v ; ? i ? Ki-- ? SDKftAY 6REA1 FOR METHOl CITY OF Bishop R. G. WaterhousePri Feast Conducted by Veten Packer Preaches at Night. City Heard Fine Disburse lilikd&v Xt thb conference. < ffne Of the distinctive observations ( of tho Methodist church Is the old- * fashioned lore feast wh^f"mid sins- 1 Hpa lug, praying and testifying the bread 1 and water la partake* oftln token of 1 brotherly lore. 'Hearts are knit 1 clbser together wltb the eords of lore to man and God on those occasions. \ Tho annual observation of the love j feast on Sunday morning of confer- j enee U ope of the. most beaotlful oe- 1 cast one of the gat&erl*g of the Meth- 1 odist in their great meeting. 1 The Methodist chta-ch was almost 1 tiled at the opealag hour at 9:30 1 tfolnck Sunday morning. "Uncle" 1 A. D. Betta and Dr. W. H. Moore con- j ducted the service, their many years | of service in the conference adding honor and beauty 'to- the service. Dr. Moore hud looked forward with 1 more than nana! Interest to this con- 1 taMM he declared m It was at the alSs of thin church that he was reared and the ashes of his father and ttfdther and: first child rest In the church ynrtf>^ , , Biz or seven of the mcmbcrg of the conference assisted is passing the breed and water which was partaken of in token of the brotherly love that filled each heart. The tune Was filled With feeling words of testimony, occasional burst* of eong and prayer. Many women In the congregation added, their words of ~ testimony as well as the Railroad King.. There was hardly a irf eye when OTe testimony of "Railroad King" wae done. He has brought his old . "engine" safely down the track under the direction of his "superin tondent" and having almost reached the last "mile-post," he can nearly see* the lights of the "union station" and Is ready when the orders come to still the "engine" in the "ronnd house." He called on all to Join In the old hymn, "There'r a land that is fairer than day." ' With a verse of "Nearer, My Qod to Thee," and a prayer by Dr. Moore the lore feast was closed as th?Bishop entered the pnlplt for the 11 o'clock service. , Great Crowd Present. N Those who did not attend tbr^lov< a seat in the Church which had bfeer .sad n tha Ithtirxh irhlch h?Ar steadily filling arer sliitoe 9:30 o'elock. Extra chairs filled every available Inch of apace and the wall? were lined and vestibules filled with people standing all through the service. "Come thou All Mighty Klngf' war the openjjtg hymn and following the -repetition of the Apostle's creed. . Bishop Waterhouse oCere'd prayer. The twenty-fourth Psalm was the first les&on, read by the Bishop. The second lescon was taken from the twelfth chapter,of St. John. The Sermon. ' Bishop Rlchkrd Green Waterhouse ' who preached to such a great throng of people Sunday morning of conference, chose is his next the 24th k Zeros' of the 13th chapter of St John's gospel: ^ "Verily, verily, I say unto yor except a corn of wheat fall Into the ground and die It abldeth alone, bu' if It die It brlngeth forth much fruit." This utterance of the last days of Christ's earthly ministry states a simple fact of nature and exempllflof the central belief of the character jof Jdlus Christ, whose attitude war always one of submission. The human essence must he loot In the divine essence and rises up into beauty of character and life and flourishes with multiplied fruit and fruitfulness. As the captain of our souls, Josuf . Christ demands our perfect snbmis slon to His ^111. In order to ertabHah peace It is necessary that arft wills be surrendered to His. Thir is the central teaching of the Chris tlan religion. ? ; f "It is the submission, of wills to ' evil wills that accounts for what wc are witnessing In the earth today." , declared the Bishop. The corn of wheat we plant, th' sell It Is planted'In and the result of the planting were considered by Bishop Waterhouse. Man is the eorn of wheat, maa the - -? ? , DAY >ISM IN THE WASHINGTON * Bi | caches Great Sermom Love! ins of the Conference. Dr. All the Churches of the ss. . i prawn of creation. Man may -be livided into two parts, the body and lie spirit. The Bishop declared there thould be & religion of the body, the marvelous creation of God that ihould be treated with "care and reverence. The eoil - into which the seed It planted la God. .God who la a spirit; is light abd love. The greatest e!olUenco of tho Bishop was used to ;ive to the congregation some of he most powerful thoughts and expressions of men as to what Ood ts, rising to.the great climax that God s a boundless sea Qf love, over which ride argosies of salvation to the perishing souls of men. In this soli 3od would have us plant the seedr n our me. % *. The processes of the planting since :he death on the cross, are a simple ind natural process in childhood. "And what of the result?" asked ho Bishop. "He who has his life Manted in Gpd has the avenues of lis life opened up to the divine life rhe feelings and plans gf God'i ieart make a new man of him so that 10 grows to ever Increasing Ufo of lsefolness becoming more and mor< Ike God and acquiring with ?ver? widening horlson, the attributes of Jod. "This planting In God plants rot n the heart of humanity, makinf ran the salt of the world and leaver rour impress on the sons of men,' laid the bishop. "All that caif b< Withered out of the earth are th saved .souls of men, the only treas ire that you can lay up lu Heaven.' Such a bare outline falls far ahor if the great thoughts and the elmph Bloquence with' which they wer clothed with which Bishop Water liouBe held the vast crowd enthrallc [or more than &n?fcour with no soun to interrupt except the occasions "aniens." Ordination of Deacons. Following the sermon the follow lug young men wero ordained lnt< the office of deacons In the church J. L. Mldyett, B. B. Slaughter. N it Wright, G. W. Perry. W. V. Mc Rao, J. A. Morris, H. B. Porter, M 3. Andrews, H. E. Myers, F. A. Lap ton and H. I. Glass. Prayer wag offered bV Dr. Glbb ind the servlco was read- by Dr. N H. DT Wilson. Bishop Waterbouse gave the vows .by the laying on of his bands giving tho authority to execute the offlc of a deacon in the church of God. Epvrorth League Anniversary. The anniversary of the Epwortl League board was held Sunday after noon at 3: 30 otolock, being addressee' by Rev.'J. M. Culbreth, assistant sec retary of the board. Miss LUslr Hancock, secretary of the Epwortl Leggue conf^ence, read a most in teresting report. Sermon on Christian Ministry. The congregation that listened t< the sermon ?of Dr. F. N. Parker, o Trinity College Sunday night was al most equal to that which crowdet (fie church Sunday morning to heaBishop Waterhouse. Following th sermon there was the ordination o aiders by the Bishop. The.messag of the evehing was an especially ap proprlato ono and must have been ai 1 inspiration to the yoq^ man wh< were entering uporf the work of ai jlder in the church, % In faet the whole sermon was t glorification of the Christian minis ry. the supreme significance of Dr Parker's theme being tha( the on great ^qualification of the Chrlstla: ministry Is the certainty that Gdt has sent it and that the minister' go with the confidence that the: have not called themflblves to th' 'ask. The one great fliMd of th' ministry Is to feel the certainty, tha 'h^y are sent of God on 'the sanv basis as God sent Christ. On tlit authority the ministers of Qhr's must go forth. the same |feat qualities It Christ's tplniatfylnre In the Chfletlai ministry. The business is with th eternal issues. Christ's mission wa the projection of Got into the work There was nothing that He touch# that was not related to the sterna The nex^ supreme attribute In HI mission was His absolute absorbtto \n the revelation of. the Father. Th HI * W1 -- -- j ' " ' 1 WASHINGTON* N, R0S1 RUDE : ' m SEATS 8F mm Beau for the engagement of J. Hartley* MftnnOro* -most compelling and appealing comedy, "Peg O' My Heart" opened at Worthy?* Etberldgo Dfug Company this morning. In "P*g O* My Heart" Mr. Manners ^haa written one of the eweet 3at plays and cre4t*d one of the moat lovable characters seen on the stage in recent years. Peg Is the daughter of an aristocratic English English woman who has married against the wishes of her family, an Irish' socialist* At Her Slaughter's birth the mother diod, and Peg haB been raised by her whole-hearted father 3he la simple, nstnral and impulsive, and when she is transplanted Into the effected surface llrlng atmosphere ' of the Chichester home there Is trouble of all sorts. Peg'f rich uncle has repented and made hor his heiress, and according tc his will. ?ho _is_.tft _he hrousrht tc England, and educated. The Chlehee ?tra act.gather guardian, and whll' thia hurt* their sense of pride, th< onumvaflon which they are to re ielve, at that time, la very accept ible. She .Is as much ont of her ele nent as the ever existing "SQuar< Peg In the* round hole." The three acts of comedy develo; he humor, pathos, and tendernes vf this situation. Anally culmlnatinr n. Pe^'s running away to a danc ind her frustration of her haught ousin's elopement with a marrle lan. Tho harshness and mlsunder tandlng which follows this episod letermlnes the little alien to quit th touse in which she has been miser xbly used and so unhappy. OliveMorocco Is again sending her tb< ame artistic production as seen It he larger cities of the South thl eason with a cast which Include lies Rea Martin in the title role. The coming of this company an fraction to Washington Is truly > ?d letter event. PRE NUPTIAL RECEPTION. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richardson wll -ivo a reception Tuesday qvenln >om nine to eleven in honor of thol 'ster, Miss Mattle Laughlnghou? nd her fiance, Mr. Horace Rowland 11 friends invited. Ho cards Issue'' hat the Father was with Illm 1b ala o be noted. This ago, Dr. Parker declared, ha ost that strange touch with th ternal and the power that it gav< he preachers of a century ago. "The whole significance of youi ?ower," paid Dr. Parker, "is to brinj he principles of another world tc I ift this one. There is too mud I idaptatlon. One thing we need is t( mow the impact of another worlc Ad to make it rise superior to tht me around us." Oho great thought that Dr. Parke: irought out from his text was tha sot man hut God is moving out upor ;he world through man. The on< ?reat concern of the church is to fine men to go forth with the stamp, o: God uporn them that the world ma: mow these men messengers of thr Iving Christ. The text from which thest houghts were drawn wes John 17:19, "As thouhast sent me Ate tie^orld, even po have I also sen' hem into tho world." While thi? las been called tho consecratlor ?reyer of Jesus Christ, Dr. Parke? aid it might also be called the orligation prayer Of His disciples. Ordination of Elders. The eiders who were ordained b? bishop. Waterhouse following the ser -non were: J. M. Orraond, L. D. Hay nan, C. J. Harrell, B. T. Hurley, G VI. Daniel. K.' F. Duvall, O. R. An Jrews and J. A. Tharpe. Rev. F. M. Shemburger conduct ed the opening devotional exercise? 1 it the last session of the conference khls morning. while awaiting th* ar t. rival of the Bishop and his cabins if presiding elders from their lasl -abtnet meeting. > *Thf Bishop not htfVtng arrived a r ?he close of the devotional eerviee f Mr. Shemburger called fQr tlfe read i 'ng of the minutes of Baturday'i I session. The minutes were read b t* -he assistant secretary. Rev. J. t I "unningglm. , j ? ^ Rev. W. B. North read a repoA r 'ion asking that the Bishop be n inested to hold the annual Nort (Continued on Fage Four.) ^ ' ON D iATHBtt?Pair w) Tartar. C MONDAY AFTERNOON K riss run MB FI JUMIS To the Editor: Christmas approaches and countless unhappy Belgians. despite governmental relief, :h/ Rockefeller Foundation and othor valuable agencies, are con fronted with sieryatlon. i I? therefore, beg the favpr of youf column: say that the Dollar Christmas Pond for Homeless Beluni, of which 1 am treasurer, la working for :he special purpose of (preventing starvation amongst hundreds of thou'itnds of Belgians this wlnjer. For .his purpose We ore cd-operatlng with tho London."Shilling Fund." s much older fund which haa^collected acarly 9409,000 and whlok' Is ex preasly organised to see thai no Bel tldn man. woman or chili spend; 7hrlrtmastido devoid of food and shelter. There will be no dupllo&ng. nc overlapping and every penny subcrlbed will go direct to the victim? 'n whose behalf I appeal. I believe ibis great work of mercy command? he sympathy of us all and mor< in iui? uionia wnen Amer .cans doubly blessed with peace ant Plenty are preparing to celebrate h$ Day of Thanksgiving. Inspired >y this thought I suggest variou vara in which you can help .to averhe agony of suffering which uius otherwise confront the refugees dur ng the coming winter. You can son< v donation to our fund addressed tc nyself as treasurer, Messrs. Hear: 'lows & Co., Bankers. Broad Street 'ew York, or you can applY to ou ' *ecretary, Percy Bullen. 66 3road vay. New York, for a collecting card le will be glad to issuo same to anperson enclosing references. Church s, chapels, clubs, societies and Sun lay schools can assist 'by a coHee ion. Entertainment committees ma> ?nder great help by sending us th: ! roceeds of benrtt performances. Ir Tit those ways friends everywhere re assisting nobly. All the money i .eceived will be cabled to Europe efore December 20th. Many headr I >f families and boarding house* I ave promised ta^"pasa tho platt" 'or the homeless Belgians before the urkey on Thanksgiving day. The eeds are Immeasurable. Let us reaember that no little nation In the orld's long history has been more rlcvously stricken, yet no people an raise their heads more proudly rorn the dust. Tho crown of thorns a still a crown Help us as bes' /ou can. Your gift will surely be oraembered long after the war ha.' mased and no man's Thanksgivlnf it Christmas Day will be the les ujiyj uccjusr in tunie cases me gin may entail some measure of persona lacriflce. Yourtf very truly, HENRY CLEWS. Treasurer Dollar Christmas Fund foi Homeless Belgians, 15 Broad St. New York. superior"" court it tm hi. The November term of Beaufort ?6uj?ty Superior Court convened In he courthouse here this morning a10 o'clock with His Honor Judge ?r*nk Carter, ot Asheville. N. C. residing and Solicitor Ehrlnghaua *f Elisabeth City, proflecntlng the ^ta^e dockoL The terjn will be foi one week only and will be for th< trial of both civil and crimina' ausca. There are flfty-olght crlml ? isl cases on the docket, the mair ' ?aee being that of State vs. R. II. ' Miles. This la the second time .that Hli f Honor Jhdge Carter has presided a t Beaufort county, court. * LEFTTTBSTERDAY. Mrs. Frank H. Short left yaster 8 day for Ecotland, yd., where ah f goes to visit bar aunt. VISITORS TODAY. '* Among the visitors to the city tc K lay are L. T. Thompson and John V h C'oapin, of Aurora, and H. H. Roe vf Edwerd, N. C. ^ aTl y 0 Mto. lOVtfiiflESft 2i, WH ijiirir ?!? ||B STORE Last Sunday morning between 2 and 3 o'clock some one entered the store of Messrs. ^Harrison & Phillips through tho front door. Mr. John R. Proctor was on his way to hip home at tho tln\e and the surmise la that the would he robber became frightened and made his escape. Mr. Proctor mado a thorough search of ^ the store. When the store was closed Saturday night the slide which holds the second door did not slip 11 far enough down so it was easy enough for an entrance to be made. Nothing was missed. mm OF SEASON : TOES. NIGHT: The Halcyon Club of this city wll' give its second dance of the present reason at the Elks Hall tomorrow \ veiling. Dancing Is expected to begin promptly at 9:30 o'clock ant: E vlll be led by Mr. S. F. Burbank, Jr Tho music will be furnished by tin Forbes orchestra. Quito a numbei of visiting young ladles and gontle -ncn from other towns are expecter to grace the occasion with theli iresence, A pleasant evening is an Uclpated. j? A'HAT TTBKRCULOrflS DAY SHOULD MEAN TO NORTH CAROLINIAN? Broadly speaking Tuberculosis { Oay is a national movement havinr .'or its aim the prevention of tuber ulosls, but more directly speaking .t Is a personal responsibility. Tc is of North Carolina it comes as s jravo responsibility, imposed by th< 1,0 00 neodless deaths annually lr. >ur State from this disease. While the plan of Tuberculosis I 3a y is an educational campalgr I igalnst tuberculosis, its ultimate ain~ ? prevention, for knowledge is pow r. With this In view the preacher j .nd the churches have been called jn 'to prcsont to their oongregatiom * he nature and methods of preventior if tuberculosis, or some feature peralnlug thereto. Tho movement is ~ undenomiantlonal and non-sectarian .ts aim is to reach Jew and Qentile , Protestant and Catholic. Further core it aims through the church hrough its message and prcsenta Ion, to reach lodges, schools an' /arlous social and civic bodies c. the country. At the State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis where here Is space for only slxt patients, but where ninety or more are crowd :d In and hundreds are waiting foi mtranee. Is a most crying need that should have a hearty appeal to the -arlous lodges, orders, clubs, organisations and Individuals of our Stafe. lore Is afforded them an opportunity >y which they could take care of the 'ubercular sick of their own members or those within their midst Here Is a means by which they could render humanity an jnvaluablo ser vice and the way by which they coult help the State protect and save her unfortunates and control the scourg< of tuberculosis. The responsibility Is upon them. One of the school days should br observed by the schools as Tuber eulosls Day. The pupils on this day should study or become informed a to the cause, nature and preventlor of tubereuloele. Perhaps for the first time some child wllli know thaf It Is positively preventable and pqb slbly curable. Individuals have a responsibility Besides being their brother's keepei t they must aleo be keepers of them elves?the first law of health ar well as nature. WEDDING AND XMAS GIFTS. We have Just received nice asc sortments of Braas Goods, Japanese Baskets, Indian 8weet Grass Baskets. Nippon China, framed Pictures, Gift Book* acd many Other articles >- suitable as gifts. Make your pur1 chase# early while our stock Is coas plate. LATHAM'S BOOK STORE. CONFERENCE t TODAY Wl OF THE HUSSION CAME TO AN END AT I HAS NBW rREHIDING ELbKI JWBUBIJ.1 DISTRICT?RKf WASHINGTON?SEVERAL C* * v __ Ourfum DlKtrkt, Presiding Elder?H. M. North. J Uuilington?D. H. Tuttte.^^^M Burlington Circuit uniDurham?tirai^ ttklusou. Carr Church?CT B. Starling. Lakewood?D. E. Earnhardt, suply. Mangum Street?C. J. Harrell. Memorial?L. P. Howard. Trinity?A. McCulien. W?t Durham?J. A. Dalley. Durham Circuit?iV. C. Martin. Graham?C. M. Grant. Htllaboro Circuit?J. M. Ormeud. Loathurg Circuit?J. A. Martin. Mebane?E. C. Durham. . Miltort Circuit?8. F. Nicks. Mt. Tirxah Circuit?J. J. Boon. Orange and Carrboro?W. It. Shelon, supply. Pclham end Shady Grove?li. C. mlth. Pearl Mill and Bethany?L. M. lall, supply. Person Circuit?C. R. Ross. Rougemont?J. W. Bennett, supily. Roxboro N. C. Yearby. South Alamance?W. F. Carraway. Yanceyvillo Circuit?R. G. L Edrarda. Monrfmnstpr TritlitV Park ScltOOl V.'vF.Peeie Secretary Y. M. C. A. in China? J. E. Barnetto. Elizabeth City District. Presiding Elder?G. T. Adams. Camden Circuit?E. L. Stack. Chowan Circuit?J. A. Russell. Columbia Circuit?F. T. Fulchor. Currituck Circuit?C. P. Jerome. Dare Circuit?M. D. Cox. Edenton?P. D. Woodall. Elizabeth City?City Road?C. D. ulberth. First Church?G. F. Smith. Gates Circuit?G. W. Fisher. Hatteras Circuit?E. L. Hill. Hertford?F. M. Sbambtirger. Kenrekeet Circuit?A. W. Price. Kitty Hawk Circuit?J. F. Morey. Moyoek Circuit?J. E. Blalock, North Gates?T. M. Grant, 'aequotank Clreult?V. A. Royal. Pantefto, BelhavenC. B. Jones. Perquimans Circuit?C. W. Smith. Plymouth?B. T. Hurley. Roanoke Island?Marvin W. Heser. Ropor Circuit?G. B . Perry. Fnyettevillo District Presiding Elder?J. T. Glbbs. Bladen Circuit?T. C. Ellers. Ruckhorn Circuit?L. H. Joyncr. I Carthage Circuit?J. M. Benson. Dunn?J. H. Shore. Duke?Frank Culbreth. Ells? Circuit?J. L. Mldyett. Fayetteville?Hay Street: \V. R. loyal. Fayetteville?Person Street and Calvary?N. M. McDonald, supply. Fayetteville Circuit??L. M. Chaflln. Goldston ^ircult?M. D. Giles. Haw-Hlver JtMrcult?W. K. Brown. Hope Mills Circuit?John A. rharpe. Jonesboro Circuit?C. W. Robinson. Lillingiun Circuit?George W. Perry. Newton Grove Circuit?X. B Strickland. Parkton Circuit?H. B. Porter. PiUshoro Circuit?W. F. Craven. Itouoboro Circuit?H. K. Lance. Sanford?H. E. Spenrc. Slier City Circuit?T. H. Sutton. Stedmau?F. E. Dixon. Bern District. Pre'ld'.nj; Elder?J. E. Under' wood. Atlantic?Z. B. Pyalt, Supply. Beaufort?A. S. Barnes*. Carteret Circuit?W. B. Humble Craven Circuit?R. E. Pittman. Dover Circuit?L. B. PaflSshall. Elm Street and Princeton?J. M Wright. Goldsboro?St. Joan Church?B C. Thompson St. Paul Chur-*? N. H. I>. Wilson Goldsboro Circuit?W. A. Pliant! Orifton?E. D. Dodd Hookerton Circuit?J. W. Brad ley. Jones Circuit?C. F-. Vale. Klq,pton?Queen Street?H. J Humble. ! Klneton?Caswell Street: K. N j Han-l?on. LaGrangs Circuit?K. F. Duval. Moreb^ad City?D. N. Cavlness. Mt. Olive and Faison?J. H. Frli telle. Mt. Olive Circuit?F. B McCall. New Bern?Centenary : E. If. M< Whorter. New Bern?Riverside and Bridg* ton: Wr. A.. Cade. Ocracoke and Portsmouth?E. 1 Tpock, supply. Oriental Circuit?H. B. Hill. Pamlico Circuit?C. H. Cavines finew Hill Circuit?C. O. Dursn Straits Circuit?J. M. Carrawa: supply. Conference Missionary aocretaryA. R. Barnes. Conference evangelist?E. < Glenn. Ralekth District. Presiding Wider?M. T. Plyler. Cnry Circuit?B. P. Robinson. Clayton?G. S. Bearden. Four Oaks Circuit?R. F. Tyler Frankllnton Circuit?J. H. Buffs! Garner Circuit?E B. Craven. Granville Circuit?M. D. HI*. Kenly Clreuit?T. A. Sykes. Houlefcart-pA. D. Wilcox. .. ........ vs . I _ _T1^ I , jm |1 It*M7 ADJOURNED 1 (TH READING 1 APPOINTMENTS | 1 A. M.?WASHINGTON DIftTltlCNI I?KEY. DR. GIUU8 GOK8 TO FAT* . E. M. SMl'ES RSTURNHD SO >M IA NO EH OF IMPORTANCE MADS. | Oxford Circuit?C. A. Joaee. l^J^eigh?C ntral Church: J. M\ Hiton Street?J. C. Wootca. 1, i^Tuthrie, t .pemumory. \ Epatorth?/ S. Parker. Jenkins M< aortaW. W. Potter. Bel id a?j. G. Johnson. Smlthfleld?R. B. John. Tar River?C. R. Canlpe. Youngsvllle Circuit?B. C- Allred. '% iji fcebulon Circuit?G. W. Starling. ,^3 | Supt. N. C. Anti-Saloon League?? R. L. Davis. Editor Raleigh Christian Advocate ?L. S. Maasey. Methodist Otrphanaagc Supt.?J, N. Cole. Nashville Christian Advocate Editor?T. N. lvey. Assistant Secretary EpworUi League?J. M. Cubreth. Teacher in Vauderbllt University?* J. L. Cunningglni. Rockingham District. Presiding Eldor?J. H. Hall. Aut* rut-en aua oisooe?w. is. Brown. * Caledonia Circuit?J. B. Thompson. Candor Circuit?G. T. Simmon*. Elisabeth Circuit?G. H. Blggu. Hamlet?M. H. Tuttle. Laurel Hill Circuit?D. B. Parker. Laurlnburg?R. F. Bumpas. Lumborton?W. B. North. ' Luraberton Circuit?N. L. Seabolt. Maxton?A. L. Ormond. Mi:isvay and Roberdel?JB. F. Watson. supply. ^ Mt. Gllead Circuit?N. E. CoW 11 rane. ! Montgomery Circuit?D. A. Wafr kins. Raeford Circuit?S. T. Moyle. W. H. Towusend, supeffNupaj^; Red Springs?H. M. rfure. j Richmond Circuit?J. J. Barker. Roberdel Circuit?S. J. McConnell, supply. Robeson Circuit?B. E. Stanfleld. Rockingham?J. B. Hurley. Rowland Circuit?J. A. I^ee and R. W. Townsend. supernumary. St. John and Gibson?O. W. DowA St. Paul Circuit?A. J. Grove*. 9 Troy Circuit?J. T. Draper. Vaaa Circuit?W. F. Trawlck. Conference evangelist?L. L. Nash. Carolina College President?8. B. Mercer. Warrenton District, Presiding Elder?R. H. Willis. Battleboro and Whltakers?M. W. Dargan. Bertie Circuit?L. D. Hayman. Conway Circuit?E. E. Rose. Enfleld and Halifax?J. L. MoNcer. supply. Garyshurg Circuit?Marvin Self. Harrellsville Circuit?J. A. Morris. Henderson?First Church?R. C. / # penman. Littleton?S. A. Cotton. Murfraesboro and Wlnton?B. B. Slaughter. Northampton Circuit?E. H. Davis. North and South Henderson?W. G. Lowe. Rich Square Circuit?W. C. Mer' Titr. Rldgeway Circuit?J. E. Holden. Roanoke Circuit?Rufua Bradley. Roanoke Rapids?William Towe. Scotland Neck?L. T. Singleton. Warren Circuit?R. W. Bailey. Warrcnton Circuit?R. H. Broom. Wcldon and South Weldon?J. A. Wornaday. Williamston and Hamilton?J. T. I Stanford. I'liueion rvmaie college?j. fti . Rhode*. Missionary to Japan?J. F? Frank. Washington District. Presiding Elder?C. L. Read. Aurora Circuit?W. E. Trotman. || Ayden Circuit?Daniel Lane, Jr. Bath Circuit?J. J. Lewis. Bethel Circuit?H. E. Tripp. Elm City?J. M. Ashby. Farmvllle Circuit?T. E. Wright. Fairfield?John P. Bros*. Fremont Circuit?J. L. Rumley. I Greenville?Jarvia Memorial: J. M. Daniel. ^ Mattamuskest Circuit?W. P. Constable. McKendree Circuit?F. A. Lupton. Mt. Pleasant Circuit?C, H. Durham. Naahvilla Circuit?J. W. Antrjr Rocky Mount?Tlrst Church: R. C. Craven. South Rocky Mount?Marvin and Clark Street: J. C. Humble. Stantoneburg Circuit?D. A. F?, trell. Soring Hope Circuit?W. T. ^ Phlpps. Rwan Quarter?R. R. Grant. r Tarboro?H. I. Glass. Vanceboro Circuit?W. J. Covkngtoto. Washington?E. M. Snipes. , Wilson?M. Brad ah aw. v Wilmington District. Y' Presiding Elder?L. B. Thompsea. / Burgaw Circuit?J. C. Whedbee. (Continued on Fourth Vagn.) New Theater ni I TONIGHT ASSOCIATED FILMS. THE BEST THERE IS Every Nljht I Price 5 and ilk.

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