L "* lh* 01*t RlTm *n ft Ileal M well u the in th hi.torr or tiio e*al>ft.tlon It 1 Ml llu praWVla that ami point I *4 Mitnfcrl* Trill bo made regardln m, %hm r?**n: filibuster. axrd the rlgh V t4 tie people of the United BUte Br ' " v ' _ , oar. eoen unpru rn.ni of tbel V nunm and harbot* l> Jhey ? " U4t? W1UM4 M> i'U lor b W Vbu* VM Program la not bT ? (ImMM WnitaM. tt to already evl w *o?t that, In the tntaroat and tm cTergrtk oonTWtion "111. to bay t? I k lout, not Salter In comparison wit! r those that bo to Bote before. Prwal [ ' float Wlloon boo boon Inntod to mah tbo opanlng oddrooo, oad tt to bop* tk*t h? VMF b? ablk to be preeont trom tbo Cbloooo mlnlater Mr. Ko tu Shh*. wbo will toll of tbo rater I " woro Of bis country?ot onoo, tb oldoot ot nnttono ond the youngest o republic*?which base boon tn conH Kant ties tor ot yoarB. AcM cepUncn* kV?o been malvefl from Bwnatbr. Weeks, of Mouoebu ? Mtto. Bttnmono. of North Carolina BT and William Aldon Smith, of Micht San, from Bpoakar C'taamr Clark and ex-OoTarncr Cbu. 8. Dcnc.n o Ik . Illinois El-Mayor Magee, ot Pltto T buTwlU on the need to 1 use Wrle and Ohio Wrer .Shot I Canal, Mr John H. TBarnbari, o L ' Now Orleans the builder of a net I typo ot oolf-propelled barge,S now H I . uoa on tb. warrior "d Tomblgbc rlraro. between the Alabama eoa gold, and tbo Oulf.wlll tatt of On Unused Waterway.," gjQM"* c. Norwood, a former, Wublng 1 ....paper oorreapondent. oow seer. ^ .77.Oreatar Daruport (low. oommiuee, will gtyo an Hlostratci IK. on -water Terminal." th?.*rgp?o? i project* which were moet eiolrntl | Attacked dvtaf the consideration o I H |j | I 11 joj^ I II Hrrfc m. I I I j_ 1 p I I' ^ I II ll-wlll thro b. chilrmu of th. mMt? u.O, by M . WUDM (Mmfting o-.ory, of Now Turk city. president | Storm in, of Chicago, chalnnac of tho commlttoo on cooperation and waterways of the General Federation of Women's Club*. Oh the same evading thrro will bo an illustrated lecture on "Tlu> Picturesque Waterway of Europe." by Mr. . Otts B. Kent, of Washington D. C. '' B Apparently'a good many of those B who made It did not realU* that the _ charge that river* and harbera bills % are Pork Barrel*" la a charge that I the Unltftd State* army engineer* are , either Incompetent or corrupt. Tha r Offlcara of the National Rivers and t Harbors Congress resent thia charge II with Indignation, and are especially I gratified to announce that the repI resentatlve of the army engineers at I the convention will be Cel. Oeorge I W. Goethals, the world-famous I builder of the Panama Canal. It la I certainly to be hoped that the slides I In tho Culebra cnt will behave . That the members oC the Nations! Rivers and Harbors Congress are not to be intimidated by the existing opposition to waterway improvement will be made evident at the convention next month. Senator Kansdell, of Louisiana^ the president Of t&e organisation, fcls long been ah enthusiastic advocate of a definite and generous governmental policy re- j garding the waterways of the country, and or ail annual rivers . and U harbors bill rather than a biennial ^ or triennial bill, which was customary previous to the year 1910. ~ "The Improvement of our fivers and harbors," says Senator Ransdell, "should in no sense be made a political question. It Is in all essentials ui an economic question In the truest ac meaning of the term. It appeals to fo all conditions of trade and commerce jj and it Is a question which intelligent n public demand is hastening to a conelusion that cannot fall to bo of the fo utmost possible benefit to the trade mi and Industry of the United States." Rf ai : 7 o? An Active Liver Means Health. " t If you want good health, a clear J Complexion and freedom from Dtol- Hi nest. Constipation, Biliousness, ni" Headaches and Indigestion, take Dr. de King's New Life Pills. They drive hi out fermenting and undigested foods, co clear the Blood and cure Cohstlpa- 8p tion. Only S6c. at your druggist. to! m m, 'I. .1. II ||j?1 T-|U KS85B ?5f~J A .you ne. /ST warm rcl ?Wl/ =8 Mi and dress in I t'on S m o Heater will minutes. % ? ft?to sitting ^ft\lTHl where extra ' ^ *uVl /5 ed ?and it convenient , , i-Wl^C weather. JhL4jLJ^-i U ThoPerfectioi too?it burns need it. Noco; - ~2> no dirt, no ash. '<><>* oaoncss ana i I COMFORT KUtS.'rS; ,y_ -.^rr^vV-:- :|p! *'' " J WS^ 0^' ttii G O A food for every day, strengthening. Freeh baked end freeh der i , . ' ? ?1 . ;' J SNAF?AROONS A deligh'tffcl now bU- | cuit, with a rich and | delicious cocoanut fla- | ' vor. Crisp and always I ' ircsn. jo cents. H 1 c Buy biscuit bated bf hJATIONAL BISCUIT ( COMPANY A hva?s tecbjotthat Name | j i I ? _ ;prr% 4 Anecdotei of Charles fleade. 1 Charles Re*4?'s liberal drawing! Km ''authorttlea'' lit yvwsloo tor ?ricr Of dotau give rtw toTom* oltah chance*, of plagiarism. partloarly In the o?o? pf ba masterpiece, ho Cloister aid the Hearth." Hla ply to tho charge, waj character t? i and clinching. "( milked 100 con r 11T Kid b*. "but tho cheese: I ado 1. nWna.* Tot eceaatrleltu* *d? can claim o Ugh place awsn: on* author*, (aw of whom are with It their fads. Be could not write * ray from Mm area room. With. Ita lia' imorabl* rotom** of coattac* and ha \ las. and ha oould not wrtm wall, ha olarad. axaapt Than standing o?. aerer took hutch, tanstag thai : aal "an insult to oaa'a tprektasf ' tsated soup and bear, brMarrad rrlng to aaary othar ft ah. araa a BMlasenr of win*, but never touched & ~ cd a good, om to shave . A Perfec- J : i c.eless Gil'' f! i) warm any om ? ? SfeV" , (!*. ftAsft tion is easily ou can take ^ room, cellar ' tf-ars r 1 lis economical, I only when you 1 il, no kindling; I > "a>~i>B 3* ?m, I I j I I Among tho trelcoma visitors to the ^Jt Oriiia^. N. ft hoeineio Hk. | a e 1. H. Ihaart of Baikal, N. a, iwotov gtraati today w w a A. A. Miller, of Now'Bam, N Ct. i In tha aity a a a a. * < o-l. D. Is. Moore, of WUnlBCtoB. ft. O , artyed in the ally laat olkkt rla tha Ltlaatle Coaat Line. '' ?' ' ; , .?.? * t*T 'J t A T. Fleming, of WUaofc N p., i a bnafnaaa rialtor today. . . . . ' '* *!. Mr* C. 8 whlchard. of Tfcadanara and KUa Rnby Oodartn. of long. N. C.. wara gaaate at tha soulaa yaatarday. - ' ? a a ' J- ' i_ Dr. BrnaM Duos, ot S? Barn, (. 0.. U Is Ik* city on trbfaaalonnl lUllBMt. | * /. B. Qortnnn, o( Oraanrtlla, 81. (J., In Ml* our. ] ? ? ? W. . Mowborna, ot fclnnton. K. 1* her* today. 'V. 41 ? H. J. Wanbborn, of Haw Barn. S 3v. 1* a Washington Tlattor. /1 rir '* J1 |< For Fareat-FIr* WoHhm. I .' A special trp* of ***! wtnUmin to*?r has.been adopted an IB* standard lookout tow tor Coral Or* lookout purpose*. Th? platform on top at tk* lower In Innlosad to prataot Ik* lookml from ano and wind, and In Largs >no*?? -to^WTid* loom for Ma bad . _____? ? :ordlng to the opinio* pi Mre. Loutee iaU, th??*thor-acUeM. "The most striking char&cteriMUc r < of Voftii cA"*2w$mm I " ChorUa Cos, ? mtsor; Hanrr CO/ ,ot olfc, kolro-at-tevoffata'Cox, d : ^mo koloy NO. -. mfr t ?Ul,.?o thOrftt'40^1 Ol'J* I' VHSfJfKH f u IIfift ?? Hit b^thejMO^y door fitn 1m frtnnH ot Anr ? it,, ir,... * amo wuuu ai OUT BlOiC Bt ID0 lOWIn cas pnce. Make your purchase at ^ ilB Save the Pennies Which Belong to You. : m . Thursday, November 26, 1914, being s Legal Holiday In Washington, account of Thanksgiving Day, this Bank will not be open for business. ; Bank of Washington 'Washington, W. C. ... . Remember to Get it TODAY. Bngaw's Insurance?for your house, factory, store, life or health. Phones 59 or 266. '0 Wm. Bragaw &. Co. Pint Insurance Agents la Washington, N. C. . 1 , . ! ? * 1 Every Woman in Washington Avoid h+Makeeplnc troubles and worry duriac Cotftmn Weak. #4er | Crystal Ice Cream AND PLEASE YOUR GUESTS " ; . CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY Phone 83 Washington, ft. C. I '1 "' r.i i iirii'jii Make a Note of It and C >me in to s<* u? aboat that 1 Raal Estate mattsr that Is Iroubtoto >OU' VT#are ??dyto?m?ult with possible potions, vbsthar . they want to bay, sail or erchsafe; whether tbsy wan to raat iplaw ^fb^rV^ iV^H or httve OD> thay *rool<* Uka rMtjttll L?3l j ed. We do ool ectin*, too, u4 fyM* fyt \ / Bunitt a ten era 1 RmI Estate > business th has boilt up steadily by 8tra'8h houett ?*tho(la ?t*d _ i . >*' ? . ?'*V WfchftV* (MM rw bargains hhia^wank. In >Ujr and hw MiiMrtM ASK A$OUT THEM- ^ lOc Cotton lOe ' For Middling Cotton deliver d In Washington arlll aHm ll? par pound io exchange for nop And all Real Estate wa ham. !?vu SEE US WASHINGTON-BEAUFORT 1 LAND CO. fltna rporated) ,, WnahlnfitoiC ^.C.. aanmaaai aaaaaaaHaMaai w "i n?aJFS.ib.*J(t. *fc?. ,-M 0, Mr*f 4rmJQrrJ JhLO ? MBttKr ccz?Z7vr inmfvsKf^: i iwiNDacMi) . bUMfXBB. .aflto 5o . b?-:d *1&>M V SftSP?*^ ?ma* DxJlool '_ _ ' ' S vrortomo) Ti'Tt' I'M ill T