" Thm Thinkers of thm ? Country Are the To6acco Chmwera"? said one of the greatest thinker* this country ever produced. Say thm Carpenter; "Every time you see a good joint, it means some carprntrr has put in some clear thought And followed it up with a steady, sure hand... : r " It's when you hafe a Hellish job to do that you need a chew of PICNIC- to ? ^Vhet" brain anH hanH trt a rnt.ing any dulling after effect." ? You can take chew aftet chew of PICNIC and get *11 the uplift without that after effect of heavy, dark tobacco. Only the rriild mellow part of the leaf gocs-into this soft, convenient twist. That's the secret of its ' 1 ' 'asting flavor and its extraordinary n.ildiK CHEWING TOBACCO "The Thinker* of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewera? You can also get PICNIC TWIST in 50c freshness preserving drums of 11 twists. NOTICE. Notice In hereby given that the ?rtn composed of J. Jt. Meeklns and H. Satttrtbya'.te has been dla- 1 solved and that (ho business thereof | has been rv>ld to Itsymnnd Woolard ?b0 If ?*! tilled tp oullect ajl Sr vouots duf the raid Arm and has as sumed all debts parable by them. The said Rarmoad Woolard will coDtlu .+ ths bu-mem !? l tl i store PA the east sld* of IfcNalr street heretofore occupied by said Arm. i Thlft Jan 1st. 1916 ter oourm, wor* i?if> ? yum# at 17 I foutj p I ion >?p, b?if > oouad ?t ?m4 ?o4 ? qvtrKr w! * wwi vl lime H. H. RATTFRTHWAITB. RAYMOND V/OOhAM). HM** ?na? ?'..iiii.inl. Km ( >lf ui Muiivii. ? >.?*? ,t & C, I ;tt ? i !; s .<>M i?.r e.v h ov I '??in V\ ? i(|s<, hav< (!1eMnn ??? ???*? W T U t *> f ? ?? ?? i, *dm'n1|tr,,|r|* 0f A ,v FrtWI'd* rfer*!*.*. VI flvrf*. Hll. Alfftrt \rorrin F4w?r?1? ? " ? hv >S*I* r.,tM'?o p rl 1't*?n W H T.?4?* " 7 ?Ml ??1| ?( if,. ? v #,.k ?? ,K. VrWM? VfRrJ "** '^niif 1*?. t?i4. nf .' "*? Cfttrty ?rfc?r?. j -f 'V. ,*I4 a v 41^ rrlr*-1 Ifrl I 'f ?*.??., t? [?? Vt ?5 ?!?? v?*?? ? K#. r? ?W? WM. ?"**'* ?>? ?"???1 December. 1*14 HUSH PAUL. Mortgagee HARRY MeMTTLLAN. Attorney ll-lft-4wo What He Wao Counting. 1 "What la that man over there ? tho we coon ting hie fingers?" "Tbot'f Dobba ibe poet Rot he len't count* log his finger" he'a counting bla f#?T P"?<(jrttd >i j???s <>?1 ?nj fh.fiM tllh ??? fHi > *.*? Ouro#''" ?n#i Hi n .'no ii t r? Tti 'in** m?dn n? ?? #? .i (t !?!*?? ?'.# i' |?tj? i i \ NnMre fa hereby ! ??*d?rsrf pari ;*?? fxefflfsr *t Kl?g. naif all "valntN the 'He ?'? fe#t, more or lata Thli thi 15th day ot Oeeffmbir. 1914 M WAKt-BT. Mor'iifN. BARRY lfoMULLAN. Attorney ll-li4wi Tbera In no profit tn letting tba ?Mn loee their colt flesh. If the pi?* are cold a*d pinched they can make oo gain. | Tat | T'.ie fih"tp la a dual purpose aoli both too! and mutton. I There |i ovary reaaoo for waUriflf ?uwk before thay are loll of dry t?d. ? ? ? It plga could talk they rarely wo?ld vay, "Balance oar' rattooa and watoh ua pay." ? ? e Hoga are not prodded by Mtm . with hair to protect thmn from wM nnd drafts oi Icy air. ? ? ? Feed thnt an it* one animal may atanre another. Study' Individual taata among the Ttre stock. ? e e ' if wo could one* and for aU rid thla eonntry of hog cholera what a weotthy action w* woold beoo?i. ? ? ? i ? Nowadays farmgfi arg ?v?ka?lacto ?b. tact u?t |t ut<* mfffiim? ?? dq (oo4 worn en tt? I?rtn. ? ? ? n?? Intnded tor rtttaalnt lor tfc* Mrl7 m?rk?? tUmii H ftm *qtWwiU ?=( ?j> wtrt ? rim j-t?* MD fTMH^ , t 1 i.i'in ajr." u Kpwjrwiwn "Mi' W4 ft nw tr mUt #tj '?>? ??IMIIRM '? (V IWH*1 fw W- ?? M ??fcs. a |.4P'??, If ?? i-'l u?kl?r. Int 4*1*4 July tUk, IMI.1 >?4 "flUtd l? l|M # MM*. ??t>?lr, Nt'Ml 4?, fi-t* )Hi MM III. M? ?M?M . >? 1 i ml^r iv. IMI. ??4 ?? , .? n.i .h-w-.'k 'k , Am* l?< i . ; .4.-', ,f i M ?'H ' *(fc\ fVil' ,rv'i V tMlf' . li/.'i v' nijp'cn .^ufi'v No*' ? ..fwica .:./s ;?#?? Mr .d w ?? ?fhn.? t>??. W' i '?It, llf? towrfM fMi| "?!?!?. w-wi|' - IP JIM GET 8H1 CARTRIDGE ORDEf ??riwK C? 0?*y to rumlMi WJOO, MO W*r?l ? w.r feippIlM to HU tt'tnwt Mt k. drl?i. - T7" . ??H?W turplu. *wW U MMW. tt. M