r^" Mr, C. A. Maui of the A. C to ijc!v!or"i??t. fen 1 i ' Ptinted. Meeting Was I tribute broadcast lO.DOO of thou Ouo Of tho moat onthoalssUc meetings of the Chamber ?t-Commerce in Quito a*bile was hold at tho-j chamber last itltht so I In ad / dltlon to the members of tho chaubsr ^several cttirens and business men were present far the purpose of hsarins the addreep at Mr. G. 4. Uaulli representing the industrial HowjSIdepartment of the Coast Use. There wore about fortr In attendance and the meeting #as presided over by tho president of the chamber, Mr. n^r?h UeehJ? Jd* ~ m*. is a speaker of magnet-1 lam and for fti least Ad hour highly entertained and instructed kls hearers as to the great advantages of Eastern Carolina. * Mr. Manll stated that the Atlantic Coast Line baa only recently organised their lndnatriol department and the scheme which they have adopted for the pnrpose of advertising tfc? communities andI aectlo.cs U&gb has attempted work, that 11 Ub? l? dolus, along this llnol I Th. Atlantic Cnit Line 1, UtO ; that & booklet of ? each icctlon : through which tholr eyatem operates be published end thej obligate to 'sya?tarjad SMASHING BLO BE DEALT TO NO! London, Oct. ?.?While It fully ts expected the' Germans will reach Oitend and other porta In the northwest of Belgium, if they have sot done to already. ther will meet a stubborn resistance In their attempt to extend the right wing of theft main arr^r through Pas Do ..CaUls to the French northern ports. ' Ju foot they hero fallen hack In tb's region to the face el the allies" offonslfo. M - .% . j few days ago Oerinau yaralry were llgtttlng as far Whit aa'Xoxebrouct and Cgseol, bat now, according to the French official communication' Issued late today, the front of the battle extends from La' Basses through Eclairs to BalHcul, on the Belgian frontier, while serosa the border tbe nlllee . hare occupied Ypres. This Is a distinct gain for tho allies, and shows that the German attsmpl to work around Uiolr left baa failed, thvOerman right' being'bent back toward Iffie and Couftral, both of which place tin Invaders hold with gtrong "forces. It Is here the heavy blows, which both sides hope mill .bring about a decisive result In tbe long drawn out battle, will be struck. IL 1< Yor tl.' reason that the Germans will>0 R.blc to raako their wny tor Ostend. although even there somo troops havr beeb left to InlUet what damage they can before lolnlug the" larger body further south. v jl akyjlv 1 m. j. i kj I. L. Addressed Citizens As noUsand B&oklets Will Be ^ intlfusiastic. hi. ro?d hu oily recently com-1 pleted an advertising cgf. This car has Just returned troti the North ?od West wheri ft Tinted all. the different tares and showed to those peoplo in that section otthrf country Hc exhibit* of what North Carolina can m( and. is doing in the way of agrteul- M| tU'O, .10. "The exhibit was a rpofit oroditiblo one and was highly sppken of wherever the car wont." ftgld Mir. ftfaull. J. Mr. Manll congratulated the chatn her and cUlxens upon' the line coun- S?! try bene and the groAt opportunities as .were presented for he develop- ^ "fee his been with the Southern Pa cite for ten ybai ? ftnd did work along sithlikr ilhia id which he ** now engaged in the States of 6stl- T1 forhj* Oregon and Washington and ^ for the past year he has been In the m States of Louisiana and Texas. He . comoe to the Cot* U*6 with th??r laddstftal department bearing with him fail knowledge and experience. Such an itriprodsion did Mr. Mauli * - " v ---*g ca ma?o lusi WHOII niB proposition was stated, as- to the publishing of a " 'tttoklet the ehanibor heartily and f willingly responded to his appeal. As Uted above 1*000 of thaee booklets will be distributed showing ?? Keaufort county and Its resources on to thgP? far and near. ?*?* the add***? of Mr. Maull. C? which was onty^t^ebest board r rstes against the WMtWfflSul ^ I Justice bill which weiit Int&.efTcct on fclobet 1*. | Thld matterreferred after discussion to ther freight and traffic C. ^committee who fire today holding a at special meeting for the purpose of gathering data. This comindlUee is I composod of Messrs. C. B\ Blend. W. H. ElUeon and E. R. MIxon. c< W- MAY ; BY ALLIES at -The censorship has prohibited any h, mention of the operations to the ti goufa of Arras, which probably is w responsible for the belief that the g I allies have prepared for what ?ier*l staff takes notice of and de ??. calm. put toHh by th4 | Germans.. jt is dented -that1 two French cavalry divisions have boon destroyed,,an ? It Is asserted on tfc* ;| other hand th^t aviators, with French I cavalry, \lnfllcted heavy losaea on tJny$wman_cayalry?/ It is declared, alr o,' that - t he Gartnans have .not ? come Into touch with the fortress h pf Verdtip. and that aUemptp to do A so have failed, while lb tholr effort a , to cross the Mease at St. Mlhlel, 'm .......: Com, ray that th? rear etruggle la r Jpel beginning, ??4 thet, If neoeti. ( ea-ry;'(.ooo.ooo mep t*pw.called 1 upon for eompulaory eerTlce. wnhe ' many volunteers alio are avallablo. ' nnrfiRR troop* pSmm hack ' thr omtmaih ON th? IJfVr , , >1 Condon, Oct U?The official I ( ! prw> tnifeaa tonight tuned the tot. i "Brltleh troon, bar, been nn mm CAi SATIRE?CURTAIN B18ES AT 8:80. With a .splendidly balanced comay. Billy "Single" Clifford, auprted by that clew prima donna, tien Clarke will be aeen In the Nrrleet musical entire, "Believe i." at the New Theetre thl? evenf* The sudceae.ot this clever play the at season from coast to coast was tie ahort-of?phenomenal. This ison it Will ho seen to uiuch belief vantage, the company being Ittisred by the addition or Miss Helen ark, ahd a very clever little AlagC and dancflig soubrelte, MlSs htelllns, who Was a feature the pAftl i?on In "The fink t.itel "6" as Bill* Clifford's brand i A i . , -A comeay ana aancing is aeiigntlly pleasing. The addition of a ladlos' orchestra Mr. CllSord's exceptionally clever mpany. makes this season's piece e of tha best he has eved had. The Ladies' Band will play a n?rt 6h the streets at 3 p. m. In >ht of the Lea lee oHtel. Tbo curtain wlil rtB* promptly, ht im.II^TITI^U * Worthy fe titlENT 6P MRS. MOOHE. Mrs. Ada Hymen, of Stdkes, N. , Is the guest of^Mrs. E. B. Moore her homo on Second street. GETS A NEW TRIAL. Tho North Carolina Supreme >ttrt hss granted a he* trial to S. . Pollard, who was cohvlcted of anslaughter in Pitt oOanty for the io6tlng jsf this chief of police of u-mvllle, N. C. ir?' ' 1 ,iV DIRECT LINE TO GREECE. New York, ObU 15.?The Intcritional MercahtHe Marine Comt?y will today Inaugurate a direct issenger service, between this city id ports In Greece. The Kroon no, wmca b?ub loaay, unci inn Inland, both of which will bo opered In this service, _fly the American ig. This is the direct service beireeh New York ind Greece by Testis flying the emblem of the United lates. -v HERE LABt yiGHT. h Rev. Dr. R. B. Drane, of th* piacopal church, Edenton, N. C., as the guest of Mr. and Mry R. R. /estonat their home on East Main treet last evening/ irir rams 1EEII John Clbbs, of Bath, N. C., wa; iven Uls liberty under a writ o abeas corpus proceedings, conducts. >Y Judgo W. M Bond Monday las t the courthouse. Glbbs was tried ho^ about tw< ears ago for the murder of hli ihild at Rath. N. C He was de lared Insane and eent to the tnaam leparlment of the State Prison. H irs recently been examined by raedJ al experts, and declared aane. li rder for hUn to secure his libert: vas through a writ habeas corpiu Jibbd was brought here from fh laylmn Monday last by Deput Sheriff Richard Adam* and his free lorn followed. Glbbs was represent d by Messrs Ward & Grimes. .y" %' i . *' / > ' i. Washington, ft C.i OH. In < slow of tho curtailment of ?rtrtde made noe'eirfrr br the current depresalon of bualneaa lli? t*? con , quent reduction of the opportunity of mahy hundreds of employes to earn tho wages to which they have been aocustom6& President Patr&x la Harrtaon, of the Souths** ItAilway at Company, has deemed that It Is oi*y dt fair that the officer# of the company fr should also share the sacrifice. 1 cc He has accordingly reduced lift ca own aalafry twenty per cent, and haq se asked fill the other officers receiving cc sAlarlee |n exo?M of twenty-Use bun- Pi drad dollars per annum to accept a temporary reductions OH a descend* Gi ing scale, proportioned to the g amount of thpir salaries, so as to die- of tribute the personal Sacrifice equtt abljj Under the plan adopted the fr pay of those reoslriflflf salaries of as much As twenty-sayen hundred m dollars will be reduced two per cent \ The Officers affected hAYe all accepted the sitSatlon tfith loyal apprecia V Uon of thb necessity of a spirit or mntual sacrifice. Wills the actual earing to the company on ihfs account Is relatively small, the principle of common interest of all those who draw their Livelihood from Southern Railway Company hu been controlling rrtotlVA r Following this action, the board of directors has reduced the dividend of the preferred stockholders, many n, of whom are women dependent upon q, this income, from live to foar and in one-half pet cent, although it wrap ht ; terests in the property may perttci- t0 pate in the retrenchment. u, unsm 1 LAST NIGHT ; AFTER R1E; 8 MISSES POWfjR GAVE LUfrCHBOX AT TfTElR. HOME OX WEST u HAIN STREET?MANY y WERE PRESENT. A me Misses Fowie cnarmmgiy en- o tertatned at a lato luncheon last t: evening after the German given by & tho Ijalcyon Club at Ihelr hospitable t: home on West Wain street. The g hostess proved thenlselves graclousness lUcK and all present spent a de- * llghtful occasion. Those present I wero: Miss Mary Carter with M- I Madcap, Miss SalUe Carrew with loo I Mayo; Miss Mary Fnwle with Charles Gowell. Miss Isabelle Parker (Plnotowp) with Herman Carrow, Mtsi Isabelle Carter with J. D. Callals, Miss Mary'iiwell with Hugh Williams, Miss Catherine Small with William Knight, Mlas May Bell Small with W. B. Rodman, Jr.. MT&s Caddlfli Fowle with Charles Meore, Mlas Mary Clyde Hassell with .James Hackney, Mlas Janet Wetmore with ( L^tsr Savage. . 1 UXITED STATES COMMMISSlOXEIt j Mr. A,. C. Latham, of Bel 1 . haven, haa been appointed by 1 Jhdgo H. O. Conner, of the t United States District Court. 1 .ijnlted states commissioner for the ^ Eastern District of North Carolina. y' The appointment was made last ! we?k i ??? c ONE FIRST-*"LA86 IS-H. P. ENgine for sale oheap. Appljrto F. { . O. Paul A Bro. ld-U-lwc. \ DON'T M ril H I p WITH US W I J XI UJ. '** *" '* vi. I ?' CTO0EK IS, MM . Ip 11 oosmii. i ! ' " ,' Hiv OLONKL ALSTON (illLMKH, OF UKIIiBULAXD. N. C? UKDKK TUB sL'KUKON'B KNIFE. REPOHTU TOOA* ARE KNOOL BASING. 4 Colonel Aletofi Srlntes, of Orlmeo- ? nd. N. C.. underwent 0? Fpemtlon the Washington Hospital yeftery for gallstones, and _ the news oni Me bedside today is very en- J uragln#. tit stood (be ordeal exUently and if Admethleg an for*-' * sn does hot 6ce?r he mil aeon be * Dvalesceht. Mt. Grlhfe* Is nts per pound for cotton. The report of Mrs. Marshall Wilams, president, showed three new tiapters formed this year and 400 61 ew members. a There are 4,105 members and 417 D pplicattohB pending, according to a aport of Mr*. Felt* Harvey, of Kin- a ten, the registrar. 0 Mra. Etherldge, of Selma, treasnr- c rer, reported funds for the f ear. 1 A glowing tribute was paid Co'.. t ishley Horno, donor of the monu- 1 lent to North Carolina women or 1 he Confederacy, ahd hi. daughter, 1 Irs. McCullers, of Clayton, was In- 1 roduced to the conrentlon amtd rest enthusiast. MT EFFECT ON TOMORROW Beginning tonight mans will be Alspatched from the. Washington ^ostofflce on the midnight trains on the Norfolk Southern Railway. ParLies depositing mall in the office as late as 1:56 o'clock a. m. will be In time for these late trains. The additional clerk just ordered by the goTernment placed in the offloe will aftsumo his duties tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. He will hare charge of the general dellrery window, which from now on will be open continnously from I a. n. to 6:80'p. m. dally. The new clerk will be Mr. A. G. Dillard. The new ruling will be quite an additional adrantage to the patrons of the local poatofflce. ^ AKE HEFT K TO /E ME" D E PHONE 407 m _ 1ALCY0N CLl!l FIRST DANCI ELKS HA erman Wat Lad by Will Leader. About Tforty < Enjoyable Function. Nex The Halcyon Club gave Its first Me of the iMion at the Elko* >8te Uat evening and between *nt?jlee find thirty couples tipped light antastlo stftUi&e wee sma* rs to the Inspiring strains of the eetett of music rendered by the rbes Orchestra. The German was tcefully led by Mr. William Jght, the elnb's assistant leader, i partner beta* Miss Catherine all. The club never gave a more loyable dance. Msmftment and insure reigned supreme all during !? evefclfrg add regret# were heard aat mf aides .when Home,-Sweet m?, gfive hotloe that good night ist be said. The next danc?r try the tlub will given oft the evening of Moverar ii. Those pfrttei paling last eveelag r?: V . . Sits# Catherine 8maU With William light, Mtae Mary Belle Sniff! with 111am Rodman, Jr.; Miss Isabellc rter with J. D. Callals, Mis# Mary rter with Mr. Mldcap, Miss Mary rde tifsself with James Hackney. M Mary CoWdlf with Hngh Wll ms, Mise Mary Fowls with Charier Wdll, Mlu Caddie Fowls with vies h(6nal address by some good speak 8. t The new school building in that eollty is * creditable one and it to be hoped that a large number 111 be present and help in celo atlng the event. rWENTY BABIES EXTERED DAILY. i " rUber Babia' Contact a Big Feature of State F?b?Final Arrangements Being Made. Every convenience, oomfort and ?ceaslty^ls being provided for the other* and their bablee at the Botr Babies' Contest at the State Fair at week. One whole room will be Iven over to the dressing and unresslng ot the little ones. An electa stove has been Installed for the arpose of sterilising instruments ad providing hot water as well as sat. Chairs and cots for the mothrs and babies have also been ortnged for. _ Physicians, dentists, eye, ear. oee, and throat specialists, child peclallsts and trained nurses have 11 been secured. A full program is spldly being prepared. Those In barge of the contest last year will tve the benefit of their evpeerience his year and the work 111 be thorughly systematized and rnn on shednle time. Waits will be mode or no one. The process of measur ng, examining and seoring will re lulre twenty or thirty minutes foi taeh child. The examination wil ie made in private and babies wil lot be on exhibition at any time rhere will be no embarrassment foi parent or child. All defects and hoi ;o remedy them will be pointed ou to the mother by the physician. N rees whatever will be charged. STARTS TOMORROW. The cotton goods sale at the stor of James 8. Clark starts tomorro 'mz LJ n i ?? * GAVE i OF SEASON LL LAST NIGHT :?,, 'V . ? iam Knight. An Anietimt Couplet Participated. An t Dance November 24. Kiar, Mlaa Men Hlil with O. B. Parker. Mlsa Elsie Marsh, with W. E. 9. Patrick. Mica Janet Wet mora with Lector Savage, Mica Mci ? B urbank with T, J. Bogr. Mica Maud Windier with J. E. Cla-k. Jr., Mica Augusta Char lee with Jaams Weston. Miss Elizabeth Simmons with ward Ayers. Mica Elizabeth Hill with S. F. Hurbank, Jr., Mica Bailie Carrow with Joe Mayo, Mice Elizabeth Carrow with C. M. Fleming, M'ss Elizabeth Tayloe with Bamuel Grist. Mica Annie Qrlst with Albert Willis. Miss Mildred Ramley with Fred Moore, Miss Isabel Parker (Pinetown) with Herman Carrow, Mica ^ Emily Harris with Lindsey Warren. Stags?D. V. Carter. Jr.. H. H. Moore, F. 8. Worthy. W. O. Leash, Jr.. Elbert Weston, David Fowls. I. M. Williams, 8. R. Clary, Charles Smallwood, W. B. Shelbnrne, J. H. Bonner. Chaperones?Mrs. W. A. BfoeeC. Mrs. D. T. Tayloe, Mrs. J. L. Richotfton. Utm. S. T. Nicholson. Mr, B. , Simmons, Bra. W. w. Hcllhonnr. Mm. H. H. Carr.w, Mm. H. R. Bright. Km. I. F. Randolph. t? xiiiain ron umriima 11nocowlnity), Mrs. A. L. Bowers, Mrs. T. H. Clark, Mrs. J. A. Tucker. Mrs. n. M. Carter, Mr. and Mrs Georgo Hackney, Mrs J. W. Charles. 8IG BREAK IF in OH II! f , , One of'the largest tobacco breaks of the present season is on today at the Washington and Beanfort warehouseB. About eighty thousand pounds is on the floors and the srerage price ranges arosad fourteen t i cents. , **ur "3 RAILROADS HOPS FOR HIGHER RATI nwuiugwu, un, 1*.?BUT* lng on the petition of Uie reUiea^ companies for permission to Inrrrsse their freight rates in the dlatrletn north of the Ohio and west of the Mississippi rivers trill begin today before the Interstate Commerce Commission. The railroads believe they can present a convincing case to the commission, while the effort to advance rates on commodities will be bltterfr- fought by the manufacturers. ??????? ( DIES SUDDENLY. ' 1 A long-distance 'phone message was received th& afternoon by Mrs. R. B. Weston, of this city, from Fairfield, N. C., announcing the death there this morning of Dr. P. H. Simmons, one of Hyde ooanty'e most prominent dtlsens. TO VISIT BROTHER. * Mrs. Laura Brown, of Hyde eounty, who has been visiting her son. Mr. Harry Brown, at the corner of Bonner and Water streets, has gone to Detroit, Michigan, where she expects to spend the winter with her brother, Rev. Herbert Barber. Let's build hs Washington PMfc. ANNOUNCEMENT. r Dr. H. W. Carter aanosnoss that j spectacles and eye glasses are fur, nished free to all who pay his regular fee of ten dollars for the snnir nation of their eyes. lt-lt-Ste ; New Theater .1 TONIGHT. CURTAIN RISES AT M 8,30 SHARP.