1 t COAST -V . liOndOB. Dee. If.?"The Russians c re retiring along the entire froBt In 1 > - Galica and Poland." I PTRtB statement, officially issued at r Vienna, ia the outstanding feature j of laat night's news, from the battle- c tnatM- "The Girl Who Dared" Is going to j be re-produced in Washington. T{ils 1 will be welcome news to the many a ? who mleeed the performance last } night, as nothing but the very high- *1 set encobalum are being heard on * the streets today. When the show 1 will be repeated has not as yet been t ^ definitely decided upon, but In all < i* probability It will occur sometime T L during the holidays. The prices fof the reproduction will be greatly re- 3 duced and this announcement within j Itself should assure a crowded house. The fittraetton Is Well worthy the 1 *y patronage of every cjtlten. r .y J A WARNING. 1 JJ This paper wfrderstands that for ! /tl' the past several nights between mid- ' night and day a colored man takes ' t occasion to ring the door hell of reel- \ / denoee or knocks vigorously cn the J door. He .arouses the occupants and ' always Inquires where such and such ; a street Is located. Bo far the male While there to no confirmation swered his summons; hut It 4o^ks as | , *1. lf%e to endeavoring to locate a home n le the cltj where only women re- I r/ : 1 - It Is suggested that he might be taught something better. | \ ' ' . Interesting Itt Islan^qfO > 1 (Bpoelal to Dally Nekt.) Oeraooks. N: C.. Doc. It.?Tues4*7 night, the 14tk. Mr. Cher ley MoWtllleme and Mlaa Hilda Tolaoa -ware married at tko Southern Mebhodtut church hy Rot. Mr. Ipoch. Ocraeoho aoototy baa oapectanUr boon rooking \ forword to tbo union of thto moot popular oonple. Thu (room to a member of the I. W. MoWUllame firm, and la on* of our moot enterprising and eeteemed cltlgene. The bride, o deughtor II of Mr. Donlel Toleon, le o ledy poaeeeelng oil the Qualities thot endeoru her to a large circle of devoted '1 friends, and It noted for her beauty and lorabl* amiability. A I era* English eteamehip. name unknown hero, want aabor* m the Eh i gal* Sunday night near the Hatteras II Inlet Life Sating Station. Tha euk. tire crew were aately landed and are Mf - being won cored Mr by Capt Baruelt of the Life Sating Stotlon 1^ -^j ===^^ THE FROM THE TO LABASSEE :--\ i , '" e f what la going op In the w#< but t la apparent the allies are -will on he offensive from the coaat to Lalaeaee and other points. yWhllo no narked advances are reported, the 1 Tench claim phogreas* and to have \ irg&nlxed the ground they gained J luring the preceding days. The 1 iermans. on the other hand, assert ' hat the alliee' attache have been epuleed. ' From the number of irounded eaching the hoepltala of both the 1 Iermans and the alllea. It U evident 1 hat the lighting in Flanders today 1 ran more severe than shown In the lActal statements. Correspondents sport that-the hospitals again are llllng, while along the Dutoh border ontlnnous firing can be heard. The long expected proclamation ringing an end to Turkish euxeralnv over Egypt and the establishment f a British protectorate was official- 1 y issued last night. The last straw ' tonbtless whs the action of the Khe- 1 live, .who was the BuVtan'e represcn- f atlve In Egypt, but with little or no ' tower, in taking sides with Turkey ' gainst Great Britain. Lieut. Col. Sir Arthur Henry Mc- * lahon, who has been appointed high ( ommlssloner> although a soldier by rofeeslon, has had long and_jrarled j experience as a political officer In ' ndla and other parts of the east. f* has been foreign secretary In ' Udla since 1911. 1 \ 1 DEM IIVC i uunu iii v y HA (LADS mm James E. as*. show window U|< lulte an attraction for the little tott ind to the grown-ups, due to the fac1 her behold a real lire Santa Claus rhe character Is excellently Impersonated and affords much amusenont to pedestrians. All day yes orday people of all classes and age? lid not fall to loiter In front of the rlndow and look at old Santa. HUSICIA,N8 CteLHBRATK MACDOWELL DAY Cincinnatir Ohfo, Dec. 18.?The Kentucky MacDowell Society will to- 1 light commemorate the,birthday anniversary of Edward MacDowell, the ' famous musician and song writer, by firing an evening deVo^ed to his compositions and life. Beautiful stereppticon views from the MacDowell lettlement at fretersborougb. N. H., have been furnished by the muslntfcn*. wMnur from hoc nrlvala Ml. lection, showing the environment^lc which the favorite compositions were written. VISITORS TODAY. . Among the visitors to the city today are Captain John D. Bullock, of Leechvllle, and Mr. H. It. Way, ef Bol haven, N. C. ims From cracoke, N". G. % The steamer was loaded with Iron ore and bound from Cuba to Baltlmoli. She Is reported to have ten feet Of water In her hold, while a revenue cutter and tug are standing by to render needed assistance when it can he given. ** It has been blowing hard ever since she went ashore, and it is not now known that she can he gotten off A club of Northern .sportsmen built a large club house at the Wells, twelve miles nor?i of here, this fall. They burnt the kitchen, where one of the workmen from Hatteme slept and had a lt#ht case of small-J pox. In order to get rid, of its germs. There has been epidemic of this dfeeaso at Hatter&a. Frisco and The Cape this winter, Said to have been bifeught.from Manteo by attending the fall term of court there Rev. Beach and party will be here eoon after Chrietmaa. v . ' * WASHINGTON N, C .LRU ill Another one of Washington's popular and highly esteemed cithmns in he person of Mr. Charles Thomas Buckman, passed peacefully away at lie home on North Market street this morning at three o'ctook. Mr. Buckman had been confined to lie bed for the past two weeks, and rhlle everything that the sklU of ale physician could suggest was done, le passed out to answer the sum nons from on High. Mr, Buckman was born In Wash* i ngton on Msroh 6th, 166S, and at i the time of his death was sixty-twt rears of age. He spent his entlr< i lfe In this dty as a resident, except ng four years when he, with hi. i parents, resided In Thomasvtlle. N 3.. during the CJrll War. He wai l man of magnetic disposition and lad the faculty of forming^ stron rue friends. He was true to even :rust committed unto him; what h> lid he did well. Th?re was nothinf mercenary In his make-up. As a bus land and father he was devoted an? rue, as a citizen loyal. His going 1 leplored all over the city. The deoeaaed was a consistsn' member of the Presbyterian church a king an active part in church work especially at the Payne Memorla :hurch. Nlcholsonville. This churcl vas first organised' at his home and jp to the time of his death then was mo more active worker amon; :hls congregation. He was also a member in goo/ itandlng of the Odd Fellows, th' Improved Order of Red Men, Knight>f Pythias and the Royal Arcanum is In church work so In lodge, work le was active and steadfast. ? He leaves a widow and three chlliren, two girls and one boy, twc brothers, Mr. George B. Buckman. o' ihls city, and Mr. W. D. Buckman, >f Boise, Idaho, and one sister, Mrs H. Bill, of this ?Ry, to monrr Ihelr lbsa T Since . 1993 Mr. Buckman hae been engaged in the mercantile business in North Market street. From 189f !o 1898 he was assistant postmaster The sympathy of the communit: foes out to those bereft. May the lame hand,that has wounded be tlx lame to succor and comfort. The funeral will take place tomor row morning at 11 o'clock from the residence and will be conducted by ihe Rev. H. B. Searight. , The following will act As pall bearers: D. B. Jacksos, J. H. Wallace. W. H. McDevett, V. O. Morris, H. T Stewart, T. H. Davis. Fke Interment wil be in Oakdale cemetery. GOOD ROAM CONVENTION ADJOURNS Chicago, Dec. 18.?The fifth American Good Roads Congress, whicb hae been in Joint session with the American Road Builders' '.Assoclatlon, will adjourn this. evening. Many prominent speakers and men interested in the goods roads were present at the meeting juBt closed. TWO NEGROES GET RESPITE PENDING APPEAL v Birmingham, Ala.; Dec. 18.?The sentences of Lon Carter xnnd Sid Jones, two negroes convicted of charges of murder, who were sentenced to^>e hanged today, received suspension sentence pending appeal Former, acctped of murdering hie wife, and the latter or murdering a fellow conyiet. v-< , 1 TENNIS TOURNAMENT WILL CLOSE TODAY Plnehurst, Dec. 18.?The ftrat tennis tournament this winter, which brought together many noted players, closed today. Many of the notable present left for New. York for the preliminaries to the annual meeting. SIX MORE DATS. 4 There are only six more shopping daye, between now and Christmas. The shoppers should not wait until the very Ipat to zhake their purchases, but do so at ones. SCHOOL CLOSES. The Washington Public Schools closed today for a period of two weeks. THINK OF US WHEN Yotf NEED C. S. Mekl, Hulls, Corn Meal, Horntar aid Hay. Wa h*v, th. good, and tka grin..- B. Adams. 11-17-Vf.c jj ? .* i*--' . , * . *.1--' ijEtS "The Oirl Who lared." under the direction of the Misses Burkhimer, &f Charlotte, N. C.J and presented at the New Theatre Met evening under the aunieee ?t RnUloo Chapter, Daughjpre of the Confederacy, was s decided hit. ffju-oved to be one the very best e&tctlofis given In Wathlngton by l&al talent. The music was a oohflpkuous feature throughout the ?pforinenc? and ?very member of tie cast did excelontly. This ?as ^&nld of the little 'ote ae well as tliMUpwn-upe. The rtiersa. "I'm QolaflKOrecy." by Mr. BeiwTKylor and t t Hobble Olrle, ivas Immense. AU la musical num sera were bright q 4 catchy. The 3allet Qlrls, Mlssea Ida Tucker and Mary Baugham. brc aght down the louse. The cmet sonslated of a arge number of T ong ladles and Tentlemen, so space1 orhlds the Daily 'ews from mentlonldg each and every inc. Washington's Tbom? talent was lever better display id than In "The >irl Who Dared," and congratulations are In order I t the directors ind too the Daughters of the Con eneyacy. me prowd* or the porarmance will so toWrde liquidating he debt for the pleafe* of the hesdtonee to the grave?x>f Confederate oldiers In Oakdale pemetery and hroughont Beaufort county. While the audlenofe-jpas not as arge aa wka expected 1$ was credit ble, the reeult being a nice aum raa realized. All prtaeat thoronghy enjoyed the production and exhibited their appreciation by hearty ipplause. Thoae of the pitiaena who *ere abcont missed a raro treat. The Hotel Maids, the Bathing Girls ind the dance by Miss Elisabeth Hill ind Mr. Washbnrn, of New Bern, \dded much to yie succeee of the performance. Mr. Ben Taylor, as the Duke^X W. Smith, as reporters Isaac Hughes, is the Ardent lover;' Hugh Phelpa. 'he valet; Mlae Carlotta Nicholson, m a title seeking mother; Miss Car*ow, the heiress, and Miss Helen Oailey as a street singer, could not ?e Improved upon. The Misses Burkhimer were simply aurperb. both In acting and stngng. They were par excellence In )very line spoken and in .every note ran*- 4 V Mr. Fred Moore, Master George 3tnddert, Miss Fannie Lamb Haugh'on. Mire Bess Connelly, added ndich 'o the attraction. The capable pianist was Mr..David Bell. ? EN ROUTE TO HOME. Mr. W. A. Thompson, of Aurora, V. C.. arrived in the city this morning from Kinaton, N. C., en route to hia home. He has been in Kinaton attending a meeting of the board od directors of the Feeble-Minded School ,and also attending the Lenoir County Superior Court. BIO STOCK AND MIGHTY GOOD shoes and men's bate at rock bot-j torn prices. J. E. Adams. ,12-lT-t.r.s Until a Pure V. C. Print Better, per ft. ArVneUe's Coffee, per lb. . Carton Pure Coffee, per lb Palm's Club Coffee, worth ft* Now Corned Hams, per lb.. .> Armour's Star Hun, per lb. . .. Borden's E. Milk, per r?s> . . ., M3SCHLLANE< 100 Raps, Worth ftl-M, each Men's Rubber Overshoes, wort! Boy's Robber Overshoes, worti Women's Robber Overshoes, wo . Mimes' Robber Overshoes, vnm Many other things too nom> PRICES. Here Is where you get tame goods for same money. Com E. 1 Phone 97 m MLY Prubakfr ratk. ECEMBER 18. 1914 EXERCISES TAKE PLACE gan The Christmas service of St. Peter's Sunday school will take place OB next Sunday arterac-on. December 20th, at four o'clock. There will be attractive music by a large choir of children and an addrees. A feature of the service will be the collection taken for the orphan* at the Thompson Orphanage at Charlotte. The children of the Sunday school are to bring gifts consisting of toys, clothing or anything which would be of use to theee homeless children, while the grown-ups will contribute poney. The superintendent wishes to remind the teachers and parents of the Sunday school of the offering and wishes to Invite the general public to attend this service. City School vExercises Are Pleasing Those attending the Chrletmee ex crclses of the Washington Public School* this morning were simplycharmed and ca-ried away with the program from the Kindergarten department up to -too higher grades No similar exercises has been more thoroughly onJcr<*f. In tomorrow"? issue the Intention is to give fcn account of the exercises more in detail as they are more than deserving. The Daily news wishes every pupil a happy and joyous Christmas holiday which will be for a period of two weeks. Quite a number of the teachers will leave tomorrow for their respective homes to spend the Yuletide season. U. 1). O. TO MEET. Pamlico Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, are called to meet tomorrow afternoon in the rooms of the Public Library at 4 o'clock. All those members who have not paid their dues are requested to bring them to this meeting. A full attendance is desfred. WILL SPEND WINTER. Mr. Eugent Lewis, eon of Mr. F. E. Lewis, is expected tomorrow to spend the winter here. He is one of the engineers on the steamship Northland, which runs from New York to Portland. Maine. w MUVE UrrlLKn. j Mr. Harry McMullan, attorney-at-1 law, will move bis law office January l,t? the second floor of the Laughlnghou&e building, corner of Second and Market stroets. He will bare a suite at rooms In the building. FINEST, CHEAPEST LINE FRUITS, Grape Fruit, Oranges, Bananas, Apples. Grapes, Cocoanuts. Black Walnuts. English Walnuts. Lots ofpother things that's good for Christmas. J. E. Adams. 11-lT-t.f.e IALS tiristmas Mr V ?.' ' M ........ ?.....? us s par lb.. .... We ........................ 19a . l?a * ICS yCH SPECIALS: . .....v., ,... mc i 7Sc per paid . Bl3c k 5c.per pair ?.... Ms rth dOc per pair 45e th Mc per pair 49s srous to mention. AT VERY LOW 'goods for lees money. Or more s In and take a look. \DAMS ~ Washington,^. C - - ? Inev Potato Crop o Largest in I (By H. R. WIntern.) J Chapel Hill. N. C., Dee. 18.?-The ^ County Lite Commission is author- j ity for the statement that the clvlli- j sation of e Bute or natioi^yg^^H bottom on the attractiveness ( | well ae the prosM^^^^lfe in the I country. Country-side life in North I Carolina billks big. Country-dwell- t I ere outnumber townspeople more I | than els to one; five-sixths of tho i school children or the State are I country children; four-fifths of the d church members of North Carolina * are rural dwellers, and the number > of bread-winners and wage-earners e engaged In farming out-number two c to one all other tollers engaged in J other occupations. These basic facts i relative to North Carolina life un- p told a large background for educa- ]| tlonal stimulation and the dispensa- I tlon of knowledge from the State's v head center of learning to the homes i and farms In the country-Bide com- r munities. Toward the fulfillment of I this educational task the bureau of c extension of the University Is direct- I lng Its chief resources In the make- i up of Its program of the 1914-'16 ex- c tension lectures series. The subjects 0 selected for discussion by members 5 of the faculty largely concern the I development of country-side life and i: I the enlightenment of the rural dwell- d er. Below are given the lecturers p and subjects on the lectureship pro- ? gram?the primary aim of tho discussion of these topics being to com- J prebend the "wholesomeness. the 1 attr&ft(vnn?u tho (vwnnlntftnos# nrwl ? the prosperity of life In the country.y f .The Progressive (a popular lecture t on community spirit), by President $ 1RII0RS I WILL 1EET SflT. RIGHT There will be a special meeting of I the Chautauqua Guarantors In the t rooms of the Chamber of Commerce a In the Baugham building, west Main c street tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, t It Is to be hoped that all the guoran- s tore will be present on time as mat- t tera of vital Importance are to be r taken up and discussed. This Is the r third time that a meeting of the f Guarantors have been called but so \ far not enough of them have been present to transact the business. If : all the members will be present on 2 time the business can be transacted j within fifteen minutes. Every nuar- j an tor la urged to be present. i IS INDISPOSED. The many friends of Mrs. Stephen i C.~ Bragaw will regret to learn of | her Indisposition. She Is wished a ; peedy recovery by the entiro city. FROM CHINA IN ONE CARGO New York. Dec. 18.?The steamer Brodmouth, formerly employed In the mutton traffic between Australia and England, but later taken by English speculators in due today with 7,480,000 pounds of frozen eggs. The eggs which are packed in 10, 20. 30 and 50 pound cans and worth 20 cents a pound are valued at $1,496,080 and are equal to 6.600,000 dozen eggs In the shell. The shipment Is from Hong Kung and on the way the Brodmouth left 1,320.000 pounds at San Francisco. The cargo has been kept below freezing point. THE SECOND NAVAL BATTALION REVIEW Brooklyn, Dec. 18.?The second naval battalion review will be held thie evening at Bay Ridge with Commodore R. A. Smith of the Larchmont Yacht Club and commission of docks as reviewing officer. This* Is tho chief function of the Bay Rldga Naval Militiamen each year and this year's event* promise to be more than usually brilliant and interesting because of the war In Europe and agitation In this eotfotry for a greater defense. <_ 1MEN WHO KMOKE AND CHEW, please drep in and take a leek at our matfllflesnt line Cigars. Cigarettes and Tobacco. J. E Adams 11-17-t.f.o jy: No. 349 the State Jnited States E. K. Graham; Come, Let Ub Lire iVith Our Children, by Prof. E. C. Iran son; School Sanitation and dedlcal Inspection, by Dr. J. B. The Backward Defective mm by Dr. H. W. Chaee; Geology ^Ttelation to Soils, Drainage and 'rope, by Prof. Collier Cobb; Plant {reeding and Its Relation to the mprovement of Farm Crops, by Dr. V. C. Coker; Electric Light and *ower In the Home, by Prof. P. H. - [) . Jaggett; The Lr ality as a Field for llstorlcal inves nation, by Dr. 3. O. leR. Hamilton. Problems of Highray Location. Construction and (alntenance, by Prof. T. F. Hlckeron: What's the Matter with the Country Schools? by Prof. Z. V. udd; Public Schools and Publio 'axes, by Prof. Marcus Cicero 8teihens Noble; Co-Operative Marketng of Farm Products, by Dr. C. L. taper; The Farmer's Part in Highray Improvement, by Dean Marvin I. Stacy; The School and the Comqunity, by Prof. N. W. Walker; The I'arm-Llfe School?Its Place In the Community, by Prof, L. A. Williams; looks for the Farm and How to Oct Them, by Dr. L. R. Wilson; The )rlgin and Prevention of Epidemics f Typhoid Fever, by Dr. W. B. facNair. The 1915 crop of sweet potatoes n North Carolina represented a proluctlon of 8,000,000 bushels?a iroductlon unequalled by any other itate In the Union. The University News letter says ohnston county "leads and laga? eads in the State in the production if corn and pork; lairs in that the ? , ood and feedstuffs imported daring he year represent a valuation of 1,960,000. FIVE REELS NEW THEATER mm The performance at the New Theare tonight promises to be more than ittractive, due to the fact that anither installment of the famous ploure. Lucille Love, will be on the icreen. There will be two reels of his picture aud the management announces there will be three other eels of interesting movies. Being Ive reels altogether, no doubt hot r%t there will be a large attendance. For the past several weeks the