AFTER POUR IV OF FIGHTINC OF SEB J prs-ara^TN-'v.: -i? London, Doc. 8.?Belgrade, until j the outbreak Of the war, Bervir.'s capital, was occupied today by Austrlaa troops. The Servian* previous^ ly had evacuated the city. Thus, on the 16th anniversary of the reign of Bmperor Francis Joseph, who agaisKla reported seri. ously 111, and four months after the outbreak of the war. hit generals report one of the most important suc^ cesees they have obtained.' \ \ y- i Belgrade frequently was bombarded1 early In Che war aqd.but for the necessity that compiled [ Austria to send troops against Russia must have fallen easy prey to Setvla'e big nelghV * .bor Apparently Austria, miscalculated L the nature of the Servian opposition k and only after Bosnia was invaded M did she send a sufficient torco against the Servians to drive them back. Now I they are being forced backward and are eagerly looking for the advance of tne Russians into Hungary to afford them relief. nur?ia nun uet-u ?euaing vobwca. raiding parties through tha Carpathians to divert Austria's attention, but the dual monarch? seemingly Is determined to finish with Serrla first. f 'y? 1 This, however. Is only a small affair compared with what la going i on In the north Poland. There the! German army wfcichr aided by relaforcementa, escaped from the ring the Russians had forced around It. has formed a new front and at some points hss resumed the offensive. The Germans assert that In these . manuevers they made 80,000 prisoners. The Russians, In a statement Issued through llome. say 'their captures greatly exceed this number All agree that losses'have been heavy and that the battle still is undecided, as It probably will be for eome days. fcir a moment the allies are somewhat disappointed that the realisein mm DECEIBER 7 The song ot Hiawatha, the great Indian poem by Loifefellow, will be presented in the form of an Indian pageant-play on December 7th by I the Poe Llteyary Society of the East Carolina Teachers' Training-School, Qreenrllle, N. C. In this will be given the Indians In native cdstumes. their customs, ceremonies and' dances, faithfully - * . following the real Indian llfo. The music will be the real tribal metottyes which will add much to the carrying out the idea of the real l\ Indian. The scenery as a back-ground wHl help portray the Indian life, homes, games and customs. The Indian life is fast disappearing and the w6rld will have to look tc the schools for their knowledge ol * this. This promises to be a very remark * able and spectaoular performance There are 56 In the oast, two ol them. Bettle Spencer . and 8adl( Bland, Washington girls. The lives of Longfellpw's poem ar/ cloeely followed through theentlri Play. . . > I &+? i .fi I T.m V. PASS THROUGH CITY. * Rev, G. Jy. Adam/and family, o jjj Wilmington, N. C., passed througl thp city this morning en route i * ' Elisabeth City, where Mr. Adam wit! become presiding -elderjof^th Elisabeth City district. Far the pas fbur-yeays hf J>aafJ>e??i D?tor cPtto jrue M. mrsns* '*'/" .WR vI*4ra'-*???rv.ttP. ' ' " * ' a1! ' ' . J. .mlronug ' ' ' ,TS!tWTI? .( .OK) FRIDAY^ ' DAUGIlTfiR ! 'A Stupendous Photoplay la 7 Parts ====== [ONTHS ; CAPITAL LVI? IS TAKEN tion of a great" Russian vlotory is denied them. They take some consolation la that the German attempt to pierce the Russian lines has failed, and that, - suffering from heavy losses, the Germans are compelled to weaken their armies elsewhere. The Russian report last night says the fighting has lost some of its violence and Indicates some, progress for Russian troops south of Lodz. It! is unofficially reportod that the Russians are nearly in Cracow." While there is every* indication that another big battle is Immlnen# in the west there is no evidence that it actually has begun. There has been fighting in Flanders, but this doubtless is,the result of the allies' attempt to take advanced positions. There also are reports that the Germans have evacuated several villages on the Tser canal and are concentrating on new positions. The British have taken over command of the Yger region, and, like the French, have heed strongly reinforced. It is believed that on the first sign of a German movement to the east in considerable force, She allies will take the offensive in the west. ?? ' i. FRENCH MAKE PROGRESS IN ALSACE, TAKING TWO TOWNS Paris, Dec. 3.?The following official communication tt*as issued by the war office last night: "In Belgium a violent bombardment of Lampernisse, west of Dixmnde, has taken place. f'ln the Argonne region the enemy lifts blown up by a mine the salient northwest of the forest or LaGrurie. One the whole "we are developing our progress on that part of tl?e front. "In the Alsace our troops have taken the towns of Aspaoh-le Haut and Aspach-le-Bae, southeast pi Jbama, S "On the rest of the front there If no tiling to report." anr HAS MM XWJS GOODS A boautlfnl display of toys an?!-*?*t^ty. ^ i;r. jHA* ZZ hiV'VtlW* Trotn Aurora. N, C., where he li *1 finished ti wfiyk?fsr <1"5 -Ttypivt J \ T ^1. rli A H W a. A 1 V# M. ^ ----- .= , jg>y/. * *" i i "ii i r WASHINGTON1 N. HHII IS POM mm The case of Sta^te vs. Charles Fagan for the shootfng of Andrew Breakers on Thanksgiving afternoon, .which was hegun before Recorder W. ll. Wlndley. yesterday afternoon at the courthouse, waa postponed until tomorrow afternoon, due to the indlsposltloh of Judge S. C. Bragaw, ono of tho attorneys for the prisoner The State Is represented by Capt. Oeo. J. Studdert and the defense by Messrs. Small, Mhcftean, Bragaw & Rodman. After the'State's witnesses had bfeen examined yeBterday the Recorder adjourned the "hearing until tomorrow afternoon, due to the Illness of Judge Bragaw. Fiifur n inn SIM The New Theatre will have. In addition to their regular program tonight, the South and Comedy Four, also the seventh serial of "Lucille the girl of myetery. :ow afternoon promptlyNat 3 o'clock the first performance of "Annette Xellerm&nn" In "Ifeptune's Daughter," will be presented. This Is the best photo-play''that has ever been presented here. The tickets for "Polly of the Circus" go on sale tomorrow morning &t 10 o'clock at Worthy & Etherldges drug store. No doubt there will be a rush for seat9, for this stupendous production. They carry 20 people two horses and three ponies. Prices. 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. TO FORM STATE UNION OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Columbia, S. C., Dec. 3.?With the purpose cf forming a South Carolina >tato union of the Christian Endeavor, a m/eting is being held here at which plans will be thoroughly | discussed. Nearly all Christian Endeavor societies of the State are rep| resented at this gathering, which wil' be continued through tomorrow. Columbia, with four societies, Is the [ Christian Endeavor stronghold of j tauth Carolina, and naturally takes f he lead in the State-wide union 1 movement. Karl Lehmann, field e secretary of the Christian Endeavor. 2 .vljh offices in Boston, is present and i will aid in the formation of the new . union. r ' ' ' i, REHEARSAL TONIGHT. -h * "frho first rehearsal of the play which is to be produced at the New s Theatre on December 17 under the \uspiees of the Pamlico Chapter, r daughters of the Confederacy, take* olace this evening at the home ol D Mrs. H. W. Carter, on Harvey street Vll those taking part are urged to bf nresent. ffin MED IT OTHER Til c D Washington is signally honorei pWs year by other towns from th IS Act that two of her citlsens are to b it .he orators jjleifc.Sunday at the an a- nunl lodge bf sorrow. Judge Stephe if CX Drags w wlU tnake the mbmorts 11 Vidros* before the Durham Lodge o Elk* ami Colonel Wtter G, Rod ma Is to make the^ address beflorW th e- l.odge of Jlks ln. ^shftMUe. A rlc e treat awa^i both the Durham an re AsbeYii&a lodges, id The addresn in Washington -will b ly delivered hy Solicitor JT C. B* Brinj . haus, of Elisabeth City. KER?Showers tonight and Friday. 1 & THURSDAY AFTERNOON I II HANDSOME -' ' DOLL m AWAY mi Tlie flyq and ten cent stQre la displaying In their show window a j beautiful $15.00 doll, which stands t nearly four'feet In height.that eome " smart little mlaa la to win on ChrlBt- r ma^ day. The doll Is to he given f by the proprietor, Mr. Jacobs, a und Surely la a lovely gift. S | Thh condition under which thla j lovely doll canr he secured only re- v |qulree Just a little bit of work and x no dotobt the fnieeea of tho city will c get busy at once and strive to win. * The doll will be presented on Christ- 1 mas day* to the girl tinder 16 yearn 9 of age who trims in her own home v the moat artistic Christmas tree with 8 ornaments shown and. purchased 0 from the live and ten cent store. s The contest will bo decided on 1 Christmas day by three disinterested f judges whose names will be given 1 later. The doll /is Indeed a beauty and has beep much admired dot 1 I only by the lijtle folk but the grown '>* ? an well, - 1 - * r IN CALLED-FOR LETTERS. r List of letters remaining uncalled t for In the postofflce at Washington, r N. C., for the wedk ending Novem- r her 28. 1914: Gentlemen?G. H. Brinkley, W. CCollins, Ruf?s Carney, Bosh Karnel. 1 Frank Edward Frank, Watha Flynn, Hubart Green. Frank GbbB, J. H. Houston, Rufus James, Walter Knox (2), Wm, B. North. O. W. Price. George Powell, J. T. Phillip?!, Frl. Aimy Staples, Millard Smith, Jno. W. ' Tucker. Thad. WHllama, W. F. Whitley, Robert Walker. Ladles?Miss Katherine Beatty? Mies Delia Qlark.. Miss Selina Guy. Miss Betefia Kornegy, Mrs. James Latham, Mrs. J.# S. Bobbins. -These letters will bo sent to the 1 dead letter office December 14th, 1914, if no# delivered before. In calling for tho above, please say "Advertised," giving date of list. HUQH PAUL, P. M. Mrs. Jar vis Passes at Hospital Mrs. Claudia Jarvis, wife of C^pt. Foster Jarvls, of Swan Quarter, N. C.t died this morning at the .Washington Hospital betwen one and two o'clock, where she had been a patient for the past two weeks or more. I tThe remains were carried to'Swan ] Quarter this morning on tho gas uom wnere mo tunerai win tai^e place this afternoon, conducted by Rev. E. B. Grant. Mrs. Jarvls was between forty-flve and fifty years of age, and leaves a husband and three children and one brother, Capt. Herbert .Griffin, to f mourh their loss. She was a consls. tent member of the Methodist church . and one of Hyde county's popular and highly esteemed citrens. Her death is to be deplored. Friday & SPEC I PuraSweet Print Butter i Boron's E. Milk, per can ..... 1 Arbuckle's Coffee, per lb Cci ica Pure Coffee, per lb 0 Poison's G*nb Coffee, per lb. e j 7 Bars Light House Soap V.i. . 7 I'kga. U$kL House Powders . . ? ? j 7 Pkga. Soap SWf*'it Armour's Star~*WffS; per lb. . . , P !?ql- - ? -- ' ^ - r h r: SPECIAL PRICES ON WANT O J">| " TO MENTION, ffUCH'i e NOTIONS, HV(U P j xnr LINE MEN'S ftATS J. E. " Phone 97 7 . v AILY 4ght variable wilad*. )ECEMBER 3, 1914 1PTUNE S J . DB? ?N IJOlOff Love, romance, Intrigue, humor, lathes and tragedy are the element; hat enter into tho beautiful story of Neptune's Daughtor," in which Antetto Kellermann. tho most perfectly ormed woman in %the world, will be een at thd New Theatro Friday and taturday. The impression made upon th^ relepwrs when the massave production ras on view for more tffan a yefcr t the Globe Theatre, New York, 1? est told by quoting from some of he eulogists -who pronounced it unurpassed. "Annette Kellermann rorks film wonders. These picture; re out of the prdlmrfy and are poch making," the New Y-ork ;un critic wrote. "Something new n film entertainment. Splendid erects follow each other in a way that 8 dazrling," tho Tribune relates. 'Annette Kellermann in 'Neptune'; >aughter' appeals to every movie an," said the World. "It is an riginal and diverting fantasy of the ca and Miss Kellermann is a real r.ormald," the Herald said. "The ictures are startlingly beautiful and Use Kellermann is even more fascllatlng than on tho stage," the Mall eclted. "In a single feature Anlette ^Hermann wins greater popuarlty as a dim artist than that which vas hers as a vaudeville star," thf Telegraph pronounced: "The most >r!U!antly effective screen produclon ever* projeted, whether in thi? ountry or in Europe," was tho vcr lict of the Star. So great was the popular demand n Richmond, Atlanta and other arge cities of tho South when "Nep.une's Daughter" was presented in hat territory recently' after ? run if moro than a. year at the Globfc rheatre. New York, it was necessary l.o extend the engagement in each ;tty. Wishes the Support of His Friends The primary for selection of Postmaster will be held ab the City Hall. Monday, December 4. 1914. I again solicit your first choice vote, if i( has already been promised, I will appreciate your casting your second choice for me. I hope every voter will cast his second choice voto ncording to his convictions and not be influenced by liny andldare to cast the seoend choico for the candidate that ho might select for you. My friends) may cast their second choice voto a? I they like, which Is their privilege. I aafc my friends to come to the City Hall and cast their vote for me which I will greatly appreciate. N*. HENRY MOORE. 12-3-t.f.c. VISITORS TODAY. Among the Washington visitors today are: Captain J. D. Bullock, of iLoechvllle, N. C.; Superintendent J. S. Mann, of the State Prison, Ral eigh, N. C.; Joyncr All!good, of South Creek,' and J. M. Holt, of Washlng ,, T-? Saturday I IALS ... i.. : 85c . i ?* ifip .|wi Jib.'-.:. ,v.. . 18c 18c ...J ^ asc . 1 ....: 2.*! .... :.:r~ 2s * last. " Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardlson ant* ihlldrcn wore the guest of Mrs. Ida Perry Sunday. n Mr. Floyd Perry and Mr. Orman ^ were the guests of Mr. Ralph Perry 0 Sunday evening. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cbesson and a children were the gnbat of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch I.llley Sunday. Mr. Ffd. O'Merry and Miss Irene p Kates were ou? driving Sunday cven-lF Ins. Messrs. Jo? Wlllard and Mr. Dave v Singleton were the guests of Misses 1 Mlntte end Mary Ella Jackson Sun- 1 day evening. We are having a full achol now ( since the people have lnished hous'ng their crops. Messrs. Leslie Hodges and Sam Williams were in our vicinity Sunday evening. Somebody was sad Sunday night. Wonder why? Messrs. Charlie Spruill and Harry Hodges were in our neighborhood Saturday night. Mr. Asa Singleton was a visitor at tho home of Mr. J .F. Harding's of Chocowinfty, Sunday evening. Ail right, Chocowiniiy, come on with your items. Singleton is coming. Moving by parcel post is the latest uso to be made of the malls in Glass Vall?7, Cal. A family moving there from Nevada sent most of their household goods by mail. It will take several 'days for the rnral carriers to deliver all of the parcels. > It is estimated by the Railway News that neariy ?8,000 men on the staffs of the twenty-five principal systems are serving the colors and! allowing for the smaller companion, the aggregate from the railways of the United Kingdom mast be about ?0.00?. ?? I N?tW .9 '01 h Team o Tomorrow The Washing ton football eleven 't this afternoon via the Norfolk uthern for Qoldsboro, N. C., where tomorrow afternoon In that town ey play the Raleigh school eleven rythe championship of Eastern rolina. If Washington wins, and ere are many that l^elleve she will, en the team will go to Chapel Hill J ;er and play the champion eleven Western Carolina for the State amplonshlp and a silver cup. The f .J im from here will be accompanied Superintendent C. M. Campbell, j| .. and Coach D. V. Floyd, of the and M. College_We*t Raleigh, who s been here for the past several v ys coaching the locals. Doubtless ite a number of citlscns will leave ro tomorrow morning on the early iln to witness the contest. Strong pes were entertained that a spell train could be secured, but the quired number could not be sored, hence the special train had to abandoned. /fj.-ffl The contest psomlsoa to be hard ught from etart to finish and llchover team wins can rest asred the victory was well won. iPlLL . I HOLDTBAZAAR FBI JD sm. I The Ladies' Aid Society of the , ai voi'iisi cuurcn win Hold a izaar at the ofllce of Mr, J. T. and. on Main street, near Blount's ug store, tomorrow (Friday) be- / j nning at 5 p. m. and all day Satday. They will have on hand a rge assortment of useful and fancy tides, consisting of laco work, awn work and embroidery, etc. They will also serve refreshments, insisting of country ham, barbecue g, oysters, salads, sandwiches, Ice earn, cake, coffee, etc. All will be sold at xnodor&te ices. By patronizing this bazaar >u will get your money's worth and ntrlbute to a worthy object. < REAT BRITAIN GIVES OVER 915,000,000 ORDER Chicago, 111., Dec. 3.?Orders agregatlng more than $15,000,000 ive been received from Great ritaln by the Studeba&er Corporaon, the manufacturers of automolles, wagons, sleds, harness and ther equipment of a similar charctcr. In addition to this order, hich moans employment to thouinds of men. a contract for 500 au>moblle trucks has been let by Eng. ind to the Thomas B. Jeffrey Autolobile Company, of Kenosha, Wis. j he Jackson Automobile Company, f Jackson. Mich., also has a con- , ?. ract for $1,000,000 wortr of autoloblles for the French government. ' Another big British order, let to he Cudahy Pack Company of South )maha, calls for 5,000,000 oneKJund tins of corned beef. As a re,ult of this contract the Cudahy Company has reopenod Its big canilng plant In South Omaha, which ,J lad been closed for several years. . "Alt LOAD OF APPLE* JUST iR rived. For sale cheap. Whole, sale. H. B. Mayo. 12-l-3te. \J|i MEMBERS OF NATIONAL A8SO. OF MASTER PLUMBERS' TRIAL Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 8.?the trial of the thlrty-slx officials and members of the National Association of Master Plumbers, recentl Indicted on charges of conspiracy In restraint o ftrade In violation of the Sherman * anti-trust law, will come before the Federal Court today. Pleas of not guilty have been entered by the v. counsel for the accused. The Federal grand Jury Indictment* were returned last June. All of the de- t fendanta hare been at liberty On bend. k Says Baker: Away with your ail-ret 3 and gold and shiny, medals for a Christmas present. They don't count - Km In measuring true friendship. Otre something that rightly belongs to ,-fl you. Tour photograph carries with It par tonal feelings and true friendship. No gift Is eo sacred as your | likeness in a nice finished photo- .'J graph. BAKER'S STUDIO.