ir y?a ?t Mr I***] pronptiy UltfbOM or writ* utniier, an4 tM ooapltlit wfll r^-l <*It? ImmodlAto attention. It Is ? 4eolro to plouo yoo. An arttelos oont to tbo D*lly >>'ow| pot>]lc?tioQ mut bo ?h? wrttor. olborwloo tkoy wfll Mt nabllafcot. 3DAY. JANUARY 21, It It. A GOOD STEP. .he stepa taken by the tcsehors <>f the oounty, who met here last I'nday and under the supervision of ibe superintendent tut public ln 1 ruction, W. O. PrtvetU. formulat I ;.lans for a County Comuieoco a.nt among the public echooii ef ibe county. Is an advanced idea of this efficient and popular gentle man, and one that should be more n gratifying to the people of the county as a whole. Tho commencement is to take p'.aca in tlm early part of .April. And" I* an innovation in the life of the public schools of the county, and lo be highly commended. The publtc schools Hhould b> brought be fore the eyes of the people, as are the city schools. And as Mr. Prlr ett? statea. "the pupils of the ru ral schools who complete the ele mentary grades have heretofore been given no recognition of this ?work." Why should they not be given the same recognition as Is thown by the city schools? This is a day that the people of the city should look for. prepare for. i and welcome, as it will mean as! much to the people of this city as to those who will be here on that day. Tho railroads entering the city will offer special rates on all trains. an^J a gathering, such as nev er beforefi^lll be here on that day. Our Center of Arua. The renter of area of the continental TTnltod State* (excluding Alaska, Ha* wail and other recent aocesalona) la In northern Kansas. about ten miles north of a place called Smith Center, county seat of Rmlth county. In lati tude 33 cv5, longitude 98:60. The cen ter or population In 61 miles south and about 6-7 miles eaa?. of the center of area. Simplified Spelling. The dentist had Juat moved Into a pUce previously occupied by a baker,' when a friend called. "Pardon mo a' moment," said the dentist, "while ] dig off thoue enamel letters of Bake shop' from the front window." "Whr not merely dig ofT the 'B1 and let U go at that?" suggested the friend.? Boston Transcript. Map V%ho Btruefc Oil Urti. How tt?Xf American!* recall th* na-ne of Be win L. Drake? He wa? nalrt to ba?* boen a con?'.u*tor oa the New Have: railroad 56 /f^n ago. Then he w. a employed at Oil C'reek. Fi., to drill ? well for oil, and on Ao ? ust 27. IfiS', hla wortf was done and ? !? well 'fl't down In history as the rat *ver drilled for oil In the l/nlt?d Htog. ? L^pMe'a, Bympathetlo, but Juat. ? ? late Rer. 8ilveater Horse, whe "r.fed Ipswich la parliament ?t> Ml an amusing story oOU -:tty." a granltw monumen bearing this unique eptt marka the grave of T. B. Walt*, mm ?ccentrlc resident of Myrtle Point, wh 1 died recently at an advanced age. Ti hla will Walte left eipllclt direct tout for the hewing of th? monument, and the liR<*rlpti<% ft should bear. ? Myrtla *>1nt (Ore.) Dispatch to Portland Orw Von lan. Beat For Kidneys ? H?jt Doctor. Dr. J. T. It. N?a), Oreenvllle. Bo Car., aaya that In hla Sd yeara of ?* perlence he haa found no preparation for fiie kidneys equal to Foley Kid' ner pfTla Pain l0 back dad hips i an fodiratlou of kidney t rouble ? #. warning to build up th* +MKIgdW kidney*, make them vl^bftrva. fig ding your blood df add* ahd voIuom P?l*y Kidney PHI a w1tl help ant caae of kldowy and btad4?r trouble ? M<1 beyond (Be rmtlk ot medfcUie. In 4??Uffa "A-VU-afhsi- tlmr n Hn. Vmh hW"*" bcMlai **?t. Well," iqld tie ?tiUatka' *0 *r4er. -teenlng back In Ms chair. "*? k??o ?? thle ihhI tlje npnmll Htm of "two vMoiy-o-pantcd tenet* ?1 n?.~ "How lk th?tr hiked the Jto julaltlve boarder, rlalng'to the oock ?lOo "Wk,. th. ken ntentw trying to eat wti, tn all prpbebtltt/, ho ?re.0-fr?at-lr*B(Jmo4?? of thli aaWott.:- Then there (Ml t pelMb)* Not Tw L?o|. Conwswfctfb* among a groop rff Itlng bovMwim had turted upon the boiling of u4 the llttta daugfetar Of the hoase explained that she knot* bow to bell eggs, und always boiled thetn "Jdst eight minutes." 'Eight minutes, dear!" cried om of her 11? teaai a, (a amazement. *"^re you quite sure you boil them so lodg? I shonlt think that would make the eggs very hard" "Oh, no. Indeed. Mra. Blank." waa the child's confident aaawer; "really, they're aw.'ully Ioomi" Tha Tablee Turned. R waa pay day at the Consolidated Coal * Lumber works, and a mt** worker waa returning home with* hfa monthly envelope. He met a bad man with a pistol, who demanded his wages. The worker handed the money over. "Now," said he, "my wife wlD think that I've gambled or dmnkl won't you ahoot a hole In my coat, ee that 1 can prove 1 waa attacked and robbed?" "Why, certainly so." an swered the rebber. The" worker held oat his ooet tall while thi other puno tured It with a bullet, "Another," Pegged the worker, and (he other fired ?gain. "Another." and Ihsre was an other hole in the gar went ? another, and still another. "That's all the cart ridges I've got." said the robber. "All the cartrldgoe you've got?" said the miner, with a ferocious took. "Give back that money, hsnd over yonr pis til. and Vtialever else you happen to h*?e.M ? ' ^ ?7 ? H* Sueh Thing a* Untalented. the Womnn'i Horn* Compank* Urn* Bryan McCall, writing a Towai talk entitled "Tbe# Taleutetf Girl.* sold that "strictly ' sppaklnr thf?? are no unlalen'.ed people." 8h? ?osHouna hi part aa follows: "Wher we ?nry ('he gifts of others we dv. but forget our ewn. You may tell ae that you pleuse about your life be ini unglfted. No life 'la ongifted Thete la no personality which b?j not tta own peculiar and rich talents I If our lives seem to uri untalented unglfted, let ue be sure It Is only b? ftause we have allowed our naturm ' gifta to be uncultivated. "We are nofcb born.' says Stervnon, with bis cb&rae (eristic pride and Inaight; and then with bis characteristic thoughtfulaess be adds, 'Fortunate thosW who know blessed those who rnmembe*"" KOTIOB OF SALR. Under and by rlrta? of a mortgagr glren by A. T. Henries and wife L A. Henries to W. 8. Tingle, date< August 16, 1913, and recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort County N\ C. In Book 174, page 14 8, the an derslgned will sell for dash, before the Courthouse deor ot Beaufor* county. North Carolina,: on Satur day, January 30, 1916, at It o'trloc1 noon, the following described res' estate to-wlt: Being In Be?ofort oonnty, Btatr ?rforasald, In Bath (ownablp, begin alng at the foot of the* bridge V which the Yeateerllle and'Woodstoc" roads crota Jacks Creek, runnlnp east ward 1 j with said r4*ds to r 'take within fifty yarda pf the 'ear ner of my home field,- thence wit} the fence of said field southward?* to . the J. L. Linton Mne, thence with 'he J. L. Linton line to J^cks Creek thence with Jacks Creek ;to the be ginning, contalnlg eight (?) acre? more or. leas. Bald l?nd I bought ffom F. F Taylor. See deed from fr. F. Tay lor. to A. T Henries, See- Book 132 page 611, Register's office of Beau fort county. This Slth day of Dm. 1114. ,W. ?. TINGLE, Mertgsgee O FORGE HACKNfcY. JR. Owner of Debt Harry McMullan, Atty. 11-31-14. wonma. ThU In to notify the jr*n?ral pub lic that ft. J. Merrlmaa. Jr., who wm formerly manaff?4r of the W?nhln*tnn-Rfeufort Land Co-npt I QJ, I* no longer connected with th# N*td company. Wr. John M. Corey In now roan* *er of the co- mpnny. and can tr fo??d -at Hm r?mp??y ? on cv* et(t; $*. tt? old Ym*i m?nd of H ? Hardlaf 4 Ml. WA8mN0TOW?BAt?*0KX comnt I*, ill!. '%? What Is CASTOR! CMtoxdk b> h?rmlrM ant wtttate for Cutor Ol ilSr GENUINE CASTORlA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years Tha Kind You Hava Always Bought ? - TW? OITV. j Petffse of VoutK tV? follies of youth liavfc It basia fc eeund reason, ss much as ths wabarraanlng Tjtoenttons sometimes put by younc children. Their mpst and* social acts Indicate the defeats of our society. When the torrent sweeps ths man against a bowlder, you must ex pect him to scream, and you need not be surprised If tho scream 1b som* \ times a theory. It Is bettfci to be a i fool than to be dead. It Is better to emit a scream In the shape of a theory pian to be entirely insensible to t'nA Jars and Incongruities of life and take everything as It bohies In a forlorn stupidity. F\>r God's sake, give me the young man who has brstns enough ta make a tool ot Mmsil/'? Steventoa. Bell Threatened Destruction. Ail alarming occurrence took blae* ?rhen the congregation at fit. Will l?m'a church, Rochdale toad, Man cheater lE&e-> were aaaembling r? eentljr lor aervfee. During ,tfre rin*ln| o t the hell, which Is jUld to weiftr about fifteen hundredweight, a dull heery thud waa bu *he bell to it# faeteninca, and rc[ rem we the threatening danyer. With th? aid of the fire escape they reached ta* *slfry4 but were unuble to render the iervicea Bought, notwithstanding thu\ the men apent 'considerable tim? or the taak scaling the steep roof and KV^tlnw other methoda of reaching the Ml. NOTICE. Notice In hereby Riven that the .partnership heretorfore Existing un ler the firm nam? of Rodman & Bonner, In Washington, N. C., ha* this day. by mutual oofcsent, beeni dteeoired. Mr. W. C. Rodman will continue to have his office on Main street In Washington, N. C., In,' the build In* formerly occupied by : Rodman & Bohner. .4. - Mr. J. H. Bonner will occupy the >?ce on Market afreet,; In Waah 'ngton, N. C.. formerly occupied by Vfr. Frank H. Bryafl. ? tit, 1915. j ? Wlt-frf C. RiODMAN. JOHN H. BANNER. J-l-tfe. ' KOtlCH MORTGAGE 8 M R 1 By virtue of the power of sale con 'alned In a certatn T>e?d of Tr'i?* executed by Larry Bbora and wife Catelle Cborn, to the undernjtne?* Trustee, dated December. 19. 1012 tnd recorded la. the offlrl of Begls ?er of Deeds for Beaufort' count*. |r Book 173, page 844, to Which refer ?nce la hereby made. I wfll offer for *ale at the Courthouse door l? W#*b 'niton. N. C.. on Mondavi Februarr tat. 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, a' nubile auction, for caeh. to th< igbest bidder the followlhr dese*-" d real estate. as set out In salt1 *>eed of Trust: In the town of Aurora. N. C.. be Mnnlna In the mlddl* of Rth street it Addle Oavnor'a 8. W. earner, thee ^nth wllh the center of laid street 1 17 1-J) vards .then Kaift and pe* ?*He| with Bridge street yard* ?hen North (17 l-f> yard*, ther W#M? SB yards to the heglfinlnar. ?on ?alrilng 1,8 _acrf. more or lees, r help* the same lot conveyed by W T. TTndnell to I-arry Fborn. T>efa?il? having been made Ir. ?* - narment of the d?Vt secured by th" ??fd Deed nt Trnst. sate la made a* roqnast of the m?r of Mrf. Dee. 111*. 1114 ' C. ?- rmrWBT. ^ ? ml* -fc Tflit, By W. A. Thorn BMS. Atty XVuslo and Physiology* ?i?t "Music hath charms to soothe tSx'e savage breast" has usually bean accepted a a a quotation from the ad mirable William Shakespeare, whoa, as a truth. It should be credited to a Ister dramatist, Richard Congreva. The salutary effect of music In quiet" in* these pulmonary disturbances has never been questioned, but the Journal of thft American Medical association goes further in its claim tor the be nignant influence of music and says: "ftot onlyls music physic for the* aoul lisslpatlng mental depression, sooth ing psychic perturbations; but its In fluence may also enhance nutrition, further digestion (as by the 1l?er mu sic' of the French) and restore organic equilibrium. Indeed, the entire work ing of the human mechanism, physical and mental alike, may be lubricated bf a stream of music, which with art and science should therefore have a place in the medical armamentarivm." Hsmt H? Began. *** ?ndsrstanrt rou began ytoir lift as a LeWsboy," ebterved the jtrlen4 admiringly. "Nti." replied th* mil llonaire "Home one" has been foolini I you? J begun i'.le -a an infant." ? Net ?or* Tiisaa IN THK AUTOMOBILE ItlKlNKSH STRONGER THAN EVER. There seems to b? a misunder standing to some who have read thr notice of the dissolution of iie'l & Randolph. Mr. Randolph is not In terested with itfe iny longer, but I have the Ford Acrncy. an.1 have It stronger than *ver as I have Hyde and Beaufort counties this year and carry one or two car loads of Fordf and a large stock, of Ford perianal" the tlmo. Yours for tho "Universal" busi ness, WASHINGTON MOTOR CAR CO.. i By C. B. Bell l-23-3to. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the flnper .lor Court of Beaufort county In th oroceedlng entitled "Eurenia Bryan nee Edwards, administratrix of A M. Edwards, deceased, VB.t Clyde, Ru pert and Albert Morira^ Edward', minors by their Ruardlan ad litem W. H. Lodire," I will sfell. at tb* CourthouRe door of Beaufort coun ty, for cash to the blah^est bidder on Monday. Februar* 1st, 19t4, a' noon, the following property where of the said A. "M. Edwards die-' weired And possessed: Trt Richland townshln. ' Beaufov Vounty. to-wlt: The Edwards we ^ ?er mill snd site, with the prlvller' and anpurtenance* incident end h? Innrtn* thereto, anblect to the wld dow??r In the sam#: a store an*' 'ot In the town ' of Edwards, no occupied by L. C. Tripp, a vacan* lot In the foww of Edwards, adjoin ing the mill property, a (fiouee an^ lot In the town of Edwards wher decedent formerly lived, now oocn pled by C. C. Borrow. The property will be offered as ? whole or In parcels and the h1*he*' hid .or bids *ltl be reported to tb "oii.rt for confirmation. This December t14, 1914 A. D. MfclEAN. . Commissioner I lt-I4-4we. won cm. Notice Is hereby riven that fh' "rrn composed of I. H. Meektm an? H If. 3attertbwalt? has been dls solved and that the business th?r#a* has been sold to Raymond Woolar^ who le entitled t* collect all *r counts due the said firm afcd baa m sumed all debte payaMe by them The said Raymond Wosl?r4 w|t' coatln-i* the huMoeint *r ft.? *tp*r 0? the e??t eld* of McNalr n?ree' ber^efore occupied hy mid- Arm. This Jan. let. 191B. If. ff HATTERTHWArTB, RAYMOND WOOLARa txceliant TM*0 hi WKHMI. While the opirtoa ?b l ihmf ?A to the horrible ahrtllnaea an J ?Til anpivtaantneea of tie. roico* of Vnerican women la. wltVHtt 4 doafct oolUhly exaggerated. tb-re enkiir luestlou bat that the really beautifel ulce In thla countrr t 4 ~*rity. Of lot one woman la #0 can It da truth 'ally ?ald "Har roto* vu arar ?oft. ;euile and low; an excollent thin* la voman." Women of roflnfmant polfih belr finger nails, rial* their halrdreaa .n regularly, pay aeropttldua attention all the ilaialli of tfrntr tall Mr? tad itterly neglect what should be their Teateet charm ? their apeaktng tonea. fhe low. sweet voloe throve all akriUt ij;n pitched demonstrations Into tlV Jick^rouna, and makee them lnfahora ad ridlculoua. Listen, ju?t for an e? rhtening experiment. to a nerroua, verwrought woman arguing (a * nrlektng tone with another who to ilHT, self poBj-eeaed aad Jow-Tolefit nd ther. 11 you are a typical Aa*ar> *n ahrteHer, go to your' home a&4 ik* a vow t/> think twice before ybk ?*k Q?;'? Kopt Good Fortune tscret. "The other evening I was helping my wife to hang pictures," said a man. "While 1 was high up on the ladder waiting to get the hangers, 1 ma chanically put my hved in th$ pocket of a pair of trousers. Incidentally, I had not had them on for years. I al moat fen off when I felt a bill. At that moment, howerer. jay wife r? turned. Naturally, I couldn't at once I determine the extent of ip.v good for tune. But I huug the particular pie ture on which I was thsi^ working Id record time. Then I vfent to the kitchen, it tcned- out tp be a. fire ip^t Some luck, boyf' . "What did roujf wife say when you lold beif J .takcd. "Did you dlrlde up?" "WhatJ Who told her? Me? ?4ct on youi ife. T Ju*t rushed baok and contln ied to hang pictures wlv ?eaere' Igor!" NOTICE OF OF LA!f|> Under and by tfrtua. of ap. or der of the Superior Court of Beau 'ort county made In .the Special pro ceeding entitled "W. L. Vaughan, \dmlnistrator of John Cjox, deceas ed, vs. Charlie Cos, a minor, and Mhers, helrs-at-l&w of John Cos, lecoased," ,tK? same being No. ? ? ipnn the spect&l proceeding docket 'f said total J, the undefMgned eom nlssloner will, on Thursday, the 11 lay of February, 1915, at twelve ?'clock, M., at the Courthouse door n Washington, N. C., ofl(er for a*le o the highest bidder for cash the 'ollowln* tract of land ly^ng.and be ng ln*Chocowlnity township. Beau *ort count v, however, subject to the lower right of the wldowjof the said Tohn Cox, deceased, (Hmma Cox Whitfield), the said land being de '?crlbe as follows: Adjoining the lands ,of ft. T. ^uck, Crave McGowan^' Herbert Olson, and others and consisting of ? tracts as follows; ? i ? 1st Tract: Conveyed ? by deed crom Chas. B. Powell tO: Jno. Co*. May t. 1898. Book IS, Ipags 489. Records of B pa? fort courity. botind ^d by the Washington !and Now Bern road and being oil the east dda of said- road, and being a part ??f the tract of land bought by R. T. **uck from H. H. Carrot and wife sy deed daled Fab. IS. ?1888, and more particularly described as fol-. 'ows: Beginning hear !the Ann ntick plsce st her line at the rOad fading from Wsrtitugto* to Na* H#rn. and running w|th,tb* *aM ?oad northwardly to a small branch naar the public schodl h{>use. then