m i\ Attacks by Germans Are ii Lo#s of Life is Heavy. . Be^n Broken Down. Lon^hn, 0?t. 17.?The battle fgi the Stralto at Dorer, one trl the noil maCVMsrr of the wor, to contlnolni with fciabated fury, bet thus Cm wKkoajt eltltor elde gaining decided advantage. The Qerannn who, at terrible coil In lite, lent Saturday croaaed lb. Taer Canal between Ntonport and * Dtzmndn, bare net tbeen able to make farther progress aa the allle. accord Ike to a report of the German general beedfitthrtere leaned thin morning, are ohntlnately defending their poattlone. It'lb the* same farther aont'i, around hrmeotieree, Lille, LaBaatcJ and Aryan The oppoalng armloe are E I dell raring fierce attache,, gafalng or losing a tew mtlee or leea of ground with ancrtfioee la Ufa th^t are appalling. The -whole country side to fairJy reeking wKh the blood- of thon sands killed or wounded. In the towns and villages, with which, the country is dotted, and moat of whletL-have been laid In rnlna by the artt)lery. most desperate fighting baa occurred when the tD fan try came Auto Contact. Both ald'tt apeak of heavy losses they hare Imposed on their adversaries, but iay nothing of their own dead or wounded, whose places are being filled with reinforcements. The. British fleet which did such execution In bombarding the German flank, seems to have withdrawn yesterday afternoon. The Germans say thla was because their artillery war beginning to reach the shlpa. The bellef^ia expressed here, however, that tie ehls to render hnfogable German occupation of any part ef the Belgian of French coast. The opinion also la expressed here that 4he operations of the allied yes. eels off the Belgian 6oast and In the. vicinity of the Straits of Dover may cause the German fleet to come out and give battle. * In nave! circles here It Is consld ered that the German submarines, although they have proved deadly tn - ships steaming slowly, will not be no , 'i CALIFORNIA , WOMAN A It leet rria?r? ^guklnfton tor' ftpftoore ft tvjn wired to tlw Son Prftncleco Chrpnlcle, which will fttU 9t Internet to the reenter, ol the DftU7 Newe. poe of the prtnelpale wee hew other thee Krm. It. Lee Bonner, form ftrtj ft reeldent of thie oltr. T,. e.n eeuM. "Rlraliof In datnll th? fcaturci pf ? thrtlUn* dims noysl. tbs skpsri owes of Mov*. abandon In roMalai Mrs. L*e Bo'nbsr and thro* yonoi from s perilous position in lb* moan tain rooontlr. baa marthim a eandldata for a Cernsslr modal and oaa of the most talked boat man la town. Mrs. Bonnar, sad-bar little party on rats rains recently from a trip - to tbs mountains lata In the after noon, decided to take a short cut which would enable them to react tbs stir before dark. Prosrees down tbo erode lissome more dUBeolt si I BBVBBTBEH mrcDBiPW. ^ Out of the one hbndred counties lc North Carolina ninety-one are repre ented at the State University In thi way of Undents this jew It will b< gratifying to the readers of thli pepbr to know that there are eeven tte* students at the University thli year from Beaufort county. This along the Alsatian frontier and are co said to he making preparations and th securing advanced positions In view vs of possible attacks by the Germans with their, big howitzers on tfce Bel- 'if fort fortress. It now seems to be th realuea teat no fortress has any na chance of holding out when once pr these big German guns are brought th Into aotion against It. mi The Gorman official report, last night again speaks of the Germnu so offensive on Augustown, Russian alt Poland, which it declares Is progress- u lug. It reiterates that the battle ro near Ivangored, although favorable to the Germans, remains ondeclded. El North of thlB section the Russian 76 claim they are still pursuing tho Germans, who attempted an advance on Warsaw and southward to hfcve 4 crossed the Vistula and driven th? I' Austrlaas back. * y . lu ^allele and In the Carpathian^ the Russians also claim to have broken down the Austrian offensive. As the days come and ko and the promised visits .of- the Zeppelins to England do not materialise the pub lie is seemingly begun to bellove ? these monster air craft are being held In reserve for the day that the German navy comes out and that they will be used In force to assist the arshlps In an endeavor to crip- th pie the British fleet. ve - ro man saves i ind Children." te I they proceeded, and" the picnickers Anally found themselves str&nded on' ni uengeroUa IM|t, unable to con- th Unue the deacon t or to n*ko tb'olr way book. ^ Their orloo for 'help eyentually M reached Henry Wllllamr, who who re j, turning to the eity. WUllaae'.bur- Bl rled back to Borker'a Camp foi" as- M i alBtance, and with Sannderf-and a y young man named Coffln, battened back to tha raaeua. Finding u 1m: poaalble to reaeh the marooaed party fl i SaunderV throw the lariat he had \ brought with him aeroea and hoped i aome ahrub^. Finding they held - he climbed hand or or. head to them. J I "By meeaa of the rope Mra. goo . ner^waa anally lowered to eafety, i ura the bora aaalated beck op The dangeroaa trail, to the Canyon road. . Reeoued and reecnera reached home i before night had fallen, and Bonni dere la kept bury denying that he > | la a hero." =l 11 TO ATTEND FAIR. j ~~ 2 Meun. George Gantoue. M. 8e leebr, Ms John and Mack Jowdj lett i thle morning for New Bern, N?*C., lc I to take In the Great HJket Carolina tl , Fair which opened In New Bern to- ct day. ? m i . -a . o, , VISITORS TODAY. "t ' Idee Belra Bennett. of^EdWuH, '' N. C.. end Mr. J. J.'Merilender, of ^ Blount'a Creek, ft. C.. were.paaeen' gem on tho Waehlngton end Vande- ^ mere trainable morning. fl '? " S RETURNS HOME. nl Matter Richard Jordan, wh^ has father. Mr. W A.Jordeu. at KInaton.Ill N. C., bar returned td hla home en in . ^ X1 VJ JL i v" * ' ?' WASHINGTON N. 'siopir WIN mm The whole world lores to laugh, Bt once in a while you will find a uman being who has apparently romlsed his mother he wouldn't lnalge in that form of healthful excise, but if one of these electa to fto id see "8top Thief," the new farce on to be presented here, he would a surety break his pledge for rthlng but a wooden Indian conld lthstand the resistible inclinations ist comes from viewing this funny ay* The audiences that assemble > see the hew Carlyle Moore piece >gln to laugh three minutes after [e curtain goea up on the. first set, id from theu^rn the house is in a iritable laughing panic! They langh 1 the ridiculous situations in the |eob, and then laugh lofeder at the ittca of their seat mates, who fairrock, the house in their parTurns of pure delight as the crook ntlnues to outwit every effort j>f e bluecoated policemen who try In dn to trap him. If you are a grouch go and aee (top Thief." It will cure you. On e other hand, if ypu are gooditured, an evening spent with this ince of pilferers will be an event at you will recAli with a grin for any days after. V The original Gaiety Theatre, N. Y .. BnVc production will be used here, so those well-known artists, Bert >lgh and Hasele Burgess, in the lea of the thief and his pal. Seats now on sale at Worthy & herldgb's drug store. Prices, 60, c and" $1.00. ; JiiT CUB IT mm The Thirteen Bridge Club held elr first meeting last Friday and organised for the winter. The llowing rules were adopted: Playing to begin at three o'clock, opplng promptly at five. Refreshents to be light and limited to two urses. The number of guests lnted to be left optional to the hoses. Also the'giving of a small uvernlr will be permitted, at the easure of the hostess. That the imber of members be limited to The members are: Meedames John arham, George Haekaey, Louts ?"Ui u. ?"""??! Vvinua narrow, ,mes Ellison, B. P.- Bowers, Henry rldgeman, T. H. Clark, Harry Mcullen, John Rodman, Bererly oas, and Bd. Mallieon. imlWEST END fSIIRBED Thf reildinu la th? Weat End mf I* city tills morning ,bo?t , clock thought that thUa waa.nr.tarMa Ura te that Motion ot t?? city p that soma plant or Individual Pas 1 an awful plight, judging by. the mg, continuous bloving of a whU: which "did the trlok" without Mteing fqr at least ten or flftoen ilnutea. Citizens enjoying their lornlng nap rushed to their front aors looking for a blaze or trying t ascertain the trouble and actually te West End" Hose Com^khy turned nt and rushed around the streotz adeavorlng to find out what was is trouble. It wae finally located ad proved to be the announcement urn the tobuoco stemmery that It as time for the hands to get up ad make ready tor the day's work Or a time excitement was great In ia West End. If there were any uploycs of this factory tardy this lornlng surely It cannot be laid at is door of the whistle nor the fellow ho was pulllngthe string, for both ra experts. . .* ^ . m I I M I ? B I I M I M M^KlW'S I'N'i - - ?g n C TUESDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBgli W^ttM ' = r 1" == VOtcrs of North Carolina ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ON ? LECTION DAY: Under Republican rule Wall Street petrolled the tnoury and credit of the nation. ''The Demoerttic party destroyed that Control; ARE YOU WITH WALL STREET'OR THE DEMO| CIIATIC PARTY 1 *,>. The Democratic patty drove CannonitATTrom the halla of Congress. 1 ARE YOU FOR CANNONI8M OR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1 The administration of Wood row WilsiSk has extended the Parcel Post and reduced the cost of transportation. WOULD YOU TAKE A BACRWARt) STEP ON THE I'ARCEL POST! A ^ Wood row Wilson drove from Washington the paid lobbyists of apocial privilege who ^flourished under llepublicsu rule. ' \ ARE VOU FOR WOODROW WILSON OH THE LOBBYISTS! ' Tbo Republican party levied a tax on necessities. , The Democratic party levied it upon the incomes of the ricBU ARE YOU FOR A TAX ON NECESSITIES OR A TAX ON WEALTH! . Would you restore the paiiie-brcoding currency laws that made possible die great industrial and financial disaster of 1007! ' N WOULD YOU RESTORE SCHEDULE K OF THE PAYNE-ALDRICH-SMOOT TARIFF ? Would you repeal the Agricultural Extension Bill ? Would you put down tho pipe lines connecting the special interests with tho seat of government that Woodrow Wilson' has tpken up? Would you^i-p-establish the old partnership between rotten politics and rotten business ? . THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY RESTORED WHITE SUPREMACY IN NORTH CAROLINA. WOJJttT YOU RETURN TO-THE DARK DAY8 OF BOTEEfcTiVM, FUSIONI8M AND NECRfilSM ? " "" =J) Why Secretary Daniels is In Favor of Amendments ,1 * * .- *!\ : (Bjr Jasephus Daniels.) .agitation by the people for reform For a dozen ronr. th. rz.dzrz of th* L?l.l.tur. oonld b. Induced to submit these amendments. North Carolina newspaper, have Th d0"b< *?' ^ ?1U Whan Oorarnor Ar?a* can. Into b?' ?' ? " nah. aina oaafflca. h. waa confront* with th. "J** ?? ? w4?at??d tha'r naed of taiatlon ratorm and h. fu" Ul ,h# ?"*' "" th? atraaaad It in hi. mpapapea. Oor.r- true ? ?? regular. undar tha naw reputratbaV Nortb Carolina bottfd .hara a " ? "dared In my home eltjr, tb prpeundnratem of taxation whiab'tponld d" to ratarn homa to rota for the [provide sufficient revenue without amendment, on tha drat TuaeWlns unjostlr apon any. Nothing d?*? Norambar. In addition imp done to mabo Improvement poa- ?? the other CMvluolnp argument. eible until tike last General Auem- f?r the ratification of the araendbly, In a state of affairs that pormlt- ??nta, thara la ona that thonld give ; tad of no further delay, provided P*??? to every cltlxen. The revenues for tho submission of a new taxation that have gone into the 8tate Treatamendment to tho Constitution.'This' ur7 during recent years have not 'amendment was not hastily drawn, been sufficient to pay the approprianor submitted without ' long die- tions made by the Legislature. There jcusslon and serious consideration. Tt 1" no State equal in wealth to North I was framed by a committee of the'Carolina where the appropriations are wisest men in the State. No one can so small as In North Carolina. We | vote against It unless he believes a have had to issue bonds to meet curNorth Caroline Legislature la not to rent expenses. How long can a man be trusted. Experience has shown beep out of bankruptcy who borrows I that the only fear of mistake by a money to buy bread and butter for North Carolina Legislature Is that It the dally needs or his family? Ke will be ultra-conservative. There Iz may safely borrow money to build a no danger that hazardous expert^ house, or to pay for emergency exmen ts will be entered upon. Even pensea. No wise man, however, with* the taxation amendment, the thinks* he can long ssalntaln his peopfo will have; tp blase the way to credit If he borrows money for bin secure necessary changes to bring daily needs. The same thing la true our taxing laws up to the twentieth of a State. Ite credit is practically Century. unlimited eo long as Its Incomes I put much weight upon the long^ (Continued on Fourth Page.) It , ^ -c; ~ 7*w . '% ' 'i\* ') C0NSECRATI01 OF BISHOF YET SERVICES ABE KB WELL JIERDED The Ladies' Missionary Society of th* Flrat Presbyterian church, which Is observing the week as one of prayer, met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Smith on Harvey street, at 3 o'clock. On tofnorrow evening the meeting will be held with Miss Bottle Harvey at the cor nor of Main and VanNorden streets. All those who arc not members of the missionary society of this church have a cordial invitation to attend and enjoy the very Interesting services. The present week of prayer was ordered by the General Asaemjby of the Presbyterian church. Dinr EMU EDI INPUT NIL 1110111 delightful dance was given Edward last Friday night, October 23, In honor of Miss Emily May Redditt >nd Mr. Wilbur H. Rosa Good music was furnished and everyone participated report a very pleasant time. Those present: Miss Emily Redd lit with Mr. Wilbur H. Ross. Miss Eva Edwards with Mr. P. C. Stilley, Miss Sallke Bennett with Mr. Sam Tuten, Miss Vova Edwards with Mr. Seabrook Jones, Miss Lena Jones with Mr. Ralph Bennett, Miss Lllla Edwards with Mr. J. 8. Japiea, Miss Mamie Edwards with Mr. Lexle Reddltt. Miss Roland Moore (of Everett*) with Mr. L. B. Redditt, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cuthrell, and Mrs. L. II. Redditt. GBOBGE CHANEY AND CAL DELANKY BOIT Akron, Ohio, Oct. 2 7.?George Chaney, the Baltimore fighter, who has scored many knockouts In the squared circle so far this year, will meet Cat. Delaney, the Cleveland featherweight, In a boxing show to take place here this evening. If Delaney beats Chaney, Jphnny Kllbano has oonsented to fight him. KID WILLIAMS TO HAVB THREE FIGHTS Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 17.?Kid Willlims, the bantamweight champion, has slfnsd up for three fights at the Broaday Sporting club of this His first will be with Young 8olsbrsg, the Brooklyn bsntsm, this evening, for 10 rounds. At the ume show Mike Gibbons will tske on Billy Maxwell. mm . HOSE III -OMIT Chief of Police Roberts and Policemen Williams and Sadler raided the house of Sarah More, col., at the corner of Third and Bridge streets Sunday night with the consequence that three women end seven men were caught playing crap. They will be glvep a hearing today before the recorder. The defendants were given a hearing before Mayor Kugler this morning and bound over to the, recorder; who will finally dispose of the case thin afternoon. Those Indicted ere Sarah Moore. John Johnston. Lake Wilson. Haywood Bonnar. Sylvester Burse, William Davis. Romeo Eborn, George Davis, Pearl Price and Martha Sutiog. All abpve am colared. * ^? . No. M N* DATE 1 -ELECT NOT - 1 DECIDED UPON J MAY TAKE 1 PLACE AT ST. PETER'S 1 All the Bishops and Standing Committees of the Church Are to First Consent to Election. Bishop-elect Thomas C. Darst, of "-1 ths Diocese of East Carolina, on > Sunday made known to his congregation of St. James Episcopal church, Richmond, of his Intention to accept the office ffd when he assumes this high office he will reside In Wilmington, N. C. He will continue to All ",m8 the pulpit of 8t. James In Richmond for a few weeks before entering j upon the duties as bishop. Wilmington Is the see city of tho Dlocees of East Carolina and Bishop Darst wyi make his future home In thg? city, occupying the blshop'a residence on Orange street. . 3 The vestry of St. James Episcopal . gjl church in Wilmington has voted to I extend to the bishop-elect an Invlta- t9E i non 10 do consecrated as bishop in | that church. This invitation will be forwarded to Bishop Darst at [once. $| As announced In yesterday's Dally News the rector and vestrymen or 4 St. Peter's church here has extended a similar invitation and there are vtrong hopes that Washington wljl he accepted Inasmuch ? as Bishop Darst was elected here. 3 It is loft with the Bishop-elect to decide where he will be consecrated \ \nd the consecration services docs not neceeaarily have to take place in the Diocese over which the bishop '.s to have charge. The bishop-elect may decide to vbe consecrated in hla own chnrch, St. James', Riohmond. The date of the consecration will , be announced after the formalities connected with the election have been gone through with. All the standing committees of the church will be notified of Mr. Darst's eleo- 39 tion and when a majority of these committees have formally given their 4* consent to the election, formal notice of the election will be made to the presiding head of the church, Bishop Tuttle, of Missouri, who will formally notify all the bishops of the church of the election. When a majority of the bishops have reported their consent to the presiding bishop, then the date for the consecration will be arranged and announced. mm \ Nil WAS 1 mm 1 Those present at the New Theatre # last evening were charmed with the program as Presented br th? "La dell's Vaudeville Novelties." "Anita," the act beautiful, was in every way a success and called forth words *?f the highest praise from all sourees. In addition to the excellent vAidevtlle act there were three reels of *j j fine movies, entitled "The Erring which was well worth the prloe of ! admission alone. This evening there | will be an entire change of program , both In vaudeville and motion picture*. The New Theatre this week has on boards a show that Is praiseworthy In every respect. j ?? * FROM BAYBORO. Mr. J. F. Cowell, president of the Pamlico Chemical Company, has returned from a business trip to Bayboro. Pamlico county. ,N. C. New Theater ' fl TODAY'S PROGRAM: ' # "LA BELL'S VAQSITILLI NOVBiTIW," 5 ? ExrfdtM VsadevOc Acts - g ?- Reels Good Wofi at ? I jt Prfee 10 ?M Me,