Corespondent of Nfews er Shows Them up in a t?Protests to be Malde ier Bradham Talks. ud during a ?nda?:?aeil* dnrinr tb? mm* ar noathe. Tb* report ; le qo**tloa I* frtml mtmtU of a re port mada bir Capt. C. 8. WUUatia. commander of tb* Rhode Island, bat o?lr la ?*?? -W ? |M and the tall report ah owe tbat'North Cu> llna men mad* the BB8T EEC0H1) ef UI of the eight dirts lo us on hoard. Cast. C. D. Kradbam. commuder _*f the North Carolina Naral MUlt'a, gar* oat an Interview laat night whloh throws a different light on the subject. la the Drat pMae Capt Bradbam dedaras (bat there were ?ntlrelj too auaj men on board of tb* Rhode Island, then b*lns_ll handrad when there should hare (Mb oaly eight hundred and that it wad Impossible at lime* U> tadmsn. reported svffet Wt Uii Uott t* tk* i ?\kV 1. . ?*_' - Ik. bat until the tin* tke report *> IMiW III Um New* ud Obeervtor tterhtd not Intend M to make flu public. The nMk claim that thty were not In any wir MM with coMH?t?lloi, ftil they were look ed upon br the member; of the otk er dlvlalone ?< ? lot .if iieenh^s end thai they pat <p with all mit ner of hardehlpe ud elnr from tie .the hlgheet terms of Capt. Wtlllame end praised hie ability and they are layln* tte blame of Oe adyere report 'and tte unfair meanlnt at the door of Mr. Yetvertoa and Ik their preteet to Secretary Danlete they will aek that he mike <wltii Hon. .-.i^rVs-T : !jr ' 5vr According to elatemeat made Mr c Ulcere of Ike dlrWoq they Intern to "eee ihl? matter to the bottom' and te el ft out tke eauee of the It rttfB then to be forMd to teeWy ;uV?t I'-' ' KAI1JIOAD NOTKH. k The Michigan Central erlll ,e?> pier (lrl waiter. In 4tn|n| eart making ekert ran*. ?; f t -Since tke completion of tke Oreed Trnok Pad* Rallw.y eonrtderahl 1?im. xlnllHm. at the Home, oonHe aad Judicial dlrtrlrt., feder >1 relation., election 1m, health, the Journal. - Ctt CORWlUOQa Mr. Bmilaaa oj WaVe, Is chalr aua of th. committee on corpora tion; Brl Cape hart, mat of health. **. ftrler. of Irelell. election la*.: to, Wlnborne, federal relellf ? ; Mr. Veraon, court. and judicial ?a ttictai Mr. Bra am, expeadlturee of Capt- Laachl^tcbouse atatee tMe habit of earrylnf ptatsle amaas the ceyroea of the eaatera eonntlee la a nuleaaee aad ha haa raealrad mora Oaa a thou land reqaeet* to ka*e a bill like the oa'e he lntro daoed r?ater4ar enacted Into law. H. B. u, WUNama. of Tadkla. t? ?rar?ot llreatock riaalar at lar(? ?>a the paklle hlclnrara of Tadkln 110* SALK? WHJT^ ORPINGTON. Pur? bred, S Coekrala *t It.fcO ?aeb. 15 Pulleta at $110 etc*. Chaa. A. Fljnn. 1-1 1- Wo. LAIHH ?AY. Tbe Monarch Sow line Company, on Market .street, annonncea that tomorrow afternoon (Wedneaday). drill bo observed aa l*dtea day. AU ladlaa ara especially incited to com" and Uka part in tbta aport Remember, that If UQQor tr&fflo la not abolished. your huaband m boy nmy be the meat victim. thi ton tA th* Da ?Mini, th* uiM ti**a m rmr dU*b<tuL H? 0M*Ut ?t<* gQT rill Lewi*. a imtt? [??>? ??# lappa* at tlx Par* .Food Cat*. *?T*<1 b T 9oT*rot*n W. M Mi anal fin* KrW. waa M of th* ?roDta al til* (ra ft* *ft>o7*d Ota planar* of kartnj HHMI m*mb*rs of oth ???. <n tk? on thla oooa- I 1%l? na| wac ortulMl la Jul? | It 14. and haataan crowlap ataadl 1/ ar Kim r Kins" njMHi Tlx? fourth installment of |h? "Trey O* will be ?bo*n at the New Theater hi oonnectlon witb one other rMt of equal Interesting photo 4wn toalght. Bo he sure and attend thW home tonLrht u< we this serial play thai will tater aet you for flit? p we The Chancer of Commeron wlU hold their regular monthly m ratine tonight it their qnartera In the Baugham B sliding el 8:30 o'clock. Ail members are especially requeet ed to be present at the meeting to night * " * BOMB HALL GAMK. There vai a good bell game yes terday afternoon at Brown Field, between the beyrf "Uptown" and the * "dewnt^wn." Lloyd Lanter pitched tha Prat two lpnlnra and tha aoor* *tfxx) 4 to I la furor of th* "downtowner*." Pill BalleT Pttct ?4 Ua roat of th* iam? a*4 wh*? I tha cava wa* orar tSd.acor* atood I ta 4 la faror of tha "uptownm.' Tha lla?-*p wai *? follow* Rlohard Cbarrr, eataMT. Bill Bai lor. pttot>*r| Jff. Hort, Jrat baa*; Jaak War ran, aacoou baaa; Mack Robfcta*. third Waa; Boot* BarrU. laft (laid; rraak BahirT, aantar ?*M: iitH* Hatha var, r1|ht tatd A3TTOD OOMVBVnOH. ftntautor Hub Pail 1*M raatar d*7 to attend a raaatlna today of tha State bMitln Ooanmlttee of th* lUpabUaaa part y. A JANUARY AALB. 0? tb* Kmrth pal* Of thla lie* roo will aot* th. pas* ad ot Bow ere-t/*?ia Oo, annoaaetac tt? teat I that their Annual Jaaaary Fifteen |Daj* Coat ftal* win barla oa Tb.r. dap woralag. Jeaearr J 4th, aad win win ao4a trrm ad. prlra. bar* Mn tmtlr nlmt a* tbla Ml.,' tad b*r**t.? mm t* m*l <ieri ? M. k. ?om ?pr will y Uj ROUMANi- ITLAY MAY SOON BE DRAWN INTO THE CONFUCT London. Ju. 11. ? Only * eking? i la Um weather or entrmnc* Into Che war cut RnmiiU or Italy, or both, la llfcalr to bring about My marked IllBfT 1r ? *?*? ? r ~" ? *' ? Europe for some time. 11m belief to growing in oountrles Allied against Germany, Austria and Turkey, that Rumania with her well trained army ofnot lees then 400, ??0 men toon will throw herself In to the conflict. This, In effect, would link Rumania with th# ex treme Roeelan left now forcing it* way into Hungary through Boko win*. Taking Into consideration the Ser vian* and Montenegrins this would form a line menacing Austria -Hun gary along the entire southeastern frontier from Russia to the Adrlat- 1 U. / ? Jaat aa rumors persisted for days prior to Turkey's entrance liUo the war eo rumors now oenter aboaVRu manla and Italy. There is a strobg feeling among the general public^h , France and England that definite ac tion will not long be delayed. Meanwhile the armies already in the field In the east and west remain virtually deadlocked. In Alsace the French continue, by eapplnt and sporadic charges, attempts to foroe their way nearer the Rhine., but neither side claims any new progress. The German* threw^ heary reinforcements into Alsace sfter the recent French advance and Apparently they have held their ground. In Tlwr 0$ tts failure of iliB FiWCfl to ooasoinaie positions they took after maeh hard lighting. With a compere tire loll to this quarter end artillery duels predomi nating near the Belgian coast, fight ing of a desperate character haa broken oat In the center, notably to the northeast of Solssons, ' whleh through bombardments seems like ly to suffer the tats of Rhedms, and farther east. In the vicinity of Per thes and Beausejonr, from which points the allies hers been trying to reach the Important railway to ; the north, the eelaure of which would cut one of the German main arteries of communication. Official communications do n< agree as to the ontcsme of the re cent fighting In these areas. The alllei claim to have forged ahsad from Sotesons; the Germans say these attacks hare not been fruitful and that fighting Is proceeding. The allies contend that they hare advanced north of Perthes and still .hold the ground at Beaussjonr to the north and east The Germans make do mention of fighting north of Terthes, but maintain that they ^ave advanced east of the Tillage. The fighting In the vicinity of Beou "fcejour, which the allies consider so Important, they IgnoTS. SLNGLKTON NOTES. Oar farmers are getting ready to | start tholr crops for another year. ? ? ? Our school began again thia week | with a very large attendance. .... - Mr. -and Mrs. Eugene Jackson of I Washington, ware here Sunday vie- j lting relatives a?d friends. s 0 m Mrs. Snody Hardlson of Cboco wlnlty, and Mrs. Robert Channels of Vaaoeborlo, wielre the guests of Mrs. 8. ' L. Wlllard Saturday and Sunday. 0 ? ? Miss Lnta Hodges and Richard Ojnary were the guests of MIbb Lulaj Wlllard Sunday Evening. ? m ? Misses Minnie Perry and Murtin Wlllard irere the guests of Mit?s| Mtanle Wlllard Sunday. ? ? ? J. H. Slnglerton, who has bepn on the sick list Is very mucb im- j proved at this time. ? * * Roy Perry had the misfortune or| having hip Jaw broken on last Wed nesday at tbe mill of J. II. Clark. I It is reported that his condition U serious at this time and that lie to suffering intensely from sam?. e ? ? Quite ? number of our people i went to Old Ford Sunday and heard ! a piost lntereeting 'sermon preached I by our state iecrstary, Rev. J. Fred Jones. e e e Little Wilson L/eggett, who has bean ill from an attack of pneumo ula. is couch batter at the present Mr. and Mrs. Oanisl Leggett and llttl* son ware the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Singleton Sunday. e ? e Miss Alios Williamson, our pop ular school teacher, returned last Thursday from Norfolk," where nfce spent ths Christmas holiday* with her parent a '* e ? ? Quite a number of oar people ire disappointed Sunday evening, oxpactlng to hear Rev. John Waters at Singletons. We do not know wky be did not come. Hog killing has been the order of the day here for quite* awhile, bat most everyone la through at thle ? e e a Wlllard spent Sunday with relatives and frleade In Weak bPNR?*?1 st ' ? i '*-? ? t e ? e Hits Amend* Hardhw retained to k*r heaie la Chocowtalty Weiss era lag. after speeding Mraral wit* her coaeln, M<es ZeU mi ifci * . Z I - j?** 'AM ***** I** a* K ?*<* (mora. ml. yiaud WJIIard mad* a flying trip to/ Martin oounty Sunday. He re port* a very pleasant time. Because there la no prospect of an *arty ending of the war In Bnrope, I many tourists irho uaaally go abroad will epend the winter In Florida. The Southern railroad*, have, therefore, prepared for a large lucrea&e In business. Employe? of the Harrlman rail roads have been advised to take three baths every week and to eaf ?" for music, art and literature. The object I* to culti vate a greater efficiency. Vlce-preslent Elliott of the Npw Haven Railroad says that not only It tho genera] level of railroad rates too low In <he United State* under present conditions of wages, taxes, jatoe of Interest, elaborate and lux urious service and Tery necessary provision for safety and dispatch, but many Individual ratea are en tirely too low. NO TICK. Notice Is hereby given that the Arm composed of J. R. Meekina and H. H. Satterthwalte has been dis solved and that the business thereof h?s been sold to Raymond Woo lard who is entitled to oolleot all ac counts due the sa'd Arm and has as sumed all debts payable by them. The said Raymond Woo lard will contin ue the business at tL? etors otf the east side of lfcNatr street heretofore occupied by said firm. This Jan. 1st. 1918. H. H ?ATTERTHWAIT?, RAYMOND WOOLARD. I Ml- 4 we. WOMEN'S M OO TAJf ftHORfl WIIX ?ell far $1.50 ths pair at J. K. Hoyt's After Inventory isle, which be|1a? tomorrow, January .. g PARENTS Do rou know tint la mm ?i?t II p?r rent of the bukvard Mfaool children be*?n to tmprove vbea it ted with flHWl Do xo? know whether r?*r boy or girl hu Mmt i| m?ht t VI CAN "t?LL YOU. W. H. MCWBOM, ; Rpfdallat U nkf flhmt, Om J. K. Horfe Store Oat Br er r Monday end Toeeder. W?hl?g?m. N. V. ' mil. ,nr New Theater TOM19HT ? *Nt ?wnriwiu riwwrun.1 l-jtem-i 1 4th laetalhMrt M '?nunr v Mums." . Prieee I aa? M OaH. c*~ZSmS2?$ 1

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