v<*1 '' 'Vv-'?J*WATCH THIS I * v PLACES TO STORES A1 : ? Th* looiulioute who _w?nt you trod* end on wining to lot yoi know whol they hoy* to offer or W > IboH merohootfl who** odvertia* nreuu oppeer la ti* Dolly News. Rood th* odTortiiamrato ond gin 1h?yn your potroooge. They or* *n torprtslni, progreeolvo merchonto. Th* tlrt I* oo - followi: Flooat Blootricol Co.?ElMtrloa OMt ORud A- little?Oroeori**. P*grom-Wetson Rordwor* Co.? erdworn ond Cattery. P., , A. I. Cot t Co.?Oyoeort**. Horrle Hordwor* Co.?Oenere ' Rordwor*. J. K, Hoyt?Dry Ooode ond Cloth ,. . tat .. , . Km Bros. Co.?O*n*rol Store IK 11 mis oi PRflCDANI i ltuuitnui f * - v. V " X ' .r% / Mr. J. B. Adams, one of Washing ton's enterprising merchants. hai ones again shown how to dlsplaj printer's Ink judiciously, fto adver tlsement appearing on the program for the production of "The Girl Wbc Dared" at the New Theatre presenU an advertisement more urjiquo nor catchy. For the bdneflt of the reader* of thla paper we quote: "TUB MAN WHO DARED AND THE GIRL TOO. The sun had gone ? down*, the fcixfcruotes, few and faint, died away, purple closed over the western eky. tip lingering glow el rose and gold tfae "almost dono, the smile that rested dpWi*her"yuW"lJt* A stole away and was lost In the soft beauty- of her1 tinted cheeks. Be kissed her tenderly. passionately They are married now and ertromelj bagPT.. as they tony their grooeriei ghd other merchandise from J. E dams. Where they get more goodi for same money or same goods foi 1mm money." Tim above goes to show that those merchants abreast of the times, ol which Mr. Adams Is a leader, alwnyi have result. Doubtless all who attend the per fonhanee of the Girl Who Dared at the New Theatre tonlyht will read the announcement of J. E. Ad&mi '"'":"sMah susto. Rtahtly so. I*: . . * . t . ^ . , i Report of Cii For the i ?^ The following the report Qf.thi third scholastic month for the Wash ington Puhllo Schools, which show the enrollment end attendance. White SchooL J - Number enrolled at date of las report?Bore 378, girls 386: total > TM - .. Number enrolled at this dateI Bore. tet. girl*. 876; total. 789.' Total number enrolled this yearBeys IN, girls 418; total, 810. ' Number of tardles?Boys, 18, girl t; total. If.* Number pupils tardy?Boy* U girls, I; total.-16. Average dally attendance, 686.61 Percentage of attendance, .984. 'Colored Behool. > v-1. Number enrolled this yeef?Boj 861, girls 886; total. 466. Number of Urilee?None. ' ' I Number pupils tardy?None. im,,i dally ?U?n4Mi.?k 110 1 Psmotaft of .ttradMiM, .IX. Sjwem KwtKbnettf. ? r. Bom in, (trl. Ill; torn, l.tl Number of tardlee?Boys 12, gir *; total, 16. Number pup lie tardy?Boy*. 1 girls I; total. U. ',.?p f Average dally attendance, 1,007.2, Peroentage of attendance. .90. ni#wsa Averegee ft* White Hlgt School. Fourth year Margaret Hand 11.71; Blauor SwMin.r. Il.lt; Ro S OrMku, *1.71. Third r?*-B?.te. Nfcthotoo >7 11; Boo..r AtthteU,. >7 0>. J, ,lo f7.rtll.on. ?.7B. ..; fc W/Tjj J , V r >> 'APER FOR SHOP EARLY; IE- ATTRACTIVE r I A. R. B tyro a ft Co.?Groceries. > ? J. 8. Campbell?Jewelry I * C. M Little?Groceries. Spencer Bros.?Dry Goods end Toys. I 'ji .. ' ' - ' *> Stewart's Jewelry Store?Jewelry Cherry Furniture Co.?rumttnre Scott ft Berteron?Groceries. MoKeel-Rich*rdson Hardware Co I ?General Hardware. '.It D. R. Cutler?Bicycles. {eSereon Furniture Co.?rural ture. Bank ot Washington?Ready Money Club Beclns January >. 1915 I Vf?a. Brasaw ft Co.'?Insurance. Cutler ft John?Dry Goods and Toys. J. E. Ademo?Orocerlee Jan. E. Clark?Ladles' Goods. ins to 1eet here mil The second teachers> meeting (or , the county BeaUfort will be held . on Saturday at 10 o'clock -In the Pnhllr Rrhnnl anHItnrlnm imnno the subjects to be discussed will be: The 1 Country School aw an Agency in the ? Solutlon"-of the Foreign Problem: i This will be discussed by Miss Arm ' Jones and Mr. Wilbur Roes. The Leadership of the Country-Teacher, by Miss Margaret Tuten and Miss > Ruby Stilley. The Country Teacher's ' p^hlem and its attack, by Miss Mamie Ross and Mr. L. Lyda. Adi dress to commltteoipen and teachers f bylMr. N. C. Newbold, of the Dei payment of Education. Religh, N. C. r All interested in the schools of Boa? 1 fort oounty*4re cordially invited i attend. f i TIMELY SUGGESTIONS. ? i How ^>ften at this season you will . hear the expression, I don't know \ what to get for father or- brother - or husband,* or perhaps, It may be "JIim."- J. K. Hoyt Ms solved the > problem for you and his large store ! makes your Christmas shopping easy t and a pleasure. Quantities of usefnl and practical gifts for the men folk - are there. The beautiful neckwear, f serviceable hosiery, pretty patterned t shirts, hath robes, house slippers. i underwear, hats and many other ' timely and tlme-earlng suggestions. y Schools Third Montfi k, ' : ~ . - j * > < e Second year A?Dorothy Blount . 9T.5; Bailie Bright, 96 1-7; Ava b Svanner, 94. Second yder B?Maud Brinaon, 96 Clifton Hodgee, 96 2-7; Oarri< t Cooper, 94 6-7. ' First year?Leonora. Blount. 95 Jack Oden, 96; John Warner, 94. Junior High School Third year A?Augus McLean " 97 3-8; Ells* Ballard, 94; Beesl' Adama. 88 * Secynd year B?Davis Jonee 92 2-8; John Spain, 89; Elmer Ellli i, First rear A?Earl Clifton. 88 7-8 I. Walter Baker. 98 1-1: Both Mayc 91 T-l; Llla Roper. 98 7-8. rtrit rear B?Margaret Jarvli * it-1-1; Hilda Alligood. (-1 Vlrlan Latham,. 89 7-8. Intermediate Grade*. 6A?Charlotte Rodman. 95; Luc ' Congleton, 91.8; Mabel Pippin. 9< BB?Walter Randolph. 88; Geo re Laweon, 98; Maud Campbell. 91. I. 4A?Annette Dudler. 98.B; Mar Alllgood. 95.4. Elltebeth Parroe ' 98.7. a *' 4B? LllHe Mar Denton. 94.1; Ball Brooke, 98.?? Charles Brown. 88.' 1- Prlmarr Department. 8A?Latham Tanfleld. Marr Mi I- Lean. Mildred Butler. IB?Harriett Harding. Elliabet t. Griggs, Minnie Clark ?a 8 A?Bailie (Well. Hebert For be Anna PhUlIpa. n. 9B?Ola Trton, Lrndall Roe ?- Bailie Boa. IB?Haael Bodgee. Leone Wolar 1 > aBT -i - fB;. - j Jll i VJ JL ^ 1 j , i mm , ITEMS Of : . in I Large Pearl. >few Bern. N. C.?A pearl, pure white In color end about the pl?e of back- ehot, wee found In en oyster yesterday morning by Eugene Land* who la connected with B. B. Davenport's mercantile establishment on loafer Middle etreet. Tbe^erl Is . oae of the largeet. eo far as is known, ever found In in oyster grown in , local waters and la probably worth a nice little sum. Mr. Land tntende baring the gem pollahed and mounted on a stick pin. Hhot by Daagbter. Ooldebopo, N. C.?Bud Millar, a well-known white man of this city, : some yeara ago a member of the police force, was ehot yesterday at noon by hit daughter. Mrs. Bessie Miller Parker, who makes her home with- him. From the wound he Is thought to be dying In the Ooldsboro hospital, where he was removed promptly after being shot, and where in exploratory operation rovealed such condition of the vital organs a* to leave no seemingly posslbl) chance for surgical relief or hope of recoery. Hurgeous Meet in Aaheville. Ashevllle, N. C.?Members of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association spent yesterday In committee meetings, preparations beinff m&4? for the formal opening of the twenty-seventh annual meeting. More than 100 delegates hare arrived and the Indications are thAl former attendance records will be broken. ? Lime in the Water. . New Bern, N. C.?During the past few weeks there have been many complaints made by the consumers of water In regard to the l^rge quantity, of lime whldh Is found In the water. For years there has been a large quantity >df lime in the water used In New Barn, but of late this has increased and .according to k statement made by a well known physician, there la now Ave times jks much of It In the water as there should he. There Is no filtration plant' at the pumping station. It is claimed that the water which Is absolutely free from bacteria, could be 'freed from lime if a filtration plant were need and the matter is being considerably discussed, v * Kinston Home on Fire. ' Kinston, N. C.?The handsome home of Lovit Hinee, at Caswell and McLean streets here, was damaged to the extent of four thousand, five hundred, or five thousand dollars, by . Are early yesterday afternoon. The cause has not been determined, but was probably a defective electric wire. Firemen saved the dwelling after smoke and water had damaged I much valuable furniture. One fire' man was overcome by smoke. - Baptist Encampment. ' Wilmington, N. C.?Wilmington 1 Baptists are looking forward with nluch interest to'the annual encamp; ment of the church -workers of that 9 denomination which will be held at WrighCsrllle Beach next June. Rev. ; Dr. J. H. Foster, 'pastor of the First Baptist chnrch, la a member -of tht committee which has charge of the , arrangements. A meeting will b? 9 held shortly after the holidays te make plans for the eneampmenl i, which it la expected willbe on ar t, elaborate scale. * * Capture Mountain Dew. ? Ashavllle, N. C.?Somebody's anp ply of "mountain dew" will be ebon i this ChrlsUnas ip the vicinity o' ; Cedar Cliff mountain, due to the die covery and deftructlon of a 63-galloi distillery and a quantity of beer, lot 3 wine and other first-alders to mooq ) shine by local revenue officers. Th? ;e distillery was located In one of 1 dozen or more tenants' cottages oi y the plantation of J. A. Porter, on th? r sides of the mountain^ Mr. Porter learning that * still was being eon d ducted on bla property, took th> _ revel eu officers to th* scene am aldsl them In effecting the destruc tion of the plant. > Ben Rum. IB?Linda John. Wealthy Walks* Bessie Armatrong. ^ IB?Forest Armstrong, Wllbs *. Jefferson. WUllam Waters. Kindergarten ? )Ufy Harts Charles, Martha Cliftoo. WHS 'H II I ^ | J ' ?K IEII. JDEHI calved % telegram Tu^day afternoon between five Mid W o'clock on- 1 aounclng the death of his grand- ' father. Mr. J. D. Mtredlth at the < home of his eon, Mr, k. A. Meredith. \ In Neport News, Vs. |The end came very suddenly in tha^tcnrn on Tuee- I day afternoon about J o'clock, the cause being pjgpmcnia. j The deceased wa^J well and fa- j vorably known In this city whefe he i was a resident Mr ? ^umber of years \ and too at one time Raided at South Creekf At tb* fane ft his death he t was T3 years of sge.and just prior \ to hl% going jr** ^ the beet of < health. Mr. Meredith was- a carpenter by l trade* and was an expert In his call- < thg. The remains left Newport Hews, t Va.. this morning for Wilson, N. .. 1 where the funeral will take place c this afternoon, at 3'O'clock, conducted i by the rector of the Bpiacopal'church t of that town. He will be lntorrod 1 beside his wife who preceded him ? several years ago v J Mr. Meredith leaves the following c children to mourn their loss: ?. A. 1 Meredith, of Newport News. Va.;,E. l P. Mowdlth, of TtuWo, N. C.; Henry , Meredith, of New iBern, N. C.; Mls^ a Violet Meredith, qf^Sew York; Mrs. t Thos. O. Still ey, of (his city, and six a grand children. v. c Mrs. T. Q. Stllley/ln responee to the wire, left yesterday for Wilson, N. C.. to attend the funeral this afternoon. .V I It wae the intention of the do- r, ceased to have spent the approaching 3 holiday* with his ^kughtcr, Mr?. T. a Or. Stllley. here. Tho news of his < death will occasion universal regret v throughout the city. 1RE1IED : IK ilK LAST III Mr. E. L Hobbs, a popular young 1 man of this city, was happily mar- ' rled to Miss Bessie B. Surls, of Pam- : lloo county, at the Baptist partorium 1 on Harvey street last evening at 0 1 o'clock by the Rev. R. L. Qay. The ' ceremony was ^impressively perform- ' ed In the presence of a fpw friends < and actfunintnnces of tho contracting parties. Both are very popular and their many friends wisfy them every joy ih their married relation. ' WILD GEESE HERE. % A large number of wiM geese 1 killed at Ocracoke and other points on the coast were brought to this city today in large quantities. Many of the citizens are taking advantage of this choice deljcacy. BIO STOCK AND MIGHTY GOOD shoes and men's hats at rock bottom prices. J. E. Adams. 12-17-trc 1 I I Until CI m , Pure N. C. Print Butter, per Jh. . . Arbuckle'6 Coffee, per lb Corlra Pure Coffee, por lb Pnlxm'fl lnb Goffee, wort h 50c 1 New Corned Hams, per lb... .. r Armour's Star llama, per lb. . . . Bovdon's E. MUk. per can MIBCELLAVKO 1 100 Hogs, Worth $1A0, each . Men's Rubber Overshoes, worth * * Boy's Rubber Overshoes, worth Women's Rubber Overshoes, wor J Misses' Rubber Overshoes, wort Many other things too numsi TRICES. Hero ie where you get same i * goods for same money. Come I \ J. E. h r Phone97 . > - v. |t- ' - ' . ... ' i AILY . f ... i DECEMBER 17, 1914 ' BIT IS IN SHE nim Every thing Is In perfect readiness for the presentation of "The Oirl rho Dared" tonight, and a large srowd is expend to greet the talent>nd young participants. Some of the special features are he "Ballet Dance," "The Jkfaxle," 'Hesitation," "Hobble Olrle," "Bath* ng Olrle," Jn fact there are so nany particular features that it vould take a column to enumerate hem all. Every one must attend tonight and ice for themselvee. The play will >0 tho treat of the season, and no me can afford to miss it. There will bo sxqulslte dancing, >eautlful costumes, attractive1 ihoruses, clever ltneh, amusing sltualons and pretty young girls. Mr. Benjamin Taylor will pull off some >f his original stunts. The curtain irlll rise promptly at 8:'30. The itores of the city arq to close ot 8:30 u order to give the employers and 'mployea an opportunity to attend. rich treat Is In store for all who ittend the New Theatre this evening. rhe production ia^ given for the >eneflt of tho Daughters of the Confederacy, and it behooves every dtl-1 ten to attend for the cause Is more han worthy. Beats: are still going I rlth'a spsh at Worthy & Etherldge'tr j Irug store. / CONDITION- THK SAMK. The condition of Mr. Thomas Suckman, who la reported to be lulte sick at his home on North ifarket street. Is reported to be ibout the samo today. The entire rlty hopes that ho will soon be conalescent. GOES TO RALEIGH. Mr. A. M. Duroay left this afterloon for Kalelgh to attend a comnlttee meeting of tho Federal Recrve Bankers' Association. Let Us Rally To the Red Cross Sale The last of $11.SO Red Cross Seal noney from last year stamps has seen drawn from the bank for im: nedlate tuberculosis patients. There h iramedlato and great need for tM>re. What we have depends on :he sale of stamps. Let us rally to the cause and help tho suffering in jur midst. LITTLE TOT ILL. Pattie,'-the 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMultan, Is quite ill today at the home of her parents at Washington Park. The rntlre city wishes this bright and Interesting little miss a speedy recovery. FINEST, CHEAPEST LINE FRUITS, Grape Fruit, Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Grapes. Cocoanuts. Black Walnuts, English Walnuts. Lot* of other things that's good for Christmas. J. E, Adams. 12-lT-t.f.c MLS iristmas ; me a. ..'.V 1S? per lb.. ?8c * 18c ....... 18e ?:.... itu C8 SPECIALS: I . N 88c 75c per paid 55c 5c per pair / BOc th 60c per pair 45c h 55c per pair 40c rone to mention, AT VERY LOW * Roods for less money. Or more In and take a look. lDAMS Washington, N. C. , - ? S " . % ? . 4 i, *i ' i i - ' REGULATIONS! OF POSTMAS1 SAYS. CANDl To the Patrons of Washington Postoffice: I desire to express my deep appreciation to those who gava me their loyal support In the primary last Monday and for those who supported the other candidates, I hare nothing bnt the kindest feeling. t the time the primary was called all of the candidates met in Mr. Small's office and a set of regulations was drawn up by Mr. Small, etch and every one of the candidates signed them, pledging himself toJ^ governed by them. - C| Section 10 of the regiH^^BHP as follows: Mr. Small^^^HJPKon each candidate and^f?^pp.;^n lt to conduct a clean^flB^Rc&mpalgn. To this (fed, e^^Hpodldato agrees i that no intoxicant liquor shall be : used, directly or Indirectly, and no : money or anything of value shall be used directly or Indirectly, Intended to Influence the vole of any cltlren. IT IS FURTHER AOREED THAT NO ONE OF THE CANDIDATES SHALL DIRECTLY OR INDIRECT- i LY 8END FOR ANY VOTER TO COMB TO THE POLL8, OR USE VEHICLES OF ANY KIND FOR , ouvn runrvau. ir" any UANDI- i DATE SHOULD WILFULLY VIO- I LATE THESE REGULATIONS, or , bo guilty of any dishonorable en- i duct In his campaign, or in the conduct of the primary, Mr. Small re- , serves the right to eliminate the name of such candidate from constdPARI OFTHE [ EXHIBIT NOW . ON ITS WAY 4 .*< - x % Part of the government's exhibit for the Panama California exposition j at San Diego leaves Washington this i week. This portion has to do with j the national forests of New- Mexico, i and will be shown in the New Mexico building, the exhibit having been prepared In co-operation with the State board of exposition commissioners of that State. The material also shows specimens of the principal timber trees of New Mexico and their uses. vmer exposition material is to leave soon for San Francisco, where It will form a part of the Panama Pacific exposition. Part of this Is being prepared through co-operation between the forest service and the United States civil service commission. The commission passes on the qualifications of all candidates for positions in the forest service, testing the fitness of those who wish to become forest officers through outdoor examinations in riding, surveying, timber estimating, and similar mattors as well as by more conven, tion&l methods; Its exhibit will Illustrate the dqtlee of these officers. Co-operation also exists, in the preparation of exhibit material, between the ^brest eervKce and the ' bureau of education. This shows how lorest subjects are used In the public schools. In connection with nature study, commercial geography, agriculture, and th^ like. One of the' exhibits is a display made by the normal school pupils of the District of Columbia, in which a number of those who are studying for teachers' poeitlons entered a prize contest on tree study. Each of the contestants prepared a separate exhibit showing the life history and the products of individual trees, such as white pine, hickory, or sugar maple. IS IMPROVING. Miss Sallle Gallagher, who is a pgtlent in the Washington Hospital for treatment, is reported todsy as being very mnoh improved. THINK OF US WHEN YOC XF.ED C. S. Meal, Hulls, Corn Meal, Hominy and Hay. We have the goods and the price. J. E. Adams. li-17-t.f.C (MEN WHO SMOKE AND CHEW, please drop In and-take a look at our magnificent line Clgara, Cigar at tea and Tobacco. J, g. Adams, 11-17-t.f.c VS 1 No. 348 M 'OR PRIMARY 1 ER VIOLATED I DATEfA. J.JCOX ? - \ eratlon u postmaster. Mr. Small fl on his part -will recommend to tb? Postmaster General and the President for apoinlment mm poetmneter the candidate selected In this preferential primary." I entered thla campaign to malm an boneet effort to win the appoint---.J ' ment, and hare adhered to the regulationa as eet out. assuming that all of the Candida es agreed to them (a , rood faith. S 1 did not, nor did any one for me, |my knowledge or consent, use HH^ehlele to tend for or brine aay PRer to the polla, bat this eeetlon oX our agreement was violated by noma of the candidate# and their friends. A, number of my friends came to me and offered the uee of carriages and automobiles, stating that others ware not adhering to the regulations. Z refused to permit my friends to engage In bringing voters to the polls j because of the restrictions which had been placed upon the candidates by * jB Mr. Small. 9 While I do not wish it to be understood that 1 am contending for a aeoond primary, I shall a peal to Mr. Small to eliminate the candidate or Vfi candidates who did violate the signed regulations, because, had there been no transporting of voters I gin- * M cerely believe I would have received a majority of the votes cast. In takin* this course I am onlv an fleavoring to protect my interests. Very truly youra, A ' co* PROGRAI TO BE GAM i . ON FRIDAY i r ? i . ^ Attractive Invitations have been Issued by the Kindergarten department of the Washington Public Schools to their Christmas tree exercises tomorrow morning. The invitations wore the work oj the pupils and shows that they have had excellent training. The program in thUda* partment to morrow morning prom- ^ isoa to be entertaining and Interesting. It will pay the parents to attend. The llrst and second grades of the school will also have Christmas trees. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, uoa in Mis infinite wisdom has seen fit to rmovs out of our midst to the mansions above our sister and co-worker, Mrs. T. J, Harding. Resolved 1. That In her death we have lost a true friend end the Missionary Society of the M. E. church of Washington, N. C.. a faithful member. 2. We shall miss her but her memory will ever bo endeared to us because of her pleasant smile and sunny disposition. 3. That while we canot fully understand God's ways, we realise that He doeth all things well, and. therefore, bow in submission to Hie will. 4. That we extend to the bereaved family the sympathy of the entire society and point them to our heavenly Father for consolation. 6. That these resolutions be ? spread upon the record of our society, a oopy sent to th^ bereaved family, copies sent to the Advocate and Washington Dally News for publication. MRS. C. E .WAHAB. MISS SARAH TRIPP. MR8. C. A. WALTERS. Committee. * MIGHTY GOOD CANDY AND W EH***. Pigs, eta, a? J. E. Adams'. 12-17-t.f.c i ,3 New Theater FTUDAY NIGHT, TH INSTALLMENT OF "Lucille Love" THE OM OF NTVTBItY , /.? PRICE 8 ARD 10 CBKTB. Ill NEXT WIRE. THE SOUTHERN BEAUTIES" '' PRICES 10 AND to CENTS. i

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