r| / nv ^ k. - 'i! behristmas ex ik saint pete fl j" yesterd/' ' T bBf Th? cblldra't aai-ricas at 'saint SA' P.t.r. Sunday ?kool o? Seater and Cbrlatmar hare lor yearm bate no-1 ' table occasions, and tba ealobratloit lA jrdterday afternoon van no axeep itfba. ?Tba ahnnsta wu bcnatlful In Bllta CbrlBtmaa dacoratlona of'bolly, IHRKte ad Ota children !>' >b added ( Irlabtaaaa to tba aoana. I AY'. MrTU* ,u abort and limit. Hlani^b. memo, dad by tba choir of MRw? and atrta. una hearty and fall t'^Kof tba kftr of tba aaaaon. Tba ad tbaaa mate by Mr. H. 8. Ward wan I lb nnlqna Ida* ma canted oat la pST" f j. t. imcm I; jpi I la another column you arc pub? letter received tbl? morn-. I from Mr. Henry CleWu, New I Hkorl City, treasurer or the Dollar | | Tleaie allow me to supplement I that letter by thanking ^galn each H ( of the one hundred and seventy odd ' jfl J individuals, tlubs, schools, and ota er organtzatloaa that make up thai V Wat which Mr. Clew# rightly char actertsca aa "remarkable." Ji >M I Wtoh to express particular ap E pretiatlon of the services of the Bav; ^BanJc of Washington, through whon ij^any ot the gifts reached me. and of ^Kflhe Dally News, whole liberal dpna* jKfcm of space in every issue for stv PJ weeks was no small factor In the sue f ceaa of the effort, J Since the' check was forwarded t6 ^B I New York I have had three dollar / handed me for the same purpose? -one dollar each from Master 8. C, M- Certy, Jr.,, J. H. C lloway and Mrs. I B . Mayo?and this will be sent ma promptly. ^B D has been suggested by several M "Jfcot the Fund should be kept open, and as the'needs of those for whom m we have appealed will not cease at LB Christmas bat will continue in dls[B trailing volume for - many months, ( I shall be glad to receive farther do nations and to forward them. All IB, such gifts will he acknowledged B through your columns as heretofore. JOHN 6, BRAdAW. JR.. r ii iiMurr uvuar vurioiujuo | * ashing ton Is Tl Its Belg The following letter. received In thia mornlng'a mail, will be real with tntareat and appreciation by all -who took part la the gift aent from \ Waaktngton for the Dollar Chrlat|H man Ton! for Bomeleaa Belglana V John 0. Braraw Jr., Ixj., Washington, N <\ ' Soar Mr. Brsgaw:?In behalf of m the oommlttee of the Dollar ChrlatB ' maa fend and In my own heme at I' <" treajnrar, I bag to acknowledge your U valued donation of ?S09.St contribV ittad by the town of Waahtagton In J I North Carolina' and vicinity. I not.) ' with aatiofaetlon that your gift la B entirely voltudary and that there A baa been BO personal soliciting. We art all vtry grateful to you for the i?Si prgaUcal way la wtaiclu you have A ahawB your sympathy for the cause F of the dlatreaaad Belglana. Ml] we are very glad to know that 'Href yon have had the eeetetanee of th-> A local ye per In yonr work of mercy. A will yon pleaae thaqk the numerV' ana eontmmtore mentioned In the remarkable Hat .yon eneloaa, and aaaora them that their charity will aa alat vary' aoneldarably In the work A Of relief we Javg undertaken t Si ) Permit me alao aa treaanrer of ' the fund to wlab yon all the compllM menu of the Ohrtgtma* edeaon t W know that yon heellte with me that I each ane will bo happier at Chrlsf| V maa Inasmuch aa ha or aha will have holped to mako happy * people he ERCISES R'S CHURCH [Y AFTERNOON - ; ' : making the offer lug. T>o . baskets were placed at the .foot of the chancer and every child of the Sunday School carried a gift to be sent to the Thompson Orphanage at Charlotte. Fruits, candy, clothing, toys?a profusion of things that'will make a happier Christmas for the lit tie folk* at the Heme. , Every child carried something and seemed fled to share his Christmas, pleasure* with the orphans. *'; 4 ^ J; The money offering amounted to more than thirty-five dollars. The box will be shipped to Charlotte today, reaching there la time to help fill the Christmas stockings. ^ IS AT I ujiiiuui ni 1EVHEHB The New Theatre opens tdftght with an entire week's engftgemeufo! the "feouthern Beauties Musics Comedy Company." This troup< comes here with the very highest rec ommendatlon from every town that :hey hare played in. It Is consider-, ad the beet company on the road o( Its kind. This troupe travels tinder a strict guaranty to please every one. They wiil frlve an entire change of program every night. O*. Tuesday night this playhouse wPT have the first Installment of the new serial photoplay "The Trey O Hearts." This serial Is conceded to be more interesting than "Lucille Love.' : The New Theatre will giv< three matinees this week, Thursday Friday and Sstarday. There Is no doubt but that thsy will have capacity houses all of the week. V X * v. , TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE , In twenty miles of this city.'who have relatives and friends you would flee to visit this Christmas time. If you can't go, send them your photograph. It la so personal in nature. It Hill UC BIIUUSl U&C M ?UU IU IUOUI. Think how far a photograph will go. BAKER'S STUDIO. . , * , ( GUEST OP MRS. SWINDELL. Mr. Harvey Brlley and ton of Pactolus, N. C., spent Saturday and Sunday with his slater, Mrs. W. T. Swindell at -her home - -, hanked For ian Contributions reft sit every comfort through no fauljt of their own. k ' ^ Tours very truly, HENRY CLEWS. , ' Treasurer. mm WOBIA6A1N mm The Washington Buggy Company plant which has been shut down, for the past several weeks will resunfto operations Monday, January 4th. This will not only be pleasing newi to the employees of this large plan: but the entire ilty as well. SEEKS DOCTRINAL LIBERTY * ' , . New York, Dec. ?!.?Rev. A. J. Moite, left this city today to become pastor of the Central Congregational church of Boston. leaving tha Washington Rights Reformed Cbn*ch. In Wect lllat etreet.' He. prefer. ille n*w" church, he eal?, before lee-iln* because It. offers more freedom. ' WASHINGTON N. C -..'MB y .London, Doc. 10.4-The Germans advancing on Wanurw over a wide CI front between the Vistula and the to Plllcla river* have reached thd h/err w Russian position? along the Be urn pi river and southward to Rawa. with PI the result that another big battle if to ip progress. m The Russians retired across the wi Bxura, destroying bridgas behind lo them. Two Gerlaan detachments J? srho followed oyer a partly burned an fridge, pre said' tp have been practl- ? rally annihilated,,' 50 survivors be- "I tag taken prisoners. , . * This Is 'onig the beginning of tb4 stj great battle for Warsaw, from whlp*i t*1 the Germans ndw are not more than 30 miles distant. Field Marsha'. T1 sron Hindenburg expects'stern resin tance vyhich the strongly reinforced er Russian army la certain to offer *i? They are protected by the VUtels Wi river, which the Germans have not ,l< Sen able to cross. The Russians Vre continuing op- ne orations against East Prussia, a: vl though the- capital of Pql&nd wen hot threatened and by counter at wn are attefepting to throw off the kustro-Oerman, attacks in Qalicia la' Austrian sortie la force from Prsemysl; ac or ding to the Russian 'lc jfflclal statement has entirely fail ,c 3d. The offensive operations of the ai Cc tea in the west are being carried "h >ut under conditions of siege warfare and are being stubbornly op he ?osed by the Germans, who in the** mtrenchmente and'surrounded br j( vire entanglements,, make an ad cance -of even a few yards tery eest -n) 17 for the attacking force: In Flanders the Allies have gained ^ i little ground at considerable cost w Uong the coast the allies' warahlpi 'll jontinualy are bombarding Germar 911 positions. T^e ..advance has beet noro marked from the Belgian borler south bo the river Olse, wherr the ground is hot as wet as In- the flooded regions of Flanders. Along the Aisne and In the c?am gr pagne district the French wrtlllerv <3, iow probably stronger than the Ger br man, has been keeping on the move qg but in the Argonne region It is the ai Sermans who are on the offensive. ve They claim a alight advance. p, The Servian and Ifontengrln ar- W( mies again have united after defeat ,j of the AustrianB who invaded Ser- tjj via. . ta _ gi -* Of BREEZY NEWS FROM THE FIELD Q] 6< "After appearing In nothing but light comqfly role for awhile, it vu a decided Tellef to portray a char- ? acter like Joe Lark In "The Black Sheep," declared Tom Moore. Kalem'a popular leading man, recently. "For the last few months, "I have done nothing but light comedy work. Then came "Th9 Black Sheep,' and the role of Joe Ctaflt. I don't know ^ single other role which afforded ^ie suoh pleasure to portray. There was h double reason for this. The first, because It was wonderfully dramatic role. The second, because as Joe Clark. I was able to drive home with terrible rbrce the fact that man must suffer for his folly. The mlral of this drama cannot be deniedI thldk that when photoplay patrons see Jt upon its release on Monday December J 8 th, they will vote 'The Black Sheep' one of the most powerful dramas ever told In motion pictures." What is perhaps eae ef the most merciless ^exposures of the danger b contained In "The Derelict." the Kalem drama'whlch la to he released Wednesday, December 80th. Miss Marin Slae, the charming ? Kalem leading'actress, who enacts the role of the wife hi this drama, j had ample opportunity to observe ' the results of the use of hablt-formIng remedies, when not engaged in working before the camera. Hiss Sals does settlement work and,,frequently finds wretches who contracted the producing director embodied Miss j Salt's suggestions in "The Dere- , lict," that photoplay batrone will find this drama of unujhal realism. ? C. L, Fortes -of Greenville. N.tf. was a passenger on the Norfolk SouI,. . ^ JV ^ *-1'1 w WMIK iffi I The mentor* of the Fln( If. K. lurch congracatlolt wer^ "treated I *s Intellectual taut, .yibterdar orsln* and tTeulnc tu havfcjc the I aaaura at hearlc* the nr. M. I etcher, principal ol the Waihtn*In Oolleglate Inatitata. ,Bolh the I Drain* and eranln* .dlaponraee lire naeterplaaaa of thpaflp and I tie. At the moraljt* hear hi? eubI it wan "Faith. Hope *< XoveJ'll I d at the evening hoar fc* preached I. eloquent .sermon from the text. If t man die shall he lire again." Ir. Fletcher Is a spealMt or rare I lllty and simply charmejfLjend capIrated hit congregation. . A8 stated ' lor. it -to a fcaat of *^d things. II II |e speaker tnade a most profound d lasting impression upata hli hear ft. The music at the Ironing eerie was attractive. The aelolste Ire Mrs. William Eley and Miss El- 1 ft Duck man. ,On next Sunday at this church the; Iw presiding elder. Rev, Mr. Read. Ill fill the pulpit. I POLICE BHAKE-XJPt Stung by the criticism of the po ?.. ?*.-* ? - d in *u responsible for ??eh gang ? imes as the Baft murder. Police ] immlssloner Woods made many an gee among his depntfes; First Depuity John McOMntcock, said, would leave the department. Daring the prolonged absences of mrmtssloner W^oda, First' Deputy 4 :CUntock has been the actlna com- c sslonar. He wan kuchwgtr'when 1 iff .was killed. Under him the rest 1 int for tho assassins was made, t > was in charge, too, when Comtnls i >ner Woods lectured a^ Harvard , "How to Catch Qunmen." ITIONAL GRANGE CLOSES 8K8 8ION. Wilmington. Del., Dec. 21.?The st annual meeting of the national *ange to be held In this city was ought to close today and the delates departed for their homes In 1 parts of the United Stales. Next ar's meeting will be held in San anclsco. About 2.500 delegates are present. During this week the legates hare visited every part of : e "strawberry and peach tree" es- te, which la not a great deaj lar- ; >r than some of the large ranches the west represented at the , range. The meeting was pronounc , I one of the most successful ever Jld. / THE LAS'] There are only four da Holiday Shopping.' Cali HUYLERS Cigars, Pipes and Tobaci try. Manicure Sets, Pari, mery and Toilet Waters are in keeping with the tn Davenport's OWN YOl The Home Buii Association will ies Saturday Jan [t Is the safest and easiest \\ small weekly installment?< s rainyday, or for Christmi See us / W. E. Swindell, Pres. Office in Saving & AILY ________________ , . ECEMBER 21, 1914 inwiii | II BIKE 4 . DEPOT HE . " . The expected happened Saturday 1 night. Not a few eltlsen* hare predicted that an effort would be made to enter the llqoor depot of the Sou- 1 them Expreee Company situated at the corner of Union Alley and Main street before Christmas and the prediction la now a reality. Sunday night between nine and ten o'clock several citlgent standing an Main street In front .of the depot beard glass crash. They immediately rushed down the alley and on reaching the rear of the building law three negroes packing sand lown the alley towards Second street The won id-be boose thief* failed In their effort* to secure boose gratis for Christmas. There Is no cine a* to ths guilty parties. > t LAOKAWAJf A'8 EXTRA DIVIDEND Scran ton, Pa., Dec. Si.?An extra dividend of 10 per cent wa* paid .oday by the Delaware, Lacka* sua ind Western Railroad. Since 1909 ;he Lackawana baa unfailingly declared this extra dlridend Just belore Christmas. Prom 190b to 1190 hese extra dividends were 90 per cent. Since the organisation of the company In 1849 it has paid 899 >er cent-to Its shareholders. VISITORS TODAY*. Among the welcome visitors to he city today are John W. Chapln, >f Aurora, E. B. White and Thomas Sranttey of Edward.' and He her 3eacham of Small. They returned o their home on the afternoon Wash ntfton and Vandemere train. librW"tF close for holidays After Wednesday of this week the DnKlli, T e, ears read by Misses Ava Jones, Mar ty taret Tut en. Ruby Btllley, Mamie the Moses and Mr. Wilbur Rose. After th? ?ach paper the meeting was thrown th? >pen for a few minutes round-table bet liscusslon. Prof. N. C. Newbold, mo 'ormer Superintendent of the Washail ii Mil MOUNT Hind. UUUUI1I PHV The last sad tribute of lore and 1 aspect was paid to the late.Major fell rohn O". Blount yesterday afternoon ski rhen the funeral took place at 3 atic ('clock from 8t- Peter's Episcopal nee Church. The floral offerings were ceo >eautlful being the hajideomest seen era n this city In qtilte awhile. to The choir sang appropriate hymns, sta is the remains entered the church pee i?rs. D. M. Carter eang most Yoi ouchlngly. "One Sweetly Solemn ma rhouffht." The other selections the ised were "Abide "With Me." "Near- jus ir My God to Thee" and "Hark, of *ark My Soul." At the cemetery bee luite a number of appropriate se- ma ectiona were used. Thus passes to wit :he great beyond ona of Washing- wo Ion's oldeet and much beloved cltl- are tens. CONDITION PRBCARIOrs. The condition of Mr. J. Sam Hodges, who resides a few miles ett from this city on the Wllllamston Fr' road, today Is reported to be pre- ad' carious. He Is Buffering from an gu acute attack of pneumonia. ur PLENTY OF GOIJ> COIN of And bright new crisp )1 and $2 bUls for Christmas. The Savics-af lire In providing a supply for Its th friends. 3,1 12-21-tfc. al< mi COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO AJR a YOUNCf MUSICIANS. ar Chicago,. Dec. 21.?The third of a series of muslciales to aid young | artists by the Music League of America will be held at the Blsckstone bj Hotel this evening at which the ar- H tlets Nikolai SoklofT, violinist; Robert Cottschalk, tenor, and Florence w de Conreey, contralto. A notable a) list of patronesses have come for- s< ward to the musicians. The pur- p, pose of the league is to assist worthy young artists In getting a hear- a tng before the public. r< Attempt Was Ma L. N. Willie Mr. L. N. Williams, the deaf and a dumb boot and shoe maker, who runs a shop on Market street on last 1 Friday night while going to his homo r on West Third street was Intercept- ^ ed by two Colored men masked. Just _ a short distance from bis home. Mr. Williams was ssked for bis money and he being not sble to speak, the highwaymen proceeded to use a stick on Mr. Williams. He was hit on the shoulder and leg. In the sctffie Williams succeeded in securing the weapon and was getting ready td~ nsa It scientifically when hta inter beptors taking second thought 1 concluded fen seek other quarters. Mr. Williams hud considerable , money on his person st the time and V, . ' * 1 7 C( J No. 35X ING OF >UNTY WAS URDAY LAST fton Graded Schools had sow Aetast State Super rigor of Rami hools, la an excellent addreee. emaslsed the committeemen's relan to hia school and community. The fact that practically every icher In the codnty Is a rtfslsr ? endant at these monthly meeting* 1 they nercr refuse to take the rts assigned them or do anything , make the meeting* a guccess, rws a most eneouraglnr orofee al spirit among our teaching ce. The next meeting will he held on > 13 rd of January and etery one erected In the schools of the oounare cordially Invited to be with I am euro that If a large numr of the committeemen and patare cordially lnrlted to,be with i teachers and hear them disease i various problems that arise In >Ir work It would result In a much ter understanding and would prote the interest of the schools. W. Q. PRIYBTTB. I COSTS llir F.YTRfl iuu uniiui m m t now costs ten cents ntn for a. low to secure hie test girl sH P off to some J. P. or minster 1 he made one. This extra Basils has blen In vogue since Deaber 1. the resalt being that sev1 of the local ministers have had go down In their leans for the mp tax money as the groom han in In Ignorance of the requirement Ling women who enter the state of trim on y from now on can Inform Ir husbands that they are worth t a little bit more than the cost the license fee for the minister ause It Is a fact. Certificates of rrlage now have to be plastered h a ten-cent stamp. All the uld-be and prospective Benedicts i now given fair waAtng. SATURDAY VISITOR. Mr. W. M. Fife, formerly of Fayevllle, now representing the ank H. Fleer Corporation of Fbllelphla, manufacturers of chewing m, was a Washington visitor Satday. This chewing gam company Is one the largest concerns In Phlladelia and the president, Frank H. eer, 1b well known throughout Is state. He has a large farm of 000 acres near ThomAsvllle be les other Interests. The gum irlo bv thin cnmnanv '? an large Bale. Their special brands e "Bobs" and Spring Hoot." CAPITAL8 CHARITI'BALL. Washington, Dec. 21?The charity ill for the Children's Country ome will be held tonight. The mlt ary. navy and diplomatic clrclee 111 be generously present and the Talr will partake of an Important >clety evont. A group of the moat romlilent young matrons In the city &ve tonight's affair In charge and large sum. it Jb estimated, will be rallied. de to Rob ims Friday Night ? i ?. -up ware of the fact. While suffering from his wounds oday he Is still able to attend to hte egular duties. Mr. Williams was inable to recognise the men. he surmise Is that the negroes were * New Theater Entire Week of Xmas "SOUTHERN BEAUTIES" Musical Comedy Company Featuring i "THE WIDOW GRSEN" '? rueeday Night First Installment tf La?tk?r Orwt Serial Bmr Wnk.