*mrc]i duly m rOBLOBMD BTH&l AmULMOOi .'iloi Alley, betwjm Main ^ Beo gturt? lift,T'Sl ioTomaTS Washington. N. 0.. under the net of March I. 1*70. Ou Month .lT ' fov Months l.Of Btx Months 1.50 Cno Tsnr. 5.00 Babacrlbers dsstnng tno paper die" oootlnaed wtll please notify this offlco on data of expiration, otherwise . it will be con tinned at regular subscription rates until aotlee to stop la rsosATsd.. If yo? do not get tne Dally News promptly telephone or write the manager, and the complalr t will receive Immediate attention. It Is our desire to please yon. 11 articles sent to tne Dally News br publication must be signed by jhe writer, otherwise they will not ja published. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. SCORES UNWRITTEN LAW. If we accept tlio validity of the unwritten law for meu, we must accept It for women, because it is unjust that any laws should apply to one sex without applying to the other. But the so-called unwritten lawla really an ugly survival from the days of lawlessness, a mark of the best which all thinking men and women should be quick to disown. There you have outlined the eminently sane and logical argument of District Attorney Lewis J. Smith. There 13 no place for unwritten laws In our civilisation. They belong to the caveman era, to the days when orute lorce and not human reason * prevailed. I never have invoked. 1 ^ never would Invoke, the unwritten ( law In defence of man or woman. ' "Violence never solves anything," he said gravely. "It may remove a troublesome factor from the slate, but can't give the right answer to the problem. Even as a defence for men. Isn't the unwritten law falling Into dlsreputo? It didn't win freedom for Harry Thaw, with all his millions to help. It didn't preserve Captain Haines from pofiishment. Whv should women put forward such a plea? ' "There Is a very simple and obvious way for any woman to protect her home ar.d children from contamination by a husband whom she knows unworthy? In every State In the Union except one she can divorce him for unfaithfulness. Thai is the sane, legal, reasonable method of treating the situation. It's preferable to the Insane, criminal expedient -of murdering either the husband or the other woman, or both? "Physical violence is a form o' argument which has come down to us from animals, without brains an;l without language. It Is an argument which must be abhorrent In cultivated minds. Whenever women ^employ it for any use. they hur: lapmseivei more than they help." STATE FARMERS' I'MOX MEETS NEXT WEEK. In Greenville next week. November IS, 19 anil 20, the North Carolina SLate Farmers' Union will hold its seventh annual session. The membership throughout the State will be gratified at |thc excellent reports in this issue, says tins Progressive L'ariuor, itviRwini; the year's werk ir. numbers of counties?and numerous other reports just as good arcleft for publication next week and later. The Union In this State is doing things?not merely talking about doing them?and today the Union 1? stronger In North Carolina than anywhere else In America. This gratifying condition is largely due to the fact that Union leaders in North Carolina, aa perhaps nowhere else, have insisted not merely upon organising, but upon organizing to do something. "Practical business cooperation" has been the battle cry. and wherever n Local or county does some practical work successfully, the old members stick and new members 1 come. We congratulate the order, its leaders and its membership, upon ( the record of the past alx years, and hope that the Greenville meeting will lay plans for making it of still greater service to North Carolina farmers the coming twelve months. WALL STREET PROBLEM. The problem of making a living in Wall Street is getting tougher every day, and the curb brokers, j, who once lived In a golden era. are t complaining bitterly that they are i being harried and hounded. Today I the pbllce added to their troubles ? by trying to disperse the crowd, that a haa been making New Street Its headquarters since the war dropped ? pall on business. The police have been receiving many complaints < about the pat and eall broker# who v formerly (mtHtrtd ?B NrW ' I Children Cry HEEii The Kind Too Ban Alwayi La wan u? nil in inn suo qui Ing weather that could not bo utilizer lu making hoy or curing fodder. 8. More stock pan be kept on a glvei area of land when silage lu the basis o the ration. 7. Thero la less waste In fecdinj silage than In feeding fodder. Gooi silage properly fed is all consumed. 8. Silage is very palatable. 9. Silage, like other succulent focda has a beneficial effect upon tho diges tlvo organs. 10. Silage Is the cheapest and boa form In which a succulent feed can bi provided for winter use. 11. Sllago can be used for BUpple menting pastures more economical!; than can soiling crops, because It rc quires less labor, and allagu is mor> palatable. 12. Converting tho corn crop lnb silage clears tho land and leaves I ready for another crop. INCREASING WORTH OF COW! Not Over One-Third cf Dairy Anlmali in Ohio Produce 300 Pounds of Butter Fat Yearly. An estimate made by the Ohio sta tlon Indicates that not over one-thin of the cows In that state will product 800 pouDds or more of butter fat li one. year If roaaonably fed. No dairy man should be satisfied until the poor est cow In his herd is capable of pro duclng at least three hundred pound) of butter fat per annum. The eettmati Is further made that if uil cows In thi Btafe were developed to this point th? value of tho. Increased production oi butter fat would amount to approil stately $17,0011 000 annually, an amoun. ?qual to the value of all butler now made In the Biate. What Is true fni Ohio Is equally truo for the rest ol hs country. The Yachting Aoeldent. nrst Seitslde Bore?"I can re metier hearing a strange, gurgling souinl; hen I suddenly saw before me a hu*e nass of foam?and do you know wlat did?" Second Seaside Bore?"Tfts, 'Id tpp; you let the totm settle a Mt, nd then r.ad a good rwlg." Naturally. A woman Is generally sufficiently conceited to think her husband must ally be a superior sort of man or fbe rouldn't have married h({Q. - i Bought, and which has been , has borne the signature of has been made under hi* per1 supervision since its Infancy, r no one to deceive yen In this. Z?&2?snEXEM >er&enoe fy*** ??, astoria slltute for Castor Oil, Parer Syrups. It Is pleasant. It Morphine nor other Karoo tlo unrantee. It destroys 'Worms l or more than thirty years It or the relief of Constipation, all Teething Troubles and the Btomoch and Bowels, g healthy and natural sleep, he Mother's Friend. toria always Signature of - _ Iyer 30 Years ve Always Bought FAWV, WW VDHK CIT>. I ~ ~ ,lr*tcrd of CramW. Kitchen -luivcs painted white arc ft much c?ii? r to k-jep clean than 1: merely covered with paper. Instead L of covering the point with a coat ol I" enamel a fntib, a coating cf thin. iuji narcii c^ra na veil, ia mespcu tlv?, i'L-J vjll r.:-' wwh u7, at loas." > go says comecuo who has-tried it. Belie* of Other O&ys. Splendid gates remain in many ct the lessor ernes at the old world, Jgat ss far north in Germany as there are remains of aqueducts built by the Horn tins which are os fine as tho Aquta Marcia n? the papal capital, remains of tho data that are lonx faded, but the monuments of which can be seen above ground "or dug out of tho un, derground llko those of Troy, of the % alleged Babylon, of tho more certain >j Pompeii, ' Why He Favorea Left Hand. I Jimmlc, aged four, was much incllned to uso his left hand. One day i-, ho was fftTsily drawing with his left v: band when I said. "Jimraie, why do i-: you use that hnnd?" He aald, "Why. f there always seems to be more mas chlnory in that one." Dally Thought j . It is not what we read, but what we ! remember-that makes us learned. II j Is not what we Intend, but what we j I do that makes us useful. It Is not a i few fuiut wishes, but a lifelong strue " gle that makes ua valiant?Henr; Ward Beecher. j HACK! HACK! HACK! t With raw tickling throat, tight chest, sore lungs, you need Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and , quickly. The first dose helps, it leaves a soothing, healing coating as it glides down your throat, you feel J better at once. S. Martin. Basaett. Neb., writer: "I had a severe mnet. anci cold aud ?n almost past going I 1 got a bottle ot Foley's Honey and i Tar and am glad to say It cured my cough entirely and my cold soon disappeared." Every user Is a friend. ti Davenport's Pharmacy . i* NOTICE or ADMINISTRATOR. t a Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Robert Williams, dey ceased, late of Beaufort county, thlr In to notify all persona having claims 7 against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned 6 at- Pactolus, North Carolina, or or before the 13th day of November. 0 1915. or this notice will be pleaded t In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said CBtate wll please make Immediate payment. 5 This the 13th day of November, 1914 GEO. C. WILLIAMS, s Administrator of Robert Williams. 11-13-6 wc CAROLINA SLATED TO WIN-?VOL* ARE NEEDED TO CHEER HER 5 ON TO VICTORV. 1 | ?3.00?Virginia v?. Carolina, at Richmond, Vn. i Ks.oo?A & M. vs. W. A L. V.. at Norfolk, Va, ) _____ * | Via Atlantic Coaat Line, The St&nd, artl Railroad of the Sotith, t - . ' Thanksgiving Day roitlall CnUMte 1 Tickets on sale for all trains Nor vember 25th. and for trains cheduled to arrive Richmond at or before 2.10 p. m., November 26th, and for , trains scheduled to arrive NorfolV by or before 1:35 p. ro., November 26th. All tickets limited to reac! original starting point not later than midnight of November 27th, 1914. Correspdndlnglg. low rate* from other points. Apply to nearest ticket agent, or address W. J CRAIG, ^ T. C. WHITE,vP. T. M. 0. P. A.. | Wilmington, N, 0. | 11-11 toll I Br virtu* of the power of Ml* contained Is * certain mortnre deod. made by J. A. Wllklneoa and othern. duly recorded In the oBce of the Raclnter of Deed* for Beaufort oodnty, la Book 17k. pace S7t. the under,ss? recited, ezpoee the real eetate and pereonal property hereinafter deecrlbed. for eal* at publle aucUon. I for caah, to the blfheet bidder, tb eattefy eald morctcace tndebtedneee. On Friday, Noretnber JOth, ltll, at 11 m.. Win nell the Steam Drndce No. On*, at that point, on the Drained* Dletrlct, whet* the* eald dredce ta then at work., 8team Dredge No. Two. at that point on Drainage Dletrlct. where eald dredge la then at work. Both of aald diatrieta where said dredges are now at work, and at the pointa at which sama will he sold, are In Beaufort county. And will sell at tha courthouse door of Beaufort county, N. C., on Monday. November 90th. 1914. a* IS m., the following described property: That tract of land. - the property of J. A. Wilkinson, situate In North Carolina, Beaufort county, town ef Belhaven: Beginning on Pantego street at the northwest end of the >Qelhavan Lumber Com.'s dry kiln 1SS feet frofe King street, and running thence eaetwardly on a-line parallel with King street to the Norfolk Southern Railroad Ce.'s track fflat goes to their water depot; thence up that track to King street; thence with King street westwards to Pantego Creek; thence with tJUld creek to the . beginning. Together with all the right title Interest an<* estate and lease hold, that the sajd J. A. Wilkinson owns In said described land, together with all build Inge, Improvements, etc.. on the said property. Also that Electric Plant of J. A. 1 Wilkinson, situate In the town of Helhaven, N. C-. part of which is located on the tract Just before described, and said plant consisting imong other property ef the following: One 160-horse power, fuor valve horizontal engine, manufactured tithe Valley Iron Works; one general dectrlc dynamo. No. SESIt, 90 kilowatt. one general electric generator, type 8106; one 900 horse power uptight boiler, manufactured by the Wickett Boiler Co., together with all belting, piping, w^lng, pulleys, tools, ippllances and equipment, poles, arc 'ights and meters on the streets and 0r hick ens, grown SOc to 4Sc i hear lings . ^... 10010c ?mb skins, aaoh I0O85r >heep skins, each 80 0 50* Sees Wax . 25c ' allow 4c )ry Rint hides, per lb 10c damaged dry hides, per lb... 0 010c *ool, barry 10 011c Vool. free from burr.. . .14c to lie Lies turkeys, per lb Its Geese.. 25 0 60c Green salt hides He Dry salt hides 14e >eor skin, salt 16c Lamb skins, eaeh 20 0 40c Oeer skin. #* * 10s NOTICE. Notice ! hereby given that the undersigned has this day duly qualified as administrator C. T. A. of Win. E. Perry, deceased, late of Beaufort county, and all persons holding claims against the said estate will rresent the same to me, duly verified within one year from the date of thir notice, or this notice will be pleaded !n bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This November 1, 1914. J. H. CLARK. Administrator C. T. A. 11-4-fiwo FOR POSTMASTER. To the Democratic Patrons of Washington. Poctoflls: After long thought I have decided to become a candidate for appointment as Postmaster for this office. And as Mr. Small haa said that he will leave the eholce to a preferential primary, I respectfully ask ths consideration and vote of every good Democratlo patron of the oifiee, both in Washington and those who # ct!ve their mail on the rural froe delivery routes from this office (as I understand all will be permitted to participate is the primary). 10-Vt.f.e A. J. COX. Cherry Fui High Grade FUNERAL I - V EMBA , WatUingt ' SI Willi w nils |jj! Suparior Court of Beaufort Moan ay to bo hold oa tho Jtrd dor of N< Waahlacton, and ooowor or donor I tho complaint In adA actios, or th |ta plaintiff will apply to tho court fo ? tho rollol domaadod Is tho eomplots' Thtt llth day of October. 1M4. O TO. A. FAlJta Clock Superior Oturt. ld-14-lwe. WT 1 laomnn hone* Marin* duly onalUod os tho hot >?r day Of October, 1014. so axeeetc ol tho loot Will sad Tootsowst < mi Clartaoa S. Bonnor. toto of tho 0001 Md ty of Beeufort, Notlee le hereby gli led et Uut mil eletae ftsmlftftt enld m ?f tato, duly rwrited. sosot ho proois [e.yj All persona Indebted to eald esU erlll pleaae make immediate pi This 10th day of October, 1114. J. BRYAN ORIMC9. JUNIUS D. ORIMS8. , ' Executors, ; Washington. N.^C. 10-11-0 NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATE] Raring qualified as admintstra of the estate of 8. C. Warner, \ ceased, late of Beaufort county, t : is to notify all persons having clal 1 against the estate of said decern to exhibit them to the underelgx at Washington, North Carolina, or before the 1st day of Novemta i 1018, or this notice will be blea* In bar of their recovery. All p sons indebted to eald aetata s olease make immediate payment This the ISth day of October. 10 W. B. WARNER, Administrator of B. O. Warner, 10-28-fwp NOTICE OP SAUL North Carolina?Beaufort Cbpn BfcK eel-Richard son Hardware Co pand vs. Washington Lumber Co pany et al. Under and by vlrtne of an exe< tlon issued In the Superior Court Beaufort county on November 1 1914, In the above entitled cause rected to the Sheriff of Beaut county, the undersigned or hlit s CABOnr In ?: * ??" ? va nUUUIT. J| uary 4th. 1016. at 11 o'clock up. sell at the courthouse doer In i town of Washington the follow! timber and timber rights, and oil rights conveyed In the following scribed timber jconveyanoes: (1)' James Jones and wife to F. 'Harrell and J. R. Keesenger, corded In Book 171. page 168. (1) L. L. Porter to W. F. Han and J. R. Keasenger, recordedBook 171, page 170. (3) Guilford W. Dixon to W. H&rrell and J. R. Keesenger, reco ed Id Book 169, page 1I4. at 11 the court bona# door In Washington, 1 lQs C., between the hour* of 10 a. a aer and lp.a o'clock, offer for aale < de- public outcry to the highest bldde tor cash, the following three d w scribed tracts or paroela of land, a * " being situate la the town of Waal lagton. Beaufort county, North Can ell Una, via: in F1B8T TRACT?Beginning on a north aide of Washington street i P. k china three (cornering) with tl rd" street 10 feet to London and Bill ' Pembleton'a line; thenoe north wH ell Lohdon and Bllsn Pembleton'a lis 10 seventy-fonr feet, thence with Bill Bradley's line Ifty feet; thence wll V; s- Perdie'e line 74 feet to the ehls tree, the point of beginning. It b log the same and Identical lot thi . . was duly deeded to Vary O. Brow 160 by deed, duly reeorded la Book jp at page Ml, of the Beeufort Coual V Registry, to which aald daad .1 there reeorded reference la haret w IUHK 1U1 m IBUIW PMUCB1U ?MU11, tlon. SECOND TRACT?Belay nltttA >eii In the town of Washington. tl lB county of Beaufort, the aforesal State. and being mora folly d be_ scribed a* follows, Tin: Balmy knon tth &B the Camay Wllklns and Bparro UB. Lot, and bounded by the lands < re. James H. Sparrow, Ooetbe Wilkin ter F. C. 8. Blackledge, and eontalmH >0\ oa? niiantb (1-T) of an aero, moi or loss. It bainy the same as the identical lot that wan duly convey* by C. S. Blackledge to k. L Bros ?r and Mary O. Brown, by dned. dn! recorded In Book St. at paya 540. < the Beaufort County Registry, I which reference la hereby made ti a bettor description. THIRD TRACT*?That onrtal tract or lot of land situate in tl ' town of Washington, the oonnty < v Beaufort, the aforeaald State, t! ily same being one-half of Lot No. It l ph the plot of the town of Washington Brt and facing Fifth sfVeet, botweea tl streets of Bonner and Herrey, sal n& lot bolDf 110 t?t In lMftfc Hi 14 '111 (Mt Id width. It brtac th? uiu u ed. Identical lot that wao duly cenreyi or to Mary O. Brawn by B. J. Keoeh i " ?1. by deed. dely recorded la Boo >,r 7?. at tUI 14*. of the Baaofo: la- Coantry Keclstry. la which Ml4 4m it* a* there recorded reference la herM made (or a better description..' ] Tb? three lots above described wl be sold separately, one after tt . other. The nadenrtcoed rssi i? t) right to require of any and all Wl ders to depoett with blm tha sum < II0.0# as a cnaraatae of rood fall before their bids will be roeognlasi Sale of each and all ef said )ol fas mbjoct to ooaflrmatlon by tha pe?4 This the lftth day It October. 191 d0. C. B. KRCH, 10-19-4 we ronmlsslohsr.' ful ? town *>*> BALM. tinder and by alrtae or aortmj tie dated June 1?. J?J1. from Horel or Joeotte to Iho undorelseod. D T1 ? Martin, which la recorded in tha Bet later'a eBoe of Bean fort oooat] *r North Carolina. In Book 144. Ml ee- Tl, I will aall at pnblla auction, (e af eaab, te the htfbeM bidder, befel the oourthonae door, Beenfert eeoi . ly, en December 7th, mt 1* e'elecl be been, the followlns deecrlbed rai be aetata, toeelt: edlolalas the laade l L. T. Thempoon eel ethara, aa . mere faUy daaarlbed aa (e|lewai On Jaeeba Creek, betas Id aerl ef the Btxoa lead, lylhk ta tha aartl ST ward ef the fifty aeree that waa men _ gafed te W. A. Tkempaoa end eel 1 under eald mortaese In May, 1*11 , beslnnlaf at W. A. Thempaon'a a? aar, upon tha place which he bee morttefe el Jacob's Creek. The Ibere eald 1*. A. Thaaapeen'a Hne I the bedk line of eeld Uad; then wit flfret wnt eat off forty aeree; the parallel with the 11 ret lice to Jacob S&swrc r &&? centalnlnr^etrea. ^ |f . . w' \l-s-4w9 "y _i\ i > i m.iu.ioNiMimM** fl u am? M * Ml firmi Of flLASSB. M I: " i WAMiNtrnm. M. e. V Trr. B. W. C*rt?r UIIUW ' ttat qwlMtai u( *r? (MM* * t I Ut (gnUH tr~ H >11 rt. hot kte I*.lu tm .1 t? ?* ' Mi M IK aralMttM ? "\M H H 0 ~ ". m. V !; T*?i?dar trom i 7 to Trt- ^' Jg ^ dA)r ? ?. ?L ? r, * WJ I Phone 281. it >?? ' ? "^SSLCJSSET^ ^ M 2 + ml* m m [J * ? 8 I ? Mb B. ? ^ 17 ODMAJt ? aow, . A ** ?* K j # ? ? * i V 5 1 | w? prMtka trn thm Oprt *1 2 ir * Dill*. anwim, ' J. * * J * ' ' *' ** . J * I j .?i' f * ??. j *. A. Daw, A, 1. a " -1 I? L a Wmw w. ?.DMIa4 M V ! DAX"Si^* WAMM. MAI. V < " rao * mumi. . f ? w? iWi^Uali'aM 1 *1",???. I "W ?MI * tm J ? .! *K I a. M*du?, ; w * ? ?, *. o, MeUUM A MNOIM, . * """I'*'", ^ ??? ?? W.MNM I. ?, ? | i ? -*? ~ r - - - ... I nuu. MAOXMUT UtAfiAW _ ABOPMA>. " " ' " " ' I " ^ ' '