tone U matehed to fl*|it In Phila delphia later to the month According to present plau th? White Sox will leave for (hi Cout as eerlr u Lincoln's Birthday. Oth er American I.e?gue Cl?bs wtftj^O south about the middle of rekr?t ary - Spring eihlbttkm (amee Utooni the teams of the rlral leacnee H..? benomf popular the laat rear nr two. ~ Often theae exhibitions are i, lira off early In the training wesson when rlral campa happen to . bo within ee*y nub. T?ere la t]i? . Itoeneet rivalry b4 ^TiTom TSi-foikif iuUMnur otR? and Toronto thin yl Inter. The letter aggregation 1> plaint Mini" wonder ful hockey, bu^ther? are tlw? who that Ottawa bu one of the I earn* lit, the Domlplo 'Th. Imperial V?II?y Leajqe. a winter circuit la Southern Califor nia, announced that ao Federal WMIM player can ioia the t?am?, Vkereupoe Oeorge Storall. Fad. repreeentatlve In that aaetlon, catrii oal with a proteat at the tnjoatloi of inch incrimination la retail atton be may Man all the , Blare m and break op the league. , New Orleane .porting i 1B?7 ? A nation*) oon??*lon of fV mouth ?n th? Hinw of ttfa state Bout; the Oorwnor plaaM HI th. mllltar* and police force of *h? ??**KJ . ?hop*l?* - CARD OF IBANKB. ' yt* take thta method of wrt end ing our ilnoere thanke to oof BUI rrlflnda wM ga?e n? aid laid "ntf pathy m our.dletrea. In the down of onr ? irtte ?*d mother . SUKie Uonfehtr. ?K1> *1 fai#|||Hiifrtl capital of a . Nathaniel Harding, returned to St. Mary, School. Ra : Merer tm thera been a troupe tl*r* that mad* mo many changte in ?h?tr oodtumw and tan nr on of tbe?u new and beautiful. With thli splendid troupe and the "Lucille Lore" plat urea tonight tile New Theeter ehould be crowded to lta Ject, and 'SmCH in aoeh a u?t tor ^???hAii>iieto?tid be acted upon by, ?^H|l Commerce ana the cltlriHPINCMtty at large. Tbia prolan wouM be of gTeet ma terial aid to every bualncne man and citiipfi it this comlnunlty, and one which would also be of equal It la to t><|, regretted that a larger number of theee gentleman were not preaent. a OR SALE. co Farm, containing Cleared, hundred and Iher. Only fire mile igtnn. Fire room ?, tobacoo ham. ata. and well ditched. *? Small caah pay >;eaay tent*. Apply In ' boor, aocompanied gi V<[*ovenx>r Pang ht , Ambers of the Senate, House and were given l and reading his romt ?n j???ra?T, I Um General , i a Joint t In U>e ball of apo to tlie the Governor ap pealed by the commlt two Houses, and with ier ado proceeded to de Aj the Oover cL^mber- every man ras greeted with M. appearance, fsult ? Governor never ap Itter advantage in his I rounded voice carried oonflnes of the ball, listened to wltb the In tholato4 by tha Oorornor lnat**4 of atootod by tha ? paopla Tha Oovoraor TTP X' TUESDAY . . ^ . be is- hereby appointed the County Home for the two years. The board right to discharge said end of any month If the manner keeping said Home is unsatisfactory and thla Is the oondltlon of this ap pointment. Resolved that the county attor ney prepare the regular Special Tax bill authorizing the levy of a1 tax of 13 1-8 cents on the $100 to cover necessary expenses, and sub mit same to the Represntatlve ^and Senators for passage by the Gen eral Assembly. We the undersigned jurors, after being duly sworn, find that the faitf owners are not entitled to any dam age through which the road passes. We therefore lay out said road as petitioned for by Clifford Harris and others, beginning at a bridge rear J. R. Bishop's, crossing the old canal, then along and through the lands of the petitioners to the Paa tego road at T. M. Daw's residence. E. W. WILKINSON, O. W. OAYLORD, T. M. DAW. Ordered that J. B. Keech be a h* 1* hereby appointed keeper of BettArea brldae M a xlUtj of lis the risbt to dleohene mid Keech at the end of any month if the man- 1 uer of keeping said bridge is sot satisfactory. Ordered that V. W. Davis be and he la hereby appointed keeper of Pungo Creek bridge at a salary of 125 per month. The board reserves the light to discharge said Davis at Ihe end of any month If the manner ot keeping said bridge is not satis factory Ordered that J. W. Brantley be tind he Is hereby appointed keeper ?f Aurora bridge* at a salary of 925 per month! The ' board reserves ! the right to discbarge aald Brant ley ait the end of any month If the nanner of keeping-said bridge Is not satisfactory. Ordered that C. C. Cooper be and he Is hereby appointed keeper of Washington bridge at a salary of 127.50 per month. The board re serves the right to discharge said Cooper at th? end of any month If Lhe manner. of keeping said bridge' Is not satisfactory. Ordered that L. E. Toler be and he is hereby appointed keeper of Blounts Croek bridge at a salary of |15 per month. The board the right to discharge said the end of any month It of keeping said bridge hs not fadtory. Ordered tibat the Bath Deoember *0, 1?14. The report of the Jury In ooo flrmed end Mid road It declared to be a public mad. end tbe clerk to thle boerd Is Interacted to notify the chairmen of tbe Boerd of So porrWe of Pante?o townnhlp, aid requeat blm to aaelgn hand* to the On motion It la ordered that on* ?l?tt Of the antomoblle tax >e paid! t< W. H. Wbttley. oommleetoeer from Rfchlaad towaehlp. t? He ?p piled to the public roeda of eeld towaahlp. Ooe-elxth of ?ald lai to ha paid to H 0. Bracaw. oom mteeteaer from Choomrlnlty ?hip, to he applied by him to the fcublfc road* Of Mild lwa.Mp. pw ..Mtnto'b W. B. Oerrard, ChooowlnRy Iowa ?hip. $250. IteCed through error of List taker. Amount of relief $111 IUmUH BoUand.ool.. poll tax In Washington township, ho being orer *Si> Amount of relief $4.00. A. P. Wright, eoL, resident of city, relieved of road tax on poll, erroneously Meted la Wasfeington township. Amount of relief $1.00. 8. W. Bord, Long Acre township, property rained at $176, listed through error in Plnetown school district. Relieved of the school tax Chocowinity Compear, property valued at $1,771.00 In Choeowlalty tow nship, "which wee not owned by them. Relieved of tax on Ume which It $12.66. . Bayboro I -and end Lumber ' Oo^ 1448 acres of land reined at .14, 218.00, which land we*, listed by and taxes paid by the Interstate Cooperage Oo. Relief $39 19. For satisfactory trees one the board allows the following persona to Bat their property for taxes for the year of 1914: O. A. Paul, receiver for Athene estate, 140 acres of land In North Creek school district. $700.00 Amount of taxes $8.26. S. H. Bennett, property rained at $100 in' Washington township. Amount of taxes 98 cents. M. J. Warren, 26 agree In Choo owinHy township, rained at $180. Amount of taxee $1.47. Geo. W. Dlxon^^property valudd at - ,t?j25 and poll tax. Amount of fcjpgffi $7.20. In Richland town 9lt9 e?d poll tax la Choeowlnity ImwMtli Amount of taxes 9T.M. ^^^1. Barter, South Creek School district, property rained at flSO. Amount of tares ft. 17. Ordered that $10 lie appropriat ed to Miss Rachel Rentier for the see of the poor In the cHy of Wash ington. M. . , ? . Ordered that the convicts be sent to the, Acre bridge on February 1. to till in the road ? at that place. * It ,1s further ordered that the full e mount of antomoblle tax dps Long Acre township be applied so far as* it may extend in payment of the obrrrfcis service*, and tM If anoe can not be paid by public sub scription of the cttlsens of eafld township, whatever remains then unpaid shall be 'paid by the county. Ordered that when|tty wprketaa Ordered that when the wcn^t abore provided for 1s completed, that the convicts be sent to Pungo Creek bridge near Yeeteeville to All In the swamp at that place and to remain until March let. If thin work cannot be completed before that time. It Is further ordered [that the name mode of payment be employed as provided by the fore going order for Long Aere town ship. ? -.'j iter T Jf1.' 'Ill HI i . WIWUTg. L#.' ' ' ^n*^lniM? of ?~4tLncille Love" v? . i a (JI> ... '2 % ,?v '*? " ? : Wm