w * * y ( BRITISH ULT1M IGNORED B WHO J r _ *? . . . t London.?Turkey has definitely thrown her lot with Austria and Germany, and If Portugal la countoi v and the dlsmaullng of the former, with prospects of three more? Greece, Bulgaria and Roumanla? being drawn In. * *1 _ The note which Great Britain presented to Turkey on Friday demanding an explaaaUon of the actions of tile Turkish fleet in the Black sea^ forces on hand to oppose a Turkish German cruisers?the Goeben and Ethe Breslau?was really an^ ultimatum to which Turkey was required to make a reply by Saturday evening. So far as la known here, telegraphic communication with Turkey being K interrupted, no Answer was. made, and the ambassadors Of the triple entente at the Ottoman capital, it Is understood demanded and received their psasports. Turkish troops which had jeen on the Egyptian border for some time already are reported to/have crossed the frontier, while the Turklab fleet continues to menace towns and shipping in the Black eea. " Neither Russia nor Great Britain was unprepared for this move by Turkey, and the allied powers have forces on ban to oppose a- Turkish ^ invasion. When the regular forces were withdrawn from Egypt to take part I In the war In Europe, they imme d lately were replaced by troop*- from "home much greater In numbers, at least, and only last week they paraded through the streets at.Cairo, miking a splendid appearance. Tha problem for both England and Russia, however. Is the attitude of their Moslem subject* who, under ordinary circumstance*, would prater pot la ftght against Turkey. I Another problem relates td the attitude of Roum&nla, Bulgaria and Ureace. Bulgaria, owing her existence to Russia and being under . as any Obligations in Great Britain. Is desirous of seizing Thrace as Tar eftst as Bn-us-Uldla lino, which she wag awarded by the London conference, after the first Balkan war, but which Turkey re-took. wMB Bulgaria was attacked by Giwdbe and Servia, would naturally sldo-wlth the entente. Bat she objects, politician* point out, OT fighting 'side by side with Greece find Servia. Russia, however{ is expected to ask Bulgaria definitely on'which side sh? Is ranged,^ as hermere neutrality, under the circumstances, appears Insufficient. Should she Join the Austrlgns and Germans. Rouraanla la almost certain to declare for the allies and Greece, even before tbi?, may decide to {ake her revenge on i Tnrkey. In fact. It Is believed her treaty with 8erv!a would compel hei to take aetion, should the latter be attacked by Bulgaria or Turkey. Italy, too. Is brought nearer to war by the entrance of Turkey, for enu aaa large Mediterranean tosses alone to protect I The fighting In *he lact rew dayi In Flanders and France hu been ball a repetition of -what has been golni v . U. , ATUM IS Y TURKEY OINS GERMANY Prom point o\ rl?w of the allies their position Is safe as. the Germans are no nearer their go*l than a week ago. There have been tremendous looses. While the capture of a few prisoners and guns froiu one sjde or the other is a matter or daj)x occurrence, lighting has become severe along the rlvenrAisne, lr. the Argonne- forest and along the river Mense, between Verdun and Toul, but so far without making any appreciable change In the fronts, at the two armies. * The Oermau armies are said by the Russians to. ?ave been defeated bofore Warsaw and'ivangorod They countlnue t9 fall back and the new Russian front now extends in a semicircle fron\ Plock, northwest of Warsaw. on-through Lodt and Ptothrow and Ostrolco southwest of Rndom. In Oalicli the Russians are having more difficulty In dislodging the Attstrlans from their position on the San. It Is officially annonnoed that owing to Germans making prisoners of ill Belgians and Frenchmen of military age In occupied territory, German and Austrian reservists wll b? arrested on neutral ships. It is declared, however, that the ships will be subjected to as Httls Inconveyanco aa -possible. 9 Noted Singer - Sings Here Tonight Anita Patti Brown, one of the world'# noted sincere. will appear at the colored Masonic Hall, corner of Reapec# and Plfth sfeeet, this evening and -will render one of her noted . K9*r^1^JQtfa^Qted,^in*Br ha* traveled all over the United States as well a? around the West Indian Islands. Her- reputation l^ethe musical world is world-wide and all who hear her this evening will be" amply ro ' paid. Ilfr prOgrnm Is a varied one. i General admission tickets will bo 25 cents and 10 cents extra for reserved seats. Special provtston will be made for white people. Miss Amy Belasco, a West Indian j from Trinidad. Port of Spain, will] . give a travel talk as to her nativehome and surrounding lalsnds. ! .... . . a? HAD F1Nb\ TRIP. | MIT j. A. Tucker, manager of the Hotel l^ouise, accompanied by Mrs. Tucker and daughter, Miss Ida and ' Mrs. Barker Dameron. nee Miss 8Jlls, motored to this city yesterday from ' V V r> Th> AUlanno AAV. tred was 101 miles and was without mishap. The party left Loulsburg yesterday morning at 11: SO and arrived here Sunday evening In time for supper. Mrs. Tucker and daughter have been visiting at Loulsburg tor the past several days. Mr. Tucker left, here Saturday tor Loulsburg and drove the party back via automobile. Mrs. Damerbn Is now their guest at the' Louise. She Is pleasantly remembered in Washington'. BEiir DESTROYED . mm Q' JARVIS CUTLER, OF J ESS A MA, LOBES HOME Aim ALL CONTtfNTS?HOW IT ORIOI'KATKP NOT KNOWN. , News reaches this city that hkst Saturday afternoon fct Jetsams. N. C., Mr. Jarvla Cutler, one of that I, section's enterprising farmers and ? popular citizens, met with the rais? fortune to lose pis home by flre.,Nol ** only was the building entirely eon !* turned, hut thd household and kitchen furniture as jsell. Mr. Cnt1st was not at home at the time. Af ' t. I UC CieO tlon' of his successor will bo held simultaneously wlth.the general elec tlon tomorrow. The understanding li\ Washlagtoh U net Carl Vinson, ol Milledgevllle, nominee for the lftng Congressional term, will have no op posit Ton for succession to the vacancj occasioned by htr. Hardwlck's resig nation. The Congressman will as Butte his senatorial duties following Immediately general election. BiiiT" THIS WEEK pm The members of the Foreign Mis slonary Society of the First Mettyidls church ore observing this week a: ? week of prayer.L The first meetinj was held at the h.ome of Mrs. N Leggett this afternoon at 4 o'clM and a very interesting and entertafc ing program was carried out. * The meeting for Tuesday after noon will be held at thp home o Mrs. Walter Crcdle, corner of Fourtl and Bonner streets. Mrs. Matt! Cordon will be the leader. A ful attendance of the members and al others Interested are cordially In vlted to attend. All Saints Day Celebrated' Yesterday / / All Saints Day wee fittingly ol served In 8L Peter's Episcopal churc! this city, yesterday morning an evening. As Is the custom ail tli pews of deceased communicants wt have passed away Meriden, Conn., Nor. 2.?Battling Lahn, the hard hitting Brooklyn ban1,1 tamwelght and Buddy Faulks will 10 meet here tonight III a ten-round iT i WORK 160 : 10 THE 11 i mii r 11- Vagrants played a oonpicuoua part ry in the mayor's coort*thls morninj Bg with the result that tho offonderi g- must either go to .work or serve tbeli sentence. Those indicted for vagrancy wero Robert Flint and Arp Spence were Indicted for* vagrancy, n, Judgment was suspended in botl m esses provided they secure work a ?n once This Was agreed to by th ill. defendants. ^ ^ , I Variable wtede. fOVEMBER 2, 1*14 Bffif "1 CMP WEI SORPRISED SHERIFF AND POLICE DISCOVER THEM I.\ FIELD NEAR TOWN ENGAGED IN GAME YESTERDAY. Sheriff Oefrge E. Ricks and | Policeman Williams made a raid In a field near the city yesterday morning with the result that they surprised five colored men secretly engaged actively^ In a game of crap. Two of The parties were captured ahd brought back to the city. All have since been apprtftended and they will have a hearing this afternoon before the recorder. Vaudeville New Theater On Tonight For the first three nights of this week the New Theatre has for the amusement of its patrons. "Price? La Ford & Prlco " ?r> avaaIUi.? I In one of the best singing and comedy acts yet presented here. There will be an entire change of program every night. Starting today the New Theatre will h*r? from now on the best-line of motion pictures that they can secure. They will still use the associated Alms exclusively, but they have made arrangements for a great deal better service :?.nn they have teen getting. As there has been to dissatisfaction with 'he Alms that they have been giving their patrons as every picture was a good subject, well rendered. We hardly see" how they are to improve on the splendid service that they have been giving, but nevertheless their patrons are appreciative crowjl, and.no doubt Twill $how It by an Increased attendance from now on. The New Theatre certainly tries to please every palro ? 'that enters their house, and they deserve the hearty support of the movie fans of the city. 11S8 R0D1AN WHS HOSTESS m Miss Theodora Rodman, the bright and interesting daughter of Colonel end Mrs. Wiley C. Rodman, gave a party to the Sewing Clrcld" Club lbst Saturday evening. Those present and nariakiner of the hospitality of the wlneBome lit* tie hostess were: Elizabeth Oden, Liia Roper, Mary Bridgman Little, Mary Carl Bland. Ruby Swindell. Margaret Dragaw, Vlra Edwards, Angy Merriman, Mamie Simmons., Ruth Satterthalte, Wiley C. Rowman. Jr., Theodore Rodman and Charlotte Rodman. They bobbed apples and told fortunes to the amusement and pleasure of all present. It was a flcdlghtful occasion. THOMAS A. EDISON AID NAVY MEN New York, Nov. - 2.?A^, special type of storage battery for.us in submarine engines has been lpvented by Thomas A. Edison, which will replace the' present load, batteries. Mr. Edlron Jjns boon working on this battery for two years, but it was only recently announced by him to a party Of 200 hundred from the Brooklyn navy yard, headod by lieutenant Sterling, who visited the Edison plant in West Orange. The batters t now used In submarine generate! chlorine gas when Its cells becom< 1 flooded with salt water: This gat r weakens the crew and makes then susceptible to pneumonia for monthi : afterward. The Jiew battery haa re r eel red thorough tests and pees* them all satisfactorily. The Inveo tlon Is a small compact cell, takim 1 only one-half the space of baUerle * now In use. It Is much lighter ths theboid and produces more enfrgj ^NE\ "v" V - r > T MRS. SRALL HOSTESS TO llfi WAS CHARMINGLY ENTERTAIN. LAST hthketT^**^H| Mrs. John Small entertained the O. Henry Book Club in\her usual gracious way at her handsome residence In Main street Friday afternoon. and the beautiful home was never more charming than in its lovely autumn attire. \ The president. Miss Tubman, gracefully presiding, called the ntaelIng to order. After reading of the minutes, very: delightful description of "Orlando"! was given by Miss Mary Blount., showing great insight and understanding of Shakespeare'B ardent lover; and her graphic description of tho enchanting comedy. "As You Like It." was a literary treat. Next' In order was reading by the club, the first and second acts of "As You Like It." After the distribution of the new books a tempting salad course was gracefully > served by Mrs. Small's attractive daughters. The next meeting will with MJ*s I Rodman on Thursday, November 12. at 3:30 p. m. VISITORS TODAY. ? _ .7 .... i?ioB?rs. j. u. c,oorn. i. ai. aiioyetto. Clyde Stalllngs and Dr. Jack Niackolson. of Bath, N. C., arc among the visitors to Washington today. Beaufort Co. Med. Society Meets Wed. t - - ' * DR. JACK NICHOLSON WILL K.V TEKTAIN THIS BODY NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING AT HOME. The next meeting of the Beaufort County Medical Society will convene in this city on Wednesday. November 4. The host of the society *111 be Dr. Jack Nicholson, who will entertain the society at his home on East Main street. Dr. John C Blount Is the efficient president of the society, and Dr. H. W. Carter the capable secretary. Papers for the evening will be read by Drs. P. A. Nicholson and H. W. Carter. The subject of Dr. Nicholson's paper will be. "The Relation of a Doctor to a Life Insurance Company." Dr. Carter's paper will be: "The Modern Mastoid Operation." Interesting cases will bo reported oy l/rs. jonu iayioe ana s. m. isicholson. These will doubtless be followed by a discussion of Interest. A very pleasant and profitable meeting Is looked for. CITY ALDERMEN. The Board of City Ahlermon will meet In regular monthly session ai the City Hall this evening at tli< usual hour for the purpose of transacting the business of the city foi the past month. ? BANKS TO CLOSE. On account of tomorrow being i legal holiday, election day. all tlx banks of tho cfty will be closed. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The Board of County Commission era are meeting today In regula monthly session at the courthouse All the members aro present. KLRERT HUBBARD WILL DELIVER SI*KKCI Chattanooga. Tenn., Nov. 2.?El 1 beet Hubbard will deliver a ape*:: ' here this evening, under the auspice 1 of the Junior chamber of commerce - Mr. Hubbard in tha past has bee > one of the biggest drawing card 1 ever In this dlty. and it is expects 1 that a very large audience wiiratte i * the meeting this evening. i - 7 - BOARD OF COUNTY BDCCATIO! * The County Beard of Bducattc * is In session today. They are mectli B In the eounty superintendent r- school's office In the courthoqnt, ' 4 : .' t \ ~ Vs J HARRIAGC fll PARSONACE 1.E.CIUBCH ; MM DAISY A. WALLS AND MR. WILLIAM J. DAY MADE MAN ?| AND WIFE SUNDAY MORNINU." 9 Mr*. Daisy A. Walls and Mr. William J. Day were happily married at the Methodist Pursanage yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock by the pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. E. N. Snipes. The bride and groom drove to this city from Chocowlnity and were made man and wife. Only a few witnesses were present. The bride is a widow of the late Mr. R. D. Wtfll and is a most highly esteemed wmoan. The groom IS a painter bj^rade and is well known .-3 In WaMnngtod. The Dally News extends best wishes. J. D. Eborn Is A Visitor to Washington Mr. J. D. Eborn. of Bayside, N. C., superintendent of the Roanoke Rail ruaa ana Lumoer company, who met with the misfortune to break the * yja smaller bone In hit right leg Just above (he ankle on September 19. Is in the city today for the flrst time since he was hurt. Ho's bom greeted by hig many friends who are glad to know that he has sufficiently recovered as to be out again. Mr. Ebom is one of Beaufort county's first citizens. Unless scraelhlns unforeseen happens he will be able right soon to assume his regular business duties. HAVE MOVED. Mr.- B. W. Taylor and family hare moved to the residence on West Main street, formerly occupied by Mr. H. G- Sparrow and family. Mr. Sparrow and family hhve moved to the home of Mr. M. J. Wright on West Second street. opemI this. last ai hospital J MRS. CHAM. P. AY COCK, OF PA XT EGO, HE POUTED AM DOING X1CELV TODAV?WILL RECOVER. Mrs. Charles P. Aycock, of Pantego. N. C.. wife of Mr. Charlee P Aycock. president of the Bank of Bel| haven and also a member of the County Board of Commissioners, underwent an operation at the Washington Hospital Thursday last. The reports from her bedside today are ... Uri A v r rw k Is I one of Boaufort county's highly esteemed ladles and her early convalescence is hoped for by her many , friends. AD WOLGA8T AND FREDDIE WKI.AH TO FIGHT TONIGHT New York. Nov. 2.?Ad Wolgaat. ex-lightweight champion, and Fred1 die Walsh. world's lightweight ' champion, will flght tonight at Madison Square Garden. The men wilt weigh at 135 pounds at three o'clock this afternoon. This is the lightweight limit in England, and Welsh ~ insisted on this weight and time. r Wolgast is the only prominent lighti* weight who hRB never faced Welsh In the ring. The pair were matched r tc^ meet in Los Angeles when the . 3ja "Michigan Wildcat'* was champion. 1 but illness prevented the bout taking place. Billy Roche will bo referee, h ^ n New Theater " ? 1 MONDAY. TUESDAY AND * WEDNESDAY: "PRICE?DA FORD A PRICE." V A 8plendl?l Trio U Hlsh-rUu Mo* ' In and CMMdJ. PHOTOPLAYS: ; 91 >E *? Reel. AoMloted FUau ?? 0( STEAK JtEAT. xJSB / Prhwr >Ril? v.'