.m I SITUATION UNC I ALONG THE ( I ' Desperate fighting continues In . I West Flanders and In Northern France, 'between OernSlt'e armies reinforced by virtually all her for: cos in the occupied portions of Belglum, and the Ffendh^ and -Belgian troops aided by British warships. Along the coast, the Yser river still divides the contending forces. . Neither side,a pparently, hsa 'ad1 vanoed, hot In the Interior, according to a German report, issued tonight, the allies are retiring from several Important position a . This stgtemept of the Germans Is r oontradlcted, however, by tie French communication Issued In Paris late today, which says the allies have not boen moved, despite violent attacks. Ail along the front from ' North Be* U the 8wH, border, Id /fact, each aide ttalma to have repuls ; . ed the other, or to have made slight progress at various points. -The contending armies seem *o near equal In strength that neither force can drive the other back, pierce the front or get around the wings. In 'Poland the preliminary battlo at least, has movedya little more swiftly. The Russian* report that they hero driven bock the first Oer^ man offensive move against Warsaw, '/* the Polish capital, and the lortre?8 of Ivangorod. All the Russian accounts refer to this as a great vlr f I ejiihs. [ 1 locals , ; 1]p ii At we co to press the Washington High Bchool. Eleven and tho Elisabeth City Highs are/o*ytag con-: elusions on the gridiron at Plemlng Park on West Third street. The ftme was called this afternoon at 4 O'clock, The umpire le Mr. Harry Kear sod the referee Mr. Charles Cowell. I The Elisabeth City, eleven arrived Tla Norfolk Southern train yesterday afternoon and are being entertained at the different homes Of the local lean*. An exciting contest Is now being waged and ittthough everyone wishes Washington to win If tb# visitors are stronger there will bo no kick > coming. hew con is d mm IV II U1IUVI1 ill i cm ?7A. Dally News man paid a risl^ to the dtadertaking and ombalmint establishment ot the Cherry Furn tare Company this 'morning and wai agreeably surprised to find aneh at elaborate array of burial eaakata / cases, etc. This well known Arn baa In stock the..very latest will which to place away the dead ant besides they possess one of thi handsomest Hearses Seat or Aglelgh Their showroom next to the law ol flee of Mr. Harry lfelfnllan on ?a| Main street la a most creditable on and will compare with wiy in miio! larger towns. ^ ' Not only is the Cherry Furhltnr Company undertakers but embalir era as well. * ^ F.- G. Paul & Bro >. Washington, N. C Jr- Pays highMt price* (or Hide II Fur and Beeswax. Weights at guaranteed and remittance mad I same day goods are receive. g?i: Let ua have your shipment U F. G. Paul A Brc / A4 1^ " i. 1l vJ JL X J IHANGED ^jj| jO'AST; THE FALLING BACK TBey declare the Germans, bes\doi losing many prisoners ?pniL_^gun.i, hove left large quantities vof smmunltlonTand provisions In thd trenches they had preparod for VhSjr defense. Gorman headquarters heretofore, had not referred to- this struggle, but today it says that after,several days of battle, no flghtfng was reported yesterday. Apparently there has been more fighting on the Prnaalan frontier, where the situation has been qulot for some time, as the German report ay?: ^ v'!' -. "v "Qur troops are pttrsning the re-; treating enemy In the direction ol Ossowetx." Ossowets is the fortress which was in range, of the German guis several weeks ago. when their ad vance on the Neimen failed. The battle around Prsmysl and aouth of *that city, Is going on, bui further south the Austrians claiir they hare cleared the Russian^ ou ot Hungary and'are advancing tow ard Bnkowlna, a crown land In Eas tern Galacla, with the same objec In view. As though the Belgians alread] had not auffered sufficiently from the war, villages along tho coas north of Ostend are suffering seven ly from shell fire. Uylngi_us_ttiej do. between the German lines an; vaudeville actg. ' TO PREACH MONDAY NIG1T k / ' - ' * / C Elder William _ Monsees expa le (D. V.) to prefoh'gt the Primil J- nwptlet Church nnt Monday nil ? Services will begin at^T o'clock. | ONE * FritST-CLAM 1A-TT. P. 1 glue for sale cheap. Apply to O. Paul A Bro. X0-ll-tw< ingt) ^ _ WEATHKB?Cwtlil ^WASHINGTON V SCEN 4 ^TA? * ' V * ^ $?' A in - '? u J . Vj| vi? mM I I t > L ESI ' " ^ ; BEST ATTRAG1 % FOR.TI One of the best crook plays pro scnteU si nee the vogae for stage rogues came In fashion Is "Stoi Thief" the new f^rce written b: ?*rirt? Mdmrer" & * > ?*'* ;' "Stop Thief" doesn't shatter stag* [ethics in Its presentation, neltha does It set up any new ' dramaff canons, but It makes an audienc laugh for two hours 2nd a half a no audience ever laughed before e therefore, It is a great big popula i- success. " Two >leptomanlacs and a reo s crook are responsible for all the fu o In "Stop Thief." One of the klcp n tomaniacs Is a millionaire, the otfa d er is his prospective son-in-law : WHICH FOB fBSBRB-n . BEST SHO V i The DuPont Ponder Compar here tent a *very handsome wat< T fob to thia city to be contested f; I by the local gunmen of the Was I Ington Oun Glub. This fob it be awarded to the highest gun (Jr tho next threo shoots on a banc ar cap scale. Each contestant mu lie shoot 150 times in order 4o conte > "' for this much desired prlxe. be ' ro i ? Friday Ai SPEi In no ' l. be Pom Sweet Print Butter, ** Granulated Sugar. Pcr.pou In _Very Good _Pufe Groufid < h ]?ct>t Full Cream Cheese, " 7 Packages Soap Chips. . 7 Packages tjghthouse Soi *xi P JFCaua Monogram. Corn. . v 1 Can Monogram Peaches Old Time Mess Pork, Per Arjuonrs Star Ifam?v Per Big line of Hugs, Cottc eta . ire Pure Sweet Print Butter, , , , J- E. Phone 97 > | - . " 1 v I r; Ml TomfV* ? Batanla). Probable " ii ffl^ i i. ^ .. E FROM "STOP T I < -;|j'^ . i ' ard;:.."?s?T-,^v s Is smuggled by a new maid, and ^ the plot thus tangled In the first c act calls for tile appearance of a e batatlion of policemen in thp second 8 act and the thrills begin. One val' uable article after' another - disapr pears in, th^ay^at 'mysteriougimojiner, and In tho search for (he cul,1 prlt many funny situations ard evolv n cd. Of caurse, In (ho end, ft comes ?- ?lit that inBtcad of the reaponslblli ity for-the missing valuables lying \ with tho kleptomaniacs, the real AMERICAN INSTITUTE MEETS Washington, Oct. 23.?The annual meeting of the American la _ stituto of Criminal Law and Criminology will be openod in this city today, with delegates from all states - present. Among theso states' attorneys are many well known men, rand the meeting is expected to prove one cf the most interesting in the history of the Institute. Among them are Justice Wendell ^Phillip Stafford. Judge Wilmer Latimer and * Donald T. Wvarner. IV . MEETING OF TEACHERS. ?h Merrill, Wis., Oct. 23.?The annor 3r &1 meeting of the C.entrr.l Wisconsin Teachers Association today began Its two-day session hero. A num*? ber of interesting subjects will bt discussed and many speakers hav< 11- places on the program. Amonj bl them are John E. Gunckel, president b, of ,the Newsboys Association, Tole do,"0.; Mrs. Wm. F. Hefteran, Chi cago arid Mayor F. J. Smith. . ad Saturday ZIALS Per pound.i 35o nd...." 7e Coffee, Per pound 20c Per pound. 20c . . - 25a ip.. .. 95c a* 20c pound. . . . . . .. .. 13o pound,-. .... .'. .. . .. 21c n Goods, Shots, etc., it vers" low , per pound.. 85c 1 ADAMS Washington, N. C. , t - AILY Jiortheaet Wb?d?. V-v CTOBER 23, 1914 HIEF" " | . \ I H/ -> BILLED IE OCTOBER 29 thieves are discovered, but the eu thor has taken care that there 1* a happy ending:, which Is nothing lees than a triple wedding. .. The cast Includes Bert Leigh who plays the role of the thief, and Miss i nazeuo surges a as wo maid, tne crook? pal, a very good combtnj ation. The balance of tho cast are | Boyd Trousdale, Edward Lawrence, | Miss Edna Oliver, Miss Mario LatlI more. Dale Dovereaux, Paul Linton, Harold Hubert, Clyde Smith, Edwin Pye, Miss Forrest. The seat sale starts Tuesday at Worthy and Ethcrldge. The attraction Is at tho New Tho|atcr Thursday, October 29. NEGRO CONFESSES "MURDER ATTEMPT 1 tallanl Says He Was Hired to Shoot' Pcllccman ISut Mode Mistake In Man. Rocky Mount, Oct. 23.?Attar "being on the trail for more than plx hours bloodhounds yesterday afternoon ran down and enabled the officers to capture Babe Ballard in Tyrell county, the negro believed to have killed tho colored man found lying dead In the ' treets of Plymouth early Monday morning. Im mediately after he was caught Bali lard confessed at attempting to kill ? -Green Davis, the white mad who - was seriously injured In the face and brought to a hospital here for treat? ment. After confessing to shooting ' Mr. Davis, tho officers would % nol t permit Ballard to make a statement - as to the doad negro. Ballard stat ed that Tom lloggardi a wealth} nfifrrr. llvln? In 11 $60 to kill the night policeman it - (Plymouth- and that he shot Qreai Davit ^mistake, thinking that h? was the policeman. It'ta>eald that Tom Hoggard ha - been,doing an extensive business ii . selling liquor and that the officer bad threatened to arrest Ulm. Btl lard is no^r in jail In Plymouth an | Hoggard Is being held under a cai ' bond of one thousand dollars, whtc ho put up himself. It Is said the serious trouble was narrowly* avert ed there last night when it becam known that Hoggard was respons ble for Ballard's shooting Mr. Da* is and the assertion has been mad that the man might have had a na row escape from lynching had w/>i boon received there that Mr. Dav waB'ln a dying condition in the li cal hospital hore. The man Is doing as well as oou! be expected today. FIRST CONCERT. i * New York, Oct. 18.?Tha Hi New York concert ?of the &ymphoi Society of New York will be hea in Aeolian Hall this afternoon, wl M Jmballst as soloist. A i, : J; H- i / luii H111 LI T010RH0W The Count/ Committee on Comic uitlty Service will ^mcet at the < office or Count/ Superintendent in | the Count/ Courthouse tomkrrrow , at 11 o'clock. Bulletins of the ' meeting have "already been mailed c throughout the oountyl The sue- < cess of this meeting and its organ- | Isation depends on the work at onoe. i A full attendance is desired. i TREAT ME HUMANE. This letter is addressed to Ma/or Kugler and tho B"?rd of City Aldermen: s s 1 was arrested on Saturday, Oc tober 17th and was tried before HI. Honor,Ma/or Kugler and was ac quitted. I find no fault In him. But 1 am sure 1 would have re celved better treatment had I bee; attacked In the wilds of Africa by i tribe of wild negroes of the canni bal t/pe than I did by one William who pretends to be a pollcemai and one Hays who also pretends tr be a policeman, and In addition on' Dick Roberts who is the big chie' of the city. Williams and Hays die the arresting and Dick Roberts re fused to let me give bond. I hat' noi the least Idea what the chargwould be alleged against me. lr the mayor's court on Monday, tw of them (the policemen) klasec God's holy wrK that I was drunl and disorderly and had resisted sr officer or at least had done some thing to an officer of which even word is false and their statement? were weighed in the balance and found wanting. The above statement is sufficient I think, lmynnuch aa the mayor ao quieted me, at whose hands I did not ask any mercy. To make t ' long story short 1 live five mller from Washington with my two ball sisters. I am compelled' to leave them alone at ttmes and did this orr the day I was brutally treated. 1 told Williams and Hays of my sis ters and of their ages, eleven and thirteen. They replied that they didn't care. And who could expect after they had trumped up th< charges I mentioned above which they on trial failed to ge? Hla Honor to believe. Now \p where, Dick Roberts comes into thh African like massacre. He came Ir the passage in front of the parloi where those other two students who In my opinion, must have grarl uated from the Philippine Islands had placed me to be entertained un til Monday. This was the time the) stated that I would be turned out I said "Dick;" he said "I am chief.' 1 says Mr. A. J. Cox and otheff 'mentioning Mr. /l. D. MacLear. would stand my bond. Robnrts re plied your MaeLean can't ao yoi any good, you'll remain here un'.l Monday morning at in o'clock an' 1 guess you'll be good If you get ou then?you are In my nower now. 1 replied that my children were at home alone and you could afford to do this Tor me. Roberts said, , "I don't care?Williams and Hays say that you tried to spring this same story on them. .1 told him. that the entire police force of Wash . Ington were not angels, r Now here Is where I ask Mayor i Kuglcr and tho Bjmrd of Aldermen ' t to Ma to It. and you can, that I am i not treated so again. I know some t of you to be gentlemen. I further request that you adviM Dick Robs arts and Williams not to be chasing o me around town for I am not going s to remain away from town on that I- aoeount. I don't run any blind till gen. h policeman can easily trump ap h. disorderly conduct against someone and place his nippers, or whatever 1" you call them, around a man's arm ' like Williams did my brother. Buch i- procedure would make the best f- preacher in Washington become I? disorderly. I came h?st. Saturday r_ to get the very supper these twe d orphan children were to eat tha< '? night. W. B. Rodman, Jr., signer r>" my release. I don't remmber th< time. Place in your Imaginatioi '4 two of your female relatives place* at the mercy or what. I Yours truly. VILLA R. CHERRY. P. 8.?Read 8c~:?id Cor., So *st chapter, f-4 verse?. Job IS Chapts if 11-11 verses. Job 31 chapter, tl rd 21 verses. James 1 chapter, |T1 th verse. Psalms. Iff chapter. Adv. *- - ~ . 1 ^^^1 I ; / Lj ' * f I No. 201 Hr READY FOR mmm The building of the Plrat Methoilst Church is now undergoing repairs for the approaching annual conference of the M. E. Church which Is scheduled to meet here >n Wednesday, November 18th. with Bishop Waterhouse, Virginia, presiding. Between four hundred ind four hundred and fifty visitors ^ ire expected to be prisent. THE ALLIES VIEW. Many of the large cities of Qernany have large cold-storage sup>1ioe of food*, according to the* re* iorts of soveral lately returned trat __ ' w ders. but through the rural parts )f Germany most of the crops are oor, and after the coming winter, here may be difficulty hi supplying '.11 of the German cities and towns vlth food. The wheat crop has >cen especially short, despite the ry of the Germans that German ?J Tops have been abundant this past cason, and that famine cannot cner Into the war question. Another thing which is affording German officials trouble is the lack >f efficient officers In tho field. Rorardless of her splendid military ystem and organisation competent >fficern are hard to find. The miliary spirit among the rank and file ieems to have the effect of stampng out lntiatlve. Good officers are ?ssentlally needed and this dlfficuly is being proved by the fact that o many commanding officers have ilready been shifted around. While the allies forces have suf?red great losses among the officers ' t^j heir places are rapidly filled and "* tone of the regiments are without eaders for any length of time. OCTOBER 28 IN HISTORY. 1804?The F^nclT^general at Napjles ordered the seizure of all vessels suspected of carrying provisions to Malta or the English squadron. 1829?Angola, A Portugese settlement In Africa, revoltel ^ _ against>Don Miguel. 1848?--General WlndUhgratz summoned the city of Vienna to surrender. 1854?The Royal Danish railroad opened by the King. ( 1864?Confederate forces under Price were routed in all day battle near Kansas ICty,, Mo., and were driven southward. 1868-j? An earthquake shock at San Francisco. 1894?Reporta of a Chinese victory over the Japanese were sent out by (he Chinese from Tientsin. 1901?General Sir Redvera Buller was retired from command by the British War Office, and placed on half pay, in consequence of a speech made by him on October 10, 1901. , 11904?Rusao-JapaneBe War; Rns# slan Baltic fleet, for unexplained reasons attacks English fishing fleet In North Sea. Russians searched mer chant vessels In English Channel. English nation excited and angry. \ .2 1 A1A TV ? A? QUm A I AUTO POLO Fpn RED CROM * New York, Oct. 28.?The Richmond Auto Polo Club of Staten Inland is holding: an Auto Polo Carnival today and tomorrow for the benefit of the National Red Cross Society. One of the big features will be an auto polo game for the Boar ough President's trophy. Many prises have been offered for automobile and motorcycle contests. The Auto Polo Cltlb consists of a body of well known and Influential business , men of Staten Island, who have da, voted their time to make this bmi, eflt a signal success, and who hope t 'o hand over to the Red Cross 8oclj ety quite a sum for use in Europe. B 5 New Theater To-Night ; LUCILLE LOVE v j ;h 3 Other Excellent Pictures | Price 5 end 10c.