m I m\ 11 r' LHyA#H ILL/ 1 -xy/NsV MA Y m s I BARGAIN! GENTLE PONY, BUGGY and harness for sal* cheap. S** J. T. Hardlaon quick, Market treat. 10-16-lwc FOR SALE?-AFTER JANUARY 1, 1315. I will sell my ehop. tools and machinery at a reasonable price. k Will sail buildings and land or will lease thera on easy terms or will trade the entire plant tor good farming land. For further particulars, see R. L. Jones, Aurora, N. C. 10-27-30ds.c LOST?PIG, DARK RED, WEIGHT about 35 pounds. Finder return to F. B. Alllgood and receive reward. 10-17-t.f.c. SCHOONER GOLD MINE. FOR sale cheap. See Rj-ank H. Rollins. 10-10-lwc FOR SALE?ONE PAIR YOUNG mules, weighing about 1,300 lbs each. Bargain. Address Box 63, Trayville Shop, Washington, It. F. D.. No. J. 10-13-t.f.c FOR SALE?MY HOME PLACE, SO acres cleared, 35 acres woodland; good 6-room dwelling; tobacco barn, barn, stables and other necessary buildings, situated one mile from Washington. Splendid tobacco land. Will sell on reasonable terms. Address J. B. Peed, Washington, N. C. 9-17-2mo.c. WANTED TO RENT?DWELLING house in good neighborhood. Woolard, at Maxwell's Bicycle Shop. * 10-13-t.f.c WOMEN ? SELL GUARANTEED Hosiery to friends and neighbors; 70 per cent profit; Make $10 Dally. Experience unnecessary International Mills, Box 4029. West Philadelphia, Pa. 6-15-6mop. WOOD AND COAL STOVES AND Heaters at Pegram-Watson Ildw. Co. 10-22-lfc. WA NTKD?-MAG AZ1X K 81 RSCRIP tlona. Lowest "Clubbing rates" given. Authorised representative of Ladles' Home Journal. Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman, Delineator, Pictorial Review, World's Work. American Woman's Home Companion, and In fact, any periodical desired. Mrs. A. L. Betts, Phone 310J, or at Public Library. 10-34-tfc. OIL HEATERS IX ASSORTED Bizes. Phone Pegram-Watann Hardware Co. 10-22-tfc. TIN AND ENAMEL WARE. UMbrellas. Lamps, or anything n tin or cutlery; also sewing machines and'shoe repairing, by J. H. Pagan, cor. Third and Harvey Sts. Work guaranteed. 10-26-6lc I-UIl ?VAL.r. 1T).> l'UMbll boat. Enquire Cutler & Hughe.?. W. Water street. 10-2fl-t.f.r. SEE OUR ROYAL HOT BLAST Stoves. Pegram-Watson Hardware Co. 10-22-tfc. I SHALL BE GLAD TO DO SEWING of any kind at moderate prices. Olve me a trial and 70a will be satisfied. Mrs. Qoodwln, corner Third and Harvey streets. BUY YOUR STOVES FROM PEgram-Watson Hardware Co. 10-22-tfc. Always. Civilization has always had mors or less trouble with the man whoso patriotism Is slightly subordinate to his pockctbcok. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of S. C. Warner, deceased. late of Beaufort county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Washington. North Carolina, on nr hefurq the 1st day of November. 1915. or thia notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will plpase make Immediate payment. This the 28th day of October, 1911. W. B. WARNER. Administrator of S. G. Warner. 10-28-6 wp Po-I>o-Lax Rsnhhra Pimples. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaohea DUtousnese, Torpid Liver, Conatl patlon, etc., come from Indigestion Take Po-Do-Lax, the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won't suffer from a deranged 8tomt 4 ' ach or other troubles. It win tens up the Liver and purify the btqpd. Use It regularly and yott will ttay well, have clegr complexion end steady nerves. Get a 50c. bottle to?* day. Mosey baok if sot satlpflsd A11 4*wfftotp.?*?r. ^ - ^ Look t< 'breads, hot tasty with your finger petizing fa There is coming frc fitness of it gestion. F This peculi hygienists accordingly recommeni for those o; B BAK Absolut AMKHICAN FASHIONS * \\ TO BE WORN ON THE STAUE Popular Marie Cahtll, originator of the long-skirted chorus, will give practical help to the American fash dr ion movement by wearing American Dt designed and made gownB upon thp pc staee. It haft been n r?r?nenlzod fn.M rn that stage gowns are regarded a? Ui exhibits of the very latest fashions. Is and many theatre-goers adopt the a costumes seen there to thelj own wi needs and wardrobes. Miss Cahill tw believes that Aemrlcan designers are nc ready for their present oportunitv bt But," she says, "they must creep in before they can walk. They should on realize the necessity for going slow- ev ly. If the American 'hurry* germ tli gets Into their systems artistry will d\i bo sacrificed for freaklshness and fe their efforts will bo ridiculed Instead tw of praised. Our clothes must be n* artistic. We have taken all that da Paris has Bent us regardless of M whether It was freakish or not, and of ?I'd be the last person to say that pa all of the French fashions are ad- ra mirable. We have given Paris to In understand that only sho could de-|ca sign clothes. The more frequently qi she changed styles the more often cli we bought} Whe/t's the answer? dr She has outdone herself In atempt- ca lng to create bizarre effects?tills av season's clothes had to be as differ- cli ent as possible from those In vogue go laBt season. Which means that in ea order to keep up to-doie we had to change our wardrobe every time the hi weather changed. The amazing thing gc is that American designers have ar. vi compllahed so much with so little en- th couragement. They have had to en- pi dure a slavish adoration of Paris ex that amounted to nothing less than ar snobbishness." ar The etaefl ran rfn much ?r? ?? *?_ a. cure the cause of American fashions, q, said Miss Cahlll, "for the stage is a p? factor in setting the styles. Women qj wear what they see worn, and my gi production I hope, In a small way. a to encourage the American designer's efforts. I hope to show that the American designer can do If he is q given half a chance." ? O Tone Up! 1* Not Drugs-? t? Food Does It ci ? wholesome, appetizing food that puts life and ^ vigor into one, but doqgn't f( clog the system. Such a food is n Grape Nuts I The entire nutrition of wheat and barley, includ ing the vital mineral salts? 1 phosphate of potash, etc.? ^ Long baked, easily di- a trested. ready to eat; an ideal d food with cream or milk, and fine in many combioa- e tions. T "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts ?sold by Grocers. J ? 7-? - ? 11 U ?,v?T '*** -> ?' " ]*/ -" '*?* ' r-' "-r? " > - t ' - -M Fo Alum? Fo* Dyspepsia 3 the food. Eat heartil biscuit, hot cakes, made 1 Royal Baking Powder, s ? at dyspepsia. It is the \ od that aids digestion. a quality in Royal Baking im the puffty, wholesome 9 ingredients, which prot ood raised by it will not iarity of Royal has been j and physicians, and 1 f earnest in its praise, e ding it in the preparatio] E delicate digestion. 10YA1 INGP0W1 ely Pure Nc L'TO 1* AGE A NT FOB TERCENTENARY Now York, Oct. 28.?Three him- 1 od years ago this mouth flvi i itch shlpB returned to their home ' rts of Amsterdam and Hoom and : ported to the Stated General of tho lltcd Netherlands that over otPthe i land of Manhattan they had built trading station and begun trading 1 ith the natives tar fur. That was reive years before the first perma>nt settlement of New Amsterdam, it It marked the beginning of trad festivals and pageants of vari- ' is New York. To celebrate this ent the city has been holding fesrals and pageants of various kinds irlng the past month. The main atures of this celebration will be o pageants one, of which the autooblle pageant, will take place to\j. Governor Glynn, Mayor itchel, and other State and city Sclals, will participate. This au'i geant will be divided into sepate divisions asd classes which will elude touring cars, runabouts, rly models, grotesque and burlesle cars, advertising and motorcy?s. A large number of women ' Ivers have entered the decorated : r division. Many prises will be warded to the victors in the several asses. including a solid gold cup, ild medals, bronzes, silver cups and < sh pribes. Covernor Glynn, accompanied by " s military staff, will lead the pn ant. while Mayor Mitchel and siting mayors of other cities with eir official families will also take irt. Other high official.* who are :pected to arrive In this city today id^ participate in its celebrations e Secretary of Commerce RedfleM. icretary of State Mitchel May, and nernl \Vl?nn A Miles After the trade, a reception to Governor | lynn and Mayor Mltcbel will be ven by the Automobile Club of merlca. LABOR NEWS AND NOTES 9 c) The carpenter'a union In Holland is doubled its membership in five jare. Portuguese barbers are beginning equip their s^ope with American tairs and other fixtures. Chicago is about to establish a uhllc library of 25,000 volumes In te continental languages of Europo >r the benefit of its allien people. There are feer suicides among tinertf than among any other class f workmen. This has been proved y the aid of carecully compiled Latistlcs. The German Reichstag will be sked at Its forthcoming session by he Trades Union i,eaguo to pass a iw compelling all employers to rant to women and girls n half holl ay. beginning at 1 p. m. on Saturays. The Niagara county (New York) ourt baa held constitutional the law equlring one day In seven for workrs in manufacturing and mercantile stabllshments. Money In Kangaroo Raising. In Australia kangaroo farming Is aa mportant industry. The hides are aluable, and ths tendons are the best aowh to surgeons for sewing op rounds, and especially for holding moken botes together, being much and,tougher than catgut. . ^ . V* \ :: , v' v ; 1 ?a ' . B y of hot ightand " ind snap " fasty, ap- \ 4 : Powder k :ness arjd ^ notes <?distress.' f , noted by they are J specially. a i of food J ' "a s ii )ER t Alum 1 i?^ ?" i CHILD DEAD. ; Essie Elberta, the flve-year-old 5 laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eck- t in, passed away today of diphtheria : it the home of her parents on West Third street. 8he was a bright and Interesting little lady and her parents have the sympathy of the entire ? city in their bereavement. ^ j ( KOlUalA KKDKIUTin* 1 OP WOMEN'S CLUliS 1 Albany, Ga., Oct. 27.?The Geor a gia Federation of Women'i Clubs Is J holding Its annual three-dfcy meeting 1 In this city, commencing this evening i with addresses of welcome by Mayor 1 Tarver, by Mr. Mook, secretary of 1 the Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. t Holt, president of the local Woman's s Club. Interesting features of the '. program will be the president's con t forenee; the afternoon devoted to I "Yoqfch," and cotton day, on which ' wil .be, held a cotton session. A miniature cotton exposition will bo a unique and educational feature : of the convention. On "Cotton 1 Day" all the club women will wear | cotton gowns. Mrs. N. Peterson, vice-president of the Btate Federation, will wear what Is probably the first Georgia homespun dreu which has been made in this 8tate since the first decade after the war be- ( tween the States. The dress is an , original idea of Mrs. Peterson's. Af= ] ter pome difficult she found an aged t ivldow^Mrs. George Walker, living ' just outside of Tifton, Ga., who was willing to weave the cloth if a loom could be found. After a while a loom was found, and Supt 8hlpp, of tho Tirton Cotton Mills, spun the thread and made the warp. Mrs. Walker wove the eloth, aud Mrs. Peterson will proudly wear the gown at this convention on "Cotton Day." It is of a rich cream color, embroidered with heavy cotton] n an Intrl- 1 caus assign. un, reierson aia tne embroidering end made the entire gown herself. OCTOBER 80TH I* HISTORY. ? 1844?The Royal Exchange at Lon don opened In an Imposing 1 manner, the queen being pre* 1 ent and presiding at the ceremony. 1848?Wlndleehgreets, besieging the city of Vienna, entered the suburbs and began an attack; lasted several days before the city was completely mastered. 1884?The Turk# in the principalities attacked the Russians, and after two hours contest compelled them to cross the Danube and destroy this bridges. 1864?General Grant reported the completion of a reconnols anee below Petersburg, giving an opportunity of operating on the enemy's flanks. 1886?Statue of Liberty unveiled. 1894?The Japanese reported . to here blockaded Port Arthur, held br the Chinese, and to have landed considerable forces hi the vicinity. ID04?Rueso-Japenese war; Japanese reported to have captured forte on the three hills, less than three miles north of J*ort Arthur. : * 1910?.The Portugese government decreed the liberty of the press and the separation of Church and State. ?CTigi Th. knot nr to elenn whit, mint to to tab ? oott flnnnal cloth, dip It In wnrm wntnr. wrlpp out, nnd then dip It In n mm of dl.no bf*n Tho friction of Hf? hAtt Vol ramoT. nor ptftln wltboufclntarlMtdhe paint. ?asisy.fi /sips ttri . .* y > y-ri "ailfiiri f- liu IB '**' I Electric rtllwty. l? me US It. J II Late, emptor 111,4*1 pvMlt. At Keuu Cltr. which I. the ocas. II 7'e l?r?Mt rati road center, there u bttn MUhUthed a Joint bareau >r the collect lea or trelcbt hills at II Usee center!dk at that point. The 6 l-2-m1le double-track Canaan Pacific tunnel through the 8S1Irk mountains, which will be the mgcet la the Western Hemisphere, i to be electrified^ . Canadian railroads hsve carried, ml are carrying a great amount ct rmy supplies being rushed to Enope for use bf the allies' arming, 'or convenient distribution the ahlplente were made to seven ports, .ivcrpool and London getting the irgest consignments. * ' The Southern Railway and affiiited lines have mtCde educational zbiblts. at nine Stato and general tlrs, ?nd 81 county fairs in MlssUIppl. Alabama, Tdtinesnee, Georgia, iorth Carolina, South Carolina, and _ 'lrglnia. ~ Weeding out of lnconsiatencles In I ho western freight and passenger 0 ate strncture' applying advlcb exended by' the Interstate commerce 01 ommission to the raliwaya as to he- manner In which they meat, m east partially, tho difficulties arising ll rom declining earnings and ad vane- tl ng expenses, la tho aim of the proposed rectification of tariffs In westprn territory served by roads operating west of Chicago, 8t. Louis and * he Mississippi. STUDENT ARTISTS' SHOW. ' 1 Boelon, Mass., Oct. 28.?To glv. J| in opportunity to students to show * holr work in a gallery, Doll A Rich irds have today opened on exhibition lere, which will continue through hree weeks. Many of the younger c irtlsta in the schools, doing a really professional work, are unacquainted vlth the methdds of presenting their r rnrk ?a thn nnkllA nr I. m n AI h nnA.1 >7 lack of means to exhibit In the isual way. To meet these condl:lons. this exhibition Is being given, Lnd It is hoped by the promoters bat sufficient Interest will be shown o warrant making the affair a'year- 1 y occurrence. C Not Altogether Unselfish. 3 Husband (newly married)?"Don't fou think, lore. If I smoke it would ipoll the curtains?" Wife?"Ah! you 1 aro really the most unselfish and thoughtful husband In the world; cer- 1 tainly it would." Husband?"Well, then, take the curtains down." c c The Uncomfortable Kind. J The Philadelphia minister who says * >lenty of $10,000 -Jobs are vacant 1 loesn't alarm us. There are too many c II and $2 a day Jobs vacant to make c he candidates comfortable.?Houston. 1 ?oet. t c Sometimes That Way. a Calling a man a "genius" is often a 1 polite way of Intimating that be lacka t common sense. 1 NATIONAL NUT * ? GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Thomaavllle, Oft., Oct. 88.?The ' annual convention of the National ( Nut Growers' Association convenes I here today, for a three day session, j This meeting has been loked for- J ward to with s great deal of iatersst y by the pecan growers and others In- i teres ted in not growing, ssd a large i attendance is noted. The program 1 arranged Is unusually Interesting j and has brought together some of the i best known pecan experts In tb# i country. Members of this association 1 range from Canada to Florida, and 1 the Industry la steadily growing, particularly through this seetlon of the country. I B X fi H 'i ; ' '* **+ * * ? **- -Msa . ? ^ I ?*** U Vogue gtrtnsnts Wrknow btroad. question that they present superior styles, fit, iinish ud fabric*. *ou can benefit by our experience and save time in buying. 50 New Models in Today $25 to $60. JAMES E. , ' ' - olWi NKW0Y NOIBB. | i -., . > ' , O Estimate ehow Call/or? Ik'e oil t? op to be worth 91.000.000. There la a demand in British Co imbla for .American-made Jural Tobacco workero la Wllkeebarrc. *QV a., bare ?ecu rod a Ofty-tour hour ok. t0 1 hdi In Germany the factory Iowa are '] dnilnletered by the Indue trial In- rox sectors, loepectoru of tmaerance m- tM octatlone and the pollcf. a | ,3 There are now thlrty-eix 8tatea in he Union In' which night work by 701 hlldren la nrohlBlted ~7 whMt crop such u Ktniu 001 aised in ltl4 hu D?T?rbMo equalid by any othl* State in the Union. *ox : amounted to .061,971 acres. ' Pil The proposed nniTsraal ' elf ht- ln* lonr law has ben unanimously enoraed by erery labor organisation i California, lhc Through the efforts of President ^ tampers, the steam shorelmen's rganlsations of Chicago hare reach- ^ d an agreement as to the basis of n amalgamation. ' iOTICE OP SALE UHDKR DEED OP TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power ?j f sale contained in a certain deed ^ >r trust executed on the 1st day of I ? nly. It 14, bye E. ft. WUUame and ^ rife. Sarah L. Williams, which said natrument* is recorded in the oflee .. >t the Register of Deeds of Beaufort ounty, in Book 116, at page 7|, de- J" ault having been made in the paynent of the indebtednees secured hereby, the undersigned trustee will, " ?n the let day of December, 1114, ? it It o'clock noon, at the oourttouse dor in Beaufort county, sell to yy he highest bidder for cash, the fol- (, owlag described real estate: . Situate, lying and being in the ounty of Beaufort, In the State of 1J forth Carolina, to-wit: XJ A certain tat of land la the town >f Washington, oounty^and Stats kforeeaid, containing fifty-one feet in y rldth, and one hundred feet in Jj lepth, the same being lot No. i la n* Third wara, sa anon en a com>11*4 plat of tks Mid ton mad* bjr toward Wltwall, Jr., C. tm lltl, o vtteh rafarance I* orarad. amd MOSdad morth br Klfkth atroat am mid Stat: aaat br Lot Mo. 1 oa said Itat: sooth br Lot No. M oa said list and wast br Lot No. I oa a*Id Itat. tha asm* batac tha propartr his dar Mirarad br Howard Wisrail, Jr., and wlfo, Trarla S. Wlarall, to tha mortfadora hanta, this nortdafd b*Ht( gtran to aacora tha jnpald portion of tha porchaaa srlo*. Tama of as la, aaak. a This Oatabar ?7th, Ibid. 1 MARTHA WISWALL. Troataa, WARD A OIUMM, Attaraara. 10-tt-two NEW TK One Night, Thuroc Bert I "Stop 1 By Carlylo Moore ai With Hazele ? A Plgj Built For Laughing P to Ngw York. 6 Months in Cb ETHERIDGt ^ORDF^StA this is posrnvEtt A gu? If You Don't Laugh Get Your M >OrS ffft * 1 y\\ ^\\ I 1 fl MTu a Xll \ I if j ^1 jVcpJi V I H fi i y # n \ l~3Nl I I J#* I' ' \rivl foi I % \ ii i iiy\ l HAVE LEARNED THE ^ VALUE OF THIS WON- > DERFUL REMEDY Mfc htlUar'a Ul? Mil*, tttar long arlatar iirlai which I haTa HlM hMTT t??i and Uku . lltti* inrdH, ?on at* anaala throw ol the polaoaooa bile which L aocnmnlated la tow arelem. ' *' roar Uror naada aaalatanca, and i at* ao mlaarabl* that ton art ftad to load roar atomach with ttaroaa draaa. aaeh aa calomel, lah (rlpaa and ahocka. aalta, which ah toa to* aaloklr. aad radao* ' I ir Tltullty Bad pOliOBoBo Liquid* U lch mum donsorooo roocttoao Jl I IMre you In u iluifMi nod wouk idllloh. T6u n**d B, ffllld Bad rmlUH tonic tl>?t will Inrlooruto A i sad (IT* ran peraonont rulluf. fry * few Of Polk Miller Ur# I U. To* uro perfectly ml* 1* u*- H ; this stundurd prucrlptlon. It I bee* u household remedy (or TOOTS und curries with It ill* us- H titty at ou* of tho Sooth's most H nous chemists. Polk Klllor of . tbsmd. Bomplo ou roquoot of Polk Miller H OS Co.. lue. loo bo* *t drosslVo I 1 (OUOrul storos. t l-lo coupou ooohbax. Polk MUlor JSrasCoa- B sr. Inc., Rlahroond, To. The Hypoeclto. Tie dtrtoe punishment of hypocrisy fungus. Those. In (hokoopouro o . I ? e olio lie, who** hoorto no oil *0 so o* ctulrs of son*, moot r sully re mach of thot eshensled eeussr o thot comes of wslktn* thron*k Id when It to loose sod deep. TV yocrfte Is thot anlaoklos* of SOUK* o U Borer oot of o tok?a K. CVC tow !oolc With Gat [eat With Go* ] . Sght With Ga? It is better than any W other fuel. It if the ... price it wu beforp the war, Washington Gas Co, E ? ? MjUtP, ? [EATER | lay, Octobter 29th ieigh rhief id G?o. 11 Cohan I * iurgess urposes Only. One^Yetr licago. 5 Months in Boston gjj 3N SALE AT WORTHY A TS BT MAIL OR PHONE. GRANTE D ATTRACTIONI'* on?y B.ck?nd Se? Doctor J j

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