notifying him ef h> election The Upon the epenlne of tvinpi-j) this morning et It ovin.k end lietore a ballot me token, Mr JJoltOn tea. roeognlhed and nakod that' his name be withdrawn from t?e rae, Thla waa dono w?h reluctance hjr tho Council. On the laet ballot token laet night before tlic Council adjourned Dr. Melton recelvod eight clerical votee and nine lar vote*; Dr. Harding received >1 clerical rotee and Id la; Otoe. The election of Rev. T. C. Daret occurred , on the SOth t allot this '' 7 : * 'If 8 3 ;{] I IIS..', If 0 tflll PTflU QPEN1NQ- I'X >OTB A LL 'X)!fTK8T b? the 8ret' toot bell con'teet of the - ? ' ..8 It I - e. 1 I iejt? WTO www II. H W w uopcv (HI th?ro will be a large number to wltBeaa the contcat, thereby not only W siring the home boy*- cncourageBtent, but alio had them financially. The following la. the line-up for Waahington: Center?J. W. Wilkinson or Waltar Morgan. left Oeard?MeKeol or Proctor. Right?C lor Carter. I aft Tickle Scott Hathaway. " Right?Joeh Tayloe. quarter Back?Ray Warren and Eugene Harris Foil Back?Jim Weeton. Half Beck?Captain W. Jonea and Elbert Weeton. Mack whealton Annate ad Hudnell and Macjt Rob ' ' " ; REAL ESTATES DEALERS TP OKtiANIZI Indlanapolla, I ltd., Oct. 7.--F0; the first time In the blftoyy of thl State, raaltr dealers from all ooraen of R are gathered In t&ls city In thi Brat annual convention the In diana Real EsUte Convention. Near ly one thousand delegates are her. to perfect- a permanent organlsatlol or a State association and to isj plans for legislation to bo secure, from the neat legislature which wll materially benefit tbe owners an. realty doalere or the whole Stats Tbe meeting will last thfee dfayi. ; ' ! - - *., >31 's-vK0 Pew Can Pile to 8*eh Hslghtc. It'e mighty hard lo admire the t?a * During his rectorship In tha Shipbuilding Cltg" his SMH?| wan worn derful along ?U lines. No man In that iJtr was more tinlversally beKplscopal CUM. Richmond, Vn, where his work speak, tor himself. Judicious choice, and If Dr. Darst acoepta .the hjfh offlc to which he has 4hlUty and credit and the Dlooeee of East Carolina will he "under safe hands. The candldatea before the Council for the efflce of Blehop were: Rev l>r. W. H. Melton, of Wilmington, who withdrew; Rev. Dr. John Harding. Of New York; Rev. Dr. R. 8. O . Elnlej. Of Columbia. 8. C.." Rev. F*. M. Osborne, of ChartotU, N. C.; Rev. T. 0. Darrt, o 1 Richmond; Rev. 1! T? ?f?t-~ e# _*? Th _.Th. O. ? . nu?v, yy cw Doiuj nor. M A. Atfhby, ot Elisabeth City. B?v. R. W Petton wi<) Rer. A. B. Berkley. A? the Council wu celled together for the sole purpose of electing a bishop, 11 adjourned.sine Ale tame dlately after a choice had been made. Bishop Daret wlH reeeire a warm and cordial welcome to North Caro inn isl| -mm* MSI Washington. D. C.. Oct. A warning to attal%4fa?ece Avoid seed Is contained In Department But latin No. ia?, of the D. 8. Depart ment of Acrlcnlttii'e, which Is short ly to bo 1 tatied .under the title '.'Com morclal Turkestan Alfalfa Seed." Specialist* of the department hav< been investigating the comparative merits of different kinds of alfalfc seeds and have reached the conclu sion that there is nothing to recom mend the Turkestan variety for gen eral use in this country. It Is, the)1 day. particularly unsulted to humid climate of the East, which a* a matter of fact, uses most of th Turkestan seed lmporetd Into tfaii country. This seed is also not suf j ftciently hardy to warrant it* gen caal used in tho upper Mlsslssipp ' Valley, where hardiness is an Impor tant factor. The investigators, how ever, are careful to distinguish be 1 tween commercial Turkestan alfalf: and special strains of hardy alfalfa1 that have been developed from cer tain introductions of seed fronj Turkestan. Valuable varieties o alfalfas unquestionably exist In oen - tral Asia, "but these are at presen I only fitted for use in experimontn * work in breeding. At the present time, approximate 6 ly one-fifth of the alfalfa seed uao in tho United States is Imported. 0 - thla quantity, practically all?? 8 par cent In the last twelve monthe1 comes frj* Boaalan TorkeaUn. 1 ' tho EuA^an market, oommercU ' TurkeataJl la the eheapeat seed oral aeed. In aplle of thla fact, howaye a mlataken ballet la Its aupnrt. , \\ L-ViUhn?in . j 9 ? -I ,Uku4 IT* MS RTOW* 11 ^^von.T^ The world series ot baseball starts tomorrow xfternooa and the first game will bo played In Philadelphia between tho Athletics and Dostooa. The New Theatro management hero will ahow the game aa each piay U I made on an eleotrlc BCore board. The doore oI the theatre will open at 1 o'clock and the price of admission will be It cents for all. Ladles are melted as special reaerration has been made for them. The Boston Braves, National League champions. Srs lit Phlladtlpbla preparing for the opening of I the world's series tomorrow when their meet the champion Athletics Neither ot tho oppoelag managers has Indicated who will be his pitching selection for the opening game, bat a maorlty of .the critlca believe Bender, veteran Indian twtrler, will I be Connie Mack's choice and that ha I will be opposed bp James, who they fignre Is the beet fitted of the Boatnn mniniiidwtAB In "oaaaal" the short series tf necessary. Manager Stailings tart.he has not Tat determined whether James, Tyler , Rudolph or one of hid other pitchers will be' given the honor ol 9peniDg the series. He declared that Deal would fill the place at Qtird base, left vacant; by the Injury to Smith. The long, line of m?n and boys nearly fcmr blocks long waiting for . the opening of the ticket sale presented a sdrrr spectacle. Many of , Umu.had tmzJpJllV tor^orty-elght hours. snatching only what sleep they eould by reclining on soap bo**s, camp stools and chairs. Fully ninety per oent of the nearly two thousand persons waiting for tickets, it was estimated; were boys.] many of whom admitted their only object was to hold positions in the -hope of disposing or them for a liberal compensation when the hour fot, the opening of the sale arrived. Both teams practiced bfhind closed gates during the forenoon. . The Boston team had all the* pitcher* in action. Deal, who Is expected to t&ko the place Qf Smith, the third , baseman , whose leg was broken In !. Brooklyn yesterday, got Into the i practice with a. determination that gave satisfaction to his comrade*. At Shlbe Park the Athletics con tinned the morning practice, which . they have been pursuing this week. , The weather was cloudy and damp, and none of the players took chances J of developing stiff arms. t The demand for reserved seats for the series was enormous, and, as usual, many thousands of persons j were disappointed when they learned that all choioe places in the ' grandstand had been disposed of. When the public sale began, the line t of purchasers was six blocks long. B The police had to restore order out of a scramble. n Some of those who purchased tick{ ets had been In line since early Monday morn lag. - 2. 1 VISITORS TODAY. " Among the Walters today to the d city are Messrs. W. M. Brett, L. O. If Cratch. W. A. Cratch and A. 8. * Cratch, of Blount's Creek, who orr rived here via the Washington and p Vandemere train this morning. il v<f r ' ' ^r lr 11 i ii e they sro practlcallp always present c Russan knapweed Is, in some wayi r. similar 16 quack grass, Johttsoc >r grass and Canada thistle, spreading :? both by seed sand underground y rootatocks. The seeds are sllghtl] o larger then thoae ot alfalfa and ran. 1- not all be removed by any nractlca ble method ?< raaehlne cleaning v Their chalky white color mak? i- them especially conspicuous, ant n their symmetrical form?sllghtl: *y from the notched seed of other spe IIUlllJ I - -1; Ipi* IV IHlI u luuio n in nn nniiHHH IJlt- ItuUIfim ?? IB* OFFIOfiRS PUB THK ? ' Tie Bret tall meeting } or tie Beantort connty Medical Society met in thtl plly laat evening and vkl entertained at the gqipitibln home ot Br. John C. Rodman on Went Main street and proved to 9a one of the moat Interesting and enoyahle by the president. Dr. H. W. Carter. Tbe - features ot tbe bu.lner. ^ slon wan tbe reading of tWjvalneble papers by Dre. P. d. Nlcbetson and Joshua Tayljo. of '.hie city, and the report of eases by Dr. W T, Potter, J s of Aurora. Those were interestingly discussed by the different mem bere with profit for ell present. -< 1 The next business ot lntportence was the annual election of ofllcera I for the ensuing yeer. Th*? society chose ss their next president Dr. John O. Blount end ss their next I secretary Dr. H. W. Cart or.. After thebusiness session light re- t frsshments were graciously served by the host. The function was < thoroughly enoyed and all -the physicians left for their respective homes ; voting the meeting a suqCasa In | erery way. t The members is attendance were: Dr. 8. T. Nteholaon. Dr. D. H- Tayloe l Dr. Joshua Tayloe, Dr. P. A. Nlcb- < olron, Dr. J. O. Blount, ' l>r J L , Nicholson, Dr. E. M. Brawn. Dr. A. 8 Wells, Dr. Louie Manp. TSf. R. T , Oallarher, Dr. J. C. RodmA^ Dr. W , P. Small. Dr w. T. Mr. Dr. , Schubert. Dr. O. KMmJm- A. K Jayioe, Dr. ChuOs #lit&K<Dr. H. , H. Hunter, Dr. Jack Nicholson. j Out-of-town Sheets: Dr. C. 0. , Thomas, chief aurseon, Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington; Dr. Ira M. Hhrdy. Kins ton; Dr. R. W. Smith, Hertford; Dr. M. Bonner, New Bern. S> : I | SjgJj " - FIXER KVENT8.xt, October 10?Ailanta. Oa., American Temperance Board Church of Christ, Secretary, H. I. Hall, Franklin, Ind. Webster City, la., "The Gil eons" of Iowa. Secretary, Will H. Zaiser, nM UAinM Tfk Port Worth Tex., National Feeders and Breeders' Association. Secretary J. A. Stafford, Fort Worth, Tex. Octolber 11.-?wnkes-Barre," Pa., National Columbus Association. Secretary, John Jacheth, Mahoney Olty. Pa. STATUS OF GENERAL XEARNY DEDICATED TODAY Washington, D. C., Oct. 8.?There will be dedicated today, la the Arlington cemetery, with appropriate ceremonies, an equestrian statue to Major deneral Philip Kearny, a hero of the Mexican and CItII wars. The atatne, which has been erected by tho Stato of New Jersey, Is the first equestrian statue to be permitted In the national burying, ground of our heroes. Secretary Garrison gave his approval because of exceptional conditions in the case. ^ ' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION . IN SESSION IN MICHIGAN, Houghton, Mich., Oct. 8.?The annual convention of tlje Upper Peninsula Educational Association is be: taj held today in this city, com-; . roenctng today and continuing ? through tomorrow. During the last, i year a research committee has been f securing farm laymen all over the 1 upper pelnsula, opinions ragsrdlng ' the needs of the schools, and at this - convention the reports 6f thta com mKtee 111 be discussed. The prlncl. pal speakers will be Governor Ferris and Booker T. Washington. [ IIPKCL_ One of the wonders in Wasblng ton today is the lS-day sale now |g lag conducted by George Ooatrns at y his place el business on West Main f street. Ever since his sale was aan I been Hocking to his emporium and . / * ' H - * / m I H I jL JBL. JL Jk. ; m [pill WASHINGTON WO 1 . W.4W1 < 5TCDK.NTH ARM 8TLLL ARRIVING < R* ?H. L. STEWART PKK- i 8J6NTB CLOCK TO THK t COLLEGE. 1 (By Correspondent.) 1 Oar enrollment is still increasing; 1 two new students hsve arrived tills 1 veek and we are expecting two more I next week. i The Literary Societies had tkeir I Bret programs for the year last Frilay evening. Mueh interest U being l taken In this work. The girls have c Jeclded upon "The Pamlicolian" as l he name of their society . I1 Arrangements are being made to <j ?nroll the Institute in the State High t Jchool Debating Union. ] 1 We have recently been favored \ vlth a hall clock, the gift of Mr. R. L. Stuart, a jeweler of the city, t IYe take this opportunity of express^ t ng oar thanks for this liberal dona- i tion. 2 For the purpose of making our a julldtng and grounds more attrae- J Jve, a "College Beautiful Clnb" has g Ifr. Gorton Willi? was elected presiUent. l A very Interesting and helpful a grayer service was conducted Wed- , lesday evening by one of our stulents, Mr. Alpha B. Erye. " On next Sunday evening, Rev. I iVm. Chappell, also one of our stu- I lenta, will preaeh for us. To all I >ur services we Invite the public. ? The tennis courts are overcrowded 3very afternoon from 4 o'clock until lark. However, the equipment is not all paid for. So the girls will have another candy sale Saturday tlUtBBOB from .?:*? QBtll front of Mr. Hugh Paul's grocery tore, to defray the lndebetedneas. Cakes will not be on sale this week anleaa orders are received for them before Friday afternoon. The result* of last Saturday's work was very gratifying. We wish to thank our friends for their generous patronage and Invito them back ifST iiroT wiie inum niw now 1 ' Tin* Feathers" as presented at the New Theatre last evening was one of the most creditable shows seen here this sen on. In that the actors were all first-class and the play, the work of'-Eugene Walters, well written. The entire cast did not show a weak point'and Interest in the fine and well-wrought out plot from start to finish did not lag interest on the part of those present. Due to other attractions In the city the audience was smaller than usual, but be this as It may, those present were amply repaidThe costumes were Inviting and the scenic effects pleasing. Taken all In all 'yine Feathers" should please wherever It Is presented. The company play in New Bern this evening. CUBA FACING A . FINANCIAL CRISIS - Havana, Cuha, Oct. ?.?The government of Cuba la apparently facing a financial crisis, due to recent political* Intrigues. An extra session of congress Is convened today, called by President Menocal. but opponents of his policies have so far prevented a quorum, and itt s generally believed there will be none until congress convenes In regular constltu t ion air session In November. The storm et protest Is over the proposed national lean of $15.O0O,OftO-and the roorXMltttto# of the Cuban armj. proposition, hasp I Intnr^Lo'nro?lth^Diti^,8t*t?'h* I J W ' THE ACTION 0( WITHIN Sfl OFGER . -$ While tU world awotu am of l he (Toot kouto la which the Brltlab rnd rreaob allied foroee asd the i veraaaa la oorthern mace hare t oVUMl tor tweaty-elx dajro, meager I oporto from the (root vouchsafe lit lo lnteraaatloa of the actual opera- < loco. Today H la a amall piece of ground oat and tomorrow the came ground I lea been regained. Meanwhile the 1 Teach foreea are moving northward, t >?t are gaining little to the aaat, t rhleh would bo eaaentlal lo the out- I tanking of the German right wing, a An a matter of fact, General Van r Cluck, la oommand of that auction it the Gorman army, with heavy re- r nforeamento which hare reaehod h ilm In the pant waak, haa taken a I lectded offenelve, and day by day t he announcement la made by the a Tench war offlce that the "violent I lattla oontlnuee." t The British official bureau report* t hat tlis French army Is fighting with E ha greatest dash and bravery, bat li sliest on what the British are dong. The French officials report s in advance on certain points on the s enter and tbere taking or the f Tound previously yielded In ~ the t toys district. t The masses of German eavalry a tave been recently seen near Llllc t: .nd behind them German forces n novng on a line between Tourcolng a ML Of I mm RICH The last sad tribute of love and "aspect was paid to the memory or t William R. Mitchell, eon of Mrs. J. C D. Eborn, of Bay Side, who passed I iway suddenly at Royal. N. C.. early 1 reeCerday morning at the First i Ifethodtat church this morning at "11 t j'clock when the. funeral services If sere conducted by Rev. . M. Bnlpee, j ( DMtor of the church. The choir 1 tang appropriate and suitable hymns i and the floral offerings were profuse, i rhe interment was In Oakdsle cemetery. The deceased was a young man of Bne attainment and his friends were , legion. His passing Is to be deplored. t METHODIST PREACHERS IN CONFERENCE TODAY New York. Oct.. 8.?In the Old 1 John Street church, thr flrst Methodist church in America, there will be opened this evening the annual conference of the aNtlonal Association of Local Preachers, which will continue until the 11th, Inclusive. Several well known men will deliver short addresses of welcome, among them Mayor Mltchel and Dr. Frank B. Upham.- This association maintains Taylor University at Upland. Ind.( and Is acquiring a fnnd for the relief of aged local preachers. The local, or lay preacher, la or.e of the peculiar Institutions of MethodIsm. They are Ueensed to preach by the local church with the consent of the district superintendent and may be ordained aa local deaoons or local elders at the annual ministerial conferences. Methodism ( owes its rapid spread of a century to the [pioneer local preacher. BUM INSA5K PRISONER. Chief of Polloo O. 1. Nyn, of Bolharen. N. C.. brought to tho county Jail this morning via the Norfolk Southern train, Osborne Credle, colored, who is adjudged to be insane. F. G. Paul & Bro. am l?e For Liat Oottoa or k Far Rood Oottoa UMIl Fitbn Votteo. 9. 9. Pool Bro., will buy one hnlo of middling cotton from ooeh one t tbotr retail tlmo contoaort nt l#c par pound lint, or nt to pood sood. TM> nuy onotomere arc taking ad rentage of thalr liberal offer. Thl. offer I, made notwitb.tanding the a lint and no demand for U at thl. MAN ARSENAL ? i j md Armentieres. This Important inlt of the German amy, which It ?u thought might serve to brook he French line, the French report, tea been held In cheek, end to the lorth of Lille, has been driven hook. . >a two wings. It is added, the Qer~ nan attacks have been repulsed. The northward movement of the Tench line brings it dose to the Belgian frontier and colnddentally here have been engagements bo- \ ween the Belgians and the Germans n the environs of Tyres, 20 miles outh of Ostend, and at Audenarde, tftoen miles southwest of Ghent. While (he East Indian troops have cached France and already may lave reinforced Field Marshal Tench's army, operating In the teighborhood of Soissons, the whereabouts of the Canadians, numberng about 22,000 has been a matter t conjecture. It is now announced hat they are about to be landed in England and will be sent to an Insnd training camp. The situation, as between the R avians and Germans and Austrians, Is omewhat problematical, but a very , rank statement from Berlin admits bat the German forces en the trOn- A lor -of East Prussia hare as* a mod : Btatogetlcal defense movement and bat they abandoned the bombardlent of Ossewts, a fortress In Has- * Ism Poland. 1ESIE0 IN WJU FAR CRI1E James Clark, colored, who a bo at wo weeks ago shot his wife, Delia Hark, with a shotgun at their home n Bel haven, ., and succeeded n making his escape, has been areoted at Wllllameton, West Virginia, .and is now being held there or the authorities at Belhaven, N. C. hlef Nye of that town is here today !or the purpose of consulting the lollcitor with reference to securing -equlsltion papers. i _ ~ I SIGN OP ttECllEPTlTt'DE j When Yon Ceeee to Lore a Ctrnes prominent magnilne writer miys: "The toct that thousands of people thronged Robinson's Famous Shows' tents proves that the love ?C the circus is Inherent In the blood of humanity as long as the red corpuscles erlst. When a man no longer loves the smell o( the sawdust arena he has surely arrived at the lean and slippery age when he fain must crouch before the fire to warm his thin blood. "Though our locks may be gray and onr footsteps slow, the tented city, the gold and tinsel, the odor of the dens, the smiling, bespangled, adorable creatures in filmy pink and cream appeal to us still, and sad. will be the day when we shall cease to be thrilled by this most ancient tmt still modern,, this altogether delightful potpourri of grandeur and nonsentoe, of resdity and sham, the circus." If the germs of youth are not altogether eliminated from your veins, yon can satiate this normal, healthy yearning by visiting the splendid exhibitions given by Rhblnson's fa- I moos Shows In this elty on Monday, October It. Two performances will be gives, at t and S p. m. Doors open one hour earlier, giving ample taae to Inspect our greet educational, soologlcal collection. Ul', MM k W IHH- M. New Theater TOE BEST THERE IS Every Night I

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