BACK J^K^analea art now on the de'^ fbotb on the east and west, avo given up, at leg* f?r the , l-^^B their efforts to .break < the allle^ lines around t Bk Belgium. where the Drltlsh I Kch have taken the offensive, I Birdlng. to the reports from f Hheadouarters have com- 1 advance. In the east they c Beh back over their own WR In east Prussia And in i Bj while Russian catalry has i tntod Silesia .to the north of ? H, and eut the Germarf railway. 1 I Russians ulso are following t i vantage in Gallcii, and 1 Hfeld. have cut the retreating c B^ks off from Cracow, while the a Hs are retiring -through &?- t m?t ^ dnly one point at two battle ^H do the Germans claim sueoeas. i the best of Argonne region. J they have taken from the ] I .^K|bi Important height near H*>le-Cliateau. J ^Beh troops have retaken the i Bki which they had lost dor- a course of the weelr. That is 1 so In the Atsne vsiley i l SolsSons, where ttrby have re- 1 Hi the ground whlgh the Ger h* nlu Yx * A .-i Belgians, holding -the Hue o n$ to the coast, also have made v fighting today was carried on 1 ^^ og. which interfered with the b of the airmen and likewise a he artillery. lie the allies' offensive in the 1 tea given hope In London that I v mom' | a am j^Aarge number of sorrowing {^ s and others gathere<Mn St. f Episcopal church Sunday af- v on to pay their last tribute of p.jBlhd respect to the remains of c ^C. Hoyt, whose funeral was ' largest ever held In Wash- 1 L tt entire chancel of the church 1 perfect -bower of chrysanthe- * ^ wji and-the choir sang appropriate c suitable hymns. *. so at the cemetery the choir I ^nred suitable hymns. (The floral 1 ten were among the largest and * profuse ever seen in the city, |c if the high esteem In which the.* ised was held. ? i-IMa WWO IUUUUI.KJU U .T Nathaniel Harding, assisted by ? ^ Tobtf O. Brag&w, Jr. a HnprnoN OF amerk .W FEDERATION OF LABOR 'I ^ ftadalphla. Pa.. Nov, 8.?The 1 ial cosventlon of the American i ^ iratlon of Lmbor will meet In this i ^Hand open Its to wastes session t ! * * Nearly ten thousand vftltors J ^ oe here during the conclave, as i >rtant matters of trade unionism i to be discussed and disputes of ; finds settled. An elaborate pro- ^ ft has been prepared, both for the ( nees sessions and for theftoclal < of the meting, and a number of IBjMSea from men prominent In all ] Sfcdbe* of labor win be beard. The jmBfean Federation of Labor Is the i Bsr labor organisation in the i 111. I RAILWAYS AND ENGINEERS blcafo. 111.. No. 9.?The board of I trrfVlon to settle labor disputes , 'sen ninety-eight western raU- i and their engineers add flromen , begin Its sessions here tow. 1 G. Paul & Bro. ; ^ w t 1 1ST AND WES1 "' W 1 P ? &. i >.-! ' >. : St. the Germans will fall back to a Jlil farther removed from the see, a) uneasiness ha3 net pissed, for the previously have shown wonderfu\ re operative powers. The presence o he Russians In East Prussia am lUesU, however, wlli. It Is believe, lefe, prevjm* the German's troii ending any more troops to the west f It does not compel then^ to with lraw some already at that front. The AustriaOs apparently hav. lent stronger forces against Servli ind have driven the. Serbs out o tlavonla. Of what Is going on li tosnli, which the Servians and Mo^i ehegrios Invaded almost to. tj|e cap lai, Sarajevo, nothing has been dls llOMtfl (or weeks, but operation! igainst their northern border mue lave had an effect on the Servlai ilans there. Nothing.of moment has occurre? n the near east, but Turkey ie beinj ittacked in isolated spots by th Russians and British. The Turk Iso are apparently comnlg ver; lose to war with Greece, the situs |lon having, been aggravated by th linking of a Greek steamer by th parks and tjpe thratenlag of Graph n Asia Minor. Neither Baiga^psoo toumanla has yet nfade any move. I The Union defense forces contlntu o round up the rebeli in Bout] tfrlca. Those In the northern por f Cape Province, which havebeen i rorry to the government, have beet omplotely routed, while thoee ii rranavaal, where another 400 har< een Aptured, are scattering, everal email commanders have beet ererai small commandoes have beet noting towns And damaging rail rays. t if if hfeiki "Not until all supervisory road jot Iclal* are appointed In accordanci riththe recognised principles of th< aerlt system will America he sure o in adequate road system," gays R lenry Dana. president of the Na ional Civil Service Reform League dr. Dana calls attention to the fac hat frqjn 100.000 to 150,000 roac ifflcials now have supervision of Jb innual expenditure of well ovei 1200,000,000 for road purposes li ne united States. With compare ively few exception* these men sr< hosen without fsgard tft their ape lal fltnetoa for thJ work and largfe y on account of their polltlca .(filiations. A eeealon devoted ex sluBlvely to the merit system in roat dministration will be held under ih lusplces of the National Civil S?v dee Reform League at the fourt] American Road Congress which wil >o held at Atlanta. Oa., during th veek of November 9 AC this ses >ion an earnest effort will be mad o.Une up all the powerful Influence epresented at the congress, in sup >ort'of the movement to take roa> idmlnistration out of politics and t jlace it <h a aoqnd business basl vhere every dollar will be expend* vRh a view los obtaining certal Jeflnlte results. V'AU officials who have direct sv >ervision of road construction am nalntenance should be appointed an lot elected, and should be chose: after a competitive Investigation c sareera and qualifications. require by law," asserts Mr. Dana. "Thes man after they have once been a? [ected should hold office not for definite team but so long as the give satisfactory service. The should be chosen as a result of th competition Which would bi conduc ?d by*approprlat? experts under^th Ilrectiou-of civil service cosim "Spn and the expert road enxlneer Mlac Ml should bs itren a wlda letltud to that they may utlllie to the rol at aatant. Cor the benefit of th State and tha county, their abllii and experloaee In tha -eoaeUucUo and maintenance of roada." Naw leitalatloh will'he necaaaar and naw methoda of- handUnc ft road Trrtfl? The fact that tl " - ? - ? 1 'i ' i iMjndA&aei'l M WASHINGTON1 N ran r IU CHIEIt HERE III III. 1R I k The annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will con' vene here on Wednesday morning. November 18, with Bishop Water, house, D. D., L#L.D., presiding. k The conference sermon will be t preached on Tuesday evening, Noj vember 17. by Rev. H. A. Humble. . pastor of the church In Klnston, N. . C. t There JWIU be about four hun. dred visitors In the city daring the , session. Bishdfc J. C. fcllgo.-b. D.. t L.UX, Is expected to attend,' and t while In the city will be the guest of Judge 8. C Bragaw at his home on I Second street."" Mrs. Mary P. Baugham will entertain the presiding ' Bishop. t Borne of the most prominent men r In the church will attend. Delegates are expected to arrive from } Tuesday, November 17. until thrf opening of the regular business sest slot). The conference will In all probability be In seesloa from Wednee" day until Monday fniinwin* bishop and his cabinet which Is composed of all the presiding elders, will hold their first session on Tuesday afternoon. The acrangements for the entertainment of the oonference ar; now practically completed. The session promises to he one of the most delightful In the history of the church. lull's' . Mm is , SHI a condition of Mrs. T. J. HardV ing/who was stricken with appopiexy a if-r- Mft ftgr hom* ?n Refc. pees street, la to Jar reported to be 9 no better. It Is"thought that she lb sinking all the while und the end is not far off. Mrs. Harding Is one 1 of Washington's moat popular clti sens and the news of her Illness car rlee with It genuine regret. Her ' life has always been an open book, * known and read by all men and in her pissing the entire city mourns. Her entrance Into that country not made with hand will be a triumphant one and her plaudit well done. PHOENIX, ARIZ., STATE PAIR OPENS TODAY. \ Phoenix, Aria., Novr 9.?The Arixona State Fair will be opened here today and remain epen until next' Saturday night. Unusually large ex> hlbitlons of farm and dairy products have been entered, and the women's department especially has increased in size and interest. JOHNNY HARVEY AND FKANKIE MACK BOUT New Haven, Conn.r Nov, 9.? Johnny Harvey . and Frankle Mack will box twenty rounds here this evening before the' Riverside Athletic Association. Battling Reddy is d njso to meet Buddy Faukos at this 4 club. a ,t i d American Bankers' ABSt>c'etlon will te alsj be represented In the sessions j- of the congress assures powerful aupa port for the effO||U of the Civil Sov y -vice Reform League. The active pary tlclpation of these great national ore ganizations in the road movement Is U "Very Urgeiy due to the untiring efie forts of the American High Asaoclat. tlon, which Ja, conjunction with the t- American Automobile Association, is > holding the Road Congress. The 1- policy pursued by the High Assoclae tion Of enlisting powerful support lr ly its various reform movements 1a? stead of attempting to carry on th* work Single handed 1* responsible y for the fact that forty-seven national i? and Stats organisations are taking ic *part in thla year's American Road iA| Cob trees. / S. 3 _ ''''' UttUglkC um Tot^ ,bf Coldr " * ' ' . C MONDAY AFTERNOON NO1 NEW TIEITE1ISL ITTIIKIIll FOB US m J The New Theatre 'opens tonight T with the "Simple Simon Mtslcal stai Comedy Co." for the entire ieok. thrt There are ten splendid artlata l?i this Spo tabloid troupe. From the preqs no- Wa tloes from other towns that * they We. hare been playing the patrons of the Wa New Theatre will have one of the eac; best week's amusements this]week ing that has ever been here. Every will member of this companj/ia an. artist seei In their line. They will present a fair aeries of the Uteet^moeical comeflles the in .tabloid form. This is not _ono of exc< those cheap troupes that yodT^ually c see in plays of this kind, bub^every the one o'f the company is capable of pan taking a leading part in any produc- cert tion. They have Just filled a week's rtva engagement at the Athens Theatre, ingt at New Bern, and the papers of that will| city tfhve certainly been praising the fror company vci'y highly. There will be Tho an entire change of program every will night. Aa usual there will be three one reela of the very beat associated films. So If you wish to enjoy one a of tho best evening's entertainments that you have ever had the chance to see for the small price of 20 cents, then attend the New Theatre tonight, add every other night this week. The prices for this attraction aro 10 and 20 cents. \i*' -s A has Hill ? IPflltS If I "TIE StIEIES x pref ' the President Wilson expresses his ap- roa* proval of the Fifth National Tuber- stal culosis Day Movement during the ant week of November 29th and rIbo oi ng the work of the National Association :0ni for the Study and Prevention bf Tu- Gre; berculosis in a letter to Dr. George <iue M. Kober, the president of that body. ?r0i He says, among other things: out "I know that I need not assure yot ted of my very profound interest In and Stat sympathy with the wori of the Na- gan tional Association for the Study and Sow Prevention of Tuberculosis, and 1 Hig am delighted to know that you fee! ant forts. I sincerely hope that Novem :enl ber 29th, the^ day which you have ,vay designated as Tuberfulosls Day. wil' mat result lu awakening tho people o! 2atl the United States still farther Wo" met only to the necessity, but to the per %-or feet feasibility, of,arresting and pre >rej venting this terrible disease." Ben A number of governors are issuing slot proclamations on the Tuberculosis way Day Campaign, cAlling on the will churches and schools to unite dur- con: ing the week of November 29th in typ< an educational campaign agnlnst^tu brie bercnlosis. The movement Is not fer and the purpose of raising funds, but of simply to bring to the people all over asp The country the essential (acts with pre reference to the treatment and pre ncv ventlon of tuberculosis. nov Clergymen and others may secure Hot literature*for the preparation of ad- *-*n dresses and for poneral distribution far of addresses and for general dls- I* 1 trlbqtlon from their local anti-tu^cr- rog culosls societies or from the office of vici the National Association * for thr fax Study and Prevention of Tubercu- Ra! losls, 105 East 22nd street, New tloi York. rail . por ?- by NEW RA MUCUS SANITARY SHOP. s%[ ?? I have (our first-class barbers and tioi am prepared to furnish pronfpt and the satisfactory rsrvlce to ill patrons, the There will be no dela^ in getting hib your work done. S of The barbers 1 have are equal to roa any in the State ai# thdir work is roa guaranteed to please you and make mo you a friend to my shop. All too-^ and and towels are thoroughly sterilized Cai and absolutely sanitary. inti PALACE llAJlBBB SHOP. , prfl The first shop in Wegftfegicn to jh have all white barbers. An ^ go, AILY |R-_V . MEMBER 9, 1914 wmWILL fill BXHIB1II9N ' IP . The Agricultural Fair at Aurora t rts tomorrow and will continue >ugh Wednesday and Thursday. C cial trains will be run ovqr the ahington and Vandemero road D inesday and Thursday, leaving * shington at 10 o'clock a. m. ' h day and/, roturning, leav- D Aurora at 4:30 p. m. Not only '' be there bo attractions not yel 8 i by the visitor lo thlg well-known ? but tho exhibits this year by 11 farmers of that section will far ?ed all others. ? >n the second and third days of a fair (here will be a grand strco! o ade, headed by the Aurora ConBand Immediately after the aril of the special train from Wa9h- b on. The prospects are that there b be a record-breaking crowd b n all sections of Eastern Carolina, ci so mo fall to attend this fair it be the losors in more was than ei " a: n tlanta to x Entertain I Deleaates o ^ a. ~ ' & i a! llama. Ga.t Nov. 9.?Tltla city ^ made many- preparations for the ri *r:alnment of tlio delegates to the a rth American Road Congress, the vention of the' American High- ^ and all its affiliated organiza- js a, arid the American Automobile. r, relation, which^open their session C] 9 today. The movement for hot- ^ rttad|in the Unlted States is ex- h ted to reach Its climax at Atlanta. ?] hway engineers and legislators e| u every State In the Union are a| sent, and the shown exhibits are gJ most striking over shown at a I congress. Practically every ro e highway commissioner is pres- Q1 and will take part in discuss- B the important problems of road C( structlon and malntainance. p at aiteution will be paid to the c stion of federal aid to road Im- g< -ement in an endeavor to work _ it a policy which may be submitto the congress of the United es with th? support of the or- ^ ized road movement of America ^ r York's. Hundred Million Dollar ^ hway System will be nn impor- ^ t feature of discussion, at which E ; State will be officially repre- q ,e<l by John Carlialb, State High- r Commissioner. Systematic road ^ lagement. involving the organ!- ^ r?r? nf u-nrV i n a form nnrf the hods or reporting and recording k will be discussed after being ^ iented to' the meeting by C. J. ^ net. State Highway Commlsler of Connecticut. Other hlgh engineers' and State officials Z deal with the various phases of struction and maintenance, of all ?s of roads, including concrete. :k, macadam, gravel, sand-clay plain cartli, as well as the use the various asphalts, tars md haltic oils and other special dust rontatives and road binders. A 0 r form'of construction, which Is t attracting considerable atljsni among engineers, known as the d-oil method, will be quite genlly discussed. This type* of rosd n successful use in the Cape Cod ion of Massachusettes and in the inlty of Palm Beach. Fla. FalrHarrlson, president of the Southlway, will address the conveni, on the rolationshi(J>etween the Iroads and the wagon roads. Imtant special sessions will be held the American Bar Association, the llonal Civil 8ervlce Reform igue and other great organlxa- < is dealing with special phases of auestton, during the six dsvs of congress. -The government ex- i It Include* a remarkable series models showing every type of d construction from the military ds of Imperial Romp down to the st modern types of market road I ?ty boulevard Post Master aofraUBurleson, who takes a great erest in road improvement will bo ? ?ent and will address the session.- i Is la the first meeting of tho I terlcan Road Congress in. the nth and is a recognition oP the , '7 NE) . Dollar Christ For. Hot the United States For a tute Widows and Orphc The following 9pen letter bai sen received from Henry Clewe, o lew York city.. Mr# Clewe Is one o bo moat prominent bankers of thii ountry, a member of the firm o lenry Clewe & Sone, and a large ilnded. public eplrlted man. Th< otter spooks for iteelf and is it Ine with tho newe item which ap eared in Saturday's paper, contain ag an appeal from the King of Bel lum for his starving people. Th< ondltione in that unfortunate coun ry are pitiable, and this suggostioi rom Mr. Clews for a "Christina und" to help them should meet wltl hearty response In every sectior f our country. The letter follows: In v'ew of the countless appeals oth national and local, which hav< een made to American sympathy it ehalf of the victims of the war, on< an only plead the Immeasurable ex ;nt and pathos of the Belgian trag ly to warrant the addition of still nother to the list. And the polg ant sorrow of the situation Is no: ssened by the thought that the sun )tal of all tho funds collected her* nd In Europe can only in a ver> nail part?so vast and increaslny i the need?assuage thd sufferings r Belgium's unhappy people, while d money contribution whatever can tone for the loss of Louvain and r sore of fair Belgian cities lately \dlant with the splendor and glory f centuries. The Dollar Christmas Fund In bealf of which Ifappeal as treasurer, a cause which should find a warm ?sponse In the hearts of all Amerlins tloubly blessed In their isolation nd detachment from the vortex ol orrors and bloodshed and agony o! 10 battlefields In Europe. It is an ffort organized with the approval ad support of some of our most recocted and representative citizens, capitalize a portion of our Christlas bounty and good wlil in behalf [ the most afflicted and destitute oi elgium's stricken population, the immlttee including Prof. Henry airfield Osborn. Melville E. Stone, ol. George T. Harvey, Geo. T. Wllin, and Dr. Wm. T. Hornady. No tatter how numerous and inlsisteni le appeals for aid. Americans, 1 sol Bure, will net refuse to subscribe > a fund which will help during the hrlstmas season to spread a ray ol iinshine over the homeless refugeei f a storm-tossed country. This >ollar Christmas Fund appeals lc no and all irrespective of creed 01 ace. and Tnore especially to thos? 'ho have not yet contributed to an> listing fund.. It is in compleu empathy with every other appeal i behalf of Belgian refugees, an*1 ilfTers from other appeals only it he sense that the total sum rcceiv%d 'ill be forwarded as*a special Christ COMING WEDDINGS. Mrs. Mary A. Laughlnghouse, Invites you to be preseut at the marriage .of her daughter, Mattle Stickney, To Mr. George Horace Rowland n the morning of Wednesday, tin twenty-fifth ofNovember at ten o'clock St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Washington. North Carolina. At Home Lfter December the first Snmter. South Carolina. No cards Issued In city. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Flournoy Durch, 8r., m at the marriage of their daughter Marllu to Charles Small wood ;n Monday mornihp. November th twenty-third at ten o'clock it the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mathia Alva Burch, Eastman, Georgia. Moderation. Moderation la the silken atrtng ru nlng through the pearl chain of all vl tnee.? Bishop Hall. treat energy and progress that hi been made in that section In th movement for Improved roads. T1 ittepdapc? Is close to 5,00$, v'XsV ' > " > --?. Afflfiai ki - ?j * ' - > V ' N S . ' - No. MS mas Fund neless Belgians t Prominent Citizens of ^E^^mtias Present to Destim4} of Belgium. > mast coouitullon from the people of I this country to the destitute people f of Belgium, eo expression of sympathy wlta sorrow from one people 1 to another, and a tangible proof 1 that Christmas good w'll, even ia - these days of strife and bloodshed. 9 has not disappeared from the eartl|? i It is estimated tha' close upon - two million people, with breaking . hearts, have fled from their country, . leaving shattered homes and hope* s the unfortunate, the women and . children, the aged and helpless, from i behind. The flight of the fnnocenf, s their Fatherland, presents one of tho i most agoinlng and appalling plci tures "of human misery in the annuals of history ancient or modern. / Tens of thousands have already , found a home In England, other . thousands are in Holland, and still i others unnumbered thousands are I wandering in France. The record of misery complied from imperfect - statistical information is still far I from complete, but It may be said vith absolute troth that despite all covernmontal assistance and "private rharity in Europe there are still uany thousands of families In want. \nd the number tends rather to in caov mail u million, <1 IB lur 111 11stressed ones we make special appeal to one and all to send a dollar? i more i%>-ou can?as a special Cfcrfsfmast gift from America. Such a gift rill surely be remembered by the beneficiaries long after the war Ii*a eased, and no man's Thanksgiving or Christmas Day will be the lea** ; happy because In some cases the gift may entail some measure of personal lacrlflce. In England a similar fund, called ' "The Shilling Christmas Fund," ha* f been started. Lord Burnhatn Is the i president and he has cabled that the I "Conditions of want are unspeakable." All the money collected here, as in England, will be presented at Christmas, and will be applied for purposes of relief In the way of food and shelter after consultation with the officials of the Belgian government. We hope with your aid to re. member every distreesed Belgian man and woman, not forgetting the i fatherless babes?"The Orphans of War" I repeat, therefore, with I great earnestness, Send along your i dollar bill?and send more if yon > can! All contributions should be f addressed to the treasurer and each ? will be promptly acknowledged. t Any friends willing to collect sub> scrlptlons are Invited to apply for authoried "Dollar Christmas Fund" ? collecting card to the Honorary Se<s , retary. Percy Bullen. 66 Broadway,' : New York city. I Yours truly, I HENRY CLEWS. 1 Treasurer, Dollar Christmas Fund I for Homeless Belgians, Broad St., New York. FOURTH FIRE . OF THE WEEK mm A. I Sunday morning between two and three o'clock the alarm oj fire was given, which was the four^i alarm for the past week. It proved to be the kitchen of Mrs. Agnes Daniel* on East Fourth street. The blase was first discovered on the roof and the surmlBe Is that it caught from the flue. Before it was extinguished practically the entire rpaC^a&^tho * building was burnedf^^ ~~f The damage will aggregate aboAt tso.oo. ^ J New Theater ENTIRE WEEK OF NOV. 1 * Simple Simon Musical Comedy - Company " 10 People 10 - Moetlv Girl*. '* Music, SUtlo,, Disc!., Comedy ' J REELS EICTURES. w?e ,, , lOceaoc iMiiiiii iimai

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