorttb* croaa lb? V ' The adhanei' of tho Sereliviiic ^ Montenegrorlan forces into {Sari I 1 staff be* l? uM a aUtement to th< [effect .that the baMfe. i? Korthen i .-? . .. a., i i .. J Per Pound on r*u *1 , 4. mcmpt RMgQ U** 4 i MB EL Li I 1 I Wtf.\thkj; ? Qlou _ W ' Fr.no? still raiting 1? f?l undKtiUd. The cvldencee would indicate that the PTench offen.lve to losing foroo. I The general staff says: ? "The Frsnth effort to penetrate the German's right wm made with the greatest brewery, bat that It failed. The German deoter la alowly but surely forcing back the Preach advance. I *3 . l, Although the rrench made a den petals reelstance In their ~ position at Verdan they were repulsed with- out much dlfflcthy^v '-V * 1. . i fltrebfc rethfarceidento have been sent forward at every point along the line. The preheat battle will anrefr result in a victory for the Germans. ;.jf% " ^V ? The French will be unable to recover for a long time and Paris will be at tbe mercy of the Germans. The. allied force are heavier than the Gormaja^ "iTie Germans for the first time have the advantage ae they are fighting from the trenches, ualag this to the greatest extent. Broadway Jones Captivates All . ^ 18 PltONotlfCKD OKU OP *THE BU8T AWttAOTlGK* to AM>*An I!I WASHINGTON. 1 The season's greatest theatrical success was "Broadway Jones" at the New Theatre laat'night?a die- 1 tinct success from every view point.' 1 A complete knockodt, to use % ' "knockout" expression. The pro- 1 due'Jon does not offend In thought.. 4 utterance nor action. Not only haa the ptaJ boen well written by Mr. 1 George M* CohaBi bnt the caat pro- ' dBeing It elmpiy captivated the large 1 antlienco in Waebington and today the ocncenaua of opinion fa that It h .the beet attraction to appear hare In yeara. It wag a splendid eaat and' flne^roduction, and if "Broadway Jonei" should make a return date typufels city this paper feela sure that standing room would be at premium. j ft > THE FINEST I.OT pF PEACHES, 8r?>?, t>4rtl^t Cooking J. E. Ituii. Phono 87. 9-I8-2lr ? i - i *' . ' Bank Of Wash. Buys A Bale i 18 NOW BE|NO EXHIBITED IN rttONT OP THEIR BANKi INC HOUSE. The Bank of Waahiogfoa, haa on 1 display In front Oflta banking house i thla afternoon a bale of cotton 1 which wfs purchased from a Xarmer at 10 ctnta por pound. Who will .bo the next In W%ahlngto? to follow C the good example of thia well fcwnrn institution. } *#vwof wens juienr swket 9 fruit will find .tie beet there la. i 'H I. a. Ad?m>. MHje " 1 " 1 ' ' ttton Deli accounts or in y loctl BkOW?r% PTEMBER 18 1914 I # 4 . | s H] I Qflp:- HI September 22 ,L_ il A ??..iaB.a/.??l ' M A Jk OWI ^ Next Sunday ! k ? | REV. N. HARDING TO CKfJttft- ' RATE FORTY-FIRST ARM- 1 r VKKSARY?INTERESTING SERVICES. f e 8nnday next Is the forty-first anj nlversary of Rev. Nathaniel Harding t as rector of the Saint Peter's EplaB copal churoh. this city. The preachB er for the morning boar will be Rev. ? F. H. Harding, of Camden. S. C.. son of the rector .and the preacher for 0 the evening hour Will be Rev. loaac W. Hughes, of Henderson, N. C.,~a a brother-in-law of the rector. At the h morning service a thank offering will Q be taken for the purpose of installIng an electric motor and blovur to the pipe organ. ^ *11 the perish loners o(,thie ctyfrch s are Poking' forward with pleasure to this glad and joyous occasion. QUEST OF MR. WRIGHT. o Mr*. Paul Jones, of Tarboro, N. S C., arrived In the otty last evening it via the Atlantic Coast Line and Is *- the gueBt of her ancle, Mr. M. J. Wright, at his Home on West Second street. " Let's build ta Washington Park TALK OF THE TOWN?Try a bag 1> or barrel of onr Town Talk, Obltek. Royal, Pinnacle or Oold b. -Medal Floor. Purity and quality b. guaranteed. Our prices as low b. as Inferlod grades. Come and s. see or phone 97. J. B. Adams, to 9-lf-Jto W ashing t - Farming Imp1 rses and Mules ^ awa^sussswssswn vered in T* exchange foi re Fence, Ho T COM IVI 11 -M y :'H" - M ^ AU BRNOON SE v - * - *. 91 -' . It ;.! M #? Dingbat Fapi Theater The Jester's tirikllng gtalTt am Berry jingle, with the slauioa&jpaoc ng girls hu since the days JBh* jf prehistoric times that einEe late the theatre, been the qKMi unasement of mankind. somedy ta the one standard flKpp Hon that always pleases, rJBSmi question Is which musical eomtd I how is the one to see. If one mlgh lodge by reports that reach Us o Lhe wonderful reception ererywher Siren "The Dingbat Family,"*Jan< the teoord-breaklng business that 1 Is doing all along Its route, ther would seem but one answer to thi question. This latest of laugh-pro rokera, adapted from Hsrrtwin* famous newspaper series, wllj njak its k>cal bow here st the Now 1*ea tre Tuesday, September 22, wlt? ai exceptionally large and cajfels Horn pany and a large chorus, heats o aale at Worthy * Ethcridge'e Satui day. Bspismbarr-l*." * _X . -a *- FANCY TABLE celery. at J. I Adams'. 9-18-ltC football meeting. All Interested in a football elere for Washington are requested t meet at the Carolina Dlstrlbutln Co.'s offlee this evening at eigl o'clock for the purpose of organi Washington ought and can hare Arst-clas3 team for. the material here. [ *. - ' V N It's restful to Washington Park. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AN Saturday: Best Print Butter.... ?5c per 1 New Ban Dried Apples 7e per 1 S. A 8. Hams 10c per 1 Lemons 15e per dc Phone IT. 7. E. Adams. I-IT-I ====== ^^^1 ^ ^1 yBj COTTON MOVE! STILL ON - -'- ^*?v* The 8ootheni cotton farmers, sad i particularly North Carolinians, ere J to storm ths Wilson s4Sm1?fstr*i!en Hoc relief Is ths statement of tfco 4 ox ?cut It? officers of tbs termors* : union who hsrs boon working on 1 the eotton problem, states a dispatch i from Raleigh. Governor Craig. At- I ternsy General Biekett gad others i exDSd to leave within the next few days for tho purpose of asking Fed- 1 eral aid on North Carolina bonds I backed by cotton. They wilt go with 1 the commlaalon to lnalat that the i government funds promised for crop i marketing bo pot Into circulation. A 1 great delegation of agricultural I workers will accompany them and I lay their want* before the Congress- i man. < The anbocrlptlon for the BUY-ABALB movement tn the city of I Baltimore la still climbing. Yeater- i day It jumped from $9,400 to $11,- ( 800. This amouat has boon raised l during the past five days by the i Baltimore Sun. The sanction by i tho Washington'officials now plaoes a A. L. Brooks . Will Speak WILL ADDRESS THE CITIZENS 1 OF COUNTY MONDAY OCTOBER STH, AT NOON. On Monday, October 5. Hon. . L. Brooks, of Greensboro, N. C., will Lddree# the oltisens of Beaufort county upon the political Issues of the day. The speaking will take plaoe immediately after the adjournment of conrt for the dinner hour Lhat day. Mr. Brooks will also discuss the constitutional amendment. He Is one of the State's strongest mfin aid as a platform speaker itande among the^rery first. j U WD KILLS EIGHT ' MES 5; 1 (By the United Prams.) , Mobile. Ale.. Sept 18.?Eight , were- killed and twenty-five Injured In a wreck ok the Alabama Great | Northern today at Livingstone. The accident happened on the north- ( bound express from New Orleans to New York. A hospital train is now being rushed to the scene of tho aooldent. NO WAR PRICKS IN OUR DRY goods, Notion and Shoe Department. We bought our fall and winter stock before, the war. We hare a big line and can save you money. Wo will be pleased to show you. J. E. Adams. 9-173tc GET IN MY SHOES; YOU MAY have my socks free. Big line of ( shoes Just received; every pair warranted. Men, women and children's. One pair socks or stockings free with eaoh pair. I. E. Adams. 9-17-tto | ttori ton we ements* Buagh CLCARI i/* iW llj ill' II ?m^mmm??^ No. tn IfENTIs" f HE UP-GRADE ?? -<H' I v ^ ^VW cotton in the list ol available eessrltles tn which fiduciary companies tB*J Mfoly ilTMt mOMJT. n pUcw -otton and warehouse certificates for t tn the claa? of merchandise sec artties which the gorermaent out recarline and gives them a steading which has not heretofore - been deemed necessary to assort to. One banker tn Baltimore stated that the sending of money to the Efotfth. whether It cornea from the bankers or the mmebanta. win after ctt be making a temporary loan to that section. He made the assertion :*iat If a fund of *1-00.000 Is cent there that la less than three weeks lime at least ha'f of It will hare [fund its way back. This U only ?ne of the natural laws of trade. Washington along with other enterprising cities of the 8onth is determined to do Its share so far as the Bftj Y-A-BA LE cotton movement s concerned. The merchants are rallying together as never before ind are now doing everything ooniletent to aid and help the farmer. H.S.Ward To Sveak Sundcrv IOW. H Jt. WARD TO ADDRB88 THE COLORED PEOPLE NK^T 8VWDAY . APTBRHOON. All hay* a dordlil Invitation to iear Hon. H. 8. Ward at the C. M. B. church next Sunday afternoon at t o'clock, at which time he la achedited to address the colored people if the cltj. Excellent music is be;.s) ng provided and all who attend rill bo more than entertained. A ollectlon will be taken after the iddress for the purpose of placing Ighta in the church. t ;i Fine Break Of Tobacco _____ )VER 100,000 POUNDS ON THE % MARKET TODAY?PRICES WERE GOOD. Between one hundred end one lundred end ten pounds of tobeooo rert 00 the flctora of the Beaufort ind Washington warehouses today tor aale. There were a large num>er of farmers on the floors and ill left for their reapentlre homee latlefled. The average price obtained w between IS 1-2 and IS centa. SMOKED AND BOLT MEATS, THE biggest and beat line In the city. Also roe herring. One prices are light. J. E. Adams. t-17-3te New Theater CCA Associated The Best There is Every Night Come Out Price 5c & 10c. 11 iiikjuu?I i/t J W, , v. ?r-? * . ^ fi',jW, MGR.

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