Irani - . >' - f f M*l | _ ar-Kjjj MISSIONARY TO fl WILL BE THE S J <*r Ma Mot.) ; or J^H_Bu*dny will ba a full day at'the tb< ba Carolina Itathodlat Ookpir- I Br la Marlon at lb. ' Matbodltt : Hbcb M tblr city. Th? Burln.a- |0, Kt ra wall up at tba adlourntnrnt , tba morning Marlon that It l< rrM that'the appointment. Vni' M^rral and tka conference will ad- * urn I* plasty of tin/ Monday for Ht Members M 1mra on tba after M< Ha train a * Kta eosferanoa will bar. tba plaha *' ^k> and pftallega of baarlag Blehop ' ^Ktarkooea prMob at 11 o'clock Hbday noratng at tka church. Tblr HI loUow tka anayal lore foart ai jj" HI g. m. Hti ordination of daaoona wiu * Ho plaor at tblg eerrtoe. Tba an Hereary at thr Bpwortb League ^Htrd will ka hold Sunday afternoon. "H Hdraaoed by Bar. J. M- Culhrath. ? H!r. tf. H. Parka*.will preach at 7:10 ^D. St., lolloariag wbjrb tba aldar* will Ha ordain ad. ... w ta illM akdr Beerkg. Br Haklaaloaary to Korea. will naka tha w HtraM at tba mlralonary anslTor- u |br tbl* OTpalng. Thlr aftarnoon B MUM Bwth? BlUaon. 1 deaeoneae, ru Br ***** ?y.kttm* dUMlon work. . * I The IUuh ool? nn that ha# w ^Vthe whola South U 1U (rip had lit- V. Hue aSaot pa (ha conference, the 3ti Hwual large congregation ot mlnle- 81) ^Tlera. laymen and rial to re being pree- w Hwl at t^a opening gieeton thta morn w V log. The opening derotlonnl eer- ha ^Srteea each dap are a beautiful and u Veuplrhir beginning aCther day's work patting the eptrtia and hearta of all m hi harmony. ~ e br Bl Blahop Waterhouea conducted the w ^Rerriee thle morning, lnteMperelng M I the reeding ot the eerlpture from q the 11th chapter ot 1 Corinthians M, pith e tew simple and fernefnl ex- be I plaaatlawn gad ajhortatlone of Ma pi B ewa. ooetlaullls en through the B thtet^^inHm ar tu. pe^g , ? In connection with the ttmi rt; G F lerdtnf flfU end diversity of gift* I the PUhop Mid that the conference j | I to ? uli and Meh member of it ] I should lore and minister to eech ^ ! I ot?ar. *'If the wbole body were one d member." said the Bishop, "it would w I be % monstrosity, eo thin conference I Would be e poor thing if we uU were T( I . Just nlihe. 80 thunh Ood tor eueh Jf I otter. ' Cook for the good in one en- B I other. XJod Is the builder of the g] vu laternersed with J ieeca. The blahlp ttljad on Rot. a. m J. Ptfkw to load the ulngluc, do- B glaring that they woro about to F "blachnltde" before getting throng! B Oka hymnn Ho aokod for "ho >or- ^ viae* el tho quartot during tbo ooa .e loronoo. oaring tho conference woulf ,, bo glad to boar (bom at arfy Umo. Attar tbo olnglng of "Children of tbo Hearonlr King." tbo mlnutoo of 3 VMday'o ooooSob woro rood. v Bar. Mr. Hope, poetor of tht j Obrlotlaa church ur tbo eltr, woo InEroducod to Uo conference. N BapcwaaaaOW Report. J The calling of tho honor roll, th> peparaooatea. thooa who bare growr v aid la tbo aoretoo and dropped {roar 7 tho active 'rmako, la alwoyo one ol the meet toaeklng and tmpreoolm q foateroo of tko Conference At tbt 3 oMting of tho name of Rot. a. D Motto, tko Uttlo old van. whom the , aoaforonoo loTai ta call "Cnclo t acta." and who hegdaahe roll, root none tho front of tho chiuoh and j bad a benediction over tho body h! , kin tootlmooy "Dnclo Botio" Join ad tka aonforoaeo H yean ago and Ua grdataot doolra mill lo "to hair , t,*s mo body -co to Boaron." Ho ? ( JL-' on rod tka Btakop that ha wsold , ooyaVally thlak of him an Doeombor ,. Ktl. gad nddod tbo oiplanotlon that OB that lay la lidl. when BUhop watarhoooo woo bora la Tennooiee, ho OH drltlng lercoo tho State to the Vlrglal* lino tor htl grot, circuit MpolBtmeat. *ao. O. V. Itaagnton goHowwd 'ttaolo Bolto" with a beautiful tootlatour. aeoa though aMlotod with kaMad rpooeh Ha waa licenced to anhori la thla oouaty ?* yoaro ogn and f? yoaro ago to praacb- Hie admonition to tko young .men lq. tho RCHTWIGHT^ / me of T. J. Daily wa? referred for 0 superanuate relation. , I QuJMlrennlal Boards. Rev. Jl. McCoilea read the fol vlng quadrennial boards appoint by the presiding elders: Boa*l of Mission*?M. Bradahaw 0. Johnson, N. H. D. Wilson. J. | Bendy, A. J. Orores, W. H. ;l we. D. H. Tattle, O. F. Smith "Tb. Merrltt. Lay?J. C. Bras >11. T. R. Hood. C. E. Weather by * . I. Wright," L. 8. Covington, Dr 1 H. Jadd. 2. W. Evans, J. 8. Cart T. Flythe. Board of Education?J. C. Wooten * N. Cavlness. C. L. Read. J. M lodes, C. W. Robinson, P. D Dodall, J. B .Hurley, W. A. Stan ry, J. M. Ormond. ?-ay?F. B iKlnnle, John L. Borden, A. McA uncll, T. J. Jarvls J. B. Leigh 8. Barries, J. H. Southgate, F ^Hargett, R. B. Boyd. Board of Chureh Extension?L. . Chaffln, C. M. Lance, B. P. binson. F. Ml 8hajnburgar, J. M. hby, J. B. Holden, E. H. Me- * hortsr, L. P. Howard. H. M. Eure y?C. D. Koonce, A. Anderson, O. ? Keech, C. P. Dey, R. W. Her- ' I if. L. L. Smith. O. K. Smith, R f vjiDDons, w. .v. zouicoirer. Bandar Schol Board?E. H. Davis alter Patten, J. H. McCracken. A. Rojall. J. M Daniel. B. E infield. H. A. Humble, J. H. ore, W. Towe. Lay?L.s O. Roper . E. Sharper C. F. Bland. C. S altaoe. W. B. Cooper, JL-J. Cheat m. E. H. Olbaon. J. B. Atwater . Bolton. , Epworth League Board?J. L. wiley, M H. Tuttle, O. B. Cul eth. H. E. Bpence. T. O. Vleken W. Peele. B. C. Thompson, J . Culbreth, R. Bradley. Lay?G. Davidson, T. H. Baum, W. A. cOlrt, W. A. C ha wick, W. P. Gra m, 1. J. i Edwards, W. H. Ham in ire/. Allan Browning, R. E. Prince p Joint Board of Finance?<3. W h TSartln'. J. H.?rfuei1e,^vD^ * artln, T. H. Button, B. C. Allred ,'? A. Hornaday. lf Lay?Henry Page, R. L. Flower*, * L. Newberry. J. H. Brldgers, W 10 Avery, U E. Old, E. A. Darden 11 . A. Dixon, W. E. Springer. n Bible Society Board?W. F. Cra 1C a. If. D. Hix, J. W. Autry. C. P a isome, B. H. Black, S. F. Nipk, D u , Parker, G. O. Durant, L. T. Sin 0 eton. 0 Committee on Orphanage?J. W. n itten, O. B. Starling, J. M. Ben c >n, W.' B. North, 8. A. Cotton. G . Perry, R. R. Grant, J. W. Bradley * . C. Bell, Day?D. H. Hood, J. G rown W. N. Brothers, C. C. Can * igfcam, J. F. Bruton, C. C. Coring 11 in, J. B. 8tephenson. W. L. Aren * ell. R. R. Covington. . r Committees on Examination. * Admissions?A. S. Barnes, F. M r< hamburger, W. R. Royall, J. C. 1 Vpoten, W. H. Brown, C. Read * A. Dalley, W. A. Stanbury. Admission on* Trial?Chairman a r. H. D. Wilson, <?. W. Dowd, B. T J [urley. 1 First Year?Cnalrman, H. A * lumble. J% If. Ormond, J. M 0 bright. 11 Second Year?Chairman, H .E. ipenee, E. H. lfcWhorter. T. M. I rant. ' Third Year?Chairman, D. H. kittle, E. B. Craven, J. M. Cnl ' ireth. Fourth Year?Chairman. W. W ' >eele, W. B. North. D. W. Cavi ' l#M- V Report os Temperance. The report of the committee or ] emperancs was one of the Interact ng features 'of the conference. Th< report commending the AntLBaloor League and Its superintendent, Rev R. h. Davie, the Bhtppard-Hobeon resolution pending In conference and urging attendance on the next hi snnlal convention In Raleigh, Jan nary 18th and 14th. and recommend log unfermentlng grape Juice la th' eommunion^eervlce, was adopted bj the Conference., (Continued on Fourth Page.) . WEDDING AND X M VS ?IJ>T*. Wa hava J ant racnlred aiea a> "ortm.nts or Braaa Good, Japanaar Baakata, Indian Sweat Graee Bhaketn. Nippon China. Dind Pteturaa, out Booka and man^othar art kin. aultnbla aa flit a. Make Toor pur cbkga narly whlla our atoek la com LATHAM'S BOOK STORE. 111M" NGT< WBATH1W?I WASHINGTON1 N. C Scene ? sain N 19 vi * AT THE NE\j mil ii um HELD Mill ' IK Fill r.-rn ?~^wz4 Breathing a spirit of good cheer d loyalty tpr their Alma Mater and I caking 4n words of hopefulness tor 1 elr much beloved institution of I ixnlng. about 125 of Trinity Colre's sods sat, around the flsetivr ard at the Eiks Home yesterday ternoon from five to seven. The caslon was the sixth annual ban- l let of the alumni. Every word tered, every thought expressed, et with a responsive cord. It was thing more nor lesp thag an oldshioned family gathering where the ilcyon moments of other days were Id and a renewed determination , make Trinity, their educational other, so to speak, still go forward 1 leaps and bounds as has been her oord for the past two or more de iaes. The banquet wae served by the roman'e Clrlc League of this city id was indeed a feast fit for a king. Then It comes to preparing temptig viands for the Inner fh&n It slays takes a woman to assume this >le and the good women of Washigton cannot be excelled. The table as In the form of. "T" in honor of outhern Methodism's leading eduatlonal Institution. The hall was istlly decorated in the Trinity colors nd around the table sat men of Istlnctidn and renown 1n*the world f letters, on the platform and in he pulpit. Mr. T. H. "Sauthgate, president of he Board of Trustees o# Trinity Col- j sge, did the honors as toastmaster. le was at home in thiq role. In rords of ornatenees he - welcomed he alumni and In presenting each ipeaker made each introduction fit he speaker. Those who responded o the call of the toastmaster were dr. Henry A. Page, of Aberdeen; Rev. H. 8. Spence, of Trinity Colege; t>r. Albert Anderson, superinendent of the Central Hospital, Raleigh; Bishop R. Water house. >f California; Hon. Job* H. 8mall, jf this city; Rev. Harry North, prtUdlng elder of the Durham district, and Dr. W. P. Few, president of Trinity College. Hon. John H. Small and Bishop Waterhouse were both given ovatlont aa they entered the hall, the entlr? body of banqueters rising to theh feet and remained standing nntl they had taken their seats. Nearlj all the addfeeses were eulogistic o Dr. Braxton Craven.tbe head of thi "Old Trinity," and Blshep Johy C Kilgo. known as "Marie Jsek" t? j {Continued on Page Four.) JUST ARRIVED FRESH AND fI51 new Cocoanuts, Walnuts. Brstl Nuts. Cltran, Fancy Tabls RaUlm v Seeded Retains. CurranU. etc. i E. Adams. Phone 97. ll-IT-81 ' MI afcd cot k told uife%h< a4 Mi SATUFIIJAY AFTERNOON 7rom the Wo II ? ** I Exceptional The I THEATER WJEDNBSI InnT rpiicBcn dv IUUI UllUOHLiU 111 FALLING H N. S. TRAIN AT PINETOWN Mr. Benjamin Wallace, a white man,, who Is employed In the Boper i log woods and a citlxen of .Pinetown, N. C., while attempt/qg to. 1 t>oard the Norfolk Southern passpxn-' jer train last, night at Pinetowa, ic" * :ldentally slipped, the consequence being that he fell underneath the 1 train and his right foot crushed. He was brought to the Washington Hospital this morning whore his foot was amputated to the ankle joint. While his condition is precarious, he Is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Dr. H.- H. Hunter, of Plnetown, accompanied the unfortunate man to this city. At one time he was employed by the Pamlico Cooperage Company here. Unless something unforeseen happens he will recover. 1 HOME FROM SCHOOL. Mr. John Kales Hoyt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hoyt, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Bedford City, Va., where he is attending the Randolph-Macon preparatory school. He returned on account of an epidemic in the school. JUST ARRIVED, FANCY FRESH stock 500 lbs. new English Walnuts, per lb., 20c; 600 lbs. new Rrasll Nuts, per lb., 5c. J. E. Adams. Phone 97. ll-18-4tc SPEC For All r !* 1 Armour's Star Hams, par 1 Morgan fc Gray F. T. V. I Puns Sweet Print Butter, j Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pou) Fjlaon tlub Coffee, worth 50 Full Cream Choose, Per Poi Borden's Eagle Brand Milk, , Monogram Corn, per can . Extra Fancy Dried, Peache, Extra Fancy Dried Apples, r Suadried Apples, per lb. ., SPECIA , On ell Shoes, Dry Goods, Everything sold oh a mot [ J. E. a 1 Phone 97 * _________ ' v - ' I V ' AILY ^ ?1'* I . = ?JOtEMBER 21. I9H nderful Play 4 /* x 1 T'' * ' ? . iU* atrical Event >AY NIGHT. NOVEMI 1 11 TIKIM SKI DEATH .ft BINS! Mt Peibaven Citizen of ycsteray George W. Howell, the 15-yearold aon of the widow Howell, of that city, vu Instantly killed.while doTKr duty on an electric . wire .pole last Saturday evening Just before dark. He notified those in charge of the dynamo at the light plaaf no* to turn on the current as he had not finished the repair work. Hut through an error of some sort the current was turned on when Instantly eleven hundred volts flashed through his hands and body, the result being instant death. Physicians were Immediately summoned, but they were unable to revive him. The funeral was held from the Christian church Monday morning, of which the deceased was a member and the burial was had in the Wilkinson burying ground. The funeral was largely attended. The pall-bearers were fiix- young boys I from his class in school. He was a bright young boy and J being of a benign disposition with many noble traits of character and letermlned mind to make a man of himself in the early stage of life, had before him a prosperous future. BEST AND BIGGEST CHEAPEST line candles in the city. J. E. Adams. 11-17-Btc IALS rhis Week b. ; i?c lams, per lk ISe wr lb. 35e id.. ,. .. ... .. ... ... 20c e lb. at.. .... ... .. ... ?40o and 20o per can ........15c Jr. 10c per lb '.;.. . ... ,'.12V4c per lb. Ifa ... .y. 5c L PRICES. Rugs, c? ley-back guarantee. * . ADAMS Washington, N. C i . ! -, J r I r NEV ? 'Peg Of My '. J ~ Hr. '4 H ER 25TH. nluiiTiii MP n m p Mr o H llll UU lib Dill Oil 10 FOR SHY IN THE DIFFERENT I If ES. ANNOUNCEMENTS dhlnrlt Tomorrow promises to be a great * day in Washington from a religious c standpoint, as many of the churches 3 will have visiting preachers now in 1 attendance upon the annual conference to fill their pulpits. a Of course the feature of the day ^ will be the sermon by Bishop It. G. 8 Waterhouse, D. D. L.L. t>., of Call- e fornia, who will preach at the First ? M. E. Church at 11 o'clock. t After the Bishop's sermon lie will ii I ordain the deacons. a | At night at this church the t preacher wVl be Rev. F. N. Parker, c ID. D.. dean of the theological do- t Ipartment of Trinity College. After > the evening sermon Bishop Water- t house will ordain the elders. I I The following Is the program for I Sunday morning and evening, as ar- I ranged for tho different churches by < ho committee on public worship, con- i slating of Rev. E. M. Snipes, Rev. i J. T. Gibba. D. D.. and W. K. Jacob- 1 son: 1 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. 9:30 a. m.?Love Feast, conducted i by Doctors W. H. Moore and A. D. Detta. 11:00 a. m.?Preaching b>" Bishop R. G. W&terhouse?Ordination of Deacons. v 3:30 p. m.?Anniversary of Epworth League Board. 7:30 p. m.?Preaching by Dr. F. N. , Parker?Ordination of Eldera. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "K-iOO a. tn.?Dr. T. N. Ivoy. 7:30 p. m.?Rev. J. D. Bundy. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 11:00 a. m.?Rev. E. H. McWhorter 7:30 m.?Rev. J. C. Wooten. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 11:00 a. m.?Rev. R. C. Craven. I 7:30 p. m.?Rev. C. L- Reade. PAYNK MEMORIAL. 11:00 a. m.?Rev. K. C. Duval. 7:30 p. m.?Rev. C. ?. Duraut. WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE 1 INSTITUTE. 7:80 p. w.?Rev. L. S. Maaaey. AST CAROLINA TRAINING SCHOOL, GREENVILLE, N. C. Rev. 8. E. Mercer. COLORED M. E. CHURCH. 11:00 a. m.?Rev. J. A. Dailey 3:80 p. m.?Rev. J. H. McCraeken P1XR8T GRAPES. ..RAPE FRCTT Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Banana to.. chMv- 1 V- A4??? Phon _ ?r. ihmi .j . "i v b ... ' _ .' * No. Mfe Heart'n f HBHMB # . M ^ ru/n dip DflTTi ce IflU UIU UtflllllH) ARE IKK IN POLAND IS REPORT London, Nov. 21.?Two big batlea, both of which mar hare deIsive results, are raging In Poland, nd a third of almost equal Importance Is progressing In East Prussia. Of the three battles, that now ara t Its height between the Vistula and Varta rivers and In which the RueIans today claim partial success, la xcitlng the most Interest. The Germans, It is believed, have brought ip by their line of strategic position n Posen and Slelesia at least half , million men In an effort to break he Russian line here. Weather onditions, the frozen ground and he situation of the battle field, faor a battle decisive to a degree not iqualled on any other fleld In the iresent war. The other battle in Poland Is tnkng place on the Cracow-Crenstorhowa front aod Russians and Oer Bans eacn ciaim u is proceeding satisfactorily. In East Prussia the Russian advance is moving slowly through the wild country surrounding the Masurian Lakes. In Oalicia Lhe Russians are moving westward and at the same time are seising the passes of the Carpathians. There now is almost a complete absence of infantry attacks in the Western arena and the artillery fighting Is much less violent. An<l thfit^ region about Dixraude through which the Yser canal passes Is inundated and the only serious fight* ing appears to be taking place south r of Yser. where cannonading is In progress. Bad weather, which necessarily hampers operations, has been ?xjperienced and snow has fallen in some places. There has been no Important action in tbe French center, but In the Argonne region the Germans have made vigorous attacks, which, the French say, wers repulsed. On the French right wing the Germans have retaken Chauvoncourt, part of which they destroyed a few days ago. German activity In the vicinity of Rhelras has slackened. BIGGEST. BEST, CHIAI'WI stoclc General Merchandise in the city. Everything eold under a money-back guarantee. J. D. I Adams. ll-lt-4te New Theater ? ^ TONIGHT J ASSOCIATED FILMS. THE BEST THERE IS ; Every Night ? Price 5 and 10c.

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