. f.irZ . v'i t [VII IIWIUOI ? ? . ? -r Inn. RwtUtrar and r??urn1tii! I?? i, Poll bolder Idalla Jt- ?? ' Rofclfftrai* ?ni> ratimlry-?"*0- ? Ht,r Sfc "U BoaWI <tf Elections. . . . />.. . r Hoard of Election* ic j** Bnth and Back Crk, bridges. . . nioanlfi Cr*fTc Brldgw .. Kiefrin* TfliShiftirton Bridge r.S. .. . , f <?*#l?g Pungo Creek Bridge V< .. ?MBm** Belhsvn Brtdir* r /. Keeping Aurora BTlSrte,. .?/. . ... JProgrec*. Stationary for Her Offlee. ... V. irrienlturo, Cholera Berum for demonstrations R*glst*r, Salary for November Offlne Bipense* .... . . - . . . Fre4ffct and cartage on mat. to con Tie t? S war? Co., Supplies for Courtboute and Mil iblngton. Light* fo/ Bridge Aiatto?. Soppllee ** bTldge m. Ink for Register* offlee m. VA. for Clerk Superior Court ( i foaf^Tnir prl*on#r to JnU Dally Kew?, Subpoena* for, C. SC.. .; rlufban*. Fee In Mills caee I.. A Tel.^Co.. Phono rent Co, HoM. , . . , .?:* . tel. In r^^ash, Boon* an <) Jennie Williams. . XMf Si;Of J5.ec i.ar ?MF t.?P 111! so.tn .Il.or lt*o S.o# fi $M rMl s.io ilif 1?.00 -.i.fc Id.** 4*.?0 ?lit 4.<M? ll.M 3?.?0 l,lf ?.d<? . ? MP; ? ? 4H 1.14 aw . . i.tf tit! oo ? jail,.,,'} .". ?ins for Conrifti /oueber Book. . . 68. MO. !i!: Utl W. H Parri!, BrMfo aaporrlior ?allry" for Not I Bank* Lumber Co., Lqaobor for Lothauo mill brW?? Sank* Lumber Co., Lumber tor Antt'e Bin bridle O. O. Crctch, Making ataUment, eto... Jobaetoa*> Ptg. Hog**, Wirrutj for Aurora Rw Court W. B Wln41e?, RMardir Mjarr to Doe. Ttk, j ..... . W. W. IfMoo, Recorder mIut Mr November W. it. W?k?r> Ranrder oolarr tor -Neroebw , . B. O. Weaton, CWt Roc. court, aalerr for Hot Cs H Robereon, Coato la ?m? of. mm Mnrdi . . i.S. I-el?b. Recorder. sol arr ul ooo* tor Not Ooo. A. Pool, C. S. C. Sollcttoro foea paid at Kit term Ooo. A. Fool. C. t C. IB ro Chu Wilder, laaane, (000 Co Ooo. A. P??l, C.,1 C. oalarr for Koroabor. Ooo. A. Paat. C. o?ee expeooe. . . . T.^^^^TrT] Ooo. A. Faal, C. 8. C. roooraiig^lmtoa returae, (uae Co Bdvorda k Broufktoa, Wltaooa tlckota for C. 8. (}.. . .1 M L. currr. Wood for Coualr Rosa. . T. V. Braddr. Wood for Ooutr .. .. . W. A. atna. 8o?t. Coantr HOttO Ooo NHoVard, CooU la ro Bllla RaaaaU . . 0. J. H y?. Coat kottlb< pi-ieoa* ot Botkaros. . .y < p. J. K re. CoBTaytoB Dor* Paartroa to Ml: . . . &SU itfeo. r Rl*k?. flbortff, Ml oxpenao for IM Ooo. X. Itloki. Sheriff. oolarr for December Ooo '*. Rkka. Bberl* oolerr tor NototoMf. . (CoaUnuod from hi? Two ) large and appreciative audience Treated th* second prenentatlop of i*t?>'"ffho Dared." As before -afferent characters portrayed '?i(r reepectiTe parts /with a ehqw o' Treat, ability, and It eiNrra that the 'ocal talent Pt Washington Id equa" to that -of any other city of Its slsr The many musical numbers were t decided hit. and were given en core sfter encore. The ehoruse were very attractive In their arrange : merit arvd ooatumep/ and Ifie auai 'irioo -**b very liberal with its ap^ planee. The Misses B^rkheLmer. of Char lotte, are two yery capable direc tors, and the jnaoageMeflt are to be congratulated upon the attainmfot of their eerrices. Quite a nice sail, was realised for th? benefit of a most worthy caase. ? . : Misses Alice aad Catherine Way left for their heme In Belhayen yfea tsrday. after a short stay with Mrs. W. A. B. Branch. I Vefire It wr??p*< la O'er the toTMt lands aftd OH tod the hungry bird# ereeeUf i Their e%rly a^nlii rwrwiwrw. Ho* shell I pUnt my fleldt. ~ Thirds another New T Mr 'fW We need the best of rteM " It* early, bat tomorrow I'll turn a furrow f?w, Np time to play In our land * Or touch a deadly fuse. And valid tha pointed missies Of borror far and low. And reaping mangled dead men Where golden grain ehould griw. | 111 plant a little cotton I And lota of golden grain. We'll help to -feed the starving Where th4 tollers hare been slain. And may this gentle" New Tear ' ~ Brtng peace to foreign land* And perfect lore from Heaven Fill the heart of every man. Dec. SSnd. 1*14. Iflss Lovfo* Proctor left yesterday afternoon for Raleigh, irb?r? eh' will l>e tha guest of tha funlir or Captain Goodwin for peroral -days B. <J. If Ms and son. John Brrea, relumed this moraig from Bonner ten, where they hare been en t bunting trip With W. ?. Whitley. INK IBIS : i sura lUcklaad tow?ahl? tgreed to. * roMW ne? HtUHUmf * ?? . , Orw the -Kgaftora at IU* ? " v lea elect Mm* U |tN t i >( ?e dtiaans of IMkit MmuJ ?m Med t* bm u ue tnt ?(] loan NMM? u| ? i r<x>4 >aiw m mt > >reeent^-tke namker Mtf M I we kasdrrt. Muo Itaouumf Ai ,. ? to tain only Ue Ml UM ?m| ? HkM h< foo. tkr a> nmtt of tti ?iiuii. TIM meeUn? *m ?M tctaol l ?ll? lor ? "fenillY ut?" H4 then] ?"Bar* a road law I* be aeuaiKed] 0 the adt Oaural laaewitlf wfclihl 1 (a coatene la Ue ally ?< &alefr f lext f?k. Me *1ettoa ?feTalU4.i na It looks Httlli UT1 tegUU | nr* will hare no troabla U uiw j n# this section ol Beeafort itui: I 1 to Whet they Wish SO (U ?? ?M: I oadl iri concern ?d. The meeting vh allH to erdei t the n^UIH Uh e*4 9t, maun waa named aTililmi ?m| r Wilder Koee. nanao ; Ota of the hum leeakaa a|tti| ?eating was made hr Kr. W. V tat I. who oppoaed aay toeraase li | After tka matter had bee Intelligently both pro an< K ?u flnalir agreed that e .7 tax of tea eente OS tic I Tarnation shoal* (* mnnl [ Shall ba so poll tax. Thesrl to toad duty shall 5e re- 1 to work tie road for ulu<| and every rear, Fire eotr were named to supervise 1 fnnde and alio to appoint oter | Tbeaa oommlsslooaM are to I Bo r enumeration bat tt?| tie, exempt from road dot/ agreement met *m tka ?> I ot all present aa *U Ue I* ] jpns did. I acttandanct at this road t showe conclusively thai tkf| | far thla meeting na Ike <klat| i and tie only war la i the jrtekes and dealraa at I hip tut aland ever Mel! I j te take no stand (a* Of I {interest of tkelr section. \ alee but aocihted roamo* . J. W. Haaaell ef WlWemiPlen. keel .ccepted a poeltlon aa ed!toc-g??er-| mr with the Dally X?w? SKW ORIJIASS 5ATT TU?| ortm?. New Orleans, La.. Jhl 1. ? fflept.| Harbury John eon waa named a nandent of the blew Orleans Ma vy fard which opened today. Henry r. Wright la the tndnstrtal mena ler. CapUln Johnson waa korn la Georgia. December ?, IMS. antar id the Naval Academy to 1111, end bas ??n twenty rear* end eleven months of sea service. Navel Gon itruotor Wright waa torn to Ala-' bame Is 111*. Be has Ma ihore duty for ?S >ev*. ??-rtn?*er?j see service. Bcwmnira AmjfiAvm son; mnnar. Ottawa, Onl. Ja?. I ? A "keor* In the procedure ef oVtitotar ntn rfimtlen papers ww?? tote ?*?>* to day. . roretm"* **e fiat VtHak nationality are regnlrel te Sa**" to person. ?s keOlverekCa m aHeae from belligerent eoontrlea will toeed mltted. The applleaflsw <1 aaanr Germane kaee been keM ??? THE NEW YEAR FINDS BELLIGERENT EUROPE FIGHTING DESPERATELY . [irm nfdlka a** at 0? Itt*. *M mm?at hi ? Vtoam Uw n? *? tfti tklrd fed t? mo?. ? mot*- f >>Ml> ml t U dm <r*Uk UMwi ,!>? MM* Mim Oi %pptr vn )UM ?m* ? 1U1 (k U< Ittlbi ot 30M el U? trctt, 41i(M6?a occ* iloaaUjr tar*Y?r, >r ?rtUl?rt tire. aUu?7 ?M mU ?a4 ?oQBfer ittMM. CHu jfnMA tonl#M ILH '?ouh4 Uu*i ti*y ftjtr* o?rn?d h*if ot t&9 niU|? ?! ffWUifcooh, in Bpp4?r time*. ^fclch, wklU ot lU(W or no *m?ortAaa* IU*lf, *und? at lb# root it m Mil Thiol oon*uui(U a, U tj* pa rt of U? wroullaf ?ouatrj- It, i? to lik mloi, m l? tU tjdftlty ot {*4 ItNw U# Ar?oD ? ft* 9?*m, Ui( th. ? Mo ?mafcl?e ?h?Sf of {?*4** *rttft Ot imtMt tore* ?n'i *!?? tity fltel* to i?v? m4? Ik? moot ?i|iwi AV?| Ihi 0Mtf BfMlnr l? ?oufta?d t? artni?rr fcomteard W?iUad? and ffiisr othr' got. wtktwias TAjum office. All IMT. K *?, J to. 1.? Cftttlrt B WfcKsi** too It. id* ?fttb let office as for#r*or uiumts tk* roi? 0 !&? doK tomylcuous po Uti??J Ciut* U VA? fttet*. Mui *e cordLAg to ifttot I* purine u? w (m ? u* wftn? Horn.. !?? Wn?l |# luUi ?ud (UiMiMMr to ? action * 1 Mm ?ul^ ?k<t *U? to ih. Tap. So to ?? U* go t>ej WW to Iwri k*n Buul? with the oMtot to M*T~rn ? tlQBUlJrlni hit? mU, m* (Mr annrf ?? w*U. ir ,t>k toJtoTOrt** to ??pid ? 4 fto ensrw tali/ N* ? kir |ta ofltto /??? Sttci." will to <4 >? nMi mM *M *?f *??- ? UN at OU }>(b ITto atoto* J rt to toM *> to t* ? to?lto?M* ??i' ul 0?4toW ?rf?r?w Ji" ??) H1tV0? M (t? Wt crorr^oW? to | ?M h IriMM ?? K?<" OP"* nm to??? ?to^l?l to?to. n>? WtlUMI *111 *3o" 'toto lo BOl ?* tojtoijttnr* of teie.eto to ??a to?ti? ??' UlrOl A?rtooH?r?l Dnuttwrt toatto* ?< fllim' Ti? ?t?u 6m |wUh*?J? &**> CM owtin jot nm wlvwt* fcw ?to ???? ???? rmtp rt niiA* wrw ?onmsan |j!*n4?fcu?. A? , J*? 1. ? Dr. Brnm to?c& Vto t? tor ?wvr* lo to |0Ter b?, toto ?l?o<?d ?t the last ?loollim t>r > ?WT tart* mmtyrttr V?ta? ?w?y? OraMfe "ltU U the ?Btlr* (UfOkOau n*k?t tSromboul !?*? t?u. AltKAnUa WW WM*. . cwa? ijott. Aft . ai t ? rii. |QtM Mo (im> rMUMtel toiu 1? | Mr [? ?s? nn !?<* >fw tr ?. QkfMrto ?f MMI >r> wtf ) k (ralttaS to work ?o*pt |(1I K H?tol ??r*!Mloo Utile towns which long ago Win #? ?erted by the civilian y>iulsOaw, hava be?m m?d? the tATBWt tor ehaUs of the aDlea Walflsh bay, * British ob the cout of German southweet Africa, which the Germans tooh M the commencement of the ww. tee been retaken by anion of Booth Af rica forcee, while the iaitnOui fcere annexed BoujaJnrllJe toll, another of the Bo 'toon Islands ot?r which flew the German fia# Ml fcboat the laet of tue G?rma? Ifiifi in the Pacific. In London, New Tear'* wve *aa celebrated by the uroal dinner* and lances at hotels and reetatxrvmt*, bat with lees gaiety and on a aiofc smaller scale. At Che larger hoteEs, however, there wee a Jerge attee Innce of officers on leare or w*tC Inf to go to the front, man f French? ind Belgians who were drives fSrotn ihelr Somen by the war and a larger lumber of Americans. The list of New Year's honora ot> 'ered by King George an the reeom nendatlon of the premier and the 'oreign and colonial offices was short ind contained no new peer*c?e. At be bead of the list are tBe earff )f Derby affd Chesterfield, who ra ?elved the order of the Garter fact be services in rerroltittg and Barom Lovat. who receives the order of t*w Thistle for the same reaaon. Thw ?arl of Aberdeen, whose retirement 'rom the lord lieutenancy of IralaiC s expected Is raised to the ran* at Karquisate. IK MEMORIAM On November 2 8th, It 14, tile 3rim Monster death, entered the 10 mo of Mrs. Jamoi A.. A. dams and claimed for tfta rhginx thcfr only wn and brother, George Bryan A.d imt>. He had been sick for some time Vnd had lived In hla bed tor at or seven weeks, though he nevev? murmured nor complained or *ald anything about hla sickness. He leaves a mother and sister to nourn their loss, but their Joes If hla eternal sain, for 2>e had Uth a Christian life. He united with Provldenoe Method is tf Churolu at <*?oowinity. of whlo? he had bee*. vort ~ panlocs and was hea a l# *!?? ??? / teezn by all who k?yw him. Xa was a trun and loving Jon and 1*0 Ifr >>? er and faithful to his hr.\me %?d <Ut all that willing hands could do. never murmured at anything he oould do for his mother and Meter* and was always at home with them. Now he Is gone and sadness and low liness Is there, and ? place la 14a home Is vacant that can never fee filled. It wan only ths twelfth day of leaf July that his brother Purwood A*? emu, wag ' called home and ha tea pone to meet him, for hla faith ta God was strong and elear to Cha ?ad. He seemed perfectly resigned to t*e \ will of Ood and had no feat ot death, and talked ^rlth hla loved ones and made all plana for hla fir* M. | May Ood comfort and blew* Ike loved ones who are lefl?.. Qeorve i Adams was a humble, faith fnt u< 1 unassuming servant of Ood. *? ttt well whatever was committed te lift 'fare and tlie general arprswrtem ?hose who knew klm wi? that iKe. Adams was a good nai. He was laid te rest la the mm*> ery of the P re-ride* ee Jchorch. TVember let. The tfc??%1 services were conducted by *?*. * M. Snipes amid a threng of I stricken friends and loved onee. May we alt meet in Heaves. bt a. rurmtro Menfer nan Walker nnd | Miss Weden. who spent the holidays | with relatives and friend* 14 1 have returned borne. New Theater ?o?i?m i itii mm? t *r "Lucille Love" OWN YOUR HOME ! The Home Building and Loan Association will open a new ser ies Saturday January 2nd It is tba safest and auiwrt way f pay tor ? k?ai* ii small w?hly foatatlfaat m to? w? !?>?? #u?4, foi a rainy day, or tor ChriatnM. See us About It W, R SwtadAtt. Pw*. B. SpMrtfw, 5?ct'y Offk* ia Saving & Taj* O , BuiWiof

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