T T BR . Vol. S > 7 . W?lila*t(,n add.d > Mill more tic- 21 ' "Oofdnbdro ?Ilfh SchoohjreMordv, 1? * p to i), in., the semi-final "High School 2 ? '{|>ooutest. Tor, St*te qhamplonahlp. The bj game vu played la Goldaboro under w 0'"' Ideal, weather conditions and wan w characterized by tha; clean playing th IV.' of both team#, good referring, and |f?} . teff penalties. The two contestants 0r fc game and conducted \bemselves ee W&.. throoghout the contoat after the maup* ner of- tree sporUmep. .floldsboro, it r . though out weighed by Washington, ti L ' - put up a good hard flgEt and It was w y by no moans a walk-oaor fdr the 0i | The game was called -promptly af w ri' 8:'^ p- m Gow"ba*? won toy T and elected to receive the ball at J From: start to finish, the Washington lads went Into the. game with ;tj I * ' the" dSter&lnatlon to win. Every oil man was always on his Job and the yj I L t> tackling of the whole waa v fltffo. gjl L#J Goldsboro was on the defensive the li'l " greater part of the first Quarter and ai1 I at no tlmo was. the goal In any serl- JI 1.4./, ens danger. The ball sds-sawcd up cfl ' ' and down the B?ld ut finally ena- r' ?*>' ed with Ooldiboro In fosienlen tl | about mlddle ef Bald. ' * y. d! The Kifond a darter ho ran by at Goldaboro loalnr the bell on' an ate j ' tempted forward paaa * Slbett Wei- p tea then rot away around end for uEsn ' IttlEEIE ' lUtffl Owing to. the inclement weather on the afternoon-of November 19tl J the meefeing of thb Pamlico Chanter , Daughters of the Confederacy, wa' postponed. The meeting Is called t< meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:S< o'clock in the roolns of the Publh Library. At thia meeting tha annuo election of officers will tako place, the < payment of dues and other lmportan' business transacted. -It is, to b< ~ Hoped that every member of thf chapter will be present. Miss Lent > Windley, president. YVONNE DK TREYTLLE KNITTING Elttlo Yvonne de-Trevlllo li sue cosafally conducting three dletrte' $ campaigns. one (or the soldiers lr Europe's frightful war, on*- (or th southern ere whose pent-up cottpj crop threatens hardships to many the third, her'own campaign of-sonwith which the 'delight's a milllo: 'V people each year in a dosen differen lands. ' - Miss frrrtUi is knitting socks. Sh knits at bomfe'whon she is not an swerlng business letters and arrant? >. lng dates with impresarios. 8h knits ojj.Kbt way to and from th I' theatre, and she knits in the wlngr , - between tongs. Also, she is a eottoi , i t campaigner She says: "This is m; I x second campaign. I'm .trying t< I x move tho-vcotton crop! Until Iftel* I I had no-tdea of the beautiful fabric I 4 that can, be woven out of cotton. hart had HI my costumes duplicated .. in cotton materials, and the autilenc' 4 . doesnH know the aMk one from .th' ^ notion ones. Every woman in th" jL land should look into this and fla<' I , out what lovely gowns she can hav' from home-grown cotton, domestic J wtoven, American-designed." i 1 * ' VISITORS TODAY. * Among' the welcotno visitors to th? tZ city today are Mesers.'H. H.'Broomr A mad "beorgs I. Swindell, of Aurora | K. C. They tre in the city attend iE to Their . )f victories ? yard?. Jim Weston and Willi a mes, fiy fine plunges, averaging k yards, ea^h, carried the ball to ildsboro's three-yard Itne, and ashington lost the ball on a fume. Gold&bore punted, to Warren, ho roturned the ball ten yards. E. eaton again 'made a gain around : 0 end which talload 20 yards. The first touchdown came at the ' id'of this period when Jim Weston tried the ball across goal lln? alter rerat successful line plunges. At the beginlng of the second hair ' looked as though Qoldsboro would 1 ore. Time and time again they ould manage to get the ball vHthln kSy striking distance of Washlngn's goefl, bat the line would alays tighten and stand Impenetrable, lie playing at the line on an offense 1 well as defenae was always good very man did his duty. The second touchdown came In the ilrd quarter as a result of a eerier ' line plunges by Willie Jones and 'eston. These two boys marched eadlly up the field, taking 6, 9 and } yards at a.clip. Warren kicked i eaay goal. The Goldaboro boys are manly ean set of fellows and treated thf [siting team with every considers on, talking the trlj) ttm enjoyable very man oft -Washington team arred, ends, backs and tine. Referee, Manning (Carolina). Um Ire. Pani Garrison (Carolina). Quarters,-IS IS; V5, 12. HI I HMOR0FTHE ii im This evening at the residence oi Ir. and Mrs. Carl H. Richardson ornor of Third and Market streets reosptioa will bo tendered in. bono i f their sister, Miss Mattle Laugh nghouae, and her fiance, Mr. Horace lowland, who arc to be married to sorrow morning at 8aint Poter'f episcopal church. Tho receptlor fill be from nine to eleven. Al' ncnaa in the city are cordially In -ited. No cards are lsancd. LEAVING FOB iioftK. SAU the trains leaving the city yes eMay afternoon were crowded' witi vouchers and laymen and *rialton eturning io their respective homer tttor attending the conference. The V-aue of the Dally News contalnlnf qo appointments of the /Conference zero in great demand and went lik< hot cake*'* at all the railroad sta Ions and *on the street)!. " 4 >' , ^1 : ?; , TUE'ALLILiS VIEW. v i, ' Alfred W. Bryce, In writing of he European war, has the (ollowlnf omment 6n the alliee: It were not fair to undervalue thf crviccs rendered by the German poo.la to the cauaa'of Enropoan . en, .but those who have known Ger .-.any durfnglho-years following tU.ucccwes of 1870 havepeen with dla may tha of their arrogant' and Conceit. It la default to vlcv .s o sisu of progress the cold itoo'Scd ; barbarity advocated b; lernhardl, the .cynical rtcw takot it International treaties of the obi! tatlona of honor by the Oormai Chancellor. Stupendous blunder bava bear, mad- by the German dlplc matlr. corps?the eueceaao.-i or Bit marek. hare alienated thotr natarc llliea inch aa Italy and Roumanli They believed that JEngland would b tmberrassed by civil war and unabl o take any effective part In etrta fraj In a like, naanner tSey had recknne on-the udpreparedness of Rufsla. I consequence of internal dlaaenalor and admtcletrgtlve wtakness. Thr tuntod on the fratricidal fued b twecn Polea and Russians.- on tl resentment of tho Jews, oil.Mohaj medan sympathies with Turkey, am But they has, not been met wl Ibeepcaks n steadfast, lndomlfar I I ^ 8 v* WEATHER _ _ i 1 a- ' '? . ~ sSi ^Throughout the ofktlre United Stateo the many lodge* of the Bene- Ia: rolent and Protective Order of Elks he rill, on Sunday, December 8, 1814, *'? bold Memorial cervices; this being du lli6 tlmo Dyed by the Grand Dodge co sf "the-'Ordw. All of these services co wl|X bo held in the afternoon of that r:l day. i.ti There are 1,504 lodges of-Elks In the United States, conal^tng of a- w] total membership of 408,281. Tile rb arder is distinctly American.. th Washington Lodge. No. 822. B. p. llf 0. E.. will hold Its annual memorial ??rvlce, in keeping with the qustom o? of tho order, on the above date In the Next Theatre at 3 o'clock. The cervices of the local lodge this of year will bo. conducted by the Ex- T>1; altod llulcr, Mr. John H. Bonner, wl assisted by the other officials of the *h lodge, as follows: Mr. John W. Smith. Esteemod Leading Knight. Mr. W. ~ D. Wlndley, "Esteemed Loyal Knight; v.r. Ci H. Sterling. Sr.. Esteemed at Lecturing Knight; Mr. W. J. Pipjln, Esqulro; Mr. E. L. Archbell, d! ?ecretary; Mr. C. B. Sterling, Treas- ot irer; Mr. C> A. Little, Inner Guard; ?? Mr. J. M. Hodges, Tiler. hi Too lodge Is fortuimte in having ?' IU guest and principal speaker Mr. d f. C. B. Ehalnghaus, o? Elisabeth cr ?ity. Mr. Ehrir.ghaus- comes n a'I: " as! Exalted Ruler of his own lodge ind as a Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler of tho State, the tatter u' >elng a very prominent and impor- w ant office which Mr. Elirlnghaup has H leretofore filled with dignity. . It la needless to introduce Mr. ^ - -Ihringhaus to the vcitlxenahip oi Vashington.^ Evorr.on.c knows fcin. \s the wf efficient and nonOrabh olicftor* of "the "First Judicial t)!srlct of North Carolina. He is a S nan of*high seriousness and aereur a onfldence, ond we bespeak for hii h icarore an address of -the deepest V 'earning. b Two members of the local lodge h vlll fin appointments at Hke-servicer ^ dsow.herp ln the State on the same ~ late; Mr. Stephen C. Bragaw will j iddress the Lodge of Elks at Durtaro. 'N. C-. and MY; Wiley C. Rodnan will address the Abhetflle Lodge of Elks at AshevUle. N. C. loth of these gentlemen are speak- ?.rs Of magnetism .and-It la indeed "ortunate that these two lodge? have boon able to secure their at andanco upon thla occaeion. Wash ngton Lodge la proud that It hp.wo such speakers to offer Its sister 3 'odgea- ; nisi : ? u. mm The regular Thanksgiving exer Icea trill ba" held tomorrow In the cHool' auditorium at 12 o'clock. Kt * civtomory on thhr occasion, the >coprt of the twill- aead conrlhutlons to the aghool building ?rhich will bd aont to the poor. A -ntwlcal program v. ill be rendered Mfd all the publio are,invited. . " . .VTEEL PLANTS HAVE RESUMED OPERATIONS Chicago, hi., Nov. ?4.--9porat!onr ' it the Gary Steel plant' were re .-.uthed lait v/eek. Thf^o bladt fur\ uaoea. 12 o??n hearth furnace*, 21C 1 coke opens 'and all Ibo ferine Willi 1 sscept the rail mlil will bo uotlvo foi r -Torno time''filling the ordets now on hand. ' ' ' . *: ' ' r ;l ' ' * OJSClSSINft*"HOME * FOR THE BELGIAN? il Atlanta, (la., Nov. 24.?A meet^r * *5 being held horo today cfr the pur 0 pose of. diacuaping the providing of M homes lor the Belgian fanners, wh< n refugees from Europe, have been 1'rial Club to make thalr h?nes ;r hla BtatfH The movement ban be Partly dondy tonight. Warmer. ' TUESDAY AFTERNOON i 1 o roh mm i'1.-k. -' * V->, I ' V * ^ 1>I Froth from the trlqtjphs of Hho rge cities of the BouCh. where itl is been playing to the'capacity of'| o theatres, Oliver ttoroscc's jjroictlon of "Peg^v-My Heart," the ghtftr nnd love, mes to Washington for' an engaged int at the New Ttaeatrp tomorrow Eh.. Peg. tho wiasome Jlttli Irish girl. Jo. in real life Ir.fUh M?rtin. la a tractor that ba3 strongly gripped !a heart of our theatre-going pubIt seems th; < have }ened their hearts to fly^ who 4b a 'eet good-natured .and decidfcdJy man Irish laBS, who has tho . wit hor race. She Ib aikq phllosoicai, ami full of quaqtin pathos, th a touch of melancholy, sobering a brightness of her laugh. "Pog O' My Heart" h^s proven ftbltfsh-ely that theatre-goers of all clioca of the country cfttf still laugh heartily and -sincere, at humor ilch Is not coarse?that a story rectly and sincerely tdldf.Is more iton* than any fantastic plot con (or tki? is boon playing to tremendous busies* In New York where It vrecently cred lts? remarkable run of 604 iriseautlve performances, with Lau-t*? Taylor In the principal role. A&soctated with Mine Martin, are ic mombers of.last season's cast, hlch comprises, Frederick Meade, srry Calver, George Mendelssohn nymond Branley. Clara Sidney, elcn TTnskell, George* Claire on^ lttle O'Connor. ' L? g>, AOCBPT WiSTgyf Mr. Joshua Sholton has pone (< now Hill. N. C., Where he goed to ccept a position. 'For the past year o has been employed by the IJarrlf !ardware Company. Ho has the est wishes of his friends for success : hhi new home. FIRST DAY 6l COURT W ilany Cases Were Disposed o! S. J. Topping is Foreman o: Grand Jury for the Term. Considerable business was trans iOted by the Bunerlor Cnnrt on vos erday, notwithstanding that th nornlng session was practically con turned by Judge Carter's charge t bo grand Jury. The following com pose the grand jury for this term Foreman?S. J. Topping. Members?R. H. Mix on, J. C tfouglas. b. It. Pilly, E. W. WUkli ton, W. B. Hall, H. O. Warron, Rich ird Turkingion, J. E. Banks, J. IAustin, G. O. Burgage, Henry'* L Corey, G. L. Hodges, J. H. Fufor( John F. Hording, Arthur M. Water M.'G. Woolard and W. B. F. Patrlci the", following coses t?ere dispose jf yesterday: B'tato; vs. Myrtle Simpson. Viola Ing search ,and seizure Jaw. N'< guilty. \ ? State vs. H..J. Swain, assault wli deadly weapon: not guilty. Stato vs. Julius Parmelo, rfolatli id offlcar: not guilty.,Staff" vs. Spencer JU&QUt. rota ing-; r.ot guilty. Stato vs. James R. Leo, trcspas aot guilty. ; Stato and Lena Keys rs. V.'InfL Prow:- bastardy ,Tra:f iferred ;.ho ch-llWno docket. SlaTft vs. Sam Guilford, d'.sordcconduct. Pleads guilty. Qrdcr that the judgment of the mayor Belha' ca be confirmed and thit t tostendapt. pay the custs,. yj,'- v?c ; Ophelia T. Mom tilgamy. Pleads guilty. Upon 1 payment of the costs and iL. living repargte arid apart until final determination of the cause i prayer for judgment is continued Stato vs. William Motrrb: Vlgni ' Ploads guilty. Upon the payment coits dnd the parliee living hspar and. apart nnt'1 tho final doterml Ion of 1*0 mo Drofpr |\i * P Sf'OTTIBH RITK MAHOXS f New Orleans, La., NOv. 24.?Soot- 8 tlsh Rite bodies, under the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, thiry-second degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons, are holding their annual four-day reunion in this city, beginning today. A large class of candidates will rocelvo from the fourth to the thirdty- second degrees, conferred by officers and members of the Mosonls bodies, including offi- J cers of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana. I DANCE TONIGHT The Halcyon Club will give Its second danco of the season at the flics' Home this evening. The german will he led by Sir. 8. F\ Durbank, Jr., fho club's leader, nnd the music will bo furnished .by tho Forbes Orchestra. SPECIAL. COMMUNICATION. .There *ill be a ^recisJ comifttmi- < czl\o?"or t)rr" 4 and A-.M,. at their hall,, corner Third : ' and, Bonner strceto,- tHlc evening at 7:30 o'clock'.- Work m entered api prentice do'groe.' 'All' members urged 1 to bo present.. Visiting. . brethren cordially invited. ] O. M. WINFIEI.D, Sec. ^SUPERIOR AS BUSY ONE f ?I-ATEST ItEPORT A.VAVSIS <11 ? f . >'clTV watkr. 1 Sample of water received by State Laboratory on November 18th. 1814: 5 AlkHulty 197.5 | . Chldrine 14.00 ; 0 | iNitrogcno v.uo | ] Total bacteria at 20 deg. | t~| per c. c .40 j I Total bacteria at 38 dbg.' ' j per c. c.' 3 i- j Colon bacilli in 10 c. c... 0 i?. [ Colon bacilli in 1 c. c.. . 0 i. I ; ir./B: CHARLES, . j Superintendent. I. o??- o B, * - 1 imOWA RED CROSS d BENEFIT PERFORMANCE New .York,. Nov. 24.?Elaborate ! arrangements have been made for tlie "big PtfVlowa Red Cross benefit 111 performance to be given at thd Metropolitan opera house this evening. The lf: funds raised will be given for the relief of the women and children l]" rr fugee* as'well as the wounded *01. dlcra of Europe. Some of the leadlS; sorted matrons have given their support to thU _ performance, among ld theta being Mrs. H.'O. Havcmeyer, "Mf*. John H. Hammond,. M". B. H. Hnrrtnr.n. Mra. W. K. Vandprbllt '1-T Barf lira. Whltolaw Hold. ?d ' : JIM COFFEY AVI? AV RKICH BOC* vproaa / Now York, Nov. 24.?Jim Coffey ^ tho-"Dublin Giant, and A1 Reich, th< pfSnilslng heavywetghts, Will mee ijn a.ten round bout at the Gardei 1 tonight.- rT" DT. WKODINO AND XMAS OIFTS. 0 Ft'8 hare Just received niee ai '* irfrtmenta of Braaa Oooda, Japanea """ Baikal*, Indian Sweat Oraes Basketi 01 Nippon Chla'a, Framed Tletarei tw? Books and many piker artlclt " nltablo as dtftf. Make your pa ebaaaa early while our aloek la con 1 iftete. LATHAM'S BOOK STORK. ^ T ^ "W Y T I I B4 :' ; < ^h # ^h ? 11 EJ VY vfl ?INANC1^^EP0RT FOR | BflffWORT COUNTY FROM 1 JUNE 1, 13 TO MAY 31, '14 i o THE BOARD OK c OMMISSIONERB Of* BEAUFORT OOUWTT: We. your undersigned Pinnae* Committee, beg leu*# to report Mat * iavo examined the books and accounts of die Sheriff* County Tjaaiiitf, legist er of Deeds and Clerk of ;he Court for the fiscal year June ltf. lhlff* ~ JH o May Slat. It 14. and submit herewith our detailed report. rt Exhibits are hereto attached, showing the Treasurer's and Sheriff's amounts with the various funds ae follows: Exhibit "A," County Treasurer's account with General County Fund. Exhibit "B/* County Treasurer's account with General County Sedan! - A ^und. Exhibit "C/' County Treasurer's account with Sinking Fund. Exhibit "Dt Sheriff's account with General County P ind. | Exhibit "E," Sheriff's account with General County School Feat. Exhibit "F." Sherl's account with 8pecial 8ohool Dt strict*. Exhibit "Q," Sheriff's account with Road Pund of TTeShlngta%. f Sag kcre and Chocowlnlty townships. Exhizlt "H," Sheriff's account with Pant ago Drainage District ffeuff. Exhibit "I," -shewing tije.^resent indebtedneee of the eounty. Wo rotbrn vouchers of the several funds duly cancelled as ghOsuffg \ lenoral Cdunty Fund, General County School Fund. - The small balance in the hands of the Sheriff to the eredit eg fcfett everal school .districts will be paid over by him to the County Tin run iter this report has been passed upon as has been hin TSiltrss la thg est. " Y'| We noto that Sinking Funds have been established by yea te gfaffffu or the several ouatandlng bond issues as they mature. We have Inspected the Treasurer's Bank books and oertlfloats* el gspn#J| nd find that he has on hand as of May Slat, 1914, the following asms: In Bank of Belhaven * $4 99AA4 1 In.Bank of Aurora ^, ff*fll,|g In Bank of Washington ,. *. ,, 4.91# Id In Savings ft Trust Company. Washington .. .. ,. ., 4.949.99 In First National Bank, Washington ff.9d7.gt In First National Bank certificate of depoalt . . ., ff.999.ti Cash items on hand .. .. .. ,, ... 1,171.9ft vV Total .. w * . 989.801 76 .While the aggregate Is more than the Treasurer's statement ?"it few, he difference Is due to the fact that some of the cheek# draws yrtsr ts day 31st had not been presented and paid at the bank# on that ar*r Respectfully submitted, . ' . A.J. cox. 3 JNU. Q. BRAOAW, JR., ' ,-^M Finance ooma&Mt Washington, N. C., September 7,. 1914. From the foregoing there appears to be In the hand* of tla Timiia ionic J19.000.00 for "New Bridge Account," which la the dlffereaee bewoen tho amount of the Bond Issue and the amount expended for rvfatr incl construction of bridegs since last rear's storm We understand that tince Mar 31st vouchers to the amount of about 93,*000.00 hare been paid, caving still in this account some 117,000.00. Of this amount 91.000.00 la nvested in a certificate of depoait bearing 4 per cent interest. If there I# no immediate need for the balance of thia money (919,600.00) for Ike particular object for which the bonds were Issued, we rnnnmuX that t bo placed on Interest bearing certificates of deposit with the baafca 3 ?r otherwise Invested to yield an Income In sojna manner nnnsUr?4 with. Ji1 Department of health, salary of Superintendent Board ?i Health, etc . 770.0# Donations ((Ire company, military company, Karat ItmliK an/1 Farm Bureau) .. ... .. * 714,114 Borrowed money repaid (Richmond hanks. ttd.40O.Od, Baaing* & Trust Co.. $3,000.00, First National. tf.000.00). . tl.000.00 Taxes refunded.. .. 4.fl * Election expense* .. .. * . . .. d.O . V| f New bridge account (replacing and repairing bridge damaked j In storm) .. .? r- 30,149.44 -a , Refunded E. O. Weston, paid In error .. . ... t.IO ,1 J. A. Wilkinson, check.. .? i. .. lad ft ' * ' Total amount reeelpta |140,0it.01 Total amount disbursements . . . . 10t.tlt.04 l* f ?. Balance on hand . tl.llt.07 $ a r- ' BXU1BIT " .** . i. r, mixok, sown tftkabrnsr. nt mmmi ?| WMtil oownr mmooL won