"ARMS AND T1 I NEW THE, Witt Be Prtstnttdby the U L Dramatic Club Tfie Pi I , A Rich Treat is m Store J L I This famous comedy which Is toj io pfeeented. by. thf I'nlveraltjt of* V North Carolina Dramatic Club at Mai New Theatre tonight. baa bean 4 the aabject of a arcat daal of fayor abla erUlclem. la referring to It the p New York Herald'aaye:. LI - It la eaecDtlaUr fa entertainment for dramauo eplcariana. for people B who are aatlatad ?ltb plota.' nausc atad with cUaifxaa^ digested .with Ifarcal fun, and who vialt the plarHlbnuae onlr whan eetnethtng la ofHf farad that eaa make theua forget. I Of euch material la "Arme and the Man." We cai*a not. a rap for the tent-atory which Mr. Bbaw haa to tall aa. Neither doee Mr. Shaw., JJla BmIo object la to eaoaa the clever, H^clral portion of hla audience and MBjlrrltata aa much aa he can the I coodr-noodr onlooker In both lnI atancea he aucoeaded admirably.* Bui I area the optlmlat oceaalonally Join B the arnica In guffa of laughter Washington Poatofflce: ~ Am the time la near at hand for the primary et which * nominee for appointment as Postmaster will be elected, I want to ask the support { of erery patron of said office who is Qualified to rote to attend this primary and fire me their first choice rote for Postmaster, and those who hare committed .themselyes for first choice I sincerely trust will cast their eeond choice vote Jor me. I 1 shall feel grateful to all wtio give me either their first or second choice [V rote. I " Ah It Win ho Imnnaaible for me to see each and every voter In person before the primary I hope to see you on that day. Please retpember that your vote will not count for me If you'ptaya borne. Very respectfully, W. M. SWANNER. 12-1-8ts f , MF.KTK TOMORRO.W. ? The O. Henry Book Club will mee tomorrow afternoon at three o'clocl at the residence of Mrs. /W. A Blount, on East Second street. / full attendance o^ the members 1 t desired. PBAYBB MKOTING. There will be prayer meeting ser fe vlcea In ell the different churche I of the city this evening at the usua hour, to which the general publl * has a cordial .invitation to attend. i i HOVEP viwjrERDAY. I 0 Mr. M. M. Worthinfton and famll moved to thalr new resldonpe at th corner of Harvey and Second strept yesterday. . T* . , f' "liitY - ':v. -i* ii 'i j'-'fj v New Theater ASSOCIATED FILMS. THE BEST THERE IS Every Night k J im 1 / % kf I J IE MAN" VTER TONIGHT niversity of North Carolina ices Are 25c, 50c and 75c. For Those Who Attend. x j !>'"/ '*: ' " W ? ? # .' vfw '*> r r things, la do thing mora than dangerous Idiot. The Idea la carried through 1 rem ?end? to *?nd with remarkable ease, I nearly tempted to say viruosity, and the author's nedtness of workmanship, fOrsakeu hlm not even when yon think he toast come to the! end-ot the Joke. He'seems, moreover, to have gOne to the palna really making hlmsolf aeqnalnted with Bulgarian men sad manners, which cVoarlr paovea that In spite of much flippancy he 1b not all lacking In seriousness." ' 'hose who were fortunate enough to ace the play last.ygar will remember the. remarkable work of Messrs. Coggin, Weeks and Kerr. The Dramatic Clnb Is very fortunate In having those men in the egst again this year, and there can be no doubt that they will uphold the. Ugh standard that the. club has set for Itself in the last few years. The new men have shown remarkable power also, so much in fact that the clhb may rightly claim an all star cast. Mr. H. V .Johnson, of Charlotte, la playing Nicola; Mr. J. L. Harris, of Raleigh, the Russian officer; Mr. C. D. Webb, of Aahevllle, Louka; Mr. E. L. Applewhite, of Wilson, Sergius; Mr. Meridlth, of New Bern, Ralnn. Tickets on sale at Worthy & Etherldge'o drug store. Admission 25, GO and 76 cents. BUT inn mm The Washington and Beaufort Land Company is surely doing a fine busIneEB so far as disposing of real estate is concerned. Last Saturday this enterprising Arm disposed of three tracts of land. , The M^pellus Wallace f^rmj situated near Plnetown, N. C.. was disposed of and too the Bonner I. Waters farm. . In addition two' plats of the Jack tlfeowh farm, near Old Ford, N. C., was aoja. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION A8f JCIATTON MEETS Richmond, Vh., Dec. 9?-There met here today the National Society* for the. Promotion of Industrie Education. For many months information has been sought In all part# of thp ; country for use at'.this convention and much good will undoubtedly result.? The main purpose Is to formulate plans tor improving the oppor tunltle^ for training and preparation for the vocations. The committef in charge of .this survey include Dr t Leonard P-. Ayers, of the Russeli s Sago foundation, L, W. Hatch, oi the department of ' labor, Albany i Charlaa H. Verrlll, bureau of laboi s statistics, Washington; J. A. C Chandler, superlntehdent of schools Richmond; Ch^rlea.H. Wlnslow. bu reau of labor statistics, Washington - Charles R. Rlchads,' director Coop-ei # Union, New York, and.C. A. Prosser 1 secretary of the National Society 'fo e the Promotion of Industriaf Edttca tlon. V LAYING OF THE RED 7 KCROM OORNKR-STO: * Washington. D. C., Dec. 9.?On * of the important works of the Amer can . Red Cross Society at its annul - meeting which began here today wl bo the laying of the corber-stone t the women of the Civil War. Pres dent Wilson opened the moetin trom the White House In h\s cap*< Ity as president of the organlsatiol > jkif. IN THE Mr. Samuel ^oyd, of Plnetow: I was in the city this morning on bui 4j?gM ed People vote in t IK I \ f I i M I m ' W I wL' 1 *^L^W ^ . WASHINGTON' N. C iMlT; CMS IIS pim "Polly of the Circus," a play I which has more genuine merit than J dozens which are fair more prtten- I tlous, aid which Is full of lessons Ljl for thote who will heed them, was % the attraction at the New Theatre 4 last night. 4 "Polly of t^e Circna" Is different I from the average drama becailse It * endoavors to solve no problems and 1 mak^B no claim to teaching morality 1 or anything else. It is simply a pure, 1 wholesome, enjoyable story of real c life, with Its little touches of pathos J and t its touches ol'humor, a story 1 which show's that real good may ex- 1 1st and does exist most everywhere and Is not copyrighted by some nar- 1 row-minded Individual Who makes t religion a living horror. Elsie St. Leon is the Polly of the c plec^, and Miss St. Leon is unques- '* tionably clever and well adapted to the part. She is not only a decided- ! iy clever little actor, but hhe is a rider of ability and a member of the famous St. Leon family which have 1 been' noted riders for years. ' Scott Moore Is the ftev. John 1 Douglass of the piece, and Mr. Moore makos an excellent minister, who Is a man as well as a minister. C. Gouraud is the Big Jlm? a boss cangasman of the piece. He is an excellent type of whole-souled hard-flated showman. John C. Sanders Is excellent as Deacon Strong and Wlll'nin Mowry is the Deacon Elvorson. R-jfla Sanders does a splendid piece of work as Mandy Jones, the housekeeper for the minister,, ncd George Walker Is excellent as Hasty Jones, a colored eervant and husband of Mandy. Though he has but little to do. M. Wood does splendid %ork for a child In the part of Willie Wllloughby. The remainder of the company is large and thb members thbroughly capable. There is a wealth of excellent scenery in the piece, much of which has to do with a tent show. 1 The audience gets a better insight Into a circus and the kind of people who travel with the show than they "would In any other way. One scene shows tho Interior of the main tent with an oxcellent circus performance iu progress, and there is some- excellent 1 horseback riding and acrobatic work. Naturally thiB proves an Interesting feature. Funds For Belgians Is Increasing Up today the Belgian Fund for the relief of the Belgians has reached the high mark of $232.29. subscribed through the treasurer. Mr. John G.. Brngawt Jr. This Is a most creditable showing. In addition to this | amount the following have ?ub( scribed: J. B. Buckman ... $1.00 | Mrs. J. F. Buckman ... .. .. 1.00 f J. F. Buckman, Jr 1.00 W. C. Davis, Jr., Pungo, N. C. 1.00 'r C M. Williams 6.00 S. F. Alligood 1.00 Margaret Williams ...... .. 1.00 ^ Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of M. B. Church.. 5.26 The systematic efforts by railroad j authorities to cut down the accident] Met by suppressing trespassing on the tracks Is bearing frntt. FOR POST MASTER. * Remember Monday, December 14, e our Democratic Primary fo* thd nom1 lnation of a Postmaster will be h'el'd, il apd those who receive their mall 11 from this office, either by R. F, D. 9 route or otherwise will be permitted 1- to vote if they oome to the City Hall g cn that date. s- I earneetlje request all my friends a. to attend and give me their first choice vote. Those who cat* not give me first choice, please caat your secn, ond choice vote for me. 1- Thanking you in advanoe. A. J. COX. ry* - ' r i -* > . r> v^bbrk^f .v ;. ' W'<1 IKR?Cloody toalght ud Thursday ; Wednesday \fternooi SUCCESS IS a FOB IU London, Doc. 9.?The great battle or possession of Poland continues rhe front extends along throe hun Ired mllos and victory over a< par >f It, at leate, appears to have fallei o the Germans, while the Rusaiani ire pressing on Cracow in the south That Lods Is in the possession 01 he Oermans seems undoubted anc c Russian official report "Jest issuet ipparontly Is preparing the public or the newt by referring to thj dlfT ulty of defending the cl^y, whlet ;lves to the Russian front an abnor aal contour, and forescasta a re ormlng of the line. Details of thefte mighty battles yel cave to be wrlUen. The general fac] hat there haa been fearful slaugh' er and intense Buffering from thi old comprises about the total of the nformation received. The Germans claim they are pur iHng the Russians south and aoutb>ast of Lodz. Several American correspondent voto with the Russian army whei he battle broke, but nothing ha leen hoard from them for severs lays. Evidently they are under thi land of a strict censorship. British military experts Insist ths ;hree-quarters of the best materia >f the German army has been hel< n' the western theatre of the wa: hroughout the campaign and tha rodps opposing the Russians consls principally of second line organlxa ions. 'The'French official report las light announces that the German lave made a violent attack on thi illles at 8t. Eloy, south of Ypre? rhlch was repulsed. This may i'renewal'of the Gbrffiati attempt ti latter through the allied Uneh. Else srhero. In the west there have ^>eet inly local -engagements.; Austrian and Serfian reports' con tlnue to claim success 'for their re ipectlvo sides. Servia reports a vie tory In the northeast front, wit: nearly 2,000 prisoners. Vienna say the Austrian advance south of Bel grade Is progressing. Apart from the battlefields, th officially announced Illness of th Qarman Emperor In Berlin fror bronchial catarrh with fever. Is th most interesting news of the day. IN THE CITY. Rev. A. C. Austin, of South Crepl n. \i., arrived in me city tnis morr Ing. He returned to his home thl afternoon. He is always a welcom visitor. 1ULLIARD PLAYER8? LEAGUE CONTEST Grand Rapids. Mich., Dec. O.George Su^ton~ind Calvin Demarei will take part In the champion bl Uard players' league contests whic open at Millers Blllard Academy t< dty. v 1 The Drai o University of PRE ' Bernard "Sh m NEW T WEDNES Tickets on Sal dy's D Admission tstmaster, one vo ? place and time, ( - ? i K DECEMBER 9. 1914 wr RitRGSIED FOR i mm \ On Monday night tbe milk cow of ? Mr. R. L. Cotton, who resides on I i. Ba?t Eighth street, was stolon from t bis yard. Next morning Mr.-Cotton, V when ho went to milk his cow, as If j i' Sis usual custom, lo and behold the ! . las missing. After searching <31111l *snAy she was found at Washington I 1' Heights, minus of her hide, but the I Carcass was intact. Coming back to i * town Mr. Cotton found the hide In I - pe possession of Mr. Richard Hud- < i Ion, who had purchased It froin a ! - hegro by the name of Staton. Mr. i ' Eotten Identified the hide by the I marks. I Staton was arrested\and will have 1 I k hearing before the Recorder this ^ dgfternoon. The cow was prized high|* Jy by Mr. Cotten. Her capacity was ? ' three gallons of milk per day. - INTERSTATE FAIR AND i I BABIES' HEALTH CONTESTS ** St. Joseph, Mo.. Dec. 9.? list of t hooks on "babies' health," and other i "hovel features and devices tending g co roar a more sturdy younger gen1 oration for the benefit of posterity 3 iform an Important feature of the * Economic division of the Missouri t Federation of Women's Clubs at the , ] Interstate fair which opened here toj day. City and country babies In the r js^ny contests are so classified. The : I jfost prizes in each class will be the , t "expenses of mother and baby to the . State baby health contests at Colum- < bla in January. : f m extra ! DANCE TONIGHT The palcyon Club will give an extra dance this evening at the Elks' e Home immediately after the performe anco at the New Theatro'by the UnlQ reralty of North Carolina Dramatic 6 Cluti. The dance Is given in honor of tho Dramatic Club and all visitors have a cordial Invitation to be pres'? ant Thfi H n n ne% nrlll Via la/1 hr \lr l" S. F. Burbank, Jr., and his partner, 8 Miss Elisabeth Hill. The music will e be furnished by the Forbes orchestra. 8 THE CRESTITE CLUB. it The Cresclte Club will meet tomor1 row afternoon with Mrs, Claude Carh row at her home on West Second >- street at three-thirty o'clock. A full attendance of the club Is desired. matic Club F THE North Carolina SENTS aw's Comedy & MAN" HEAT ER DAY, Dec. 9 e Monday at Har?rug Store. 25c, 50c & 75c \ ting a minute, it wi Zity Halh Dec. 14th. " nev CHAMBER OF ( HAD A GI - ;i>' .?Jj *11 j A very enthusiastic meeting of tlie Chamber of Commeroe was held last evening In their rooms in the Baugham building on West Main street The meeting war presided Dver by the president. Mr. George Hackney, Jr. The feature of the occasion was the presence of M-. B. E. Rice, land tnd industrial agent