B cf w m wk / ' slftJ flkMANS CON | TO HAMMEI THE Rl Bond on, Pec. 11.?While the deB or the German squadron 1b the Hh Atlantic has evoked great satHctlos throughout Great Britain, e have been no celebrations such ^Barked the victories of the South j^^B^caa war. the 'British people too much wrapped up in opera-j of the allied armies on the con^Bte lack or news from Poland 3a&oa uneasiness regarding the outkVne'of the prolonged: battle bethe Ruaslans and Germans, ^B reports from prance are consldhere mopt favorable to the allies. ^^Bhe dally communication from ^Bs shows that the' Preach have making slow progress at many HtB for a fortnight, and atevlew ^H.by a French eye wltneiw Tot tht| ^Bd from hJoverabSf 32 rio Decemclaims that tbb ascendency of ^BTrench Infantry and artillery ^Bhe Germans have been estab^Bhe French headquarters report ^B night adds little to the geperal B>wledge, as it sayp the situation is ^B banged, which Indicates, however, t the positions taken have been ^Bntalned. Berlin states that the ^Bnch attacks In the Argonne have ' repulsed. Is apparent, however, that with withdrawal of German troops to Henffthen the. armies in the ea&t. Hp allies have, pushed their lines jHward In many pWtcea/ Hrte Germans continue their effortr ^fcmash the Russian armies. While ^ trge part of their force in endear-! to hold^the Russian centre, Hkhar army Is advancing from Bast ^HLl^a to the east of Mlawa and] KMT MR GUEST Mf. and Mrs. Samuel B. *Forbe*' ve an oyster, roaet at theh- home East Third street Wednesday i aping last -from eight to elorcn in of Mr. and >lrs. Mercer Gallatr, 6f Wilmington, N..C. The tunc n Was thoroughly enjoyed and the ists proved tOk.be par excellence In air role. Quite a number were I esent. Mr. Gallagher Is a nephew I the host, who holds a responsible I iitlon with t}ie Atlantic Coast Line I > Wilmington, N. C. <r ' : ITIONAL GRANGE * MEETING TODAY Wilmington, Del., Dec. 10.?Most I i ten si vo plans have been arranged r tho entertainment atAl facllitatI g the work of National Grance I il'ch met here today for eleven day* nference. About 3,500 delegate* cS*ont. During tho Arst week, the I (' >ra all parts of the country nrr I th, sixth. and seventh degrees win I A conferred on a large class. HELD WEEKLY DEBATE. I I' john H. Small Debating SoU ^ty" of the Washington Public I chooli had their an A uaV weekly.de I wte this afternoon in the Bchool au r ltoriutn. m CANT UK RATIFFIHD UN less you are. Therefore* we sel Y im#Tthing under k money-bac> guarntee. J. l?. Adams. 12-10-3t< New Theater TONIGHT L< v ' Eighth* Installment of "Lucille Love" L THE GIRL OF MYSTERY COMING , <Another Great Serial [ "TREY O' HEARTS" I COMING! COMING! Entire Christmas Week I ' THE SOUTHERN HKAUT1ES" i, i i i .. '.i i '??I Hi am the only cc \i . L\ \2- rf'1 v I J B J TINUE t AWAY AT ISSIAN ARMIES Is attacking the Russian right in an effort to cut communications and enter Warsaw through the back door Heavy lighting Is going on Bouthweat of Lodz and southeast of Cracow, where the Austrtans and Gor maps are endeavoring to get around to Russian left and force these troops to retire from the fortrees^ The Germans are repeating on a Urge scale their favorite taetles o! outflanging the opposing forces. In j this they always have gained Initia'. successes because of their ability; with better means, to move thai* troops'quickly. The Russians, how ever, heretofore, have met thepi with overwhelming numbers. I The defeat of the Austrians by the Servians Is virtually admitted in thr Austrian yfflclal ropcAt, which Bayr that bocause they have met atrorr hostile forces Austrian trqope have been ordered to occupy more favor able positions. This sudden turn of . events in fhvor of the Servians is a mystery, bu^ ft is possible-they have received re inforcements from Russia or morr guns and ammunition from somfriendly country, or It mhy he'tha some of the Austrian troops werr withdrawn frofta Servla after the oc cupatlon of Belgrade. Whatever th' j cause, the Servians have Inflicted r ! severe defeat on tho Invaders. t Latest official reports from BerlB say the German Emperor's health i much Improved. It Is believed th bronchial attAck, to'which he Is sulI Ject at this time 6f,the year, wnI well under control before th? fact o' ' his illness was made public and the he probably will make a quick rc , cdvery. STOSES? wiiih Mil No siore In tho city Is more attractive so far as a holiday display o! toys, Christmas novelties, etc., thai. tuai 01 too won Known firm of Ruse Bros. Their show windows are be 'ng much admired by the pedestrian: and especially the little tots. Th' windows are artistic and unlquo lr. their get-up and is the work of t member of tho firm, Mr. Jas. R. Rush The entire storo simply groans witT Sifts for both young and old. It will pay the _Chrtstmns shopper to pay a visit to this well-known emporium Hubs Bros, are always abreast with the times and this Yuletido soasor they are proving not to be an excep tion. WILLIAM W. DICKEY PARDONED FROM PRISON Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 11.?William W. Dickey, of Sherman, Texas I convicted by court-martial of graft charges In the handling of stores, and sentenced to five years, was released today after having served two year* of the term. Dickey claimed . thai he Was innocent of wrong doing and was the victim of a ring. Influential men ,ita. Virginia, Texas and Now Hampshire interceded in his behalf . and secured his pardon. He bar taught night school for the inmate: duftng his' incarceration and b*, been an expert in clerical wort. I jj 1 FOR POST MASTER. ; Remember Monday. December 14 our Democratic Primary for the nomination of a Postmaster will be held and those who receive thetr fyai' from this oflle?, either by R. F. D route or otherwl?o will be per.-iltted to vote IT they, ootne to the City Hal' on that date. I earnestly request all my friends to attend and give hte their flrs1 choice vote. Those who c?n riot giv< me first choice, please cast your sec nnd 'choice vote for me. Thanking you In advance. A. 3. COX. MHpaanaBOHB indidate that statec I ask my' friends oi )AY. DECEMBER 14. FRC WEATHER?G WASHINGTON' N ffl* 1 HIE ? I'M IFII Eugene MacDonald Bonner, whose music 14 remembered with. pleasure by many of our people, Is acquiring renuatldn abro.nl ag a composer of aoufjs of a high order. He ha? had published in London threo songs which are "-commented upon by the publication. Musical Amerldh: 'Three Songs bj" Eugene MacDonald Bonner, a- young Atnorican musician, are is sued by the London publishing house, Weeks & Co. They are 'A Desert Night Song," 'Pierrot Stands l4 tbo Garden,' and 'Sicilian Boat 3ong.' "Mr. Bonner shows in all three a creative girt that'has much promise. It ia^not yet mature, nor could one well expect it to be since the conposer la still a young man. His musical ideas are definite; he does not strive to be unusual and his harmonic sense is keen. "Best of the threo Is 'Pierrot Stand?.in the Garden,' & setting of a lovely poom by Sara Taesdalc, -vliich Mr. Bonner reflects perfectly in bts music. It Is dedicated to Mabel Garrison, the American '.oprano, who has recently been enraged by the Metropolitan Opera loose and who scored so decided 1 success there at a Sundav concert *e;i,e weeks afro. Miss Garrison .'Mrs. George Siemann in private If?) is the wife of George Siemann. formerly a member of the faculty in hoory at the Peabody Conaeryatory n Baltimore; it was under Mr.- Sicnan that Mr. Bonner made his studies, "There is a certain melodic appeal in 'A Desert Night Song,' its prelude of open fifths being its most striking feature; the 'Sicilian Boat Song' Mr. Bonner has Inscribed to the Individual English composer. Girl Scott, ^rith whom he has also stuJlod. There are a.few 'Scottisms' In it?doubtless - obeisance to the masdor?added, to '.which ii contain^, a .fluent melody and a smooth accompaniment. "Mr. Bonner has set out along the right paths in (composition, and it is to be hoped that ho will continue along these lines of sanity. Ho has Pagination and a certain poetic insight that should make his.later song abtable." Since this was published Mr. Bonner has set to music "Earl Mcrtoun; Song," by Robert "Browning, and "Three Men of Gotham." words by Thomas Lov? Peacock. The latter lis characterized as a very fine sonc for a baritone voice. vwnTimn nn mm or L0C1LLELUVE l_in The New Theatre will have In ad dltlon to their regular program to night the eighth Installment of "Lu bllle Love," the girl, of mystery. Thl popular play house will start wtthi: tho next ten days another great serla photoplay, making two serials a wee! '.hat they will be giving their patron; The name of the new serial Will b "Tho Troy O' Hearts," which Is sal to be one or the best aerials eve released by any film exchange. Fc Christmas week the New Theatre ha made special efforts to secure somt hlng good for' tho amusement c '.heir patrons, and they take pleasui !p announcing that they will hat for' Xmas woek the "Southern B<r-ai ties," tho beat" popular .vtaed tnua ml comedy that is now touring tl: road. There is no do'.V but ths the many patrons of this house wl my tliat^thia Is tho bpst troupe th: has ever been 'here when' they si the openltig performance on Mo k day. December 21st. A COMPLETE LINE OF CHOO late and othor candles for the ho day trade. A. It. Styron & C Phono 47i. . 12-10-3 I I through letter or n the rural routes >M 6.30 to 7.00 P. M. OWE ????????? neraljjr fair toulglU and Salardaj. I. C FRIDAY AFTERNOON HIAWATHA AS PRESENTED PSIA Hiawatha, as a pageant-play adoi ed from Longfellow'* poem, was ve successfully given aj tho Trainli School, Greenville. X. C., on Decei her 7. Tho whole*cast of 66 chars tors was often on the stage at.oi [time. Symbolic dances, games at Indian occupations were features thn play. Miss Marguerite Wallace of N< Corn starred ae Hiawatha and Ml Ernestine Forbes, of Greenvlllo, d sbraa remarkable acting as Hlawatb A very beautiful scene was t wooing of Minnehaha by. Hiawath The enow scene, or the death acei of Minnehaha, was beautiful ai Realistic. Tho departure of Hlawath westward, was very luipresslvo. Tyro Washington girls were In t! play. Miss Sadie Bland made a ve attractive Indian maiden. Miss B< tie dpencer was one of the toni-tc beaters, who was very much in e< deuced during the play. Thero were many beautiful, spc tacul&r and picturesque scenes. T costumes wero furnished by a cc turner tn Baltimore and were ve picturesque. There was music iur'ng the c-nt1 play jind some very beautiful sol were bung by the v.ocal students. The, play was adopted and stag by Miss Mnffly. * ' I.KPT Tdb.W. [ Miss Mary Edmunds, who 1 ucvq uuc ui inu cmcicm innmitrn Ifco st'OTc oP E. W. Ayors & Son tl reason, left for her home this moi to* I If . - ^ . - . ?~r Who ha3 promi POSTJt ;i - Supports rr MONDAY I will be e yourself m; jI > i ! Charles : Friday I I SPE Pur? Swwt Print Rattw . . . j. Rorden'? E. Milk, per can . . Arbnckle'n Coffc?, per lb. d r Corlra Pur? CofTr?, p?r lb. . r Fulaaa'a Club Coffc?, per lb. * 7 Bars Light nous? Soap . . . >- . . ,( * 7 Pltfts. Light House Powi1?n e 7 Pkgs. Jk>.ip Ships ...... . ^ Aripour's Star Hams, per lb. n- 1 '* SPECIAL PRICES OX MAX *. . TO MENTION, 8lT? it 4 >V NOTIONS, n M . NEW LINE MEN'S IU B- ' . o- J. E. t Phone 97 tC j ' " ; J press that would arid in the town. rm Fracdai teoipcMtwp. . f '' ?' ' DECEMBER 41, 19U Ilsmari steiikeb ib e 511 grade 0 ' >t- Grade 6A of thp Washington Pubry lie Schools. Miss Florence Wlndeld ag teacher, had charge of ^he opening exercises in the auditorium this Qe morning. The program consisted of id songs, recitations, quotations and of dialogues by this grade. All the numbers wero heard with pleasure m by the entire school; Following the id program by tho pupils in this grade, ia. Mr. Edward L. Stewart simply he charmed and captivated all present ia- with a short addresB on "Ideal Citlrenahlp." His cardinal thought was ad ia that the children of today will ho the i * citizens of tomorrow. It was a mas- 1 tprpiece of thought and once again Ty places this gifted young speaker in st, the 'forefront. . fl im Each Friday morning since the school opening In September these | exercises havo been held, starting ^ with the High School. They are jj0 proving to be not only interesting )R_ but instructive. No program was Ty more enjoyed than that of today. iro VISITORS TODAY. 05 * Among the welcome visitors to ed Washington today are Messrs. D. D. Sawyer, D. T. Herring, Charles Over ton and D. U. Martin, of Royal, N. C ON" THE RAILWAYS. [RE ? at The schooner Casey Jones is on als the rnSlways at the Mutual Machine rh- Company undergoing extenslyo rcpnirs. ? i Citizen ! isedme his vote for i ASTER Le at the Polls , December 14 lected. Prove y friend. Sincerely, La Morton i. Saturday CIALS S5? 15c ? .... 18c . . * 18c 88? Vic i ...... Tftr 25c !? Y OTHER THINGS'TOO NUMEROUS H AS SHOES, DRY GOODS, !UGS, FRUITS, NUTS. lTS FROM SOe TO $4.00 EACH. ADAMS ' Washington, N. C. * I give up my present to give me their sup ??? KM MM : 1SJ1AISED Ono of tho attractive features of the annual Lodge of Sorrow h?ld by the Elks at the New Theatre Sunday was the prayer delivered by the chaplain for tho occasion, Mr. J. C. Meekins, Jr. It has been highly complimented and justly. Ills prayer follows: "Our Father In heaven; we thank | Thee, that In Thine all wise wisdom "and bountiful mercy. Thou hast permitted v? to again assemble in this our annual 'Lodge of Sorrow,' to perpetuate the memory of thosp deceased brothers, who have gone out into the 'Great Unknown.' -We-thank Thee mark of Thy displeasure upon uh. "We thank The for the young members Thou hast permitted to come In this lodge; may they grow up and be Instruments In Thy hand for good, may they be an honor to thempelves, an honor to society: an lienor to tho Order, and above all, a pleasure to Thee. "We beseech Thee, O Lord, to be with us during the coming years of our lives. Enlighten our minds with a sense of justice. Fill our souls with a spirit of benevolent charity. May our hearts overflow with broth-, erly love for all mankind. When we I shall go down into. 'The vallev and I the shadow of Death,' may the star of Fidelity brighten our pathway, and may our lives have been bo spent 1 that when the 'Grand Reunion.' shall assemble In that clime beyond the stars, not one of us shall be absent. Amen." Dollar Christr Now Tc The Dollar Christmas Fund for the Belgians now totals the handsome sum of 1265.91. There are four more days in which to make con; tributlone, and it is hoped that the check sent on from this city may be at least $300. A letter has been received from Mr. J P. Andre Mottu, Belgian Vice Consul at Norfolk, Va., to the effect that I the Norfolk oommltte will commence I loading a relief ship at that port the latter part of next week to sail the | week following and that If any of our citizens should desire to send GAVE SOCIAL in unNflD nc i 111 iiunuu ui mm Mrs. Mattlc Cordon gave a social to the Bright Jewel Society of the First Methodist church yesterday afternoon from four to six o'clock. A neat Bum was the consequence. Delightful and delicious refreshments were served. It was a delightful occasion from beginning to end. Mrs. Cordon is one of the most indefatigable workers among the young people in Washington. ENJOYED LECTURE. Mr. George A. Phillips. Mrs. George A. Phillips. Mrs. James L. Mayo and Miss Florence Winfleld returned from New Bern last evening where they went to hoar thp lecture ol Virgil O. Strickler, which was held at the Christiaiw Science church, ir that toidn last evenlpg. Quite t large number were present and al enjoyed the address immensely. DON'T FORGET US WHEN TO! want fruits and candidates. We sel the beat at lowest prices. Phon 97. J. E. Adams. ll-10-3tc business and give r \port. All voting u N. HENRY i = If#. *3 IT WHS HOSTESS TO BOOK CLUB Mrs. W. A. Blount was hostess to the O. Henry Book Club Thursday afternoon at her home In Second street, receiving the guests in her usual gracious meaner, There were a goodly number j resent and a moat Interesting and instructive mooting followed. Tl.j president. Miss Rodman, presiding, called the meeting to order promptly at 3 o'clock. After roll-call and reading of the minutes, the literary program was In order. The subjects, "Falstaff," by Mrs. C. M. Campbell, and Shylook compared with moder sShylocka by I'8.,Xorwood Simmons. Mrs. CampU's sketch of this "Prince of Good? * Fellows" was Inimitably put?ao * cleverly depicting how wit oftlmea triumphs over knavery. Her descriptions of this mendacious creature were delightfully droll; painting as It were, a perfect comic portrait. Mrs. Simmons' comparison was skilfully drawn and her delineation of the crafty Shylock was indeed a literary triumph, showing wonderful research and graphic understanding of one Shakespears most noted creations: dexterously portraying the author's Inspired conception of thla In the great lesson to be taught "By deeds of the law then shall no flesh be justified." The club reading for the afternoon was the first act of the Merchant of Venice. After a delicious salad course, served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. A. Branch, the meeting adjourned to meet December Slat with Mrs. Mary Blount. aas Fund itals $265.91 provisions or clothing, the name will be gladly received. The NorfolkSouthern Railroad will handle contributions free of transportation charges if addressed to the Vice Consul and marked War Relief Donation. Further Information may be had on this subject upon application to Mr. J. C. Bragaw, Jr. The list of cash contributions to date is as follows: Previously acknowledged. . 1262.SI Mrs. H. II. Hunter, Plnetown, I X. C 1.00 IA friend 1.60 1 Edward L. Stewart 1.00 nT/?r%n nn A A mim mm WITH GIFTS FOR IMS Washington Is now beginning to take on holiday attire, notwithstanding the fact that there is a war raging in Europe. All the stores ara more than attractive with Cbrlslmaa novelties and gifts, both suitable for the Juvenile and grown-ups. Visitors are here galore daily *aminlDg the many bargains that ara being offered. From now to Christmas eve the prospects ara that tha stores will hsva a rapacity attrsstton. ' NEGRO HANGING IN rOTirMBUS. CJA.. TOR AT ' Columbus, Ga., Dec. 11.?Reg ! Toney, the negro convicted of rnnrr during his brother, paid the penalty ' by being hung today, i i 1 MORE GOODS FOR SAME MOVW or same goods for less nasney. We have the biggest end bast stock ( J groceries, fruits, shoes, men's 1 hats, dry goods, notions, etc., at o lowest prices. J. E. Adams. 12-10-Ste t ny entire time to | )ifl be at City Hall I MOORE. Jj

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