? v . 1 , ' ALLIES PROGRJ Pfl SLOW BUT D lemdon.. Dee. 11.?HM?y dshtlng la taking place on berth eaetern and j weetem tronte but without produo1n< any 'material chubs* In the po. & f ?** ? the o^poflng drmlee. I la Trance and Belgium the *1lee oCanstve'1* balng preaaed aad. white eijn*"grohad 'baa been gained at widely e*?*r*ted points. other attack* hare been repulsed by the Oar mu* tram thin strongly entrenched ' ' rfhlUona. m the northern are* the artillery and warships yesterday ' took ep the taHlSt itrtag the"ta'f ... try a rest, but lower down the line |p(W* gghttag took place la many ntt the pregrees of the allies L.' 'ft eatieaiely slow, military ezparu hare aad In Trance belter* the gains * which the general st*S has reported are disturbing the German sys. rem ot fortiflsstloas. at rttal points, amd will. It yninsnafnUy continued, > if compel a retirement by tbe dormant front their preeeut 11 nee. In the ?ut -most of the Germant north of the Vistula here retired across the Beet Prussian frontier before the onrush of the Russian foTeee, but .rath of tha^ river. I twees the Bsura end Rajrka rivers at many places. This should "bring the main amies close together and * a w* date #111 tell whether the GREATER PROS THE F< New T#rk. December 1*?"Greet Ej|jjj|agt ** snturitj through ftanter torelan trnde" U the objectlre of the V V " INcnnd wfttopal *oreWn Trade Convention to be keld at Bt. Uoule. Jant? III ? latter to then) Jemee A- Parrell. Preenlent of the United atetee Steel Corporation and Chairman of tie National Foielan Trade Coaadl, enye: "The Tamilnen ear hu demonstrated that nor foreign trade, while small in . wimnarjeen with .domeetlc hnelaeee. te a Tttal element In our domeetlc progpeOtjr, end therefore, of immentaie concern to ererr clUscn. In dividual action, however strong, cannot do Justice to the present opportunities for its expansion. Co-ordinated effort of tile entire nation? manufacturers, merchants, bankers, carriers and all others working together in harmony with & well defined national policy, will alone en able ns to develop the possibilities! mow before ua." The Convention will eliminate gen eralltles and concentrate on cotnmer eial problems createdf by the European war and .thoBe which wilj confront American foreign traders when peace la restored. p Tp pjwsgnt the of. the war on United States tirade, John Baasett > Moore, formerly Counselor of the State Department, who Is the fore' Bloat American authority on InternaSPEC Until C In W. m. Mat Butter, pw lb. IrtbWrt Wt'Bi t Cm-Urn Par* OofM, ia lb. ... Palaaa-a Club Coffa*. wrtbX ' r W*w OoMt !!? ' . pa lb.. . Aiiai ab Star Jlmmm. par lb. balab B. Milk, paa>.... ,! ' + mimiibAm "TT*' U?? ?a?>, Wnbfc ?J?, neh ? Ha1, Willi'. OanhflM, wort Mfb Mbba OiiaMima, vat Vava'l Bwlilia Orrnhoea, ? Mbma' Ibllv Oia^uia. we . Maap athvr tbfan tin boi PRICES. Hvr* la vhar* poa fat aaait toadt lor auav mantf. Coa * i m mm T It '. ?m>' . - U Ju, jr A w ^ l f A 1 I v, ( , 1 . .' 1 = ,- v/*i:^4t, \o ?" JJ ' ' ESS IS isturbs the :rman system German Advance is to be definitely checked or whether the Gorman-, again are to threaten Warsaw. Fighting also continues In dalle i a but here, as giong the East Prussian frontier, the Russians seem to havo held back the Anstro<Gertnan forces. The Germans, who are extremely strong along the whole eastern frontier, already are reported to be moving trope back to the west to meet the allies' offensive but It' is not considered likely this movement will reach large proportions until some decisive result has been attained is the contest against the Russians. The Turks, like, their sllles, arc being attacked on two aides. The Rosalans claim to have inflicted s severe defeat on them in the district of Van, while the allied fleets have been%bombarding Kllld Bahr In tfcg'llardanelles. and a French deitroyer has shelled their troops on the mainland opposite the island of Tenedos. The flrst real view of the extent of the South African rebellion is giv en by the minister of Justice, whr says that 4,000 rebels are in prisor and that 1,200 have been amt tr their home# on parole. Theft ar^ still a fpw roaming about the coun try h?t they are without leader* and are surrendering upon the ap ipearanoe of unton soldiers. IPERITY BY i 3REIGN TRADE I tional lew, will speak on "Problemt : Arising in War and Commerce.' Hon. W. C. Redfleld, Secretary of Commerce/ will open th$ Convention l Instead ot numerous speeches on ' the.general aspects of foreign trade ?lWlWU*Sfc?TT%?<ler. tr the Duelneas world and constructive discussion by delegates represent lug all sections of the country. Wayt ' and means whereby the smaller mar ufacturer and merchant may engagr in foreign trade will have an lmpor-' tnat place on the program. i ONLY ONE MORE DAY REMAINS FOB SHOPPING. J. K. Hoyt la thoroughly prepare^ to meet and take care of the lnevtable "Just before Christmas rtfsh.'. He offers the suggestion that you utilise the morning hours of this las' day, thereby avoiding the breath lew rusn ana, me nan 01 not gextins last what you want. Give a set 5f Furs or a beautiful MufT or Scarf Wonderfully low prices are prevailing His store display Includes everything for women, misaefl^ men ind boys. There are hundreds of handsome, practical and reasonably priced presents to select from. CONDITION BETTER. The condition of -Mr. J. Sam Hodces', who hi suffering from pneumonia at'his home near this city, Is -eported to be more favorable today. HALS ~~j hristmas aBe IB* 18c. ? per "lis. We ** IB* lSe | T ; I JOUS SFBCIALS: We h 75c per (laid We lb 5e per pair ??e orth ?Oe per pair 45e rth Me per pair We leroua to mention, A,T VBJtT LOW I goods tor lea* money. Or mare is In and talce a look. , ADAMS Washington, N. C. , . 'Si beautiful weddlug took place in Lbo Christian Churoh at Edward, N. 1 3., this morning at tight o'clock. * the contracting parties being Mtss V Siena Edwards, one of that town's 1 popular and attraeUva rpdng ladles. v to Mr. I. J. Edwards, a prosperous u armor. The ceremony was lm- 11 jreeaiyely performed by the Iter. b ftalelgh L. Topping in the presence t: >f a large number of friends and d Sell wishers. The church was at- h xactlvely decorated In mtrtletoe and a lolly for the event and no wedding 11 >f the season .was looked forward, to C1 nore auspiciously. The brld/d party entered the shnrch as follows: First came the l< >ollte and attentive others, Messrs. * j. D. Mldyette, of Aurora.and B. B. b -atham of Edward. They were fol- a owed by the attendants, Miss Hope ft Latham with Mr. Walter Windier of n Washington; Miss Blanch Edwards, * vlth Mr. Herbert Edwards; Miss ;.eia Jonea with Mr. J. A. Bonner of h Aurora. t( * The next to enter wee the bride's naid ot honor, Mies Vera Edwards. u She was Followed by the ring bearer * iweet little Mlee Slolse Warren. * The bride next.entered leaning on * he arm of her dame of honor. Mrs. 3. L. Bennett. Arriving at thethan d ?1 she was met by the groom and ? lis best man, Mr. 9. J. Merrlvan of 1 Washington. Mri. S. J. Merrlman h ^resided at the organ and as the brl- P lal party entered the church played b Lohengrlns wedding march and as * hey left thw church she played feen- 1 lelsohn's. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. E. P I. Edwards and counts her friends b t>y the score. * The groom Is a son of Mr. Isaac Edwards and haa a? bright and prom .tutur* world. Immediately after the wedding lc VIr .and Mrs. Edwards boarded the n Washington 1111(1 Vandemere "train 1 For Fayottevllle, N..C., where they a expect to spend sevdfral days. Cm- 1 gratulatlons. ?. d DECEMBER 98 IN HISTORY. ( 1757?British privateer Terrible, ? Captain William Death of *6 c gons and 200 men, captured a large French ship, after an obstinate battle In which he ' lost his brother and sixteen * men killed. A few days after he fell In with the prl- ^ ! * vateer Vengeance, thirty-six t guns and 360 men, who recaptured the prise, and having manned her, both ships bore down on the Terrible, whose main was shot away by the first broadside. After a desperate engagement, which the French captain and his second were killed when no more than twentysix persons were found alive, sixteen of whom had lost a leg or an arm, and the other ten were, badly wounded. The ship itself was so shattered that it could scarcely be kept above water. There was a strange combination of names in the affair. The Terrible was equipped at Execution Dock, was commanded by Death, who had Devil for lleutenkht and Ghost for his surgeon. 1816?Bible societies prohibited In Hungary. ' v 1829?A new codi~ of commerce was projected In Rftaaia, found necessary by tbt territory acquired. ' 188 J-r-The Confederates attacked Vs., but were repulsed. 1884 ?The MacKay-Bennett Clmmerelal Cable Company, New York. METROPOLITAN LW* BRCOMM MUTUAL CO. New York, Dpc. 28.?The stock-1 holders of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company met here today to consider the plan to make of it a mutual company, proposed by the directors. The plan will be submitted to the state superintendent of insurance after It Is 'ratified after which It will bo put Into effect. _ r F0? Toole ht M fhoftd.,. W< WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Km cius ii una jill lliE BLAKE God's linger touched yeeierday afernoon the eoal of Blgke Baker rtcholson, the 10-year-old son of Ir. afcl Mrs. B. B. <*Jieholvjn aad be hope ot father aad .mother enwed the chariot and -was wafted a the battlements of Aeaven to help a ringing the praisa* of the new orn Xing on Christmas atom. While be home In which lfltle Blake had welt will be throated In'gloom, earen will be enrlAmd. God's wars re not our ways and we'loiter and a Ink, what does It mean.. None an tell, none can mj, but in that lad day we'll understand. Little Blake was f manly little fel>w, bright, attractive and lovabla. le was Just beginning to view the eantles of God's handiwork with sn mbitlous eye, when the lowly Nazrene said, I desire yon to beautify ly heavenly home on high. He has one, but the fragrance of his ow^pt fe stUl remains, not only In the ome where he was the Joy and com art, but wherever he mingled, This sweet boy was taken 111 Satrday morning last with ippendlItle, being his Wond attack. On fonday he was taken to the Towle [emorlal Hospital where everyblng known to medical science was nrt* finf *11 ft nn avail aft an fin. ration wai the last resort. Yesteray morning he went to the operate ig table full of hope, but the Sureme Arbiter willed otherwise, and i the afternoon at *2.80 o'clock he all peacefully on sleep and went to he City of Peaoe. This afternoon at 3. o'clock ho was laped tenderly away in God's chamer to sleep qntll that great day tor rhich all others were made. The ntlre city mphrns with the grieftrlcken _ parents and ^iany tears cots ten this **w made grave. All place a bouquet of forget-menots on his hallowed -mound for relembrance sake. '^Death is only a ream" and when tho?| lo hlm'near nd dear are greeted"n thai great Caster morn, they can exclaim we o now understand. The funeral was conducted from he residence this afternoon at 3 'clock by the Rev. H. B. Searlght ind the interment was in Oakda?c emetery. .No sweeter bad was evr planted in earth's bosom and no weetor flower ever gave forth more ragrant Incense than Blake Bakor Ilcholson in that house not made r^th hands, eternal In the Heavens THE LAS'] Tfiere are only four da Holiday Shopping. Cal HUYLERS Cigars, Pipes and Toboe ery. Mahienre Sets. Pari mery and Toilet Waters are ht keeping with the ti Davenport's OWN YOl The Home Bui Association will i6s Saturday Jan It Is the safest and easiest \ small weekly installment?* a rainy day, or for Christie v. _ See us i W. E- Swindell, Pres. ' * Office in Saving ? - C , .' . : > . < . r ~ii in liiU'il MM ~ DECEMBER 23. ffl? IE. din Mil Oa next 8unday at the Pirn M. E 1 Church the first Quarterly meetlni < will be held at which time Rcr. Mr. < Read will be heard for the first time i as presiding elder. No doubt but I what he will be greets by a large i and appreciative con^M^n. Be- i fore being elevated t^RI^^^Mrat office he was the popular paR^^^ J the Firs* M. E. Church at RoeM| Mount. A cordial welcome will c await him next Sunday morning and l evening. All have a oordlal Invlta- i tlon to hear blip. , 1 i . \ QUIRT CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. . New York, Dec. 23.?The Christmas shopping reports frgm varlou* parts of the country as reported through the different industries show more conservatism than ever heretofore. -Much more has been done in a practical way by organised charity than in previous years and the great need of many has been made die object of the oharltles. From every direction cohie reports of benefit for the poor ?t home as well as the sufferers .In Europe because of the war. The shipments to Europe bytthe many organised char- t (ties in our different large cities i have been enormous, filling severs! c boats. "At home many times this s amount nas neon similarly contrlD- i uted and distributed through chart- ( U and other organisations. I welcome visitor. ? Mr. Collin H. Harding, title attorney of the U. S. Department of Agrl- ' culture, with headquarters at Ma rlon, N. C., Is In the city to spend the holidays with his family. He expects to be In the city until the first of the year. He is being greeted hy his numerous friends. TO WEND XMAS. I Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Moss have ' gone to Aberdeen, N. C., to spend Christmas with the parents of Mrs. Moss. 'from university. Mr. E. T. Campbell, son of Mr. W. W. Campbell of Jessama, N. C., hat returned from the University of North Carolina to spend the holldayt with his parents. f7"days"1 \ys in which to do your 1 in and tee our line of CANDIES' co. Fancy Box Stationstem Ivory Sett, Perfuof all kinds. Our prices met. ' Pharmacy. JR HOME! lding and Loan open a new seruary 2nd vay to pay tor a home ia or to accutnalate a fund, iot iaa. \bout It] Jno. B. Sparrow, Sect'y c Trust Co., Building iMiiiititiHikN NEY t, JfOUNG MARRIEI COMMITTED CHOCOWI! With a pistol lying beneath her T i)Ody Mrs. Jodie Harding wan found n lead yeeterday afternoon near the o Some of Mr. Fred yonEbereteln at c] Chocowlnity, N. C., about sunset by o l colored man. The alarm was lm- ei mediately given and her father, Mr. Simpson Taylor sent for. He ar- j( tired within a -short while and ear- a ied the body to his home. J, Upon examination tt was found t, hat she had shot herself In the & Mk^d that death almost lmme- t| iw^?j?JJowed. On her breast was >Inne^^Fnote which stated that It ras tha deelre of tba deceased to be 0 cept up until Christmas ere. as she 01 ranted her brother, who resides In c< PUT STAMP 1 OH GIFTS TO BUM Tour last Christmas gifte will be Bf nailed tonight. These gifts carry lb nuch lore and good will. Let them fl] :arry on the outside the Red Cross pj itamps of your good will to the yi rorld around you?the spirit of Christ. h, The King's birthday is almost ta sere. Remember the slogan: "Ev ry Red Cross Sold for 1914." cj Attraction < at Theatre to Inviting The program at the New Theatre aat night was all that any one could ai isk for. It was a great deal better tc ban the night before, and that is Tl laying a great deal for the Monday light's bill was better than anything :hat has ever y?en here before. Tonight the Southern Beauties sill present the "Bogus Bishop," a screaming funnr musical farce com- ^ sdy. Professor Ebenerer Goodly. Sl who is very much opposed to prire u Ights is coaxed into attending a little boxing bout. The place is 'aided and he and a travelling man by the name of Jones makes a get-away. Jones, In order not to be r; caught dlagulsea himaeif as Ebencx- c er's brother, "a Bishop" and then ^ the seal bishop makes aa appear- c ance, from then on there is one con- llnuous scream, as Ebono7er Is put In qome fuany predicaments at well a* the "Bogus Bishop" Tomorrow's bill will be "Naughty Aunt.'" with an entire change of program T each and every day, musical numb- 0 ers, costumes, dances and show. There will be a special matinee to- ' morrow afternoon at 2 p. m.. In or- ^ der to give the out of town visitors and shoppers a chance to attend the performance and get home that night. There will also be a matinee Friday (Xroas) and Saturday at 3 1 p. m. * I " J ABSOLUTION DEFEATED. , After mora than ten hours of debate the Hobson resolution to submit a constitutional amendment for national prohibition to the state legislatures was defeated in the House of Representatives last night. The vote was for, 197; against. 189. The law requires an affirmative vote of two thirds according to the constitution. IN TltB CITY. Mr. Josephus Bcklin of BlouH* Creek, is * welcome visitor 1n our city today. ? aiyam Twenty-Are Bellars will he paid for evidence sufficient to agreet and convict the person or persons who stole a lot of Bard Flymen t*. Rock Chickens from my Bebee farm on , the night of the list of this month J. HAVENS lt-M-tte. - ; - No 2S3 1 > WOMAN 1 SUICIDE AT I MTY TUESDAY 1 enneasee, to be present at the fa- I oral. When she was shrouded anther note -was found pinned to her lothlng. The contents of the secad note has not as yet been dlvulgi. Mrs. Harding was the wife of lCr. H odle Hardlnr and before her marrl- M ge was Mil 3 Fannie Taylor. Dr. | oshna Tayl' j, the county coroner, 'dB lewed the t >dy. Why she should Qmmtt suicide has not been ascerilned. Her married life was * appy and joyous one and nothing ut of the ordinary has been notlc] by her friends and relatives remtly. Mm; 1 IE Hi 1 DEEjpl 31 1 '"The Qirl Who Dared" as stated une days ago. Is to be repeated at te New Theatre. Ever since the rBt attraction, those who were not esent, hearing of its merits, preilled upon the management to re- ? ;at the performance. This request is been granted and the Dally News kes pleasure In announcing that l the evening of December 31, the tisens of tho city will have an op- fli >rtunity to nee this excellent pUy 9 tain, in which home talent plays a msplcuous part. The prices for the second perirmance will be 3Sc and SOc. j i FROM BIX ORAM. William Bloant, Samuel Blount id Mendel Susman who are atinding Bingham School at Ashe- "/ lie, N. C., arrived today to spend te holidays. FOR HOLIDAYS. Mr. Hubert Ellis, son of Mr. and [rs. W. O. Ellis, is home from the tate University, Chapel Hill, N. C., > spend the holidays. 1 HOME FOR XMAS D. T. Tayloe, John C. Tayloe. Hen* f Morgan. Hubert Ellis, Horace dwell, Jesso Bowers, who aro stuents at the University of North larollna, are home to spend Christ- t t ias with their families and friends. PRAYER MEETING. i There will be prayer meeting serlces In all the different churches if the city this evening at the usnsl lour. The services at the First M. 5. Church will be conducted by Mr. V. M. Hear. UNDERGOES OPERATION. 4 Mrs. Agnes Glrkin. wife of Mr. ?Ioyt Girkln, who resides on East j fifth street. -was operated upon yesterday at the Washington Hospital. < Her condition is said to be favorable today. YALE Y?. NAVAL ACADEMY. Annapolis, Dee. 23.?The Yale basketball team will play the Naval Academy here tonight. PLENTY OP GOLD COIN And bright new crisp 91 and 99 bills for Christmas. The Savings and Trust Company tates grsat pleas urs in providing a supply for Its friends. ll-Jl-tfs. ~ " New Theater Batlro Wank ( Zatu "SOUTHERN BEAUTIES" in "trr in a mm wheelA Screaming Comedy and nnrt Intallment at 9 "*BEY <r HXAWW" A ffront Serial Pbofoplar. Mm is art M Carta.

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