WL Two thousand Francb Culraaslnrs hava distinguish^ themselves by a i Th? WcompleL"? o'ttm1!, "h/o.rmans who were awaiting them on ltd "I" " m'M?" "" The French horseman made a loaf dctotr durlnf tba nlfbl. Ooa man nram tba rl?rr with a rope; then draffad orer a cable which he attached to a tree. The others, boldlnc the rope, croaaed singly with M their horse, throat,h tho ewlrlln* I'' * * *? , Arrived at the opposite hank, ths French draw ap la line and charged the Oerman dank at Merrills, drlrlng tho enemy back and openinf the way tor the passage orer the rlrer of a dlrlsloa of allied Infantry, which Uter ocrupled Estalres. ... The present war differs from all I: prsrtoos wara, Inasmuch as no one know. Juet when a batUa begins snd fwh?n It ends. What Is now known as the BaOlo or ths Four Rtvors?I Iks Scarps, the Summe, the Otse and I the Atsoa? ha ressrded as ehdel I mod s fresh stage of the operations begun with the tali of Antwerp and the renewed appearance or a strong allied army In Belgian territory, where It has made Its presence felt by the captors of Tpres. I Meanwhile the stage of the dor- I man positions further south has be- I noma merely desultory. Some parts I of the line, where a perfect hall ofl shells was a dally occurrence five weeks ago, now are eallrenad by ar-1 Hilary Ire only at rare Intervale. Mt I one Important point oaoly >0 ahjjjH were trad throughout the 14 hours. The Infantry en both sides lsr kept constantly on the alert, although the allies bars found lt_K*taie tf reduce the atrenuh of the troops fLtn-l The remainder of ths etrorg silled HK|T these virion. polou are , Igpspt la reserve within nieseurelile t v Balance, ready for any euisrceacy. Ths sold and wet hare made trench work eery trying, but the allies are well presided with blankets and waterproof eh sets. The soldiers also are combatting ths cold by means of . sheets of parchment which they wear I under their anlforme and which help I to Veen Skw } jB ?8?g#foo advanced Oimu trencheo upor to hin lMii abandoned and tin alllaa vara abla tc meke much headway today when previously they bod mat ?tth tgft out resistance. The <daa prevail) that tbo Germans are preparing U retire at tbo center and coneentratt their energies lartbor north whsr. It la supposed they Intend to mak I another attempt to break the aniee llac. . It appeara evident that the com mandars of both armies have beet awaiting reinforcements whore thai are moat nooded. and. In the mean time are fasting each other on< There la reason to belle that then freah forcee hare arrived and bar been assigned to their places eo the a rapid development mar be aspect ed. The nawlr arrived Oerma ' troops are thought to hava oome d! rectly from Germany and are com posed iff second and third retervet who need a parted of suiting to gethor before going to ?ho front. The allied commanders aspect th Qermana to deliver another power tc blow looking to the achievement ? their one great objective?Paris. Bu this is a walled with conlblonro i the power of the allied armlte t respond with a vigorous rountt blow. ' THH AliUM CliAtlg GAINS AT UBVKRAI, POINTS AI/WO FHON Parte. Oat 1?'The offleial cdn munlration Hanoi by the Prone "Washington, N. C. ./Sl of nearly two kilometers (abont a mile and a quarter). ? "On the heights of the Meuee end * la the Woevre region we hare made ? gains to the south of 8t. Mlblet and ? near MarsheiUe. . "FT <t ? 4 SITUATION IN K+fTT PRUSSIA 0 UNCHANGED, RUSSIANS SAY It Petrograd. Oct. U.?The Russian X general stag issued the following * "There is no change to report on It the east Prussian and central Vistula frosts. >? W "South of Prxemysl a Russian cot R umn engaged and defeated the Aus- p trlans, taking seven officers and 500 w soldiers prisoners and capturing tl many rapid lire guns." . ' i "> MWh'if i J! FRENCH HEOCCUPY TERRITORY it ???? London. Oct. IJ5?The Rome correspondent of t|*, JE?oh*Tigo Tele^l graph Comp*n|^&flBflr a message from Basel MH*h<P|f the French O have re-occ<Jto4.?p0teh and MuM- w were compelleduse 160 motor cars totheir wounded. | r^Wrkfortkd STMK. ' London. Oct. 1?.?The admiralty j NflHflpa that the British cruiser 1 MflnJgpTth has sunk the German ilttiitfurg-American line steamer 1 JiarKom&nn 1 a, in the vicinity of Bu!|tadtra and has captured and is tak* IjAg Into a 6arbor tha Qraelt steamer Poatporta. , ? |< [. itrk Dwnon ivn- a TRIAN PRKADN Al'OHT e JUondon Oct. 1??Tiro on the gor- c ernment araenol at Trieste, the prin- h clpal seaport of) Austrla>Hungar/, 5 on the AdrUtle sea. virtually has o destroyed an Austrian draaSn^nvhUJO : under construction there, according T to a, Central News dispatch from d iter : nines. Hon. T. W. Bickett. Attorn ey-Oen I oral far tba Stmt* of North Carolina, I " and one of the stata'a moat sifted I 1 and convincing epeakcre, la to ad- I ' dreea the dlliene of Belhaven, N. C., I " on Taeadar altht next. October 10. - Mr. Blokett always delights and I pleaaea hU audtenoee. He le to apeak upon the pbHtlcal lea una of tba day 1 and no doubt trill be beard by a r larse number. ,.. . , I " REMEMBER THAT 18BLL BVKIt Vthins under a money back goaran toe. J. E. Adamn. 10-ld-lte LOVE'S TIUBLTK. , At Ralelsh. oa Monday, the 11th. (j In the aett glow of. the twilight, the lt eoul of Mlta Mary Benton Prime n paaaed Into the plorlooe radiance ol p Ute Greet Beyond, leaving a halo ,r around the memory of her flr.nde ol a Ufa rich la the fullnoes of Chrlatian faith and aodly fear. Thle faith emitalnlnfibad giving her reelgnatlon T to nay, "Thy will be dona.* In Ute laet two yeare of her illnoas. The nttmerone and beantlfol ? moral deelrne were a tribute to tba _ loyalty of the tlalM which ehe poeeeseed The funeral l wee conducted hy the Rer. Nathenlel * Hardlns, assisted bf tbo Rer. C. D Malone. trem St. Pel-re . church I . where she was * faithful worshipper rg and while the choir s*n? the beautl*" Oakdale cemetery. ] The pallbearers were: J. P. Ran-1 tiim fin. I Hi BOOK CLUB hi ADD1SOO BOOK CLCB WAS TH CHARMINGLY ENTERTAINED 1 VEHTKIUMY AFTERNOON?PA- t rERS OK INTEREST. ) The Ad disco Club bold 1U ragelar r meting yesterday afternoon, with me, Era. D. P. Tayloe. In spite of the iocl envy downpour, quite a number m#, f the members were prosent. The todi iub was called to order shortly after her o'qiock by the preeldent. Mrs. B. pat, Mo* th(1 In rwponae to roll-call. short tr*l niR of outwent news wore read. loot Bo fin* paper, "Myth* Bad La- ed sods of Our Own Country," by Mrs. pat r. B. Morton, wu charming, with tbri i wind storlon of witchcraft, fnlrlcs j0h id Indian legende. Following thle boo no a ane paper, br Mri. J>. H. h!> olllna, on "Patrtotlo Education and oth reaorratlCm ot Historic Spot.," J hlch was thoroughly enjoyed by tor io fortunate listeners. Smi A delightful salad courao waa than :rved. and the clab adjourned, foal- Edl ig more than repaid tor hating I raved the elements. you '-? ; ?1 'X{- fr.- fie CONDITION ENCOURAGING. Dep pio: The condition of Colonel Alston city rimes, of Orlmeelend, N. C-, who add as operated upon at the Washing- "thi >a Hospital Thursday, Is favorable. Hu< ..... rain I. S. Mil 1 Dsn 5 miniii 0?1 The neat term of the United dW tales District Court for the Ea=.t- ear rn District of North Caroline will onvene la the Uilltiif States-fcourt- ^ ouse here oa Tuesday next, October 0. His Honor Judge H. O. Conner, f Wilson, N. C? will preside, end 111 district Attorney F. D. Winston, of Windsor, N. C., will prosecute tho |1 ocket for the government. There if " V ' . rRANKIE CALLAHAN AND BENNY LEONARD BOUT. Brooklyn, N. Y? Oct. 16.?Franklc Callahan, the Brooklyn lightweight vho recently gave Tommy Murphy l terrific fight for ten rounds,, has >een matched to meet Deny Leonard sere this evening. ?. U. D. C. Elect I Officers For ? ?. -r _ Next Year m The BUte United Daughters of {he pc Confederacy elected the following b( officers for the ensuing year at their lt: meeting in Raleigh yesterday; The officers for the new year sleeted yesterday afternoon are: President?Mrs. Eugene Little, of Z Wadesboro. First Vice-President, Miss Daisy Denson .of Raleigh. Second Vice-President, Mrs. F. L. Hug fins, of Wilmington. V Third Vice-President, Mrs. LatU Johnston, of Charlotte. ? J 5 Recording SecreUry, Mrs. Thad. W. Thrash, of Wadesboro. Corresponding Secretary, Mies Winnefred Falson, of Falcon. Treasurer, Miss Margaret Etheredge, of Betma. ; ? ' Registrar, Mrs. Felix Harvey, of Kln.Von. Record.r of CrMM., Mr". H. B. 5r? Historian. Mint Carrie II Director of Children's Chapters, i Mrs. Gordon Finger, of Charlotte. il James, of Wilmington. *1 lull ivliUIIli ROUGH HIS iFKJftTS ABM- 1 'IO.V.VL CLKRKJN P. O. PLACED LHD THD DlQPdHCHlM. OK dAIL8 0? UH ttAlltS. ' I ;.t n St Tins credit tor Iho eetabllth?t of as addltHMKM* la the >1 pot tome* ofHHflr and too itlonlas th* fa^^^Vbeglnntns a; all mall offlce e up to 1:86 a.flAtolHd ba diechad, both NohHBHsuUi trla Norfolk 6oaj6*^Bajldaliht Ina. Ihadrertaat^^^Kper nerS , ad to atate thacV^B^rii.ho-ilaad eeeaatlal coMHt to the rona ol the mainly Jttgh the eiforta otcdaireeaman a H. small, tor. Small hat ever a willing and w^Bto help constituency and HS|but ail er instance of klsHHl; he Daily Neva clJ^HL* a letJaat received froidMHiranma.i >11 which ezplalna iNH ^ Washington, Q. O.. ?K<i|ni4. tor Dally Neva: iEj** ' ? have Juit read wieBisjiet la r issue of the 11th a**, the item 1 irdlng the 111 iMfjl jllll ii 1 artmoht In authorMJltht| earment of * night Aerk to our postafflce. Ton stlB?*thtti this Ition to the eerrlce rough the efforts offcj^tmaator ;h Paul " While l>9HBto lmlse the eld If Mr. I In eeonring tM^Spbdii ^er . I would rly that I hnd^^HHjflHart _ work which'employ it of thle clerk "hi* eddltion*! oiaBSj&bld be a at convenience tqHfl^BpsInesr lie. They should MlwUi to dolt mall In the at a it hour for dispatch tfc thfenorth 1 soothbonnd ntght'umttfcf the I rr^-xHK d trtboted in the bM^^HCiiuch Her houithg^Ktftfl8jj|H iiP i mil in Minnim n mmrn Two more of Wahk^ugtaws bright id popular young won hfvo been inorod by their Jfct It has en learned here thai Mr. Thomas >arrow, a son of Mr. John B. rtirrow, cashier of tna' Jcvings and r?st Company, and Me. John Lewis syne, a eon of t^e late Rev. C. M. iyne, D. C., have sea named for arahals at the aacr rawmencement r Davidson Collagt wiare they are >w students. 'Xht y will fill their witlons with dfA : St Washington >ys always do wb<n the opportunT pwwnu itMM. if Mb Ml to xf2bi?to= Itok I ? Friday an vmspec Print Butter, Per lb. Fancy Lemons, Per dc Star Hams, Per lb. Canned C< W. Chips, 7 I ? , : ?"? T #m A -M- M m Cooler. ~ "-i* "isis it" ' HIS IIS i-Spiti 9MB or THK BUT ATTRAC TIONH OP THK SBASON LAS' NIGHT, WAS CUBAN AND RE PINED. C? "T-' i . > "Believe Me," ss presented b Billy "Sinile" Clifford, the Cllffor Minstrel Melds end the Lourern Ledles' Bend end Orchestre et th New Theatre lest evenlnff, wes In deed n mnsleel sstlrs in-two Ion Isskhs, If the Dell/ Hewn U tire: permission to eoln the eipresslor The sonffS Were fresh, brlfkt en, breesy, (nil of jest the sort o melody thst e thusieSl loving pot lid defhsnds. Of cOfffM IhSse prel ent, hot ioeers of mnsld could ho eppreetete the efforts of the com psny, but teken nil In ell?thoe who know whet musie is end thos who do not. no ettreetion of th lesson et the New Theetre receive more heerty epplsuse. so much s thst Mr. Clifford eppeered before th Iootll(hte end expressed hie hlffh ef preclstlon. The eentrel figure o the sttrectlan Is e rolltStiaf yonn Engllsmen. Netnrell/ he sets him self In ell msnner of sernpoe eh his actions furnished much smusi ment to the eedlence. Mr. Cllffor sieved the rale of thle ... ..... man, affording much fun and in a4 dltlon delighted hia audience wit catchy songs. The Weston 8isters were amon the main features of the perfortx ance. Miss Mae Collins and M Clifford, with their lore waits, wi alone worth, the price of admlssloi They had to repeat their stunt se< eral times. Miss Helen Clark charmed i with her beautiful solos. Tt "Musical" Walker, the cork ma servant of the conservatory, wi there with the goods and throui him the audience enjoyed mai hearty langhs. His hits were up-tj .data and catchy. Thete waere mat ludricous situations and, too, laug ii " . , ..-f attraction was cleadT HbUni te offend and the consensus of opl km is, and this paper heartily m onds It, that no better show b been on the boards this season. The stags settings were attracts the music superb, the acting go and the jokes and hits langhable. Mr. Clifford and his excellent co pany can rest assured they wfll celve a good house in Washlngl upon any return date. (innd SJinii) New Theater On Tonigl The movie* at the New Thei this evening promise to be flrst-cl in every respect The managem is now doing all within their pot to please their patrons and all v attend this evening will be an 1 repaid. There will be three n of interesting and entertaining tares. DON'T FORGET THAT 1 HAVI new large end up-to-date stocl General Merchandise, at loi prices. J. E. Adams. 10-lf i Saturday UALS 35c >z : 15c 21c Mil, Per can 10c ferbot. : 10c t>le Peaches, Per can 2Oc owders, none better fie Packages 25c Powders. 7 for 25c ikes for 25c ^J^DKR A MONEY BAG! = t ' -I UNIVERSITY EN! JUMPS FROM ? WITHIN FOU I -""Wjj!tf "?v ? j (Br 8. R. ?MM?) N,. tl Chip* HH1. OK. 1?.?The ray Id ^ u growth of th* Plate University with- w r In recent years liMM? teUrsst in in ). tho item recounting the development ol since 1900. The enrollment ku st Jumped from Sit to SIS within the >' 1 pml?< i fourteen jeers The Sum- ' 1 mer SeheWi I* the m length of , e time hen eipeWgtd te cumber, from J? . 1(1 te t?S. Tt? Moettr of Ue Unlrereltr In H00 ntfartered ft; " the preeeat teaching force la If, The " a buildlngi on the cnmpua at the M- ? ( ginning of the decade were ten In f* j number, the number now la 14. The ( courses offered ehow n correspond ^ log Increase in number?from 111 * h to 144. The value of bolldlnge and ** . equipment Indicate a growth from ' $860,000 to fl.0t4.f60. The 110th 0 birthday, cele&fdted last Monday. e wee only a panne In tfc# life Of the in- 01 e stltutlon. The board 6f trustees, in gl d outlining n policy, emphasised the p* Q Importance ef "stop boasting about Wl e peat hlstdrt of the University" and pl K "arouse ourselves te e realisation B< f of the fine work now bdiflf done, the Jln splendid Tfeion^i animating those th who are making oar University whtl 01 J it id. Add the unlimited possibilities d( h which would flow from a realisation fu of these visions (6f the education tt g soon and culture 6( tftdte." The ?t t. realization of this constrictive policy Tl h should be accomplished thrCMgh le> these ugendee, all re with actio*!, iCr t# g the propagation of the year's pro- 61 !? gram: The North Carolina Club, the r continued expansion of the Ndrth v< LB Carolina Debating Union, the en- th 3 largement of the scope of the corre- gl r* spondenco courses, the service df ri legislative and mnntclpal reference In 11 under expert authorities,, and tho fa le University library loans of books n and reference matefUl. bi u The University Dramatic Cikb haa U {h chosen a drama from Berndrtf Sht* 0 xy as the ptaj which they will stage this b season. "Arm* and the Man," la the tl ,y title subject, and the story Is laid In fl hwrri i: euro is 1 wm Clowning la an art The best clowns are born commedlans, and with careful training they make the audience howl with delight. The .j, fun-making department of Robln^ eon's Famous Shows has received especial attention from the astute tre management, and under the dlrectlon of that greatest of fanny fools, ent Billy Llghtfoot, assisted by more rer than twenty others, rip-roaring h0 hilarity holds high revel at every 'Piy performance. And It Is all pure ,6lB fun (nothing risque, the kind of fun pIc" that appeals to all, ladles, children. grownrnpe. high-brows and ordinary cltlsens; all will roar together at the B A droll anitoa, Ingenious hits and coml[ ?* ^lltlet rest. Jtc Like every other department of the Robinson's Famous Shows, only ~ the very beet has been provided. In keeping with the exclusively high standard of this superb exhibition. Two performances will be given at Washington, Monday, October 19. Use *90.000 Arabian SflHoe "White Cloud," the 991.990 Arabian stallion, with Robinson's Famous Shows, Is one of the world's real marvels. Be poesesass near human intelligence, counts socuratsly up to sixteen, picks any one of six oolors, winds and sets a dock at any minute told to, writes his name, plays football, and finishes his not by retiring In an ordinary bed, donning his night robee. turning oat the light, turns beck the covert, lnyi down, pulls the cover over him ynwns and snores. AM this he doei with an attendant near him. He Is the most beautiful animal evei bred. See blm do It at two perform anees of Robtaooa's Famous Show c 1. thl. ettr. i MOf?T BEAUTIFUL ANT> I.ARGKH1 Ha, of Kmn 1. tb* dtr will b r 'sB I ????????? tOLLMENT % 512 TO 886 1 RTEEN YEARS e Balkan*. The scenes art hinged ouad the activities of two of the ate* in warfare. The adventures hleh two rival offloen eaeoanUr '' SvM their coertshlp to via the hand a pretty cirl furnished the main tloa. 8hawNs wit and settee pet a eaty of (taper ad nap In the aead of the play, ii customary, the ramatlo Cleh anticipates two tripe the State for the presentation of e play?In the weet.ru and eaetn eectioaa of the StaU. The weefcn trip Is proposed for the month December, and the towns that win obabJy be included are: Qreena rd, Winston-Salem, Salisbury, larlottd, Spartanburg:, and Ashelle. The Bastern trip comes In bruary, Raleigh, Greensboro and !w Bern are the points favored by e club for Ylsltatlon. The completion of the University ter plant establishes a further safeisrd against the contraction of tytold fever by the students. The fctor heretofore need by the college aut baa not been considered another a? pure as the filter plant will sure. The filter plant has been In e course of the construction for or a year, and Its completion rears ft of far greater convenience for rnlshlng the stndeut*s reom with uypijr OI wuir. low, lew piini icna the way and extends the tntatlon for the establishment of an e plant and a laundry?tv? induslos the unaltered water made wellgh Impossible. The Debating Council of the Unlsrslty la In commcralcatlon with id' universities of Vanderbflt. Oeora, and Maryland, prospecting aringements for the securing of an (cr-ecileglate debate during 'the ill terfll Carolina's feet ball team haa the runt of the sedaoWs schedule before ?-University of Georgia la Atlanta * ^ ctober 17, University of Vander(It, la Nashville, October 14. and be University of Virginia, ta Hichlofid, November SC. IEHM PREVENT 1 GUI HAY Due to the heavy rains for tha past several days the game of football, scheduled to have taken place at the (Fleming Park this afternoon between the Washington High School eleren and the team from the ,Wiuterrllle, N. C , High 8chool ha? been postponed until a later date. A telegram was dispatched to the WInto nrllle team this morning .notifying them not to come as the grounds were hi no condition to play. Tho contest between these two teanu will be palled off sometime later, ?1? ! ! GREETED BY FIUBSrW. Rev. J. E. Undereood. presiding elder of the New Ben Diet riot of the North Carolina Conference, wee k Visitor to tho city today. He baa been visiting his daufhtar In Hyde county, nnd le en ronte to his home In Ooldnboro. During the rear, u?T and 11*1 ha vaa the popular pa,tor of tho Pint Methodist choroh horn. During hie ,tay In tho city ho *no tho gnoot of Mr. and Mm. . R. Mlnm at thalr home on West Second street. welcome visitor. Among the neleoae visitor, to Wa^tlngton today la Mr. D. Laaofaky of Bolhaven, N. C.. District Deputy Grand Master of the Order of Odd Pel lows. He returned to hi, homo on the afternoon Norfolk Southern trnjg, o' e??i>?> | ? ASSOCIATED FBJtt. " THE BEST THERE IS r Every Night . M

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