I' Vol 5 I RUSSIAN RESIST BEFORE WAR APPEARS TC fnr,.,; ..'p.',- ' London, Dae. 10?Um American hat note protesting against the British Prl txsaLmrnt o( American oommsroe " 1 and lnalsting upon an Improvement. ^ seamed to* OTSrShadow in the tr.lntl t ol Us British public today the newt sis. (If (ran the I JBuropsnn battleflelda. in While the note caused no snrplfae nic In oBclal circles, It was wholly an- mo expected by the British public, as per than had been virtually no ntltna- for tlon that say frtetlon had arlien be- ? tureen the two governments. me ^ Plaearda poeted by the evening bo, papers wera given over exclusively tnr to the American not# and the papers r? gave It the largest headlines they eat have given any news daring the peat am] Month. Consequently the British mt< people'regard this as one or the most Impdrtant uotunuucei of the wo whole whit. - - roe VP Nothing d( thb kind since free fro I Id sot Cleveland's Venesulan tnes- as sees has produced such a sense- t tlon. Frc The Bret impression of the public dirt le that the note may create friction to t end perhaps some unfriendly feeling Get although the newspapers point out hot that It specifically states that the twe represent A tlods Vers ifiadd In* a the -friendly spirit. The sit nation Is say comparable to that which arose at ed the time of the Sootfi African war nea 1 .1 when neutral shipper* began to send I Tt cargoes Intended for the Transvaal the republic to the neutral -part of Dola- the | foe Bay. par / The Washington note had not tho I t reached the foreign office late to- tell I day. bnt It could not hare been, dealt wh ] vrlth had / it arrived, as Sir Bdward mei Y Grey, Secretary for Foreign Affairs by who has been- away for "the Christ- Inn mas holidays, will not return until sac ( t<WrroF. 1 f y!ren the ?war news was allotted sloa secondary place to the note In the tw< _ news columns of the papers, al- loo RffsawsseftfeSsa the allies, ill ere ""Ess been a slack- l enlng of the fighting in northern Po- red land between the lower Vistula and in PlHca rivers, where the Russians ed ' Sis pun i , II MOOT Tnnnn uimiT I \m nihil i Oa tomorrow evening at the Armory the First Baptist Church Sun trJ day School will give their annual v;3 Christmas party. The. entertain- Jai ment will be in the form of a shit ^ and promisee'to""be one of the mos- wc unique attractions of the Christmat :j. holidays. This Sunday School is one Tr of the brightest and most flourishing ' in the city. Mr. S. P. Willis is tht efficient Superintendent and undei nj k his leadership baa made great prog h J -VOX SPANIELS SUCCESSFUL EX '' il'V HIBIT. 1h 1 New York. Dec. 30.?The Toy n* I Spaniel Club Show doses tonight ch I I enb of the most successful exhlbl- | If tlon$ or-Its career. The society has II played a large part In the success KJ of the show, and the cream of the u mr breed in America were on display. H English dogs Imported within a yet* were given place in competition with American dogs. The specials u | are artistically beautiful and yery If valuable. The clubs first new. medj as! were given out. 1: I. BAKKR &MTS . i Ma doubt but your Chrfttm.i pr.. ; K| \ ant wJWo Die. photograph from * 1 vmr do*, frtond. of youro. How I 1. obout yours in roturu. BAKER S STUDIO. Br nWU. KDCOATORB ADJOURN. I HorrWburc, ' fti. Doe. ' ?0.;?Tho FoanuylTunia EdueuUouol Auoela| tlon In Motion boro voted to favor ft xzz! IB iatee den ta be paid eaUries. thai vo P** eat ion si education be uoheld fjr tW1IVII*. VUUVOblUU J* liJIUWIU. SAW NOW 1 i BE BLOCKED rwweptured eonie German trenchei oners and guns?an Indication, a believed here, that the German atal attack on -the army guarding raaw has been definitely checked, n Southern Poland the Russians ? recorded some successes While Galicta they apparently hare lnted a detest on the Austrian* alit to serious, as thit which Emor Francis Joseph's troops ufsd in Servla. Unco their latest offensive comaoed the Russians hare taken D00 Austrian prisoners and caped many guns, according to the islan official report, and If as was mated, Austria has betBy**11 three 1 four army corps on its re-entry > G&llcia, It must hare lost more n s third of the number in killed, inded and prisoners. Ifttddy ds hare prevented the Russians n making the pursuit as effective It might have been, if the fighting in the west the boh and German reports are In set conflict. The French claim have ceeupled the village of St. trgea, which Is on the main road ween Nlenport and Burgee and miles from the formfer town. On other hand the German report s: . hi* position for the purpose of r Nieuport." leavy lighting Is taking place in Awnnn* anA An (Ka haUtit. Mease. The French report apently refers to later events than se recorded In Berlin, for Pari-a of tho Recapture of a trench Ich the fferman communication atlons as harms been captured the Germans. The Trench are edtlng Stelnbach la. Upper Al? lews from Germany la coming rly as cable communication been England and Bolland la dlsted by the storm and telegraph betyemi HoW aad ffesmahy >?^ba4n WTeottanff igloiy^ jMRee. Vith the close.of the holidays the rlilting boom has recommenced England. Large numbers cnilsttoday. mil LAST NIGHTi WIS The attraction at the New Theai last night pleased every one that is present, and that was a very ge crowd. The comedy put cm by b * "Broadway Follies" Company ib full of good comedy and signing, to second Installment of "T^e ey O* Hearts" which was showr ere last night held, the audience rapture all during the two reel* at wero shown. This, picture will i doubt Increase the crowda~at thi? ay house every night that It Is own, which is every Tuesday ght. There will be an entire lange of' program tonight. DECEMBER 30 IN HISTORY.. 154?Thb English Admiral Fanshawe was making vigorous efforts to stop the slave trade! in Cuba. 368?-The Dakota House of Representatives voted in favor of female suffrage. 368?General Sheridan capture^ the Indian chiefs Santana and Lone "Wolf. 876?Another attempt ow V?e life of King Alfonso of Spain by Gonzales, aged nineteen, firing two pistol shots at the royal carriage; no one we* injured. ' 870?The arrival of M. de Lesshps on the Isthmus of Panama, with* engineers to make atft; ' veys for an Inteir-ocennlc canal. celebrated by many banquets. 1884?The betrothal o* Princest j Beatrice to Prince ft enry o) England by Queen Victoria WASHINGTON N. C SURVIVOR QF II FllillS - BIRAC Raleigh, N. C.. Dec. H.?After a eparation " of forty-two"~yearS two rothera, C. D. Harwood, of Akron. )., and Capt. H. H. Harwood of Joldsboro, recently faded each other dllowing a search of thirty-fire rears by the former. The meeting ook place at the Odd Fellows' Old" folks' Home la Oeldsboro, and'. In he language of the Ohio brother, ras the happiest moment of his life rhen he saw the face of the brother rhom he belleTed was dead foi any, many years. C. D. Harwood b now in Raleigh on a rlslt to his iloco, Mrs. C. B. Elmore, whom he tad nerer seen until a few days ago Thp story of the meeting of the*' wo . brothers rereals a faithful earch for orer a quarter of a oen ury and interesting events in the ire of one or the brothers. Capt. larwood, now at the home la Golds loro, is aaia 10 do xne on 17 living urviror of the Ihmons Menhip and is credited with being the sst man to leave that ship after h< tad pet It afire to prevent 1U cap gro by the Union aoldiera. Aftet he dote of the war Capt. Harwooo rent to West Virginia to live and d the year if?S, the last when seei ilive by the younger brother, h< eft that state for parts unknown t< he bother. Seven years after O. D. Harwoqd tegan his search for the nrtssln, irother, and until a few weeks ag earched In vain. He tried to g< n formation from the records cot :ernlng the Mefrlmac and fallen >ecauso Capt. Harwood's name wa aisuifderstood when he enlisted and rnt ,down as "Howard." Throagl ither souices Mr. Harwood flnallj ound the address of his hms-los jrotber's daughter, Mrs. C. B. El nor*. He wrote her an^ was re SfcSrSSjSMWS. lomp at ObldShoro. He then the ;an communication with Supt. Wa >ner, of Goldsboro. His.trip was t illmax and happy ending of the lont search. Mr. Harwood said -that his broth ?r Is seventy-six years old and li now in feeble health. Whey the? Drat met Capt. Harwood didn't rec agnize him and did not claim him ai bis brother until the day before h< left. "He then called me by my first name, and that one word from hi? lips more than repaid me for m; long search. Life would not have been much joy to me If I had lkf the home and not been recognised,' he said. WILL TRAVEL. * Mr. John Isanogle, who has bee the head salesman for the firm o Bowers-Lewis Company,' has resign cd his position ofr the purpose o travelling during the coming year He expects to represent a well-knowi millinery house. Mr. Isanogle ha: made many friends In Washlngtoi and has the very beat wlshps of hi friends. , VISITOR TODAY. Among the welcome visitors t "the city today Is ,Dr. Jack Ntcholsoi of Bath, N. C. , RETURNS ROME. Mr. Joseph P. King of Franklli Va., who has been the guest of'Re1 and Mrs. R. L. Gay. left this morr log for. his home. {QOLLBGE CHESS TOURNEY CLOSES. New York Dee. SO.?The Intern: tional chees tournament wlll-eloi play tonight. There were not tl usual number of foreign entries th year because of the war and Impal ed transportation facilities. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting of the stoc holders of the Hopae Building ai Loan 'Association will be held the banking house of the Savin 1 and Trust Co.. on Thursday. Jan l ary 21st MIS. at 4.SO p. m. > JNO. B. SFAPROW, Se?y. . ll-ll-4we. W I \M ' X <rf . '* f J : WEDNESDAY AFTERjyON FORECAST 0F? WEATHER 4 ma The sunshine wm a weleoA visitor to the city this mornlnJ|Kot the past several days It hiMbna cloudy, rain, aleat and rain. T^aierday the sun made an attempt, fo appear hut seemingly wished It had not and sought refuge behfctd the clouds. However, today it 0pP*ar* ed In all its glory and the cttlm? In oonsequenoe were happy andwrlal. The weather man has beenSivtag us all kinds of weather of lA and today his praises are being jpag in every heme. From now the weather man wlli have a warm place '.n the hearts of WaefclnsrtoalanB. FOR TEN DAYS BEGINNING DSC. 29th we will sell all |goUd?r goods at cost for cash, mn* in and get our prices and savg mon ey. Latham Book Stora* 4 12-28-ttc. - :# FRAYKRMKETINQ} /;t There will be prayermeetffie ser vices In all the different ehurches >f the city this evening at t?e usual our to which the general pdbllc has i cordial invitation to attend. ra 4F.ALTH OFFICER TO THDODAI) , ? Nash county changes bUlU offlJk January first. Dr. B. E. Wash urn, who has made such an envl.bia record there as health officer nee the first of last Hay, leave: his week to accept a position with he International Health Commis ^lon. Dr. W. H. Kible succeeds Dr Washburn as whole time hflpith of-leer-for Nash. Dr. Klblfrmu norly from Burke county, "a. graifc \te from the University in *06 gaid le baa been with the Siatft Board it Health for some time doing hook orm and community health work it Mt. Pleasant community, Nash county. Dr. Washburn will take up hookvorm work on Trinidad Island for he International Health Commission similar to that which has already been done in North Carolina. He will first visit British Guinea and some of the West Indies Islands where similar work has been going on for the last year. His will be a difficult place to fill. His fprmer experience In hookworm work made 't possible to take up county health wurk WHO iDiiiugmcaUMs. >us ?Vv ' ->rd he made in this work is no doub< 'argely responsible (or the offer ol 'his new position at practically dou ble his former salary. While Nash loses a good man sht is. to be congratulated upon the se lection of Dr. Kibler. He propcsei \o carry out the same general healtt policy as Inaugurated by Dr. Wash 1 burn, and with reasonable co-opera ! tion from the cltisens and official 1 of Hash county he will no doub f place that county at the very fron n health work in North Carolina. A small railroad operating an oil burning loeomotlve on the Tahoe na 0 tional forest, California, bad a breal 0 down during the past summer an< burned wood instead of oil for on day. On-this day 16 fires started a long the right of way. During th preceding year, only one Are occur 1 red near the railroad and It was no " 'hohght that the engine was respoc 1 Mble for that one. OWN YO I The Home Bu J' Association wil ies Saturday Jai It Is the safest and easiest small weekly instaQmenta rainy day, or for Christr ? See us . U W. E. Swindell, Pres. Office in Saving < %> .DECEMBER 30 MM on nmi IIS ME Kill HI There were only two esses before Major Frank C. Kugler for disposal this morning. Those tried were: | Haywood Bonner, drunk end dieorderly. Found guilty and (mod $5.00 and ooet. H. L. LJoyd, drunk and disorderjly. Fined $5.0$ and ooet. TO XNTERTADT CtAJB. The O. Henry Book 6Inb of this city, will meet with Mrs. James 8. Hodges at her home, corner of Market and Fourth streets tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. All the members are urged to be present. LABOR NEWS AND KOTO* Fig growing Is being tried tn Texas. Factories In New Tork state employ 131,000 persona. In the order named Okie, New Jersey and West Virginia lead the states In pottery production. Illness among workers annually Involves a loss of $750,000,000 in tie United States. The plumbers are called upon by Domestic Engineering to rally gainst newspaper Jests about them. It Is estimated that 36,000 industrial accidents occurred In California last year. Porto Rloo's legislature has passed a compensation act, a woman's eight hour law and a child labor law. L imttow, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, carrots and tuftHpfl of fine quality are extensively grown In Yukon Territory, Canada. Polar toes are the principal crqp, retailing at 5 cents a~ pound. Duluth. Minn., municipal employer havp petitioned the city commissioners for a Saturday half holiday during the entire year. Dr. Dawson Johnston, city librarlan of St. Paul, has begun an invee tigatlon among city officers and em ployes looking to the establlshmen of a municipal reference library. In Germany they classify the out of-work people as thb unemployed , unemployable and the rasrrentc Each class is treated with Germs: thoroughness. The unemployed ar given work, and, at the worst, worl is made for them. FOREST NOTES i Only one modern sawmill is op? aled In the territoiy of Rewstt. 9 I _ ' The Laurentide Company of Qu< bee, producers of pulp and pulpwoo Is reforesting Its , non-agTicultun - out-over lands. It Is also Import In - reindeer from Newfoundland, to ee c If they ean take the place of dogs 1 1 winter woods work. r As shewing the poesibllitlee ft e tree growth 'n regions where lrr gatloh has to be defended upon. It t pointed out that Boise, Tdihe. ki i- as many as 94 different kinds of o namental and shade trees. UR HOME ilding and Loan 1 open a new serluary 2nd way to pay for a hoate -or to accumalata a fuad, fi nas. * ? About It . Jno. B. Sparrow, Soct' k Trust Co., Balding 0, Hi rNEW MRS. HARDING 1 1 LETTERS ADD HUSBAN1 , Mru Jodie Harding, wife of Mr. to Jodie Hardin* oft> Chocowlnlty, who th committed suicide by Shooting her- fo1 elf la the heart with e pistol on l Tuesday afternoon. December 22nd, Jo her body being found about sunset that afternoon by a colored man, wjand carried to the home of her fath- ml er, had wrttten a letter to her hus- aff band and deter (Mies Mamie O. Tay lef lor) respectl-rely, and are re pro- wa doced beloV. wa The letter addressed/ her hus- j^c band waa found at' her . '%f9 ** the lh, foil owing request to whoevc. ?/i' And her body. " | "To the person who finds mo. w Please carry to me Papa's, Slmme pa Taylor. 1 nerer want to go to Joe on. Hardy's any more." he Letter Addressed to Husband. j , "Jodie, I will be found dead or lu ] a dying condition and I don't want a j to be carried to your daddy's house. Ul I want to be i^nried to my Papa's, and shrouded, and be kept there un- no til I am juried, which will beChrlBt- f0r mae Ere erenlng. X don't want you <ir, to buy my coffin. X want my daddy mi to buy 1L I want my trunk and all I hare to be carried home. I think yo I hare done enough for you to pay for all you hare bought I an don't want you or any of your family to go about my dead body at all. of Be sure and carry my things all to Wa Papa'a. This is all I have to say. an 1 now take my flight to a better fui world." do; FANNIE. wa "I don't want any of you all to go fc] to my burial or funeral, not even ail you. Sly clothes are lo that box near my trunk. Carry them to Papa's with my dead body at once." Mr Letter Addressed to Sister. wa The following letter was found H? when she was shrouded: gri "Dear Mamie, I am out at the shop* now, but am not going to he du here very long for I am soon going mi to eleep to nerer wake any more. I Its don't want Ton nor none ot -the. rest qu WERE UNITED I IN MARRIAGE LAST N1EHT Sir. 13. M. Thomas and Miss Daisy A. Lock year were married at the g home of Mr. W. A. Mayo on East 3; ^ Third street last night at 8 o'clock. ! The ceremony was performed by the t, . fter. R. V. Hone. Dastor of the Chris e Ian church. In the presence of a t, Ij few friends of the contracting parties. ^ The groom Is employed at tho a wholesale house of C. G. Morris & n Company, and the bride is a daugh . :er of -the late W. A. Lockyer and ^ oounts her friends as legion. a Immediately after the marriage i :he babpy bride and groom -wont - to their future home at the corner d of Gladden and Third streets. 3 j ? g In district 4 of the forest service, 0 ? with headquarters at Ogden. Utah, tf lightning caused 38 per cent of this C1 year's fires and campers 87 per cent. n ? - -- ' n 4 t i- Assist^ Servants. {. Fsaieii Grisreon, the English mu^ Helen and author, writes of the French omposer Aubvr In the Century for Oo- 1 r" tober that If I were asked to name 1 the most typical Frenchman I ever j met I should not hesitate to name IT Auber." The composer at the time spoken of was eighty-five, and among fhls ldlosyncraslec was his preference ^ for servants of equally advanced years. He had five domestics, "the youngest, whom he called the baby, being the -onchman, who was seventy-five." New Theater All Tils Wssk. i? "Tha Broadway Fallias" * Musical Comady Co. All Naxt Week _ "Wilson's Peerless Maids" y- Tbe Beet Yet J Mtm 10 mmd 10 Oat* rS Ik-r -j i Ko.*r LEAVES RESSED TO ) AND SISTER grieve after me, just think it wax b beet thing that ever happened r me and all the rest. 1 want to be carried to Papa's and want Aunt Llla Ann and Beeeie nee and Mr*. Tobe Taylor to roud me. I have already told yon lere I want to be burled but you ly have forgotten so I will tell yon ain. I want to be burled on the t side of the Br ptlst church, halt y from that lit -le maple tree lords the church and I want Mr. Kinrie to preach ay funeral f i church on Christmas Eve day. ilch will be Thursday at 2.80 -k. I ?want my trunk and ev* have got to ** carrte* to pa . * d kept. I think I have done ough for Jodie to pay for what has bought for me and therefore want all my clothes to go home. Life would be sweet if I could live lfe but I am just existing here on rtb. Will write Mitchell and tell him t to grieve after me but to pray * me and all the rest of you chllsn. I hate to leave you all but I let go. Take all my mail out of the offloe urself. Tell all the children and Mama d Papa I said good-bye. I don't want Jodie or any the rest the Hardings to buy my coffin, I nt Papa to buy it. I don't want y of the Joe Harding family at my leral or burial, not even Jodie, I n't want him there and I don't nt my death to cost him or his ks a brown penny. Well this is a wvireie, DU oiwb;d UH gooa." FANNIE. Mrs. Harding was the daughter of . I. E. Taylor of Cbocowlnlty, and ,s a most estimable young woman, ir many friends have learned with eat sorrow of her sad ending. The funeral services were concted by Mr. McKlnzle on Christis Eve, and her body Interred In last resting place, as she had re88ted. ? ? ? . im ' "j i " isr ON SOLE FOR- * ATTRACTION ??? ' 9 Tickets are now selling for "The Irl Who Dared." Prices 60o end 5c. A large crowd is expected to ?e the second presentation of this eautiful musical comedy which lade such a tremendous hit here vo weeks ago. The play will be presented exactly s before wit? a few new feature* dded. A rehearsal will be held toIght at the Now Theatre at 10.16. A reduction In the prices hare een made so that every one may ttend tomorrow night. RAILROAD NOTES. \ Metal ties are used extensively la wit ser land. Women porters carry the lug:gage f tourists In the island of Capri. The railroads of the United States mploy 1,691,000 persons, a large umber of whom will benefit by the scent Increase in rates allowed by he Interstate Commerce Commission. Q -f; The Buffao, Rochester and Fltt^ burg Ralway, through its purchasing lepartment, buys fresh eggs, meats groceries, stationery, building ma<terlals, cars locomotlevs, rails, ties, and an endless variety of detailed material for maintenance, Involving a monthly expenditure of from $260,000 to $1,000,000. The Amalgamated Association of ^ Street and Electric Railway Employ- * : i e? of America has 218 agreements with as many corporations. The lent report of the general executive baofg shows that out of eleven strikes only one was lost. A. practical signal which vffl warn passengers steading on platforms over wbleh electric bagghge trucks ere being operated Is one ef the things desired by railroads ether than the Pennsylvania. It Is understood that the Canadian Pnetfe is In the-market for a similar laves

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