V' THE MAIN INTl IN THE Ei BR, RESTS i ' ^?: i > London, Doc. 4.?With tue lull \p v the bottle In the west, which has becpme a hear* cannonade at wldely separated potato with only occasion* hlly infantry attacks. Interest cerf. ' tots In the struggle between the I Russians and Qcrman* In tho east. At last the Russians hare apW preached wlthla firing distance of K I?* Cracow, their advance from Prsemysl t having proceeded without real check. I -f They were reported todby 6> be ^ i: mounting heavy batteries around the town of tfelUcska, which they ocI oupled yesterday and ffom* which "the B outer forts of Craoow dua.be reached. I Important as this Is?for the fall of Craoow would lay open the roads o | to Vlegpa, Breelau and Berlin?the main Interest In the east continues B . to reet with the operations on the B| Irregular front through Lods and Lowlc*"?to the east Prussian border. PP Official pronouncements as .to progP v ' rest here are guarded and Indefcjlte, and Ml-a difficult to arrlvp at a con- I elusion as to the course of events. I *; ' It Is apparent, however, that a I HVW OilUO BUB UB?DlUiiWl auwtunw* v , of hoc1* where the Germans have formed a new line with fresh forces ' brought from Kallscud Ve again trying to penetrate the Russian center. j. The RoeelaM, too. hare had time to straighten out their line and, In 0 eyes of the allies, another, battl^ following so closely that Just <8nelud^d In thla region must help thei^; In the long run, for, it U argned. win or lose, the Germane muet h? farther weakened, and, to addition. ?<n^a , t will hare to turn their attentioi#to tty R???U? offense sgslhst Silesia and around Cracow, a On the other hand, GertnawtoxBit III ' SUED IS HE it. 1! ' i , r> , ?? I "The CMrl Who Dared," a musical comedy, win be "presented at the ^few Theatre Thursday .night/ December 17th, by the Mlaaes Burkhetmer, ht Charlotte, under the auspices of the locsl Chapter of the1 United Daughters of the" Confederacy. This attractive play has been presented In a score or more cities In the* Stkte. and has proven to be the biggest "hit" In muBical domedles by 1' "home talent.. The plbt If Intensely interesting, the lines clever qjgd I spier, and them uslcal numbers most V artistic, consisting of beatfflful I dances, newest song hits and attractive choruses, such as yachting ** chorus, summer girls coquettes, bathing girls, hotel maids, hobble girls, evening chorus, rose glrlsf'etc. . Rehearsals are now in progress, be* log held at the armory. Rehoai^al /. tonight at 7:tO. CONTRIBUTE TO- FUND. x At the meeting or the Foreign Missionary Society of the First M. E Church last Monday afternoon at tin home of Mrs. Hannle T. Latham or West Second street a collection wai taken for the HomelM* Belgians ^nt f. $1.00 was realised. MEET THI^AFTERNOoi. / 14 The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of tho First M. E. Churcl *; met this afternoon with* Mrs. Charl* * Wahab on Weet Second street Thi "ineeting was much enjoy.ed. CHOIR PRACTICE. -?-* > The members of thef Eplscopa | ;* chwrch choir are requested to me4 at the ohurch this evening for prac Um .1 I SO o'clock. All lb..mem I km ?r? arced to be preeeBt. | T*" "******* I New Theater MISS ANNETTE IMLLERMAN " I ' 1 *? I. ^EPtLNE-S DAUGHTER" B Only ooe eh?w ??ch. metlneee All 1 nl,ht \st still ? Around lodz | pert* believe that defeat for ttvf Bu?-V slaus would enable the Gorman generals to unite all their forces for ano|her blow against the allies la tto west. There has been no newa for some days df tfi? fighting In the Caucasus or In Egypt, but ' throughout 'the 1 whole of Africa more liveliness is 1 anticipated, now thdi Gen. Christian 1 Do Wet haa been. captured and Qen. Louis Botha^can carry out his original plans,of moving agalnsUGerman oathwset Africa: the first Australklan and New Zealand contingent have' # been landed In Egypt fopvtoperatlon* against the Turks, end Portuguese [reinforcements have reached Angole to take the offenetvo against the Germsns on their - African borders. The political event of the day Wa^ the premier of Italy's announcement I that nothing bad' intervened tc ; prompt Ilaly to alter her policy of neutrality. FRENCH OFFICIAL REPORT CLAIMS PROGRESS IS MADE Paris, Dec. 4.?The following of- 1 flclal communication was Ukued by the war office last night: 1 "The only Inter dating news rotate* to our right wing an<M0'ihe day of : December t. On the right bank of I the river Moselle we have occupied ! Leamenlls an! the Signal of Xon. ' , ?v "lb the Vosges our troopa havr captured the Tete de Faux, soutt^ftf ( the viy^ge Bonhomme, which dominates the range of hjls farming thf ' frontier and has served u an observatory for the Germans. * "In Alsace' the station %of Batjphaupt has been occupied and we harr cstViflshed' ourselves on a line com prisjng Aspach. the, bridge'of Aspect c.ni Burnhaupt." IEMS. lIFIiB! iUCIM The Washington Beaufort and Land Company la still doing* baaineaa aLtho same did stand. No entei^rlse bad ever'been started in this city.which carried with It more Industry or enterprise. Their* record, for the past'week 4u>Wp .that they are atill actlvo ^nd abreast of the times. This wellknown^ Arm last week sol^ths M. Q?SIngIaton farm* and ? the Mcorc houee *nd lot, and awCpur/ hnn?<f >hn To<*V RrrtWn farm nnH thr Bonner Water* farm. Th<?^Jack Brown firm li situated near Old Ford, closely located near the Old Ford'ehurqh and school ljouse. Thtr (afift? to In every xeapeet. Two ooroers have already been disposed of. leaving a balance of 36 acres well > adapted for farming, which is in ttcellent shape. The beauty Is that this cad-be purchased on easy terma It la a bargain. It will pay any citizen to visit the i cmco*ot this company and see what they have in store for the would-be pujpbaser. As stated above, the i Washlyton Beaufort Land Company i Is an enterprise that should be enI Couraped. Mi : HUM :, ffli niii ( : ' There were, eeveral caees before His Worship, Mayor Kugler, this . mom lag at the Cl(y Hall for disposition. Those tried were ha follows: 11. W. Adams, assault; guilty and fined fB.R and cost, f Laura Norrla. disorderly conduct; fined $1.00 and the cost. if. Maggie White, disorderly conduct. She was attaohe4<with the cost* Edward Smith, assault; fined $5 > and the cost. . ? ? ? f * CAR LOAD OF APPLES JUST AB^ r,7d#Hro? "jj* r jfvv *3 IIIv^WotL" ? ' ' * - -M?'- ' 1 " > /' "' -.! . .'. WkATH PROGRAIII WHS ' EM I I M.l(. On Wednesday evenltfk, undfr the ilrectAn of Mis* towry, the music teacher, there *m given a mnslcal at the school auditorium it Aurora fori the benefit the school. Quite a neat Utile sum. wa%| realised. The program wm as follows^ ^ J f' Chorus-j-Boy Scouts. \Xi> Instrumentafduot?"Misses Bonner ind Roborson. . Instrumental duet?Miss Butt add Bryan; V"' . .-^V? Instrumental duet?William Shaw 3onner and Charlie Mldyette. Instrumental solo?Charity 8w1n-, leU. Instrumental solo?Miss Mat tie looker. "( 'v {- * ' ' n , ; l Instrumental eolo?Helen Thomp-' KUL' ^ 0 J:; ' 'J .*r.'V QR . Instrumental solo?Miss Kathleen Bryan. 'A ' V instrumental duet?Misses Bwin*< leU and Thompson.^ ' . Instrumental soIoXmIss Eula Ray Soaner. ^ ^ Instrumental * solo?Miss Vena 3tott. " . >v ' Instrumental duet?Miss {Hooker ind BVttt/ Vocal duet?Lois Hndaell and Anile Whitehurst. Vocal solg-pKenlth Jbnes. Instrumental tolo?Miss" Bessie luilforCv ' Iiwtrumental solo?Mamie Holi. ? > Instrumental duet?Morat Lee and Helen Thompson. ' Instrumental solo?William Shaw Conner. Jr. Instrfftnental solo?Charlie Midfbite, Jr. iMtrujMptftl du*t?lflasee Lew. sry. and ^ " *Instrumental solo?Miss Mflybell Ce&cham. *' V' Instrumental due??Miss Butt and rran. ' # . InsUurn?uttal aalo^ylas.Mat IdU* rirompeon. Vocal quartet?^sees Hooker, Iollday, Bonner add Redditt. Instrumental solo?M*Ss Sarah buttt Instjumental solo?Miss Marina Roberson. T Instrumental duet-?Mlsase Hooker ind Beacham. , Chorus?The cl&^n 9 Pftntomlne?"The Star Spangled banner," Miss Kathleen Bryan. All whovattehded were pimply deighted Vlth the prograjn. mm " vvmu 1 BUM wi tmpin Mrs. Norwood L. Simmons and Mrs. Louts Mann collected on yesterday from one end'of Market street f 1^.00 for the Red Grose Seal cam ?algn which la now In {p 11 force ic Washington. These ladles $xpect tc make a much bettfr teport wlthlc the next few days. Mrs. Robert L. Gotten, who wai appointed as a member of the com mlttee. was Inadvertently left out 11 the list of the committees published She is doing a fine work for. thi fund. ' f? STUDENT VOLUNTEERS v MEET IN 8E80IO1 Genevas N. Y., Dec. r?Over. 60' delegates ?re now In this city to at tend the Student Volunteer eonven tlon of ^co-ordinate colleges.. Vhlc will open Its three-day ?e*slon'h*r this afternoon. The convention !r eludes ths dentral Ijtow .York* SUi denu Volunteer Unl^B. Hobart sn William Smith Colleges received th visiting delegates. / OPERATED l-PON. . t 4 Mrs. Granville Jones, of flout Creek. N. C.. Was operated upon i the Washington Hospital yesterda; Her condition today Is reported t be slightly Unproved, although h< conditten Is still precarious. , The many frieads of Mr. 8 . J the Crystal Ice. Company, will t pleased to learn that he Is fmprovli fyom hia rccont n sgos on. jPF Ju) 1j '-'A.1 1 ~ . C FRIDAY AFTyNOON DECEMBER 4. 1914 j Ek/'ist. Leon as Polly >, -- <J||HRw5Jjl5afe.v '' ' *31 al-5 r : isy *1'iV'SBr ' I ' I I iff'- ^HP^' K*? '" i ' Jpff. J? V, , ... S In Polly of the Circus MeW Theater Dec. 8t " . "s ' * p<niy of the CIrcua" Is a genuine Rgr7/*f/m PS #n/J metropIlUn success. It stayed a i-,c,l/#u'< * w'iU solid year at ,the Liberty Theatre. t \t "vt - ? New York C!l* During that ton^ _ -?SI OW TS CCLV period tb4-Mttiaeos-eww -enormous, , , indicating that threatre patrons $200 JS/LCL7 really enjoyed Margaret Mayo** delightful romantic comedy, "the ..pro- v ductlon to be shown at the Ufw The receipts for the Chrlstt Theatre Tuesday, December 8th, 18 fund for Homeless Belgians now t< tn. original, except for fcbuilt ,19a ](. M ,bown by ,be Ust bel W- ^ "t ? Hoped that tomorrow's re, achiever! srdendfd *umuw Ir. ?ho title ,row lest season.' will bi~ seen I 11' ^',1 tlw 8um bc?".<1 th0 1 again as Polly. She wlll.be aa- hundred dollar mark and headed sisted'by a capable company of care- three hup^red. c fully chosen players. Send gifts to Savings & Trust i Seat, on nnle today at Worthy 4 Ban|t Qf WlaUltlgt0D, or j. Etheridge's drug store. Dragaw, Jr. r 1IKRK TODAY. Previously acknowledged ,.?191 ? Miss*" Barbara Gray Myers. . 1 Messrs. T.' H. Hodgoe. Old. Ford: Mrs. P. J. Berry 1 J. H. Davenport, Acre, N. C., are Maul's Point school ,! among the Washington visitors to- * day. *19' i -HIAWATHA' INDIAN PAGEANT PLA\ ' - PRESF.NTKD BY EDGAR A EL AIM ROE Literhry Sifclety East Carolina Teachers Tfainin School, Greenville, N. C. December 7th, 1914, 8.30 P. M. Old Tribal Melodies. Indian.Dances, Indian Costumes, Ct toms and Ceremonies True to Indian Life. Vivid, Specta ^ ular' Presentation of the Indian in His Surroundings. Admission 75c& $I.OO ill . n . Friday & Saturday SPECIALS f Pur? Sweet Print Batter .,,. , 85c 0 Borden's B. MBit, por can ?... y 15c h A r buckle's Coffee, per lb, 18c h Corlca Pure Coffee, per lb 4 . ... 18c e PalClub Coffee, per lb. 88c 7 liars Liflbt House Soap ........... t 25c d T Pkgs. Light House Powders 25c 6 7 Pkgs. Soap Ships -. 25< Armour's Star Hi\ms, per lb 10c h v ? * SPECIAL PRICKS ON MANY OTHER THINGS TOO NUMEROUS r. TO MENTION, SUCH AS SHOES, DRY GOODS, " NOTIONS, RUGS, FRl'ITH, SOTS. f SEW USE MEN'S HATS FROM Mr TQ *4.00 EACH. 1 J. E. ADAMS :j=.? r NEV mmim MARRIED 10 F J.BJE1PSBY This morning at 10:46 o'clock at V the Christian church on East Second street & quiet wedding took place which was witnesse^jy only a few frlei^f. parties Midyette, B. Demp^ j^^HIPi^mgton, N. C. The cerej ^Pwas impressively performed by W The pastor of thee hurch. Rev. Robt. V. Hope. Immediately after the nuptials had been performed the brido and groom left on the Norfolk Southern for Norfolk *nd other northern cities on their honeymoon. The bride is a daughter of Mr. O. K. Stilley, of Edward, N. C., and counts her friends throughout the county as legion. ) . The groom is chief clerk to the local agent of the Atlantic Coast Line in Wilmington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey will reside in Wilmlng ton, N. C. This paper extends con * gratulatlons and best wishes. PLYING SQUADRON " AGAINST LIQUOF Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 4.?Brooklyn will he visited today by the Fly?? |ng Squadron of America, self-styled "Enemies of J. Barleycorn," in thr fight for prohibition which that body ic making. Over two hundred citlef hare upon the list to be visited by that organization. They will remain here until December 6th. A number of prominent speakers and workerF for the cause of abstinence are accompanying the squadron. Accord , Ing to the members .Its object iq tr be without prejudice to. or Interference with the fundamental princi- , "/C pIe* or P?l,ole9 of any organization now in the field; It does not represent , any political activity .but is merel> , nas an attempt to crystallze into action , >tal the sentiment of those opposed to ^ ow. U?u0rlort risi at the an i factory 3.26 On account of the boiler at the ? tobacco stemmery being out of commission the oyster roast which was ^ scheduled to take place there tonight will be conducted at the Smith Shirt factory. The Harness are giving the feast In honor of the entire school ol tho First Baptist church. The evening !la (being anticipated with pleasure by all who expect to attend. g NEEDS OP THE WARRING COUNTRIES OP EUROPE Washington, D. C., Dec. 4.?ReIS porta have been received from varilC* ous parts of the country which show that the pressing needs of the warring countries of Europe are proving of great benefit to American Industries, for a number of plants and fac-! ' tories have resumed operations on """~~| full time since the placing of orders from these countries whose trade is not usually given to Americans. The Bradley Knitting Company, of Wisconsin, has secured contracts for more than a million dollars of knit goods' for foreign delivery, and is now running its factory day and night. Very optimistic reports come from Iowa, where the farmers are rich this year owing to the high prices received for their grain. Of four hundred factories In the Des Moines secttoif not one has had to close. Cheerful reports come from North Dakota, Ohio, Missouri, North Carolina and llliaoi*. Livestock and grain are "bringing good prices, and i while people are still holding on tc their money, the feeling in genera much better now than 1t has ?beer 1 In some months, and nearly every on< Is looking for a good year in It 16. HAS RETURNED. J Ira. Laura Brown arrived In th' last evening from Qptroit Michi where she has been spendtn tral w* 3ka with her brother, Rei art Barber. While in the city sh he guest of bor son. Mr. Harr ? ?B. , f 4 ?' J mmmmg __ GUI SHOW Iff THEATER 1 OinONIGHI I Annette Kellermann. who appear* n the moving picture drama, "Nepune's Daughter." which i* to be >ersented at the New Theatre tonight ind Saturday night and matinee Saturday afternoon, ie an Australian >y birth, but an A? sericsn by adopJon. Sho Is not or'? the moat cele- f ' \-jBM trated swimmer in the world, but a iwordswoman of no mean ability, (usiness possessing a figuro which ia tald to vle*wlth the statue of the rolobrnted Venus of Mllo. It naturally followed that a wonan of so many charms muBt get nto the movies, as moving pictures ire familiarly known, so a gorgeous Irama of sea and land was designed o properly introduce Annette Kelcrmann, "Neptune's Daughter" was he result. It is a fairy story of Old Neptune's, god of the ocean, father )f the mermaid and ruler of tho "? M leep. N'eptuno's daughter falls in ove with a mortal who proves to be jrlnce of the country whose shores ire In clpse proximity to the island Home of the god of the ocean. By irt magic she Is transformed Into mortal, saves the life of the prince iy her wonderful cleverness with the sword, weds him. Anyway, the story Is well calcft-. mrt ated to display Miss KeltfUUM^ skill as a diver, endurance at % swimmer, ability to wield at award * ind Incidentally those UMlfold jp -harms mentioned above. i Aim women ikb'*: wudrt* J*<_ fGO.OOO to produce so the-pictnrs nay well bo called "a gorgeottt at well as interesting series of M* and landscapes with nxanw adventwrnT In order to produce the fllm It was necessary to go to the BentfUMlf tvhere coral reefs, submarine grottoe, long stretches of sandy beaches,* bold headlands, long rollers and mighty surf, as well as a smooth sea ato to be found. The result Is a series of pictures which ran for a year in the Globe Theatre, New York, and broke all records for attendance in Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta and other cities in the South. ? 2 EX-PRESIDENT TAFT SPEAKS AT Y. M.' O. A. ANNIVERSARY Brooklyn, n/y., Dec. 4.?Former President William H. Taft will speak this evening at the anniversary dinner of the Brooklyn Young Men's Christian Association. Another noted Daniels has pointed out that such a will bd Alfred E. Marling, of Manhattan. the chairman of the International committee of the Y. M. C. A. For years the Brooklyn association held a dinner each year until 1905, whon the practice was discontinued. ACCEPTS POSITION. Mr. D. M. Lewis has accepted a position with the Southern Furniture Company undertaking department. He has the best wishes of his friends. HERE TODAY. Mr. I. T. Clark, of Chocowinity, was in the city today. HERE TODAYMr. C. A. Hollowell, of Aurora, N. C.. is among the Washington visitors today' O O RAILROAD NOTES. O G The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad have flled with the Interstate Commerce Commission new tarlfTs showing a general increase In passenger rates to become elfecive Deoember 15. The rates will be on the basis of 2 1-2*cents per mile. ? It is reported from Lima, Ohio, that an order will be placed there shortly from one of the foreign naI tlons, following closely upon the or> der given to the Galdwln Locomo1 tive Company from Russia. s Says Baker: Away with your silver and gold and ehiny medals for a Christmas preftent;/Th{y don't count in measuring true friendship. Give x something that rightly belongs te ? you. Your photoft-aph carries with c - it personal feelings and true friend- j K ship. Mo gift ia oo oacred as your ' likeneee in a nice finished photo ? graph. ' BAKER'S STUDIO ' * I ll-l-**

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