^t^rtr ai the oltr laat night to lt?i tr* weok (kd with hi* parent*, Dr. and Urn lo D. T. T.yloo berate returning to at ^Chapel Hill to taaume HI* otodia* lo In atfldt*. hi The turn et North Carolina toot- o W Sail la today being ?h owe red with 1, I ?* *? > * Mat only *u ho mad* an anrlable I oaaord on tha gridiron, hut attar the |* * a ante ?a Richmond Than^aglring at . Say>* waa ra-*laetad captain of t h. t alar an for nerl ..-aeon. Thl* hit t a ?-e at-.-? _ end. by plnr- I tag Winston In Fuller's pUce he I hopes that while the Virginia player, an buy taking care of Captain $j Tayloe, Winston, whb Is exceptionaliy fast, will he able !o get away with Both the Richmond Ttmeo-Ptn patch aid th. Richmond Nowa bonder here picture# at Captain Tar Cnder Up lcadcrnhlp the Unlrer- j "H ally squad laa made the greatest , racord In K. history. , " -Cv ^ ofifin oiinni m^*~i -? 3 (Ill TAUIPIIT 111 III[1II H } ' i - 'S ? fk? picture* at the New Theatre I latffc ?T?ilDf proved to be among the beat -Of t*he mion. The feature of the -renins wa*. the prp?..ntatton of ^ietamed over t!! t the fund for Washington, J8.10, ting ten per cut of hi? cash ealea ' yeeterdaT- Mr. Adam., throagh i. columns, of the Dally New. on hursday last atated that he would ve thl. per cent of hi. oaeh ealea id he vae ae good aa hi. word. Mr. Adama hea alway. proTen yal In any enterprise that meant Ivancement for hi. community end thl. meteor, has demonetrated e loyalty by conirtbntlng to tht?e lfortunates acroae the water. He ta set the example for other merlanta to follow. His ca.li sale, yesterday ere .attactory and had thpy been big or sail he would hare carried out hi. atemant to the letter. What a pity la Washington has not more inch erchanU who are ever ready to help lost in aistress. , BE TREAMBNT AND MVWBOH OP TUBERCULOSIS Washington, D. C., Not. 28.?With i? expressed approval of President rilson for the holding of a national iberculoels day, several States in i? Union have made arrangements > hold exhibits and UUte preventive steps In the matter of the dtstse during the week commencing imorrow. A number of governors tvo issued proclamations on the impatgn, and churches and schools are united in an education*! 'cnihr ilgn against the dread disease. The ovement is not for the purpose of ilslng funds, hot simply to bring the people ail over the country is. ?4septiarjwct* wit* referense to is treatment and prevention of tusroalosis. The national association >r study and prevention of tuberllosle has undertaken to make this iucatlonal work nation wide in its ood .effects, and is using sermons, wtures, motion pictures, exhibits nd many other methods. While the ork of the association is necessarily lour, owing to the social entrenchments of the white plague, the camalgners "are gaining . ground. ill FID SIILL iin inphpipp UnjMuHOli 'revtously acknowledged ..*140.11 P. M. Rear 1.00 dre. R. L, Gay 1.00 dra. T. P. Smith . i.OO dies Mary Cowell 1.00 jit tie SalUe Cowell 1.00 jhaa.- P. Cowell 1.00 Cornelian Cluh .. 5.00 I. E. Adatna t.li M. P. MoKeel . , . .. 1.00 M. L. Slmmooa 6,00 Bonnerton School 1.00 MEETING OF INDIANA HIGHWAY COMMISSION EvaasvHle, Ind . Not. ^M.?Cttl|eoe will today have a chance to express their opinion as to the present road lawa and changes which .oght to he mado, at the meeting of the Indiana highway commission which is now taking place. This commission was organised tor the purpose of finding out the Will of the people Of the State In regard to road lawa It la advocating on plan In particular Cut Is seeking the advice of clllceni as to what should be done. The problem of good roada la one wblct has attracted an increasing amortm the-United-Btetee Department ? laMueT |nil I Ij r || I X Utlll iiU 1 Illll# ;! v|| eniio in up MT 1 viinvHini* ill illiiiiiiiiiit HI IV ] IIV191II 111 I III UUllUUIIfU HI |1 r HI | fir It | I1 || ^ ^ tr l t ^ grand^dlS!"-'T^^eld Sunrtm."" Thp audience ghat greet. (his pro- R auction on Monday night at the Now M Thontro will be well yleaaed. for thl. "< company carrlea the original play, o< taken from that famona norel under nt the eame name, by lan. B. Parker, er Rightly costumed, artistically ataged with gorgedua acenery painted eepe- R daily tor the piece hy maater artists. M The play Is-truly well, told for eaob ui performanoe Ota nugly In their parte 81 and each a master in their work. A Mr. C. W. Carleton, the manager dl of the oompany, le bringing to th's ?> rlty on Monday night a gns-autesd ea attraction eurpaaaed by none and eel- m dom eeen In a play of thla kind bay- tl Ing epared no expense to get the beet tit talent obtainable to handle the re peetlve parte of the play. 4* each M curtain rlaaa the audience la gently R transferred to the beloyed day. of pt our foref.there. Mis. Holme., the St author of the famous novel that will lire foreve#, from wkieh the pley M Is taken, got her characters from fa real life the htlle of old Teuneaeae. The pley is truly Southern In the M day of slavery. Those wishing en M evening psssea or real enitrammMi ? end lorern of true nrt and history honld not tan to purchaso their .tickets early to "Tempast and Bnn Ulne." the pUy that will live for- | inrnf ' mm ' A t; U? to and Including November position of leader of the North Car- 3 Beaufort county. 5,?82 bales of "cotton. For the, year ending November Jj 14, It 14, there had be^ jioned in were 4.461. showing, a dilfcrence in favor of the year 1 *H *of 1,616 * balee ginned in Beaufort county * ARMY AND NAVY FOOT- ? BALD GAME TODAY a Philadelphia. Fa., Nov. 28.?-The h much dleeoMed Army and Navy foot- v ball game will be played thia after- o noon on Franklin Field. A reeord * breaking crowd has been pouring a Into this city from all sides and the popularity has been disposed of by the end of last week. Despite the j efforts of the authorities, many of j the muoh wanted pasteboards found their way into the hands of the t speculators, and fid apiece was their ( moderate demand. The aame officials ( who acted laat year will officiate at' ( this game. They a^e Referee W. S. Langford, Trinity ; empire. A1 Sharp? of Yale;' Unema^ Oarl Ifarsttall, ( Harvard. ( SPEC For Friday Armour's Star Bams, par IV Morgan & Gray F. F. V. Hi Pure Sweet Print Butter, pe Arbuckle'a .Coffee, Per Pound Filaon Club Coffee, worth 50e ' Full Oroam Cbeeee, Per Pout Borden's Eagle Brand Milk, p 1 Monogram Corn, per can . . Ertra Fancy Dried Peaehe, ] t Extra Faney Dried Apples, p J Sundricd Apples, per lb. . . . SPECIAL T? .V- II is.fervthing sola on a mono I - I w. . I , I . TP n pjiS fl lift mi 1 r v irv u n . a. ? 'r\. 3 Ttob Jury in ib* mm ol slate ??. ; H. MUh for tbe ehootlng of B. Holbrook returned a rerdlet 0* >t guilty thta arternoou mx tbtie ! clock.. Tb?Juryvangiven thebug . tbo noon room and did cot dagfc. i *t. oror one-halt bour. Tbe Itttr In the anno ot Biatoea.f: H. Milan for tba .hooting of n. . Holbrook on the morning of >aniry 1. l?la, at tbo Pnlnco Barb.r top, wan glran to tba Jury thu Ufnoon. The de<*adint wl? ineted by the State for murder In the oond dagTon or manalaoghtabo *ha i ao wan atarted on Wadneaday aberon laat and baa oonaumad tba en a attention at tba eonrt alnt d'lhatI; ne. Tba proaacuMon -gag Hlpfcntad by Solicitor Bbrlngtena gdid caara. Small. MacLaan. Br.(taw * odtnan, and tbe defanaa toy Magara ard and Grime, and Edward - C. .. t e?re^^? -** i Tbla caaa waa poatpohad from tba ar term dt tbla year, due to tba ct that It oonld not.be raacbod. Tba cauaa baa attracted codaldahle attention tbroa^ont tba city * a a- m.- ?a Id on bo* sides vm able and,*#] lal result is.awaitiSPlrHh Interest. 1 >.< IE) H WITH IECBET A telegram wee reeelred la the Ity this morning: by ka. S.: w. yen announcing: the death of Mr*. !. M. Randall at her home In Broofcrn. New York, this morning. In oneequenee of this announcement Fr. E. W.'Ayer* left today to attend le funeral which will take plaee on .ong Island Tuesday next. The de^ eased wad a eonaln to Mrs. E. W. yara and Mrs. R. B. Mayo, of this Ity. She ha* mated Washington epeatedly and had many friends re. She we* git if d aa a- vocalist nd always loved to sing "far,-bar ?ord and Master. Her sweet voice as nerer been forgotten here. These rbo knew her will be pained to learn f her going. Earth is the loser, rhlle Heaven gains. "She did what he conld." With the recent deetlojteeat In | eases for signal purposes on the ttchleon, Topeka'A Santa re Rallo&d, It Is now practicable to mte signal targets sufficiently for he different colore to be readily distinguishable 1a 4*flight at a distance )f two thousand feet. ? Since the European war began, the sost of Urlng In San Francisco has sdranced about IS 1-2 per cent. & Saturday 18B *>* T*T 1W 18c r lk. 35a I 80c U>. at 5. 40e Id,...- 80c wen 16k 10c wr Ik 18 rlk.. 7b. tvSi ?t?. , ri w ira iDAMu Si w nuBSBYmiAV armor. ;*Sereleea et li-.u .. ui T;(t p. m. Preaching tr the meter. In- i 3?T cchod at I II *. c. It 1 Brown. Jr . eupetintendent. U lk> i morning eerrlee Kr Seulght'e cab- I loct will to "Bono Missions. or i Making Ow Coantrr Ood'e Coantrr." i ChrloHnnltr Col- l lepeed?" ' J MM MBTHODIBT CHl'BOH I Weet Second otrooL Her. . . , Inlpee .pernor. At ?A* 11 o'clock errtce tomorrow moraine Rev. i. T. | Side. B. D.. who hu heen the preriding elder of the Washington dietrlct tor the put four reera, will preach hie farewell eermon before leering tor hie new held of labor u presiding elder of the Phrette- I rlllee district. At the evening hoar the peetor. ,1 Rer. E. M. Snipes, will fill the pal- I pit. Sunday school, B. R. Mlzon. lupertntendent, Will moot et ptlo J o'clock. The Barmen dees W7 R. I Bear, teacher, wtll meet et the was I hoar, flood innate at all wrrloca I toete frne.. '"J..<\'te ; I ? I sAart rymcr church. Bonner street Rer Nathaniel I Harding, rector. Morning end a ran- I I DC prefer with lean at 11 a a. I ud 7:10 p. m . br the rector. I Sander eobool. B. K. WMle. It.. I supcrlntendnt. meets at 4 o'clock, need mucin. All strangesc In the I otty bars * eordtal larttatloa to be present. Seat. tret. 3? mm unnr oitoroh. Market street- Bar. B. U Oey, pastor. Alt strati rots speeding 8und?y la the eltyTtare a eorklal lavttattoa to ettsnd this koaee of worship The ?MWt far the msHaesboer win he: "Berth's Darkest Day." At the areolae hoar the pastor *111 discuss "There They Crudflsd Him." Baa day school meet, promptly at ?:I0 o'clock. 8. P. WlHle, supsrlnteadeot. Mosle by the orcheetra. Polite and attentive ashera. :' ion LAST SEMI mm Ber. J. T. Otbbe. D. D? who he. beea the presiding elder of the Washington district of the M. B. Church, Booth, tor the past tour years and who wee seat to the Peyettevtlle district hy Bishop WaterhfUlBfl mt fh? rerenT cooalnn nf th. annual conference held Is this city, will preach Ma farewell sermon tomorrow moraine at tba Plrat M. X. church. Be and family expect to leave for PayettevUle sometime next week. Dr. Olhbs Is one of the State's first' preechera and during his reeldenoe la this city has not only sustained himself as n speaker of the flrtt mark, hut ad a cltisens has gained a large number of friends In going to his new home both ha and his excellent family have the beet wishes of the entire community HOSPITAL. Mrs. C. s. Whlehnrd, wits of thi clever and aesommodatlng engine Itor, Captmln C. S. Whlehnrd, ef th< Weehlngton end Vandemere train was fcrenght to the Washington Hos pita! yesterday from her home h Vandemere Buffering with pneu moela. The report from her bed I side today la very encauraglng. Mn I Whtohard has many friends In Wesh I lngton sad throughout the count I! who wish for her n speedy recover] ... BOX WITH JOHIOIY HABVB Mew Tor*. Nov. U?Harr I Pierce. the hard-pnnchlns Brookly " ! ' ' ' * ' ' '' ' DECISIVE B, feo 3 BEEN F Vwtnftd, N#*. II-?Th? folltrrLn? ateUmtnt >m fceca received from the Tin?1>n wumnlir in "On the C?to ah u fvCrMov front our snotc?oe ere navamlsc n narked InportuM. ?v troop* on Moremtar l? eetpured more than 1.000 prisoner*. Our offeasle* th yerilcularlr tatoHH oo too Ion Cknolm rlTor ?t>?ra whole tilinlloo of tta Old Huonr isjlmsst isrreadered. "Our troops also aiei'iaed post ?rtmUr tortlted Austrian position on Iks Isle tank of the Bah*. where torn* of on niissktap units forded is rlTsr during tta lirssklsg-up of is loo sad attacks* ti^J eoesny. Tta ratar sos nock deep. "The Austrian* doapsratslr dslended Boohnla (It miles southeast if Oruepw) which ss stormed, tapering mors than I,too prisoners, nacklae guns and tan Paid guns.-On ths left hank of tta Vistula tta mamr in ths region of Craoow Is began log to ratraat In dtsordsr. Our too do are pursuing thorn energstlinlly. "According to tta reports of tbo Kimmandara of Its armies tta mor tie of our troops Is sarr high. "Trustworthy reports shop that the Aastrtans bars mounted In the iteaple of the Oath en. el In tta eaatar ?f (Wra -? ?a machine Cans tor protection ecalnft attacking aeroplenee." ?? ""'V?*1 VICTORY WILL ASTONISH ITKB WORLD &AY8 RRPOICT London, Not. I*.?The Warning Poet'# Potrofrnd cOTreepoBdant ur> that Then full detail* of tho lulu rictorr in Polaad an available thai will furnloh a etorr that will aatonleh the world?a eton tollln* of a blow to Oermea's tnaet troopa anoh aa had not bean dealt alnoa the dare of Napoleon. A RUSSIAN NATAL VICTORY m BOLD The aoneepoeaent alee laekaar aa latareattos dlaoloaara oonoarnlna a soooaab be An tbe Russian Baltic fleet ImM under command of Admiral Von curly in September. Tbe dispatch sm as follows: "It uppeura thst Qcrmsn worships hud acquired the hublt of erulflnr In the Bui do up 6s the limit urhteh the Russian fleet hud decided to held. Admiral Van Bsecn pulnfurt uererul of his cruisers end destroyers with the Oermmn colors end under cere* of faery wsuther joined the Ocrmun ships. The presence of tbe Russlun worships wus not stupectod. miin nnnnr nflb otilKi Hi limn If WEEI Dr. R. T. Gallagher and wife r< tamed from Ocarceke, N. C., yeete] 4k7. where Dr. OaUather baa bee hunting. He broocht heck 71 ieei and brant and It dcrk ae a new e( a three-day hunt. laat eeaaon Dr. O alia* her and II Frank Hoae pro red to be ehamptc eportameo and tbla eeaaon It lool aa It Dr. Oe!lather will again een 1 off tba trophy alone, Inaamnoh I : Mr. Moaa area unable to aoeompaa Mb. The (eeee and dneka wei much admired by all who law thai Dr. and Mm R. T. Gallagher enjoy, t their online lmmenaety. ' 1,000 YARD RAO* TO BR tam TBJB BVKHD ! Hew Tork, Hot. 11?Willie fx don. Alba Kllvtat and three othe g probably Homer Baker, Hew To . AtbeRlc Clnb: Ted Meredith. Ul , Torelty of Peoneylranla; aad J Inn , Power, at the Boeton Athletic Am ctatton. will ran the l.tOO-yei cap reoe at the Irieh-Amertean A r letlc^Olnb'a lamee. to be nt ? SffSr. - . ti' ATTLEHAS OUGHT IN EAST ||JBH -71. Admiral nm< ?" AtN om tNna arulaar ui Mir ?amUM uolt*. white U? IllBten I. atrorar* pat la *nod wort oa tka naltar Gorman mft. arte* daltaarwd tbte blow tka Boaatea iruB aalted kacaa, antonchad. Tka Oanpaaa amorally i ? Taail Mteat marlUl tkte Mkt aal Pa* kopt aDanl W a aamhar at tka trtkntad an?| Iboaa who war* n. poaalbte tor tka an IBM at tkte Mtnra. uvn Mntwim in topbdo pom rmite to oonnacttoa wttk tka forafolac atory It la lataraattna to asta a krtat offlclal tteUDut ?tm aadar teu ot Saptambar 4, whloh mi: "Aceordtns to Information darirod 4 from a trustworthy aoaroa aaraa V Oannan daatroyara and torpado boat, bar. arrlrad at Klal la a damaaad condition aad It ia aadaratood that otkara bar. baaa Bank la tka rtatorp of tka Klal aaaal." THE RUSSIA If millll hup kin mrn? Fatrorrad. Mot. II Tka followlns Matoaaat from tka Kaaatea aaalaral ataff was tpada public kara last ,, inl*ht f "On th? left bnnK of in. 1 MmH'i P H i oar troopa. adraadat from thelowar put ot tho Bint river Par* nhm Oombln. "In tho center ot tho battle Dm we ooptnred tho ton at Tlionloi end