'Hb' - * I fit TRI)U> BAT'S SESSION. M Tb? unlTonary of the conference I a hocrd of editehUoB wH) he held In i the church thte erenln*, the mddrciM 1 jf to be made by Dr. T. N. Perker. <* 1 a the DlbUcel d^putment of .Trinity i Course. The public ! eeeured that ? the addreu will be one of the raott W able during the conference | 1 'rf The laymen are meeting at the ? I church this afternoon. < B \ Vr- TrtaKy ^ijliM ; ./? \ VIThe Trinity Alumni banquet "wrlll be held at tha Bike' building this B afternoon at < o'clock. Mr. James | K. Soathgate, of Durham, will act as taaatmaster and there will be adB* dretsoe by Bishop Waterhouse and others. The banquet U being served B*" by the Women's CtVlc League Of B Washington and Is in charge of a V number U young ladles. Rusinesa Progressing Rapidly. The business of the Conference has progreessed rapidly and at the clbse W of today's morning session was ^ well in hand. This was one of the 11 vest and most interesting ses| sloas of the conference. The most j B B Important matter being tbe action W " t>r the conference la the matter ofl" church Insurance and the reception t of the class Into full eoneotlon. * tmamj. The third day. of the North Carolina Methodist Conference was open ?d with a song and testimony meet lng interspersed with an oocaalona' "burst of song. Bishop Waterhouse emphasised the value and need of I testimony meetings. He did not care, he declared, whether It is cahed "class meetings" or by some other name, so men and women are given a chance to testify. The fathers of Methodiaa. he declared, were & tee tifying people. It had been hoped Bishop Waterhouse stated, that Bishop Kllgo. "your own bishop ar yoa are pleased to call him," would be present during the sessions, instead a telegram of greeting waa re ^ eel-red from him. 'So," said Blah or Waterhouse, "your own history If the first to give his testimony thlp morning," and he read Bishop Kilgo'e message, Epheslans 16, verses Id through to 10. It was a charge to be strong in the faith and to constantly fight against wickedness in high places. . The service was one of the most ?- !_* j ? ?'?-? aw"-. marked the conference. The teat! ' monies were short and full of feel- * n tng, the Bishop now and then adding ( a word of encouragement and stressing some special point In the toeti 1 mony. 1 I . Hot. 3. V. WlXUaraa rreeeent. ' Among those who rose to testify 1 1 , was one whose face was familiar tc many in the conference, Her. J. V I Williams, who Nrent from North J J Carolina to Brooklyn. N. * Y., to preach. At his eh arch In Brooklyn. J Mr. Williams is preaching the oldI time gospel and Is holding class ' meetings such as the fathers knew, k Following Mr. Williams' testimony V t? he swung into the old hymn that ) used to be so familiar: "Oh what ship r la that will take us aU home/' the L congregation joining In. "It Is the I r old ship of ZIon, Hallelujah." "Uncle Betts rose and thanked God tor His goqdneea then and announced that be was Mr. Wllllame' f" mother's pastor ysars ago. The service wae concluded with tlje singing of "Jesus Lorer of My Soul." Following the reading of the minutes of Thursday's sessldrfT the i secretary was Instructed to send sultsbls response coupled with an invitation from the Bishop and thr conference to visit the conference. * At his request. He v. H. M Jackson was Iocs ted. Ths name of Rev C. C. Brothers was referred to the committee for the superannste relaSjSffi tlon. It**. John A. Thorp*, an elder o' th* M. M. church, who h*a been e?rvti( In Elisabeth c.lty, me received Into th* eqhrterenee. ' * Iter J. T. Simmon* me elected a eecond aaeletapt eecretary. - Tha following In the claea of the third year who save their report' and ware peeeod to tha claae of the fourth year: R. 0. L. fcwarda. R B. PUtman. John E. Rtalock, K. Y DueraU and M. W. Darsao. The following wora eonllnnad In tha olaar !." of the third year: T. C. EH era, N. B-. .. Strickland, C. R. Canlpa and X. V F / L? 1 m 1 ' ?. N. PARKER JRCH TOtftGHT the Episcopal church of Washington, for 41 mrt, ana Dr. Malone was a pleasant feature of the morning's leeelon, and the word* of brotherly lore and Christian fellowship frodi t>r. Harding were rec?lvedvwlth deep rear were advanced to cloas ofhrdlu feeling by the conferene. The following in the class of the fourth year made their report and u-w eligible to elder's orders: J. M 3rmond. L. D. Hayman, C. J. Ha*rell. B..T. Hurley. G. M. Daniel and K. P. Duvall. E. L. Stack, of slaaa, also made hie report. , The fallowing local . preachers were eleoted to dbacon'a torderi} H. E. Myatt. M B. Andrews and H . Class. Q. B. Andrews, a local irehcher, vraa elected to elder's orlera. jL. B. Pattishall, of the NeW 3ern district,'was admitted on trla). Dr. 3. B. Turrentintf. president Greensboro College for Women, ipoke to the conference about the rotk of" the college which Is the jroperty of the two Methodist coneronces of North Carolina. The col ege is a fully equipped class A oolege with all departments for the Christian education and training of h a rnnnr vnman : Church Imurttcf. The report of the committee appointed at the last conference, to ln e&tlgate the Methodist Mutual Fire [naurance Comjfeny, a company itartcd by tho Western North' Caroina Conference to inaure chnroh jroperty at the lowest rates, tie jroflta accrued to be returned to tie hurch, called forth the warmest aijd nost Interesting discussion of tie inference, a number of lpymoh, imong them Mr. James South gate, >f Durham, and Mr. B. B. Adams, >f Four Oake, speaking the one fear, he other against the resolution. The recommendation which wis presented by Mr. W. B. Cooper and Ldopted by' the conference read S3 follows: /v ' .1. "1, That this conference endorse :be MtloD of the ^ WeelerB North Carolina Conference In the matter of >rgmnlsatlon of the company and the plans adopted for the conduct of the justness. "2. That this conference elect five llrectors, to be recommended to the Western North Carolina Conference lor election on the board of directors >f the company. "3. That tho matter of compete' ;hurch control be safeguarded In >very particular and the board of llrectora be requested and instructed :o thoroughly investigate, safeguardi ind protect every avenue by which the church can be deprived of the complete control of the affairs of the company. "4. That the preachers' and laymen give their hearty support to the officers of the company in securing business. There la only a small per cent of our church property insqred, a matter which should no longer "be neglected." .On mbtion of Rev. M. T. Plyler the following, two lay and three clerical, were elected the directors: N. W. D. Wilson, C. S. Wallace. J. C. Wooten, L. S. Covington, and W. B. Cooper. Represent alive Church. < I Dr. Harding, of Mt. Vernon M. E. Cflhrch, South, of Washington, D. Q., addressed the conference on the work of the representative Southern Methodist church at Washington. It is desired to begin work on thin church, whloh is greatly needed in the national capital, early in the year. Of the |S,000 pledged by th? North Carolina Conference, |8,581.80 yet remains unpaid. * On motion the matter was referred to the conference board of churct extension to report some method o! raising the remainder of the pledge .Received Into Full Connection. The folibvHng wero received InU full connection: T. iff. Lee, J. L Midyett, B. B. Slaughter, H. C. Smith, N, M. ..Wright, O. W. Perry E. D. Dodd, W. V. McRae, J. A Morris and C. BThe charge and admonition oi Bishop Waterhouse as he received these young men was a very beantt fui and valuable address. The im proBslvenesa of the vows was felt b] everyone In the congregation as thej were glvon by the Bishop Havin| passed their examination and tw< years of trial the Bishop congrhtu lated these young men on being, re est red into fall connection. THWMDAY VKJHT-R BKMIOX. WASHINGTON^ 1 I H fl II '" I I I I ISEBfiMi^jSl^BISKjB \$gam IH II ' | t - """.Z?J "Peg O'MyJH New Theat There's nothihg "succeeds like success," finds an echo in the wonderful success attained by Oliver Morosco'O delightful "Peg: O* My Heart." which will be seen at the New Theatre on Wedneday next. Coming aa H dam wtth the atamp' of 'approval of play-goer* everywhere, thiB charming comodp of youth, could present no greater endorsement that Its record run of 604 consecutive performances at the Cort Theatre, New York, and that local patrons want no bdtter recommendation, is attested by the curreht comment and personal view of those who have been fortunate enough to witness the famous Man WELL KNOWN CITIZEN HAS SEVERE FALL i i Mrs. Sallie J. Gallagher, a former resident of tbls city, but now a resident ai Anrora, N: C.. had a severe fall at her home In Aurora on Saturday, November 11 tb, receiving .. serious Injury, though no bones were broken. Her recovery hah been slow as she Is not yet able to sit up. Her many friends throughout the county wish her a speedy recovery. SOME BETTER. The condition of Mr. 8amuel Etheridge is reported to be .some better today. This will be gratifying to his many friends throughout the city. 1 JUST ARRIVED FRESH AND FINE new Cocoanuts, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Cltran, Fancy Table Raisins, Seeded. Raisins, Currants, etc. J. E. Adams. Phone 117. U-17-5tc the board of church extension on Thursday evening was delivered by Dr. T. N. Ivey, editor of the Nashvllle Christian Advocate. It was as Inspirational address on the greatness of the church of God a different treatment of the subject than la usually given It by Dr.- McMurray. whom Dr. Ivey regretted could npt be present to deliver the address en thja occasion. Dr. 1vey declared he belonged sc much to the newspaper world thai (Continued on Fourth Page.) BEET AND BIGGEST CHEAPER! candloe In the city. J, E j \ ivl i l u|r ^^ezz^__fadr toni&t. cokjwa* b|prid\y afternoon n' * ^p: *' MM I *y HI g^V' V '^^^ 1 i I DO CAR Id THE cm ADJPSI ' Peopl?r of Washington, who happen to vjslt the vicinity of the A. C. L. depot have their attention attracted by a very unusual looking car on sidetrack. Th6 car is a magnificent private car. brilliantly painted in colors of red, white and greeh. Dying the Mexican flag, and called "Seeing Mexico." The car was loaded in Mexico City by the Mexican National Educational Society and many valuable relics were allowed to be taken from the National Museum add placed for exhibit on the car. Besides the agricultural, industrial and mineral exhibits of Mexico of great Interest are the Astec relics, of stone and pottery, some of the relics being recently unearthed by Prof. Nlvln, who has discovered a buried city 16 feet below the old .Aztec capital. The discoveries of Prof. Nlvln are regarded of such Importance that the United States Geological Society recently sent experts to Mexico City to secure detailed accounts of his work. There Is one Attee Idol called "The God of Lots," which is the only Idol permitted to leave Mexico. On the car will be found many things of special Interest to the ladies, such as the drawn work, blankets, fingers paintings, etc. The sehool children will be interested in the school display of the Mexican children, also in the Mexican parrot, Mexican monkeys, etc. The car will remain in Washington until Tuesday evening. Open dally a. m. te 10 p. m. AN APPRECIATION. I desire to express to the business men of Washington my appreciation for their offers to store portions of my toy stock on account of being forced to vacate the building the stock is now in. Many persons have kindly offered to help me, for which I am exceedingly grateful. K. JOHN. Adv. WEDDING AND XMAB GIFTS. We have Just received nice assortments of Brass Goods, Japanese Baskets, Indian Sweet Grass Baskets, Nippon China. Framed Pictures, Gift Books and many other articles suitable as gifts. Make your purchases early while our stock is complete. LATHAM'S BOOK STORfc. 11-H-lwc NEW LOT GUARANTEED SHOES Oraralls. Shirts and Beslary Just rsealssd. Prtc?e' rsrjr law. 1. %, I Adams. ? ' U-H-Mc wmmm BAY i m LIBRARY OF CIYY Tomorrow, Saturday. November 2 let, is Taj Dy. Every public spirited cltisen should buy a tag. The young lad -s, who hare kindly volunteered their aervlcee will call on you; also the school children. Help them with your lntereet. One J tag Is all you will he naked to buy, and remember It 1b for the Public ft Library?your library end every ettlten's library. You need It, and eo does every other cltisen. Your children derive pleasure and benefit from It. Remember Saturday. Tag Day. Wear a tag and help the Public A Library of Washington. For any Information, see one of r^aH the following ladles: Mrs. John Small, Mrs. Frank Rollins, Mrs. W. L. Vaughan, Mrs. Samuel Fowle, Mrs. Merrlman, Mrs. 3. C. Bragaw. Mrs. H. W. Carter. Mrs. John Rodman, Mrs. N. L?. Simmons. Miss Sadie WIswall. Mre. W rnnin kit in in tin Alii is ONE OTHERS MUTE ; The Washington Beaufort Land "ompany, ono pf thiB city's enterbrlsinq btfslneeB (concerne,' always ready and willing to help In toy :ause that means the advancement ind furtherance of this city, have cindly donated the tags gratia to he Public Library to be usod aa Pag Day. Every citizen chould renember that tomorrow is the day n which the promoters of this well ind much-needed institution are to ;all on the good people of the city \ or a contribution. Buy a tag and vear It, thus showing that you are a oyal and true citizen. In presenting the tags that are to be worn tomorrow by the Washlng:on and Beaufort Land Company :helr tboughtfulness 1 slndeed commendable. biggest, best. cheapest stock General Merchandise in the city. Everything sold under ? money-back guarantee. j. v. Adams. U-1i-4u ?-5 not ntTinnu mil. mm DORIS 10 I FORD 1 The Belgian Fund has passed th% hundred dollar mark and la now an its way toward two hundred. Owe notable girt today la that from aama of the Public School children. T%e Daily News is proud to publlah the note enclosing the donation: "In behalf of the Belgian suffer* era, we, Grade 8A, wish to contribute the contents of our treasury. (Signed) ' * "LATHAM TANFIBLB, Free.. " "MARY MacLEAN Sec.-Treea." Another contribution worthy at - mention is that fr?m one of onr eeljred citizens. It is very pleasing ta find this spirit existing as evidence that the members of that race are ready ta do their part, else In helping this distressed nation. New Theater TONIGHT ' ^ Fifth Installment of "Lucille Love" 39 And 3 Other Rntb COME OUT Price 5 and 10c. ' <1 * '<& ft #* '/ v