^ p ' , . \y * , ' _ ENTERPRISE F i WILL. START - Dairies of George Hackney, H. Hodges. Have Bead Co be in Hassell Supply Co., E 4 m*m& -v.-. ? fbo milk dairies of Qeorge Heck- .1 ney, T. Hud noil end Jmwb i . H. Hodges have been consolidated, or I reiksr thl consolidation will %o hi to affect on January 1. 1915. I ^ The main office Of the consolidated < dairy -artll be located In the Hassell i Supply Company building on Market street and will be known at the 1 "Purr Milk Company,"! \wlth Mr. i .* Jamas H. Hodges as manager. The consolidation of the three c dairies mean* that about ISO cow? < will be milked daily giving practical- l ft ly three hundred gallons of milk. The t _ Pure Milk Company vrfjl also handle f - butter milk, cream and milk. The c ? company will vtork on the cp-opera- e live plan. f The work of Installing tka plant t I HIITODV 1 n Tiuium i '' if KAISER 0N1H London/Pec. 19.?Although there seems wo doubt the Russians are re 11 treating, and that for the present i any expectations the allies may hast held of an early invasion of Germany '? * must be dismissed, considerable myo- 3 tery surrounds the reported decisive ? German victory which Rprltn cele* brated last might. ""V . f ? Vienna gives a few details of 1 f fighting In the esst. The claim h 1 made that the Rusalhas Rave Wei<" rflrlven from their positions north, of the Carpathian mountains from Kfoeno to, ^Eakliesyn, which wonld indicate that part of the southern line of rallw In QaMd* sgsln is In ] the handrf of the Austrian*, and that Piotrkow and another central Poland town hnve been stormed, but silence! s maintained as to north PoK land, whero the German victory is said to have been acli'cred. ' The. German offlq^al report dls- j s misses thte battle with the statement * that "lnroland we are still pursuing ine enemy, wno cwuuuo?? ny." > i J Amsterdam dispatches serve to c heighten the confusion by quoting , Berlin papers received there today a? h expressing dlsapointment as ''e Tart J that no names of battlefields are t mentioned, that no tnaglble results . of the fighting are disclosed and that ! no lists are given of the number c- 1 captured guns and prisoners. Soirc dlsapointment la expressed hero n? j i the eftle'nee of the Russians, and advlces from Petrograd are avraltec eagerly. The allies offensive In the wes< r continues to progress slowly, accord | Ing to the Paris communication, al- ( though the aggregate gains clalmo* , daring the week indicate a consid- , t arable advanee in Flanders and lr the vicinity of Arras, where the al' liee seemingly are making their greatest efforts in the belief that penetration of the Germah lines would compel a general German re- < ^ tlrement. It is still, however, a n^at- < tar of siege warfare in Belgium and ( ' France Berlin days many attacks of I the allies are being repulsed with i heavy casualties, which are in- i creased when, the Germans mine < ' trenches which the silleiT are com-1 palled to evacuate. HIGHER RAILWAY RATES. Missoula. Mont,. Dec. 1?.?'The excursion rates to all eastern points fpr j home visits of settlers here average $S each higher than last year. Heretofore the ratea have been the same (f as the summer excursion rates^ There wan a noticeable decline in the number of excursion lata who "left tbday because of this increase. The return Is set for Match 1st. Qrrrs SICK. Tha many frlanda of Mr. J Ham HodfM. who raaldaa (hoot two mtlaa from thla city, wttl ragrat 4ft loarn i that ha U critically 111 with pnanraonta. Bla apeogy racortry la hofehd aa, K ' 2 f 1 ^L. 1 if Jm I"! I If # m i j III . . '.- = i' 1PANY NEW OR THE CITY; ON JANUARY 1 M I ' Jr., W. T. Hudnell and J as. nsolidated. Main Office to tullding, J. H.Hodges, Mgr. ***" -I in the Hasaell Supply Company, is now la progress and will be ready by the first of the year. ' It la the purpose of the company ' :o pastuerlxe dvery gallon of milk, ivory wia of butter, butter milk md crnm. The snfide^lant will be thoroughy sanitary in every respect and the rery latest appliances wll be utilised. Th# Pure Milk' Company when consolidated means the largest plant >f the kind this aide of Raleigh and a quite a forward movement for his city. . The promoters of this znammotl nterprUe are alt business men of in viable ability and the Dally Newr eels confident thai this new under aking will be a conspicuous success uuv ii in mn una : GOLD C9IH i mm In keeping with their annual cub 1 om-the Bank of Waah^gton an lounces the receipt of a supply o' old money Hi *2.50, *5.00. $10.00 'J nd $20.00 piece*. This bank give otice that It will be glad to furnlsl ny one who wishes gold money foi ' Ihrifltmif presents. There la noth Qg better as Christmas gift llk< 1 ;old and those desiring it can cal 1 t this well knjp|3L.^$ja^1a4 ; Ion. J elSr i Dcror nunc '" Dblllb I11HUD \ SUP IE! ? * One hundred .dollars and forty-si* t ents has been handed in from Red :ross committees up to date. The Fist committee to report,*Mlss Baug , ism and Miss Adeline .Mayo, to whom { Vest Second street was*, allotted irought in 415.20. Miss Kelly re- , lorts 13.66 from the* Graded School ipendld work .has been done and tht ( esulta are very gratifying. Only ont reek remains, Let us be up and , lolng. Remember our slogan, "Every [tamp sold for 1914." \ o\y one cask. There waa only one ease before klayor Kugler this morning at th? :uy Hall. Samuel King. Colored iras Indicted for being rlrunk and Haord-erly. % Ho was found guilty ind lined $6.00 and the cost. j 1RT "WORK HALE FOR FRENCH AND BELGIANS 1 New York, December 1$.?The ] :pmmitlee of artists which, with the ' ;o-operatlon of the New York Her- : lid, ia raising a fund in aid of thr 1 FatMlies of the French and Belgiar ' rdhfier.v are selling at auction today 1 some of the &>rks of our best pres- ] ant day masters, at th) Hotel Plata. * FROM BELHAVKN. ? i ?r. Ellis Roper, of the Dally NeW I returned this morn log from a business trip to Belh4ven^ N. C. RETURNS HOME. Miss 8allte Myers, who has been a patient at the Washingtoa Hoeplta' has suiBcIently .recovered to be ablr to return to Tier faoqie. ' > * * > - i Vaylna the lawyer a big faa for telling yoo what you want to hlro tr toll you la all right. Buying a tatf brink make, a man a sucker Tur dlBerencs la discernible trf aoa4e , BIG STOCK AVD MIGHTY OOOfl shoe.mud mho's hata at rock hot bpm prlree. J. E. Adams 1B.1MY.S iNGTj . ' ? * i ^ .WASHINGTON N. < HU.MI : Mil LIST put Laat nine. Friday, December 18, 1^*14, at 8:SO o'clock. Major John 3ray Blount fell on sleep, at fcls restience on Weet Main street, In hit 34th year. I Major ^lojint had a lone and useIrul career. He was born Novembor llO, 1833, at Mta Soucl, the suburban homo, near this city, of his parents. I dr. and Mrs. Tfcoe. Harvey Blount. 15e wee their. jJWest eon, and a grandIon of the late John Gray Blount, hsq.?the leading citizen of Beaufort bounty from 1778 to 188S. I In hie youth, as well as In the later years, Major John Q. Blount Iraa a notaSTy handsome man, o( line carriage, great courtesy and rellnement of manner, a typical gentle I nan of the old school. He was *exI remely popular, and. beloved by hit I ontemporarles, most of whom have long since passed to their reward. I Major Blount was educated at the Kl 1st schools of the time, and at ar Wrly age entered upon a mercantile _ areer. Re-resided in New York citj I or a number of rears where he wa< issoclated* In business with a willsown firm?one <?f the closest r'.ends of his early manhood wa: tr Stephen Luynee, of that city: Leaving that city, he came to hi? latlve town and engaged In business ,nd enjoyed a well-earned prosperity intll the Civil War, with its disas rous effect swef^tway most ?>f>ta1j i ortune, Along with unnumbered thera. At the beginning^ ljpsttll lee. Major Blount entered the ser ice of the Confederate States, Octo er 21, 1861, an Qurtermaster, wltl ank of lieutenant. In Rodman's Sr : lllery,/of which the late Judg' 71111am Blount Rodman, his counsln ras captain. Later on he was pro aoted to major an<^ served wltl j ther commands' until the close o4, i he- wtcrr TltPlervifB to the Stab nd to the Confederacy was faithfu nd honored. Arter 1866, he agalr ntered the mercantile circle of th< own, hut in 1874 he was elected I he office of Clerk of the C<rart of * teaufort county, which office he ftlftV cceptably for a number of year? liter this he becamo aasoclated'wltt he Hon. Chas. F. Warrih as clerk > n his law office. The careful, pains- i aking work done by Major Bloun'n both these positions has pever teen excelled, and are monuments tc lis industry, neatness, dispatch and i atthful zeal. It has often been said t hat the Clerk's office was never so ? leatly kept ^a, during the admlnls- J ration oftffrjor Blount. . m He was closely allied by ties of narriaga and bonds of friendship 1 rlth the late Col. David M. Car^, w 1 rell as with Hon. Cbas. F. WaVren, ind also with Col. R. W. Wharton. December 12, 1$53, he married ? Elizabeth, the beautiful and fcccom- 1 )llshed daughter of Mr. David B ?erry, a wealthy planter of Beau fori tounty. Thefr marrled/lif^ was long I ind peculiarly happy. Mrs. Blount jreceded her husband to the Great beyond a few years ago, and strife hat time, in hiB declining yeac6 he ! las been most tenderly ministered into by his resident daughters, eape- i :ially by the youngest, Miss Margaret Blount, who rarely left his tide. , He is survived by two sons, Mr. David P. Blonnt, of Norfolk, ya.; Mr. Jno. G. Blount, Jr., of fcemphls, Tenn.?his eldest son, Thomas H. Blount, died some years ago In Birmingham, and by his daughters,^frs. Chas. F. Warren. Mrs. Jno. K. Hoyt, Miss. Mary Blount and Miss Margaret Blount, of this city; numer >us grandchild it, among whom art Mr. Frederick Waren, a brilliant lonrnallst of Chlngo, and Mr. Llnd ?ay Werfren, a promising young attorney of this city. Mrs. James K. j Hatton, one of our most loted cltliens, is a surviving sister; the late I Dr. W. A. Blount and Mr. Tbos. H. Blount were his younger brothers. It was granted to Major BlQont tc enjoy In a largd measure the esteem and good will of his fellowmen throughout a long and well spent life. He urate an honorary member of the exclusive society df the Order of .the Cincinnati, conferred upor him for the eerviaes of his ancestor* distinguished In Revolutionary times He was a member of the Episcopal churoh and died in the full communion of fha#falth. Rls kindness | and charity of speech, and deed*were noted and sincere and Wp maj well |believe that he has. indeed, "entered oolcht aad probably tawW Wan, : SATURDAY" AFTERNOON ] mcsf . QHIitlES FMDI1 1 1 ' ** FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Market eireet. Her. R; L. 0*7. ] pastor. Regular services tomorrow c morning and evening at the usual ( hours with preaching by the paatof. i Subject of the morning discourse c will he: "The Ascension." At the < evening hoar the topic to be disc use- 0 *1 will be: *'The Uplifted Christ; the i World's Oresteet Magnet.". Sunday t ichool will meet promptly at :?(' 8 )'clock, S. P.* Willi a, superintendent t 3ood music at ail service*. A cor- c Hal welcome a waits all. ? * li CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bast Second street. Rev. R. V. n Hope, pastor. Subject of the mom- 9 ng discourse by the pastor will be: s 'Jerusalem'! Rebuilding." The tub- ; iect for the eevnlng sermon Is not a innourffced. Bible school, W. O. t 3111s, sQporintendlnt. will meet at 10 o'clbck a. m. All strangers spending Sundsy In I be city are cordially Invited to be I present, fonts free. ^ FIRST METHODIST. Second street. Rev. K. M. Snipes, mstor. Ret. Dr. Fletcher, principal >f the Washington Collegiate Insti ate. will fill the pulpit at both the nornihg end eyenlng hours. -8unda/ obool, E. R. Mlxon, superintend en'., neets at 9:46 o'clock. Polite and ittentlve ushers. AH welcome. ST. PKTERfS CHURCH. n Bonner street. Rev. N. Harding, Q ector. ^lornlh# and evening prayer b rlth sermon at PI a. m. and 7:30 p. tl n., by the rector. ti Tomorrow afternoon at this church cl he Sunday school will have their an- tc inal Christmas exercises. A most in- ll eresting day is promised. All invited a Excellent music.. a " 1 a FIR8T PRESBYTERIAN. 1 Gladden street. Rev. H. B. Se.\- '1 Ight, pas|pr. ^Regular services at tl 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., conducted ty the pastor. Sunday school, Chas I. Brown, Jr., superintendent, wll' neet promptly at 3 o'clock. All ? strangers In dhe city spending Sun- i lay are cordially Invited to attend a iny and all services. Seats free. 'I , r AT COUNTY HOME. ti Rev. H. B. Searight, pastor of the tl First Presbyterian chureb, will jreaoh at the County Home tomor ow afternoon at three o'clock. - A -ordial invitation is extended to all v dtisena to attend . v f, nto the Joy of his Lord anflk 3ariour." * R The funeral ?ill take place from h 3t. Peter's Episcopal church Sunday a ifteruoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by c he rector. Rev. Nathaniel Harding, o in* the interment will #e-Jn Oakdale. 1 The following will act as pall- t bearers^ Active?J. D. Grimes, B. S. Hoyt, P."8. Worthy, Jarvis 8ugg, W. B. 1 Rodman, jr., Judge Stephen C. Rragaw. Honorary?Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Capt. George 4- Studdert,' George I. Dall, Sylvester Flensing, Dr. 8. T. Nicholson agid M. T. Archbell. ' SPEC] Until Q * . Pare N. C. Print Batter, per lb. . Arbadele's Coffee, per lb. ....... Corftce Pare Coffee, pee Ikl..... Fulson's Club Coffee, worth 00c : Corned Hams, per lb*r.:... Armour's Star Hams, per lb Borden's B. Milk, per can ...... MISCELDANBOl IOO Buss, Worth fljO, esoh Men's Raljbfr Overshoes, worth Boy's Robber Overshoes, worth Women's Robber Overshoes, wort Misses' Robber Overshoes, wort! Many other things too numer PRICES. ffM Here Is where you get'same g goods for same money. Gome J. E. A Phone 97 V?" ' J4l<* i AILY DECEMBER W. SEIKT by mb of IjllGITEl A. ivect little * casket of jewels, kfary Louise Mtlllson, the one-month >ld daughter of Ifr. and Mrs. Edward I. Mallison, went to heaven this horning at the home of her parents >n North Market street. The few lays that she v^i permitted to be n earth made the home full ofsM| bine and Joy and her ea^^tf o the God who gave h^^^PMy urrounded by shadoYs. life, oday we are permitted to make Joyins the hearts of those we Iots, tonorroy they go to sweeten and Tighten the battlements of heayen. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the crushed parnts. They should remember that ome sweet day In the bye and bye hey will understand the providence nd wisdom of Him who doeth all hluga well. S iffeSTwfls emi, i last nil Benjamin-Burrus, coloAd, wai ar-BBted at the home of Mr. Xlufutij ay on Bonner street this morning^ y the night police. The surtnlse te' hat this Is the man wanted for dlsirblng the different residents of the Ity during the-past -week by going > their front doors and Inquiring the (cation of the different streets. The egro went to Mr. Gay's last night ad repeated* his trick of asking for certain street. Mr. Gay phoned for h6 officers and within a few minutes j hey arrived with the jesult that' he offender la behind prison bars. , MANY VISITORS. The Washington and Vandemere | assenger train was crowded thlf' lornlng on its arrival from Vande- j lere and other points on the south Ide of the river with visitors and hrlstmaa shoppers. The t^ln wa? axed to its utmost to accommodate he crowd. / CARD OF THANKS. Myself and family desire to ex ress our deep appreclatfon and gratlude to our neighbors and friends, act the entire city, for the many indnesses shown us during our reat bereavement In the loss of our lusband and father. Words are indequate to express our feelings. We an never forget those who thought r us. sour gratitude is boundless, 'heir thoughtfulness can never be orgrctten. Respectfully. MRS. M. P. WATSON. riNBST, CHEAPEST LINE FRUIT* Grape Fruit, Oranges, Bananas. Apples, Grapes. Cocoanuts. Black Walnuts, English Walnuts. Lots of other things that's good for Christmas. J. E. Adams. 12-17-t.f.e IALS _| lrlstmas Sic ....W lSe v..\ lSe pec lb. 88c ... . : inc. > 10? ' lfte I a 78 SPECIALS: 88c 75c per paid 55c 5c per pair 50c h OOc per pair 45c & JI5c per pair 40c ous to mention, AT VERT LOW :ooda ior lew money. Or more In and take a look. lDAMS " Washington, N. C. ... . tne\ , ONE H\LF TH( PEOPLE WI THEIR CHI | , i Bank bt Washington Read; leased Next Week. Will Holiday Shoppers. Larg Thousands or dollars will be put Into elrcu^^^^ln Washington next weel^^^HHfcank of Washington's . CLUB will pay out H^rhalf-thousand members the ' rands which hare been saved a little at a time. The many members of this fund who had the acumen last year to look a rear ahead will receive the reward of their thrift. The READY MONEY' funds coming right at the time when everr person la wondering where he will be able to get enough moner to buy all the Christmas presents he wishes to give, will be a boon to the Christmas shoppers. The release of this) fund will tneanVfiot Only crowledi stores and happy Christmas awakenings, hut also that many persons who never before could start a saving i fund will now deposit the amounts due them-Ln.theln-regul&r savings de pa rim on t wmch pays ? per cent interest compounded every three months, so as to have something toSWT SHOW GREAT LAST Nil The program of motion pictures at the New Theatre last night was the best that* Ibis playhouse has put on for some time. Tho ninth Installment of "Luclle Love," the girl of mystery, was the most exciting Installment of the series so far. When the name of this 31m goes on the screen one would think from the great applause that goes up from the audience that some great star on the theatrical stag* had mode their appearance on the stage. Never has there heen a picture in this city that has created such an interest as has the "Lucille J nvo" nlMnra Thorn will ho olr I nxore Installments of this great picture. On next Tuesday, the New Theatre announces that they will start another grqpt aerial, which ia without % doubt aa great a picture as "Lucille Lots," If not a great deal better. The namo of this new serial is "The Trey of Hearts," and there will be two reels every Tuesday night from next Tuesday on. EXERCISES POSTPONED m P. i On account of the funeral of the late Major John O. Blount, who passed away at his home, corner of Main and Bridge streets last night, which is to talce place at Saint Peter's Epjaeopal church Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, the Christmas exercises of the Sunday school have been postponed from four o'clock to six o'clock. AH the teachers and pupils of the Sunday school are urged to be present promptly at 5:30 o'clock at the church. * **; * LUST WE FORGET! Thousands of Chrlstma^packages will go out of Washington In the next three days. If every one bears eves one Red Cross stamp, there will b? a goodly sum in thai' bank to heli those among us suffering from tin great White Plague. Let every man woman and child In Washington have, a share in the fight You ar< fighting for self-preservation?o perhaps for OH* dearer than self. MEN WHO SMOKE AN1> CHEW please drop la and take a look a otar magnificent line Cigars, Cigai ettes and Tobacco. J. E. Adami J lfi-17-t.f.O ; Vl ' . Wtt;- " ' i'. VS * 1 1 " . No. 250 * ' 4 OUSAND LL RECEIVE EUSTMAS FUNDS ?r * -si f Money Qub Will be ReI Mean a Great Boon for e Stun to be Paid Out ? r vvd a rainy day. , ? r In-the two > ?ars of this aavlng fund's existence Its growth has beea remarkable. J Next year's i'ub opens Monday, January 4th, at w hich time new members will be permitted to Join.* # This READY MONEY CLUB has taught many people to save small amounts who, without Its aid. were accustomed to look forward to Christmas with apprehension that they would be unable to purchase presents for all the friends they wished to remember. It will also aid many In buying "that home" which ther have for so long wanted to do. Many memberships are kept up by husbands for their wives as a present nd by many knives to present to their husbands. It Is an excellent way in which to begin saving for tbe college education of tbe child, and there la no better way of systematic saving than thta READY MONEY CLUB offers. ill) FUR m " 1ICI1CB Rev. Mr. Fletcher, principal of the Washington Collegiate Institute, will . 111 the pulpit at the First Methodist I church tomorrow morning and ovenI .ng at the usual hours. The pastor. Rev. E. M. Snipes, has gone to Durham. N. C., to spend the holidays. Mr. Fletcher doubtless will he heard I by a largo and appreciative audience. | This will be the first time that thlB congregation will have the pleasure of hearing Dr. Fletcher. Prior to his coming Co Washington to assume the principalship of the Collegiate Institute. he was pastor of one of the prominent M. E. churches in Chattanoga. A cordial welcome aw&tte Mr. Fletcher on tomorrow at this church. I'N'DKRUOEH OPERATION The 12-ylar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross, who reside at Pactolua, N. C., was successfully operated upon at the Washington Hospital last night for strangulated hernia. The little fellow is doing nicely today and unless something unforeseen happens will recover. A VISITOR. Mr. D. W. Simmons, of Columbus. fin la cnanMlrir o <?? ? ? ? ??- ?-? brother, Mr. Daniel Simmons, at his home, corner, ot Second and Van Norden streets. GUEST OF MRS. HACKNEY. Mrs. Thomas Lewis, of Norfolk, Va.. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hackney. Jr., at their home on West .Vain street. LITTLE ROOM. ' ^ The cotton storage warehouse has now only space for the storing of a few more bales of cotton. Ail those who have cotton to store should get busy. THINK OF US WHEN YOr MIB C. S. Meal, Hulls, Corn Meal, Hominy and Hay. We have the goods and the price. J. B. Adams. 12-17-t.f.c MIGHTY GOOD CANDY AND Bency Raisins, Figs, eto., at J. E. Adams' 12-17-t.f.c New Theater > Entire Week of Xmas ; "Southern beauties" r A Musical Comedy "-Company Featuring ' "THE WIDOW GREEN0 ,t Tuesday Night First Installment ef j '-I , "WET CfF. HEARTS." ,1 Another Great Serial Every Week. Prices 10 and SO (Ma ' ' J

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