"Tv A nri* C 1 1 H A I ?-$ K ? ~ > HI? Ail i iN I 1 1 1 j l % v/i " Krbe accident happened between Ji d 1 o'clock, neaj ttat power home I rrom the beat latormation the ac with t Coaet Use box car we. . Inllng lb trout bt the power hone > irar waa soiqc toward Bridge Breet and the engine and car were ftt? ap the atreet. The animal B.i.t - ??S uriTlBC MWUg a engine became jfefchtene^ and Kmedtttely Attempted to tarn QOttfcd lb the street. Blackledgc Al standing op in the drey end the Hteelthg quickly of the horse caose<1 Bkn to lose balance, the ooneeqncnce King that he fell from the dray and I the fall struck hia head against fa. FLUfi CHARMS IS JilK fRBACHED AT E1B8T PRKBY1 TKIUAN CHURCH SUNDAY I XOKNINU, HM TOPIC BE. * |.' INJJ THE HOME. ? ?|| The concrecstlon ol the Plr.t Iresbyterlsn cherch were simply jiekhted and charmed wltU the eloLeot discourse delirared at that Jun h Yesterday morning" 6y hev. St. M. O. Fletcher, the principal ol f) Washington Col lactate Institute, he subject of the speaker waj uavuaw ?1U UUIUIQU ua Rion tamo In a maaterly manner?In a ay to hold atlaoliraly hia haarera om beginning to ond. Thl? la the . - ret time since Mr. Fletcher Matt l? lot luJ#aahlngton that the clMr no have had an opportunity of sarins him on the platform and that lay vara planned (oee without aoyf. Mr. Flatchar la a graduate of a Chattanooca UnlroTeltr and prior I his coming to thlt elty accepted te prlnalpalahlp of the Waehlngton DUaglate Inatltnte. aerrsd an lm vtant ehnrch In Chattanooga. Ho an heard on yentorday with greet * parent EFFECTIVE TOMORROW. The new Qralght rates on nil railoada In North Carolina go to to of oct tomorrow morning, according 0 the Ian of the tSete of North larollnn. Agents of tallronds Will trnlah fall-information aa to then i I atom. BAKER SAYS. . . Invoat one dollar In a doaan of or poatcard plctnrea Sand thim o n doaan of your boat friends. My I ford for It yon w(H gat haoro conolatlon out of It than any dollar on avar apont. Yog; can ha?? me, nd I can help you. Lot'a make the aal. Yon will here the aatlafac. Ion and contolatton of helping tb'.r ' een of ua t alt yonra to pfaaaa and W. H. BAKER, 10-lg-ltp. . ' ^ ^Photographer. KjHUoIfiCllv). J, I r? I s A. C. L. TRACK ? r-r^s.. the itael rail. TM bene started rapidly up the street end as the reins had become'entangled around the legs ot Blackledgo he was dragged aome distance. Finally the relna were freed from hi. limb, and he was lbft Jnst upon the edge of the railroad track sutaclently near for the pilot of the eaglne to push him aside. ; '"iV.Dra. 8. T. and J. L. Nicholson reached the scene drat and took Blackledga to the Fowls Memorial Hospital, bat he was dead before reaching there. 'J ' The Dra. Kleholson state that his skull Was not crashed and that upon thorough esakilnatlon thor found two slight braises on each eida el the head and a bruise on the shouMer. The surmise is that the fall from the dray and atrlhlng the steel rail canted his death. V Dr. J. C. Rodman also examined the dead man. and found only an mbraston on the aide of tha head, Blankledge waa between otty and elety rears of age and well bellked colored citizen. He has been In the employ of the Washington Boggy Company fhd Mr. Jonathan Karens Tor years. REV CLERK ORDERED 11 CITY OFFICE * KEPTomFROMtfA M. TO tf?*0 P. M. Wa 1 Through the efforts of Postmaster Hugh Paul, a new permanent clerk has been ordered Tor ^de Washington postofflce and Mr. Gordon nillard, the senior substitute clerk, will be given the position. I This additional clerk will afford the general deliverly and stamp window to be open continuously from 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., thus giving the patrons of the offlee a better and more satisfactory service. Night service In consequence ol tki. ,^ninn.i -y?<- ? " ? .ui. -.???ViVU?-viorii?will Dial i UI Friday, Oct; ?1?. All mall from thh date can be deposited 'in the office up to midnight will be dispatched or the night trains. All mail recetTe( at night on tho late trains win b( distributed and patrons of the office jf they so desire, can secure theii mall before day. Postmaster Paul has been at worl on this much-needed and essentia improvement for some little time and he Is to be congratulated upoi bis success. am 10 m u I ?i WILL IUVB FOR 1(16 NE1 fct HOME NEXT WEEK AND ' 1'AMlIiV WILL MOVE K1IWT OF YEAR. 1 lb. Howard W. Rowan, former with the Globe Furniture Compan has decided to cast his lot in ahoth< town, much to t^e' regret smashed all to pleoee. Get bus] it- and take this show la when It cotaei u- or the ode best evening's pleaaun to* of the season will have been missed " to polorbd ncorr-E. Iter. Robert, V. Hope, pmstor o tho ChrtMUn church. pro?c>?d t o- tho rolorod pooplo ,t tho C, M F .... .^ *.s F I 2 3 4 5 ; i o l o o c 77 r. 7~o J??L_ I BATTERIES dy - athl: Second Inning. Ii Philadelphia?Walsh op; .imc ne. goes out at first. Birr* up, sttittt ' me, ball one, ball two. Out at first t >n foot fir. Schang, itrika a&e, ball i ne, ball two; strike two, ball three. v loee out on fly to second. tSrer;- n nade a nlcs catch. ' ; No runs; no hits; no errors. a Boston?Schmidt dp; ball dne, c lirtke one; ball two, strike two; ball e three; makes foul fly and Is out. v 3c?l up, strike one, out on pofbhr i O third. Maranrllle np; strftlfii OfS1, Sell, one. two, three, muT". tear. UlMnollU ..Ik. H..4w ... ?yi ?"*? >ne. Maranvllle steals to sfccond. f 3owdy hits to stand tor two hades , ?'nd scores Msranrllle. Tylar op, r strike one, fouls to left; strike two. boll one, ball two; ont from short la first. One run; no hits; no errots* - j Third Inning. - f Philadelphia?Bush ovtt on foul to first; Murphy dies at first. Oldring goes out at first. No runs; no hits; no errors. : , Roc ton?Moran out at first Brers , goes out at first Connolly hits fiy ? but is caught. t No runs: no hits; no errors. - ttouHh Inning. ont. Wt ?ete*l is put out at flrat Maronille hits a long fly to the right foul ine and Schmidt reaches home plate. Jmplre declares Marartville's hit Was I i foul had recalled Schmidt to Sec>nd, and Maranrllie then lilt to ihort. scoring Schmidt; GOWdy ralks and MaranTllle steals second. < Pyler up. Maranrille out at third. One run. two hits; one erro. Fifth Inning. Philadelphia?Schang up; out on !y to.right. Bush goes out at first. iCurphy doubles to left field. Olding strikes olit. No runs; no hits; no errors. Boston?Tyler is declared out at Irst. Moran Is thrown out at first >y shortstop. Evers singles to left leld, but is thrown out it first. No runs; one hit; no error. Sixth Inning. Philadelphia?Collths singles to second. - Baker singles to short stop. forcing Collins to eecond. Baker lies at flrat. Mclnnls goes oat at WUj* No rnni; one hit; no errors. * Boston?Whitted out at flret. Schmidt oat oh A fly to left field. Deal doubles to ieft. Maranvllle out m'1' I PlgfPPPPfPK'.. " at the ~New Theater Oct get at 3 P. M. * 1. F. TAYLOE " HONORED OH NJITAL DAI ENTERTAINED BY MB. AND MRf CHARLES MARTIN IN WASHINGTON CITY LAST FRIDAY EVENING. On last Friday evening In Waal lngton City Mr. and Mr*. Char!) Hubert Martin gave a birthday pan In honor of Mr. Joseph F. Taylo of thin city, who la the efficient ac popular clerk to the Senate flnan committee. The function took pta at the homo of the hosts on Mar land avenue. The correeponde from Washington to the Oreensbo Daily News in mentioning the fu tlon states: "It la not known h< J old Mr. Tayloe Is. but P~ D. Gol an Intimate friend of Mr. Tayfc says Joe was 40 when he was I barefoot boy at Wllion. P. D. Or ( la no chicken himself." (Why do j NE\ ret? fir sn story window MILDRED BAKER CAME NEAR MEETING ErrfH MOUOCl ACCIDENT AT HER HOME SUNDAY AFTEHNOO*, Mildred, the S-year-old daughter of Mr. awd Mrs. w. H. Baker, who reside on Eaet Second street, accidentally fell from the second story window at her home Sunday afternoon and landed la a coal box sl?tlng on the ground. Fortunately sho was not seriously hurt, only receltlag a few bruises on the face and arms. Little Mildred and her brother, Adrian, aged six, were playing In the room on the second floor and the window screen being out, Mrs. Baker asked Adrian to place It back. In doing so he failed to eectre it sufficiently and in consequence little Mildred in pttshlng upon It fell oat of the window With the above result. Thst she was not tflore seriously hurt Is a miracle. HAS RETURNED. Little Myrtle Taylor, the bright and Interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Taylor, ha returned from Baltimore, Md,, where she has undergone the third Operation for Club feet. Her playmates and friends will be pleased to knew that the last operation bids fair to be a suoceee. One the third of July last she had the first operation performed. She returned home, in about It days. Later on she was fitted with brases The last time she eht to Baltimore she was absent six weeks. The news ?{ her Improvement Is gratifying. Filii IE. CHURCH LAST DOT Pastor E. M. Snipes, of the Firs M. E. church, delivered a most pow erful and beautiful sermon at bl church last evening from the text "Te Have Net Vailed." It was on of the very best yet heard from th pastor by his congregation. Mi Snipes is doing a fine work in Wash tngton. and as- a speaker stand among the first in his church. II la busily eDgaged in preparing fo the entertainment of the approach log annual conference which la t convene here on Wednesday, Noverc * ber 18. ALoiilsi organized iii i f je cir j UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ORGAJ EES A COUNTY ASSO'N?JUDGE g. C. BRAG AW, PRES.; CHA8. OOWELL, SECRETARY. Pursuant from a call made 1 *- Judge Stephen C. Bragaw several M the University of North Carolina st lj dents met In the Chamber of Coi merce rooms Saturday night last at *' organised an Alumni Association f Beaufort county. The meeting w M a very enthusiastic and enjoyali oe one. Judge Stephen C. Braggw w j. elected preeident and Mr. Char! Bt Cow ell, secretary. It Is the par* of the association to give a banqi IO during the fleet week la Decemb full details of which will be i >?. nounced later. Id, ^ IT A MAN BAND HERE. a >Id The Boeton Italian Orchestra. ^ the city yesterday afternoon fi __ No. 1*1 razor puts its part or If 0.1. STEVE EBORN AND BLOCKT GORDON HAVE ALTBHCA. XION-BOTn PRINCI- ^ PALS ARRESTED. Sunday morning at the corner of Clark's allay ud Fourth street, there came near being a serious eat' ting affair between two nogroee. Fob the past fire years there seems to hare been menlty existing between Stere Eborn and Blouat Gordon, so on Saturday night they met and had it out with the result that Xbom received a gash on his left cheek , from his eye to his chin and another slight cut on the thigh. Although cut Sunday morning aboat 1 o'clock, he did not consult * physician until Sunday morning between IS and 11 o'clock, and then was brought to Dr. J. L. Nicholson by Policeman K. N. Williams. After the cutting Eborn went to his boarding place in Union alley, where he was arrested Sunday mom!n?r. Gordon ?M arrested yesterday by Chief Roberta at bio borne in Clark's alley. Eicht stitches had to be taken ta the gash on the face of Ebonr Both met at th^lace above stated and ttl s stated that Gordon was lying In wait for his man. Bat for the timely appearance of Bborn'a w'fo on the scene no doubt but what he would have been more seriously kfttL . , u~mA 1NIFBVIFIIIFJ1 IlHunnulluu IIII Mr. O. It. Stiller, of Edward, ML C., was a Washington vlatlor Satar? day and in afl Ititervley with reference to the cottod problem had the following to say: I Captlal says it Is willing te bay cotton and pay a reasonable priee t for it, bat unless the average of 1915 is en assured cut. say oneB third, they will have to carry their . cotton over to 1915, say three or g lour millluil umto, auu uu>ua e average la so cat that the cotton of . 1915 will, undof favorablo crop condltlona, yield not mere than 11 mlli lk>n bales, we cannot disk oar o money on advance price at present. r Now the question arises aa to bow to procure a uniform cut?76 per o cent of the cotton growers have to . i. have commercial aid. So let the bankers and supply men organise and aay that we will aid no farmer who does not promise, under written contract, to cut his cotton acreage one-third. The Intelligence of the other S5 per cent will, under the high prices of food stuffs, cut Itself. So you have a clean cnt of all cotton acreage in the South onethird. Now I heard a banker say It would take two much of hla time it to do It. I am frank to say that tt V will not take three mlnntes to toll I the 75 per cent of cotton farmers I that the only way he can procure financial aid la to sign the reduction g. contract, and it will be done in the j face of the fact that he can't operate his farm without said help. Left build to Whtoglna Fwk. >y , oT AHHOCHCWMBKT. V oDr. H. W. Carter aaAoanoaa that or apectaelea and era glaaaaa nr. fnru nlabed rrsa to all who par hla raca|)t lar too of toa dollara tor tha axamlu nation of tholr oraa. la-la^te " New Theater ,.mr *" ASSOCIATED FILMS. THE BEST THERE IS Every Night m A vrTJ 5 on.. COME OUT. "" [ Price 5c 4? 10c. j' r r > . \