railway, >Mtui and all tool* and laXAaaau aad anb-atrnetion at r-rr tart, kind ar ooaa traction own *4 by tha party of tha ?ra? part and mti U connection with tha aaK ??AIM (hop or IU Marine Railway Boalaeaa. and alao tha property al ?vary kilt u< deacrlptlon whatao ?w rao) at peraonal, ar mlud. of ?M aoapany, whethar now owned aarjaftar acquired, and whefeaoev ?m oltaa'edf. together with all at:' ?lngnlar, tha aoaamanti, brimflti ?U Improvement to Mid premlaee U anywlae thereuto appertaining tall aala will bo made by ttir *ocelvar?~a?4er tha authority of a)'. Mar duly mada la ? action no*' pan dine la th? ioperior Court Beaufort Coanty entitled L. r. r ?aa ra Wttoal Machine Co.. at al. Tkla flat da y of Dae. 1114. \ 7. HAVENS, - W. >. gWINDEI.I., I Heoelvera. f ^ Holies ! ?<t)BLtc NOttCk li tmb) given it tha allot with the honorable. tha ot duta of Ndrth Carolina, on Ilia 14th tUy at December, 1114, of tha fWio*In? eert Ideate: It la hotaby cartlAed that oh tha 14th day of .March, 1*14. tha board of dlrectora of tha Washington Light * Water Company pasted a raaolu 'ion declaring that a change In the name of aald oompaoy to *Waahlng ton Oaa Company la advleable, end a redaction In the capital from 1*00. 000 to 176,000 l< advlaabie. and a meeting of itockboldera to take aetton tharaon waa dnly called 'and held npon tha notice provided in the ity-lawa. at tha city, of WaahtngUm on tha llad day of April, 11} 4. that two-thlrfe la littareat of all thn atockhoMora votod In favor ot Hie two ehaagae aforaaald. IN WITNWe WHBRWSfr. thla certlflcate la algaed by - tha Vice Preaident and Secretary of laid company, ander the corporate eaal and daly ackaoartadfiK. ' - V OEORQB T I.BACH, ? * ' 1 Vlca-Prealdeot. Atteet: WM A. WILCOX, - > ? . r.j <W aUrr. ' Hawk Waco very crdd plately atopped my < elwara haipa. ?* ! <S i tolas splendid O. YwtH, Jr.. FOR BRINK CLT CUMBERS ; PHONE XTERMOLENE IB HARMKEMTO human beings but guaranteed to kilfany speclea of lnsecta known Kills disease gerro? and/ those from whfeh. Insects propoxate For housedold nse In killing roaches Moths, ants, bedbugs, etc. Money backet no satisfac tlon. Price 26c per can, Wash ington . Motor Car Co. 1^8-lwc. ELECTRO-SHINE CLEANS QOtiO. Silverware and Glassware. Con 'tain* no injurious materials, will . 'not scratch the taost hJghlj pol ished soMaee Satisfaction or 'money back. Try Jt S0? >per I jar. Phone us to sfehd to yon Washington Motor Car Co. _ .l-l-l wc. WANTED? SALESMAN TO SELL Lubricating (Tils. House and Bam . "Paint and -^Specialties. Big prof ills.' Champion Refining Compa ny, Cleveland. Ohio. ll-Se-Smos.c. pear Washington. Write "428 W. ^Seoood street) Phone 242. Chas l-?-4to. j , J WANTED? POSITION BY YOUNC man. general citric*! wotk, ex*; perlenced In shipping Invoice J*tock .arid ' bltt; clerk. I trass Advancement, siire .DaUy-tjywi. l-Mtc. ^ at We Have to , ? if is to Your Friends ?hen giving something useful and orna mental. Remeinbe?*you have only a few days left in which fb dQ your Xmag shopping. t)on't Wait until the last minute when every thing has been piqked over. , Shop E&rljr.tvi h. i MPj Genuine ruvian Guano PS s-.MotfWgmfcfM Fertilizer Tk? CrMteatCrap-prmlacer 5-MIXYOCR FERTILIZER UMNO rmarnAir 9UAiro. nttrate OF sooa. ACX> PHOOfMATI, POTASH SAVE #4.00 TO Jjia.OO.PER TON IT* k t mth^mmarmmmU Bmj U - NITRATE AGENCIES COMPANY A <- NOTICE O* MhU. North Carolina ? Beau Tort County. Superior Cou^t ? Before the Clark W. 8. Rhldlck, Administrator ol, - Eil*a Dorsey, ' deceaaed, vs. Rena Jones and husba&d, Noah Jonas - Ed. Idletk and Jamas Idlett. Under and. by virtue of a decree of sL court In the above entitled ac Hon, made and entered, ou the 2nd day of December, 1914, the under signed wtfl sell -at public auotion, for cash, on the fourth day of January, 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, before the courthouse door of Beaufort county. North Carolina, the following do scribed real estate to-wlt: ? Located In the toprn of Belhaven adjoining the lands'of the Railrosd Company an,d others, 'beginning a' Lock op, southerly 2? feet to street; thence southwardly- 25 feet to cor ner. thence easterly to Norfolk Southern Railroad Company's line; thence with said, Una 25 Xeet; thence eaatwardly to beginning^ it being the "samfc tract or> parcel of land con veyed to Bllaa Doraey by J. H. Hsm llton and Allen Hamilton by deed dated February 26th, 1908, of recorc* in the Register's office of Beaufor' cojinty in Book 141, pago 84, tc which reference d hereby made. This the 2pd day of December, 1914 ^ .. \ W. 8. RIDDICK, Administrator for Ellsa Dorsey, deceased. TOOLBY * MclfULLAN, Attorneya. ^ 12-4-4wr NOTICH. Netioe l? hereby given that tht partnership heretor/ore existing un der the firm name- of Rodman A Beaaer, In Waablogton, M:> C.^has UjU day, by mutual consent, 'been iiase??ed- ' ' . ;*/ ' Hi. W. C. Rodman will coat Is ue to kave his- office on Mala street la Washington, N. C., In the build ing fermerty occupied' by Rodman A Btaipr. ? Jf.. H- .Bpnner^wlll occupy the aftee en Market^ street. In Wash Ctou. V. C., formerly Oocupled by jlr- Prsnk H. Bryan. ^Thia Jan. let. 1915. WILRY C. RODMAN. 'JO&N H. BONNElt. 1-t-tfc. . " ! v . rFOR RENT ? MY HOUSE ON-PON V' ner street nest to Episeopsi Church. PoeMsslon given Feb * rjiary Iflt, or sooner. Apply to ft. Sterling. , ? . . .. ? , ? ? ? . ? . . , GASPAlULLA GAflfttVAL Totepo* HinKtl MAtttti 6kA9 CtfLkBfiATlO* Xtm Orleaa* *M4 fetmttoi*. Excursion tickets wiilbe told for tii* above occasion from Washing ton, oil February 11, It, IS, 14. and tS, at fares named below by the ATLANTIC COAST LINK ? THE Standard r. r. op the south, Tampa, Florida 926.20 New Orleans, La,,, .. .. .928.70 Mobile, Ala. . taq.es Penseoola, FU . . . . $20.05 Tickets will be limited, at Urn* of purchase to February 10, but an extension of final return limit to March 15th may be obtained by depositing tickets ? prior to expira tion and upon payment of 91.00. For schedules, reservations, etc.. Inquire of Atlantic Coast Line Tick et Agents, or addresa W. 9. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, P. T. M. G. P. A. Wilmington. N. C. l-9-5w. North Carolina, Beaufort County? I In the Superior Court. Before the | Clerk. EUREKA LUMBER CO. ?s. J. Mac Alllgood, Barah M. Alllgobd, and All to Whom It May Concern. The Parties Above Named and A! -Other. Persons Interested, Will Take NOTICE. That on the 31st day of December 1914, the above nsmed petitioner Hied a petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beau fort county to have the title to cer tain lands therein described regis tered and confirmed pursuant^ to Chapter 90 of the Puptttr^Liws < 1 1913, and that summons, has been icsued, returnable at the office the Clerk of tho Superior O^urt of Beaufort county on tho first day os March. 1919. Said land is situated in the ooooty of Beaufort, North side of Pamlloo river,' east side of Mallard Cr. and adjoining the lands of J. Mac Alllgood and wife, Sarah M. Alllg and Is bounded ad follows: Beglnnlf at tho month of Mallard Creek, on Pamlico river; ranging thence East 190 po^es with the river .hore; thence North 9 East 95 polea; thence North T7 Wwt 15. poles; thenoe North 99 Wgst 10 l-f pole? thence North 70 West 19 1-| poles; fhence North 89 1-9 West 19 1-4 poles; thence North 1-9 Wort IS pole*. Any and all persons olalmlng any 'nterest in said land above described or any adjoining l?nd, should ootpe n and flle an answer, setting u their titles to the same en of be fore March 1st, 1915. This Slat day of Deo. lfW. v (1*0. A. ?AflL, . ^ Clerk Superior Co?rt l-l-4we. NOTICE MOItTG \GB B\L| By virtu* of th* p?? of Ml* *?B I t*fa*fl In ? e?-rta'n >?f?d at Trw' ?z**nt*tl by L a?ry Eborn *nj wlf* EMail* . Kborn, to th? akJartifiad Trvut**, d*t*d D*o*ab*r 1?, Hit, ? nri rroorati la th? offlr* of ur or Do?.i? for B??ufort oountr, Is Book 111, mi 144, to *Hlek r*t*r OH 1* h*r#by tuiul*, I irtll o*?r (or ?tla >t th* Cotrrthoax door la Wub i Alton, Mr C., on Monday, F*braary l?t. 1916, at 11 a'clook noon, at pabllo AUOtlon, for aaah, to th* If h*?t bidder th* t o 1 1 o w i B y dwr ?4 r*al Mtato, aa sat aat la HM Oaad of Tntat: la tbo town of Aurora, N. C., ba (lanlac In the mlddla of *tb *tra*t ?t Addl? Oarnoi> B. W. imar, tbaa South with tha arntar it *atd *tra*t. *11*1 with Brtdt* rnntmi Jtfll ih?n Worth (tJ t-?)jyaMa, thai w*a* M yard* to th* b?i?tnnta?. **? ??lots* A-* aar*. morfc ir ?*?*. c ' Ixljta In* **?* lou ?nn?*yad by V. T ftndnell ta T?ry IMi. t>f*n? hart#* aal> la t\, WMlgfll ft." d*M ?nr*4 br th. ??I4 na** af Trart. **(* l? ?*?* ?' ftp i#MtX th* r%?*r ?f .*? John Philip Soosa 7k MuKk Ktag, mgmt fyia? ??ok?! fragrant, mild, and J"' psl. H-V Tuxedo in The Day's March AO die vim, energy and en thusiasm you get out of a Sousa march you get out of die steady use of Tuxedo. Tuxedo is as cheering and inspiring as the "Stan and Stripe* Jrareyer," be- . cause Tuxedo is always refresh ing, beneficial and wholesome. To be pipe-T.nppy is on a par with being mind-happy. Then you can get the punch into life! And it's certainly worth while. The short-line to pipe peace is via Tkm Pmrfmd Tobacco fcr Pip* and Ggarttlm Made Vy the famous "Tuxedo Process, " Tuxedo is the one tobacco in the world that will not bite your tongue, no matter how much you smoke of it. The extra-choice Kentucky Burley leaf from which Tuxedo is made is acknowledged, by experts to be the world's premier smoking tobacco leaf. This is why 1 uxedo is so mild and mellow, so pleasantly aromatic, ao deli cious in flavor. '? ? ? YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, gl&tsine p Famous Green Tin | A wrapped, moisture- with gold lettering. I II/1 proof pcucb . . . curved to fit pocket In T)n Humidors 40c and 80c In Glait HumiJort 50c and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY North Carolina, February Term, 101ft? Beaufort County Superior Court. OBORQIA BURNS Ajalatt HARRY BURNS To the Defendant above named: You are hereby notified that an action entitled as a bore baa been Instituted against you In the Super ior Coast of Beaufort .county, where in the plaintiff la taking for 4 di vorce from bed and board. You are further notified that a complaint In said action has been duly filed. The summons In said action Is returnable at the Court House at Waahfngfton, N. Ci, on the 15th day of Pebruary, 1915, and you are required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint therein or ths relief demanded will be - granted. Tbla 7th day of Jan. 1818. OUO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. l-|-4wo ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT1CB. Notloe Is hereby given that the undersigned ?*a this dar duly qual ified a* administrator ef W. B. Hall, diseased, late of Beaufort oounty, slid all persons holdlnf claim* against the said estate will present the same to at duly verified within one year from thla data or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said eetato will plea?e make im mediate paymsnt. Tblf Doe. tl. 1014. W. R. HALL. Admlolstrgtor. W. A. Thompson, Atty. lllBCWf Knom the Piano ? asm the man' you hmj H from Igm I does not pay to jump haphas ard In the matter of selecting a piano ? you have too mnch at stake, money and future satis faction. ;y " You know our reputation for Intecrlty and flair dealing. We are hero to stay and make good. Your interests and ours are Identical; consequently, you can rely upon our repre sentations. . Maha Ik* Ham* aim* u ytr.t lira aa poaalbla; (Ira 11 tha CHARM Or MUSIC, that raattal, alatraUw rkana which araMa* pur It r of lh?u?bt and tatucaa fttgHar 14.au Ctuu. M. Stieff L#on S. St**U. Mgr. - L?ON WOOD? Meetbere New York Couoa IUc**airc W Li J. LEON WOOD & CO. B\NK?RS and BROKERS Mm k?, Hoatfa, C ouoa, Grala ud Provtilou, T? Hum Hill, Qvf?ur Hmildis*. Borfolk, U ihiilt wtree to N?w Kprk Stock BiobMi*, OMpagn Board ofl mo* Ud OUMT iBUdAl Mltm. V" ? -rvN Corrw^oadeMM raapactfnlly tollclMd. ud iwouu Kim Cartful Attaatloa. Stop and Think IT'S NOT WHAT YOU MAKE. ? IT'S WHAT YOU SAVE. Our line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries was never more complete than now, and we can save you money. Just a trial order will convince you. All goods delivered. SGOTT & BERGERON A Poor Housekeeper Jathe njan who does not provide Life Insurance to take care of his family after his (Jeath. We represent the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, See us about a policy. Or Phone 59. Wm. Bragaw & Co. Pint Insurance Agents la Washington. N. C. fry a Daily News Want Ad HTOCKffOLHRftS' MRKTINO. The altawrt ifaeetlng of the stock holders o\ the Flrat National Sank, of Washl&ftoa, North Carolina, will ?>e helA at their hanking houne on Taeedaj. January IS, 1916, and 12 e'oloek n> A. M. DUMAY, Caehler. lroncm, Tk* arm of ,C: B B?il and V. A. Randolph. doing butnMi la the rortnty ?f BMirort' nl town or Waaklagtoa. Ml Use FoM oara (or Ik* I?r at 1114, til this fay no taallr OlaMlna*. All partial ow la? tka tbm Arm lor oar* parckaa [a4 !? tk* raar l?n. ?|I| t>l*>u> pay la V. A. RaatMp. Oraaatllla. N C C. B ??!,!.. . Ik A/KANDOL^a I-I-4W,. Don't IW>| TnaMac Int OMgfa. A itlght south oftoa bwWoorl o??; Lung* (?( controstod, Bmeklil Tubes 111 with m tie out. ' Your Tltftt ItT l? rodncod. Von hM Dr. Mn Pin?-T?r-Hon?7. It aootkoa roar Ir ritated air pa "?>?*<?, looooaa aaoean and ?>k? rour intw roalat Coldi ,0l?0 tfe? Bab? and Chlldroa Dr. Bell". Pino Tar Honor ItM (ttlulMI to help thorn. Oat* Me at roar Drur ?tot i" i -?! - . jR . i.i^ 'V i g; ..rt'i ?

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