1W Sootk. *am v*ll to aa l? trill to today, tha of t*. HMa of Ikw two Immortals la a ?rlee r / ;.v*Wt>a w?-rt both stUnlea* Ben 4JT.J.. hnmbl* Christian*. both men *'who bore without abu*e tba grind, old name of gentlemen." ad WifC ?* ?*? rrtoiUMii oi *fc?j ?oatb. b?t W b. lt~l ,b. ,?oul? so 4oaM b*T. i.d tb* noble life that DM !t*M ?M tie ilit Ml ?Q?rriM to fmi.no remain a mystery, rtVH^Hmrtcb Thla < ||} Th? faculty spelling match ai tht public school bdildlng Friday after - nocta, *u a decided sucoese, lau claUy aad otherwise. All depart me|(? of th? school oo-op^fafetf' fccJ" iblj.in matin* It * eucceas, and a 'bout $t8 * vm retilMd. The rtu dente of 3A, Mr*. Bflght'a grad*. de i-rve special mention (or thetf w cailfat' ?Otlbo! iplrlt. Thl? c\mm alon? .now tickets amountln* tc And Uw prlmiry grad< made a good Mowing. that bains I A, HIM Margaret Jaryl* teacher A ndnbw at oCUldara ware praa #ni, bat the hum of the audlenc* WML ooarpoMd of the school chit droll, ' Who took unwonted pleasure In "aaelng their rwp?cUvf teachers "?Jt down" for mlMlng a weird In ?pallia* Hair. R. L. Oay acted aa achool >a stood awitch In band and oalM Ha worda for hit "claaa" to apal). An admission of tan cents war charged, and all praaant declared bat they had their money's worth of fin. i ? Mr. lm T. Harrta of Plnatown. was Ur the cltr jueteydey on hual ?fa4r.f?Wr?m Wa 1 bafa' aTrSgCT M fallows: Mister of ceremonies ? Rev. W. H CW1. . t ; Ajjf f Son*? By BnKed OhrtM l*r*yer ? By Rar. R. L. day Botn ? By Children af tha Con 'fi?Muj. .? i Recitation? By Mies Sal lie Oar ?*? Da ta ? of iMrttH CooaiUM of BovfM Countr be ginning Thursday. Jmuv7 Ittb it Pango Scboolbouse (Pike Road); T*wdiy, f^rttrr tt4, at ilinw schoolbouoa Hoc day, ntfivr Ith at Aarora; ?o4 fth at Wasltfngtou. Diisw? I? on torn yt* tXmm lire iooki, marketing aad fcfi. L eou*ty. ??* * WlMt't I Milt ola will CfaM X t*Mft M4 by Ifn J no. W. RobltMon of Catawba coun ty. M* Mtft. Boor 7 Btacto U U*c*n county,, to which wonMB in lnrtted to eedso and join In th? IHhimI? Ocnothlcs, homo conrenlencts. health in the homo, th* education of. oar children, and other topic* of, inter est to mothers and home- maker*. Three premiums win be glren to women a&d girls living on the farm a* follows : A year'* subscription to a. woman'* magaaine will he siren tx> the wom an over SO year* of age, living oa the farm, who bake* and exhibit* Qm higheet scoring loaf of bread * year's. subscription to a magaaine wlU lOaa.be given to the girl under SO years of ace, who hvee on the XaraoT exhibiting the highest scoring loaf *>f bread. Only one of th# a bore prises to a family. A nm will also be given to the from the farm baking and exhibiting the beet pone of com bread. Full p&rttcalars concerning thee premiums, the rales and regulation* concerning them oan be obtained by writing to T. B. Parker, Director of onee to the farmers throughout 4hfc BaMern aeotlon. Nothing baa eon 'rib u tad so largely to the succese of the fanner as hare these Institutes whlek were inaugurated for their benefit. Dvery farmer in the county ?hould attend one of theae meetlngr and more than one If he can conven 'aptly do ao. ThJs year of ltll wi ba a banner on* in the life of th< farmer, if he will only procaed along the best and safest lines. Look out. I hare gottsa up some thing ?*tlTe1y new. Nothing Mke V In other studloe. It Is going to tstke. For ladies ud children's pie tores I don't ]klak anything can out pass the way It Is gotten up. Other same price. Great peine will be take* first day or so, for securing sample pictures, eta BAKER'S STUDIO. RBGUriAR OOMMUinCATIOlV Thefre will ba a regular com muni cation of Orr lodge No. 104 A. T. f A. W at their haM. eot*ner> Third and Bonner streets 'this ereuing at T:I0 o'clock. Work In <*s Entered Apprentice and Eel low Craft De -reee, followed by an oyrter supper and em&har* - AH members nrged to b* present. Visiting hrothrer dortlially tevftted. By order of .Vorshlpful Master. * O. M- WTNFIELD. Secretary a liBB A\Ii MCUOI. Ely: ' : y? j Our hero** 'tla c4 rou. Var*. nobis bearlM, (ru. Ts4?r wn jin* K% ? nnntei. twin. The lay rel wHh th. pin*. 1 Tribute te eour?(? 8n* Im'i T Ortr tb* BeruthUnd wtd* Today *? look ' --1; la *n of 111 mint o*ed , Oo4 ?are tta Am tad**dl Soldier* Is ?i*> to l*ad TnM and rteadfsit, "" Honored br *.11 til* world Th* "Coaquaretf Buier" furled WlllimrW? ' f?. la mt aM ?torr told, TBI tbp* ttaetf ?rowi MM. .' Thn Booth irtth lor* will bold . ' MmM-lM -UA , A' W* M T fcara will ba * boa at *"l?* rllle ; Mwalbrfn *a at - >?r . HI IKS IOC II MIME a* ??inifV ???m.i. I? toM at *a Otort ?nm ckla ar eata* Btapbaa C. Bnaaw atll to ol Ik* ni? 1.? Tka iMm to to M>r ?a* t> oh ke??atirare? mm (?nin iKI) to Iiialil kr aga dal raqaaat o? tto DaoSM*n> of fha *a lafcafriHa of ?bla ?nnM mm a< ?hta dtr uc u< ability ? aa orator. Jndt* Bra^aw will dwell Iflaelpallr mpan tka Brae ot ckoe* Mm Immortal man ? ltokm ?. La* ud "atoaawalt" Jaokkoc. wtioee Una tore toe* kaid aa aa example kr )?* program bu keen p?...rad kr tka oomiaK taa oa arrangement* of tka Daafk t? ot tka Coarfederaor. wktck ?U1 to partSctpAad U kr about oa* kan drad children ot tka Confederacy Tka program la 1U entirety oan to (ouad la otkar inlMin ot tkla laaoa. Toa abiMdd tat nottilng keep yoa from ?lt?aMa? tkl* evening and paying trlkata to tbaas two moat ao^ jbla ' ;> gnin olr mtexm. *r Wat Roby Lewie of lkailll#, Ta., I* Tl?ttl?i Mleaee Emily and Fat Harris on E**t SaOotid atreat. * ? Ot'MT OF MISS FBBI>. Ills* Marr Ortrna of New Bern. H la, ta fba not of Iflaa llab?! Peetf on Eaat Second street. WW r rar 01 in The Nf? Then ?r. will byre in *d J It-ion to the "Harm's Rwtgo Dm VJlrto" Moaleal Comrdy tonitfht th? 4fUx iwflaJlineat of tixa "Trey O'j Hnrtt " The above eonpuj op med.thta plar hou** last night fox * areak'a engagement *Q.a gt*>d fit *d qmd mid? food in all .ra rpeet*. Tha Ofmedy .wl t?T7 ?orxJ vnd th? singing end dan dug of thr honn vu -well applauded by the endJwee. The For trot laat nigh? whlrh vu ducvd by tiro m?nbw rf the company -*r*? received wlU Treat applenee a* tt -we* danced *flh ? >0 attend tJhtf grand lodge of Maeon whioh convened hi thai $ity today. tJXTJUiLsm fob LKrrrvn.H. Following h ? list of Setters re melning uncalled for in thle office WedMngton, N, r., for the arsrt >ndtnf January 9th, 1915: Gentlemen ? Blaclrman. Carl; Ba I?rd. Thomaa; Braseh. J. If.; Bail* Kjj Oraene. Warren. If.; Kap*e. 1. O.; KVnep. W. L.; Lewis Cargla: Farry. Willie; Rlea. Ben.0.: Rax tan. Robert; Smith. Oapt. Joa; starling, J. C.; Illegible. Ladle# ? Darin, Iflaa Clara h.l Hopkifte, Mr*, q. T : tie West TWrf Street; King. Martha; MeBrlde, lira Addle; Waste McDonald and We?b ??r! Roper, Mies L ; Bmlth. Mr* Roth; States, Mies Isabella; Wal Theaa lattera win ha aaat to tfer dead, letter office lanoary 16. 1911 tf not deftrered before. In oalHnp ?or,Jfce ah*** please aay "Adver tlaed" glrtne data of Mat.. ttimm *r> prrr , 1 Mr. Ha *. * *l of ttw 1?t' RUOH PACT/. P. *. Vmn. i of the tbMBM Boo? rery latereat t?9 W* JW prealdeut. Ml* Rod Tlce-preeldenl, H Following CM*, rae ding act* toar and i "MwchMtt of Tealce.' rrj mudh enjoy*! hy : .At (he conclurton of the prorim (he rxtoui fcoctee* larlted tor into the dial a* room wTvlcti pt?unt>d ? vtrrr artletio appear ?M? wKh it* beautiful d*oo rations The center piece wm *eor*eou? America* Beauty roeea, -which mdd?d rtfht touch of colon to the I k/rely froom. A snmptuous two eouree luncheon w*? ?erred to moet attractive manner asd *? greatly enjoyed. The grneata left at a late hoar for thetr home* each than 11 n? the hoe tees for a delightful meeting The dub will hold lie aext meet la* with Mm. .9. 1L Clary on Jan Itth. nnrvrs 1 CARRIED BUCK 10 H YORK ,N?v York, Jaa. II ? Tfca trat mora to brinr Harry. K. TbJrw batfi to N?ir York trom Nw HuapeftiJre on frxtr*4Woc pa part aft directed by fha United States fluprraaa Court srtH be <*k?n tomorror. rhAa Wil liam Tnfcr^Tj Jvmam ylD apply tr the court for a u?rtW?d oopy ef Itt deeieioa. Irom?di*tely facef-rlng th order, aocordln* to hanoii?ow?enl today, Mir. Jercnje mod Sheriff Bom beck. of Pue&eat ooocJty, ^rtll go to Mae<&??tar to take Thaw Into cus tody. The time limit of drift? day# al lowed by t be 8ii|m? Court for ?n ?ttntlnjr I ta order for the rwtara o^ Ttuvw to Weir Yjorfc *?t? exvArns to morrow. ?rvd anleee l?fei obstacle v? placed la tbe4r may by Thaw'* attorney*. H fa Mkely that Mr. Je rome and Sheriff Hornb*r.k wll1 brine The,w back some time ?rie awt. WEATTW prm Tj\ NVHHritO. Mr. Wlkloo Roes left IhJa mom 'tic on a business trip to Lyvcbburf V*. RBTCTtNKP Hn.H* lllseee Mend and Margaret Phi! Ups arrfrad Hat night on the Ar C. C. tram R?^are*rrina. wb ere tb*y have bee* -HatUnf tbetr sister and xnd frfende. Mlee Maud returned 'o bar boma in oNrfoIk, V*., thli M*nf. AM Thla te Your Ual af -ffulW Kra. O'Flanagan- "Coma hara, ya obetlnate youh* Irtah "aalrtl. an* pot *er hat on! , Shnre, If ya Hadot gr ?na ye*d always be weevtn' It, ya' FOR MU OR RUT, BAST TERMS Un Mek (em ftra. B?r?n ?Da tm vtaWuMe Obiwi ; aetaa In onWratlo?. Mm I4?d HdllX MTM Wn?at*n4. I>tr?n lac m?n ?*d ootb^tMac*. Y+tm ti mr th? OM M Mhool koM Mid afcant. aa cood read, ?ad M a 1ia? kai ? li tm ? THC. UUMln MU* Vvria MM. tkta e*?. (Ml^a-livMi Load Oeeeadr. ,,, , , ni'Ww*?. i GENERAL ASSEMfeY ON MONDAY -INTRODU OF BILLS IN Y ON Tba fc'l \t**wd mm* hr Mr. which woaid do sway wttt Om frl-| w>?l?Uo? Of named when Hiaiai eta. and oa th? ***** roadln# of the Mil it fmt dowa to defeat bra d?Mrt rot# tOar tii? vuetttvt* of Mr. Don*iaes 01 Wfcl^ which wwjM raqulra the ?KBmtawilee hy jotM vfcf author leed to aiafce prohats, kili. ft tote of ?? to 83. ? Br. Loo? of HaMf**. to 1 hlft Mil mM that the ?i to (to ftvftj of 1 ft raUe at ta ftf?i and S2? t>4 ft? Mm vaiftS. tU raqatraa 10 wMr k tfclt *?r of iM pMMfr M lfcUuttft ?Mck to hm t^ss&css.'s ?aii wiiii '? tt* Ifm doJTel 8 rde utk? Mst^wlde prlwv lMr,?M?? U-Jo# 1|t and other mm *mr*m ?* toMil by the Rrnuwi Unicm. Mr. D< peaee for 7 1*4 ion rfhVp. Cumberland county. ! H. B. 117, Clayton, Co oonp? ?ate OfK>rf? H. De-rle. eberlff of Hyde county for attendance on ra cordere court. H. B. 218, Freeman of Meefclea burir, to provide for registering farm name*. H. B. 119. Leonard, to eonpn sate authorising the remoral of ear tain bod lee on private lands to pub lic- cemetery. H. B. 224, Waaon, requesting the North Carolina Benatore and Reprw setitati ree in Conprreen to hare the *rjt of dleloyalty to tbe Union re pealed as regarding the proeecnttcra of irar claims trainee the gorern H. B. 228. Doughton, extending rreetlnirs to Virginia House of Del egate* and arknowledirlnif message* of felicitation from that body to the North Carolina Oeneral A.*?embly. Senate Pteeeedtiura. Traaldwt pro tam O. Mm ttarfi n?r eallad the Senate to ordar yea ?aTday at noon. R?r. J. L- MorfM | of the l,nth?ran churtA of this ctty nffVr^d the laroeatlon. Lpetltfcm--?ru read from of of the Preebytarlan chare* of Shwlby petlttonlnir the mfrmbertr trf the General Assembly to pui Sao ate bill No, 32 or similar le?r1e)sttoa In reference to miywerd tirto and fatlen -women. With no atandln* oommlttw re port* and no apodal committee ra T?orta tin* chair ml tad for tha Intro duction of new btlla. Only t *ro mm (nrerad the call. B. B. 10?. fMlllem of Bd*eco?ba, te amend tba Conatltntkm of the 9tate of North Carol Ida. B. B. 10T, Chatham, f* Poraytba. to amend the eh art fir Of Wloatoo 5al*m ?nd to approve and ratify the lairnanr* of bowdrf twihwitttad to tJw w>ta of the people Jena tt. 1314. B B. lit. Cooper . of V*w Waoo ?er ral? tin# to raTWatlnir notes wf Wtlmlmttrm and tarfoance of t par cemt bond* and ltrry off taxes to pay t barrator. Ifenator Chatham npon tha mtro dnotlrm of hi* WIT atatad that ft had *1 ready been pe?n*d itobatenttelty by tba Sonata and had baan sent to tha Honee for ratification hnt that tba absence of ona Una hj tha hTTF aa oaaaad ma da netaesary tt* raenbmla alon to rota. Ha Mir a 4 that K ba r^aoad open tha calenar. * PARENTS you know thai Uefc af *rop?r daiDNW m?7 )>? ??r?waty fcuntte*ppb>? m, rhlM'i futnr*r "o J?u kn?v tb?t *? at r*ihrnj *> ?hlM?? ?tfh nmiruri ?>? w>a Vno-? ?!?t W?p?TlT m., .'MM. KOW -?T ^ of 4Ueoufort w? eh*nt? Ita vbol?