_ _ M A H ~ ~Ar'--" ? FIRSTS f>. KWr Hp (By Susan Id?-?.) B The opening tension of the N. C. Methodist Conference, which Is in session in the Methodist church in this city, was attended by a large congregation today, many of the men and women of the city being present Bfiftl lend finding the session extremely Interesting. Bishop Wsterhouse, who Is presiding, is adding interest and inspiration by his words of advice and counciL V J Historical Society. t This afternoon at fe:feO o'clock In the church the anhual meeting of K'r '/* the "Cohference" Historical Society Is being held, the address being made by Dr. W. H. Moore on "Rerniniecenees." Sunday School Anniversary. fo Ths anniversary of the Sunday school board will be held in the < church this evening, the addewae being made by Dr. H. M. Hamll. of the Sunday school board. The publlo is invited to alt the services. Opening Session. "And are we yet alive, and see each others face." the time honored conference hymn, opened the seven ty-elghth session of the North Caro- . llna Methodlat Confyence In the Methodist church of this cfty this 1 morning at 9?S0 o'clock. ^ Following the beautiful custom of ? the Conference the sacrament of the ^ Lord's Supper was partaken of amid j the singing of the well-known gospel hymns, led by the great body of x men's voices. With the great bust- v sees of the week awaiting them and the uncertainty of where ,their next ( year's field of labor is to be. It la a beautiful observance and an appro/ . prlate opening tclhe conference. large crowd filled the church ( and the communion waa large, an 1 unusual number of -women being 1 i present and partaking In the service. J. .Tj, *- Underwood. J. < N. Cole and B. P. Bumpacs assisted 1 in the commonlon. 1 Blshpp RichardGreen Water ho use. 1 of California, the presiding bishop. 1 waa In the chair and called the conference fo order, asking first for the ' singing of "And are we yet alive and 1 see each other's face." 1 After the third verse, the Bishop 1 called for the continuance of the 1 hymn, assuring the "Brethren" that : tbqy were "doing well." Presiding Elder J. E. Underwood led In prayer, thanking God eapoolal'rn that the active ranks have not been invaded this year, only one member, a superanuate, having died. Bishop Water house read two se- ' lections from the scripture from both the Old and the New Testaments, bearing on the communion service 1 which followed. Organization. Following the opening devotional service and communion the conference entered upon the bualneas of ' organlaptlen, Rev. R. H. Willis, seeretary of the last conference, called the roll of both clerical and lay delegates. Mr. Willie ^gas then elected to sticceed himself as seeretary of the conference. Rev. J. L, Cunninggljn was elected assistant secretary and Rot. C. J. Harrell statistical secretary. The bar of the conference was placed at the cross aisles. Including ! th6 main body of the church. The hours of the morning session? ' were placed +t 9:80, opening and 1 p. m. for adjournment. Committee Public Worship, fcn J. T. Olbbs. presiding elder of the Washington district; Rev. fi. M Snipes, host of the conference, and r. Rev. W. K. Jacobson were appointed a committee on public worship. Dr. J. 8. Hunter, representing the Methodist Publishing House; and Dr. Biggs, representing the American Bible 8odety, both of the,Virginia Conference, were Introduced and spoke In tho- Interest of the ji> work they were representing.. . , ? ? The name of Rev. A. W. Price, pf the Elisabeth City district, was referred to the committee on confer' - enoe relation for the superanuate relation. /_ Tire report. Of Louleburg College, Littleton College and Ajrceneboro Collage tor Woman were recalred aid referred to the eopamlttee on education. ' The following oominUteoa were |o. eleeted: Book, and Period Wale?A L- Ormond. B. B. Craroti, H. E. Bpence. NHD Wllaon, C. B. cm broth. J. A. Loo. L. T. Singleton. M. NCE^ tODAY AT i E. CHURCH inidshaw, w. A . Stanbery. Lay? it P. Few. J. D. Leigh. A, D. (use, Y. TJOnnond, R. T\ dories, H. Gibson. J. C. Hardy. J. F. Iruton, C. D. Koonce. Conference Relations?R. C. Craen. G. W. Fisher, C. W. Robinson. H. McWhorter, J. C. Wooten. V. E. Coltrane, R. C. Beaman. J. V. Aotry, O. T. Adams. Cborch Property?J. A. Dally. C. l. Jones, L. M. Cbaffln, C. O. Duaht, L. II. Joynor, B. E. Staneld.' Marvin Self. J. B. Atawter, . P. Pate. Lay?E. W. Atwater, . P. Hatch, W. J. Hales, W. W. I pothers, Z. V. Snlpee, R. D. Gib?n, W. V. Woodruff. W. K. Jacobon. Jf. R. Samston. District Conference ^Records?J. i. Martin. J. E. Blalock, T. C- Ellera, . W. Bradley. J. G. Johnson, O. W. >owd.^. T. Stanffbld. W. T. Pbipps. I. C. Sell. [ Temperance?J. J. Boone, C. W. Imlth, T. H. Sutton, D.'W. Carless, O. W. Starling, E. H. Davis, I. W. Bailey. J. L. Rumley, B. -H. Hack, J. B. Atwater. Lay?Allan Irownlng, L. T. Houston. Daniel *ane, Dr. A. Anderson, L. 8. Covngton, R. B. Boyd. A. B. Swlnlell, R. P. RaifordT 8abbath Observance?S. F. Nicks, '. M. Grant, JJ. B. Starling, F. B. fcCall, G. B. Bearden, J. B. Hurley, J. N. Harrison, C. L. Read, T. C. Hclters. lay?J. T. Ware, Z. W. Cvaitft P ft Hnnnur TJIrhtrrt John. on, F. B. MoKennle, B. 8. Barnes, >r. D. n, Zolllcoffer, J. C. Bitsroll, C. D. Koonco. Heholrs?J. T. Glbbs, J. N. Jole. Resolution bf Mr. Fljrler. Rot. M. T. Pljer, presiding elder >f the Elisabeth City ?istrlot, prc-< tented the following resolution, vhlch was paaaed without objection: 'Since we deem it wise at the present time that the moat careful conridefatlon should W to the natter before the assessments are Aid upon the conference; therefore >e It "EeeolTed, That one member from aach board charged .with handling tn assessment, said members to be named by the board at its first meeting, be constituted a committee to ascertain the sum total of all assessments and report its findings to the conference not later than. Friday morning's session. M. T. PLYLER, F. B. NORTH, J. C. WOOTEN. The Twenty-Second Question. The calling of the 22nd question la always one of the most interesting and Important of the conference: ".Are {all* th# .preachers blameless In their life and official administration?" The presiding elders of the vart uui umncis ware nroi cauou. i no usual, "nothin? against him." was heard and the elders gave the report of the work on their districts. The reports of the ministers on the districts followed with the exception of the undergraduates who will report later. - _ , Rev. H. M. North, of the Durham dietrtct. who Is serving his first year la the presiding eldership, made the first report and one which called forth the Interest and commendation of the^lshop. Mr. North reported a great revival spirit In his district and a wave of spirituality. Mom than 700 have been received luring the year on profession of faith, more than have been received n many years In this district. The ecret of this was doubtless found In Mr. North's report that out of 234 lays In the presiding eldership he lad preached 336 times. He foaqd .hat against the financial stringency he had found a spirit of humility and spirituality among the people. . Rev. M. T. Plyler, presiding elder of the Elisabeth City district, made \ splendid report. MoYe than 40Q had been recdfvpd on profession ol faith. Rev. R. B. John, of the aFyetevllU district, reported the work pragma* Ing on hie district, 493 having beer received on profession of faith. Tw< churches are eoon to be finished. Rev. J. H. Hall. Raleigh district TteV. A. McCullen, Rockingham dls trlct; Rev. J. T. Glbbs. Washing ton, district; Rev. R. H, Willis, War renton district, and Rev. L. NE Thompson. Wilmington district mad their reports. There was not tim for the reports at the ministers o their districts. These will be Ukei NGT( ?i ' V- ^ WHATMR. 'WASHINGTON! N C PROMI1 >. ' -..-. ... r.-: ? " : -ii &yr<2M ~ I ray "I v V| - . : - & V H I 4" ..." I '"/'HHHH9HBHH - Bishop John C. Kilgo. D. 1 Visit the Annual Confe Stephen C. Bragau'. HIE CROWNING mm i Without doubt .Oliver Morosco will have the mantel of "premiere producer" placed upon his shoulders in the near future. By his painstaking method of choosing plays and players he has given to the Ape lcan public unusual attractions of superior merit, and has jumped Into tho theatrical limelight In the past few years with such rapfdity that today he stands alone as America's foremost producer. Two years ago he produced at the Cort Theatre. New Yprlc, J. Hartley Manners' comedy of sweetness, "Peg O* My Heart," with Laurette Taylor in the title role, where It continued for 604 consecutive performances. Nearly half-"a million dollars have been poured Into Me?- Morosco's coffers during the "bast year from the success of this play. He will have fifteen attractions on the boards, including "Peg 0' My Heart," with Doris Moore as "Peg" and the same perfect cast that channel us here laat season. "Peg" and "Michael" are comlhg to the New Theatre In the very near future. up on Thursday. Credentials Surrendered. The credentials , of Rev. W. EL Hocuttr of ihe North Hampton circuit of the Warronton district, were surrendered. Mr. Hocutt had beeh accused of immorality during the year and a trial had been deemed necessary. .Dr. T. N. Ivey, editor of the Nash^ vllle Christian Advocate, made his report. The Bishop commended Dr. Ivey's work on the Adroeate, and thought the N. C. Conference should be the banner conference in subscriptions. Rev. 8. B. Turrentine, president r of Greensboro College for Women, was Introduced, and it was announoed that he would conduct tho opening " devotional service on Thursday morning. The Bishop announced that he 1 wished to place an emphasis on worship. The following were appointed as ' distant statistical secretaries: J. M Ormond. T. M. Grant, H..B. Porter " 0." B. Culbreth, W. V. McRao. L. D I (Continued on Fourth Page.) e ? t DEBT AND BIOOE8* C If RAPES* D line candles in the city. J. E nj Adams. ll-17-6tc -Fair tonight and n?ih). Mlehtlj WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON N terday. The funeral will take place at Trinity church cemetery, Choco- A'1 winity, N. C.. tomorrow morning and will be conducted by Rev. N. li?M- M ing, rector of St. Peter's church, this Al city. L* Tho remains will arrive here to- Sn morrow via the Norfolk Southern de from Bclhaven and will be taken lm- R< mca.airiy arterwaras 10 me ceraetery. Mr. Shavender was ouq. of the lit heat known citizens of Beaufort Bi county and At the timo of his death H< was 73 years of age. He was a brave Confederate soldier and fought all during the four years of the war. He leaves a widow and nino thlldren to mourn their loss. The news ^ of his sudden death will be learned ^ with regret. ^ JC8T ARRIVED, FANCY FRESH ji stock 500 lbs. new English Walnuts, per lb., 10c; 500 lbs. new Brazil Nuts, per lb., 15c. J. E. Adams. Phone 07. ll-18-4tc For All T Armour's Star Hams, per lb. 'Morgan & Gray F. F. V. llui Pure Sweet Print Butter, per Arbucklc's Coffee, Per Pound Filsoi^Club Coffee, worth 50c 1 Full Cream Cheese, Por Fpnni Borden's Eagle Braud Milk, pc Monogram Corn, per can . .. Extra Fancy Dried Peache, p< Extra Fancy Dried Apple*, pe Sundried Apples, per lb. SPECIAL On all Shoes, Dry Gocxfc, II Everything cold on a money ^ ^ i. '' I ' , J. E. A . | Phone 97 MLY f OVEMBER 11, 1911 "iT rMAN. e I U L D 7 V (4 N e; ei u t St * t< ti U y e II ft e V a t t: , ft 1 C.,' Who is Expected to ii 1 be the Guest of Judge BINS III 11 OF JIM Miss Louise Henderson delightfulentertained a number of her ends at her home on market street lesday evening in honor of her tcenth birthday. Those present were: Misses Cassie wis. Gladys Alligood, Blanche llgoodt Reva Jefferson, Mary Macivttt, Clara Burgess, Mildred lith, Kathleen Jackson, Helen Henrron; Messrs. Harvey Burgess. >bt. Cole, James McKeel, Clarence Hard, Johnnie Wilkinson, R. Wlli, Len Dowdy, Frank Lewis, Bill illey, Bonner ^Jefferson and Robt. cnderson. accepts position. Mr. J. D. Oneal has accepted a isltion as salesman with the firm Untt-all iV IP1 Istrnrt h u-horo ha Ill be pleased to see bis many lends. L'ST ARRIVED FRESH AND FINE new Cocoanuts, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Cltran, Fancy Table Raisins. Seeded Ralslne, Currants, etc. .J. E. Adams. Phone 97. ll-17-5tc ALS his Week 19c ns, ftr lb 19c lb 85c 20o b. at.. 40c a .,... 20c rcan 15c J 10c cr lb. 12^>c r#b................. 7o Gc PRICES, nga, etc. -bade guarantee. lDAMS Washington, N! C. . NE) 1UTFQL l)T ME ON HONf NIGH Society had another enjoyabt venlng on Monday, November tt 6th, when Mr. and Mra. A. D tacLean were at home to the tany friends In honor of Miss Matt: aughlnghouse and Miss Franct >ockery, both of theso charmir oung ladies being prospective bride Use L/aughlnghouse Is to be marrlc > Mr. George Horace Rowland c ovembor the 25th. and Miss Docl ry is to wed Mr. Cornelius Wadde arly in the new year. The spacious home was a scone < nparallled beauty on this occaBioi At the door to recolve the cari! tood little MiBses MarthawMncI.ea nd Selgnora Jennette, while on tl (air way Misses Sallle Cowell^fl iary MacLean directed the^^fl > the dressing room. Th lie gentlemen were atten^^Hro t [aster Angus MacLean^^^P- an Irs. A. M. Dumay the li omlng guests in beautlfi 3 Its artistic dec^HKs of grec nd white. Capt. and Mrs. ueo. Leach greo d them at the parlor door. Hoi Ion. and Mrs. John H. Snfall, M nd Mrs. John D. Gorham and Mil .Ida Rodman graciously introduce he gay throng of beautiful wornc nd gallant men to the receiving lin 'he charming hostess and her gent usband welcomed each one In rarm, cordial mawtier and intr luced the honor guests. Miss Laug nghouse and Mlas DnoVerv. N'p a the line stood Mr. Tom Laughln louse, Miss Maude Wlndley, Mli innie L. Worthington, of Bel AI Id.; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Richar on. Mr. and Mrs. M. Worthingto Ira. W. 8. Martin, of Aaheville, ] J.; Col. and Mrs. W. H. William iflaa Mary Virginia Bonner ai udge and Mrs. Stephen Braga' lisaee Annie and Jennie Cox pilot) he guests to the dining room, wbi< rae a bower of beauty with its dec atlona of red and green, beautiful arried out in the holly and r< and lea. Mrs. Frank Moss. Miss Bettle Ha ey and Miss Eva Ballard, a isted by a bevy of maidens fair, d he honors in this room. At the entrance to the library M 'harles Cowell and Miss Mary Cow< tolnted tho way to another dellgli ul rendezvous, the festive puni jowl, presided over by Mr. and Mi 3d. Jennette, Mrs. Frank H. She ind Mies Bess Boyd. One stopp< o quaff this delicious nectar, ai remained to enjoy the witty convi tatlon end sprightly humor of tho gathered around it. Pink and whl were the prevailing colors of t decorations of this roof. Miss Rlii bcth Warren sklllfuUy manlpulatl me Yiciroia. acugnma tne awomui crowd with many choice select ioi After lingering long and enjoyl all these things, tho guest bade th hosts good night, and returned ho: full of praise for the charming mi ner In which they had been ent talned. Dili" 1L REEI 101881 The annual meeting of the Pam! Chapter, Daughters of the Conl eracy, will be held tomorrow af noon at 3 o'clock in the rooms of Public Library. The election of officers and payment of dues for the year 1 and other Important business wil transacted. Every member of chapter Is urged to be present. GUR8T OF W. H. RUBS. Rer. IL E. Plttman .of Bridge N. C., who Is attending the M Conference. Is the guest of Mr. H. Rosa on vast Second street. BIOGEftT, HIT. CHEAP stock General Merchandise In city. Ererythlng sold und mon?r-fe>ek ru?r? VENTRILOQUIST." or > ,'D'ESTA" aad hla f.mlly of talking an<1 Mechanical Ftgwaa. ?-?c r*rlQ? . . toe a SOU sj* ..?* . S&sjSjg v? '< | iiriitui utMfl 'niaiMiiMiari'i .