l^thlDC* staHed when **011-1* I,>Ston klckod to Klnetoi. the b ball wwcaught by one ol iholr moo ? whd was Immediately downed by J. H Weston. * ' r B Several good play, were made In yi I ^rrs.Tri'rrr::: eeemcd to know where the ball wee n going and he went there. Kin.ton punted and the gall}wee caught by K. Weeton. leaving Waah- a lngton on the offensive t, I K. Weeton ru tried twice for end ] I rone hat the Kln.ton boy* had their , eyee on him and he'Inst couldn't get I . The end'or the first quarter finds " I Washington Ave yards Irom goal , H Second Quarter. Mt The hall srae carried ever after t W the 8rat down hy 1. Weeton. The j hell wee eocceesfully kicked, making ? Washington again kick- tha ball and du U downed by Rteks *1,1 Weston waa there with tba tackling and erary maa that ha caught waa carried backward for aboat two ' jrarda u If a whlrtwlnd bad etruck , him. J Jonaa waa workad hard Ula quartar and his Una plunges gained g greatly for the home bovuMBgL j Thla tlma a forward paaa war c blocked by H, Waaton and Wash , lngton again nana with the hall. After a few downs with little gait tha ball la kicked and Ricks haa hi, J man again, almoat la bla tracks. Winston forward MM. hoi IT . blocked by ?. Waaton. Klaatoa Ula. a lock wbtcb Is cmoght by Jooas who , mikes good gala with tba ball. J . Wanton makes long and ran bat Is V - down before goal Is reached. * L Waaton la glren tha bail Immediate V ly and another long ran la made. 3 Altar aaother and run Is triad, and J Klaatoa btoda a forward paaa coma. , the and or laeood quarter. < Tbla tlma Klbetoh kicks the ball and Waaton gets far op field be tort downed. One of Kloatoa'o men waa knocked out tof* a little while, bat not can. ously hurt. J .--o .. I Jonah again goea through Una gr K they were babies, bat oae of Iht hack, dawned ! That Mr Jim Wyeton carries the I (all orer with three of Kinrton'i I Men hugging htm and pushing berk I tor dear life. The goal waa nor I kicked this time', leaving the ecorct I ilkr?0. ? T * I Washing ton kicks hall and the I man downed In h!? tracks. Thlt I time a Klnston man el eared wash- I Ington's line and' started down the I ~ Sold. A touchdown seemed sure. I hut suddenly some one shot oat from I Washington's line as If from a can- I non; then for an Instant It seemed I raan-to-dian going down Iho Held The Kington men pnt forth every effort, hut toon a pair of erjh* In , blue sad white encircled hie w^laf I and Rabbit Weston had hint. 1 Wsehlrirtouh M?? eebawd Jm' ' pregnable. Forward pess was caught by Warren, whs made good gain far Washington At ?>ff I Jones fte his sngla hurt and Forbe* Is put In h!p place for a ahort time. Then Kinatoa makes a disceaseful fbrvard pass and man clears everything again, r.. Weston Is ' aeen again In aotton and lit leW tlmr than Is takeo In telling It the -man wan plowing the dirt, with Weston entwined around his lain. Cordon makes good tackle end probably aaven a touchdown. Hath , away and all of the hoys were there whan It came to tackling; every? body played with a vtm. Forward pass tried and Jones (again in the gatpe), downe man F. G. Paul & Bro. WMhlnglo^N.C. \\1 I/pi ? T^WJTE^ } *ps in J. Weston's fwTJd"?o?I Is berroty for a day or to, and Kin Id run, by bolh of the Weetou u,s. -.Jim Just played "ten pin." lib KlMtOB when be was running. After many unsuccessful trials r 1. Wsston at tuft gets loess and = ou know tee rest. A touchdown as made; the ?oel was not kicked ti nd tie' snore now stands 1??? b teraante^.n^nowor, . At the beginning of the fourth a 11 the Hubstltates were put In, Jnst 3 be given a show. These were u ack Meeklna, Chat. Proctor, Jas.H ii [cKeel, Ed. PorbeB an* Gene Harris. ti Pftxjbor immediately runt up ti gainst the man who la In pwses- tl Ion of the bail for a brief period h nd consequently he stops. ? E. Weston carries the ball nearly ? 3 the goal before downed and after f, wo of the mighty line plnnges of ? ones and J. Weston another goal b i made. Washington wins by a i con of S5?I. I The Boot Important fcatnrea of I bin game wort the lino plnngea of t i Weston and Jones, running and t sealing of X. Wei ton, and Morgan's 1 Ine work. On the whole we had a t ood game and are ea pec ting great hinge of the team this rear. All we need now la the hearty { upport of all townspeople. We < rant your support and need your s o-operatlon with heart, aoeL and?' c d pocket-hook. * The llne-upe were as follows: i Washington. KdiVitou. I. Wilkinson, Doyd f. Center. . *... . L Hathnwsy, - . Knott Left Ouard. yiMbrggn,'^' ^'fr? Hendon T Right Ouard 3. Carter, Cerrter i'\ .Left Tackle, v ? 1. Tnyloe, Morris Right Tackle. ; Palmer Cordon. Whltaker Left End. S. Ricks, Rhodes Right End. W. Jonas. .Taylor Loft Halt Back. ' S. Weston, Borneo Right Half Back. M 'IT "* ~- , ' |?r^w,?r Fall Back. Warren. Lewis ' Quarter Back. ;, Buba. (Washington) _ Forbes. Prootor, H?rrl?. McKeel Meek Ins Sabs. (Klnston)-- Wooten.Commlnge, Fleming. ifior iimmi PASSES AWRY A telegram wa? recelrod here this morning announcing the death of airt. Mr. Coppedge, father of Mr. C. Of Coppodge, the efficient and,capable bookkeeper (or the firm of Mr Keel-Rlchardaon Hardware Com-I panr, which occurred near the town of Spring Hope. N. C.. laet erenlng. Mr. Coppedge bee been engaged In holding a eerlos of meetings beer dpring Hope, and Thursday tact was stricken by a blood" vessel on the brain bunting, and in toneeoaence tge end terns last night. Immediate ly after hit affliction hit eon horn was notified and he,-a^oompanled b* bis wife, left for Bnnn. N. C., tb? home of the deceased Mr. Capped go wee 0 It todg7*e and yesterday's tames re a criterion. Yesterday the core stood 7 to 1 In fnror of the raves from the "Hub" with Boeder i the box for Philadelphia. Todar he "Iron Man" Plank, tried to do he trick to the "Braves" and. alhough he pitched wonderful bnl1, e lost in the ninth when Boston ont the only run oxer the plate. It ras a great game, and due to the act that the contest was close and xcltlhg today, doobtless there will e a record-breaking crowd not pnlr n Boston Monday when the third ame mo m pum. but too at the lew Theatre-where the contest Is ?tng shown by en electric boerd inder the management of ICr. R. E 'ennington, of New York, who Is landling it lntell!feotly. Shlbe Perk, Philadelphia, Pa , )ct. 10.?-The weather is lair and >no of the largest crowds that ever ritnessed s barbell game In this Ity are in attendance. The Hne-np of Uie teams Is as ollows: Boston: Athletics: Mass, Murphy, ss* : .fflr Whltted. Baker. -"Mbnftdt, Mclnols. Oowdy, Strunk, Marranville. Barry, Heal. Schdag. J.mm. Plink. j RBDCOTION IN NEXT TEAR'S COTTON CROP Atlanta. Ga? Oct. 10.?An aggressive movement to bring about a re duction of next year's cotton acreAge through special legislation of cotton belt legislatures was started in Texas the week beginning Ictober 5 by leading members of the Southern Cotton Association, which has recently been reorganised, and through the present movement intends to repeat Its success of 1903. The campaign was started In Texas Monday when Harvie Jordan, of Atlanta. president of ihe association; former Governor Noel of Mississippi, Walter. Clark of Mississippi; John L. Hebron, of Jackson, Mlsa.. snd John H. Sherrard. of 8h,prrard. Misa., began a tour of the State. They were scheduled to hold mass meetings at McKlnney, Shermsn, Dallas, Fort Worth. Waxahachle Taylor,, Paris, Marshall, Henderson Temple, Waco, Corsleans, and othei i' Delegations from thoai points will later appear before Gov ernor Colquitt and the Texaa logie ture and urge that the substance o resolutions which appear below b< Friday an SPEC Print Butter, Per lb. Fancy Lemons, Per d< Star Hams, Per lb. Monogram Canned C Monogram Ketchup, Monogram Fancy Ta Daily Bread Baking I Naptha Soap Chips, 7 Lighthouse Washing Lighthouse Soap, 7 ( WE SELL EV?RYTHIN( CUA >' * :?? ! J. E. l^m 1 > Br y ____ - ^ , Ufewttled tonight and Saturday. Trobt r . ^ ^ IBATTEHIE i liar J THLE' , * r-'. enacted Into iatr. 11 The Texas campaign will be4ttt?lt- U eated In every otherSod themState. V The aaeoeieUon be lie res that etily through legislation cad the ddreafce be red need. The next State" to be tinted will be South Carolina, the plan being to work east and west through the belt. j The resolutlone upon which legislation will be baaed, were adopted by the convention of the 8onthern Cotton Association at. New Orleans on September 29-10. ' J_g_ LLL CYCLE OAR SHOW. be Boston. Mass.. Oct. 10.?Hie first th circle car show to bo conducted In rj this city wis opened here today and wili continue unUI the 17th o{ the cll month. The exhibition la entirely of dsroted to llgrht dare, cycle cars, be email dellrery vehicles and acces b? brio* ; bi i M OCTOBER 11TH IK HISTORY. ?' 1811?First steam ferry in the world established between Hew York and Hoboken. N. J.' 1841?Treatry with the 8ac and . Fox Indians. 18M?Nn York frienring HSliee opened. 1911?CMD.se rebel* cenlured Wu- 7 cheng end threaten id yen- I kcw. J a.Tim" MIES IIS CO. TICKET; The Republican county conven- tlon met at the courthouse today. J. p C. Meekins, Jr? was named as chair- 8 man and Buel Carrowan, secretary. a The conrentieti made the follow- c Ing nominations for county officers: ? Representative?J. W. Chapin. J Sherlff-^-W. C. Brinsou. 1 Register of Deeds?Alex. Lee. Clerk of Court?Mayhew Paul. Coroner?If. D. Leggett. 1 County Commissioners ? O. L. Sparrow, J. L. Radcllff, O. B. Rawls, 1 J. R. Downes, C. B. Latham. The following Is. tho executive committee: Hugh Paul, chairman; O. L. 8 par row, C. H. Radcllff. 8. T. Broke, 2, C. Meeklns, Jr., M. D. ' Leggett. J. A. Buck, J. W. Chapin. r The,attendance upon the conven3 rentlon was about 100 and the " meeting waa an enthusiastic one. ' The convention decided not to place * any candidate for treasurer before 3 the people/ d Saturday :ials : 35c m : c 21c orn, Per can 10c Per bot. -V 1 0c blc Peaches, Per can 20c 'owders, none better 8c Packages . 25c Powders, 7 for 25c :akes for 25c 5 UNDER A MONEK BACK RANTER. ' ADAMS Washington N C S WIN , ?^ "? 8 ? R- H. ?. sfif - ?_ i ?"' I m i o^i 1 a ? o e o a o u?_J 4 il a riCS- -Plank and Schanj ' =~=: nil : urn The American Banker*' Aaeocia- ( in, a program of which has already * an nnhllaiiAH tn tVin?-?-' -8 Is paper, Will meet In the City of chmond, . Monday, October IS. Those -Who will attend from this ld Ford, N. C., last night and roved to be a very interesting as rell as profitable meeting. There rere shout sixty of the members resent. The president. Mr. C. A. llngletqn, of Bunysn, N. C? presided nd tbe secretary, Mr. D. T. Herring if South Creek, was at hie post of luty. The union was addressed by Ur. Thomas Green and Messrs. D. P, Herring aqd C. A. Singleton. ifil IDE HUTE WILL PREACH REV. M. O. FLETCHER, OF THE WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TOMORROW. Rer. M. O. Fletcher, the neu president of Washington Collegia!* | Institute, will preach a! the Flcsl Presbyterlgn church tomorrow at 11 a. m. Mr. Fletchpr- is a graduate o Chattanoogaf^Unlverslty. and for th( past three years served en Impor teat church in that elty. Ha ta-i scholar, and a preacher of eloquenc and ability. As this la hie tret ap pearance ia a Washington pulpit, h will 'be heard with treat uteres and delight. The dtlsees at th community era cordially larltad t bear Mm. PROM XORTHRRN MARKETS. Mr. K. Joba. of the Orm of Cnlli II A John, returned yesterday fro II Northern markets, where he pa I chased aa elaborate line of ladle || coat aults, ladles', misses' and eh || drea's cloaks. In fact n large line II everything suitable lor both fall a1 || winter wear. It will pay the Dal JlNsws Traders to call and Inspect. W R.SH oHfEiftriA* cmmcft. East 8econd Street. Rev. Robert f. Hop#, pastor. MoYMig ?nd ng worship at 11 a. m. and 1:10 p. n.. with preaching by ths pastor, Subject for the morning dlsconrse rill be: "Th? Feeding of ths Multlude." Topic for the srening sernon will tg: "Turning ttf God." Bible school meets ?t IP o'clock i. m., W. O. Ellis, saperfnteadsnt. Ill Invited. Good music. 8eats free. FIRST MBTOODiST. West Second street. Rsr. E. M In 1 pes, pastor. Regular services tonorrow morning and evening at the isnal hoars 1th preaching by ths testor, to which every one has r or dial invitation. Sunday school, H. ft. Mlxon, superMen dent meets at 9:45 a. mt. Bsracs Jass, W. M. Kear, teacher, meets nt he same hour. Good music. Polite ind attentive ushers. AU welooms. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Bonner street. Rev. Nathaniel larding, rector. Morning prayer rtth Mrmon byt he rector at 11 t'cloefc. Evening prayer with sermon at 8 o'clock. Sunday school. 3. K. Willi#, Jr., superintendent, neets At 4 o'clock. All seats free, attentive ushers. AT! Hxvlted. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Market street. Rev. R.' L. Oay. pastor. Services at the usual hour, 11 a. m. and 7: SO p. m. The pas or's subject for the morning hour *11! M: "Memorial Supper." Evenngt oplc Drill be: "Paying to God His Fart." There win be special music by the orchestra. Sunday Moot*** 8:80 a. m., 8. P. Willis superintendent. All strangers spend ing Sunday int hee lty cordially in sited. Miss Guernsey Bi Give Up 1 All the Important women's club of the city yesterday united in ap pealing to all women, through th New York American, to go to churc! next Sunday and pray for peace. Miss Florence Guernsey, preelder of the New York City Federation c I Women's Clubs, representing 188 < life* K*it.known organizations, mad this statement: "I hope every woman in Ne York, particularly every clubwomai will put aside everything and go I church next Sunday to pray ft peace. Women who have plannc automobile trips and made oth< week-end engagements should gi' them np. sour LEAVES FOR CIRVILL | WILL ORDAIN AND INSTALL RE A. O. HARRIS AS PASTOR OF THK GREENVILLE PRES. f BYTKRIAN CHURCH. [ Rev. H. B. Searight will leave t a evening for Greenville via the bj e folg Southern. He Is a member - the commission appointed at the cent'meeting of Albemarle Prei J tery to organise a church at KU 0 Cross?Roads, in Pitt oounty, an4 ordain and install Mr. A. O. Ha pastor of the OreeuvHle Presbytei church. The'other members of commission are Rev. Dr. Summe of Now Born; Rot. j. e. Ballon r Tarboro. mod Rullnc Eldor O* m Howard, of Tarborb r" Tho organisation it Ktnfa Ci *' Roods will bo oSeetod la tha n " log and tho ordination sorrta. Groonrilla ooodoetod at night. 14 Mr. Boarlfht haa boon appol to mako tho ordination prayer. to ieUeer the ebarja to Hdl II ( T../H 1/ " rr y . ? RowmT" v IT DM ilOV n The Richmond Vlrgiaiaa of mterday, a coord ln( to the bows Iteaa Id today's Raleigh Nsws ud Observer. kM tho following to M7 with reference to tbo acceptance of Rot. T, C. Darst oo bishop ct the XMoeeoe of Beet Carolina, and no Aoabt wlU **" be read With unusual merest by the readers of this paper: "Yesterday's Richmond Virginian says Rev. T. C. Darst, rector ef St. James* Episcopal church, of Richmond, who has been elected Bishop Of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Carolina, will not reader a final decision as to his acceptance of the post for a week or tea days. The Virginian adds: " 'Mr. Darst wae not Lied by telegraph late yesterday of his election. He wired a reply thanking the council for the honor conferred npon him, and advising the body that ha would give serloas and prayerful consideration to the matter before rendering a decision. "'It is known that Mr. Darst'e parishioners at 8t. James, -while pleased by the honor conferred upon him, feel that their cfenreh needs a man of last his ability and personality. and will not willingly give him up. It is said that the claim of oi. James are ie? uj nr. i/aim w uc or such a nature that he may possibly f?ei it Incumbent upon him at tWf sure such prayers will be answered, jf "Let the women take their chllle dren and their husbands with them. If the child is too young to ait w through the church service, let the a, mother teach a prayer for peace as :o the babe kneels at hsr knees Sunday ,r night. I hope also that all the mlnid latere and Sunday school superln- # st tendents will arrange tome prayer ox re peace for the use of the children In the Sunday schools. ordained minister. He expects to return home Monday morning.. * ' COTTON GINNKD. i'he Government Olnners re- 9 |1 port shows that there was P ginned In Beaufort oounty up (J to September IS. 1914. 177 * bales or cotton, as against SOS * * for the same period last year. n' Tor the 8tate. 84,117 bales, ' against 49.961 for 1918. show * Ing an Increase of almost 10 * per cent. * his ANNOUNCEMENT. of ^ Dr. H. W. Carter announces that spectacles and eye glasses are furnl.bad free to ell wbo par hi. race>8'* lar fee of ten dollars for the examll to nation of their eyes. 10-10-8to rrts . .. - . .. . , , ? New Theater Mil. . S irll ASSOCIATED FILMS. IKE BEST THESE IS ,??n Every Night .a ^ YEXH - . jvj COME OUT. i| a?ir Price Sc a 10c.