I SITUATION UN I ARE OFFJ ParlB and Berlin state that there Is no change In the altuatlon The allies claim that they have made I alight advances hqre anef --notably on the height# of the Meoae. I The Germans claim that the reports f concerning a victorious advance of l "The enemy aYe untrue. -V* T A rigorous censorship evidently has been Imposed at virtually all points. [ particularly In London, regarding the opera Ulna at the front aa there la very little neara coming through. A Paris dirfpatch says that there is nothing ne# to'report <s td the genFIRST CURE * linnn nm- n IML lib I 3 * WASHINGTON AND KIN8TON FOOTBALL ELEVENS AT FLEMING PARK ON ' ABOVE DATE. The Washington Football eleven are now practicing dally at the Fleming Park on Went Third street, and the prospect* are that Washington Is going to have a creditable team this season. Mr. William Joaes has .been elected captain and Mr. Elbert Weston manager. In ail probability Washington will try conclusions wltl^ the strong Klnston j eleven October 9.. The contest will1 he pilled off st Fleming Park, and no donbt will be hotly fought from start to finish. mo. aim ie? on. i WILL BE ENTERTAINED BY IML r." JOHN O. RODMAN?OFFICERS TO BE BLKOTKD The Beaufort County Medical Bo* clety will meet in thle clty^on. , needay evening, October i7 and wjll be entertained by Dr. John C. i man at his home on - West Mafn I street. Papers, will be read by Drs. | P. A. Nicholson and Joshua Tayloe I and report of cases will be made by Dr. yr. T. Potter, of Aurora. N. C. At this meeting the annual election of officers for the ensuing year will take place, and if ia Important that every member of the society be present. Dr. H. W. CartfTSe president of the society andlfr. John C. Rodman the secretary. i^2 $TlUm Mass Convention! Of the Republicans of Beaufort County Is herpg} called to meet at the Court House la Washington, N. C. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1S14, I AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.. L For the purpose of nominating * candidates foh the various county offices, a candidate for the Legislature and tor the transaction of such other ba?ine*a,as may properly come before the conteettqm ,. All voters who are in sympathy with Republican principles, regardless of their .past political affiliations, ere cordially, invited to be present and participate in the deliberations. J. C, MBBKlffS, JR., Chairjnan. ' 0. IS. BUCK MAN. Secretary. F. G.Paul & Bro. Glraa 10c For UU Cotton or ?> | For Seed Cotton Until Fnthet Notice. r. a. Feul Bro.. will buy OB* halt of middling cotton from each oni j't. of thalf retell time enetomera at lot per pound lint, or at le pornd need Their many cuetomera are taklni advantage or their liberal offer. Thh offer It made notwlthatandine till preeent price of ootton le aroanf (e lint and no demand for It at thli P. 0. PAUL BRO. CHANGED ICIAL REPORTS eral situation and that a relative calm prevails alone * portion ol the front. Nevertheless at certain points, notably between the river Aisno and the Argonne district, the enemy has delivered further violent attacks which, however, have been repulsed* Furious fighting, still continues i> Northern France where the allied French and British armies are opposed by the Germans which Is characterised as the crucial action of the battle of the Aisn^. Beyond this official statements are vague. A waiting public has few details of the struggle. HUI HI II IUSU GALA DAT LOOKED FOB NEXT SUNDAY AT M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL*?ALL ARE I ? INVITED. Mr. E. R. MIxod, superintendent of the M, B. church Sunday school. Is distributing circulars to all the members of the church calling their attention to.next Sunday as being fcdhy Day at that Sunday school. The Superintendent desires that every member or the church become ^a member of fhe school and to beoome an active member. Those o? the church who cannot attend are nrged to Join the home department and literature will be furnished them. Those children that are too small to attend the school should become members of the cradle roll. Blank forms have been circulated which explain fnlly the scheme^of the sttpetintondeift. They shoaU&e properly filled In and returned"lo Mr. Mixon at oilce. It Is to be hoped that next Sunday will be a gala one at this Sunday school and it will If the members respond to the appeal of the capable and efficient superintendent. mr iP?H THOMAS HAN'NAFORD WHILE TLAYING! FOOTBALL MEETS WITH OCCIDENT AT SCHOOL. A few days- ago Thomas Hannaford, the 14-year-old son of M?. and Mrs. Lee Hannaford, while engaged In playing football at the Washington Public School, met with the misfortune to break his Mght arm at the elbow. ; He was carried to the Wash ington ^lospltal where he was given prompt: surgical attention. Whilo stUV.aufferlnf much pain he la doing as well a? could bo'expected. He 1? one of Washington's bright little fellows, aod It is to be hoped that he will soon be himself again. GOVERNOR JARVI8 TO SPEAK AT A. A M. COLLEGE It la Interesting to recaH in connection with the twenty-fifth anniversary exerclsee at the A. and M. College that ex-Oovernor jarvM,- who Is to be one of the speakers, was at one time'elected president of tho college. It is understood that he declined the honor on the ground that college work was not his line; but he has been one of the mfoat useful iriCUQB iuo VUIIVBV UB? OfVt U?a7 Governor Jaryis?for what's the use of the "ex" ??will speak to an audience o/ staunch admirers. UNDERGOES OPERATION. Mrs. Jesse Little, of Oreenvlllo. N. 6., who was recently operated upon at tba Washington Hospital, is ( sow convalescent. ' Jjf/" IXM1WDLACK Itoo WITH WHITE on breast and A. C. Harrison on his dollar. Finder return to A. C. 1 Harrison and recelYo reward. ' |b-t9-lt TEACHER8* EXAMINATION, r Examination for public school > teachers will be held in Washington at the Courthouse on October &th t and 9th. White teaahera will come I 00 Ihd >th and colored 00 the 911' W. O. PR1VETTB. 3-J?-?to _ k ^ ^ jp jl IOMES HERE. OCT. i The cowgirls constitute a in important part of Miller Bros. , Arlington 'a 101 Ranch Wild Wet Show, which this city will see nej Friday, October 2. There are nal to be nearly fifty of these natt; hoalthy. vigorous-looking girlr, an they vie wUh the Cowpunchorg i performing dating and neckrlsk.'n feats on Indian~bronchoe and "out law" horses. They are a picture* que lot, too, and even the Indians l their warpaint and features do n<J ttract any more admiring nttenttor One of the most Interesting fea tares of the performance?made so undoubtedly, by Its strenouanqss apt sir of danger?Is the broncho-bust Inn. The girls do not hesitate tj tide the wlld8Rt??horseB, and 1t l seldom that -one of them is throvtn 'if an aecldent occurs It is rarel sertons. for tho girls are said to be 'ray a remarkable facility In gettini iway from the hoofs of the ponlet jvhen. they involuntarily take i |'header." Idgle Lindsay, a llttli tow girl from Oklahoma, Is one o [he favorites with 101' Ranch au Uences, bnt Bessie Hererg, Beatricf 3rosseau, Martha Allen, the Parrj [rwlns, Blanch McCaughey, the cow rlH who throws the steer, and otheri tmong the cowgirls come in for a Teat deal of admiring attention bera^ise of their bklU and daring in tandllng spirited bosses. Among the cowgirls are a number rho^hre as skillful in throwing th< aria^as the oowpunchers. and thi wo Seatshots^ With thn: shftw. arc flfl^TWRttt-^TSntHnger is ah Oklahoma product gild Princes* Wenont a la'Sioux. Both hare won world'i "Wfc'M ?r?> 4??UWV group of Indian women are serera apert riders. Little Sunshine, I Moxlcan girl, who has spent most o ler life among the Sioux, ia excep tonally clbrer in handling wile nustangs. The girls with the 101 Hand Show are credlated with contribute greatly, to Its suocess, for In addi lion to their ability - they gWe i grateful feminine touch to the exhl bition. In conjunction with thi cowboys, Indians, scouts, old plains men, Mexicans and Cossacks the; giro a performance that, accordlni to report, is without a dull moraen from start to finish. All the Will West notables will be seen la thi parada which takes place at 10: St in the. morning. mm Lf HI EXCELLENT PICTURES WER1 SHOWN AT THE NEW THEATER?GOOD PROGRAM TONIGHT. There was another fine morln picture program rendered at the Nei Theatre last evening and all preaen were highly pleased at the perforn: Ance. The pictures were all Interesi Ing and entertaining. Tonight the management prom laea another excellent program an all who attend will be amply repaid The New Theatre Is more Ujan pop nlar for after-supper pleasure seek > -- 'v . uit ers. 18 DOING NICELY. The numerous friends of Mrs. C. i Whlchard, of Vandemere, N. C.. an Washington, will be pleased to leer that she Is rapidly Improving froi the recent operation she under wet at the Washington Hospital for ai pcndftltls. Mrs. Whlchard Is ti wife of Captain C. 8. Whlchard, tl clever conductor on the Washongto and Vandemere train and her friend are legion. The news of her coi raleecence will he gratifying. 18 IMPROVING. Mrs L. T. McGowan, who residt near thii city and who was recent 'operated upon at the Waahlngtc Ho.plt.li I. JolDg nlealJ. Thl, w m I ^ I 1 l\l I m I . I I -? 1 ? cloudly tonight ond Wodno.dny.folli.-A 0 TUESDVr AF1 ERN00x"sl --- ?E=gaWB=j I I I ' WL0 1 I Is I II [ HK. V Gifted young ?urg?o?, who will d Dr. A. K. Tayloe left this morning ria the Atlantic Coast Line for ' folk, Va., and from there wBl tako * the C. & O. R. R. for Claplhnaii, ' Ohio, where he goee to^ttehd as a delegate In response to appointment 1 by the Surgeon ctattoa of Medical 'Surteons for the ' V0404 *'"??. whli-K la jMhrQltn jn 1 cohTcne In that city from September 1 SO to October S. Thla la a bleb as well aa coveted I honor and no member of the medical profession In Eastern Carolina is ^ more worthy of the honor bestowed. Last year Dr. Tayloe had the pleasure, of representing this 8tato at Denver, Colorado, in a similar capacity, at which time. he was honored with a membership on the nominating committee. During' bis stay in that far western city he made r many sUumch, true friends and no * member gf th* surgeons' convention returned to his home bearing with ^ him a wider circle of friends, j ' Dr. Tayloe is a captain surgeon In fhe N. C. N. G. medical corps, and saw active service on the Mexican border two years ago. Only recently he was detailed with Uie Second Infantry, N. C. N. G., at Camp Wheeler, near Augusta, Ga., and while there proved to be not [only one of Its most efficient surgeons but as ufell among its most popular. Wherever placed professionally or otherwise he Is equal ta the occasion and no man In hla prog fesslon today occupies a more enviable position In the Old North 8tate. -Six years ago, although young in hlg profession, the Seaboard Medical g Society for North Carolina and Vtr? H ginla, honored hint with Its preslt dency and the year prior to this he ^ delivered the annual oration irom , the theme "Surgery as & Science." Thla young, ambitious, commonsense surgeon has always taken an d active Interest in the leading sclen j tiflc societies of this country and no _ man of his age in the medical pro feseion has been a more liberal noi generous contributor to the surgical Annom To the Good C Washington: We wish to s to assist you In arrangements to hundred ministei visitors who will enee of the Bast District Conferei Church. South, here in Nbvembe We trust you use us to the e vision may be n as This is not dot ly benefit, but to i >o a great and wort 111 JEFFERSON r 3 , * fAILY *4 bjr probable ekewere. 5PTEMBER 29, I9M I I l TAVIX)K, Icllrer an address In Cincinnati, Ohio lo elation of Medical Surgeons of th? | JMeeting tary Surgeons and medical literature nor no writings have been read by the medical profession throughout the United States with moag^usto. Dr. Tayloe occupies an enviable niche in his profoaaUlti, both as a surgeon and practitioner and added to this his ready wit and faculty oi ^M^^^^^^^^^^clan^e^ls carefnl and painstaking, as a user of the knife he thinks before he cuts?in a word?his slogan is not knowing how but when. Eastern Carolina has no brighter practioner of surgery and Nortti Carolina is to be congratulated in having this gifted young surgeon tc represent it at the United Statec Surgeons' convention. The Dailj News feels oonfldent in every waj that he will prove equal to the occasion as he has always done in th< pisti Illno BE JXAIIREI WHITE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACH ER8 OCT. 9 AND COLORED TEACHERS' OCT O AT COURTHOUSE. Superintendent of the Beaufoi county schools, Mr. W. G. Prlvetti 1 announces that there will be exam! ' nations held for public scfiToT teach ers at the courthouse, this city, o ' October the 8th and 9th. The ea 1 amlnatlon will be held for the whit 1 teachers on Thursday, October 1 and those for the colored teachei on Friday, October 9. ? REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. * The Republicans of Beaufo: eounty will meet in oounty convet tlon at the oourthouse here Satu' 1 day next at 11 o'clock. vcement. hurch People of ay we stand ready making temporary entertain the many rs. delegates and ' attend the confer,ern North Carolina nee of the M. E which will be held will call on us and \ nd that arfiple proaade for all. 10 for out pecuniary -ender assistance to :hy cause. '/ &3 :'V' FURNITURE CO. ' Receipts and Disbu Of County *C !*_"N > ? receipt Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff. commissions G. Rumley, reflate*. fees G. Rum ley, register, marriage license... Geo. A. Paul. C. 8. C., fee* Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C. (um of county) J. A. Leigh, reoorder, court coet E. G. Weston, C. R. C., court coat W. H. Hoker, recorder, court coat Geo. ft. ftleka, sheriff, fees di8rurseme Claims audited and allowed Sept. 7, 1914. Poor list allowed. See list Deficit aa skews in August statement .... A deficit / . bridge fund a< Balance cash on hand, as ahowil in Aukui Claims audited and allowed Sept. 7, 1911 Balance cash on hand claims audited and alia) No. Ta Whom. For Wl 1836. W. E. Swindell, chairman county 1886. H. C. BragtW, county commlBsio 1137. W. H. Whitley. OOunty commlsslo 1838. C. P. Ay cock, county COtoimlsslone 1839. W. E. Swindell, expense to tteet Fayetteville 1140. W. H. WhIUey, expenae to maetli FayettarUle 1841. If. W. Hyman, keeping Waahlpgt 1843. J. W. Statute?. keeping Aurora bi 1843. L. E. Toler, keeping Blount's Cree 1844. Kt W. Dartf. eeptng Pungo Creel 1846. J. W. Crawley, keeping Bath and E 1846. W. J. Harris, keeping Ldechvllle 1 > 1847. J. B. Keech, keeping Belhafen krl 184 8. G. Rumley. register, salary for J A 1949. G. Rumley, clerk to board (use of ; 'I860. O. Rumley, office expense for Aug 1861. G. Rumley, cleaning courthouse. 1863. J. P. Flynn, ballot box for Beaver 1863. J. P. Flynn, ballot box for Beaver 1864. Edwirds k BrOUghton, record Bool 1866. W. tt. gtandil, one day's services 1866. W. T. Faffo* one day's services or 1867. R. R. Warreri, One day's services 1868. Geo. A. Paul, ode <f?y's Services 01 county) ,.........,,, s 1869. W. B. Windier, salary as recdnfer 1 1860. W. H. Hooker, salary as Aurora J 1861. J. A. Leigh, salary and costs Bell 186$. W. W. Mason, salary as Bath reco 1868. E. 0. Weston, C. R. C. for Wabhinj 1864. E, G_..WfiStoh, C. R. C., one-half co 1866. W. M. Pjrvln, salary aa road sup 1886. Geo. A. Pinl, saiAr/ for August . . 1867. Geo. A. Paul, eiafilning two insane 1868. Goo. A. Paul, offlcd expense for A 1869. C. C. Warren, county attorney, sal: i?70. Carolina TeL Co., phone rent i 1878. Jno G. Bragaw, Jr^ser^ces-^n i 1874. A. J. Cox, services on finance comi 1876. L. A. Squires, services on finance 1876. Edwards A Broughton, tax receip 1877. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, salary for 1878. Geo. E. Ricks, convoyltlg four prlsi 1879. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, office expel 1880. Geo. E. Ricks, Jail fees for Augus 1881. Geo. E. Ricks, recorder's court cc 1882. Harris Hardware Co., plumbing a 1883. Municipal Blec. & Water Dept., llg 1884. Munclpal Elec. & Water Dept., gl< 1885. Eureka Lumber Co., lumber for A 1886. Pearam-WatBOn Hardware Co.. d? bridge .7. 1887. H. C. Bowen, lumber on road ... 1 1888. John G. Adams, making and Alii 1889. Good Road Machinery Co., repairs 1890. J. A. Johnson, burying pauper. . . 1891. C. H. Roberson, expense in State 1 1892. Buskin ft Berry, cloth for county 1893. Spencer Bros., supplies for convlci 1894. S. R. Fowle ft Son. merchandise f< 1895. E. R. Mlxon, treasurer, salary for Continue^ on Pa] 'ns HID Si > HON. A. L. BROOKS, OF GRRENSI BORO, TO ADDRESS CITI. >- 'ZENS HERE AT n . NOON. h" ~*~ 6 Hon. A. L. Brooks, of Greensboro, -w-i ' will address the citizens of Beaufort A county in the oourthouse on Monday, October 5th, at 12 m-, immediately after court recess. _ * Mr. Brooks is one of the ablest ^u' rt men in the 8tate, and a strong and 1_ convincing speaker. Among other ^ r" things he will discuss the proposed amendments to the Constitution of ? North Carolina. ( , RANGE DEMONSTRATION. The well-known firm of PegramWatson Hardware Co. are giving a 1 demonstration of the South Bend ?? Malleable Cooking Range at their store this week, and with each range purchased they present free a 7-piece set of alluminum cooking ware, and also serve all who call a cup of coffee and hot biscuit. The demonstrator is Mr. H. H. Chittim. This range has a noted reputation and will pay all to oall at this store and see Its workings. See ad. in today's issue. 1THB O. HKNRV BOOK CLUB. The O. Henry Book Club will meet Thdrsday afternoon at four o'clook v with Mr*. C. H. Richardson at her heme, corner of Third and Market tracts Full attendance \b desired. lifMii ' . . V No. 1?1 rsements Commissioners ' i\' I . ' i' r^Jt ?. : *t $ 101.47 138.65 10.00 ioi.it 4.00 ' 11.10 tt.oo t.it A 9 10.10 I 9 II4.H NTO. See lilt...$1,001.17 I 170.15 1 6,819.88 ..v. 97,155.54 DOOUMT. , 1 >t statement . .917,902.7V I. See list 424.58 917,477.81 'WED KEPT. 7, 1914. ist. Amount. commissioner# 9 14.57 ner 2.75 ner. 5.40 r 5.10 log of commissioner#, 14.27 ig of the commissioners 14.25 on bride 35.25 'Idge 25.00 k bridge 16.00 i bridge 25.00 lack Creek bridge 15.00 bridge, four months.... 28.00 dge 91.19 tagust 200.00 county) 25.40 ust 7.90 1.90 Dam 6.00 Dam ; 6.00 < t for register of deeds. . 15.50 on pension board 2.00 on pension board...... 2.09 i pension board (use of i * 2.00 'Or Washington 76.00 ecorder 25.00 haven recorder........ 27.00 rder....- 20.00 ;ton Court 26.00 urt cost (use of eountyj 8.68 ervisor . , 78.60 175.00 persons (use of county) 4.00 ugust . 5.SO ai j tor August........ 12.60 county home . 8.00 tot August 110.10 In. nee commUt..' M "*??'? . nlttee 80.00 committee SO.00 i books 41.00 August 228.24 oners to chabi gang. ... 14.00 ise for August 58.24 1 42.70 >sts 80.95 t jail .70 ;hting Wash, bridge. ... 6.00 >bes for bridge 1.00 urora bridge 107.92 dot, etc., <or Aurora 8611 2.76 ng mill race....: 160.00 > to road machinery.... 7.00 ^ 2.56 its. Matthew Watson.... 6.60 home 1.68 rts 87.29 or county home. ....... 3.90 August 70.84 ?e Three KROM NORTHERN' CITIES, r. J. 8. Campbell, one of Washon's popular jewelers, daughter son have returned from Northcities where Mr. Campbell purled an attractiveUoo of Chrlstnoveltles, Jewelry, etc. Their was much enjoyed. x.. GREETING FRIENDS. ^ tr. Charles Smallood, of Flor?, 8. C.. Is in the city greeting many old friends. G. Paul & Bro. Washington, N. C 'ays highest prices for Hides, r and Beeswax. Weights are uiuiiccu uuu iciniiiauce maue ic day {roods are received. us have your shipments, isfaction guaranteed. G. Paul & Bro. 9-21-tf.o ( buna trn WMtfcutoa pm*. New Theater Eiunajr: "LITTLB HE AN SHE." MeWee: "A GOOD EXCUSE." j Sell#: j "HEART 8BLIO PICTORIAL 4 NEWS.'- , WEDNESDAYS PROGRAM: Labia: 4 J "THE CHANOBLINO." ta Two Root*. "''"S;:" "V I Prtofc??fc._ J

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