* v';' '' 2i \.w . 1" Vol L tooioe, On M?In Poland a Rallri, batUas tn being fought t (VMS the kueelana end tie Qermi is* iutdu elllee amid tees out te titter eold. In Belgium ei i' Sort Hern France tie Orrmem si V tie French. British end Belgian i Lite gontecttog to tie mat fel foot br fort. ., NO Iftt M ear dectelre l> (site from either sress today. T Ratten est Germ en claims eoatla directly saatrsdlctory. The Oermens Is Folest stela > seeking S ens stteek toward t capital est tie Bess lens ere oppi tern tksu on tie wist Msk ol t Mom strew. ?t miles Rest of Wi saw. Orent Pake Nloholse' en here holds netarsl strstecte line 1 tr miles lass, rannlag roughly. nor sot south stent tie east bisks ' the Bears end Rswks rlrers. The Retro sled official repc etelmn that the Ctermen force Mdrth Pound bet retreated ecrc the boundary into Best Prussia s northwesterly direction. It i eerte also tint the Austrian edran through the- Carpathian putt the north has been checked and i tacks of tie Pnemrel garrison break through the Unas hers bt > ?yUI??u. Avwiwut^ ?w 11 the Auatrlana hare been driven 1 | to the fortifications with hea W slaughter. WHS TO BE HEEDED _ II111 DC NOT decorate your ChrUtm tree til paper, cotton or a other inflammable materi s Uh metallle tlnee) and ott non-inflammable decora tlo only, and set the tree aecur npo that the children In reai In# for things cannot tip eras. * fDO NOT nee cotton to reprew mov. If yon must have an nee aabeetoa fibreDO NOT permit children to light relight the candles while rente are aiot present. Ti frequently eet fire to th \ clothing Instead. PO NOT LBAVB MATCHES Fit: reach of children at Hoik L. time. Candles are meant to lighted, and if the children I I] grt matches they will exp M jf , meat with them. They imlt I their elders. , I DO NOT allow trees to remain | Ids buildings after the n |ix days. The tree Itself fen |p readily when needles haTe come dry. A targe number ! Ires usually oecur In Janu H v A House of merriment is be i\ than a bouse of moumlng. I 1 SPE Until < I tuA. .. Oota rar. ooCo*. r? lb. Fotaoo'. ?L.b ooffoo, nrt h ' iiwwi (to hum, pa ih I MIBCBLLj I too Raj*. Worth ?1.?0, e Mm* Itabbor Ororohoro, i Boj*, Wht'Omb* < WoMl ftobbrr Of ttoo pi| Moor otbor tits?o too I 1 ?*KJMS. . . Boro to whoro job ?ot i I Ml for- MM OtOBbr. ?L JIT tW.97 " 1 ' ' ' -" * ' gfought i IS and too ;rest weather 1" " 4$: <*? ad Austrian communication claim? successes ia (the Cypf ds f Serious lighting between the Russians and Turk# fround Ersewua in Turkish Armenia, has been stopped he by a six-foot snowfall and intense ue cold, from which the Arabs are suffer log bitterly. I re Berlin publishes what purports to he be an order issued by Oen. Joffre. >s- commander In chief of allied force* he in the west dated December XT, exit horting the soldiers and telling them ay the hour ht# come to "clear the Tn(or tkder from France." th A late Paris Offlolal bulletin doof scribes small gains all along tbe line, particularly in the center bout tween the' Argonno and the Mense. In Brlllsh ships again hare been bom as barding Zeebru?ge And Meyat, * a* I In well as the coast beyond Ostend, A- where the.Germans bare established ce many shore batteries, to. Political ^leTelopment In -Hunga- I it- Tj, whose people are reported to b^ I to deeply discontented because they en think that Germany and Austria arc in inning w (ire nuu|>r/ a twr mumi < in- of protection are the subject ?of rj much speculation and deep Interest in England. ALL CITIffi BIGHT TO BE E ATJEETi 1 . Te the Taxpayers of Richland Town " .hip: It has been suggested and peal. titioned that I call a meeting of the ier taxpayers to be held at Aurora on j* December 31s? at 10 o'clock, a m. for the purpose ft discussing t'at 6 y road law. ^' I am without authority to call ** any such meeting bufl will be present at Aurora on the date name* M*t hope all of the citizens of the ow township will be present. Tell your friends and neighbor/ or about this meeting; let's get togethPa" er and enact a road law which will ley KnIM vnoil rAiHi v e'r There is notSng compelling nay person to be present st the meeting htr but nil who are interested in. good ,ay road$ should attend and if yon Jc ** ioV do?t criticise orhsjt fls done 8ar should it not meet with your apprcr*1. at0 Very respectfully. JAS. L. MAYO. la- t oil- SPENDING HOLIDAYS. Ites Mies Maude Hodges, who Is . ? ?r member of the Colombia Graded *r7 School faculty, Columbia. N. C? is at home spending the holidays with l*?r her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hodges. V* ' CIALS Zhristmas rib. Mc ...%i , it# l?e I Me per 'lb. Me lSe lOe ** > ; a ' I2TBOUB SPECIALS: ech 6?e worth 76c per paid Mc worth Bfc per pair BOe i, worth Me per pair 46c ,worth 66c per pair ........ 4?e numerous to mention. AT VERY LOW lame goods fob less money. Or more Come In and Utke 'a look." ADAMS . Washington, N. C. H * _rt\ , /. ? -, WEATHER?* IaaIIa* _ mtw u* ' '1 nfiiinT nmi I/cSv *" '?i?' His Honor Judge Frank Carter of Aahevllla, N. C.. opened Ike December term of Beeufort County Buperfor Court at the Courthouse yesterday morning at 10 o'clock and sdJourned the same for the term after being In oeserbfl for aboutgan hour and a hal{. The only bustnass trans acted was the sighing of a fev orders. At the last session ofthe Board of County Commissioners tha local bar requested that no Jury be drawn Inasmuch as the term would conflict with Christmas and be a hardship upon litigants. Jurors and tho attorneys. The Commissioners acquiesced in the request so that the court was only held for a short while. Judge Carter left for hie home In Aaherllle this morning. The next term of court will convene on Monday, February IB, 191S. YOU CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS I HAVE GOT TO HUSTLE NOW. 1 j You're got to hustle?yes you -tare?because Just two days Is a nighty short time in which to complete thg Xmas ahepplng. And while it Is too late to''shop early In the season, yon can shop early Id the day. Oo to J. K. Hoyt's store and share In his especially organ ulced Christmas Shopping Service, which makes gift buying a pleasure Quantities of merchandise suitable 'or gifts are displayed. Silk 8hlrt wainii, Hosiery, . ivm uiutpb, i owMs, Handkerchiefs, and scdres of other useful and practical gifts. TO SPEND XMAff. MlasLlULan Woolar&.of the Inter al Revenue-IWpirraieTit, Raleigh V. C., and Seaman T. O. Woo lard of the U. S. Battleship South Car. I lllne, are home To spend the bollI Jays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woo lard. HERE VE8TBRADY. Col. W. B. Rodman, General Solicitor of the Norfolk Southern Railway was in the city yesterday en route to his home in Norfolk. He | lias been doygjn to his farm. mm-. : BY 1 CLUB ^ DECEHBER 28 ? . The Christmas dance by the Halcyon Club will he given In the Eflks Home on Monday evening, Decern ber 28th. Before the regular ger man takes place the clnb will give chelr annual Christmas dance to th< children. This annual social- tunc tlon is always looked forward tc with much pleasure by both the Ju venlles as well as the grown-ups an< this season is proving to be no ex option. y The hell will be attractively dec orated^or the occasion and the mu tie *111 be famished by the Forbe Orchestra. Quite a number of tIi ltlnf young ladles and geutleme will no doubt be present. IK HOSPITAL. Mr. George Fort^scue was earrle to the Washington Hospital last #1 enlng where he underwent an opoi atfon last night. The reports froi his bedside today are very eneoa aging./ lfr. Fcftlacue Is engage/ in the meat and beef bus! noes ] the City Market and hft a wide el cle of friends. * BARKS WILL BH CLOAHD. The uadvrslgned hanks -will 1 elosed Friday. December ISth ai Saturday. December Ilth, 1*14. F pen maturing on these dates v be payable on the following Mo | day. Tbe banks will be open Th?i rr night. Deeetnber Uih, 7, to convenience of customer* BANK OF WASHINGTON, SAVINGS A TRUST CO . FIRST NATIONAL BANK. V $V; .rWfe;- & 'M f-LoAZ, i'. ' Pff ? 5* I W JL i 2 Wkjr "SOUTHERN ^^^^HEgn3|^^Enlfiij?9 New Theatre Attraction ' ' '?W"? 1 ** The Southern Beauties Musical Comedy Company. -which'opened the New Theatre last nlght> scored Che blffeet bit of S^T company that hae ever been here of lt?>{nd. From the riae of the curtain 4p the fall the large audience .protest wee supply delighted with tfct-'clasi jf entertainment that wa# produced. "The Widow Oreen" was presented last night, and it waa. the cleanest little ehow that haa been presided here. The play waa foil of good comedy, and the aonga were all new and catchy. Tonight thin troupe will preaent "Dp In a Ferris Wheel" \ tunny musical farce oomedy. -T??lr Tornnlo rml trrr . niol t and la caught In a ferris wheel and | Tob. Maikti, to Re~Open January 5 The Waehlngton and' It Is the safest and easiest ? small weekly installment a rainy day, or for Christr " See us , W. E. Swindell, Pres. Office in Saving i . . AILY . * '?I r. HiMr CM* 1 ECEMBER 22, IMS BEAUTIESF a . H I 4 I * For Tte ftww W?fc, r , could not got down ontlf morning, i nnd ?, Jealous wife, n mond nng kit ' lor, and thereby hnngo Ulb tmlo that < 1? played woll by the Southern Beeutiee." A piny with plenty ot m?ileal Interruption*, pretty girl# nnd pretty ooetumen Thin company nlXl give nn entire ohange of program every night. There will he a' i matinee Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p. m.. except on Thmra 1 day when the matinee will he at < 2 p. m.. in order to give the o?t of 1 town rlaltore a ohance to Wltnest the performance. Tonight the flfet Installment of "The Trey O* Hearts" i will he^bown at this play house- . This photoplay promises to draw " wvnu Mian iu? uiuuif Love" pictures have. Red Cross ' S tamp Sale is Pleasing Mrs. H. W. Carter report* today the collection of ?8.80 (or-the ink o! lied Cross stamps from a fart of East Second street., This Is a flat record and goes to show again that Washington citlxens are alwayt ready and anxious to help and aid in any worthy cause. While the mall is going out don't forget to put a Red Cross eeal on Every penny Invested In thts great cause means so much towards help lng a disease which Is sapping America of its manhood and wo feanhood. K XMAS KNTEllTAIVMBNT. The Sunday School of the FIrrt /iknMk ?ni iu.i. .. " n^al Christmas entertainment either Tuesday or Wednesday night of next week. It will be given In the armory If that building can be sa-' cured. / r 4 DAYS * # iys in wfiich to do your II in and see our line of CANDIES :co. Fancy Box Stationisian-Ivory Sets. Perfut of all kinds. Our prices imes. -\ V 5 Pharmaoy. . ' l.. -i ' . ~ ' -.e. UR HOME J ilding and Loan 1 I open a new serluary 2nd ?, way to pay for a home ii -or to accumulate a fund, fo nas. About It Jno. B. Sparrow, Sect': 6 Trust Co., Building ? NEY f . V * . I " * . \ f I1SITIR10 vHIS PARENTS BHD Laat Saturday alglt Mr. O. B. Bmltl ef Duma, N. C.. arrlvad to the rity far the yar^oae of ayamdlng tba holiday* with 11* paracu, Mr. ?< v? J. D Smith at Chocoalaity. Meeting 09 with eome of Ms Mam da. who agaaad to oarry him to kla lama, la went with tham to tla Southern Mzyrees Cbmpany 'Hoetn* dayat far a package. On mtedng tla oflce Mr Smith Mt hi* 4raw volt oaaa am tla floor and reat ta tla eonntar wttl hl? friends tor tla iumm ad aaaartalalag If la yaskag* day deal red lad arrir?d. Wlaai Mr. ftmlth etarted to leave tla depot. lo and haloid lis lait oaaa Wan miming. Itnahlng to Lha door la a negro packing' land dowa Ualoa allay. Ha rare ?uuo hat tla thief waa too fai^ thaad to ha overtaken. The ault saae wa1 foaad a little while afterirarde hat It wae minus of a $20.00 1 ait of olotlea, maoh-prlaed anderfrear, a pair of ahoea; ate. There a no elae as to the gallty party. Moral?Hold on to what you hare rlth a firm grip these Christmas lines. A stltoh In um? eaves nine 3IFTO THAT WOM15 WH.I, APPltHCIATK. S' ' LeI this proYt to bo prompt aid ID thfr perplexed holiday shopper, rhoee "lift" list baa not yet bean onaplatad. Lai J. K. Hoyt'a store rlth I fa hand rod a of tbinps anltabla 'or presents prom anew it* useful1MB la tba roab dare before Chrletnas, for there are bat three more ihoppln* day* left. Take adYantage' )f the treat quantities of merchan-. tftT6f a fcollffay aatur* displayed at Floyt'* for ysor ssaYsaleaes, thei rreatest aad best aeaortment of git* irtlelea he's erer shoira. Kid jlovea aad Handkerchief*. Kimcn*' Boudlor Slipper* and Cap*, Scarf* Fancy Ribbons. Feather Fan* in erininf Shades, Baskets, Novelties and lost* of thlafs. uur GREETEl BY HIS COMRADES Mr. Peter McWlllIams, who is one of the Itrmatee at the Soldier * Home Raleigh, N. C., has been In the eltjr for the peat two day? greeting hie many old friends. Mr. McWilllams was one of the I original members of the "Washington Grays" a company organised here during the Cifll war. He waa brave soldier and saw service al durftg the war. Mr. MoWilllams has gone 10 Au rora. N. C., where he will spend th holidays with hi* soa. Deputy Shei \K W. J. MeWUllam*. Mis row rades in arms la thla city wera di lighted to see him. GCJBST OF MRS. E. L. BOFRR Mrs. Rllen Jonee, Mrs. Clifton W1 llama and Mlsa Edna Burru* < Lake Landing, are the gueet* < Mrs. B. I?. Roper on East Secot Mint _ a ATTENDED MEETING Rev. B B. Bearlght. pastor of t: Flrat Preebyterlan Church, and I der C. M- Brown went to Tarbo y eater day where they attended very Important meeting of the Hot * Mission Committee of the Albemai I Presbytery. They returned hoi *last evening. Mr. Brown wa* i companled by his granddaught Mlae Dorothy Brown, who spent 1 day with her aunt. Mrs. James W gin*. a ? REWARD OFFERED. Twenty-Bra Dollars will be p far evidence sufficient to arreet a convict the person or persona a stole a lot of Bard Plymouth R< Chickens from my Bebee farm the gight of the Stat of tthle mot J. HAVBNfl lS-IS-ftc. i i . - > ? ' ys No 252 II01PR0TEST YET flEAB! 1 IlfJE CUT The Faretterllle Board of Underwriters la opposed to the reoent general rule* of the Southeast era Underwriters Association. oat of them lncreesl ig the rote for term rlako end ms'clng reductions wader certain oondl' ons la the ratoa for dwelling* an< bora* la both oltleo and country and the other redaolng the rates under cartel* oondHlome of other than the shore mentioned dwelling* and boras In both olty end country. It 1* claimed that the aew rulee irtaally aeatmlloo eacO^ other. The eame rate# bore boea tat Into effect In Washington bat ae yet no word of protest has boon hoard from the local board which la composed ot the Ire Insure*oe agents of the ally. lEETIIG If I m ids. suggested To the Citlsene of Washington ? L.on^ Acre end (ahocowlnlty Townships: There apepars to be e greet deal of sentiment favorisg e change in the present road law for the three townships named and it has been suggested that a meeting be ceiled to be held in the Coorthoose la Washington at 11 o'clock a. m., January 2, 1916. I will meet with the people at the time and place suggested and hope the tax payers of the three townships will discuss this among themselves and all be present on this occasion and work but a plan which will build good roads throughout the district. Please bear In mind that there Is Qothlng compelling any one to attend thin meeting but those who are not present have no right to criticise what is done should it not meet with their approval. Every one interested in geod roads should ba present at this megt Ing. Very respectfully. J AS. L MAYO. Stores of The City Now Attractive j This is Christmas week and tha different stores of the city are groan * ing with attractions and being filled dally with shoppers. At no yule I tide seuon, notwithstanding the close times, has the merchants been mora liberally patronized. It looks as if this season will ba ' a record breaker in Washington. No town in Eastern Carolina baa mora attractive Christmas bargains. It will pay any would-be purchaser to visit the different stores end see for themselves for sselng is b*ll*v? >! >f ld tiOKW BOMB. Misses Elsie Dillon and Oema Robertson of Greensboro, N. C.. left fqr tholr homes this morning after he spending the week-end with Mlsa 5j. Maude Hodgee. ro ..... PLENTY OP GOLD OOIN ne And bright new crisp $1 and $9 bills for Christmas. The Savings 31 e and Trust Company takes great pleas ure In providing a supply for Its w. frlende. 11-tl-tfs. .. If- ?? New Theater >|d Entire Wook of Iw "SOUTHERN BEAUTIES" .ho IP "TJP I* A FERKM WHEAL ' t 5th A sAoomlnt Comndr on4 on Flrtt Inrtnllmont of Ith. "TREY 0> HBAMO" I. A Oront Sorlol PhMopUy. I Prteoo to and HO OnR