- # Iff! -? London, Dec. 10.?The vicinity off the Falkland Islands, where the British squadron sank the German Ktf cruisers'Sekhrnholrst, Gcelsenau and lyelpslg, mad the success J>t the Indian troops on the cult of Petals.' they' compelled surrender of. a Turkish army, have tor the mo* e men! overshadowed. so far as England! Is concerned, the larger events which have taken place on (fo continent of Europe, jp; . ,-*flue slaking of the German cruisers materially lessens the jnenace to British shipping, while the success of the Indian forces gives Great Britain control of the Peielan gulf and the Delta of the Tigris and Euphrates and threatens that part of Turkey on whleh German railway builders have had their eyes set for many years. ii * WS CANT BE SATISFIED UNless you are. Therefore we sell everything tinder a money-back ffUfcrnte*. J. E. Ajdams. 12-10-3tc New Theater FBIbAY - NIGHT rj' ^ Eighth Installment of ' . "Lucille Love" \ THE GIRL OF MYSTERY 'f t v ia'.i K, . ' C': y, ? V;-,- 1 ' > COMING -'..K AnotlMr Great Serial "TREY O' HEARTS" Price 5 End 10c. [Come earlj, and * UISERS Y LESSENS: IMAN MENACE Inflicted henry lpsses. particularly In the Argonne and nerth of Nancy. I Flanders now Is considered fairly safe from German attacks which, when they do materialise, it is believed here, will bfe directed more at the French .centers. Russia has at last admitted the occupation of Lods by the G+mans, i but fn &n official statement today declared her soldiers evacusted the elty i 15 hours before the Germans' occupation, changing their position with- < out the loss of a single man. 1 It |s apparent from the various of- l flcial reports that there are converg- i log, German movements on Warsaw from the north and the center, com- < binedwlth outflanking movements to i the southeast of Craciw. The success i of any qt these movements woulA i reaulre the Russians to turn bacF i from Cracow, which they have not , done thus far. As a matter of tact the Russians- assgrt thai they have Inflicted a "grave defeat" on an Aua tro-Germsn force which tried to get around their left wing. A later Aus strian report, however, Indicate partial success in this region. Reports of tba. serious illness o4 the Ghrman Emperor coming through Amsterdam, have not been con (tamed. It is known the Emperor If suffering from bronchial Catarrh, tc which he is subject, and is compelled , to remain In bed. He is able, how , CYor, lu ITOITO uuii'.nr; ropurw. i Ills DANCE ! TAKES PLACE ! KM The ,H?h=joa OH ?ttl 1, ftgpHdpCfrfIhtoU^Ptneo&n the erenin g of Monday, December 26. The children's .dance, which is th4 ^nnual custom of the club, will take place from 8:80 to 10 o'clock, after which the regular gerraan will follow. / The dancevwill Jiejed by the efficient leader, Mr. S.*F. Burbank^J.r. The music for the occasion will be furnished by the Forbes Orchestra. Quite a nhmbor of rlsiting ladles and gentleme^ are expected to be present.' BELGIAN FUND CLOSE DI " * The Daily News desires to correct two errors occurring in yesterday's list of contributions to ihs RAlrlan 1 Fi^n'd. The name Margaret Williamshould read Margaret Nicholson and, the amount sent by the , Women's Missionary Society of the M. E. church should be $6.35. The fund has made a big advance since yesterday, as the result of a splendid contribution from the teachers and pupils of the colored graded yhpol. The following letter received by the treasurer explains itself: "tye the teachers and pupils of tho colored Graded School, beg leave to submit the following contribution: Gra4? 1C .$1.84 Grade IB . 1.00 Grade 1A .6* Second Grade 86 Third OMjde B 25 Third Grade A 55 Fourth Grade . i ',. .. .. 1.80 Fifth Gride .... .... .. 1.08 Sixth and Seventh Grades.. . . 3.60 Eighth-Grade 1.00 Total $10.17" This Is a noteworthy effort, apd emphasizes the feet that'the pitiable fUjferlng of those In the atrieken country Is betng ministered to by our people of all races, creed and color. All honor to the teaohera and pnplls.of the colored graded schools of Washington. . .'{ The treasurer adVlses that the d People vote in th cast your vote for r iV ' , r 1' , - 1 (j -I = J, WMsmmv-ciMrt 1 1 " i ." .. = WASHINGTON1 N. IKBBi! rem is in fitim 9 "Who is going to be the next pott matter?" This la a question thai cannot be answered just now, although the respective candldatet with a certainty say they hra tur? election. Jf The primary is to "belbeld on Mom day, December 14, and everyone ol the six candidates are sure of success. The indications are that soma body is going to be lefc who !U Is not in the province ot the Dally News to state. r ? All the candidates ?rs working with a. will and the "prospects ar< that the polls in this city will bt more than lively on Monday, December 14. As to who is who is yet s mooted question. Every candidate approached by a Daily News man ii sanguine of winning out. dommunrry service ' WEEK AT' CHOOOWINITY On November 30th the patrons of the. school and others interested met it the school house and organised i school Improvement and common [ty service league. Th$ work for the following Thursday and Friday wa? [hen planned ?nd leaders apolnted. On, Thursday the men came together in three gTonpa, one to work % portion of tho road between thli place and Washington, one to talu aach of the church grounds, clean uj ind set out trees. This work wa* tone . yery effectively. ^ The school house-a?d grounds' wa* the field for labor on Friday. ' %L1! necessary repairing was done.and the grounds were thoroughly cleaned kfter noon a short program war given by the children In observance ?f North Carolina Day. + ? ' *?bis work* left a permanent organisation to carry on work 6t this kind in the cofmnnity. fre fee! that A great deal of good has..keen, gcoonapliahed-+bj .nrouSfn# s more enthusiastic .Interest In- the people. TO ATTEND LECTURE. Mr. G. A. Phillips, Mrs. G. A Phillips, Mrs. James L. Mayo. Mlsi Florence Wlnfleld and Mrs. W. R. Bright, left -this afternoon via the Norfolk Southern train for New Bern, N. C., to attend a lecture it that town tonight. They expect t< return on the midnight train. WILL . LCEMBER f5TH -A-I -V .; %rfxypy. fund will be closed December 15th to allow time for the money to read New York and be cabled to Europ* by Christmas Day. Those who wisl to contribute will please take not' of this fact and send their gifts b; next Tuesday, the 16tb. The money may be left with Sav ings A Trust Co., the Bank of Wash lngton, or J. G. Bragaw, Jr., treaa urer. The list of givers today stands a follows; Previously acknowledged ..$248.7 W. Baker, Aurora, N. C.. . 2.0 Cash 1.0 friend 1.0 Colored Graded School .. .. 10.1 O < * i PUNGO ITEMS. O, -i 1 We' are having some very dii agreeable weather now. I. Dr. W. jr Bullock, of Belhavon, I 0., addressed tbVP*?Pl* ?' Dlstfl* No. 2 on FYIday, the ^th. All Joyed it very much. A dinner wi served on the grounds.' * It was a very bad week for cor munlty service week, although rfgl much was done. We have mar other things to do as soon as tl weather permits. A crowd of young folks gatherc at Mr, C. C. haul's Saturday nig and report a pleasant time. e Primary for P me. Remember th C THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1 m. BELL IS ft! HIS 1 RESIDENCE Captain Benjamin Hall, of Hlckt ory Point, N.C-, passed peacefully away at his home last night between i twelve,and one o'clock, according to ) a phone moaange received , by the Dally News this morning. The cause L of his 'deathvwas doable pneumonia, ' r from which he had been suffering j I for the tfast'ten days. Captain Hall j was about 55 years of age and held (n the highest t^eem In bis cpmmunlty. He lea^i a wife and several children to mourn their loss. The funeral took place this afternoon , from his late home and the Interment was fn the family burying ground. ILL HIE mm in SECEItEK!) The chie^ of engineers has directed a reaarrey of the harbor lines of Washington, North Carolina. The field work has been done, and the harbor line from near Austin Point md In front 6f\tl& city or Washing, ton to a point at the mouth of Kennedy creek, near the north bank; has been tentatively"located and marked on the fclte at the intersection and I ends of tangents by stakes,, boards and piles, marked H-l to H-ll, ln, elusive. A public hearing has been ordered with a view- to considering the feasibility, or otheKvfse. of the lines ( marked as combined pierhead and bulkhead harbor lines. The establishment of harbor liuos . authorizes riparHn owners to extend ! structures to the limits defined by said lines, without first obtaining the consent of the Secretary fit War, as is required in other cases. In order that all parties interested . in the harbor lines may be given full i opportunity to express their views as to the lines proposed and to stg-J gest such modifications 9s- they maj4 r desire, a public hearing will be held, i in the Federal building, Washlng) ton. North Carolina, December 29, 4914, at 11:30 a. m. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend this hearing, and particularly requested tp examine tho I line as marked before that time. It 1b preferred that, as far as prac-1 Iticable, arguments and statements be submitted la writing. H. W. STICKLES, Mfjor, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. I DON'T POKGET US WHEN YQC ? want fruits and candidates. We sell II tbo best at. lowest prices. Phone B 97. J. E. Adams. 12rl0-3tcf ? . y Friday & ; spec 0 Pore Sweet Print BuU?r .... 0 Borden's E. Milk, pee can .... 0 7 Arbnckle's Coffee, per lb. ,...., Corica Pure Coffee, per lb Fulsan's dub Coffee, pee lb ^ 7 Bars Light House Soap 3 Pkgn. Light House Powders . . # 7 Pkgs. Soap Ships ^ Armour's Star Hams, per lb. ... 4. ' ' ct j. SPECIAL PRICES ON MANY D is TO MENTION, SUCH* / NOTIONS, RUG! oit NEW LINEMEN'S HATS IT ^ i : J. E. i M Phone 97 . *o8tmaster, one vot 'T */ t. r A ' A. ie place and time, C? Iff ?I !? l? h teapvitm DECEMBER 10, 1914 DRAMATIC * CLUB GIVES 110 SI* The Dramatic Club of the University of North Carolina preeented at 1 tha New Theatre last night "Arms and the Man." While the audience was not as large ae hoped for, still those present were appreciative and the efforts of the club weer well received. The following was the casti^^^d Captain Blunschlli. . . Major Petkof? Catherine, Petkoff's w^P^^T . .W. D. KetT Louka, the Maid W. D. Webb Nichols, the Servant. .U. V. Johnson Falna, PetkolTs daughter. ..... Mr. Merldlth Major Saranoff. .. .E. L. Applewhite Russian Officer J. L. Harrison The scene of the production was in Bulgaria. The attraction was well worth the p^ce of admission. It it to be hoped that this club from the State University will visit Washington again. # Home Talent In Girl Who Dared Dec. 17 Let uh not forget our neighbor. The undertaking is a worthy one and Bhould generously be encouraged by every citizen. SCHOOL SUPERVISION CONFERENCE OPENS TODAY Iowa City, Dec. 10.?Under the auspices of ^he college of education and the extension division of the University of Iowa, a ^'conference'" on school supervision was opened here today for a three days' session. Dr. Judd. head of the school of education, University of Chicago; Dr. Curtis of Detroit and Dr. Lutus faffmari professor In the school of administration of the Universtiy of Illinois, will speak. Prof. CofTman Is an accepted authority and has written books upon "How to Teach Reading" and "How to Teach Arithmetic." MISSIONARY MKKTIXO. The Woman's Foreign Mlsslonarj meeting of the First Methodisl church will meet at the home of Mrs W. H. Call on East Main street to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. A1 the members are urged to be present Business of importance ts to be trans acted. AM FOR THE RED CROSS SEAL! Mrs. Edmund Harding and Mr | M. A. Smith, who are canvassing tti buSienss edition of the city for Re Cross Seals, up to the hour of goin to press, have reported the Mtrge sui of 923.50 and they have not as yi completed their territory. This cor mlttee Is surely to be congratulate on their efforts. Washington cil sens are responding generously. Th city has always been liberal In eve undertaking and the purchase of R< Cross Seals goes to show again th Washington Is abreast of the tlm< W take ten hours N. HENRY M W 1 1 11 m ' -r 4H If*. 242 Jj !> Dance light Enjoyed | with C. M. Fleming, Jr.. Miss liitif | Carrow with Hugh Williams, MIm Linle Hill with 8. F. Bur bank. Jr., Miss Annie Grist with Mr. Herachel Johnson (U. N. C). MIm Mildred Rumley with Joe Mayo, MIm Emily Harris with L. C. Warren, Miss Fa^- # nle Lamb Haughton with F. 8. ^ Worthy, Miss Annie Grlseom (Greensboro, N. C.) with Win. A. >1 Blount, Jr., Mirs Eleanor Berry with Fred Moore, M>b Lassie J. Williams with Charlie Voore, Miss Elisabeth Tayloe with Albert Willis, Miss Isabel Carter with Henry Moore, Miss Burkeimer with Mr. Applewhite (U. N. C.). Miss Burkeimer with Mr. Meredith (IT. N. C.), Mrs. Lewis with D. M. Carter, Jr. Stags?Mr. Joe Jacobs (Raleigh, N. C). R. D Kear, L. L. Savage. Mr. Harbison (U. N. C.), Mr. Webb (U. N. C... Mr. Clarksou (U N. C.). Chaperones?Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Cleary, Mrs. E. S. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cox. 'nniiuiTTPrn iiummintiiid ARE iXING I flHIB i Misses Ethel Fowlo and Mar? Elizabeth Thomas are the first Res l3-10-8te for them to vote. | PORE. J _ .,a<,