m f 1 B I ^ * ' -? (ki Board of County'Cemmlsalou- 1 *ri mat,la regular monthly session < at the courthouse Wot Monday and 1 Tnosday Tha following business waa ? transacted. ?V|"r5 (' '* ' f The commissioners- elset, consist- , ft MM Messrs. W. E. Swindell, c. P. Jf; hyeook, H. C. Brsgsir, W. S. D. t V and W. H. Whitley. organised i for the ansnlng two yaara by tho election of W. *.. Swindell an chair- I man, to succeed himself 1 L C. Warree was re-elected attor- I V Bey to the bdard for the conning; j term to succeed himself, at a salary ot 1150 par year . O. Rumley, Register of Heeds- < , elect, preeeoted his bond whlch'.wne I aoeopted and upon taking the oath s waa Inducted h?to offloe. i O. A. Paul, Clerk of Superior ^ Court-sleet, preeented his bond wblch t who socepted and npo* taking tha < prascrlbed oath, waa inducted Into c T offloa i W. B. Wlndley, Sheriff-etect, end .1 *. R. Mtxon. Treasurer-elect, pre- c seated their odlctal bonis end. npan them being accepted they, were duly 1 Inducted In their office. t Constable elect of Bontigo . town- t ship, W. B. Smith, presented his 1 bond and ho' wan Inducted Into his 1 office. W. D. Urerman. constable-elect o! 1 Both township, prsseeted his bond < and ho was inducted Onto office. ' J. P. *Tyer was appointed assistant 1 recorder for Bath township. F. H. Bryan was appointed assls- 1 taut recorder for the city of Wash'- 1 lngton, Washington. Lone Acre and 1 Chopowinity townships. His bond was presented and aooppted. , 1 A Elbert O. Weston, clerk for the 1 recorder's court of the city of Wash- ' lagton, Washington. Lone Acre and ' Cbocowlnlty townships, presented hie 1 , otidal bond and was duly Inducted r I into his offleo. ' : V ' B. T. Chauneey, cpnstable-elect of ' Washington township; presented hlr f\ bond and upon taking the prescribed oath, was Inducted into his office. T. N, Tydr, recorder:$lect for Batb township, preoentnd his bond and was Inducted Into his ojflice. 1 Constable-elect O. I. Bonner, of ' Richland township presented his offloial bond and was inducted Intp office by taking the prescribed oatb. ' Ordered Jennie Clark, of Chooowlnlty. - be allowed 12.00 per < f-. month until April, 1215. (Physical I . disability.)*' ' Ordered tfiit Sylvlp Clark, col., of i the City of Washington, be allowed ! $2.00 fbr the month of December. (Physical disability). Ordered that the convicts be hired to J. A. and 8. W. Wilkinson for the month of January for the sanle price 4xat they are now paying, which 1* 9300.00 per monm. Ordered that the clerk to. thla| OFFICERS ill TEAR j " ' \\ ' At the laet AhUii of Pamlico .l\ hoist, Knlahti Of Prthlae, at their c-^ kail eror" the Ftrtt National Bank Thnradar evening la?t. the following arncara vara named tor the eneolng ymi: J*" . ; .-..."v"' ?. T. Powle?C. 0. W. B. Harding?V. C. W. L. Vang hen?P. ? J. J. Whitley?M, W. I>r. A. S. Walla-?K. of B. and 9. J. 8. Hod gee?M at Jr. - * T. H. Bryan?M. ot E 8. C. Pegram?M. at A. h. r. Bhav?I. to. ' C. .C. Oratok?O. O., Tr'neteea?A Mayo, F. C. Kugler and F. oard notify Geo. T. Leach, chairman )t the road commissioners of Washngton, Long J Acre and Chocowtnity ownsblps that tha amount due the aunty by the maid m las So a* must be >ald by January 1. M ; ^ ) * Ordered that the Register-of Deeds 1 >rder a book, for the recording of * naps. 1 A petition signed by the bar of ) Jeaufort county asking that ho Jury. c >e drawn for the December term,of * Jeaufort County Superior Court was. c )resented. * ' J ~ 1 )t appearing to the board that the I aid court Is for the trial of civil ( :asae only and that It convenes on 1 December $1, 19l4, thereby creating i hardship on Jurors, litigants, wit- 1 lessee, lawyers, etc., and it further kppearlng to the board that the ac- c ion of said bar meets' the approval >f the presiding Judge over the :ourts of the first Judicial district t is, therefore, ordered' that no Jury J >e drawn for the pne week term o' c tourt beginning December SI, 111! a Ordered that D. D. Harrison Ir t lereby appointed standard keeper fov c bo county tor the euaulng term o ' wo years. % 1 V. M. Parvln was re-appolnted 1 >ridgo supervisor. c Ordered that the Insolvents for thr a rear 1913 be given to ex-8herlff G 5. Ricks for collection for which hf a to be paid'25 per oenc on all hi collects. l Ordered tlfa.t J. E. Adams he allow- 1 ?d,to list his stock of goods, ware* 1 md merchandise In the city of WashngtonAmount of tax. $14.70. 1 We the undersigned pollholderr 1 fo hereby certify that the foUowinr i s a result of an election for the t wtabUehment of a graded school district In Chu?owlnlty township, Jctober 8, 191*. , The number of Q1ta1I8ed voter* * hho registered were-61. For sp?cfa'( < MX, 28. * V ' ? Against Bpecial tax. IT. < O. MOORE. 5 J. L. ROBBIES, O. W. RAKER. It appearing from the abov^ re- * port that in the election referred to 1 \ majority of the Qualified voters roted for "special tax.'* it. Is now ?rdereg that the tax proportioned be levied' at- the next regular time > for levying taxes, to-wlt: 80 cente ' on the 1100 valuation of property md 90 cents on the poll, and that said taxes be collected 'by the pherlfT i ss all other taxes and to be paid ' Into the hands of the eonnty treas; arer. L. H. Ross, county surveyor-elect, presented his bond and upon taking the oath wpaldducted Into his offloe. Ordered that O. Rumley, clerk tb board, advertise for bridge-keepers for all the bridges now having keepers. . GET WE pimm i uriu run BIBB ' M . - , * The Southern Express agent, Mr. Wr4 ,.'f? * " * " J HAVE RETURNED. Ex-Sheriff Ad Mrs. C*eor?e E. Ricks N returned yesterday! from Blades vtlle, N. C.f where they went to attend the funeral of Sheriff Kick's sister, Mrs. George Harris. Earl Fisher ^nd Eddie Melser meet in Clnclnatl" Monday for a bout. 1 didate that stated ' ' " ' ? Mill FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Market street. Rev. R. L. Oar. >a tor. Regular services Sunday Doming and evening at the usual tours, conducted by {he pastor, who taa just, returned from Raleigh vhere ha attended the Baptist State ionrention. The subject for the naming discourse will be: "Pentelost In Prophecy and History." At he evening hour Pastor Gay will >reach from thotbplc: "The Uplifted 'hrist: the'World's Greatest Mag* let." . \J< \ " Sunday school, S. P. Willis, superntendent. will meet at 9:SO o'clock. All atranirftrs In the city have a iordall lnvititlon to attend. CHRISliAN CHURCH. East Second street. Rev. R. V. lope, pastor. All strangers in the lit/ are.cordially Invited to any and til services. The subject of the pasor at 11 m. will be: IThe Claims >f Abel." At night , the subject of he discourse will be: "Jerusalem's Rebuilding." Bible school, W. O. SUlia, superintendent, meets at 10, >'clock. Good music. Polite and ittentlve ushers. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. West Second street. Rev. E. M. Jnlpea, pastor.' Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. with preachng by the. pastor. 8unday school, E. R. Mlxon, super- < ntendent, will meet at 9:45 a. m. j Baraca class, W. M. Kear. teacher, t neets at the same hour. Qood music. ( Jeats free. I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN, (ttaddea ctreet. Her. ?. B. Sea ight, pastor. Regular service. Bunlay morning and evening, with [trenching* by the pastor, to which tho general public has a cordial tnrltatlon. ' Sunday school. C. M. Brown, Jr., juperlnlendent, will meet at S j'clock. Seats free. Polite and attentive ushers. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. Bonner street. Rev. N. Harding, rector. Morning and evening prayer with sermon, by the rec#Br at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school. E. K. Willis. Jr., superintendent, and Bible class, H. 9. Ward, teacher, meets at 3 o'clock.; Attractive music at all services. All. welcome. BlU WISH HER : Ml * ' Mrs. William Parvin, wifa of Capt. William Parrln, one of > Beaufort county's oldeat and best known cltlsens, and too th* .oldest skipper on Tar lUvpr now living, met with the niisfprtunate to fall and break her hip at her home near thia city Saturday last. She was brought >io the Fowle Memorial Hospital where she la now undergoing treatment. Her many friends wish her an early convalescence. \ FOR POST MASTER. Remember Monday, December 14, oar Democratic Primary foe the nomination of a Postmaster will be held, and those who receive their mall from thia oflice, either by Jl. F. D. route or otherwise will be permitted to vote If they oome to the City Hail on that date. * I earnestly request all my friends to attend and give me their first choice vote. Those who can not give me first choice, please cast your second choice vote for me. Thanking ydu In advance. A. J. COX. through letter Or ] i the rural routes c M 6.30 to 7.00 P. M. v . f. i - , WV"V- V mm M wttt Ml. Ml SATURDAY AFTERNOON* niiEi Rwh Th? win* oIom thu reek's p?r(ort|MfU Wf?J on* or the >est programs of fi*ee rp^is of photoilays that thW hare ted for some line, todSy, matins* and night. On Monday, "Hawthorne and p?ry" will fill the board, for throo lajn In oonectlon with the regular errlce of pictures, Title troupe of wo people hare the reputation of Ming among tho very beet high-claw ind refined singing and comedy tomedlana. On nest Thursday the Daughters >f the Confederacy *111 present a nuslcal comedy, entitled "The Olrl Vho Dared." The proceeds from his attraction wllT go towards a rorthy cause, and no deubt there rill be a crowded house that night. For Christmas weak the "Southirn Beauties," the beet tabloid muslal comedy nod towing the road, will n&ke their first appearance here. Vhen It can be truly stated that this roupo has never played any town >ut what that the managers wore always anxious to get theaa for a ream date, you may aee that the matrons of the Near Theatre may look brward to a pleasant week's amusenent for Chrlstmag. GINNERS* REPORT. Beaufort county ginned up to December 1, 1914, 7,861 bales of cot .on. aa compared wun o.usa ror rne nm? period last year, shoSrlng a dlf'erence of 1*819 bales placed during ho season of 1914. .. fc; i If Each Who has promis POSTM Supports me , MONDAY, I will be ele yourself my S : j.. i rii i i varies J Friday & SPEC Par* Sweet Frtat Batter ..... Borden'* E. Milk, per ran . .. . Arbockle's Coffee, per lb Corica Pare Coffee, per lb. Falun'* Clab Coffee, per lb. 7 Bam Light Ifoaae Soap 7 Pkss. Light House Powder* . 7 Pkff*. Soap Ship* Armour * Star Han*, par lb. . SPECIAL PRICES ON MANY < TO MENTION, SUCH NOTIONS, RU< \HW LIM MEN'S HAH J. E. Phone 97 1 I """ oress that would ? aid in the town, t 'AILV ============== Mc **+*. DECEMBER a ?M ' ins. cirn BSD IMS Mrs. Claud? Carrow w&s hostess to the Cresclte Club at bar bom? on Waat Second area Thursday altarnoon. The meeting - was called to order by the president, Mrs. Carrow, and a very delightful and Interesting program was carried out.. : , A paper. North Carolina's pail in the Revolution, by Miss Catherine Small, was enjoyed, as wad also a paper on Ante-Bellum Days, by lfrs. Caleb Bell. -reading (In negro { dialect), by Mrs. W. L. Vaughan, was one of the features. Mrs. Bdmond Harding delighted all the members| with a sketch. Flora McDonald. The roll-call was responded to by current events. The hosteea served a hot luncheon. The borne of the hostess was attractively decorated In mistletoe and holly and each gneef was presented with a souvenir consisting of sleigh bells and horns. No social function of the many given this season was more enjoyed. RETURNED HOME. Mrs. Maude Olbbs, of Bath, and Mrs. Heber Latham, of Jeesskina, N. C., wbo have been visiting Mrs. Olbbs" daughter, Mrs. A. B. Teates, on North Market street, returned to their homes today. MORE GOODS FOR SAME MONET or same goods for less money. W? have the biggest and best stock efgrocerles, fruits, shees, men's I hats, dry goods, notions, etc., nt lowest prices. J. B. Adams. I 13-10-Ste * r . , Citizen edme his vote forASTER 5 at the Polls December 14 ;cted. Prove friend, incerely, L. Morton Saturday ZIALS 85? 1b? v.* 1s? .... is? m? sw? .' 2He ...... m other things too numerous as shoes, drt goods, 3s, fruits, nuts. I FROM BOc TO S4.ee BACH. ADAMS Washington, N. C. ? five up my present o give tne their sup / .'w>?- ? .'J* ' TBI - / r t i . >-V' i I. I WITH FELL DEAD | M.HII Millard Pllmoro Watson died suddenly la the store of the Jefferson Furniture Compear lest night at 6 o'clock. The cause of his death was appoplexy of the heart. Just before the closing time, Mr. Watson locked the back door of the tore and turned around, but before thoee realised what had happened he was a corpse. Dr. D. T. Tayloe was called and after aa examination stated that the deoeased had ap-! poplexr of the 'heart. The remains j were carried to his home on Pierce' street where the funeral will . take plaee tomorrow afternoon at two1 o'clock, conducted hy Rev. R. V. ! Hope, paetor of the Christian church, of which he was a consistent member, and the interment will be In Oakdale cemetery. i The news of the sudden dsath of' Mr. Watson was not only a severe shock to his family, but the entire city as welL At the time of this going he was 53 years of age, having been bom at Lowlands, N. C., -on May 32, 1881. For the past 25 years he has been a resident of this city and for year* was employed by the Southern Furniture Company and the Jefferson Furniture Company. His friends were legion, not onl> In Washington, but throughout Beaufort and Pamlico counties. He leave* >n offarf wti? a*? Nancy Watson, of Lowlands,. N. C.. aged 83, a heart-broken widow, Mtb Hannah Watson, and the following children: Mr. Hugh A. Watson, t member of the firm of the Pegram Watson Hardware Company; Mr. Millard Z. 'Watson, of Cleveland, Ohio; Misses Rosa and Nancy Wat son and Master Blake F. Watson, of tblstph9f One of the beet features in "The Qlrl Who Dared," will be the "Roee Chorus," composed of fifty children, dainty, graceful and talented. Others are the bathing girls, led by Mis* Mary Rhodes, and the attractive young hotel maids. The Venus Hesliation will be danced by Washington's beet young dancers. Remember the dates, December 17th. lastippi hade 19 the p. i jaw To the Democratic Patrons of Washington Postofflce: As this is the last chance I hare to ask the good people to give me their support, and 1 ask one and all to please attend the primary And help me. Please don't think I don't need or want it, for 1 do, and I am doing everything in my power to win !t. Therefore, won't you please give ino your first choice vote. Don't feel llko If you give me your vote that I won't apreciate it, for I surely will, and, therefore, are you not willing to help a man when he Is trying to help i himself? This is the first time I [have ever come boforo mr m*i. 20ns asking their support, and I feel as If they are going to help me. PerhapB there may be some voters I haven't seen; however, if thero should be one I haven't seen I hope to see him Monday, December 14th, it the polls. I have tried to see all as near as I could, and I am trusting the balance to you good people to do your part, which I feel Bure they will. It is true, which I submit, there are six candidates, and I am sure they all want to win this office, for if they didn't they wouldn't run or ask for it; but the question is, who is going to be elected? Some say one and some say the other. Now, it is up to you people to say who you are going to have for your next postmaster, and if you will let me name him I shall, of course, name W. M. Swanner. Will that not suit everybody? Please come out to the polls and show the people tl is so. I here want to state to the patrons that I am willing to put my entire time to this office if they will but select or vote me in. I shall try to serve you to the best of my ability, trying to throw credit on myself. Remember I am a Beaufort county boy, and I feel as if all of the patrons are going to help me. I was raised on the farm; raised to I the plow-handles; therefore, I have , worked my way in a wide circle of friends, and I am proud of it. I came from Old Ford to Washington ! about five years ago. and engaged In 1 a mercantile business In a email way. and since that time I have been t trying to push my business to a buc4 cess, and try to leave the public 5 satisfied as near as possible, dealing B fair with everybody, which stands f for Itself. Therefore, friends, will 0 you not go to the primary and give 8 me your first choice vote? If It h should be so you can't giro me your r first, then pleaee give me your eecI* ond. Thanking you In advance, Yours I am to serve, W. M. SWANNER. a ? New Theater Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday c- "Hawthorne & Ferry" In a High Class Refined Act of ' SINGING, COMBDY A MUSIC ? Price - 10 and 20 Carta. V ' J ill COMING! COMING! ie" Entire Christmas Week "THE SOUTHERN BEAUTIES" my entire time to I viU be at City Hall I MOORE J