"That's why v heaoy tobacco. ^ Men everywh( long lasting cl without the "c found in strong Try one' of th mellow part of t IL JL ric mi CHEWING " Thm Thinker! of the Count Also in economical freshi 50chut GREAT GUNS ROAR Night of Terror in Antwerp Is ' Described by Newspaper ' Correspondent, ' MANY LOSE THEIR MINDS Psychological Ravage a Greater Cai lamlty Than the Material Havoc Kg, ?Tarmane Fight Flroa end Put K CI?X In prder at Ones. r"r 'j By JACQUES 09BL8. Antwerp, Belgium?On arriving tn Antwerp I found the city gataa guardad by atrong detachmenta of marines. The enotrsllag forta daw German flags, erhita with a blaek oroaa and crown t on the earner. A German Dag also 1 fluttered In the wind on tap of tha / cathedral eplre, 100 feet up. My mill. tary paaa. given ma la Bruaaela, readily admitted ue to tha olty, ene area of which had guttered terribly from tha bombardment. Apparently, the fw Germane had ooncentrated their flro ' on thla aoctlon aad aaldom altared the '' range. Tha principal damage, however, was the reeult of Urea, the origin of romc of which la doubtful. Numerous llrea broke out after the Germane entered and It en difficult fo control the (lames. aa the water aupply was Interrupted, owing to the destruction of K the pipe llnea from the roaervolre near Fort Waelhem through on CI Oermana Fight City's Flroa. The Oefcjp^ (ought the Are. with energy add oonrage. They formed buekot brigades to bring water from ell available eourees. They alti, aid od,tbe Inhebltents to neve their goods and chattels. When theao wore piled in tha streets they pieced guards over them and mounted patrols were scattered throughout tho city to protect property. 0( courao, tho people generally had ti-d. bat adrentarotu aad prowled through tho streets nft-r ve use PICNIC TWIST ins I PICNIC TWIST is mild keeping you from getting ne are finding that there's atisfaction in a mild, sweet, iew of PICNIC TWIST omeback" on the nerves, tobacco. iese soft twists of the mild, he leaf and see for yourself. rlwre * M> AWJ TOBACCO I ry Are the Tobacco Chewers" 0 "mi?nB* ?" ? Tells of Night of Terror. er "Vhe first night or thet>6mbardmerit th produced harrowing scenes. Women In and children; rudely awakened In Eb the middle of the night, left home half sc .clad and rushed along the pitch, dark gn strcots, panic stricken by the con- gc tlnual bursting of shells above and c? around them. Before Ions the sky Ri was red with the reflection of burning ac bulldlnga. I was told by eyewitnesses that the et spectacle then revealed In the streets Bi was like an awful nightmare. Con- th fused masses of terror mad people p? rushed thlB way and that Old men m and women wqre carried out c! the m houses and the elck were brought out & Into the streets and borne along In ct uie arms or tne wen. Mothers were in seta hurrying on and distractedly m cabling for their children. ci It is alleged that there waa a head- Q long race for the city gate*. which n were found aecurely looked. Thoie in 2r aathorlty had eecaped before the ai helllog began. No polloe could bo w eeen and erery noldler m at the front Nobody appeared and there waa no natural leader to effect a sera- m bianco of order. The confusion and ci despair reigned unabated until dawn, C( when the crowds escaped. ' V w I With Refuflee# to Return. 4i The riverside Is eloquent of the M destruction of war. The floating bridge was blown jap by the retreat- or lng Belgians and the wrecks of tho boate that aupported the bridge can aI still be seen half submerged. Tho "I German steamers held aa prizes were ea rendered ueelees by damage to the M engines. Detachments of eoldlera were busy at the docks loading conflacated goods and an unbroken stream of of wagons moved toward Brussels carry- CT lng merchandise, ammunition and "I food, with all of which Antwerp was stocked to overflowing. , > ' d The German governmont la muting jj1 extraordinary efforts to? Induce refu- J" gees to return to their hojnea. Bills have been posted guaranteeing public es safety and some of these bills have been sent to Holland for distribution. The fugitives are returning In lncrcas- A lng numbers, though the town 13 still ? dead. tb ft should bo remembered tbnt the bulk of the population Heaped before ^ the bombardment began and the ter* * mm dosnrlbed happened to .those who t! remained In their homes In splto of * | tho fprnlngs of tho authorities They hl I had no Idea of what a bombardment H , would be like and no notion of tho nj , terrifying and disastrous ' y jr\Tc ttiQ ever produced. I , * dn't be many ? died off, if wc } ? think pretty tck and right. h judgment, out ood judgment ept when the .1 * >" tead of a dark, bi ind it's better ; 9 I f>l ici a; o . -1 i I a . I . 4 niiii-oiaug stv.es. ittftajr tiiai but- t< al of these vehicles Were here and n at they were employed successfully Bl assisting the Anglo-Belgian retreat j rery public business has been arched thoroughly add is carefnlly larded. The headquarters of the ^ ineral staff are in tie building re- 1 ntly vacated by the British and iisslan ambassador, 'hie king's pal e has been left seversly alone. Temporarily Belgium is at a low t ib financially. To pay the levy on c msaela of ?10,000,000 (?50.000.000) | e municipal ' authorities were com- { illed to resort to the MM of paper oney of various values. SUtcr is lobtainablo and on tcrp of it all the srmans are issuing one mark (25 mts) notes which are legal tender Belgium, but worthlesa In Gerany. Millions of these are in "clrtlation and more ere being printed, ueetloo* ase being raised at to the t Liiajty or the recently Issued 8 J ano end 20 frano (II And M) notes id oonieqncfittp the public la be- c lldered. ? Not Shot Mltass Port Any one Imagining that German arkamanabip la defective ia delved. I interviewed the Belgian ofliit who oommanded Port Llerre and ho. with hie family and garrlaon. waa Jren across the Dutch border. He dd that not a tingle abell aimed at a fort missed and observers pat oat i tho observation tower rarely eaped, so quickly did the opposing tlllery And the range. The fighting irit of the German officers and men nnot be excelled. They are eager id willing to die for the fatherland. If any one on the allies' side doubt Is. he would better purge his mind such doubt promptly. Social dimoata in the ranks are full of the same irlt 1 spoke to several of them * >out the heavy Oermnn armaments, id every man replied that while they id objected to the armaments and splored the taxation, they now real- , cd that both were necessary for the clstonce of Germany. Praise for Brand Whltlock. The work of 3rnnd Whltlock, the merlcan minister at Brussels, Is idless, and his sucoess in meeting e domands upon his time and rength by persons in trouble will j one of the, fine memories of this ar. Belgians of all sorts and condlons call on him for counsel and promotion and they nevefgo away empty mdod, if Mr. Whltlock can help It. o la. indeed, looked upon as the iturmlgwdlan of Uie^op pressed Boh hlnifielf firmly on '.ho side of ?~ w. O. Limb, Jr.. or WIUlamMon. r. C.. 1. in the eltr aa biulneu .... The many friend, of Mr. J D. born, of Day?ld?,. M. C., were (lad' > eee him In tke clt? yesterday * . P. H Shlpp, of New Bert. N. C.. a. a peucnger on the Norfolk oulhern train tkla morning - * '-.l ' W. F. Eller. of Raleigh. H. c.. Is ore today on boalneM. Clay brook Jones, ot Wilson, N. C.. as on ottr streets this nlornlng. ? 0. E. Evans. of Raleigh. N. C.. rtved here last nlgbt via the At* tntic Coast Llns. J. E. McCraw, of Norfolk, Is a uslaets visitor to the city. . . i H. W Stickle, of Wilmington, N. .. Is in the <sl?y. Me ie registered Hotel Louise. -e.ee* A. J. Mann, of Blikabctb City, Is tho city. Rev. J. T. Oibbs.. D. D.. Is the jest of his family, corner of Second id VanNorden street * see Mrs. W. R. Jones, of Greenville, here to attend the funeral of her ster, tho late Mrs. T. J. Harding. ADAME KMIL VANDERVELDK, NOTED BMLGIAX, SPEAKS, Pittsburg. Pa., Nor. 18.?Madame] mil Vandervelde, of Brussels, the nest of Belgian consulato In New ork, will be id .this city today and morrow in the intereet of the rancq-Belglan relief committee, adame Vandervelde la the wife of le Belgian minister who was One r the committee sent to this country r the Belgian government to lay the ise of that country before President rilson. During her stay in Pittaurg, Mme. Vandervelde will be the ueet of Mias E. Bakewell and Mri. . W. Pargny. KMPERAXCE "FLYING SQUADRON" IN OMAHA Omoha, Neb.. Nov. li.?The "llyig squadron," a band of temperance nd prohibition workers who have rganlsed themaelvea to make an ttack on the liquor traffic through series of 8tates this fall, will adrese a meeting in this city this afarndon. The organisation will retain in this city three, days. The iRtadron is made up of-wuoh-xnen as Prank Hanly, ex-Governor of lniana; Oliver W. Stewart, Eugene V. Chaflin. Clinton H Howard, and lcludes several doctors. Why Worry About Birthdays? Don't start counting your birthdays; hey don't really count We've been rohfuslng age with efficiency for too ong. How far have you developed? lew sharp are you? faculties? Believer In Fate. i Whatever may befall thee. It wai preordained for thee from everlasting ?Marcus AurgUus. Sluggish Liver and Con itipation Easly Ended Blissful, Satisfying Hot Springs Liver Buttons Take the Piece of Treaoherons Calomel. The liver is the road to health; u?y physician will tall you that Look it your tongue If it Is furred or Boated or loots dull or off color, rour liver needs a button. The most perfect laxative that the rorld has'ever known is the famous' HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTON8 from Hot Springs, Ark. They are so blissfully, so Joyfully mtlifylng. so free from the after mls#ry caused by salts, calomel and iamb cathartics that everyone who tries them once can never be induced to go back to any other treatment. HOT 8PRINOB LIVER BUTTONS ipeedlly tone up your liver, clean the Rowels of poisonous waste and gas, ind speedily end sick headache, dullness and nervousness They are simply grand for malaria. to purify the blood, for bad breath and to rid the skin of pimples. sallowness and blotches. All druggists have little ohocolate oated HOT SPRLNQS LIVER BUTTONS for 25 cents a box. Free sample from Hot Springs Chemical Co., Hot Springs, Ark . tain node step to unevnrte ma unspeakable disaster and miseries of ~r,, s i All th* ..rnbrn of U. ??t M. I !?. ?A?Kh choir ,r. ?qmu<! .0 ! m?t ? the church thl. .renin, | 7:10 o'clock for e. nbnnil AU on urged to be present. Whit Mad* H.r Laugh. Jean wu warned by bar parents not to mention the fact that their guest at dinner had an untiBually large no?e. In the oottne of the evening meal Jean bait me convulsed with laughter. 8he waa asked with fear and trembling what wa? the catttt of her mirth. Her 1 reply wai: 0. I'm not laughing at yonr note. Mr. Smith?I'm laughing at the plate* on mother'* plate rail." true devotion. Little Katharine bad a big dog Which she lored dearly. One cold night slla asked if the dog Could come itato the house for a while. Her mother said: "Yes; but as aoofl as he bw gins to scrateh. you oMet put him right out" Later Katharine was heard to Ozdalm: "O, Bet tie, don't scratch; tell me '/hero It Itches, and IH scratch It for you."?Chicago Tribune. : Trc. Y'.ldo torture. Brazil boasts of a giant tree thai produces a revonue pf over two thousand dollars a year. It Is a rubber tree?probably the largest in the world. Ftor one hundred and twenty days every year It produces IS pounds of rubber daily. The trunk or the tree Is over 17 feet In circumference.?The -! American Boy. v i s j$ D Be 8wlft to Love. Co not let us wait to he Just or pitiful or demonstrative towards those we loye until they or ve ire struck down by mnees or threatened with death. Life b short, and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark Journey with us. Oh! be swift of love, make haste to be kind.? Amlel. W. O. T. U. CONVENTION TO HOLD THREE DAY SESSION Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13.?The nar g uonai conveniion oi cue women's Christian Temperance Union will hold Its three day session here, commencing tdday. Many hundred delegates are present from all parts of the United States and several well known speakers will deliver addresses. While the recent elections have been a heavy blow to prohibitionists in general the women are hopeful and will continue to work against liquor in all forms. Readily Paid. ? One th Jig about the wages of a in la ? (hat a man doesn't have to go to law jo colKct them. ,| CASTOR IA ' For Infnata ud Children. 4 Tti Hid YnHiy* Always Botpd < t NOTICK. By Tirtu. of mortgaf., executed < by W. D. {.upton on the 13th day of _ July, 1101. and September lut. 1906. to M. Makely, and regietered In Book I 110. at pace >19. In omce of Regie- 1 tor of Deeds for Beaufort county, I will sell for cash. at courtbouso door. Washington, K. C.. on tth of Dooombar, 1914. at 19 o'clock noon, tho following property In Bolbnyon. N. C.: One bouse and lot on Front street, 1 beginning nt Mills Wlndley'n southftaat nnrnnp n? Vwawe ? ? -n nlng with his line 116 feet to W. L. Odea's line, thence with said Oden c line 16 feet to John Bell's line; 1 thence with John Bell's line 1|6 feet to Pront street; thence along Front street 86 feet to the point of beginning. M. MAKELY, SR. October 14, 1814. ll-6-4wc CAROLINA SLATED TO WIX?YOU ARB NEEDED TO ORBER HER OK TO VICTORY. S3.00?Virginia vs. Caroline, at Richmond, Va. $3.0??A A M. rs. W. A L. I ., at Norfolk, Vs. VU Atlantic Coast Line, The Stand- { ard Railroad of the Sooth, ; < X ^ Than k?gl ring Day Football Gtm^ ' Tickets on sals for all Ualnp^o^ ^ ember 16th. and for traina^hedtffed j to arrive Richmond 3 2.10 p m.t Novemberaeti. fn*\ trains scheduled to h/lb Nortflk , by or before gi.. Noveri$&? j 2 6th. AJ1 tlcljetB?Bmn^S^to | original startli point nJ^Kter thSg j midnight of WeTeAer'l7th. l?/lr ( Corresfgandfegly from 4 othef Dolnts. Applrfo Barest ticket* n |.?ng or ^IcMk L 3 IW. JpC*/rie,W T,fi. .WHITE, i The things you need to keep the wolf from the I door can be found at our store at the lowest j cash price. Make your purchase at Scott Bergeron*s And Save the Pennies Which Belong to You. J " ' ' ' ' 111 1 ACTIVE ALERT ALIVE fl '?T' >* T 9 TO THE PRESENT DAY NEEDS OF OUR CUSTOMERS Let us have your banking business. We will keep your books and furnish prompt set vice. J Bank of Washington Washington, N. C. It's AH a Guessing Game When you don't insure your property you guess that fire I won't destroy it- It you guess right, no harm done. But 1 J guess wrong?ana you lose your year's work?in an hour. Stop guessing and get safe. Well fix it. Wm. Bragaw 6c Co. First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C. FOR YOUR GUEST Crystal Ice Cream I Is the Quickest Desert. CRYSTAL ICE CO. I Phone 83 Washington, N. C. ?Bgg 'If??W??? | LION WOOO ?.l. s. tot I'm Esdmafe IAMB W CCLI i j J. LEON WOOD & CO. \ [ BANKERS and BROKERS. < I \ Outer, Boote. CoMob. Grate mad ProvlBlw, 7U Tbm Bubh, / | Private ail? to Hoar York Stock Bxchaoga, CkicBp Board m? l ) 4?o?u n?. C?fui Jse "Gets-It," Corns I UNITED 'fJr^TK&Y Shrivel, Vanish! \VH t'a (be 5n Way. and Yos'U For- BsS-aptP^Lellt oKrtrt'viia set Yoa Ever Uad Corn.. , Comp%l*v *$ "I drops ppt ?B la 2 seconds, \ cor^rK$n?\ PlslntE^, 59 lorn shrivels, comes clean oft" i ? T? % \ a % " S % rhat's the marvelous story ? ? f'j ^ 0ET8-rr." the new-plan c?r?oW* %fl IBbeslew^i %~z ^-aear^pdcrjha-?r% V^TO. ot Jitt a te N 1^/1 "e wfo tlllon? ^rslfr vi^nflsdlll ? *z* jljlF %? -sjf, '. ^9 f il Jgood many patr^^ktjjh m&dMa^f.^. % f& fimip^r the compulaory aft $<;|je^to &e^ ^r^eleii# anffInter- *4.9 t8n4fnreg?|F'ftt should become ef- ygn? V.-vitl Vyt& n ^rUMBife the ffctR-e N&rem^o52?d For thla rea- J11h^ day ^f^Ko ?pt*e? 8,? n^n?he II?atda>CH9iteation has seen! Witness^t^ 11 ihi i lisUl '' > fftll M ! \ T*Tl fl| to chMj} gh| t|D November -onmr. JudJ^^>?^*TV1 ^ ^ ^

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