' For thro* lobe days without ces aation tha Oefmana bare burled their meases death at tha frenfch ? * and English along the entire front In North France. .Tha Ere no* olcial view le that thaw operaUone. tha Berceet that here yet taken ? plsoe. ere by high "command, mcan) Ing possibly direct .instructlops tram I" * tha Emperor hlmaaU. Tha hayooas has played an Important part la these engagements, where tha mea Ira tha Irene Sea en one aide or tha-ether, only a tew huntrad yards exact. come to grips fire. a Bmporor William's youngest gon, Prince Jotchlau. ku Just VetSorered ffrom a hullet wwnnd. ; From PetrofcflEB comes an official statement from the ft pspiMLffOaeral staff that German attempts In Rnsslan Poland hare been repulsed and that the Germans are now In retreat. +? BRITISH BRAT BAC* \ .j , ? UKIUUAH WITH IiOBS ; London. Sent. It.?TBb British elllclal statement given oat today states that the Ituetlon Is sstlsfactory end that the counter attacks on the British front hare been beaten back with heavy losses to Eg the enemy. GERMAN CASUALTIES ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND :? Berlin. 8eot, It.-?The total Oerman casualties In dead, wopndad and . missing, as oOclally reported, are -Itt.tlt. ~? The casual tf llit announced adds , -a total of 10.5*7 to those pravtously i announced. * : yH -cr-H.. ;t *' get GERMANS AGAIN BOMB A HI) MA LIVES Londpa^Jto^ -Xle?-A dispatch to L i the Router Telegram Company from Antwerp najrn the Qermann today recommenced the bombardment or Mallnee. The people were obliged to quit their reconatmcted h&bftaHodb. Heary jion toing was heard In tbe direction of feolatade. | KING AND QVEBN PAY VISIT TO WOBNDSD ?' London. Sept. 21,?King George and Queen Mary today metered from , Alderabot to Parnbero HU1. where they rial ted tbe reeldenee cof '%th* v former Empreee Eugenie. A numg '* ber of wonnde? officers aro quartered there. Their majegtlea alao rlaltcd th. wonndjd'at ^Connnught ^ hospital. , ,w2.1a^t.ai ?? ' " . ASIATIC CHOLERA oO tt 9i (#f. . BREAKS OUT AGAIN ? . j-rni : Lq London, Sept. 18.-*?A* Rome*dippatch to the Exchange Telegraph naya a message fcom Vienna 8U?e? that gorernmept bacteriologists havo definitely oetabllahcd the prea?pc,a or ' Aatatlc cholera among the 70AQ()f) " wounded in Vienna hospitals. ^ L':" ? ~ JAPANESE HAVE , .iAi.fr; ? - . .OOOUITS^JPM HO London, Boot. ia.-^X diwwtcii to the Bichnnfo -TfttfurapS. irom FokJ ln? Mjri It In oEclnliy announced ? ?. 1 w?- r-ir. av' : ?> *?* L RED CROSS OFFICERS. ARE EXCHANGED 1 Paria, 8ept. It.?At Basel tmUvI . day Oerman aad French Red Croga f officer? ware exchanged and will tel torn to their jes^ncUre countries. | F. G.Paui & Bro. Girt* 10c For Lftat OotUm or ffc I For Seed Ootton Until Pnthn I W. O. Paul fto., will buy one "hale of middling cotton from each one of their retail time customer? aitoc I per pound lint, or at 3c pound ?cort. W Their many customers are taking advantage of ttfelr liberarofTer. 1%4# offer la blade notwithstanding the I present price of ootton la around E Be lint and no demnnd tor It at this I r. O. PAUL BRO. J- - . - ? ? I ^m^^^^ss^SSSSSSSSSS^P H11 -1 HI tfllll^HH H I I11 ?u?uvu. auuri worn will |now to on until thin part ,p( the citj has been completed. I , ' Tho Interchange was supervised by Swiss officers. The French and Fremans held a friendly meeting, exchanging cards: dMnking the health of one another and discussing war experiences. , ALL IKS CLAIM FROGRKSR ON RIGHT WING IN SHARP FIGHT Sent- 28.'?TKo^tijliilhf official war bulletin was issued today: . - "On war left wing the battle has been continued 4 with perceptible progress op our paft. On the front between the fivers Olse and Somme and on the north of the Somme from U?e Alone to Rheims the Oermans haVe made violent attacks at soveml points, some of thorn being at the point of the "bayonet, but they were all repjSML la piany places *Um French and German trenches were not tnor^ tbdnj IOC meters apart. MATT. CARB SERIOUSLY INJURED BY RUNAWAY HORSE NEAR K1NHTON. (By Long-Dlatance Phone.) Kinaton, N. C.. Sept. 28.-?Yestorday between "this ^wn and Grifton, N. C., Mr. Matt. Carr, a prominent eitlsen, had bis horae to taka fright with* the consequence that he was thrown from hia buggy and seriously ! If. not fatally hurt. Br.vA. K. Taylea, of Washington, was sailed to sec 'him In consultation. ^ Mr. Carr is a brother-in-law .of Mr. Brace Payne, who Jb president ot til* PMbohy lMtttatt, NUh.ill*. Tenn., and Is a very prominent eltimn bare. *: . He received Injuries on bis head, which It iB thought will be of a fatal aharaetat. *Dr. Tayloo returned to higv horns In Washington via the Norfolk Southern last n!ght.^r-^/~ wiiT WILL BB Kp| 1W TRUl Of IflVIL CAUSES ONLY?JUDGE BOND! TO PRESIDE. ^jifaufort County Superior Court for. the.;trial of civil causes only will convene In the courthouse here next-Monday,! October *, for a term of two weeks. His Honor, Judge W, M Bond, of ^ehton/ N. CL, will be the presiding judge as he and Judge Carter, of Abbeville, N. C., have exchanged courts with, tho consent of Governor Craig, There are a large Many Stunts WiJ The 101 Ran Strcnfiousness, it is announced, ta the keynote of the 101 Ranch Wild Weet Show, which will be seen in thi? city next Friday, October .2. In the 101 Ranch Show, It Ls declared, it la not neceaary to train the horse.to run In a ring as In tife circus, for the arena is an open one, and It is possible to run them at break-neck speed. This gives a dash and '<*>" to the performance that can scarcely be equalled in any other form of entertainment. The 101 Kncli, Just as all big Wild West shows have always been, ls pre-eminently a horse show, but this management has the advantage of owning a groat . 101,000-acre ranch at Bliss, Oklahoma, where its horses are permitted to run at large all winter, absorbing the wlldness and spirit which glvb such test to the exhibition. One of the most exciting features of tho program ls the broncho-bttstlng, and this le ensured bjr the fact that at least fifty absolutely wild mustangs are always kopt with the show. When any of nunc mi WITH PUTS SEAMAN' THOS. G. WOOLARp, OF BATTLESHIP SOUTH CAROLINA HERE WAS AT VERA CRUZ. Thomas G. Wcolard, of the battleship South Carolina, arrived la the city this morning via the Norfolk train trnm VnrfnIV 17a and it spending the day with hit parepts, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woolartfc at-their home, on Bast Second street. Mr. Woolard expects to return to his ship tonight. He Id a seaman on the South Carolina and has been In. Unclff Sam's navy for over three years. He has been absent from his home for about eleven months, nine of which have been spent In Mexico and the West Indies. He Was present at Vera Crux when that city was bombarded by the United States ships. He relates a moat 'nteresting account of his experiences while in Southern waters. He is being greeted by bis many friends. AMKKK'A THK COURTKI). t i Announcement that a delegation of Oerman colonists from China la on the way to this country to mako representations to the government I concerning Japan's intentions In > Joining In the war serves to call atI tentlon anew to the peculiar position I in which our nation finds itself. ' Our favor is Courted on all sides. ?New York (Rep.) R?Partly cloudy tonight and Ton : MONDAY AFTERNOON S In |0| Ranch ^il4 W?i cmr/'Of rrmcmn /,? x i tu^ i: j \ $ x ^ JV -'? ===== ) be Seen "With tch Show Oct. 2na these horses show signs of becoming "-broken" they are returned tc the ranch end replaced by otliei "outlaw" horses. . The dared devil riding In the shov is not confined, it is deagred,'to th? cowpunohers, although' they an credited with performing many feat or horsemanship thah Jgre bot) thrilling and unusual. .Jfcme .of th most sensational riding is done b; the cowgirls?in fact, it is said tha they often do stunts In roughridin that would stump the average cow boy. The Mexicans and Cossacki who have a particular Interest a thla time, also perform feats'' o rough-riding that stir tho blood, ani an especially strenuous feat is i wrestling match between Blanch McGaubbey, a little Montana cow girl, and a big-horned Texas steer. These, it is announced, are onl; a few of the strenuous stunts whlc help to give vigorous action to th 101 Ranch performance. All th Wild West people will. It is d? clared, -appear in the street pared which inaugurates Wild West daj MONUMENT ANNIVERSARY Washington, D. C., 8ept. 26.-j fiighty-one years ago today the fin meeting was held to plan erection c the Washington Monument and permanent organization formed Chief Justice John Marshall, of th Supreme Court, and neighbor t Washington near Mt Vernon, wa the first chairman. If -=^== "BUY A BALI The price has been driven are united w'e can drive it up farmer and purchase his cottc do it and thus aid in this pre Already Washington buslnt wisdom of the BUY-A-BALE purchased bales of cotton, whl and some have taken it on i able, bat there should be othi bale of cotton. None will r bridges over those less forti peratlve. The Dally News will be gli who purchases a bale of cott< at 10 cents per pound. . The following firms have Bank of Washington First National Bank... 8avlngs ft Trust Co.... Hon. J. H. Small. . Hon. B. 8. Underbill , , J. F. Bnekman ft Bon.. , The following firms have < 10 cents oa account and in || Paul Bro Hassell Supply Co Jl J. E. Adams' EPTEMBER 28, 1914 : Show. v**a Lh '..{^ JH^^HLIfl ^^^ ^T'""^rr"^5S535??L^ sur ; II THE nil r 1 / REV. R. L. GAY DELIVERED r MIGHTY INTERESTING AND 3 THOUGHTFUL DISCOURSES q YESTERDAY s a Large congregations greeted Rev. e R. L, Gar, pastor of the First Bapy tlst church, at both services yestert day. His discourse of last evening g was especially Interesting and was - neara oj an anenuvo congregation, i, Mr. Gay is a speaker of rare ability t and always speakg in tv^way to atf tract and charm. For the past sevd eral weeks he has been absent from a the city assisting in revival meetings e in different sections. The church - here under his ministry is making fine progress in all its branches. i ? !i VISITING NORTHERN CITIES, e Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stewart e are away on a visit to Norfolk, Baltlf more, Washington City and other e cities. ' , = F. G. Paul & Bro. Washington, N. C Pays highest prices for Hides, ,l Fur and Beeswax. Weights are >i guaranteed and remittance made a same day goods are received. I. Let us have your shipments, e Satisfaction guaranteed. F. G. Paul & Bro. 9-21-tf.o E OF COTTON" } down by the European war; if we i. Let's all come to the aid of the in at 10 cents per pound. We can sent crisis. ?ss men and firms are seeing the movement and several firms have lie others have exchanged for trade account. This Is surely commend* ers to follow? get busy and boy a egret it?it m|^tepsperlty and mate at aid Is Im iu 10 puoiisn tne name of any one >n on the BUY-A-BALE 'movement ' . ,'A-. *k ''I-;:already purchased bales at this ' One Bale One Bale One Bale One Bale One Bale * . One Bale contracted and purchased cotton at exchange for merchandise: Nine Bales Fourteen Bales \ Four Bales * Jli *n yf IT BEGMES. LOOMED UPON BY THE HKUKKW8 A8 THE HOLIEST OP DAYS IN THEIR CALENDAR. Wednesday is to be celebrated here by the Hebrews as the "Day of Atonement." being known as Yom 1 Kipper, the holiest day In the Hebrew calendar. The holiday will be- 1 gin on tomorrow evening at sunset. The Hebrew date for the Day of Atonement Is the 10th of Tlshri, 1 which, according to present reckon- ' lng of time Is September 30th. The festival is ordained in Leviticus xvl., 19-34 and ulll., 26-33. In both passages It Is styled, "A 1 Sabbath of solemn rest." ' The purpose of the Day of Atone- 1 ment Is clearly Indicated by its name. It is Intended to complete and crown the work of the pentltentlal season begun on the first of Tlshri (New Year), by finally reconciling the soul with the Almighty. It Is kept as a fast in obedience to the command given In each of the two passages above cited where the expression "ffltct his soul" must be understood In accordance with the ' traditional Interpretation, as synonymous with fasting. GOOD mis i FflJpiGHl ALL WHO ATTEND THE NEW ? THEATRE TONIGHT WILL UK PLEASED. I The New Theatre will have only > first-class movies on the program for thla evening, being three reels or J pictures of first-class merit. All who attend this place of antasement to- 1 night will be more than delighted. It will pay all to attend tonight. The ' New Theatre management is doing everything fcrtthin their power to < give their patrons full return for their patronage. There is no more attractive after-supper attraction < than the New Theatre. Former Wash. Boy Returns DICKERSON G. BAKER HERE GREETING FRIENDS OF OTHER YEARS?WELL REMEMBERED. Washington is he**ored today by a , visit from Mr. Dickeroon Q. Baker, t who is now general manager of the 1 Car els Freres, Ghent. Belgium, and also a member of the Engineers* Club of New York city. The boTB of year* ago will remember Mr. Baker with pleasure as being a resident of Washington when hla father, Mr. John 8. Baker, was ; manager of the wholesale grocery house of Lawrence & Lyon, and doing business where the First National Bank building, at the corner of Main and Respess streets, la now located. Mr. Baker left Ghent, Gelglum, on August SOth. He speaks of his experiences in that oountry in such a way as to interest every one. 8ince his departure from Washington, years ago, his vicissitudes have been many and varied. The boys who were boys with him then are again delighted to shake h anA Umih r r. U*>a an A J. C. Overton, of South Crook, N. C. They arrived here via the Washington and Vandemere train and returned home this afternoon. Imfa bnlld In VsAtafton Parte. New Theater ? t ASSOCIATED FILMS. THE BEST THERE IS Every Night COME OCT. Price 5c 4 Wc.