[I ? ... ,. .-.> ;;, r- :.'. ? i|TrUTDD nn uLAUvjillLiv \><U _. t., _ GAIN B v i > , " ? ? Ij?4o?? Neither th. Au,tro-G?r (mb agtnUn op?r?t(ona .gtln.t th* I XbmUb*' nor th* till**' *tt*ek? on S th* 0*r?*n llnti Is tho rat h?V* 1: jnA? . an appreciable progress, *1- ( though fighting continues along th? lister part of the two fronts with I unabated Intensity. In both cases the attacking armies appears to hare run fall tilt against almost lm- i penetrable ltess. t The Qermans, in their official ro9 port, announce that they have ceae od their attacks on the Bsura river, b which. wUh the Rnsetan masses be- b hind 1$* studs across their dlrdst t path to Warsaw. Tbay are now d trying to find s way to the Polish a capital, along the PUlca river, s con- r slderable distance south of War- d eaw. Fog has Interfered with battler a 'a Flanders, bat sloog the French r $ front the Oermsns have been dellv p ertng fierce counter . attacks. In H these, as in the 4Hfes' attacks, the t loari* on both aides hgve been con- a I'd^mble.^ but heavier on the sid? c m1: < h has been attacking. o The slowness of the allies' prog p !a explained in London aa dU' fl oh- ffnoral staff's refusal to sacn rlflco a great number of soldiers n Ther are setlsiled with small sue- s era through srtlUert practice. I . 0 which In time, it is pointed out. t should prepare the way for a gener- r y* at forward ihovement. . S According to Inflormation frqm 1 Constantinople, the Turks, nnddr n Conference for So t Service H, ' Tke state Conference for Social I Strrlee Wirt hold Its third annual I conference Jaaum J8th, 29. end 10th. ? Thomas Mott Oaborae, the newly elected wardofa of Sinn Slug 1 Prleon, hee joat- accented an lnrlta- ? Hon from the Ceaterenee to -*mr 1 an addrae, on January 39th on the t subject of prleon reform. Mra. Co- a / ra Stewart, of Frank.'jrl Koutucky, ? la another out of the state speakers. g a who will appear on the program, a Mrs. Stewart will speak on the snbIJect o? "moonlight schools" for the c elimination ef adult Illiteracy. t | v. Plana are already nnder way Jo c hare Secretary of SUte, William c i Jennings Bryan, and the Secretary < , of the Nary, joaephus Daniels, ad- t IV . a arose the Ctmferanoe at this session. t I :T - ?ha9 TiAihlne vlll firsvfint c their being present, although ueith-j r of these members of the Cabinet i /K has formally Accepted the Conference In rl fatten. v "J The principal things tq be attempt t < d at this coming session of the Con .1 rence will lie to secure some subht uoMai action lopklhg toward th< matter of prison reform, child labor end moonlight schools. In the matter of prison reform Mr Osborne la particularly fitted to ad , dress the Conference.' He hoe been I L a successful manufacturer and. was at oim time mayor of Auburn, N. V. 1 ? (HEN k; s (KHT I - , ?ht> entire dhy/To poking forward Thursday ififcht neat when "The ! Girl Who Dared"'in response to numerous requests, will be repeated by Waahlngton'a home Ulent. The prices for the attraction have boon reduced to U? and tte, s,hlch I should assure capacity house. <The first performance of this play made '? a decide^ hit and those who wore ft not present wtll doubtless be on The play Is presented under tho I eueplces of the Daughters of the Confederacy Wr the purvsee of paying for the headstones placed to the & graves of the Confederate soldiers ry' la Beaufort county. This Is a worb thy cause end the attractlen should M iuotuI; Rtorli-r ,, : :- - a fw l:.y ' . PPRECIABLE Y EITHER SIDE fivlce of the Germans, are fprtir ying their whores in> the Oulf oX; ;aros and on th? sea of Jdnxnaora, ndlcatlng that they, expect rlilts rom the silled fleeta 4 ; irlttwh Ships Make Raid to Mouth of Germaa Rivers. Del In?The Qennan admiralty nade the following, announcement oday: "On pecember 25th eight British hipe made a dash into a German ay. Hydro-aeroplane^ convoyed y them made an advance against he mouths of German rivers and roppedr bombs on ships lying at ncfror and a gas tank near Cuxhaen, without hitting them or doing amage. "The hydroaeroplanes w$re fired" t and withdrew In a .westerly 41 ectlon. German airships and aero lane? roconnoltered against the irltlsb forces and1 succeeded In -hit ing with bombs- two British <detroyers and one other vessel of the envoy. On the letter fire broke ut ..prevented a continuation of gbtlng*' The German admiralty announceUritkf an attempt br British war hips against the German coast- tr he first intimation of what appears d be a reply to the recent German aid against. the English ports of carborough, Whtby and Hartlepool. Tie British authorities have made >o mention of this operation. * cial z)d Jem, 28-29-30 le has also been a member of the 'ublio Service Commission, and is low chairman of the Rational Comaittee on Prison Labor and just reently he -became an^inmate^df Ajfc, iul^i prison in"oWertobetter stud) he conditions of prison life. .He Iso headed an Investigation of Sing ting prison and is now'actively enlaced in the reformation of that inMtntion. Mr. Osborne doeo not believe prisms are places for society to wreak engeanee oh persons who may hav< ommitted seme offense against sa :iety but rather a place where the iffendsr may And refuge and be aught true principles of living so Jl^tt thiey may no longer be perile to loclety. Mr. Osborne Is a graduate of Harrard, and IS widely known as an in fluentlal. Democrat iu New York itatb. Who successfully withstood nachlno rale within party lines lr n his ptate. ICra. I Stewart Is widely known hroughoul the country as the worn \n who so successfully organized th< uoonlight schools In Kentucky Co: .bollshlng adult Illiteracy. Other promlnSfit speakers are an; dor ^consideration -enirc'announce meats will be mh&^from time tc Lime. fl POPULAR CK WILL iipp "Tomorrow afternoon at 4'o'clocT In the First Presbyterian Church this city, Mrs. Elisabeth Stewarl Hardy, daughter of ex-Mayor ant Mrs. Edward T. Stewart. Will b< married to Mr. John Allen Thomm of San ford. Fla.. formerly a tesiden of this City, and a son of the lat' I Mr C. 0. T,hcpnas. Tho f.eMfofon: bftl be perked by Rev. Sea | Immediately 'after the weddinj the bride apd groom will board thi Atlantic Coast Line for a tour o Southern cities. They expect to b at home In 8anford about Januay '* .. . Dally Thought. The words we speak* and the thing we do today may seem to be lost, btt In the great final revealing the small est of them will appear.?LowelL . , v.. .. . I |\| I I i rfjfti V WDiVHVD nA|. nvml.kl W bATH KK IWln ToWgDI WASHINGTON N. C ftt ffit Notwithstanding the ?nclemency of the weather jeaterday good con- 1 greg&tions greeted the Rev. 0. L. I Read, the new presiding elder of the 1 Washington district, at the Ptfst c Methodist Church Sunday morning o and evenlttg. Those present were s delighted with the discourses. This c 1b the first opportunity the eongrc s gallon of this church have had the f pleasure of hearing Mr. Read. He e in a strong preacher and Is deitined d to accomplish much good as the f head of the Washington district. I; FOR TEN DAT8 BEGINNING DEC, 1 k 29th we wljl sell all Holiday ? goods at cost for cash. Call In l and get our prices and save mon- t ey. Latham Book Store. < I 12-21-tfc. I msliii': inn : mm OnO o4 Washington's popular citizens on Christmas morning reccjred i Christmas card", which is very unique in its get-np. The card con;alne<t the following: 1: "Rlchee so few . \ Debts so many, * I'll, say Jderry Christmas to you c Though it takes my last penuT." o At the top of the card, surround- d :d by 'a wreath of holly can be seen c i pcapy on the face of which is s 'prinj^d "my last penny." fc H MARRIED. A quiet anA beautiful home wedding "was celebrated In Aurora, N. '0., Thursday evening, December 24, it 7. St) o'clock, when Miss Cora t Sryanj daughter 6f Mrs. W. H. Gull- ( ford of Aurora, N. C., became the J bride of Mr. William Whitley of c 'onnerton, N. C. 1 The ceremony was. performed in < '.he midst of many friends at the 1 home of the bride's mother by Rev. C W. E. Trotmsn, pastor of the Metho- i list Episcopal Church, South. t The room was beautifully and j astefuhy decorated with evergreens i Ir. the farther end was erected a area acrh under which thev stood ( \nd took the solemn vows that made < hem husband and wife, while soft 1 md gentle music floated upon the ! ilr. Lflttle Mise Bqssle Guilford ^resided at the organ, and Miss Salle Mldyette, another sweet little > niss, bore the ring In a silver traj, mbodded In geranium blooms. Miss Brygn Is one of Auroral ; ifost popipar and [cramlng young adies, possessing many graces thai -nake her a favorite among the roung people. Mr. Whitley is a son of Mr. W. I. Whitley of-Bonnerten, N. C., a vldely known business man of ttsauort county, and is a younjj man of -aro and excellent business quallt e? !nd sterling character. ; Immediately after the ceremony he party departed for their future tome, nmld the cheers and. many learty congratulations of friends .rfO loved ones. ? [RESOLUTION 8. fc. We have beej^aalled upon to give tp one of our brightest and best \ mrlla and cbunimates, Blake B. 1 Jjfcholnon, Jr. We shall miss his \ jright and cheerful face, but we feel hat we shall better men and womdn for having known him as a child, -flu life will ever be an ihspiratloh ' md & benediction to us, because he ' was always ** little gentleman, houghtful and considerate of his escher and his classmates. p To his sorrowing parents and lov' >d ones we extend our heartfelt sym1 lathy and assure them that we suffer ( with them bocfuse we loved him * also. MRS. W. R. BRIGHT, Teacher. LATHAM TANFIBLD. * President. I MARY McLKAN, 8?cr*Ury And Inn. 1 i ??d Tme adajr. ItWn Tn?non . MONDAY AFTERNOON DE WERE IB II |MH If HI Miss Clara Wbolard, one of Washngton's populir young ladles, was lapplly marrloii last evening to Mr. i. D. ThompM*!, formerly of Hyde ounty. but for'sometlme a resident J this city.. /fee ceremony took ilaco at seYenjtfelolk at the home if Mrs. A. 8. Mflly on B^st Second : treet and wjh impressively per , ormed by RsT.^R. V. Hope, pastor f the Christian, church. The wed ling was a very quiet one, only --a ew friends of 4he contracting paries being present. The bride Is a daughter ol^Mr. E I. Woolard. add for the past eev- , iral years baa been one of the pop- i liar and efficient salesladies at the I itore of Suskln- and Berry. Her wide jlrcle of ffenda wish her every hap-1 pin ess. J i The groom te a young man of en- i igy and Is gpe of the salesmen at ^ he store pt Bppncer Bros. i Mr. and MmL ^hon^pson will re- ' lde at the hoflbo pf the bride's pa- 1 ents. Mr. agd Vn. E. H. Woolard I r East Main surest. The Dally ? Jews extends congratulations. t \ Wust Serve * Sentence or < Pay the Fine Recorder P. H. Bryan, who Is actin tlto place of Recorder W. L i raughan, proved his worth today rhen he sentenced Charles V.llliams harged with A. D. W. to the roads ( 1 the county for a period of ninety lays or pay a fine ft |100 and the ] oik. Acting Recorder Bryan Is urely on hl^Job as Is evidenced by lis ^s^^ata^^toce^Jjplnb elected to AURORA HAPPENINGS. The following are home spending he Xxnas holidays: Misses Mabel ! .'nthrell, Beulah Boyd, Ella Bonner, lllce Stephens, and Hannah Cuthrell if Training School, Greenville. Miss *ola Thompson of Louisburg Fomale College; Mr. Geo. Dixon of CharOtte; Mr. Honry Chapln of Buies Sreek; Mr. Isaac Holldla of Asherillo; V. B. Gaskins and Oscar Paul >f Richmond; MIsb Nora Paul of kyden; Miss Clara Paul of Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. M . B. Wilkinson ire spending the holidays with their Q&ugnxers aire. ueu. ?. ??w/v? ?. Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. J. L. Scott of Norfolk. Va. Mr. PeteT McWilllams of Raleigh, N. C., Is spending Xmas with hi ion. Mr. YT. J. McWilllams. |AMr .and Mrs. W. D Allen of Havelock, N C., are spending the holidays with Mrs. G. 1. Swindell, a sister, of Mr. W. D. Allen. * Mrs. Bestoie Bell and daughter, Bessie Mae, are spending the hplidays here with relatives. Mrs. Bell i matron of the Littleton Feran School. ' Mrs. Tnad Blount of Belhaven, N. C., is spending the holidays with her relatives. Miss Gertrude Selby and brother John R., are visiting their aunt, Mm. Dixon at Goldsbcro. Mr. Jos'Price was home Xmas day the guest of hla father, Mr. T. F. Price. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. E. Pittman of Ken ley, are spending the holidays hero They are the guests of Mrs. Pittxnan's father, Mr. R. T. Bonner. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapln are at OWN* YOl The Home Bui Association will ies Saturday Jan It Is the safest and easiest v small weekly installment? a rainy day, or for Christm See us / W. E. Swindell, Pres. Office in Saving & . % AILY k. ^ CEMBER 28 III4 GREAT BILL f HEW THEATER THIS WEEK . Kfj ? . u The New Theatre open* its "per- in u (ormancee tonight with a week's engagement of the "Broadway Follies ^ Musical Comedy Company." ~tEi? ? troupe cornea here with Tery. high w recommendations, and they tare hi scheduled to win even higher prals- d( as than the "Southern Beauties" did 01 last week. The Broadway Fpllles bl Company carry their ow% eoensry 1)1 md musical director. There will be in entire change of program ?Ter> 1 light. This troupt will appear ev- *' 3rj night this week with the escep- 91 Hon of Thursday night, when the D< musical oomedy that was presented ln lere two weeks ago by home talent, ei 'The Girl Who Dared" will be pre- h' tented again. There will be as usu- b U three reels of the Tery best pic- *5 tures that are released by the Unl- m rersal Film Company. Tomorrow w night the rfecoiid installment of -b 'TreyO' Hearts" will be shown at 03 this play house. This picture prom ^ sea to <^Rclass the "Lucille Lore" series in holding the Interest of the -d irowds. Prices for this week are 'h 10 and 20 pents. ^ J at ON CHRISTMAS DAY. A Sod rest 7?, merry gentlemen; let ? nothing you dismay, ?h For Jesus Christ, our Savior, was ? born on Christmas day. . rhe dawn rose rod o'er Bethlehem, * the star shon^Uhroogh. the grsj When Jeeus Christ 'our Savior wat horn on Christmas day. Clod rest ye, little children, let noth ? lng you affright, > . V For Jeeus Christ, our Savior, was born this happy night; Along-the hills ot Galilee the while 05 , flocks sleeping-lay. * When Christ the child of Nasaretb was bofn on Christmas day. * 10 God rest, all good Christians, upon ^r< this blessed morn The Lord of all good 'Christians was ot a woman born; Now all your sorrows He doth heal. . your sins He takes away. For Jesus Christ, our Savior, was bom on Christmas day I* Franklin on War. w Mad wars destroy In one yaar the , works of many years of peaces { Franklin. E ? " li Buletf>Creck, spending the holiday* ,3 with Mrs. Chapln's parents. h Misses Ella and Virginia Hooker who are teaching at Selma and Choc- owlnlty are home with their parents I Mr. antf Mrs. W. M. Hooker. I There was quite ft surprise wed- f ding here Thursday evening ftt 7.00 o'clock at the home of Mr. W. H Ouifford. Mr. W. H. Whitley. Jr. and Miss Cora Bryan were marri by Mr. W. E. Trotman, the MeTho diet minister of thlB place. Miss Annie Swindell, who Is em ployed as stenographer at Klttrell. N. C., is spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Swindell. t Mrs. C. M. Burton of Bethel, Is the guest of her father, Mr. R. L. 1 Jones. Mlsa Horny. Miss Outlaw. Miss Klvette, Miss Lowry and Mr. H. W Smith, who are the teachers of thr high school here, are spending the holidays at their respective homes Miss Homey was accompanied by Miss Mattie Hooker. Mr. Chas. V. Knight and Master 1 J. R. Chapln, motored to Greenville Xmas Day. JR HOME! lding and Loan open a new seruary 2nd /ay to pay for a home la of to accumalate a fund, for as. \bout It Jno. B. Sparrow, SoCt'y. Trust Co., Building Ik- * k - , ? NE\ ji i . ,i ,t. / y ^t * c ?*' '"-Jv. Av*''* I k - *;a * 'v .* *00R LITTLE T v WELL REME1 WITH S J opt three Tiara ago, u the hrlstmas season draw newr, a beauful thought came to two of Washigtor's most populgr business men. aesis- Oarl Richardson and John nlford. It was this: Our homes pa fall of cheer, our little ones nrmlT clad, well-fed and happy. iy anticipations of Santa Claus, / ^ 'ndeer and that won thor? aie hers *ro?.^ *" Qfcut these esBlngo. Suppose -.^Jtake the ace of the dear Old Saint to them? irelx the thought was sent by Him irho so loved the world that He ire." And it was acted upon -omptly and practically. Our bus: ms men were glad to have a shar< this beautiful charity. Then and ' ry year since, a fund of over a. indred dollars has been given for e children of our town. The mon' is put into the hands^of a comittee of ladles. This ^year, Mrs. H. Williams was chairman ol is committee. 8he was asslcted r Mrs. 8. H. Williams and Miss arcla Myers. With lists of names je, sex and in many cases a knowlIge of the need, these ladle3 spent e money wisely tfnd Judiciously 11a requires executive ability and >t often does the amount accomlah so much. Not only fruit, can ' and toys are bought, but stockgs, warm underwear, dresses, trta, sometimes sweaters and caps. r>i *^OVWIUICU Vfiu/ / u the Ci 3 the Citizens of Washington: The Associated Charities have cn taking care of the demands upi them from the small amount that la te?& contributed monthly by the wed our help, bnt In helping those 1thful few. bnt since winter har me, and especially during this exemely cold weather, our demand? e much heavier and at the rate wf ? now havlng.to spend money our inde will soon be exhausted and e will not be able to take care of to demands upon us. Now th?re are no better people a earth than there are In Wash igton; they never let anyone suffer they know It. and we feel confident hen the people of our good town now (he Associated Charities need loney to help the deserving needy i oar city, we will at once be ampr supplied with enough money to elp all those who deserve It. and 11.1. KINDS fIF IUU UIIIVV V WEATHER IS III US Washington Is now being visited ly overy variety of weather. Rain, lfcet, higtTwind and freezing u-rnperiture. Since Saturday the streets tavo been coated with ice and the :onsequence has been that It is nothng unusual to see a cttlren walking he street coining suddonly in ronact with the sidewalk. Drulsed imbs seem to be the order of ike lay. The weather man Is surelv putting it to us now goo.l and hard Business Is practically at a stand' still in the city for the time fcuinp !U1 are hoping that the weather man will give a different forecast as ear as possible. STATEMENT Statemer* of ownership, manage ment, etc., of the Washington Dall; News: * Editor?James L. Mayo. Managing Editor?Jas. L. Mayo. Business Mansger?Jas. L. Mart Publisher?Jas. L. Mayo. Owner?Jas. I*. Mayo. Known Bondholders? Keyston Type Fodp<%?rs. Philadelphia. Pm IJodson Printers Supply Co., Atlar ta, Oa., Mergenthaler Linotype Co New York. Average number of ooplee to pal subscribers fer six BMMtbe ?ndl?1 October letyi.ltl; 9 > V vs I OTS OF CITY 1 V1BERED XMAS^ 1 IUITABLEGHTC 9 Each church sends a Hat ef noody and appolnta a committee U help Santa' Claus pack In shape foe his up-to-date sleighs, automobile* If you had taken a peep into IH? directors room of the First tlonal Bank, so kindly offered If a Mr. Dumay, on last Wednesday ?? teraon, you would have found tike committee hard at work, the lohff I table piled up with drums, hom* dollies, in fact ev< ythlng to dolight a child's heart. Boxee eS stockings from the baby site up fe eights and nines, pnderweer by the I dozen and other things too numarour to mention. And Thursday morning at 10.30 o'clock you woo^ have found at the side door Mr. Mrs. Geo. Hackney( Miss Lizzie Hill and Mr. Horace Cowejl with their cars. Probably you met an automobile so full of Christmas that you could hardly see Santa Claus' helpers, who Were directing the Job. And only the giver of all good things knows how much happiness theso overflowing yellow bags carried to many a little home. Messrs. Richardson and Fulford are to be congratulated on the suocess of their beautiful plan, brought about by the hearty co-operation of all Washington's business men. Many thanks are also due the committer who gave such faithful work and to Mr. Dumay for the use of the room. 'es of ty Needing Funds we try always to know that everyone wc do help are worthy of same. .? >*9 Wo have already boon called upon re 1 cently to contribute to many other m. ' . -''-a various charlttef, all of which d?- g served our help, buti n helping thoee * 4 let us not overlook the destitute ot our own city. There are those ta our town who from no fault of their own, are In need of food and wood and who will puffer unless the Associated Charities are supplied with funds to holp them. Now our demands are urgent, se j please send in what you feel you ought to eoniribute at once either o Miss Rachel Rumley, superlntendent. J. B. Sparrow, treasurer or myself. Make all checks payable to J. D. Sparrow, treasurer. Sincerely. I E R. MIXON. Pres. Associated Charities Washington. Tjjjj will give j xis die elks hohe ] Tho unnual Christmas dance by '.he Ilalryon club will be given at the Elks Home this evening and will btT led'blT the" leadeTT MiT S~"F.~*Bux^ bank, Jr. The music will be furnished by the Forbes Orchestra. The function promises to be one of the most enjoyable yet given by thle popular club. Prior to the regular dance by the club the children will be given their annual dance. Quite . a number of visiting young ladle* , and gentlemen aro expected to ho i present. ? ..... (Jl'KST OP PARnm. Mrs. G. V. Beck of Hendereon, W. C., is.on a visit to her parent#, Mr, " and Mrs. George Swindell at Aaror*j f N. C. , New Theater All Tills Wssk. \.j , "The Broadway Follies" 3 Musical Comedy Co. Slneta*. Comedy, OssrM m4 . Tomorrow Nlsht "Tor tbjcy (r num.* is Mm 1* end M (Ms

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