? ' r ' ' British Suffer In Belgium HT Sty Although farther progress r.ppar Wti eotly has been made by the allK III their general offensive movement, the Qennass armies as a whole are standing fasft ancWo far as Is known 9 have lost no Important sections of the long line on which they softieo B, those .who wero not permitted to |Hr take part In that memorkble con| filet. As soon as tho program for |B- this event la arranged It will be | published' in thts paper, In no | [ town in. North Carolina is there pre HEM. i. ?? Gloomy night embraced the place Where the noble infant lay; The Babe looked up and showed His face; f I In spite of darkness, it waa day: ? It was thy day, sweet; and did rise I Not from the East, but from Thine eyfe. We saw Thee In tn9 balmy neat, Toang dawn of our eternal ^ay; We saw Thine eyes break from their ^ East, I "*** And chase the trembling shadet away: , We taw Thee (and we bleat the slghp. We saw Thee by Thine own sweei light. SPEC Until C B'.1. Par, X. C. Print Batter, per Jb Arborkle', Coffee, per lb. ..... Cortem Pare Coffee, per If. .. .1 Fiboe'i Clab Coffee, worth W Xew Corned Htmi. per lb.. .' Armour', Star Rome, per lb. Uordea', E. Milk, per eon .... I * MI8CKXAANI 100 Rnffe. Woffh 01.50. each Men', Bobber Orerohoee, wcr Boy', Robber Offerahoee, wo* Women'* Robber Orenhoee, * Mlam' Robber Orerthoea, w. Many otbor thing, too PRICES. g Rare U Wfcere you get mm ^good, lor not money. Cot i. e. phone97 fASHl p 1 i \ ^ Reverses Germans Say land.'to the west of Warsaw. in the oast (he situation le changing swiftly. The Germans, who for a time were able to push forward swiftly are now meeting with determined resistance from their antagonists in new positions. The latest official communication from Petfo^rad in* the same brqath admits that the Russians hmu been ( compelled to retreat from some positions and states that thw German attacfca hare been repulsed everywheu with heary losses to the inTrdwfr.| Germany and Austria continue to assert that important snooaaaee are beTnr achieved. One of the great battles of the war Is in'progress thirty miles west of Warsaw and mean white the Russian forces to the fiortb are pushing into Germany, presenting the possibility of V#flank!ng movement, which will menace th main army of liarahal Von Hlnden burg. It la announced in Lisbon tha' German forces have invaded the province of Angola( Portugese Wes* Africa. A Germ ah invasion. wa' * said to have bfeen^defeated in Octob er, althongh that report was denied in Berlin. On the ? present occs aion the Portuge?e government ad mif^ thetrooos at the nHlltarjr po*J of Naulila have been compelled \r retreat. iku WEI no. mil I tuninpn mpii Rev. Mr. Read, the new prealdln; elder of the Washington district will preach at the First M. E Church next Sunday morning an< evening at the usual hours. Hi will also hold hia, first quarterl? conference. Mr. Read la reputed t( be a speaker of rare ability and jic doubt but what he will be greeted by a large and appreciative audi : cnce at both services. HAWKINS NOTES ? ? The public h&^a cordial invitation to come out to the Christmai treo at Hawklili School house Sat urday night, December 26, 1914. School has Closed here for xthi holidays. Our teachers, Misset Wfnfteld and Woolard,, attended thteachers meeting in Washinptoi Saturday. ^ IS DOING NICELY. Mrs. W. A. Parvin, wlj^ of Oapt. W. A. Parrin, who met with, the i misfortune several weeks ago to ' inll and break her hip knd who if i oonflned in the Fowle Memorial Hospital. is getting along nicely. This t" will be gratifying news to her many friends.* :ials hristmas * S5c ISo ISe >o per lb , ., . SSg. ISo ,.. I0e; .. *.* < l?e, ? ! SOUS SPECIALS: .ft 99c tlx 75c pep paid . 55c th 5c per pair 50c Orth SOo per pair 45c / M*h 55c per pair 40c nerdus to mention, AT VERY LOW e' goods for less mdney. Or more pe In and-take a took*. \ Washington, N. C. ' I I I iiiipi n i FOIITNL pits "The death rate in the future," ?y? a 8'ate Health Bulletin }ust Is iued, "Li going to wield politl?\ In luenoe (or or againat admlntstralone and parties. All progressive itatee are reducing their death atea Mid thereby devonstratini to he FWld that thoee states that are lot doing ao ire defective In their . rwcemment machinery." As tuberculosis causes one-sov nth of all the deaths 1q the Statr ind one-fourth of all .prerentable isaths, the Bulletin quints out tha' tere lies one-fourth of^ the 8thte'i ippo'rt unity to prevent disease and hps reduce her death rate* it say* hat tuberculosis Is clearly % statr iroblem or such magnitude as to eal' 1 or a definite and comprehensive tate poUcy fer Its cbntrol. But lr I vprklng out this policy of handling h| tuberculosis problem it is rea:ced that North Curollna Is not able o carry the baravn alone. # 9he'has 6,000 deaths a year fron he disease and 18,000 helplesi ases. T&e lowest average cobi? i lay fqg a patient in the average san itorlum of tie* United States It 51.66. It la readily seen that Nortl Carolina could not handle her 3,00< xr 4,000 curable consumptives ev -n at a cost of a dollar a day. Br * here Is a w?y, which this Bulletli alia "Dividing the burden." I' mfs: * . A burden that cannot be carriet indlvided.ln bulk, by a single agen j, can be easily carried when d !ded among multiple agencle: yift-/ik i en* iftBhwr-wrr^hc* 1 urafen of tuberculosis, she can hav. ; parried.* The state can divide th urden Into many parts; the state an carry the larger part, a par arge enough to encourage by hesample the co-operation and assls unco of all the polttlca.1, fraforna' c llglous, business, social and insurnce organizations within her calm; she can correlate and direct he co-operatize efforts of these r.ultiple agencies and 'so bring t< urance companies and social organizations. The corrdlpondence^cbool is to be chiefly educational; * V Mr c4wlj t?l(Ju ud Ctarlsuwi : THURSDAY \FTERNO#N "j < . UK 11 IEW MI mis on The Southern Beauties continue .o please the large crowds that are Attending the jfow Theatre this reels. Last nights bill Was the best :hat tjiey hare tj$pented so far. >Vhon a company improves every light it fs an uautnal thing, for gen lYalljr a troupe puis on its best bill or' the opening day. But the touthera Beauties'seems to have put >n *its worst bill the first night, anc Hat bill was bwttsr than anything hat ?as ever bseft. presented here The Naughty Aunt" will be pre tented today # matinee and bight.* Tomorrow's bBl-XXman) will be : ipeclal one entitled --Chrlstmaf >ay" a farce comedy that is -over lowing with ootnedy, At <1 slnkldf ind pretty girls. f There will be a natinee tomorrow at 3 p. m. Then he tenth installment of ihe "Lucille .ore" picture wilt J>e th^ extra ad led feature on Xmas. There is no !oubt that with its splendid troupr nd the very interesting picture. 'Lucille Love/' for t^elr Christ mar -till, that the New Theatre will be 'ull to overflowing tomorrow night Xmas Dai; .-sp yService At .* St. Peter* gy ' As is the usual ycustom there wil. ,o Christinas S;itnt Pet ,rj^. jEyjcaay ChUrfV "^ifcteui reft norning at 11 * o'clock1. TKo ser aon will bo delivered by the rector; .tev. Nathaniel Harding. The mu le by the choir will be one of th< 'eaturcr'and all citizens have a corl'.al invitation to be present. The church has beeri attractively lecorated for the occasion. -J TO KPaxn XMA8 Miss Maud Swindell, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Swindell, whe has been attending the Groeniftinrc ?ollege for Women, has returned home to spend the Christmas holl dayB with her parents. CONDITION HOTTER. The condition of Mr. J. San Hodges, who is suffering from ai attack of pneumonia at his homi near this city is reported to be mori favorable today. Strong hopes ar now entertained for hla recovery. - THE LAS There are only four t Holiday Shopping. C HUYLERZ Cigars, Pipes and Tohc ery. Manicure Sets. Pa mery and Toilet Watei are in keeping with the IJD avenport' OWN YO The Home Bt Association wi v ies Saturday Ja It is the safest and easiest a small weekly installment a a rainy day, or for Christ See us n > 1 W. E. Swindell, Pres. Office in Saving IL V W Da jr. Rain. DECEMBER 24 1914 "mm Z cm m\l: -?|M| Several day* basin being condBHWW^^W^cajT ' ner of Reapass and Fifth streets for the city sewage cared jln, which means a delay of at least thirty days (r. the completion of the work. Ae yet the cause of the cave-In has not been ascertained. , The v*$k Is be-* iug done by the firm of Case & Cothram of Charlotte, K. C., who are under Contract for the basinr } The accident Is more than unfortu- ( nate. The basin is being constructed of reinforced concrete and ?when com pleted ^tTt "be thirty feet in diamoter and twenty-eight feet deep. Work of repairing the damage is now in ( progress. v FROM R. F. D. !|0. 4. Mr. Floyd Smith of Washington Park, conducted ,dlvine services at Asbury Church Sunday. Quite a ' crcwd were out to hear him. Mr. Smith is being highly complimented by all who heard him. The weather continues very dls agreeable, which is badly throwing people back In their work. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cotton ?pent Friday and Saturday of last week with friends in Klnston. N. C. Mr. Willie Lewis and Misses Charty and Ethel Purser of Wllmar. 'pent Sunday with Mrs. Olive 1. Nol- ( CANDIES icco. Fancy Box Stqfionrisian Ivory Set3, Perfu-s of all kinds. Our prices times. s Pharmacy. . 1 \ UR HOME. rilding and Loan 11 open a new sernuary 2nd way to pay for a home ii ?or to-accumalate a fund, fo mas. About It Jno.' B. Sparrow, Sett'; & Trust Co., Building NEV i pEJLIGHTFUL PRi J AT PAYNE ^/T,hurch mm : IE NO PAPER s I01QRRQW da There wjll be no lssfce of the Del- DJ ^ News on tomorrow as the entire ex 'orco will take a day off and enjoA th Christmas. Erery reader and pat*cn of tho paper Is wished a merry to ind happy Christmas and too a joy- ?' >us New Year. May the coming year be the rery w< >09t In the history of Washington. CHRISTMAS PINNER. Tonight after the store of Jas. S. Clark closes the store will r F< i lunaheon In honor of th* em- *r' ployes. * ? University Enginee Studei (By S. R. Winters.) :o Chapel Hill, Dec. 23 ?The civil ?nglneering department of the Uni- j| /ersity of North Carolina, has been Included In $ list of twenty Amerl J' :an institutions which will be given & cash award of $3TJ" each to that student of the senior class in civi: angineering who writes, th?-best pa- ^ fcer on some subject pertaining ti l'( bituminous roads or pavements. The offer is made by an asphalt and pav N*1 lug company of Philadelphia. The merit of the work done by the Uni- :l1 verslty students engaged in road at nglheerlng hiis attracted the at- ,JI tcntion of the Philadelphia asphalt r* and paving company. The excel- ln lency and efficiency of its students s* are outspoken in the work produced a' by these engineers trained in the cn- ** sneering department of the Unlver- CI slty in recent years. W. L. Spoon. 11 of Alamance county, senior highway >nginoer of the Office of Public ?V Roads, Washington, D. C.; Brent n S. Drane, of Mecklenburg county. 1 chief engineer in charge of municlnal improvements, road surveys, etc. U Charlotte; Robert G. Lassltcr. of h Granville county, contractor in E charge df pavement construction in c Raleigh: Charles R. Thomas. Jr.. I of Chicago, 111., associate eaiior qi w Engineering and Contracting Mag- C azino; N.- C. Hughes. Jr.. highway c rgineer of Halifax county: R. T. c frown, highway engfnoer of Orange \ mm FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ? We, the undersigned Wholesale Crocers will close our stores December 25lh and 2?thJ E. R. Mlxon & Co., C. G. Morris ft Co.. E. E. Phillips, Pippin * Woolard, Ellison Bros. Co., H. M Jenkins Co., Jas. Ellison Co.. E. Peterson Co., Carolina Distributing Co. ^ ' POULTRY HHOW OI/OSES. Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 23.?The Boston pet stock and poultry show f closed Its season here t<^day7 The ex' ^lbition*wa sone of the largest ever reen in the east. FIGHTING BOH AND LOUISIANA. Norrlatown, Pa., Dec. 23.?Fighting Bob, tho game little boxer of Allentown and Louisiana will meet in q a return bout tonight. They fought ^ a close ho( ten rounds recently with rouors about?ven. TO APKNI> JMAH. Editor W. L. Brown of the Belharea Journal and Orover T. Mayo of the same paper, arrived ta tht city this moaning via the Norfoll Southern train to tpend Christmas - ' * I) ' \ . ONGRAM MEMORIAL TfflS EVENING A delightful entertainment suitile to the occasion, consisting of* ibgs and recitations, will be given \ thb Payne Memorial Preebyte\n Church tonight at 7.30 o'clock real "Old Santa" Is the last thine ? i the program. The public Is totally invited to attend. \ Perhaps the outlook for tl^n > turch has neve been more promleg than it is tl:.i time. The attertince at the Sunday School has run i to nearly one hundred with ant cellent average, and It la believed at excellent work le being done. Thin is no doubt very gratifying Mr. C. M. Brown, Sr., an Elder the first church, who has manlsted such a great interest la the &rk. FROM COLLAGE. Messrs. Thomas Sparrow, Samuel >wle and Jamie Fowls, are home om Davidson College to spend , iristmas with their parents. ring its in Lime Light unty; K. P. Coble, highway enneer of Lee county; J. H. Cllngman ghway engineer of Madlaon c<5un. James V. Price, superintendent roads in Rockingham county; J. Phillips of Lenoir county, and jyton Smith of Lynchburg. Va. Classified according to church afiatlon, the Methodist deaomtna- *si an tops the list In number of t, >nta enrolled in thh University of Drth Carolina, with 290 followers the Methodist faith. The Bapit congregation follows In lmnredie succession with 234 of that regious faith. 56 less than' the repoentation of the Methodist denomatlon. The other denominations iow the following representation the State's liberal Institution: resbyterlan lgg, Episcopal 116, hristlan 23, Hebrew 15. Lutheran 5. Catholic 6, Friends 6. Moravian ^ , Universallst 3, German Reformed , Unitarian 1. Adventlst '-1, Holl ess 1, Armenian 1, Congregatlanl , and All Saints 1. The University News letter avex* list Denmark and North Carolina sve Just about the same population, tut In Denmark only 370 country hildren were out of school in 1010. n North Carolina the number of hildren out of school was 221,boo. >f this number 186.000 were white hildren, and 109,000 were white hildren living in the country regons. PLACE HPS ON PACKAGES FOB HIS * You will tie up tne last Christmas gifts tonight. Every bright ribbon, every spray of holly and mistletoe will carry real joy to your heart as you forget self and think of "othera," with the very spirit of [Christ. In honor of His birthday, let every package bear a Red Cross stamp, "inaemuch as ye do for those, ye do for Me." "Every Stamp Sold for 1914." LIGHT SNOW. The citiaena of the city were greet ed this morning with a. light fall of snow. It only lasted a short while and melted as fast as it fell. New Theater TONIGHT "SOUTHERN BEAUTIES'' "JTACOHTY AVIFt" ??? f Tomorrow (Xmaa Day) A Farce ! Cotnedr "i . "THJWSTMA8 DAt" I "Lucille Love" Pitern Mailt Oaata.