IB I ?A 1 f 1 Rev. Tj C. Dor 1 ?. Diocesan Bis1 Tfa. Richmond Tlmc.-DUp.teh > I I . tew dAn u> carried the following I no?o otorr wUkl'raMrenoo to Her. I Tb omits C. Daraf, motor of Bt. Jll?H If Bgtooonnl ciiwcl, thnt city. ana who I I mcontlr ?u olectoO Bishop of the K DIooom of autCuollu by the oounoll which mot In this city on Octo- I I her 7: I * "Whllo the {members of the cou-| I gregatlon had hoped that Mr. Deiet'e conception of ^il* duty would accord Fife, with their o^u earnest deairee. so Wm that he might continued* charge W of 8t. James, they reall^dttre potent spiritual influences that wae guiding i ' him during his consideration, and felt confident that he woald decide according to 1U dictates. - They I were also awiar^-of the appeals made to Mr. .Daraji by the hiahopa of this x diocese, end of thoee In adjacent SUtee. ae irell ae by every clergyman of the:dlocese to which he had ,7 been 6lted> all of which urged hUp to accept tie election. "Conseqgehlly, though profound< 1y moved, they were hot surprised by - the announcement, for trhlrtuthey wore partly prepared by a'Vnowledge of the advIoeT>veo appeals, of men hlgt^ In the church, to whose words thpy felt that ihelr rector most listen; partly- by 'a furthei knowledge of certain conditions | . ^ jrhlch n|pde EMAND REPARATION \ V curHy being guaranteod in the meantime. This would give Russia such superiority In the Black eea that there would be no danger of Turkish raids. It is suggested also that demobolisatfcm of the Turkish army would be demanded, which would mean thai those troops which have crossed tho Egyptian fruitier must be withdrawn. However, as the terms of Turkey's apology have not been published and inasi be considered by tho entente powers before tho'apology. Is accepted or refused, there seems to bo a long way to go -before diplomatic relatione between the Ottoman government and the allies can he resumed. ( Moan while "a report, comes from Constantinople of the seizure of anothor Russian steamer and also thai Dulgarla, which bad' "been asked to choose the side on which sho would fight, had commenced to mobillzo hot second line trop3. . The Germans continde t& striks bilrd blows on the allies' lines in their endeavor to set through tc the c.oast. Thus fay they have founj every road ' blocked bdV apparent!] disregarding losses they' continue t< attack. The floods, fhe Belgian army an? ft>. BrttUh Boot having b.rrod ihtli (ConUntwfl ? t *- ' ? I j WASHINGTON N. EXPRESSCOHPflRY ill, SERD ft -fflUCE GRATIS . ,Wo are just in receipt of Information that the Southern Express Company will transmit free of charge donation* of money fcr charitable purposes of the Red Croea Society/ at Washington, D. C. They money will be transmitted by uso of money or-& ders. ^ The local agent, Mr. W. F. Clark, of the Southern. Express Company, has just notified us that that company will transmit free or charge all Christmas gifts, when so | marked, when donated to the children of Europe, for forwarding on United States government ship, from Brooklyn, N. Y., on November 10th. Oq account of the limited timo before sailing?these shipments nrust be limited to 100 1 pounds, and marked "Christmas Girts for the Children of Europe." They must be timed to reach Brooklyn approximately 48 hours before November 10th. For further information call on the local agent of ine soumern Express company, this , city. 0 t?o ! , VOTING LIGHT. Up im the hour of going to* 1 press the indications point to a I light olection so far as the voters I in Washington and throughout Beaufort county is concerned. | Although the Democrats wiH ^. have a good safe majority and j | too the constitutional amend- | I jucnt, the indications point to the | | fact that the voters are not torn- | I ing ont to the polls as if it were j { & Presidential election. isiir m ho* Hi) RTIT fiTIAK! I the persSbeof Jim Westoi^aafl WCibcrt Weston are making quite an 1 j enviable "reputation for noj, only lhe| I team which thev ranropptit ku?a that they bare been made overtures from afar to loin teams. Both of these' young men have been offered board, tnltlon and expenses. This la quite an advertisement for Washington and goee to show that tho boys here are there . with the ?pa6di. The Weeton boya are among the best players on tho gridiron in the South, Cataeir past record will show and it pot surprising that they have had overtures from some of the best oolleges In the South. LilESff I CM 10 HOLDUP Tho ladles of tho Methodist church will hold a bazaar in December. The exact date hah not yet boen deeidod on, but will bo announced later. The drat of the year all the ladles of tho church week divided Into-elri clca and were requested to make . some artlclo each month. This has been done b7 many, so the'ladies ox, pact to bava a large assortment of l fancy work Cor sale. Every member , of th* church is requested to make [ romo article for this bazaar if they r have not already^done ed. v , . This will be a splendid opportunity to seeora.Ji^ntfeomo hand-madf 1 articles for Christmas prevent#., and r It is hoped, that all the Triende-of this food cause will pfftronlxe this bfczaai. * ' -j h r| i <9 m - ::;BBk fVL I " Nwnad Today F DEMOCRATS AH OF VICTORY IN ESTATE The election In Washington and I Beau tort equnty passed off today without mishap?that is to say? 1 there was no disturbance as all went to the polls and yoted tbslr convictions. So far as Washingtoh and Beaufort county wa& concerned the Democrats as a unit cast )^elr ballots to return again to power tboao who have always stood for tho best interest of the county and State. Congressman Small is returned again to Congress with his olj)-tinie majority and 8enator Lee S. Overman win again grace the Uaflaiofthe flggfr^Migreas for the next M^jU^^^|res^throttghouf Che JGfSk&r* ro waBedwit^muc^B j "??? y. - - EffnMn of I ho nomiiprotc tft 1 'dMStMyjt the lower House, of ConST&Cfnnd of their opponents to wrest It frtfm them, have called forth the full strength of all parties. President Wlls^i has made no speaking tours, but has written many letters *4 endorsee}ent*. Most of the members of tho cabinet have spent much of the last fortnight In campaigning. The leading men of the "Republican and Progressive parties with*. the noteworthy exception of ex-President Taft, have been similarly engaged. The Deraoyatlc party has 53 scats !u the Senate as against 4 2 for the Republicans and 1 for tho Progressives. Senatorial elections were held In Alabama* Arizona, Arkansas, California. Colorado, Connecticut. Florida, Georgia. Idaho. Illinois, Indiana, tows. Kentucky. Kensas, Maryland. Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire. New York, North Carolina. North DakoU,- Ohto; Oklahoma. Oregon. f*enney!va'hio,; South Carolina, Bonth Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. Eliminating the "Roltd South." there are only seven States la' which Inroads can possibly be made in, the Democratic majority, so that unless that party should lose iu all but one of these States, it will retain control of the Senate. The States are Colo^ rado, Indiana. Oklahoma. Maryland, Missouri. Nevada and Oregon. Governors wore elocted in Alabama. Arizona. California. Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho. Iowa. Kansas. Massachusetts. Michigan, Mlnnerota. Nebraska. Norad*. New Hampshire, Now Tork. North T)Av>ta. Ohio. Oklahoma, Oregon. Pennsylvania, Rhode Jsland. South Carolina. *touth Dakota, Tennessee. Texas. Verm oof. Wyoming and Wisconsin Democratic Governors jsre elected , ' ?.?X v m "/ ^ v. . mam > * ***. M I or Ninth Term. IE CERTAIN IN ELECTION AND NATION L' 's ir In Arkansas tuid Maine in September. The campaign has been the ciuieteet of years. x Tho quietude of (he campaign Is attributed largely to the European war, which has usurped in popular discussion and tbe newspapers gave it the place usually ?iven to politics. Notwithstanding \}iq Increased efforts entailed by the direct election of Senators, according to figures, erpendfturcs probably have been less Lhan those of a-sio^lar campaign In many years. In most coses, llife' Senators whose terms expire next March have been renominated. Th*e is, however, a conspicuous exceptjjbn. Elihu Root, of New York, one of tho commanding figures In the uppea House, declined Lo run, nptwlthstanltlng tbe appeals Theodore E. Burton, Majorlty House, is tho Democratic candidate/ are the others who hav? nnt ?_ nominated. Senators seeking re-election todav are Smith, of Arizona; Clarke, of Arkansas; Thomas, of Colorado^ Brandegec, of Connecticut; Fletcher, of Florida; Smith, of Georgia; Brady of Idaho; Sherman, of Illinois. Shlvely, of Indiana; Cummins, of Iowa; Camdcn> of Kentucky, for the remainder cf the present term Smith, of Maryland; Stone, of Missouri; Ncwlands, of Nevada; Gallinger. of New'Hampshire; Overman, of North Carolina; Gronna, of North Dakota; Gore, of Oklahoma; Chamberlain, of Oregon. Penrose, of Pennsylvania, Smith of South Carolina; Smool, of Utah; Dillingham, of Vermont, and i Jones of Washington. Stato campaigns in several Instances hove been wagod; keenly as to subordinate ihtcroet lu the congests for ^Congress. In New York [Governor Glynn's fight for re-election i's boing opposed by District Attorney Charia* S. Whitman, of New York city. 4bo Republican candidate, former 8tate Senator Frederick M. Davenport, vho heads the Progressive ticket, , and former Governor William 8uldcr. nominee of the Prohibition and .American parties. Fori mgr President Tloosovclt has concentrated his energies on New York and Pennsylvania,'making few distant campaign trips. \ (? ' NOTICE OF MEETING. The Foreign Missionary Society o the M. E. church will meet tomortov afternoon at 4 o^clock with Mrs. Mai Ue Cordcn on Water atmet. Th meeting "wfll conducted by Mn B.**M. Snipes. Bvery member to n quested $.0 be present. ' * v T'-sik? * Board of City Met on Tli* Board of City Aldermen met in regular monthly session at the City Hall laat night. The hoard was presided orer by Mayor Frank C. Kugler. The following business was transacted for the past month: Mr. J. D. Grimes appeared before the beard in bchair of the firm of William Bragaw & Co.. and stated to -.be board that Mr. Bragaw owned the warehouse now situated on the public dock property owned by the city and some time since purchased rrom the Myers heirs at the foot of Bonner street. Mr. Grimes offered this building to the city for the sum ot $300. After discussion the matter was roferred to the commltteo on wharves and docks for In'vestigaI lion. Mayor Kugler stated that a right of way had been secured through i the storage warehouse on West Third street In consideration of the city | ran WAS CLOSED LAST IIC1T The campaign in Beaufort county closed last night, most auBplclousiy and the outcome today promises a great victory for Democracy. At Aurora last night Representative-elect James L. Mayo, Sherlffolect W. B. Wlndley tn- have all white barbers. 11-3-Sta.w. * % l;-;. 1' No. 21* * Aldermen Last Evening v-r'? . "V-^i giving three T's for this privilege. Attorney l^j^arter. Jr., reportthst E. j^uired a judgment After dlscuulo^t^^mi^m^K to tako an appeal to the Suprape Court in the matter. The following ordinance was passed by the board. The Board of City Aldermen do enact: First. That It shall 1?j unlawful for any person driving an automobile or motorcycle on the streets of the city of Washington to uao the "cut out." of to blow the horn or whistle at any time except at crossings or when warning vehicles or pedestrians of the approach of automobiles or motorcycles or to make any unnecesrary nols6 when upon the streets of tho city. Second. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be flucd $10.00. VAUDEVILLE NEW THEATER LUST NIGHT 1 The New Theatre opened last night with two of the beet vaudeville ac:a that they have had for some time. Mr. La Ford sang several snngR which received a great deal of applause from the large audience jthat was present. The "Prioe Trio" In black face work is one of the best black face acts that has over been liere. Their Jokes were all new and calcliy. Judging from the applause I that they received they certainly made a great hit last night, j Thore will be an entire change or program each night. The pictures last night were among the best seen hc,re for some time. The New Theatre announces tha^ the "Virginian," which was booked brre for the 16th of this month, has been cancelled by the company on ! account of bad business In the South. BELIEVE PRESIDENT WILL BE CANDIDATE Washington. D. C., Nov. 3.?On the eve of the Congressional election (t became known yesterday thjuUenda M close to President Wltton are worlt| I and Houaewn^^^M^4H|^H ar the result of elections THE COLORED BETTER IIABIES' CONTEST CLOSES The colored Better Babies Contest held in connection with the colored ! State Fair last week met with unforeseen success. Those having it in charge are gratified with the results i and arc encouraged to undertake further and more advanced work along this line another year. Though this is the first attempt of the colored people at a Better Babies' Contest. in this State and perhaps throughout the South, so satisfactory and successful was the results In every way that it has been made an annual organization. The examinations were in tho hands of oolored physicians, dentists and trained nurses. The standard score cards were used and medala and certificates given. The mothers had pointed out to them by a chll-i specialist the cause and remedying of every defect the score card show' ed. Thus they were able to go home and remedy perhaps what might hare 1 been deformities for life. \ ' New Theater ? MONDAY. T0E8DAY AJtt> ' WEDNESDAY: TIUCB?DA FORD PRICE? 4 A Sptandia Trio la Blfb-CU? Mo* la ui Oiuoidj. ' PHOTOPLAYS: o fl n^|a Associated Films ^8 RTBAM HEAT. ^ Prices ??Kilt Casts, j ?-* -VrV-i'iv j.'v *" I 1