yH gn *h% Haley oh Cl?b l?w another I *M*. 8. F. Burbank, Jr. The music I Was* fu/hlstfed 6y tfce Forbes o?ch?- * tarn*- The following participated in C .the^erening'e pleasures: * i Mlsa Mary Bail Aaatf with Char ft ,s CpweG, htii Csthenne" Small wltl} C . Jnn Hackney, Miss Mary C. HassOU 3 with Herman Carrow. Misa" MaV^ 1! \Cowell with J. D. Cajlafc. Mlsa win- \ ,nle Nicholson with br. Ernest Dunnj G New Bern; Mlae Carlotta Nicholson C wkh 8amuel Ortst. Jr.j- Miss Mkf Blount with Samuel Laughinghouse, ? Mtoe Louisa Nutt Myei's with Elbert \ Weston; Mlae Janet Wetmore with I . Herbert Bonner, Miss Mat tie Laughlaghouse with* George Rowland, ij Sumter. 8. C ; Miss Ma'yme Burbahk h with T J. Bugg. Mlae Maud Windley a with Thos. Laugbingbouae, Miff a Elisabeth Warren with R. P, Fowl* J Mian Conoley with J. H. Bocf > ner, Misa August* Charles with Wll- 3 11 tun Patrick. MIrs Eilazbeth Sim S -mona with H. B. Waahburne. Miss S Elisabeth Carrow with C; M. Flam- r < lag, Jr.; Miss 8alUt Carrow with J . Albert Willis, New Bern; Mlsa "Ella*- 1 beth Hill with 8. F. Burbank. Jr.; 1 . Mlaa >nnle Grist with. Edward si Ayers, Mlaa Mildred R^mley wftV >1 Jee Mayo, Miss Emily Harris with il maun i ik urn put a The following is the report cf the grand 40rr made yesterday to the c M ?ourt now 15 aesslob: ~ W "We, the grand Jury for the No 1 ' J We hare finished the business as c nigned to W by the courj so far ?? * possible and have .passed on and re- d turned all bills presented to us. d v*We hare inspected the county Jail 1 * ted eoutrhouse, including the office? v ^ ___ lejume. We find the offices In good fl cppdttloe. We reepedfully rccora- 1 and courthouse. Including the offlcce J JU whitewashed on the interior; ? that the ?old blinds be replaced by 8 hew ones or entirely removed. Tljat better heating; facilities be provided , for the courthouse. We ted the Jaii In as good condl tlon as could be expected under the J circumstances. We recommend yie purchase of new blankets, bath tub and other things necessary for sanitation comfort of the occupants We else mennsnd that the street | ! sprinkle!* and other town machinery. I wagons, etc.* bo removed from the j courthonfe yard. That the sheriff he given complete jurisdiction over thr A \ jail, Jail yard and surrounding We also visited the treasurer's offloe and found It In good conditlou. j We tent a committee to the convict , camp and recommend, that ah addl tlonai. store of sufficient slso be proJ ' * Tided for warming the camp, that , the convicts may dry their clothe* and dleep warm at night; that the convicts be provided with v boots or else removed to a dryer place durln? the coMf weather. All else around F the camp we found in good condition. ,i" We recommend that after -the : j jiiml contract expiry that the con| vlcte be worked on -the county roads ' ! and not hired out to Individuals or corporations. ' A committee also visited the > \ County Home and found everything In good oondltlon. Reapectfdlly submitted. , 8. J. TOPP1NO, Foreman. OB8ERVTNO HOUDAY. > , Wuhlncton la' today obiervlnf ; TbaBkaflrlog Dor ma ?hn uiually does IB ? quiet way. Practically ercry I ff- buslneaa bouie In """tile rllr la cloaad. The city poatoSce la obI earring holiday hour* Foreral of J 'the cltllena bare gone to Norfolk and Richmond te arttnaaa tba football ] eeataet*. The police, up to the hour of going to praaa, bad reported no J arroott. Waehlngton'e dapdrtment I I OCliT WWII BODGES. | .fiim Clara Mae Bprolll. of Colum4 MM,C < 11 tb# fa*#" 0 M ^ ? JJ J ' 6*st i .** . ' '.B _ ; * t .! H - ., >:? w. y.;.^ fy..- \ r Dance lyable Affair C. Warren, Mlaa' Fannie Lamb raughton with F. S. Wbrtby. Mlas 'an Dockery, Rockingham, with W L Rodman, Jr?; Ulu Eleahor Berry, rlth Ftfed Moore. Mlat Annie Lee rflegoco, Greensboro, with John Vorthington, Mtas. Fannie MatjMws rlth'D. M. Carter. Jy.;'Miss Lucy Inlon, New Bern, with Jaa. Wlllla^, Ilia Laurie Branch with Albert Wll Is. Miss. Elisabeth Tayloe with Mr *! Veatherly, Mlsa Worthington with iarland Hedges, Mitft Rowland with L. * . '< ' ? a /Stags?William Knight. Chaa. gl loye, J. F. Tayloe, Jay Hod gee ?1111am Ellsworth, Wilson limb, .uke Lamb, R. D.'Koar. / Chaperonea?Mr. and Mrs. George hJ f&ckney, Mr. and Mrs." J. C. Gor* am. Mr, and Mra. C. B\ BeU, Mr. nd Mrs. M. >1. Worthinfton. Mr. ^ nd Mrs. W^a' Blount. Dr. and Mrs. ' . 6. Blount, D*. and'Mra. J? L* Uebolson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Msthews, * Ir. 'and Mrs. J. H. Small, Mrs: R . Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. ? Immon, Judge and Mrs. S. C. trsgaw, Mrs.. Dixon, Durham, N. C.; * Ira. Lyon, Nashville. N C.; M" hot. Clark, lira W. W. Mc Uhenny, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Brldg* aan, Mr. and Mra. Claud Carrow, m Jr. and Mrs. H. U Brook* tfr. te I,. PMnV Dnllln. moke is m still ; itw ?? P> The enterprising citizens of Ocra ?ke, N. 6., propose during the comng holidays to hold a meeting on P< he Island for the purpose of start- * n^ a movement . looking towards 1 etter roads. The intention Is to se- * ure a road ground "Sliver bake" as relj as other highways. If this unlertaking proves a success, and no loubt It will, it means much for the ildad of Ocracoke. Every Interest rlli bo benefited, financial, social ind otherwise. Ocracoke la still oo he map and this late move on the ei isrt of tfii citizens of th^ Island 01 bows that their determination Is &< till to keep abreast of the times. cl hi rrAMP inp IDHDId HUD : FIGHTING fi ' Jill: As we go to press the Washinr* ton and Winterrille High School ?lerene ere bettllng for the mastery *t Fleming Perk. West "Third street. This is the second time this season tlfl* lliueo two- teems hare faced i>ach other. The first game whs won by. Washington with hands down. So Ur this season the local team has not lost a game. Quite a large num ber are witnessing the contest. GUEST OP MRS. J. L. WARREN. Mrs. Edna Spruill and Mrs. Oer- ? trude Rhodes, of Norfolk,-Vs., arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.. f Warren at their home on Pierce street. j Party Given Tues. Night Enjoyable There was a party held Tuesday night at Miss Martha Wtswall's on West Main street. It was held for her Sunday school class, and was very much enjoyed by those who attended. Miss Mildred Smith fraa present with Afr. E. L. Archbell, r., Miss Dorothy Brown with.Mr. Jack Warren. Miss Frances Leach wttb Mr. A. D. MacLean, Jr.. Miss Thelran Leggett with Mr. Chas. Weeks. Miss Bessie Potts with Mr. Chas. Ross, Mis* Thelma Mayo With Mr. John JohMUra. MlM Llllltt St.wwt 41* I %l I I - J M WASHINGTON N. IF SHE H 1 1EII1U C. W. Carleton'a Kew York |rb iction of "Tempest and Sunshine,' , dramatisation of Mary Jan< olmfee' famous novel of Lem. 8. irker, la to bp seen at. tho New heatre pn Monday night, NoveuVbei >*b. The play his as 1U foundation the mtracts of characters In the Vf/c sters. out of which gnow natural!) l'd inevitably the episodes and ennglements which combine to make e plot. Dr. Lacy is, by virtue o( s relations with them both sp in lved In their interests sb to be me the cehtral gure of the story, smpeat's rather passionate nature ads her Into mistakes which bring ?r the most serious Consequences oug h she la by nQ ^ means ythe son p woman whose cbndnct can tade the subject of reprobation mehtne Is the. direct opposite ol ?r sister, being a lovable goldenitred girl of laughing sunny die ;sition. The villain of the play li .? ouuolcu uj inc village pOBl poai' mater, Joseph Dunn, at first a mysrlous individual, but who after' ards turns out to be rather a com on kind of criminal. The plaf ts entertaining, and wei; Id; pure, sweet, an idyl of loyalty f love. Thrills through and througt 1th tender grace of a day that li ?ad. The costuming is quaint and pret '?the gowns being of airy summer] uffs, made in the fashion of 1850 hieh is the period of the play eautiful Southern melodies are in 6duced throughout. AU who desire to see a nrst-claa roduction, presented in a flrst-claa lannor, should not fall to aci rempeet and 8mnshlne." Wai rices prevail. Xev.J. H. Warren Is Returned Bach Here The Blue Rldge-Atlantlc Confer kcee^whieh is the northern brand I the Methodist Eplacapol Chord Ijourned Sunday night last in th< !ty of Asheville. . The conferenci as boon in session for the pas eek with Bishop Theo. Henderson f Chattanooga. Tenn., presiding ew.ton, N. C., was selected for th ezt session of the conference. It will be gratifying to the read rs of lb* Dally News to know tha Lot. J. H, fiarren has been returns superintendent of the Coast Dla rlct for another year. The follow is are the appointments In the dlt rttet over^-whlch Superlntcnden barren has Jurisdictions Elisabeth City?W. R. Woodall. Hamlet?M. L. Morse. . Harker's Island?O. L. Hawklni Haasell?To be supplied. Hatteras?8. W. Johnson. Marshallburg?To be supplied. Morehead Circuit?J. R. Warrei Morehead City?T. B. Pierce. Ooyacoke?W. P. Graham. Parksvllle?J. !?. Smith, suppl: Parmele?J. L. Dennis. Pembroke?D. P. Lowery. Pinners?W. P. Millerx Rowland?To be supplied. Washington and Stokes?J. F rfatney. Washington Clreult ~ Clau?! ilarke. Whaleyvllle?J. W. Chappell, sui >iy. VISITOR TODAY. Among the welcome visitors4 1 the city today is Mr. Thomas Cwp ford .of New Bern, N. C., former af Edward, N. C. VISITING HERE. Mrs. Annie E. Cox. of Snow Hi N. C-, Je visiting J&r. sud Mrs. R. Hodges. WEDDING AND XMAS GIFTS. We have Just reeetred nice a sortments of Brass Goods, Japane Baskets, Indian Sweet Grass-Basks Nippon China. Pramed Picture Gift .Books and many other attlcl suitable as gifts. Make year pt ehsses early while our stock is co pletf. * , LATHAM'S BOOK STORE. f- **" ft* woUM* r^ort today?I^AI TIol C.I C THURSDAY AFTERNOON rar HI I pui The cue of State vs. R. H. Mllee, ' charged with murder, was started In i the Superior Court yesterday afternoon. Up to the honr of adjournment the Jury had been seleAed find - Is composed of the following cltlensH. Bonner i*eggett, J. W. Smith, , C. K. Doughty, J. W. Rowo, E. C. , Marsh, J. M- _Benson. W. O. P. Mason, H. C^I^tham. A. J. Wallace. . J. Beverly Allen, W. H. Angel and > J. T. Wilkinson. After the selection of the Jury . court adjourned until this morning . at 9:30. At the morning session on account of the, fbsence of several of . the attorneys, etc.. Judge Carter ad; Journed court until 2:30 this after-: , noon whefa the introduction of e?tL dence will begins % Solicitor Bhrlbghaus announced : it the beginning of the trial thac no ; would only ask tor a verdict of'mur der'in the secohd degree or nWn. slaughter. \ | The State la Represented by Sollei, tor Ehrlnghaua and Messrs. Small, MacLean, Bragaw and Rodman, and ! the defendant Miles by Messrs Waf J , ft Grimes and Edward L, Stewart. The following cases were disposed i of yesterday prior to the Ailing of the murder case: i Sthte ts. Macon Cherry, disorderly , conduct. Guilty. Cause not yet disposed of. State vs. John Litchfield, violating t search and aelxare law. Defendant pleads guilty. Not disposed of hy the court. State vs. Major Guthrie and John R. Davis, assault with deadly weapon. ? Not guilty. ? State vs. Bus Mills, violating town j ordinance. In thl* case a Juror is r Withdrawn and a mistrial orderedState va? Dlok Pope, assault. Not gulUy. ^ State vs. George" Peele, assault, t Not guilty. ? Old Tress Raise Farm Values. Well grown trees about the farmhouse give it character as nothing else can do. Every olderiarmhouso has them If the owner Ana not cut them down. If one wants to sell his farm, - patrlachnl trees work toward high x prices. In the immediate vicinity of l the house deciduous trees are preferable to evergreens, especially In winter.?Farm and Fireside. it ism ; IDE DEPUTY ? m Mr. R. B. Weston, of this city, hat been appointed by Chief SJhell Corn miasioner H. L. Glbbs, of Oriental N. C., deputy commissioner for thl? port during the oyster season whlct ends on April 16, 1916. JAr. West or filed his bond on yesterday and en tered upon his duties this morning Mr. Weston Is capable In overy wa: '' for the position. H SPEC l For Friday Armour's Star Hums, per Morgan & Qraj F. F. V. ! t0 Pure Sweet Print Jutter, ? Arbuekle'a Coffee,'Per Pou Filson Club Coffee, worth 5< Full Cream Cheese, Per P< Borden's Eagle Brand Milk I( Monogram Corn, per can R. Extra Fancy Dried Peache ' Extra Faney .Dried Apples, Sundried Applee, {Mr lb. . SPECIE On all Shoes, Dry Goods, n* Everything sold ou a mo Isa m * ,r" * an J. E. j Phone 97 s ?N' I ? 1 - - NOVEMBER 26. 1914 "SRgr INIGHT IDE ! - HOT HI V "Tog O* My Heart" played la night to a capacity house at the Ne Theatre and the consensus of oplnic as expressed by those competent Jqdge, Is that It is the best attrn tlon of the season. This show hi a record of 604 oonsecutlvo perfori aocee in New York. It Is an exqutsl pjay of sweetness and charm and wi one of the greatest treats of the se son afforded the theatre-goers Washington. > ThoBe who missed last night are the losers. Mr. Mai ners, the author, has surely dlspla ed*a keen Insight as to the wants the theatre-going public and he hhit upon.a theme which will forevi i endear him to all overs of a flrst-cla wholeeome play. Miss Rae Marti as "Peg" was simply immense, : fact the entire company were of hlf standard and rendered their r spective parts most creditably. "Peg" and her pal, "Michael," hdog, were the life of the productlo It has been a long time since Was Ington pleasure-seekers enjoyed production more. It made an u precedented hit In Washington la night and every one Is paying glowing tribute to the performanc O ? NEWS FROM BKOAI> CREEK The weather continues very col Miss Leila Cutler spent last Sa urday night with her sister, Mr Bonner Waters, at Slatestcno. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Black ar Children, of Washington, spent Sa day with Mrs. Black's mother, M W. T. Latham. Mr. Chester Whitley, of your clt was a visitor at Broad Creek 6u day. . Mr, J. B. , Reyiecs and childn made a business trip to Martin cou ty Sunday morning. Mr.#Arthur H. Waters, of Wall Watta station, was a visitor at Mi ' W. T. Latham's Sunday attorney and was also a Sunday schodl visit at Beaver Dam. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cutler spe Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom A1 good. Misses Lizaio and Essie Laths 'spent Monday and Tuesday in Was ington. Mr. Joe Alllgood and family .w move to Mr. Ottli Woolard's, on t other side of Broad Creek, Deco ber the 23rd. Mr. Jesse Latham was a visitor Mrs. Fannie Sullivan's Sunday nigl Mr. C. C. Cutler was a busint visitor to your city Tuesday. Mrs. W. T. Latham spent Tuesd j afternon with Mrs. W, T. Boyd I Zion. One Opportunity. I Re^entlv a ladv nmatmir w: 3 er sent to a popular actress-vocal the words of a new song which i had written. The actress could i ' nothing attractive in the sobs, r 5 read "the verses to her husband. "G< 1 heavens!" he c-xclaimed, when she t i finished. "What's she talking aboi - What docs Ehe call it?" "She calif 'I wonder if He'll Miss Me.'" was t * reply. "Wellifc said the husband, bo docs he ought never to be trus1 wtyh a gun again!" :ials & Saturday lb 19e Hams, per lb.. 19c p?r lb.. 35c ind .. .... .. 20u Jc lb. at.. .,. .. ., .. .. 40o rand.." .; 20c , per can '.............. 16c ... ?? ioc , per lb ...121^0 .perJb.. 7c ........V #c IL PRICES. , Rugs. etc. ncy-btek guarantee. ADAMS . Washington, N.'C r NE\ x' . ' ? \ A Brilliant Ri To the Among the many pre-nuptlal afT fairs gi^en to Miss Mattie LaughingI house, none wm more enjoyable " than tne reception given by beT sls' ter and brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. l8t Richardson, at their elegant home ^ on Market street Tuesday evening, from nine tp eleven. The cards Were taken by Miss 1 Mamie Latham Richardson, the at- 1 a tractive daughter of the hosts, and i te her charming friends. Misses Isabel w Warren and Athalla Taylod "The need In Europe is great. Let ^ us help Europe to meet. It if" we can, j ^ but the direct responsibility for the me?I-'nS tht* need falls on the great "if nations of Europe. Moreover, we ted will be called upon to bear Europe's burdens, for many who have gone to ? Europe to flght have left their wives ? and children here. "We cannot expect help from Europe. Our Own tyurden will bo greater than ever before, and we must bear that burden alone. Therefore, while we should give liberally to relieve suffering In Europe we should hold ourselves sufficiently In reserve to be able to relieve suffering at home. It means more sacrifice and more self-denial." Facts AbTtut the Heart. The weight of the average person's heart is only 11 ounces, yet so power ful la it that It does enough work ev ery day to lift 320 tons a foot high! Yoar ta^art la, lc Tact, one of the most wonderful power machines for Its b1z< in existence. It beats about 70 timet a minute. and with every btfat drlvet tlx ounces of blood through the body In a year the heart beats 30,000,001 times, and drives over 5,000 tons o blood through the body! * Three scor years and ten is a man's lifetime, am during that time his heart has movei enough blood to outweigh half a dosei of tho biggest ships in the world! Le us loo* at this in another way. J pint of blood weighs roughly a pound so that a little over three gallons c blood are forced through the heal eeery minute, or over one million lit ?rJ bundM Ibou?od gallons ? 7?*r. VS 1 iceptiot| i Bridal Party j ?~ ' - y-rmnca a for the incoming throng. Refreshments were served by. Mlseee Bom Conolly. Mary V. Bonner, Jfabel Carter and Ethel Fowle. tj Jn the rear hall the guests were Bhown to the den b/ Hiss Eva Bulla r^^^^jg^attractiv^aook one *1 over j Campbell. This room was every attractive, the holly and bamboo and red waxen tapers, making a very fitting bac : ground for the delicious liquid dlsj used here. Ml sac P lelope Myers led the wqy Into the living room, all In yellow, where the guest book must be signed. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Oorham had thl in charge, and eo well did they j perform their duty that no passerby escaped without leaving his signature. From the time you entered until rou said good-bye, the warm hospitality and feeling of good cheer snd enjoyment -was evident. That ^ Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are royal entertainers Is the opinion of all who were present on this o&aslon. The ^ut-of-town guests were: Mrs. X. S. Fulford, of Hertford. N. a? M Mrs. W. S. Martin, of AshevlUe. N. C.. Miss Julia Rowland and Mr.Simon Rowland, of Sumter, 8. C : Miss Annie L. Worthington and Mr, John Worthington, of Bel Air, Md. '"jM FINE DUD' 1 FORCOtY ISM "The town of Clinton has not had a case of typhoid since the clean-up, which took place more than a year ago," writes Dr. C. M. Cooper, wholetime health officer for Sampson '^B county. In making his first annual ^9 report (or the year ending September 30, ho says: "I And that much more has been done in actual health work than I thought could be done In one year." ' JflB Dr. Cooper's figures speak for themselves. In a detailed account given of his work, the following are slgi Ificant figures: Number of school children ox- ? amined. 2,192. Number of defects found in children, 1,065. vB Number of children treated for defects, 450. * iB Number of schools visited fa* medical inspection, 49. Number of persons vaccinated l'?'^B against smallpox, 1,963. Number of persons inoculated against typhoid, 616. Number persons treated for ho<0^ worm, 353. 3 Number bf newspaper articles furnished local paperB, 37. Number of health talks made, 68. rsuniDcr or loiters concerning | health work written, 178. ? ; Number of miles traveled, 1>,282. Dr. Cooper attributes the succeaf of Sampson county's first year's health work to the co-operation of lta citizens: The board of education, the board of county commissioners, the teachers of the county, the editors and the physicians, "to a mair" He? pays high compliment to the pnbllc * health work that 1b being done In the Salemburg community by the Rockefeller sanitary commission un-% der the auspices of the State Board of Health. GPEST OP MRS. ROPHR. Miss Ruth Chadwlck, of Swan -J Quarter, N. C., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roper at their home on East Main atree*. SPENDING THANKSGIVING ' Miss Maude Hodges, who is teach- ( Ing In the Columbia Graded School, Columbia. N. C., Is spending Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. dnd Mrs. R. E. Hodges. jj New Theater | inm TONIGHT ' ASSOCIATED FILMS. | THE BEST THERE IS Every Night | Price 5 and 10c.